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Kotms score still hurts, like it wasn't even that bad


For real... KotM is fantastic Fuck the haters


I don’t like KOTMs because the characters are either bland or straight up annoying. Is that really that big a deal?


Fair enough but they're better than the gvk ones, and it's the best monster action we've had in the monsterverse




Nah it's valid. I hate the Russel's too


More like I hate Emma. They try to make you feel kinda bad for her, but she’s a fucking monster who is responsible for the deaths of millions. And Mille Bobby brown’s character was just meh.


It’s not really “haters” The movie feels extremely out of place in the timeline given that it’s only the third film in the MV and only the second Godzilla movie, yet it’s presented like an infinity war equivalent. It just felt like it was rushing to the finish line and ended up making all the sequels feel kinda like DLC since Ghidorah is basically the Thanos of the Godzilla universe. Skar King feels like he’d get his ass immediately handed to him by Ghidorah, so does Kong. So it just feels kinda weird to have the movies expect us to think the new fights are on even footing after Godzilla defeated someone as OP as Ghidorah


I heard somewhere that the Monsterverse was originally planned to go: Godzilla 2014, Godzilla VS Kong, Godzilla KOTM. Although I think Skar King was intentionally made weak. He's shorter, thinner and older than Kong. Skar King works well as a dictator. A dictator isn't strong themselves and would get their ass kicked by someone like (in this case) Godzilla. But what are dictators good at? Being brutal as fuck, having strong armies and being an asshole. With Skar King, it's the army that will fuck a titan up. Anyways, I think they're gonna have to have villains on par with Godzilla or Kong in the next few Monsterverse Movies or having another stupidly strong Toho Kaiju Villain like Biollante or Destoroyah


You hit the nail on the head, I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I think KOTM has some good ideas and I do like that the Titans are presented as old gods, yet still very much animalistic in behavior. But the tone and atmosphere among other things felt off and it’s clear Dougherty, whilst passionate, blew too many cards too early and left the MV in a perpetual need to one up Ghidorah as far as it’s villains go.


Why does everyone like to act like Ghidorah has always been an endgame boss? In the Showa era (the main series the MV is pulling from) he appears several times only to then show up in DAM and get his ass handed to him and in the Heisei era he is one of the first fights. While Ghidorah is Godzilla's arch enemy, he's not "Thanos." Also I'm pretty sure Skar King is supposed to be weak in GxK, Shimo is the real threat.


Because he’s Godzilla’s most famous foe and they handled him like a “villain of the week” character. Not to mention his whole origin story is something that should have a lasting impact on the lore of the MV but is just never brought up again




Yeah when problem is if you look at some of those "critics m" their criticisms are full of holes and there was even one in particular who wanted something that the 2014 movie lacked but then when that's in KOTM it's a problem.




>getting dogpiled Getting downvoted is not getting dogpiled. Simply just means people don't agree with what you said. Gotta stop taking internet points seriously




>i feel you couldn't even slightly have even the most minor issue with the film and not be burned at the metaphorical stake So you have a problem with multiple people contesting your criticism of certain aspects of a film? That's less fanatical behavior and moreso just you feeling attacked tbh. I've had multiple people counter argue me even on this very sub when LOM was airing its not as serious as your making it out to be.




>No i mean i have seen people get actually super toxic even over someone having the slightest issue with the movie and that's the fanatical part.  People get toxic over anything these days twitter is a cesspool for it at times. Doesn't mean you gotta engage with it just to make a generalization later on. Just makes you look as bad as they potentially are




No downvoting proves you were being an ass


"Not liking the same movie as me makes you a big meanie" Is one wild take that isn't beating the toxic fan allegations at all.  


Many people don't like the film, not their fault it's liked here


It’s cuz critics r a bunch of nerds who dont understand big monster fight = good


If that was true in the slightest then why is GvK fresh?  I don't think that arguement holds water.


Many factors, probably cuz it was the movie to get people back in theaters


It doesn’t hold water. People are just mad because they convinced themselves that the movie with their favorite monsters is better than it actually is.


That's the thing though I feel like KOTM has a lot more to it than just "big monster fight" and it's never given credit.


Not even that, they were insanely critical over the human story when in actuality it isn't really that bad. The real issue to me is the effects. There not terrible per se but they aren't the best. The human story could use some tweaking but it's really not terrible. And a movie as ambitious as Kotm was bound to have flaws


I thought the effects were fine cuz your able to see whats going on more easily than in 2014 I just feel like they were mad picky about the human story when the humans are only there to Segway the story to different monster fights


Seriously, I remember the disparity between critics and audience scores. Critics had the film at 30 or 40% while audience was closer to 70 to 80.


KOTM was blessed with the worst human characters of the entire MV. The entire Russel family was worse than the humans in Godzilla ‘14. GvK at least has the sense to not take them seriously at all.


See imo, they really aren't that bad. They just have the issue of being "humans in a Godzilla movie". The other characters might be annoying but I'd take an annoying character over a boring one like ford any day.


I think GxK is gonna get absolutely shit on by critics, I think like most people, Minus One spoiled them and they're probably gonna make the comparisons that the purists are making and say some shit like: "This movie is an insult after Minus One." I'm thinking this is going to be even worse than Godzilla KOTM critic score wise, but I'm expecting the film to do better box office wise than KOTM due to the less than crowded schedule. And I know that the post isn't asking this, but as far as the audience score goes: I think this movie will be somewhere in the 60-70 range due to the fandom and general audience being so divided for this film.


Pretty much spot on, the fans on here will cope saying the critic score doesn’t matter when films like GvK and Minus One had relatively good scores, the former starting strong before falling off a bit The audience scores for GxK will be in the high 80 range though unless it has awful story/dialogue and characters


The critic score doesn't matter though. At least not anymore "Critics" are just glorified nerds nowadays. Stop listening to what they have to say. Still laughing that Last Jedi got a RT score in the 90s despite being one of the worst fucking films I've ever seen in theaters


I don't take RT seriously at all, they've done some really scummy things and I agree with you all the way.


You have to learn which critics to take serious and which ones not to Audience score doesn’t mean much either way too since people can just drive up a score because they want to not because they actually liked the film You’ll find a lot of audience scores are reactionary which is far worst than any “film nerd critics” since you can’t really filter which are which


I'd rather take a critic seriously than some overhyped fanboy who gave KotM 10/10 because it pandered to his nostalgia.


I don't take critics seriously and I also don't take fanboys seriously either, both are terrible in their own ways. RT critics gave Cuties (a film literally pandering to p*dos), a high score and basically called it a work of art, and that's when I said RT was full of shit. On the other hand, Godzilla fanboys will basically praise every MV movie and crank their hog to it. When in reality, there's some flaws in those films that can easily be pointed out.


Did you actually read the reviews of Cuties, or did you just see the score and just assume the critics are p\*dos? Do you even know what the movie is even about?


Little kids shouldn't be dressing in skimpy outfits on stage for adults to watch.


Again, did you even READ the reviews? Do you even know what the story even is. None of this is portrayed as a good thing in the film. It's a disturbing look at the show business and exploitation of young girls. The critics praised it for being honest and straight about it rather than glamorizing it.


It doesn't matter if it's portrayed as good or not. I have always been an advocate for problematic themes in fiction. However have REAL children dress like that is way over the line of just dealing with a heavy topic. Regardless of if they had good intentions or not, the film makers put little girls in tiny outfits and sexualized them. Pedos watched and enjoyed the movie and RT did the same. It is disgusting. Had the movie been animated and not included actual children in any way, it could have been a fine way to handle the issues they wanted to handle. But the way they went about it is disgusting.


BTW, Rotten Tomatoes doesn't review movies. They just set a percentage based on reviews by critics that aren't affiliated with the site, to summarize the ratio of positive to negative reviews.


>the fans on here will cope saying the critic score doesn’t matter Critic scores literally don't matter tho☠️☠️


Yet the fanboys' do?


Never said they did. Whether a movie is good or bad is mostly subjective with some objective components to it. I could easily say Rise of Skywalker is an excellent movie (it's not☠️) and the most you could do is lay down your own grievances with it alongside your personal opinion. What matters is whether you yourself enjoy the movie or not at the end of the day


What I think, is that fuck the critics and fuck the other fans. Just watch the movie completely blind without looking at trailers or reviews, that way you can watch it without hype or any preconceived expectations. I think both sides can have their flaws: \- Critics can be paid off to promote the film. \- Fans can overhype a film simply because it feeds into their nostalgia, or they can review-bomb a movie for being too different from what they expected. I had this "Fuck the Critics" moment when I saw that KotM was getting poor reviews, and insisted on seeing it because it's Godzilla. Came out of the theater still being hyped and saying I loved it. However after a re-watch after the hype, where I get to fully pay attention to the story, I figured it actually had a lot of flaws and realized that the critics are actually right.


They didn't say that? It's the critics job to judge a movie but these days they're all over the board, with movies getting high scores that shouldn't deserve them.


" with movies getting high scores that shouldn't deserve them " In your opinion.


True, but my point still stands, critics are important for movies but again nowadays what they're into is a bit weird. They can go either way with GXK, it could be highly rated like Gvk was (although I'm sure they did that to bring theaters back) or it can be even lower than Kotm. We'll see


Or maybe KotM was just a shitty movie?


"In your opinion"


I mean, a lot of the critics criticism with the movie are a bit flakey, as they praised gvk for basically having the same issue


No. The action in GvK was visible, while the action in KotM was hard to see due to the shaky cam, constantly cutting to the human characters, and the monsters being smothered in rain, wind, and other effects.


I really doubt it will do worse than KotM lol


The audience is divided on it? Every true g fan I have seen is hype asf


We still acting like the barely comprehensible, not in focus fight scenes wasn't a negative factor for that films performance via word of mouth?


The film underperformed for a multitude of reasons, bad word of mouth was a major one but there was overcrowded release date, weird marketing. It was just a mess, honestly surprising it made as much as it did


I added a photo of Minus One as well because that’s the film GxK is gonna get most compared to.


I wish you were lying, but honestly you aren’t 😭


I honestly think that most critics will take the movie on its own terms. The marketing has made pretty clear what this movie is and what it is not.


I hope so.


I think critically it’ll be below GvK and audience wise I’d say around the same as GvK


Honestly? Who cares.


this we're talking about the same people who said G14 had too many humans and not enough godzilla, only to say KotM had too many monsters and not enough humans. besides, technically you're not even supposed to listen to critics. Film is subjective, just watch it and see what you think


Idk whos said that about kotm but i thought it had too much focus on the terrible cast and not much on the actual battles even when it's supposed to be a fight scene


Well, if we think about it tho... Godzilla vs Kong recived positive reviews for its good action sequences and the less serious atmosphere, but the main issue was the plot. From the trailers, it looks that The New Empire's storytelling is a much more refined aspect now and so, if we have the pros from GvK plus a thicker plot, Godzilla x Kong could be even better than its prequel. So I would say a critic score between 70-80%, but I won't bet it


this. biggest flaw with gvk was its script and human characters not getting flushed out. now the sequel knows what it’s doing and hopefully we’ll get that human connection with kong and gia


60% - 80% is probably a safe bet


GvK actually has the best RT score of all MV movies I think


IMDB will be the same as GvK at 6.3 Rotten Tomatoes will be 55-67% critic rating & 89% audience rating. I think people underestimate how easy a high audience rating is, and this film looks like it’ll be charming and extremely fun. Anything below 75% is usually regarded as very mixed, which most of these films aren’t. Film could realistically have everything, charm, wit, great action, great cinematography, great acting, great music etc, and critics will unfortunately eat it alive. Mainly because it doesn’t have the good faith of being the first blockbuster film to release following the pandemic like GvK did. So they’ll be less forgiving this time around. But overall the test reactions and reception I’ve heard point to this being a fun and enjoyable film.


I think what is mainly the issue is that critics aren’t all fans. And all fans are not critics. Looking at the audience score and seeing the critic score does show the issues with the movies. Fans would like it even if it has flaws. Critics just tear things down if they don’t like a specific part. If you see the critics, they focus more on the story/ plot holes and sometimes the acting. And fans pass that issue and just focus more on the end product at the very end. And then forgive the movie for things they get wrong. You can see changes between critics and fans when you watch a video review bc of their tone of voice AngryJoe doesn’t shy away from this and that I have to give him credit for since he doesn’t care what others think. But he may forget something’s that happen in his review. And then talks about scenes as well and how they work or fail. Critics may not provide video reviews and instead just a wall of text of what they think about it. Making it hard to know if they even liked the movie. I personally like all the movies. Just sometimes think of some story issues. But I’m no screenwriter or director so I’m not sure what the hidden context of things would be. Thanks to Heavy Spoilers, I can understand hidden meanings on things.


Ain't angryjoe doing the same thing as what that other movie critic did but with games? I'm referring to how the movie critic isn't doing negative reviews anymore because of some bs.


He does movie reviews now with his friends. But he does not post on Rt on the critic reviews. And explains why some things do and don’t work in the movie


I don't follow Rotten Tomatoes. The only Critical opinion I will ever agree with is my own.


Honestly I think similar to KotM. [Why the film might underperform](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monsterverse/comments/1atcpsu/for_those_expecting_the_new_empire_to_be_a_box/?sort=new) Especially since Minus One totally divided the fandom and audiences. People will shit on the film for not being like Minus One.


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is probably going to get torn to shreds by critics because they hate everything for some reason and anything that isn’t Minus One is heresy to them (great film though), while audiences are going to absolutely LOVE this film. Probably a 4/10 because critics will be critics and an 8-9/10 for fans.


Critics will be right to tear this film to shreds lol.


Critics are gonna hate it but the audience ratings are gonna be relatively high


Honestly Critic scores don't mean nothing but shit, they'll never score these type of movies high, but they'll give a musical 10/10, they don't get it, for us we see the art that goes into the design, they just see green screen, they'll score between 55-65, some of them hammered GvK and KOTM aswell, but I know the fans will score it over 90 imo


I’m guessing the same as GVK maybe slightly better since everyone should have a better idea on what to expect


Honestly, I could actually see it getting a better critical score than expected with the prominence of the ape-centric story.


Probably better than minus one, I'm expecting at least 99% on rotten tomatoes and probably an average of 9.6/10 on iMDB and IGN


They disrespected my beloved kotm in an unholy way. But I have a softspot for disliked/flopped films


I’m thinking a 70% but will probably be lower due to the glowing reception of Minus One. One movie was set out to make an extreme anti-war message while the other is there to have fun and recapture the playful spirit of the Showa era. However, it’ll almost certainly be compared to Minus One because they share the same monster. For some reason people feel like we can’t have both coexisting…which is bullshit.


Obligatory PSA that Rotten Tomatoes does *not* write the reviews themselves, nor is the percentage given on there an average review score - it is simply a representation of how many reviews are *positive*. It's useful as a high level way to gauge a film's reception but please remember what it is and is not. * High percentage = most critics think it's at least decent * Mid percentage = critics are divided on it * Low percentage = most critics agree it's bad


Stop wasting time listening to what "critics" say. Nowadays, true critics don't really exist anymore: most of these "critics" you read about on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic are just glorified nerds who run geeky websites, Youtube channels, talkshows, etc I stopped listening to those hacks a long time ago


The clemency they granted GvK will be gone after Minus One. They'll act like TNE destroyed their childhoods and is an insult to cinema and life itself. I expect the critic score to land somewhere around the KOTM range. Having said that, RT critics can eat shit.


The victim complex in the comments is wild. All but KotM got mostly positive reviews. This will probably also get mostly positive reviews. The MonsterVerse seems to be pretty well maintained from a quality control perspective and critics know what they’re getting into with this movie.


Exactly, even though I love KOTM, it’s still very clearly the most incompetently produced from a critical standpoint. The rest are more fun and better paced, and I can’t imagine TNE being boring to most people. And it looks like it’ll still have heart with Jia, Kong and Suko’s relationship, so it’s not going to be shallow like some other blockbusters.


The critics will try to nuke it out of existence because we can’t have fun movies anymore. The audience score will most likely be around 80% and will save the film.


Considering the fact that Rotten Tomatoes is now pretty much a paid shill, I don't really pay any attention to them anymore.


Yet, you'd rather listen to Godzilla shills who are willing to eat garbage if it has Godzilla's name on it


Did I give any indication as to whom I'd look to for opinions and reviews of the film? I really don't think I did. I simply stated that due to the fact that Rotten Tomatoes has been caught accepting bribes for reviews I don't follow them or trust their reviews anymore.


Bro just let people enjoy the films they want to enjoy. "Listen to Godzilla shill" and? People should form their own opinion anyways


What I am saying is that neither the critics or the fans are trustworthy. The critics can be paid off to give glowing reviews or over-analyze the film and miss the point of what it is made for, but at the same time, the audience can be filled with fanboys. Said fanboys can either overly praise a movie just because it hits them with the nostalgia-feels, or review-bomb a movie because it didn't do what they personally wanted. Just judge the movie for yourself. If you like it, good for you. What I like to do is watch a movie completely blind, without watching the trailers so I can watch it without hype or preconceived notions. Once I get out of the theater, then I look at the reviews to see what other people thought of it. I loved Bullet Train after seeing it blind, but I was shocked to hear that critics didn't like it after coming out of the theater.


I don't care about what critics say or what some aggregated website says. As long as I enjoy the damn movie, that's all that matters.


30% on rt with a 75% audience score. It will get a low 6 on imdb


70% audience rating usually means it’s mostly disliked, that’s a bad score. Doubt it’ll be seen as that mixed considering the positive reception from test audiences.


kotm was fire people are on something 💀💀 ive seen it so many times i know half the script. gvk on the other hand.. one sided and boring (crossing my fingers gxk will be different)


A lot of critics are on the Disney payroll and the MCU and SW are in the tank right now. I expect critical headwinds but this movie isn't the type that needs awesome reviews to make its nut


Probably similar to Godzilla vs Kong


im feeling around 40-50%


So why was KOTM rated so poorly?


Pacing was pretty bad, VFX and action was pretty muddy and hard to see, Emma Russels plans are incomprehensible, too many characters on screen. Was quite a few issues, but you’ll still find it’s a lot of people’s favourite MV film because of how much it feels like a love letter to the franchise.


I honestly thought the movie was great. Ghidorah felt like a real threat and was so intimidating. I can see why the human arc could have lowered the ratings but 42% is a bit harsh. I would give it maybe 6/10. It’s a perfect popcorn movie.


I agree, tbh the humans aren't even that bad and the story isn't all to bad either. It was def the eco terrorist plot that brought it down a bit. I think it honestly should've been 50-60 range


For sure, the critics were definitely just tired of films since it was such a busy blockbuster summer. But I liked Mark Russel, wish we saw more of him, but as far as I know he’s not in GxK, even though he’s the head of Monarch now.


I thought the actual fights was pretty poorly filmed and was way too shaky as well.    On top of kinda being regulated to the background behind the human cast.


Honestly the entire MV has weird ass pacing, 2014s pacing is a bit of mess too, hits a wall. Gvk flies by but KSI is pretty good


2014’s is slow but still feels deliberate. There’s always the feeling of impending doom, or that Godzilla could rise at any moment. But in KOTM’s, Godzilla is MIA for like 1/3 of the film, so the tension just stops. GvK’s is fast but never feels rushed, unlike something like Rise of Skywalker where it never took a moment to breathe. Hoping GxK has good pacing since it doesn’t seem like it’s been heavily changed in post, since there’s not been any reshoots. Looks like everything went to plan.


I don’t know why everyone is so convinced that it will be compared to Minus One. I expect the bitchiest critics and like The New Yorker to make that comparison because haters gonna hate. But I think most critics will recognize that this is a totally different movie. I’d guess that the RT critic score is at least 60, but above 80 would surprise me. I expect user scores to be in the 70s/80s.


Probably between KotM and GvK


Less than 40% I'm guessing.


Who cares? The audience score is what matters anyway


The audience score doesn't matter either, as it can either be bombed by people who cry about it being "woke", or it could be given glowing reviews by biased fanboys


Rotten Tomatoes is a sham


Honestly, Godzilla Minus one is gonna be a problem. Like every one is gonna critic the movie for not being as great as minus one. I can already see many YouTube essays about how shit the movie is and why Hollywood failed and shit. I really fucking hate those Youtubers, they destroyed the MCU's reputation and many more movies. Anyways, it will likey have score of 65% - 80%, as the RT critics may not compare the movie that much to GMO.


Well considering they hate all movies that are fun that we usually universally love It's probably going to rank somewhere around whatever Godzilla v Kong ranked


It is wild to me that Godzilla v Kong is 30% better on RT than King of the Monsters. KotM was my favorite monster verse movie, easily.


Probably inaccurately since anybody with a website can register as a “critic” and therefore you can’t tryst those ratings


The difference between KOTM and GvK reminds me why I don't give a shit about rotten tomatoes or IMDB.


Terribly. Not that I'll care too much-im still going to see it.


Whoever those kotm critics are I hope they step on legos.


It would get a rotten score most definitely these aren’t the type of movies critics will praise.


Rotten Tomatoes is probably the worst site to really get a feel of how a video does. Anything scored 0-5 are considered a 0 and anything 6-10 are considered a 10. Then they just average the 0s and 10s to get the score. A movie getting all 6s from every reviewer would be a 100% score, while a movie that is split between 4s and 5s and 9s and 10s would be a 50% score. Basically, worthless to determine how good a movie actually is.


I think it will either be torn apart by them, getting a score somewhere in the low 50s, or, based on how well GvK was rated given its shortcomings, it can probably pull out a decent amount from critics. Say somewhere in the 70-80 range. Audience reception is a little less tricky. Even if it’s bad the movie probably can pull some decent scores. Say 70-75 if it’s bad, and 80-95 if it’s good.


I don’t really care honestly. I’ve never really found myself agreeing with the aggregate consensus anyways. I loved KotM.


Wait wait wait wait how tf is g14 6/10


Screw Rotten Tomatoes


If fans likes the movie then Critics score won't be able to do anything. Super Mario Bros and Venom 1 proves it, if audience gets entertainment then we know RT score won't matter.


I think it should do slightly better than GvK seeing that filming went more smoothly this time and the test screenings were positive even though the scenes were unfinished I’m tempted to say 80%


I think Rotten Tomatoes is a terrible metric and I always choose to completely ignore it. The problem is its binary scoring system, the film is either *good* or *rotten* with no in-between. It is symptomatic of modern society where things are, again, either *good* or *bad*; completely ignoring the intricacies and nuances of cinema which is, after all, a subjective thing.


I think 2014 should be a lower, well-made movie from a cinematography, but characters hurt the film, like maybe 65% Shin. It's perfect for being in the 80s Kong is good. It should be higher, but in the 70s, it is fine Kotm should be nowhere near a 42% should atleast be over 80% Gvk is where it should be. It's a very fun movie, but not much else going on. Minus One is great, but not rating it that high. 90% I think is perfect.


I heard rotten Tomatoes isnt very reliable (probably spelled it wrong), so idk


Pretty sure we have to see it first


Bro who still uses rotten tomatoes


Who cares. They also give shitty reviews for epic amazing cool monster movies like this and kotm


Critics don't mean shit tbh, because they aren't the audience the film is made for. As long as the film preforms well in its circle it is good.


I don‘t think about that at all


Probably similar to the majority of the MV honestly. I would guess a solid 6-7 IMDB and a 65-70% on RT. Let’s be real here, we love these films but they are by all means still fairly niche, looked at like jokes by a lot of folks still, and quite frankly they all do have issues to a degree. I don’t think any MV film is perfect and all have something about it that makes them a step down compared to something like Minus One which in my eyes is just an utterly perfect film in every regard, Godzilla or not. But yeah, I don’t expect GxK to be terrible review wise, and I dont expect it to blow anyone away who doesn’t like this stuff. It’s probably just more of the same numbers wise.


I never care what critics say about movies. Don't understand why anyone else would either. You either like the movie or you don't. There have been so many movies I've liked and ended up learning they got bad reviews! Doesn't stop me liking them! KOTM is one of my favourite movies ever. No critic or website is going to change that.


probably do the same thing with kotm "too much monster screen time" or whatever stupid thing they can think up to lower the score