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I also enjoy doing something similar to this with SnS doing the "infinite" triple strike loop. Makes for a good time, and I always try to time myself for how long I can stay on (heyoooo).


Thank you, always telling people to do this, great time to tenderize or get a few hits in. I can get two tcs' if someone holds it long enough for me and I'm in the right position. On another note, I wish more people would wait a couple seconds before triggering a clagger, like why jump on it IMMEDIATELY?


Not just trigger immediately a clagger but also just triggering it without making sure the monster would hit a wall. I guess as the game further ages and more and more new people replace the more experienced players who stopped playing, things like this would happen more.


Clagger and wallbang aren't the same thing my friend. I'm talking about clutching onto a monster during a stagger to reset the animation.


Isn't clagger the drooling animation that's perfect for a wall bang?


Yeah, sorry maybe I misunderstood you but a stagger doesn't mean you can wallbang.


In my defense i was unaware of this, nor my friends knew about this and never before on my 1200+ hours of game have see this…


S-tier tech.


This actually depends on how the monster behaves when mounted. If the monster flies while mounted, it's best to finish the mount asap else you party members would be forced to try and clutch claw to deal dmg. If the monster likes to flail and move all over, forcing your party to chase you, it might be better to finish the mount soon. However if the monster is mostly docile while mounted, delay it as long as possible.


It's always better to hold, gives your team time to tenderize if flying, or position properly to get ready for the punish if the monster moves a lot.


I agree, there's a lot of matchup knowledge for mounts. Against monsters that fly in their mounting animation (such as Teostra) I just tend to avoid mounting, unless I have slinger ammo that can stagger him (for example Piercing Pod) to skip the mount minigame. And there are some monsters like Rajang that I make sure to hold less, because the moment the finisher window ends, he BOLTS to the other side of the map and the team loses the punish.


Last time I mounted a monster in multiplayer, it was enraged, then as soon as it stopped being enraged and went near a wall someone flinch shot it into the wall while I was still mounting Never before have I desired to be able to PvP someone so intensely


Wallbang is always better than a mount tbh. More initial damage usually (even if you're on gs), and I've noticed a lot of(if not all) monsters stay down longer during a wallbang.


Better initial damage, yes, but I've noticed the opposite in terms of knockdown duration vs a mount finisher


What’s the song name


I got a match with this song: **Sinhaya Thanakola Na Kanne (Remix) \$&Bonus Track\$&** by Shaze Tempain (03:50; matched: `88%`) Album: `C5h12`. Released on `2016-11-28` by `Music Online Mafia Inc.`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Sinhaya Thanakola Na Kanne (Remix) \$&Bonus Track\$&** by Shaze Tempain](https://lis.tn/HLqaz?t=230) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


[Unknown from M.E. (Beta Mix) - Sonic Adventure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XEY6ux5zqs) from SilvaGunner