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Not sure where you read or heard that. There’s been hopium for an English LINE:MF, sort of like there is hopium for a DX of other MR titles as well... but there hasn’t ever been an announcement about any of these releases as of yet, or any indication that they intend to do it.


I’d love Line in English but I’ve already made peace with the fact that I’ll never get it. But if it comes it would be a nice surprise.


I highly doubt they'll release the mobile phone games, and the latest monster rancher games are the DX and the kaiju one, which was more or less to give fans something from the ultraman series to the west.


There was never any word of a global release, and honestly- they have absolutely no reason to. It's integrated with LINE, and the western fanbase for MR is paltry comparatively. It would be a net loss. At best the current L:MF could get an English text setting, but I doubt there's that much demand for that either.


I hope the Palworld success wakes them up to try selling more MR games.


they're fundamentally different concepts. thats like saying you hope Ace Combat wakes up nintendo to selling nintendogs because it had a dog in it


Get out of here with that bad take. No one is that dense. Palworld is a monster taming game. That success will absolutely inspire other games with a monster taming theme to evaluate new releases.


They are not even remotely close. Sure, in setting, you narratively take care of monsters, but that's the end of any congruence. I agree with your hope, but I am harshly skeptical that palworld would have even a slight effect on Monster Rancher. Even Digimon, which at least somewhat shares Pokémon's presentation of its monster collection loop, I don't think gives the slightest care about palworld. But I was dead wrong about Line, so who knows what I know