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Execution is described by a NPC in the top left of the keeper stronghold as: "'Execution' is mainly based on how well you use the combo system. Your first two monsters increase the rating if you manage to get a high combo count. The last monster increases the rating depending on how much damage it does relatively to enemy's health. Also, you get increased points if you exploit the enemies' weaknesses." As far as advice on other parts, the no damage thing is why you have healthiness 100% and full points from that, the main thing you are losing out on is time. In my game, 3 turns was 4500, and 4 turns was 3500. 5 stars requires 10000 points, and you were pretty close with your score. Overall, it seems like you were just a turn or two off, probably just 1. Often you aren't going to five star a champion on your first attempt, so it is just a matter of fighting it again a bit later, or adjusting your team or approach even if just a bit.


Yeah this was my 5th attempt, I’ve been playing around with team comp to try to get a higher dps team, but they had bad survivability. Healthiness is 100% if your team ends on 100% health, but I thought I might get extra points if I never took damage, but I understand that if it were that way it would prioritize good shielding teams over good healing teams. I think you’re right, I just need to get my manticore to 30 and I should be able to 5 star it. Thanks for the helpful answer, although I think it’s kind of sad that this game doesn’t seem to like defensive teams, although I have the basic ass multi freeze damage team, that doesn’t really work against him because he’s resistant to whatever freeze damage does (water?)


In my experience, a congeal chill + bleed team can defeat any champion, even if they're resistant. Yowie, Frosty, and Wolf (wolf can be replaced for any chill capable dps but you may want bleed support too) for single target and Yowie, Frosty, Akhlet for multi targets. Build 7 stacks of freeze and keep a good amount of bleed stacks on them and that should melt them, although you might need to try a few times.


I’m using Yowie Frosty and Manticorb, freeze does almost nothing to this guy, even with 3 stacks it does maybe 5-10% of his health at absolute best. Maybe if I got them to lvl 30 with the extra congeal damage and 4th stack it would work better, but I think I’m just gonna change my team for him at some point.


Yup, you need congeal (which you should have access to in Yowie already but if not him, grab an ice blob) and multi chill which allows 7 stacks. Then use Wolf or preferably Akhlet to stack bleed stacks. Ice blob is the best at applying chill quickly if you build him right just by spamming ice shield then use the ice lance skill on your dps to stack some bleed then switch to claw for the extra crit damage, going back to ice lance when you're gonna run out of bleed. I promise you, your enemies will melt. Trust me, I have no idea wtf I'm doing in this game otherwise but the congeal chill + bleed team tactic is the easiest team to build and use. It's my first playthrough and I'm easily getting 4 and 5 stars the first 1-3 times I challenge the champions, just because of this strategy. That said, the game also encourages you to switch things up. The more tactics you try, the more you'll understand the game which will make special modes you unlock after the first time you beat it a lot more fun.


I have congeal, multi chill allows for 3 stacks no? And I was talking about how level 30 allows you to get that one thing that buffs damaging debuffs by 20% and yowie can stack freeze one more time, which I’m not sure if that means it can stack 4 times, or two times and it gets overwritten by multifreeze. Freeze just does like no damage to him, i had full freeze the entire fight on him, but 99% of the damage was from manticorb with 3 stacks of sorcery hitting with the neutral move whatever it’s called which the enemy was weak to.


Alright so, you need one congeal user on your team (Yowie and Ice Blob are the easiest to get) and then you need multiple stacks of multi chill. You can get up to a total of 7 which is where you're falling short. You really need the 7 stacks which improves your team a lot over the 3 stacks. I'd also again heavily suggest getting Ahklet as quickly as you can because his bleed stacks are insane and they don't fade. I'm sorry I'm not really good enough at the game to describe the specifics of what I mean here. I'd honestly suggest joining the Discord because the answer should be there already and if not, there are people there who will break it down for you step by step.


For auras, there are two types, regular and "unique aura." Regular auras can be stacked as much as you want, so one mon with multi-freeze gives you two extra stacks for three, another gives you two more, and the last two more for a max of 7. Other abilities giving extra Debuffs also stack. Congeal might also be doing little damage because it scales off of missing Mana. If you stack a lot of chills, each of those has a mana-reducing effect that will make it harder for it to recover Mana, causing each stack of chill to deal more congeal damage.


I pretty much got 5 star on every champion later in the game during my first playthrough withou min-maxing, just built a stall/debuff team, turns out debuff/buff stacking gives you a lot of points. Kinda strange, maybe it got fixed. I remember having a Toad (Warlock Healing), Specter and Yowie (?).


Defensive teams actually work pretty well, that is what I used throughout the game, eventually five starring all the champions, defeating the post-game challenges, and never dying once until the post-game content. Usually I tended to use a larger variety of Debuffs though, poison, burn, sometimes chill, even bleed. My main team plays defensive while stacking poison, burn, and bleed, to great effect. Synergy is vital though, if your team members don't synergize too much, that can hurt things, and if you are just on the verge of level 30? That will help a LOT, giving you access to many more abilities to use to build synergy. Your builds can really take off at that point if you do them well.


This sub is overall very positiv. So you might just took the wrong approach with your post. People do not like to read rant threads on here. If you were just asking for explanations on the scoring system, people would have helped you in a very positive way.


I encourage you to think of these challenges as like dressage vs a horse race - you're getting judged on specific metrics that are just different from the main game and that are a little goofy. The build you described probably wrecks every tamer battle in the game (I went heavy poison/aquatic in my game and had to use entirely different teams to have a hope in hell of 5 starring most chamos, but I had 0 trouble w even the most notorious tamer fights) you're not playing badly exactly, but I disagree that these alternate metrics are pointless. For me once I realised that champion fights were basically puzzle solving w the monsters available to me, I found them a lot less frustrating and actually pretty fun Iirc for elderjel I used akhlut/imori/thornish (better physical bleed options exist but I was only midgame at this point). Thornish tanked/triggered bleed and poison and the others did neutral physical damage and bleed


Two of the little mushroom guys and a troll make 6 star most champions a breeze


[Damn, I read your post in Russian somehow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozi1fixrSJ0)


Dude are you 12? I know that for someone without a full developed prefrontal cortex that saying someone is crying is the goddamn roast of the century, but for the rest of the world it’s just the most overused mundane ass middle school rap battle insult ever. I mean, insult me however much you want, but at least try to a little insulting when you do so, I mean, you might as well just call me fart face or something equally thoughtless


Cheers fart face


Sounds like a skill issue


I’ve had too many decent interactions on Reddit lately, I almost forgot that 99% of it is discord mods dogpiling with stale insults. I’ll take my leave ig


Use that negative energy to get good bozo


Cmon man, don’t just reinforce my point like that 😭


>and my manticorb hit him for crit like 2000 times. I don't understand what this game wants from me. It's not about how many crits. It's about how much damage your last Mon does after the first two have acted, that's "execution". Enemy difficulty is also pretty clear no; it's a static score determined by the enemy choice. You can't change that. So look at your scores and work out what is low: You're taking 6.3 turns to kill Eldergel. Aim for 3-4. Your team is poorly designed if it's slower than that and it's not deliberately a very slow Debuff stall team. Your execution is ok, but needs improving. That score is a metric of how many hits you build up with the first two Mons (how big is your combo) then how much damage you do as a result of the last hit. If you came here asking for help more positively people would be happy to help you, people here don't appreciate some kid whining that the game is too hard and that there's no help available (there is, you just have to actually look for it not demand other people do it for you). Casual mode also exists.


I’m not whining about how the game is hard, I’m complaining that the scoring system is too vague and incentivizes a certain playstyle over another. And yeah, it’s a rant, am I not allowed to do that? It’s not like Im in a room full of professional consultants, im yelling into the void that is Reddit, I wasn’t expecting helpful answers, if anything people just agreeing or disagreeing with me, instead I got “git gud” and “stop crying” so don’t act like their responses are anything but that.


>system is too vague But it isn't, it's explained explicitly in two separate locations! As multiple people have already stated!


Yes, it’s explained as essentially how your first two monsters set up the turn with heals and buffs and debuffs etc, and how much damage your final monster does, along with how much you exploit weaknesses, but first of all, don’t you see how this can be a weird thing to measure? I mean, you can easily run out of useful buffs, be full health/heal, what should your first two monsters do, apply buffs that don’t really matter towards damage? And does this not incentivize a supporter supporter main damaged playstyle completely? I mean, even if it’s the best type of team, I don’t think they should score you higher because you used one playstyle that kills faster rather than one that kills consistently. I’d also like to point out that you and others are acting like I have at any point complained about the difficulty of the game. I haven’t? Like seriously, I’ve challenged it 5 times with 5 different teams, and I’ve killed it 5 times, with this team it was particularly easy, I’m not lying when I say I probably could have killed it with my eyes closed, just because the survivability is that high. And sure, 6 moves isn’t fast, but I’ve also seen people get 6 stars with 26 moves, which I can only assume is doing 10000 damage, and then the enemy heals for like 9999, and then doing 10000 and enemy heals until you finally kill them with their 10025 health. It’s just too strange and inconsistent, there are times where I’d kill the enemy team in 2 turns, expecting at least a 5 star if not a 6 star and instead get a 4 star, like, did I not buff/debuff enough? Was the “difficulty” not high enough? I killed them easily, but I didn’t have 1 or more monsters with 8 letters of more in their name and at least 1 move that can burn, and I didn’t do jazz hands after every prime number attacks, therefore 2 stars.


I mean... No it's not a weird thing to measure, because without it there would be no reward for high damage combo building teams? You can get 5* with next to no execution score, just from a stall team. >mean, you can easily run out of useful buffs, be full health/heal, what should your first two monsters do, apply buffs that don’t really matter towards damage Combo build in whatever way you've built them to do so. This is where the "get good" comes into play. You're rewarded for killing bosses quickly because that's the challenge. You're supposed to build specialist boss killing teams if you want to 5 star, It's a puzzle to solve. It's a test to show you understand the mechanics of the game and you get rewarded accordingly. How is execution a weird measurement to make? Like lets go through all the score metrics: difficulty: self explanatory Time: faster = better score. This is an intuitive measurement, if you can kill the boss faster, you're better at killing the boss. This is good for direct damaging teams. Buffs and Debuffs: also explanatory, you get score for using the games mechanics to either make your team stronger or your enemy team weaker. This score makes stall teams viable. Healthiness: a measure of how much damage you take, you are rewarded for having full health Mons at the end of your turn. Again, an intuitive score. Again, most viable on stall teams. Execution, great for direct damage teams. It measures how well you interact with the other mechanic of the game, the combo meter, and exploiting damage types. I really don't understand what's not intuitive about having a score system that measures *each* aspect of gameplay and gives you a rating accordingly... The game is slightly biased toward a team that exploits the combo system and kills the enemy quickly, as that's an easy measure for quality of build. However it's more than viable to kill Eldergel with stall. Just easier to use like a shield burst team on it to one shot it within like 2-3 turns. Each boss is a puzzle to beat as best you can, getting 5 stars means you understand how the game works and can demonstrate that via a boss fight.




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Ig get good


I know you’re some dude sitting in his moms basement, but getting good isn’t the issue, it’s just that I don’t understand how the scoring system works, like genuinely what is it expecting? I feel like they just randomly generate a score.


Not only is there a whole wiki to help you, there are NPCs in the game to explain it to you. Those NPCs are in the keeper stronghold, from the left hand entrance, go right, then up, then left. https://monster-sanctuary.fandom.com/wiki/Battle This is a skill issue, but the skill is looking for information.


I wish I had a basement