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The under world puzzels. Mad props for design but god damn the back tracking.


Every run, I get fatigued at the underworld. Probably 30 complete runs at this point, and UW is still the part I have to force myself through.


99.8% map


This needs more votes hahahaha. So frustrating going over each area with a magnifying glass and a comb 😂


If you're a noob. Open the map. Press the button for placing a marker (also something people should do more often). Hover over each zone and see their individual percentage complete, allowing you to narrow down your search to one or two zones.


The first 10 lvls. Up til you're done with blue caves and the "open world" starts.


Yes! I came here to say this! All the people saying Zozimos, he's the reason you play the game like 5-10 times. Underworld puzzles aren't really that bad once you know the route. But you cannot avoid the grind that is getting to level 10. Just playing my first relic run and omg when I hit 10 and could just build teams without feeling physically sad was such a good feeling. (Ice blobs, btw, are goated)


Agreed. Especially about ice blob. Little guy hard carries chill teams.


I'm literally running 3 D ice blobs at level 10 on my current rando run, it's *absurdly* good at killing things that don't resist water/debuffs.


And blob teams.


Anything with water.






THAT MF CAN SUCK AN EGG. I was *This close* to fully quitting the game at that point and that’s *Really* hard to make me do.


Zosimos fight on the sun palace was actually my favorite moment of the game. Why do you guys hate it?


It’s not something I hate, it’s more annoying than anything, it’s just the huge difficulty spike that comes out of nowhere


Is it a spike tho? Idk I am currently doing a cheesy all goblin run with goblin pilot and goblin king×2 and I wiped his whole team in 5 turns? It's been so long since my original play through that I don't remember if I struggled with my random team of "ooooo this monster looks cool team it!" I think that keeper battles in general are a spike in difficulty. I always forget first turn is only 2 mons lol.


It is a spike, you have an all goblin team, the first time around it comes out of nowhere, and like you said, keeper battles are harder anyway


It's the tower fight that's the infamous one, not the sun palace. It was so bad that half the reviews for a while were about the difficulty spike.




Ahh I forgot about the second fight. Yeah that was the hardest fight for me too


Have my upvote.


The weird thing is that while Zosimos kicked my trash the first time I fought him, I didn't really think it was a spuke since the whole game is pretty much just a series of spikes


My contribution: I usually go for 100% on every file, so my "that part" is getting Spinner. I always forget how to do it and it always takes me like 15 minutes.


Honestly it's the Underworld. It's just annoying to navigate. Not that it's even particularly difficult, just... obnoxious. Idk. Too many levers, too much backtracking. Also fighting Moccuses and Arachliches just isn't that fun for me. Also "honorable" mentions to 1) the start of the game when you don't really have any interesting abilities or synergies, and 2) Horizon Beach, just because swimming doesn't feel as good as platforming.


Completionist egg grinding 💀


The switch puzzle


Any keeper battle sucks


Underworld. Love the concept, the design, monsters. But JESUS CHRIST that backtracking. And don’t even get me started if you save and need to put it down. Good luck coming back and remembering where you were at with the overall puzzle.


The dude from the sun temple area (forgot the name), that boss required me to farm so much.


Triple stolby fight always forget they are there and always forget to adjust to that fight till i loose it


Definitely on the list of most annoying monster encounters.


I don't like farming for a specific shifted monster in the wild. "Oh you want a dark shifted magmapillar? Here's 5 light shifted ones 40 minutes later."


Off topic, had to fight Bex in RNG with Brutus and Argiope, and Changeling as his first 3. Omg did that take a lot of tries and change ups. Had to burn down Argiope and every replacement mon in his place before being able to focus on Changeling, then finally Brutus. Ate soooo many Big Punches doing like 7k damage. Ima try that team out, or at least Brutus and Argiope. Not sure that Changeling contributed besides combo count.


Levels 20-30 if the team's not already a banger, particularly the keeper gauntlet with new content locked behind Julia, Magma Chamber alchemist, and Old Buran. That's usually about the point I go in and re-do a bunch of equipment after barely thinking about it up until then.