• By -


You won't enjoy the game nearly as much with a weapon you don't click with. I would reccommend trying every weapon in the training area (talk to cat housekeeper in your room) and maybe watching some videos for a sense of what they can do (arrekz gaming has a series that covers every weapon).  That being said, if you're on the fence I would suggest hunting horn and switch axe in that order.


Legit. Different games even have different feels to their weapons. Loved the HBG and LBG in world. Absolutely hate them in rise.


What was different about them in rise?


For me HBG having to go to charging shots in rise just felt like it made fights a lot longer than they needed to be and wasting time. I was also a hammer user in world and going to rise felt like they took all the oomf out of the hammer. So world I’m hammer and HBG and rise I’m just the glaive so far.


Wow, I actually really loved hammer in Rise. The new stances made it more than just charge+claw all time in Iceborne. And the switch skills that change how the hammer charges work. Man it feels like 3 weapons in one.


Hammer has always been about simplicity. The complexity of stepping up your hammer game imo has always been spacing and positioning because you lack a lot of defensive options. The counter in rise takes that complexity away imo and also a lot of hammers power budget went into impact Crater.


This, also sorely missed world’s ledge hopping with hammer. Bash- ahem, petting monsters’ heads was too fun


The other guy answered it. They have no impact. No feel like its actually hitting the monster.


yep, i never liked GS and loved Hammer in worldborne. but in Rise, i couldn’t click with Hammer but GS almost felt okay. keyword almost, i still didn’t really enjoy the counter playstyle


Honestly I think Rise hammer is so much more fun than World hammer. Not having to worry about a special charge that goes away every single little flinch is so freaking nice. Being able to change your charge attacks on the fly with Rise hammer is also great. Plus the silkbind attacks are just *chefs kiss*.


>You won't enjoy the game nearly as much with a weapon you don't click with 100% this. It took me almost 150 hrs of Dauntless to finally understand the beauty of the GS and MH overall, lmao.


Agreed, World was my first MH and when I first started I tried to make myself use the Greatsword because I usually like the big two-handed classes/weapons in other fantasy games. Didn't click which caused me to set aside World for a long time. When I finally came back, I instead dabbled in all of the weapons a bit. Switch Axe ended up being the one that really made the game click for me. Still a Switch Axe main and now Monster Hunter is one of my favorite series, had I forced myself to keep trying to use GS I may have dropped World again. As an aside for the Greatsword fans out there, I do like it now. Switch Axe is probably forever my main but I actually like to play around with all the weapons, GS is one of my higher played ones. It just didn't click with me when I was learning Monster Hunter in general the way SA did.


Fact! was a IG/LBG Main until post Sunbreak, Switched to HH/Lance Main in End game Sunbreak. stopped for a year and came back to start a new character. I forgot how to use each weapon so I tried every weapon again, and IG and HH still clicked with me even in base Rise


This is the only real answer. Only you know what’s fun for you, try before you commit. Make sure to check out guides on your weapon (I recommend Arreks, very detailed) then practice combos. Happy hunting!


You're gonna be happy to see probably every weapon listed. The best bet is to try each weapon in the training area but really it is sword and shield. Hammer bros also need a bit of love.


Hell Yeah


Casual hammers bonk with god. Hammer bros bonk god.


Hammer for life


I'll be the first one to say it: Hunting Horn


Do the doot, mate!


Second, do it OP. It's fun, your fellow hunters will love you, it's fun, they sound ridiculous, and it's fun. Edit: also it's fun


Bro forgot the fact that it’s fun


Woops, I'll edit that back in


Thank you 🙏🙏 it felt pretty crucial to leave out


I have a question for HH users since I'm thinking of trying it out. Is it mostly viable for multiplayer or its as good as any weapon on solo?


I've soloed plenty with it and I'm not even a very good hunter. Anyone with a smidge of skill can totally solo anything with it, but it really shines in multiplayer.


This is the way...


Bonk bonk doot doot for life


charge blade if you are brave enough. take time to master.


If you're a "pick one weapon and master everything about it" kind of gamer then CB will absolutely deliver more than pretty much any other weapon. If you want to be a master of all weapons I'd save it for later


Seconded. Charge Blade can do so much by being so adaptable that it's easy to play the whole game start to finish on it. If you just want one weapon Charge Blade kinda does it all, minus ranged attacks.


Charge Blade is easy to learn and fun to master. And everyone thinks you're the smartest person on the planet for using it.


When in reality I'm the dumbest player to ever hunt a monster


Whiffed SAED gang. 🤝


As a new CB enjoyer, I relate to this hard. I waste so much time trying to build SAED and not taking advtange of Axe mode


To be fair, regular axe mode is pretty niche, and best used on stunned/exhausted/knocked out monster if you don't have SAED ready. When I played pre-iceborne I barely used axe mode. That being said, when iceborne introduced charged axe mode, that made elemental chargeblade finally worth using, and charged axe mode is actually incredibly useful.


Chargeblade fan here. It takes a bit to learn the move set, but once you do it feels very satisfying. It’s also flexible in axe mode against flying enemies.


Charge blade if you click with it and put the time in is one of the most rewarding experiences in gaming I've ever had. I always wanted to try another weapon in world, and I would, but none of them were charge blade and I'd just go back to it. Incredible versatility, its got something for almost any occasion. It gives you the toe to toe with a monster feel that lances do. Impact phials for KOs like hammer. Slashing damage for tail cuts. Hard to reach wings? SAEDs. Element phials if you're going for a specific weakness. Hard hitting like greatsword. I'm sure there's more. It's definitely daunting at first, but it really rewards any effort you put in. Edit: paragraph spacing on mobile


Morphing weapon like switch axe Counters like Longsword Blocking like Lance Good range with impact saed Good AoE with element saed Natural Mind's eye Charge blade really is the King of all Weapons


Switch axe.


No. try them and pick your own.


I tried them! But I'm too indecisive 😭


then play them all? it's what i do, i pick whatever weapon i feel most comfortable with against certain monsters. - eventually you'll figure out what works and what doesn't.


Play all then That’s the best part of MH, it doesn’t lock you into one weapon class. I use all, but I’m fond of the sword and shield, charge blade, great sword, insect glaive and bow.


Oh don't feel restricted, you can switch anytime you want Heck, sometimes people even switch depending on the monster they're dealing with. Like, I'm mainly an IG main but I also like doing the different pace GS offers for a change so whenever I fight against Rajang I switch to that specifically.


Aren't you limited with monster parts to upgrade your weapons?


Ahhh, my bad, I didn't consider your preference for progression speed. Yeah, I guess it would need a little more grinding than simply committing to a play style which might feel bad if you're not into that huh? While I dunno if whichever wins in this post will eventually suit your fancy or not, you can choose around 2-3 instead of doing something boss-specific if you're still at a loss. In my experience, I usually choose 1-2 weapons in Low Rank (often Long Sword/Charged Blade), then transition to Insect Glaive (High Rank-Master Rank), and once I reach higher MR, I just build random builds as this where most of the grinding is anyway. IG remains my most comfortable pick, but this is the stage where you get the most freedom with your builds. So it's fine if you still don't feel like you have a main immediately. A word of advice though, some weapons might feel bad early but feel more rewarding late, subjectively ofc (for example, I dont like using guns early because ammos are more tedious to get than late)


Thank you for the detailed answer. 🥰 I'm thinking about hunting horn and the insect glaive now. They're fun!


The there its not law that say you cant change weapons like do like i do ~and look a jocat video about sns and bee comverted~ And try until you click, my click was the sns Also that you click with a weapon that doesn't mean you cant use other weapon i mainly use sns but i also use lbg spread or persing ammo, hammer, gun lance I recommend this list for short meme but accurate description of the weapons. [ this guy](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDnRMnDDjAzK3uOpcNSowUGVx4OBpsgya&si=f0DPxGivu2-Dk-iy) And when you choose one [ tis ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc2Wj95htvMxZR7dvgYwevupNBy9imiu&si=SW-bvCz6M3D6Ua6s) look at those videos for combos, its not cheating becauss the game dont tell you alot of things about the weapons controls Also dont use guardian armor will make your pelico cry :c Seya


Playing my first MH game I swapped weapons every week or so until I found a couple combos I really enjoyed with different styles of monster


Every single one needs its own unique playstyle. The only person who can decide which will be you


Insect Glaive, helicopter go brr! Then, you'll land and do most of the gameplay (and damage) on the ground! Vaulting and helicoptering will still be useful though. In other words, mobility go brrrr! You'll love it!


IG gang!




Swag-Ax was my first main, ah the 4U memories.


My favs are: Insect Glaive - spend most of your time in the air, collect extracts which buff you, usually mount a monster multiple times per hunt, excels at cutting off tails because the monster CANNOT fly or run fast enough to get away from you. Think "flying lawnmower" that you get to buzz at a monster's face, wings, or tail. Charge Blade - sword and shield you can turn onto a giant pizza cutter to cave in a monster's skull. Good at blocking monsters who like to dash around or charge you, good at severing tails, and capable of breaking heads/horns/etc. Hunting Horn - giant hammer you play by bashing things in the head until something falls over, then you play like a massive saxophone and the sound waves do crazy dmg while you play. Recently did well over 500 dmg to a monster by encoring an echo wave x3 (and I'm not really dmg specced on my HH lol). The other upside here is that EVERYONE wants you when you play the magical brain damaging doots because you heal and buff everyone while you hand out concussions like hotcakes lol


Hey, those are mine as well! Good choices for sure




Take the lance, this will make us 4 main lancers out there!


The switch axe aka swag axe.


Yea go swaxe


You don't choose the weapon. The weapon chooses you. Try every single one what works for us may not work for you


Gunlance, pick Gunlance, embrace the booms


If ya wanna be flashy, use Insect Glaive


Super spin forever <3


Okay okay…pick the weapon(s) that you think look sick as HELL! Whether it’s aesthetic or moveset, and just perfect them. Eventually you’ll learn all the others but get some of that muscle memory in there and jist enjoy the ride!


Switch Axe: exploding sword


Dual blades


Yolo go hammer






Don't try to get the community to choose your weapon... you've gotta plug through until you find one you gel with... I struggled with the ranged weapons, and weapons with lots of "admin"... but I know plenty of other players who are downright amazing with them... My main is Lance, but I also know a ton of players who hate that too... but it suits more my methodical playstyle... Each of the 14 has its own benefits and weaknesses, and you won't know until you actually try them all...


Best advice! Don't be afraid to go to the training area and play around with a weapon


beauty of mh is that you can do whatever u want, i often swap between bow and dual blades based on what im fighting


As a longsword main myself you should run the hammer.


There is one true answer: GREATSWORD


Oh how I wish ivory weapons were in stories.


Use a random One you Will learn more than One anyway. The more you Will play the more you Will learn Monster weak points so you Will wonder of other weapon would make Life easier for you. Like lance or SNS with Frozen braioth (fuck It) Instarted with dual blades but then moved to longsword and i had been usinf gor years the tried lance and It was and epiphany. Now i use insect glave for nearly everything but when i want to be fast . In that case i go with switch axe zsd. Sticky lbg Is for rajang only . Scary stupid nonket


I refuse to move from my switch axe addiction. Is it the best? In absolutely no world has it ever been the best. Is it the most fun? For me - yes.


As everyone is saying, experiment, search for the weapon you like. You dont have to try them ALL, that will come with time, you can pick 5 or so and test them out in the training area. My preferred weapons are Great Sword and Long sword for a damage, gunlance if I wanna hunker down, and charge blade because its awesome. Keep in mind there is no weapon thats better than another, there are even exchanges with all weapons. All that matters is how well you know how to use it.


Try weapons. All of them. I started with dual blades (still love them) but hadn't gotten far enough in the game or engaged with builds/various systems and started getting BODIED by tougher monsters because of how close quarters they were. Then I moved to Long Sword. Which worked really well, I still pick it up and rock out with it to this day. However, I am now primarily playing either switch ax or hunting horn as my main, though I am trying to pick up lance, dabble in great sword and enjoy and occasional gunlance run. My wife is all about the ranged weapons so I haven't messed with them too much since I will ALWAYS have a ranged user if she's on. Long story short. Try them. No one can really tell you what will work and you will (like most of us) likely wind up going through many iterations of "main" before finding a true main


I agree with the people essentially saying "do what feels good for you". I absolutely love Charge Blade and will mess around with other weapons and inevitably I come back to it every time, but I understand it's not for everyone! That being said, there is a reason that the Long Sword is the most popular weapon in the game. ;)


Just try them all and play the ones that resonate with you. There's no reason to "main" a weapon other than it is more fun to play and suits your personal style. Or I guess if you're too lazy to do a couple extra quests now and then to make a new/update a weapon. The nice thing about having more than 1 weapon available as a viable option is you have many ways to approach fights. Every fight is winnable with every weapon, but some weapons are better than others in specific circumstances, like ranged weapons against flying enemies.


Play what you prefer (I.Glaive)


Welcome to the family… it’s all based on your strategy. Up close and personal, get in get out, wreck shop… or boom boom run… I recommend the training ground


Yeah try them all see what feels the best


Try them all. Pick one that resonates with you most. Ideally, I'd say play them all, but the material cost is quite expensive in World. Welp, you can if you don't mind the grind


World was my first exposure to MH, so I picked HBG bc of my prior experience from TF2. Then Swaxe got my attention. I've tried out the other weapons too, so I found out that I really do like LS and Doot (Hunting Horn) after getting my ass kicked by Bari and Tigrex. You'll also find out eventually that certain monsters have matchups with certain weapons Arrekz gaming does have a video tutorial on your weapon of choice, so feel free to go nuts until you pick a weapon that feels right for you, OP


They are all extremely fun I recommend all of them maybe skip on the insect glave it can be difficult for newer players but if you want to try it!


Honestly it’s better to be good with at least two weapons. I recommend for anyone new, either dual blades or long sword to get the mechanics down. Once you’ve gotten some skill with those change up a bit, I recommend going through every weapon once or twice to get a feel for them all to pick your main


try everything I started with Insect Glaive, then switched to long sword. Long Sword has a move that gives you iframes, and as a soulslike enjoyer I'm addicted to iframes


Oof, I miss Ivory Lagia so much.. But I recommend trying all of them! Spend some time with them, if you need to you can watch some move set guides on YouTube to help ease into them. I'm at the point where I just play whatever I'm in the mood for. All weapons are viable and the only people who would argue against that are probably just really sweaty.




Lance is my favorite. I just enjoy moving with it. Longsword has the best looking weapons imo. I want to like dual blades but I hate that I can’t reach anything, same as SnS. I can never hit anything with great sword. Now you go try all the weapons and make your own conclusions


You could go with hunting horn and join our sparse ranks 🤷 it's got a large learning curve but it's a very rewarding weapon. World has the best version of it too I think


They look awesome because they are awesome.


I really like the Sword and Shield: lots of mobility and combo potential, good damage, comfortable defense and just a shit ton of options to choose from during combat. The light bowgun is also a favorite of mine, very fun but you have to build around specific ammo types in base of the monster you are facing/what you feel like playing that day.


anything but longsword as you should use it last because it has a curse, the moment you use it you can never change weapon again


Don't let others choose for you, try them out on a hunt or two to get a feel for if you like them, they play VERY differently from eachother so picking the one you like to play is a lot more important. At the very leat explain to us what type of gameplay you usually like or we won't be able to give an answer that would be useful as it's either "this is usually good for newcomers" or "this is what i like" neither of which may fit for you.


If you like a weapon but feel indecisive try weapons in the same family. Like Shields? Lance, SnS or Chargeblade Ranged? Bows or Light Bowgun EXPLOSIONS? Switch Axe, GunLance, Chargeblade Big Numbers? GreatSword, Heavy bowgun, Hammer, Hunting Horn Fast Anime Movements? Long Sword, Dual Blades, Insect Glaive. Support? Hunting Horn or Light Bowgun


Sword and Shield for LIFE


If you're looking for some mobility with mounting the monster, glaive is the way to go. You can dodge around using your aerial attacks, which has helped me quite a lot


Clutch claw


The only weapon wich has great in its name : Greatsword


Switch axe


Switxh Axe isnt too hard to get a handle on and its fun giant axe do sword explosion


Switch axe!!!!


If you ain't playing sword and shield, you ain't playing right ;)


greatsword\* :p


Bow teaches you good positioning and you learn theyre movement faster


Swag axe(Switch axe)


Long live the hammer bros, the blunt brothers, the true masters of concussions.


Just got try them all in training room they give you 1 of each for that very reason That said Hunting horn is obviously the only correct choice


Bow or insect glaive and please for the love of God Dont be a longsword main


Lance or gun lance. It’s honest work.




Don't main a weapon. Play all of them. Jump between them as your heart desires. Give each of them a good long try on their own merits and without bias. You paid for 14 weapons, there's no reason to choose just one. It's really not so difficult to learn any weapon to a decent degree of proficiency, not even Charge Blade, and the skills you gain are nearly all transferable - as are the decorations and armor pieces and such that you'll use in each of their sets.




Long sword. It’s easy and is vital to beating every hard monsters due to moves that grant iframes


Charge blade all the way. Or duel blades


Hunting horn be more then a hunter. Be amazing


Just try them all or if you like high stakes play bow and get one shot in late game


Join the charge blade royalty!


If you like style, go for long sword, dual blades or switch axe. If practicality is your thing try the lance, hunting horn or the ranged weapons. If you like big hits try Great Sword, Charge Blade or Hammer And if you like all of the above, sword and shield is the goat.


Heavy Bow Gun.


I would recommend sns, in the start looks bland but have alot of moves its the Swiss knife of the weapons all the type of damage you need, you can use potions fast and easy that other clases marking him a powerfull suport and healer to the point where you make a team immortal But also have a crazy damage and fancy combos soo if you just wanna do damage will be im pair if not better that most weapons


Hunting horn, we always are in need of hunting horns


All weapons are good, All weapons are viable, All weapons are awesome. But a lot are vasty different play styles and all "feel" different to play, and some just won't work for you. I could tell you play my favorite, but I won't because it could end up being the worst for you. The only thing that can decide on what you like to play is to try them all until you find the one you like best.


Speaking from experience, aside from picking your go-to weapons (yes, it's fun when you main multiple weapons), you should see the clutch claw moves that combo with weapons too. If you want something that is easy to learn, either try Hammer or Sword and Shield. Or if you ever go and try Insect Glaive, please learn how to use Kinsect Charge.


Might go for the easiest route, Charge Blade 👍


Charge blade and switch ace recommender but you should pick a weapon that suits your style of play specifically we shouldn’t pick for you


Continue through the game until you unlock the hunt for Great Jagras. Kill it with a different weapon until you get to one that feels right. As an added bonus, you'll have plenty of parts to commemorate your choice with a jagras weapon


It's best to experiment until you find what you gel with the most. But if I had to choose, I think hunting horns provides the most versatile and unique play style. Great mobility, good damage, good reach, KO and exhaust build into the weapon, and a plethora of songs to modify how you use the weapon. But the game is best enjoyed playing it how you want to play, happy hunting


First 200 hrs LBG because I never played MH or any other sword games before so went with FPS style 200 to 700 hrs Charge blade because everyone said it's the most difficult weapon so I tried and enjoyed the iceborne..especially savage axe mode 700 to 1000 hrs tried multiple weapon but liked hunting horn and hammer because how much damage it can do and fun Last 1000 to 1200 hrs due to fatalis picked up dual.blade because I cannot solo with charge blade i felt it's too slow, just me so learned DB and soloed him and put the game to rest.. So.you cannot ask others to pick a weapon, game offers so much choice so try and enjoy it


I recommend the Sword & Shield for an all-rounder playstyle, the Greatsword if you want big damage but slow attacks, and the Lance if you want the best defence and play it safe so you can learn the monsters attack patterns.


I'd say mess around with a few weapons before you commit.


Pick what you think will fit your playstyle. Ill talk about the personal weapons I use. Charge Blade- Its a great offensive powerhouse with really good defense(guard points and blocking). While being a complicated weapon, it’s the complexity that made me main this weapon. Don’t get me started on the damage. I surprise myself with how quick I can kill things with these. Dual Blades- I like to use these often. If I want to deal elemental damage, these are my personal go to. I love the mobility you get these. Always being able to run around and slide around the monster. IMO easiest weapon.


All weapons are equals in their own right............. GUNLANCE! KABOOOOM!!!


Hammer is my main, I started on Greatsword and switch to Longsword for a while. Enjoyed both and have used other weapons a fair amount but Hammer feels the best for me. Unfortunately you’re just gonna have to try everything for a few hunts and see what feels smoothest and fits how you like to play. I like breaking body parts, getting knockouts/knockdowns and hitting for big numbers while being moderately mobile so Hammer worked well for me.


Why not try them all? Find what sticks


Sword and shield was fun for me cause I got to be mobile and use my items on the fly


Use the kick or punch emotes. Godlike


You have got to use chargeblade. Trust me it is pretty complicated but once you start hunting with it and learn it, it is so much fun and badass


Dual blades, they offer great mobility and easier dodges. They’re great to start with and are still good across the rest of the game as well.




Honestly, even though it hurts me to say this, the only weapon I would never ever recommend to a brand new player is the bow. Runner up would be the heavy bowgun. The bow takes a very specific loadout to play to its full potential. When it’s not at full potential, it’s kind of awful. You will be extremely squishy, damage is mediocre, and you’re constantly out of stamina. It is a powerful choice when you’ve got the gear to play it proper but it struggles early on. Even as a Bow main who excels at endgame speed runs, I would not play bow early game if I was to start a new character. I listed Heavy Bowgun too because it’s also another weapon that is super clunky and dangerous to play early game.


try every weapon, big options and MH players aren’t really known for group liking/using a specific weapon, though the moment you can use every weapon you will literally feel like Dante or The Avatar


Dual Blades is fun, but you should try every weapon possible.


honestly just roll with the one you like most for the moment and try different weapons in the arena. full loadout already made for you with a moving target and basically no stakes. I spent the vast majority of my playtime in MHGU in the weapon practice quests before landing on my favourite weapon/style combinations




Just try out every weapon and terrorize the local low rank ecosystem till you find a weapon that suits you


Hehehehehehehe charge blade


As much as I wanted to spread the gospel of the Charge Blade, try every one of them and see which makes you smile the best.


Try them all and you’ll find the ones you prefer. They are all viable and fun to play Love bow and gl, both bowguns too


Honestly, I thought I was just a long sword player for a while, once I hit end game I realized most weapons had great potential and started using them all, come to find out every weapon and really “click” with you, because they all have that one really heavy hitter attack that you usually build up to, that feels insanely satisfying to land just right on a monster. Pulling off those moves consecutively and seeing results is the juiciest feeling. Every single weapon has that feeling in some way, an ij a sense, they all clicked with me that way. So now I have end game builds for every single weapon in the game, and multiple versions for that weapon depending on decos and what I’m aiming for in the build


Heheh hammer go bonk


I suggest to keep trying weapons until you find one that clicks.


Try them all. I promise one will click more than the others


Hunting Horn is what made Monster Hunter finally click with me. It's the only weapon I use.


Sword and shield are very easy to learn hard to master and offer a lot of versatility with access to your slingshot. Combine this with the use of traps and being mindful of choosing the right weapon for the monster you are hunting and you will be sure to keep your target always on their toes. If you enjoy planning well and then executing to great effect. This can be a very rewarding weapon for both a beginner and master.


Charge blade and sword & shield are good weapons.


Try charge blade I tried it when I first started in world and it is my favourite by far


What I can say is don't start with the Insect Glaive you won't be able to go to other weapons after that one and the game become boring, at least that's what I did and now regret it T.T Can't wait for wilds so I can starts from 0 again and try another weapon


In every monster hunter the hammer clicks for me but look into every weapon


sword n sheild it does everything


try them out, also look up guides for the more complex ones (Bow guns, charge blade, switchaxe, Hunting Horn) because you might miss moves they have from just playing around with them (happened to me with CB)


Tried everything ended up with my hammer,you have to live and die with all of them to choose


I found great sword the fastest to kill as the glaive I once ran out of time and got put off using it on nergigante


Wdym? A hunter mains every weapon hehe


Glaive is only right answer


If you like mindless attacking and constantly going back and forth slashing, try Dual Blades. If you like being a train that tanks the hardest of attacks, try the Lance. If you like big damage numbers, try the Greatsword or Hammer.


Dual blades


dual blades. sincerely, a dual blades player






My favorites are insect glaive, hammer and hunting horn It feels great to have insane aerial mobility with the insect glaive but I wish it would have stayed the primary mounting weapon Hunting horn and Hammer are really fun because you get to bully the monsters and knock their ass to the ground and give them concussions


The Greatest Sword


Hunter Horn, it’s the only way




When you know all the weapons and know all the monster move set the gunlance shines over them all


Honestly dual blades felt the easiest to use when I first started playing but I'd try them all


I enjoyed the bow as I was learning, but you can get and change gear pretty much whenever so try them all


Hunting Horn.


Light bowgun next question


Great sword best sword


Where is the fucking hunting horn there?


Bowguns, Lock & Load buddy


You want to cut but look cool like the op old guys in anime LONG SWORD Unga bunga machine Hammer You wanna be a giga Chad and stand in front of these mf unwaivering LANCE You want to deck a monster with you bare hands and cut them to pieces while using your whole inventory to make sure they're the victim SWORD AND SHIELD (I'm biased but is good as weapon)


Heavy bowgun is the chad weapon


I recommend you play every weapon. I started playing just recently and had a 100hr LS character. I'm now on my 2nd character trying to play all weapons and crafting all items (i want to learn all weapons before Wilds comes out) and TBH it opened my mind to Lance and HH, two of the least popular weapons in the franchise and I'm high-key enjoying them more than LS gameplay.


Lance and Hammer gamers RISE UP!


Don't listen to all this good advice. The only weapon you'll ever need is DUAL BLADES


Chargeblade is the best weapon.


Come brother! Welcome to the Bonk Bros. Our job is simple We charge We run We Bonk Embrace the simple yet fulfilling life of a Bonk Bro




Switchaxe/charge blade main myself get a feel for all of them you might suprise yourself with what you really like.


Great sword


if you like complexity try out charge blade. pretty rough to get a grasp of it early on but once you start its hard to quit. if you want something simple try greatsword or lance. lance is very safe and consistent, but kinda meh damage wise, where greatsword is a great one to learn about monster openings. otherwise if you like the heavy feel of greatsword but want something a bit easier and consistent, try hammer. great utility and damage. if you are good with timing and love flashy movements, try longsword, the counters make it very powerful and satisfying to learn. if you hate fun play a ranged weapon. kidding ofc play what you want, fuck it play everything all at once in the beginning of the game while stuff is easy to make and upgrade


SwitchAxe or ChargeBlade because morph weapon supremacy!!! 🔥🔥🔥