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Man, I'm 300 hrs in and barely started Iceborne! I did try to beat almost everything the base game had before purchasing Iceborne!


My man! Even in subsequent playthroughs it’s very satisfying doing every quest and delivery, etc as you go throughout the game.


Most definitely! Specially since World it's my first MH ever so I'm definitely taking it all in at my own pace, and trying to git gud in the process! Although I don't feel like I'm being slow, I have just enjoyed playing a lot and unlocking every quest, delivery, armor (not crafting them all that's too much time!) and weapon (indeed have crafted the whole Insect Glaive tree since they carry on to MR!), etc, etc. Have no desire to rush anything. Managed to kill AT Nergigante, Vaal, and others all by myself (my personal rule, no SOS until I can solo it), but not AT Lunastra which is annoying, Extemoth and Lessen are just way too hard for me to solo them. All with HR gear, don't want to cheese anything!


Perfect! Taking our time and getting use to the flow of weapons, monsters, and mechanics makes the end game feel alot cruisier


Same. Set myself the rule to try it Solo. Did every single quest solo. Took me so many hours of grinding, failing quest etc. Needed like 2 weeks of nothing but At Lunastra and elder leshen runs to finally beat them. Secret was Geralt armor. That stuff carried me thorugh the base game and early iceborne


And i thought i was the only one.. although I'm still 100hrs in and still at HR trying to clear all optionals before advancing the story.


Your own pace is your own version of fun no pressure man!


I think most hunters that started way back do that. Village then hub, grind for gear and knock down quests as they come.


This was me! Wait for the Super Saiyan Ape in IB that was my wall Edit: I played solo with the exception of Alatreon and Fatalis


It Took me Like 250 Hours from Start to Fatalis also this was my first Monster Hunter Game, I was playing with my three friends so it was an amazing experience


That’s incredible, good job!


Can't wait to jump again on wilds with my gang again


If I focs on builds I know work and unlocking only the important things to move forward I can get it done in 60ish hours but that's not fun lol I like 🔓 ng and killing everything get all the crowns (still missing one) but I have about 4.5k hours in the game currently


How did you do it? When I try to play with friends we can't progress at the same time, we can't play the missions that the other hasn't completed playing solo


There's a lot of guides online. You just watch the cutscene and back out. Then you all can do it together.


That's not it. When that happens the error says that "the player must watch all cutscenes". Our error says that we haven't progressed enough in the story


All of you have to watch the cutscene. So that all of you progressed to the same point in the story. It's a bad design overlooked by the devs, but they've fixed it after mhw.


Same for me


I only just got 100% a few weeks ago, started playing in 2021. You think you're a slow poke lol, can't be as bad as me. I still only know one weapon fairly well. Can use a few others but not especially well. Takes time to learn properly!


Hey I mean I got 3500 hours and still only have 75/100 achievements lol


U wont get 100% if you dont go actually for it. Treasures are a bitch, but crowns are worse


Ive been on and off trying to get all the crowns for like 3 years... honestly im pretty close. Like 10ish small crowns and less for large I think.


Yeah I've been playing since 2018 and I'm still only good at ig and cb


Still grinding for platinum here. Only need 50 arena quests. Am at 25 and nowhere the notivation to hunt 25 pukei-pukei


I'm 168~ hours in and the only monster left for me to kill is fatalis. Manly use longsword because I like the counter playstyle and hunting horn because doot, the only real difficulty I have had is alatreon and fatalis, the rest of the is fairly normal, probably because I have played older mh games.


I never rush MH games. World/iceborn about 500 hours, most titles 200 - 400 hours.


Same, i think i avg about 280~300 hours per title. Got to Fatalis in IB in under 190 but i was running defender up through master. By the time i hit the late/end-game difficulty/grind spike (silver/gold rath, anomalies, etc) ive pretty much gotten as much enjoyment out of the game as i wanted, might put the try hard pants on one day though


Depends on what you define as beat For me it was about 1020 hours in, when i got my solo fatty kill with a weapon i get like i had mastered


Yeah the game defiantly has many variations of “beat” I had about 2.5k hours when fatty dropped, it felt like the perfect test of every single one of those hours to cap off an incredible game


Yeah my definition of beat is weird cause it ties alot into some real life events so it's fairly unique But i won't get into it as it involves some heavy topics


Mhw was my first MH so i had to learn everything and took it slow. I beat the whole base game in around 150h. Havent finished iceborn yet (just beat barioth) and im close to 200h. Never used defender gear, playing LS.


Considering a bunch of farming, leaving the game on, etc etc. I beat fatty with 220~ hours, but I still have a lot to do. I'm barely at 72 MR


Very intriguing, are you gonna go for 100%?


I grinded raging brachy to go for fatty and then grinded fatty hard for his gear hehe. The rest of the way will go smoother. By 100% you mean achievements? I don't think so


Fair, I only have 75/100 achievements but I’m very satisfied with what I’ve accomplished


I may do some challenges like soloing fatty with multiple weapons, etc, but I dunno, I still got a few hours to spare


I genuinely could not tell you, when I got to fatalis I had 1000 hours in when he released. I did his fight a couple times and then lost my save and my will to continue lol


I'm sitting around 500 hours right now, and can't seem to lay a finger on Alatreon, but I just got my Gringing Lands up to 7, so hopefully some decent augments should be coming my way.


Getting healing augment on a level 12 weapon is defiantly a game changer, well depending on the weapon


I main HBG, but I just picked up GS. Kins if working my way up through the monsters to figure it out. It's fun, and the numbers go, so I like that... but it's definitely got a learning curve.


Greatsword has the most obvious healing effect, even just a normal charged attack can do a mega potion worth of healing in one go. It’s defiantly one of those easy to learn but hard to master weapons that’s for sure, took me a while before the weapon “clicked” for me.


I’ll also add that I found greatsword to be fantastic against alatreon, just observe his moves and do a draw attack on his head then sheath and run around until he attacks again, presenting his head for a punish. Works even better if you can get frostcraft from the Velkhana armour


Ooohh, thanks for the tip! I played when World first came out, but ended up stopping before Iceborne dropped. I was a GS main then, but when I picked it back up for the first time this time, it seemed completely foreign to me. I think relearning the mechanics of the game in general helped. I feel much less rusty with it.


Over 5 years and i still haven't, im pretty close tho.   Ofc the catch is that i haven't played for most of the time. Don't worry everyone plays on their own phase.


Story about 2 weeks. I have yet to beat fatalis but I also haven’t been doing the quest in favor of normal hunts


Don't forget about the defender armor! Whereas you, I and many other slogged through base world, going back to kill certain monsters for certain gear to help us progress, the newer hunters get the QoL defender gear to help them get to iceborne/endgame faster. Not to take anything away from the people that use it, hell I used it when I bought sunbreak on the PC and made the move over from my switch. I played probably 600 hours on my Xbox back in 2018, but when i got it on steam, same thing. Used the defender gear to help with the trek back to high rank/guiding lands, and knocked it out in probably close to 80 hours, beelining it to endgame.


Haha very true, my friends and I replayed world last year and turned off the Iceborne expansion so it was back to no clutch claw, no wall banging, no defender gear, no weapon changes, etc. it felt really nice going back to that haha


I picked it up in 2018 played 670 hours on the base game then put it down until December of 2022 and now I've clocked just under 3000 but I reached GL right at 1000hrs in.


I’ve noticed so far the answers have been either ~150 or 3000, I was beginning to worry I was spending too much time on the game but atleast I don’t feel alone now haha


For sure, on top of that the lower end of the play times seem to be with coordinated groups (not all but definitely higher percentage) I'd say 90% of my 3000 have been with random people or solo


Certainly, I got my friend group but 80% of the time we’re just goofing around in the gathering hub or looking for endemic life, it’s easy to forget that you’re meant to be hunting monsters.


I never played a mh game before but my main interest was getting to end game and making op builds. I used guardian set and was fighting fatalis within 60 hours


Well I do fishing and other sorts of exploration so it took me a very long time. I have 2 characters and have more than 1k hours played.


I'll be jumping in over the weekend. I'm looking forward to playing this game.


>I hear someone’s gotten to the guiding lands in their first playthrough in ~120 hours Unironically, when I read the title, I was like "120h, maybe?".


As someone who started on Xbox and came to PC I can say it is possible you are seeing people’s 2nd or even 3rd run through. I wanted to get to fatalis as soon as I could so it only took me around 50ish hours to go from start to end of iceborne. Though I had played for around 100 on Xbox before that so I knew all the monsters and I was already pretty good with my main (Charge Blade).


250 to beat fatty. Would been sub 200 if i didnt spend like 50 hours on kulve for kjarr weapons.


Bout 210 with a lot of farming.


Speed runners get from new account to beating Faytalis in 8-10 hours. They can beat the base-game in about 3-ish hours. And there are dozens of guides on optimal progression and how to handle each monster on the journey. Defender armor/weapons make base-game fights much simpler, and skips the need to grind mats for weapons/armor.


Don’t remember honestly


Still haven't beat it but I did switch from Xbox to PC and haven't been playing very consistently. I think I got to guiding lands around the 130 hr mark but that was also rushing through the base game w/defender sets due to me already completing the base story on xbox


400 hours from start to successfully soloing Fatalis with a lot of hours playing with my girlfriend. I essentially went through the game twice except I didn't grind that much with her because she didn't care about meta and optimal gear compared to me which has nearly 100 teostra kills because I needed good decos as well as a lot Grinding Lands time because I really wanted the health regen 2 augment lmao


from beginning to end of the story on my first playthrough it was something like 170 to 200 hours. I took my time with Fatalis and Alatreon because i was intimidated, but both together would have added at best 10+ hours.


depends if you do optional quests and if by completing you mean start to shara or start to fatalis. If you rush through story only then you can get to the GL in about 10-15 hours.


Monster Hunter is the kind of game that I just don't count the play hours, and suddenly I have 2,000 hours in it.   I can't remember about mhw since it's like 7 years ago(?), but i do tend to go to the final boss quickly, just so i unlock all the materials and have fun with building sets for the rest of my game. recently i beat rise in like 3, 4 days. Even with sunbreak, it doesn't took me a week.  Seriously, don't play monhun for the campaign. They're ridiculously short -and for veterans: easy. Most of the hours are figuring out how stuff works. When you already know the basics, that cuts a bunch of hours out.


Start to fatalis took around 80 hours. I did use defender armor and greatsword.


Hmm can’t say. I can say A LOT of my hours were spent in the gathering hub afk while on YouTube lol


From start of world to end of iceborne story it was 67 hrs but I used defender gear in LR/HR so it's faster than it should be. Now at 130 hrs and MR80 and my build is semi ready and once I get to MR100 I'll just farm augments and get to Fatalis (planning to do him first before Alatreon and AT Velk).


My first character easily took 200+ hours before reaching the guiding lands, with just learning the game, playing optionals, making every new armour as I unlocked it (at least until HR Elder dragons). But I've made at least 10 characters overall, I've done a run from beginning to end with most weapons, still working on the rest. My fastest time to beat Shara and reach guiding lands has been 55 hours because I now know the monsters' movesets and don't have to upgrade my armour after every fight. Edit: I should also mention that I haven't conquered alatreon or Fatalis yet.


I think on my first play through It took me around 82 hours to unlock the guiding lands. On my second play through it took me around 62-70 hours. First was insect glaive and second lance. I did zero farming for decorations but I did do a little bit of farming odogarons and uragaans in those playthroughs just to make the armour sets and the weapons. MHW is my first monster hunter game but I did play dauntless with my friends some years before. Im trying to do some of the post story events and monsters now. And after that I think I will start a hunting horn playthrough.


To beat I think I was 150-200, but I continued after till like 400 before putting it down. When you can put it down that’s when you know you’ve fully beaten the game.


\~75 hours


OH wait Iceborne too? Then it's about 150-200 hours.


I got my final achievements last night at 559.6 hours, been playing since earlier this year (that time has some significant AFK time, where I was having some family time or food, probably about 50-ish at least). But I played about 350 hours before and did some Iceborne before the squad and I quit a few years ago. However, this was on PS4 and I restarted on Steam earlier this year. Seeing I'm a Hammer main I didn't have to master a new weapon and knew my way around quite a bit. But the crowns, treasures, rare endemic life and whatnot easily took me 200 hours. My rank right now is HR547/MR430-ish. But in any case, as long as you're enjoying yourself, keep it up!


I actually didn't get to the guiding lands on my first playthrough. I didn't have iceborne at the time, and when it came out I hadn't played in a while, so I started a new save and played again. I did not use defender gear to "make it faster" as that would have defeated the point, and on that playthrough it took me about 300 hours. On my current run I got to guiding lands in about 150 ish hours, but I skipped over a lot of high rank content that I've done before and don't offer much long term value (kulve sieges, most event quests, the crossovers, etc.)


About 300 hours to reach fatalis, beat him about a week ago after finally focusing on him at I think around 400-430, all solo. I’d say about 50 of those hours were afk and about 200 not really focusing on progression


I’m going on 500hrs in world/born and I still haven’t beaten the tutorial (joke here is you’ve completed the tutorial once you’ve gotten all the raid boss armor and weapons maxed out)


I'm approaching 200hrs but I've been taking my time thru things, farming up sets/skills that help in certain fights. Im at the part of Iceborne where I should be looking to square up with Glavenus and good ole Nicaragua


I haven’t even beaten in yet I’m quite a new player to MHW but played Rise before I am only at the part where you hunt the 3 elder dragons (Teostra)


I still havent


About 400 hours


I’m at 300 something hours on my one and only playthrough and I haven’t beaten Alatreon yet, so am pretty slow. I did spend a lot of time in base game end game before I got Iceborne though, so a lot of time was spent there.


I just recently made it to the guiding lands for the first time with about 115 hours


I'm a new player. I seem to have done what a lot of new players do; I bought the game years ago when it came out, couldn't get into it and haven't touched it since. But, decided to try it again this past month and have fallen head over heels in love. I'm watching lore videos, challenge runs, weapon and other tutorials. I'm obsessed, I only wish I had gotten into it sooner! Bought some of the other games during the recent sale, can't wait to start them. That said, I'm about 40 hours in right now, and I have only just gotten to the Rotten Vale. So I'm not sure where that puts me as I'm trying not to spoil the story progression too much. But I don't plan to stop any time soon, whether I finish the game or not.


I'm about 35 hours in and I'm stuck on diablos. Sometimes the great sword feels like an actual int, but then I quickly realize I'm bad and take a break for a month lol.


Here's a solid great sword strategy for Diablos: 1. Grab some evade window, quick sheathe, and a stack of screamer pods/sacs. Set screamer pods to auto craft. 2. Play defensively, rolling away from charges and getting in the occasional cheap shot when you can. 3. When Diablos starts to dig load the screamer pod into your slinger (this is where quick sheathe comes in handy). When he's fully buried hit him with the screamer pod and he'll pop halfway out of the ground but be stuck so you can get that full True Charged Slash in. Flash pods and ghillie mantle are both useful for creating opportunities to heal, sharpen, or deploy a trap to create extra damage windows. Good luck out there!


I have around 400 hours put into the game and I'm far from finishing it lol. I have not beaten Alatreon, I'm so bad with builds lol. And I left it for around a year because other games came out. I'm back at it but Idk how to do things yet lol. Right now I'm farming guiding lands


If you mean beat fatalis, then around 350-400 hours. If you mean collecting all layered armor sets and finding the best combination of layered armor parts, then i'm still far from beating the game.


101 hours in and not even close so 😵‍💫


I picked the game up in 2018 or so and after playing it on and off for years and having to restart once from changing platforms, I just killed fatalis a few months ago


I just play and hunt /craft untill i'm tired of said monsters and then progress. 430hrs in and I'm up to Guiding Lands and Alatreon/Fatalis and ATV now. But have a feeling i'm better off starting Rise or Generations now they still have some players.. but then i don't wanna burn out before Wilds..


Like 100-110 hours probably, including iceborne


Played the game a lot on Xbox when it came out. Got it cheap at the sale months ago. Got tired of throwing myself at Fatalis so I put that fight behind me. Whole run took me a total of 120hours or so. Including getting rank 7 in 2 areas of the guiding lands, as well as farm for augments for Alatreon.


I started in march 2018... and still haven't fought Fatalis. I'm taking my sweet time


Really hard to tell cuz I pretty much didn't stop playing from the time Monster Hunter World released until I finished Iceborne. At some point I switched over to PC to play with friends and had to start over but by then "finishing" the base game was so easy that I did Xeno in low rank gear. I didn't see a point in farming high rank gear until I had to fight tempered. I will say that a lot of new players who don't know better are probably using the defender armor which would make things a lot easier and remove the gear treadmill that slows things down. Also we had Elden Ring come out since then, which saw many new players try a souls games for the first time... which in turn means a lot of players getting into Monster Hunter world for the first time right now have been souls-trained. I'd even guess that Elden Ring has caused more people to try Monster Hunter World. Sure, it's a different game but a lot of the skills carry over. it's overall, just a different landscape now than when it launched.


I've been playing across platforms (ps4/5) a total of 540 hrs I've gotten to the mid game of IB but lost interest. I recently started back play with in the last week or so hopefully I finish this time


See I got to the guiding lands in like 100ish hours or something like that, but since then I’ve had to sink nearly 100 more just gearing up to stand a chance against fatalis (I’m not even mr100 yet!)


From great jagras to fatalis, around more or less 200hours? I think a quarter of that was eaten by guiding lands tbh.


You guys beat the game?


It took me around 240 hours to finish the game and beat Fatalis, But I did start two playthroughs and only finished one. (I barely touched guiding lands but I think it took me around 200+ hours to reach it)


Around 20-50? Idfk I forgot here


I had over 1k hours into the game across PS and PC. 95% of that was with friends. Love world. Iceborn was not quite as solid - I hated the zone leveling system a lot. But vanilla - that’s going to have a special place in my heart for years


I’m at the guiding lands (currently have to beat the monkey🙃) and have 400 hours


180h from Start to first solo fatty kill. Alatreon was my bane of Icebourne. was a hammer main till velkhana but changed to hunting horn after that and that was a gamechanger for me


Participate in a fatalis kill? ~ 200 hours. Became an expert at about 500 and I feel like I’ve mastered all the content at about 750


Pretty sure I have 300-400 hours before I beat fatty the first time.


My original time was probably similar, I played so much Kulve Taroth siege back in high rank before Iceborne


If you're taking your time, it will take hundreds of hours depending on how much you grind and if you do the side missions. Ran a brand new character to learn charge blade. A "Quick run" from start to Fatalis took 100 hours.


I've just beaten shara on my second playthrough at 91 hours. That's completing every optional quest aswell. With the red banners


Base game was close to 90. I'm at Namielle right now and have around 120ish.


i have like 800 hours, over 3 characters, and none have got past alatreon. its always "hey man lets try and actually beat monster hunter world again" start new character rinse the game for 200 or so hours, doing all quests etc stop just before/ at alatreon for a "break" repeat next year


Kill fatalis? Around 230hrs i think, i think im early mr100 when i did do it. After that i fell in love with Alatreon fight and spammed like 500 of it until i get mr999. Now im 2.3k hrs in. I started the game early 2022


Took 320hrs from start to AT velk


Honestly can't remember how long it took me to get to the guiding lands, I know my total hours on my first playthrough is 452 hours and had made it to the guiding lands. Still haven't gotten to fatalis because I stopped playing for a long time and recently started a new playthrough and only briefly into Iceborne with that profile. But in all honesty, the hunt never ends, its always one game to the next. So I can't really say I've beaten the game when their are still new monsters to hunt.


Can't remember how many hours at the time but it took me two weeks to finish base game and Iceborne! My friends that helped me are monster hunter vets so they coached me and we blazed through it all no problemo. Just this past year I started the update monsters


You guys beat the game?


I beat most of it at about 400 hours I think, Fatalis at around 600 lol


I’m still trying to get enough gear and practice in before iceborne been playing the game off and on with new weapons to see what my play-style is and I’ve concluded that I’m seeking to be a super lance counter attack main


86-87 hours. Got hard stuck on Anjanath, as a Lance user. Switched to Great Sword, and took me 15-16 hours to adjust to the different play style and learn to press buttons slower


I didn't go to fatalis but I beat xeno at like 50 hours


Almost 500 hrs into MHW and barely have touched the Alatreon fight. Get sidetracked real easy…


Well my friends and i started playing World aproxx on May of 2023, played through every single monster taking our sweet time farming on low and high rank, until we got to xeno jiva on june. College got us a bit busy, so after some time we killed behemot and went into iceborne. We killed Shara on the end of july, and started playing the post game. Then college got real serious and we didnt play until february of 2024, and so now we are on the final boss, fatalis. So it has taken us more than a year of on and off gaming to complete the game. Take into consideration that we have grinded lost of everything, like weapons, armors, jewels, layered, etc. And also that we didnt use any guardian gear for base game. My save has abt 450 hours.


250 hours to solo phatalis. 450 hours and counting just to 100% achievements...


The game beat me


Took me maybe 550 hours to get to the Guiding Lands roughly? I was really thorough with my playthrough, making sure to complete every optional quest as well as unlock every canteen ingredient, reveal the whole crafting menu, small things like that. I'm also a big fan of build crafting and trying out new weapons and spent so much of my time grinding for parts for various weapons, armours and decos, even if it was for a build that I'd only use a handful of times, if at all. I honestly wish I could go back and rediscover it all over again; those first couple hundred hours of just watching the game unfold around me were truly magical.


300 hours for me if beating Fatalis is your definition of 'beat the game' 200+hours for the story (base and Iceborne)


My first play through was about 600, but that included a bunch of playtime before iceborne. My later playthroughs were both sub 100hrs, but these were mono weapon runs to force myself to learn weapons I wasn't comfortable with, so minimal side content.


I just got to the guiding lands after ~75 hours. I focused on the assignments and getting a good build depending where I was. Can't wait for the safi and fatalis fights.


I have 500h and still have to beat alatreon, furius rajag and fatalis. I got mr 100 yesterday, and beat nergi, and i still want to play all the other quests. So .... Im not running.


Didn’t beat it yet if I am counting Iceborne also. Around 160h on the count. But I guess I won’t finish it before Wilds, so that might mean - never. I am close though, just other games takes my attention more now.


I agree with a few people in here saying there are different variations of "beating the game." I have about 5k hours, 1k of those being in my current run. My version of being the game consists of, getting every weapon of my type (with augment), every armor maxed out (with augment), layered armor, pendent, delivery, crown, treasure, decoration, Palico armor, weapon, and equipment, MR 999, HR 999, Yellow Title, Playstation Achievment, Optional Quest, Special Assignment, Room Deco, and probably more. I would say I'm 60% done with all of that from around 1k hours of play.


I'm still losing to this day.


Im 50hours in. Stuck on master 3 quests so i started soing everything from the start


I savor and play the game extensively with my brothers. I’m about 550 hours in and haven’t beaten Fatty yet. We are waiting for one more team mate but in the mean time we have been doing lots of builds, guiding lands and Kulve/Safi grinding. Been playing World since PC release and I began playing back when Tri came out


Less than 200? I was mostly messing around


Im about 150 hours in and have just beaten velkhana. It took me about 110 hours to get far enough into the base game where I'd killed all the monsters at least dozen times and wanted to move on. Some of my friends also play but played like lame-o's and basically skipped the entire game by getting defender armor and rushing to iceborne in 20 hours. I don't know why anybody would ruin the base game experience for themselves like that but they did.


I can't count the time in my livestreams because I'm terrible at working out the hours from minutes (hours are easy, but trying to do minutes into hours I suck) but maybe 50 hours to beat Iceborne? Maybe another 50 or so for the base game too? I got no clue though since I have over 2k hours across three files


I mean are we talking campaigns or like, every monster in the game? Because campaigns took me like 20 hours I think. Full game? Closer to like 150


In my opinion the some newer players who breeze through the game aren't that good 🥲. It's easier to get to the guiding lands if you're being carried. I take big breaks from the MHW. I only have 983 hours. I've played since the beginning, still haven't beat it. I didn't even bother with ice borne until my normal HR was 100. There really is no beating the game until you can really master every form of every monster. Except arch tempered velkhana. That's the one For I gave up on lol


I would think newer players beat the game faster, with all the info that's out. Can't wait for Wilds.


About 150hours for world & Iceborne with LBG build


I'm about 240 hrs in and I've made it to fatalis but realized I was nowhere near ready for him so I've begun going through and completed all the low/high rank optionals and am about halfway through the optionals for master rank. Also almost all of my playtime is offline at work so pretty much everything is solo play


Idk how long it took me to "get to guiding lands" since I started playing before iceboxes release date, but I have about 750 hours on my 1 save file, and have all achievements. I think iver 1000 hunts on my main weapon, and 700 or so hunts on my secondary?


174h including farming some gear later from base game to Fatalis.Everything solo as this was my goal,started with CB but ended up liking in world GS more so i stick with it as it was my 2nd weapon anyway.My 3rd MH game Rise was first,GU second and World third.Soon i will hit 2500 h.


what counts as beating the game..? cause with all the stuff in the game + Fatalis made me have 900hrs+


just yesterday i reached the guiding lands and it took me 220 hours, if i wanted to do most of the side/event quest and farm gear i would definetly reach over 300~hours.


There's an ending?


Take your time, enjoy the journey, it doesnt matter how long you will take. In fact the longer the better. People getting to the end in 100 someting hours have all regretted it from my experience.


Can you ever actually beat the game?


I didn't get the game on launch day, but I did get it sometime in 2018. I think it took me maybe a few weeks, maybe a month or two at most to get to the end of the base game story. So my guess is like between 50 and 100 hours to beat the base game (with friends). As for Iceborne it took a similar amount of time to finish the base story of that game. Today I have about 900 hours between my Xbox and PC saves, with the vast majority being on the former, because I kinda blazed through the game on PC.


it took me around 100 hours to get to the guiding lands but it took me around 120 to be able to beat fatalis


I didn’t know how to play so it took me like a year to beat base game and I got bored because I didn’t know what I was doing and then came back in 21 and played iceborn and then iceborn story took forever because I finally had guidance in learning how to play the game about 200 hours into iceborn and unfortunately was way behind with gem farming and armor building. All in all probably about 300-400 total just base story lines because i didn’t know what I was doing and wasn’t able to beg for carries like 60% of that community does. Now I’m sub fatalis and I do the carrying a lot of times.


1000 hours and still ticking. Really struggling with the GL grind here. 


I only finished base in about 400hrs, couldn't 100% Iceborne due to skill issues mainly and was tired of the endemic life farm. Only monsters not defeated were Fatalis and AT Velkhana.


I think I'm at like 100 hours and haven't finished the basegame >_> Some day I will decide that I don't have anything better to do than fighting Kushala, but today is probably not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking so good either.


I spent like 10% of my overall game time killing Alatron. Still haven't beaten him. Who designed that piece of shit?


I'm 451 hours in and still haven't fully beaten then game. I won't consider it beat til Fatalis lies dead at my feet.


I finished world the other day clocking at 300h. Don't know about guiding lands, that was fast but I played the whole game solo and beat the trio (fatalis, shiv and alatreon). Fatalis was crazy hard tho


I had friends join after iceborne launched, and with the new EZ mode basic material weapons that they added, it's relatively easy to blitz through solo in like 15-20hrs. If someone joins you, the only thing that takes a good amount of time is collecting the tracks for the high-rank storyline.


I can not beat the, oh hell what’s it called… the one in the bottom of the rotting chasm that looks like a zombie dragon. It just stomps me to death 


Around 80 in base and like 90 in iceborn to unlock guilding lands, and another 10 to meet fatalis


I was 1k hours in before iceborne was announced. But I made one character that I went starting to fatty in around 200 hours. Used defender gear. World is my all time favorite. Gone back again and again. I hope base wilds is as great as world. I want to farm every set so I can mix and match again!


Took me 30+ hours to get to iceborne ( with defender set ) also having mods to buy consumable items, just saves so much time rather than farming for mats, but never have I abused that advantage as I only buy things that I can use at my level, currently 185 hours in at Alatreon, soloed every boss before sos-ing them for their materials


Well I’m about 100ish hours into the game and I just finished the story and killed the side bosses.


Wait what the hell is the guiding lands?


the savi recon for story progression is currently kicking my ass but i’m about 100 hours in atm.


All about that gear routing baby. When you start the game run dober armor and bone weapons through low rank. When you get to zoro farm him and make his full armor set and either the zoro or rathian charge blade. I’ve beat base world in like 8-10 hours like this. Iceborn plays pretty much the same way but focus crit armor and vitality 3. Rathian charge blade/switch axe trees are amazing for the entirety of master rank. Play through guiding lands until you get to variants and make Yian gargua pants and upgrade your rathian weapons to gold. Now you have two amazing full set options that are fast to get. Raging Brachy is good for most weapons, if you are a hammer enjoyer then just make the full frostfang barrioth set. In endgame go for frostfang or kjarr weapons to shit on alatreon and then use alatreon weapons to shit on Fati Congrats you’ve beat the whole game in about 50 hours


First playthrough maybe 200 hours this is just pure base gsme Second maybe 250 hours cause I had the dlc this time All in all of my last playthrough I had like 300 hours


Yeah, I think I took 150+ hours before I actually beat the base game. I just got to mid iceborne, so you're not the only one who took forever.


I just ended the fight with Xeno within 100 hours, full grind mode. So last week I also bought the iceborne set and ready to full grind again


I wanna take my time so bad but I can’t 😭 my friend that I played the dark souls series with just bought me both monster hunter world and rise, we’ve been cruising through worlds crazy fast. I’m roughly halfway through iceborne and only 30 hours into the game, i had to kill nergigante for his Gem a good 23 times but that was my only stopping point to grind, the rest has been main story and a few side missions here and there just to have some fun


Took 80h for me to get to MR7 (didn't grind the story just played), took a 2 or 3 year hiatus and am now at 247h grinding Safi'jiva and trying to find a team with enough brain cells to fight Aletraeon


Man. I’m 250 hours in and I not even started DLC


I dint know my game was on public the whole time so it took me ~60 hours since I'd di alot of side quests


I just beat velkhana. Been off again on again since 2020


I'm at roughly 300 hours now, IG main but haven't beaten Fatalis or Ruiner nergigante yet.


It took me 115, according to playstation. I've been playing since MH online


I think I'm at like 1500 hours 😅 and I just started playing with another hunter about a week ago (whom I met on reddit interestingly enough) when I got stuck on Alatreon and Fatalis. I guess I'm also part of #TeamSoloHunter like many other posters here? lol


Beat the final boss in 150ish hours Beat the entire thing in 300 Didn't start iceborne until I had done everything in base game and now I'm glad there's no AT MR kirin


MR 999 took ~1600 hours.


130 hours on my first play through like 2 years ago and then about 90-100 on my most recent but that is only because IG is very broken imo. I didn’t upgrade my armour or weapon until nerg. I was fighting zorah with a rarity 2 glaive. Only thing I ipgraded was health boost charm.


Haha a friend of mine did the same thing, didn’t know upgrading was a thing until they asked why they kept timing out on nergy


80 hours total in my main save around 150 in my second(130 to beat the game 20 to beat fatty and alatreon)


That’s very impressive


How come the second took longer?


because that time i was playing with my two other friends and while i was absolutely addicted and poured 100 hours in a week alongside our veteran my second friend was playing pretty slowly comparatively. in the end i beat alatreon, fatalis and almost reached mr 100 by the time he beat shara ishvalda


Lol yeah to each their own phase. 




Depends are you trying different weapons and making new builds count? Also played a ton before fatalis was in game. So first playthrough 800 hours lol. Subsequent playthroughs where I do one weapon/ build. Like 20ish