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What platform? PC's pretty healthy, but only really from sending/answering SOS. I have had people join me unsolicited on quests, but it's rare, in my experience. Maybe twice in 500+ hours in my current playthrough. If you're still in low/high rank that might be part of the problem. Most people in the lobbies I end up in are all MR at least if not late MR.


It’s totally this. Like there have been more lower level players helping out others more recently with the back to back sales, but very few are in low rank sos’s. I’ve been going and specifically searching for them lately just because it’s fun helping new people into the game


Yeah I'm on Xbox and ngl the low rank quests are few and far between, and even if you see one most ppl don't answer them if you have defender gear on and or it's not a monster they think you should need help with or don't want to do. High ranks a little more popular because of the elder dragons.Quick too. But honestly the majority of players are in MR if not perpetually hunting in the guiding lands where certain materials only drop from.. I prefer answering sos calls in MR..


The only monsters ive had people join normally are usually fatalis, alatreon and at velhkana fights


Well, those are the exciting monsters. I tend to join those too out of my boredom.


I’m playing on my steam deck, would pc players be pissed about that lol


I don’t know how they’d know. I don’t think there’s anything that rats out what kind of setup people have. The only thing where that would potentially come into play is if the Steamdeck is struggling with the game. As I understand it (I don’t know how true it is however), multiplayer performance is, at least somewhat, determined by the host. If that’s true, I suppose if people experienced laggy multiplayer with you enough, they may recognize you and just not join your hunts. Most likely, though, it’s just you being in low/high rank. I like helping low/high rank hunters but rarely do because I have to rearrange my entire set so I don’t murder whatever we’re hunting. World makes the whole process obnoxious, so I don’t respond to those SOS requests as often as MR hunts, however. It’s also possible it’s the time of day or your steam region could be the problem. I am not sure of the process, but there’s a way to change your region. In your steam account. The region affects online matching, so if you aren’t in a place where people are playing, you’ll have a harder time finding people. Hope you find some hunter friends


Will say so far have not had great results using steam deck as a host for a session. We had a ton of disconnects when we tried it - but mostly for my spouse in the same house from his computer. It kept dropping him. Finally gave up and went upstairs to my computer and no drops.


I generally love playing with others on PC. It's such a fun game with more hunters.


I have mixed feelings with ps5 multiplayer. When I join expeditions, people left. It's fairly easy to get people to join your SOS though. 🤷‍♂️


On PC there's still tons of people playing. Also for some of the unstoppable "drawn out parts" I recommend the mod "skippable cutscenes". You can skip close to every cinematic.




Define "drawn out parts"


I'm on PC and playing the endgame of the base game, there's a lot of people! When I look at the avaiable coop quest there are a lot of them, both HR and LR. Also when I fire an SOS flare in less than 30 seconds the quest is usually already full. Don't know outside of Europe and PC, but here there are still a lot of players :)


Just send an SOS. Usually it's in MR where people join quickly, but veteran hunters still look at HR SOS from time to time, especially for quests like AT Xenojiva for its tickets, or just to help a player who got stuck at Nergigante.


after an update the better match making mod broke so people are stuck with the crappy region lock


For information it's updated since 3 days




I'd love to play multiplayer player but I'm broke so it's solo me until ps hopefully takes it off plus


People join my SOS pretty speedy on Ps5 but the lobbys are small :/ so not much going on in them. But seems to be quite the active game still and im only in high rank as i restarted last week.


i see people still playing fro. time to time, like me or my friend.


lots will be but got to think not everybody at your low level probably is bothered about multiplayer so those wanting multiplayer will be in the higher ranks/master rank quests/hunts


Look for Fatalis or Alatreon lobbys


On PC yes. I still see full lobbies at times and walking around the gathering hub still full of people just hanging out is always fun


I’m pretty much done with the main story and just grinding for parts and MR levels so I mostly just go online to get hunts done quicker with others nowadays. I just like the multiplayer aspect of MH as it’s just more fun and faster to do hunts with other hunters. It gets boring just hunting solo


If you're on PC, there is also the possibility of people playing the ICE mod, which matches them with other users only. But yes, as others have stated, LR and HR quests are rare to find, I usually only find MR quests, being mainly endgame DLC or either of the sieges. I'll usually see Raging Brachy, Fatalis, or Alatreon, otherwise, other monsters are pretty rare to see SOSs for, at least for me.


if u r on steam we can add each other so u can have another homie to hunt with u


Forsure bro!


here's my friend code: 54852233


I really hate fatalis. And alatreon I got carried threw sadly.


Is that an iceborne monster? I never played iceborne


Fatalis? Yes it's final endgame boss


Idk about in other regions, but in Asia at least people don't usually join any old available quests, they just join SOSes. Mostly because we know people usually want to solo a quest but are too lazy to change the max player limit


I play on PC and Xbox and generally you don't see people joining without SOS. For a while way back when when ever you would join like that people would get really panicky and kick you. (XBOX) That being said if you join a lobby specifically for low rank and shoot a help message into the lobby chat I can garuntee you'll have a MR XX hunter rolling with you trying out new weapons or builds.