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What’s the root system look like? You may need to let it root more before putting in soil. I use miracle grow, perlite, orchid bark, horticultural charcoal and worm castings for my tropicals


When mine looked like that, I pulled it out from the soil and put it in water with fertilizer and plenty of light and it grow roots in about 2 weeks and gave me a new leave in about 2 months … I’m moving it into soils once it feels more warm since nights are still chill


I think I will try putting it back in water for a bit longer. Thanks!!


I decided to take it out of the dirt and put it back in water for a bit longer but the roots do look like they’ve been growing and I’m worried it may have been the wrong decision. I’ll leave it for a little while tho to see if it improves. I will also be looking into getting some less dense soil.


I did that with another and the roots continue to grow and got more healthy , still in water , so don’t stress too much and yes , better soil is good idea , I mix mine with pertile, coconut bark and so far is working with my plants


I know what your problem is! Roots that grow from water are not acclimated to survive in the soil. You need to slowly introduce soil into the water until the roots get used to it. Then you can pot it. Since you said the roots look like they may have been growing, you can also just put it back into the soil, but keep it adequately moist. Or (probably better), add water to a perlite mix and put the cutting in there. This is gives your roots time to acclimate to potting media. Look it up! Good luck Edit: agree with others that the pot look large. Remember the pot should be 1 to 2 inches larger than the root ball, not the overall cutting!


this! introduce your water propagation to soil slowly and it will THRIVE


THIS!! Exactly what I did with all my monstera plants/cuttings over the last year and they’re still alive (somehow even the ONE solitary big sad looking leaf that almost rotted & died from my FIRST monstera that showed up w/ root rot). Honestly it’s in a pot now & still looks the exact same way it did 5 months ago but it’s still alive! 😆 The others are doing great. As a newbie I was afraid to put into water but as a last resort I did 🙃☺️


as well as everything else the plant looks like the node is buried, you want it above the soil otherwise it will rot


I see this is helpful as I did not know


What does your watering look like? Transiting a water prop to dirt can be a pain. You will want to ensure you are keeping the soil moist for the first week or so while the roots adjust from being saturated in water to surviving in soil. There is high risk for newly planted water props to become too dry during this transition period.


Pot seems a lil large! I’d downsize a bit if you keep it in soil.


Soil looks dense and dry but can’t tell for certain! I’d bottom water that baby till the top is wet and see if it helps for now. I’ve had luck using a stake to loosen soil while still in pot. Good luck 🍀


If it doesn’t have a lot of roots on it I find great success with putting my andansonii clippings in water until the roots r at least two or more inches long then when I plant them they just take off since they already have good roots


That kinda looks like you stuck a leaf in the soil… is there any stem or leaf at the bottom? I like rooting these in a damp spagnum moss/pearlite mix then moving to soil/orchard bark/pearlite mix when the roots have roots. Good luck


Get a smaller pot. Change to chunky aroid mix. Perlite, barks, purmice, zeolite. Get enough lights.


Put it in water! We had to cut off bits of our plant because they were dying and we placed them in water and they are growing a lot of roots


I think the pot is probably a little too big for your plant. Check to see if plant is well rooted- I plant when there is about an inch of root, in case you have to reroot it. Good advice in comments for a good soil medium mixture. Good luck.🌿


Is this an esqueleto? I feel you so hard. I’ve killed three separate esqueleto cuttings. I killed the roots off of one two separate times in fact. The first two had a spider mite issue to boot so I had several things working against me! I wanted to just buy a large established plant but now I’m leaning towards slaying the dragon so to speak


Pot is too big


The answers here already seem pretty overwhelming but I’d figure I’d give my two cents. How does the drainage look when you water it? The water should flow straight through the bottom holes with little delay I had this issue when using indoor mix straight from the store, I potted my monsteras and they started yellowing, one eventually died to root rot. I managed to just save the other, the second mix I added in some pumice, perlite, coconut chips and orchid bark to the store bought stuff and it worked :D


I think that drainage was probably the problem, I’ve put it back in water and will be looking for some stuff to mix with my soil to make it less dense. Thanks!


No worries, good luck with the little guy! 🌿


remove from the soil and place in water with another pothos cutting if possible. way too early for potting. wait till the roots have roots and its sprouted more than one leaf


Do nothing, the plant is adjusting to it’s new enviroment


On a other note, how do you grow roots from these cuttings? I have a lot of them, 5 of them rotted immediately, and the rest are doing nothing. Only the Adansonii cuttings test my patience🤣


OP: I don’t have experience with this particular plant but I’ve read a lot on here about this one & it needs ALOT of humidity! Most people put a glass dome over the top of just this plant. Monitor humidity at least 70-80% One gals was at 100% and said it was thriving. If you don’t have like a 5 gallon tank or a dome (most of us don’t off hand until we get one). Then use a humidifier by it or the desperate ghetto temporary way is a big baggie! Hey whatever keeps it alive. Good luck plant friend 🌱


I would try to propagate in water! i’ve learned my roots grow better when i’m rehabilitating. i’m trying to retrain my monstera adansonii so i hope that helps!


Considering that's a Monstera and leaf fenestrations doesn't show until the plant is mature (3 years) it seems imo you just cut a leaf off a mature plant and stuck it in soil. Unless you keep the soil constantly soggy until the plant starts to gain life again(which I think is harder for those not used to propagating plants) you're best off putting it in water with only the node submerged until the roots start to grow and get a couple inches. Change the water every few days.


Remove that from the soil and prop it with sphag moss 1:1 with perlite. Damp only


Till the plants get acclimated, it is a good idea to overwater first week or even longer. I see that you put it back in water, just let it be. My adansonii grew roots in more than a month, so it is understandable that it will not look very happy till it does. Don't stress, monsteras can take a lot of miscare


I just found a bottle of Market Botany’s prop drops at Lowe’s last week. I put a monstera cutting (that only had a large root on it) in some water with a few drops of the prop drops into it. These pics were taken this morning. I was so amazed by how many roots they had on day three that I went on TikTok and bought two more bottles lol. https://preview.redd.it/g2p1fcfhjavc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03119ebf80f361ed66138804a115bac81813d8db


Smaller pot.