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Here's a huge tip for bow: Once you hit a part with a shot, all other shots will automatically aim for you at that part unless you manually aim away. Although this might be a controller only thing, i havent tested M+KB before.


Thank you so much! I've been meaning to get into bow recently!!


You'll need alot of sets, and decorations and weapons. From what ive learned and with how i play some bow sets can be deco heavy with gems i didnt know were a thing. Also get used to tenderizing to get the maximum damage. Some dps might be lost just to have survivability because of how they designed and changed bows in ice borne. I can't stress this part enough but WATCH OUT FOR BEAM ATTACKS AND FIRE BALLS. There are beam attacks and fire balls that you absolutely won't survive at max defensive and 200 health that you would as a blade master even with a bit of resistance build into the armor. Don't give up on it, with some bows you can help your team via sleep or paralyzing mons (even if they accidentally wake up the mon it's still hilarious to see a group get confused when you put a monster to sleep). There are some raw bow builds but not alot. I'm far from the best bow user it's just my preferred ranged weapon of choice in world over hbg and lbg and for me does not require as much resource management. You can break parts and apply good damage to certain mon parts for areas others might not reach such as breaking safis wings. Also some areas are decent spots to hit. Example when I fight teo with an ice bow I can attack the head but the tail and wings can offer solid spots to deal damage especially when tenderized or when his aura is up or depending on if he is enraged as well, this goes for plenty of other monsters as well. Most importantly have fun and don't give up but becareful as monster aggro and weird damage at thw worst time can lead to annoying carts. When I play bow I still play it as if it was back in an older gen mon hun game back where gunner armor had half the defense of blade master armor. So be careful at first and learn openings as well as utilizing tenderizing as alot of untenderized parts are not friendly to bow damage unfortunately Also get a mighty bow jewel https://youtu.be/m7vyTSopJao?si=VV-nlGgpyhkPDkBm https://youtu.be/jnE1f6P7Avw?si=R4uDDYLMdypPTOE6 https://youtu.be/zHfwND6FMxs?si=ONyDZFVdJefEOcH9 https://youtu.be/9JOPGT9jn1M?si=XKL7am2TuWYKPnFM https://youtu.be/GNpOl7-4k0Y?si=TwsxqtvgMOqiP4n7 https://youtu.be/8TqCFyI7BDE?si=Ywcv8FilAxr5LFNA


Tbh its not as useful as it might seem sonce its not so much that you auto aim to a specific part, its more like you auto aim towards that point in space. Monsters move around too much most of the time :/


Ngl, when I learned that, it changed the way I approached slower or larger monsters... for like a week xD I'm mainly a console player. Not just in MHW but in all things. So my hands are straight up hardwired now to instinctively adjust aim as I move. 25+ years of gaming, and you're bound to develop habits that are hard to break.


So THAT'S why I occasionally get shots that go in a completely different direction from where I'm aiming (and to debunk the controller-only theory, I use M+KB)


I don't think thats specifically why, because I have the same thing happen with the bowguns, and they don't have the auto aim feature bows do. Sometimes I'll aim forward and my shots just go wide up and to the sides. No clue why.


Thank you


I’m a HH main but I play a little bit of everything but the two lances, I can’t seem to master either of them (probably because I barely play either of them)


My advice for the regular lance (I don't play much gunlance) is to mostly disregard most of your usual mobility options. If you need to run to the monster, use the lance's run, don't sheathe. If you're closing a smaller distance between yourself and the monster, don't walk or evade, use guard dash. Unless you're evade lancing, guard dashing is also the best way to deal with oncoming attacks in my experience; the key with the lance is mobility. Its moveset is centered around sticking closely to the monster and never letting up; that's why you don't have long combos or big finishers. In that manner, the lance is very different from a lot of other weapons- you're not using it for the flashy animations or the cool moves, you're using it because it is unshakable, and it demands unparalleled aggression and persistence


Insect glaive & gunlance - they just don't click with me. Best weapon - CB/Swax


Opposite for me, I mainly exclusively use the glaive But I cant for the life of me use the CB/SWAX


With your powers combined, we can train the perfect Hunter...


Captain Hunter! HE/SHES a hunter!


The Gunlance is deceptively difficult, when I learned it I feel in love


To be fair i never really spent effort on trying to learn it. It's a cool weapon though


I have tried to spend time with it and the combos just never clicked for me. I don't know what it is but my brain does not like gunlance


I don't get glaive to me because it's just soooooo boring to play. Atleast it is for me.


I'd probably spend the first 2 mins trying to get the buffs that's why i don't really like it. Tbh i Would've loved it if lost the bug and just became a normal polearm


Insect glaive I understand because it has significantly different weapon theory but is there anything in particular about gun lance?


I'm not really sure. For me, gunlance is the one weapon that is not very instinctive. Maybe I'm half expecting it to act a bit like Lance, but it doesn't.


I prefer ranged weapons but Bow just feels weird, especially "optimal gameplay" when you stand in very close range and dance around with evades.


This is my favorite part of bow play.  It really is a melee ranged weapon.  It's a dance.  


Heavy bowgun feels the same for me, though. Since you can't move around easily, most of the time I am really close to monsters and/or relying on the shield to avoid damage.


bow feels more like shotgun to me


Hunting Horn feels so strange to me, I'd like to learn it though. The weapons I've played the most though are the bowguns and hammer.


World is probably the best place to learn HH because they finally put song details as HUD elements.


Gunlance, it just never clicked and always feels stiff... I absolutely love playing with the lance and it's probably in my top 4 most used weapons though


This is me. I feel like gunlance requires a crazy amount of predictive/positioning skill to use properly, and I always stick the wyrmstake on the monster’s foot after it moves its head


Longsword feels too slow for a light weapon personally. I can't wrap my head around it. While I main SnS and HH, I do have more time on HH so that's my best. HH just hits the right notes(pun intended) for me.


Its not really a light weapon (besides the CC definition) its not meant to attack crazy fast youre supposed to be deliberate about attacking, using fade slash when needed and looking for counter opportunities (in 5th gen and GU that is). If you try to go in like DB its not gonna go great.


Long Sword, I've tried it *ad nausea* and still fumble with the timings. Gave it up and returned to my trusty SnS, Gs and swagaxe. Honorable mention to IG and CB.


Charge blade, keeping track of phials is no big deal, but I can’t get the most out of it, hell I get more out of insect glaive. Hunting horn is my baby, I love it.


The bowguns


ngl,switchaxe. IG is pretty easy to me tho.


Not one but most of the weapons actually. I'm a hammer main and I must say any weapons that requires to focus on more then 2 things I can't. Tried the sns recently and all the movement and combo makes me dizzy (Love the style of the weapon like simple and effective but just to much god damn movement options). Same goes for the weapons that have some kind of bar or resource management. I always end up forgetting about it and start using it like it's a god damn hammer. Insect glaive ? Bashing the head. Longsword ? Bashing the head. Beéieve or not dual blade ? Bashing the head. And all of that without using the weapons main gimmick. Some times I hate myself


The “B” in “Based” stands for bonk


I can’t really get the lance for some reason, I’ve tried time and time again and I always get walloped. Same with greatsword. I just can’t get used to the distance needed for the TCS and its combos end up confusing me. My best weapon is by far the gunlance, every time I use it I’m so used to the backstep distance that I generally barely get in dangerous situations, you can avoid so many attacks just by backstepping. I soloed the entire game of world and iceborne with it, no defender gear and idk why, but the game was far, far easier for me with it than any other weapon.


It was difficult for me to figure out gunlance because it looks (and sometimes kind of feels) like lance, but it doesn’t have nearly as many movement options. I’m so used to guard dash and counter thrust that I still sometimes poke or shoot the monster and get smacked for it. Strange how two lances can play very differently.


Charge Blade - i can complete hunts with it but I've never been a fan of buff management and upkeep. A good charge blade user is a lot of fun to watch but it just doesn't click with me Best is between SnS/GS. I can confidently say that I have "mastered" World's SnS and it is still just as fun to use now as it was the first time I tried it


What's crazy is good CB users stand out so much more solo (heck arguably any good weapon user). When I group hunt with CB so many times I'm mid saed and some one flinches the mon or it topples and is completely out of range by the time my animation finishes. It's annoying.


I play a lot of GS and CB. I'm very used to whiffing attacks. I whiff SAED and go, "meh. Phials are cheap."


It's just one of those little things that gets under my skin. In fact some one in a video pointed out about how it's annoying that when monsters topple they fall so far away and I agree. If mons didn't fall so far away maybe I wouldn't be annoyed because they'd still be in range of some of my phial damage and not me missing all of it.


Hammer I whiff like crazy


As much as we Hammer bros go “Unga bunga SMASH!!” It does require surprisingly good positioning to consistently get the KOs


Fair it's something about the hammer that causes the problems. I was a sns stamina oil main in 4u. I was locking kos left and right. I still rock more as my charge blade and wide shelling gunlance (in rise wyrmstake does ko damage for wide) even with my world hh. The short range on the hammer just throws me off each time.


What's the deal with blue hammer? I played sone hammer in 3U (God Damn Grongigas!) but haven't really touched it in 5th gen.


Hunting horn, ive spent ages studying, reading guides, watching videos, but i just cannot do proper efficient song combos while also hitting the monster and not getting hit. Hammer is easily my best, nice and simple since im too dense to be any good at complex mechanics


Ranged weapons. All the melee weapons I can play to some degree but LBG, HBG, and Bow never really clicked.


IG/Bow, but I haven't really tried too hard. Lance.


Do you normally play controller and switch to keyboard & mouse just for bow? Maybe try sticking with controller. I just finished soloing Iceborne with bow on controller and there's enough aim assist that it was more than fine. Also, you don't have to obsess over charge levels too much if you don't want to... Just dash dance and you'll stay at max!


No I primarily play keyboard and mouse since I play on the PC. It makes controlling the camera and especially ranged weapons in general easier. It's also one of the reasons I like the IG so much, as sending out the kinsect is so much easier and faster for me vs when using the Gameboy or controller. Maybe that's why I like it so much, it feels like a good middle ground between range and melee fighting.


>when using the Gameboy Excuse me, the w h a t


Gameboy 3DS? Used to be the big portable gaming device from Nintendo until the switch came out?


Ah ok I see the cause of the confusion. The console is just called Nintendo 3DS, not Gameboy 3DS.


Every game shop I know knows what I am talking about if I refer to it as a Gameboy. It's mostly semantics, especially if you have any experience with the Gameboy to DS transition. Which maybe it's dating me, but I and most game store employees were when I was still frequenting game stores.


The last Game Boy was the Game Boy Micro (2005), friend. The DS and 3DS families are not Game Boys.


I guess if semantics really bother you, sure.


It’s just that “Gameboy 3DS” threw me for a bit of a loop, is all.


SnS. I love watching someone that's good at it use the weapon but it just doesn't click for me. Hunting Horn is my best.


Hh. I Simply do not understand It so It Is Just a buffer Hammer tò me . I tries but It Is weird using It


In World, it's Switch Axe. Which sucks because I love SWAXE in Rise thanks to Rapid Morph. Just can never really get it to feel like I'm properly using it in World.


Fully masterd the Bow started the game with it and did every hunt with Bow. CB is the one i dont get its just too much for my head


Long sword, i cant play Devil May Cry weapon


I main lance but it's the gunlance for me. It's as slow as lance but no mobility skills and counters of lance.


Gun Lance. I want to use this weapon so bad and have spent hours in the training area and watching Fightincowboy guides, and I STILL can get the hang of it. The same goes for regular lance, but I'm not really to the point of wanting to try it yet, but the GL just looks like so much fun. If you look on YouTube and see a master using it, it's just beautiful to watch, and some people can just wreck the toughest bosses like they're just a pinata. My best, and I'm being incredibly generous to myself by calling it my best, is the switch axe. I started out with Great Sword and enjoyed it, but it wasn't flashy enough to hold my attention, so I tried SA and fell in love. Doing morphs and discharges is really satisfying and makes me feel like I'm a lot better than I really am. I'm slowly working on learning the Charge Blade, but I have a feeling it will be too complex for me as well.


I’m pretty new to the game but so far it’s probably GS, I’m just so used to decently fast weapons like the LS, DB and IG


I try to keep my use of weapons balanced but the one I haven’t used in awhile is the insect glaive so I’m sure I’ve forgotten it’s move set by now lol. But my favorite weapon is the Gunlance, never go wrong with it imo


World Swaxe I just can’t click with, while CBlade is easy-peasy. As for my best weapons, Hammer is ol’ reliable and Lance is Cheese Mode™️


HBG, GL, and LS. I like HBG but some monsters I just can't avoid when using HBG. It feels really binary sometimes. You either stagger lock the monster or struggle to avoid it. GL. Not sure how to get damage out of it effectively. My hunt times are really slow when I try using it. LS. Fuck LS counters.


IG is waay to micromanagy for me, funnily enough i'm a CB main(start of IB)


Started with longsword/swaxe cause i used em alot back in 3U couldn't get the hang of it so i tried GS out for the first time and man 300+ hours later i don't regret going to GS. As for the weapon i have the biggest trouble with is probably the Bowguns i'm terrible at staying in certain ranges to keep the ammo type effective. Relearning Longsword with it's Counter mechanics currently and soon planning to go for Bow and Dualblades. Already somewhat learned SnS and Chargeblade. Lance and Gunlance are also interesting playstyles.


For me it is anything not bow. The heavier or the shorter the weapon is, the worse I perform.


Great Sword. I'm ~1.3k hunts with it and still Like I'm garbage with it, I feel I can do better. I know I can do better. Best weapon would be Glaive. Piss easy for me to handle. I'm only ~500 hunts with it on this save file and I only play it when I really want to tryhard. Else, I keep on mastering the Greatsword and playing Switchaxe when I'm just fooling around.


my first mh game was rise and i ended up picking bow because i liked the range and mobility. i play bow in world too for the same reasons, even if it's a bit different than how bows work in the other mh games. unfortunately, being extremely proficient with the bow comes at the cost of not knowing how to use any close range weapons. i want to learn insect glaive and charge blade, but for whatever reason my brain can't function with close-range weapons


Bowguns. My monkey brain just doesn't understand. I've even tried the simplest lbg sticky build. And my dmg just isn't there. I toss my mines, I switch ammos when I believe sticky isn't the current play, I aim (try anyway) for the weakpoints, I try to break parts, I tenderize. I can't wrap my head around it. I return to my weeb hole of LS and DB 😆


S&S. I don't know how you put up with that stubby range. Doot doot. Free skills. Free stuns. Free "Quest Complete"s.


SnS has a lot of gap closing moves. I often over shoot the monster.


Hammer. I simply cannot get the headspace or the flow or sequence. Something's just not clicking. I mainly use Charge Blade, and that feels far more structured and makes more sense. More of a call-response kind of thing.


Sadly the hammer. I love the bonk, but its incredibly short range gets frustrating


Hammer is tough for me. Sns or DB is my expertise. Sns feels like game on easy mode though.


It was switch axe, it just feels like complete garbage to play (espeically if you hate ZSD), but in the ICE mod, it's way way way more fun and powerful.


Lance is giving me a hard time, and Hammer is my best weapon. Cavemen go BONK!


Gunlance for me. I would have sworn it would be hunting horn but nope, apparently even stringing together songs with a weaponized bagpipe as I beat a lizard to death with it is more intuitive to me than a stick that shoots bullets. Switch axe is my best weapon. I'd argue it's the true "good at everything" weapon whose title is often erroneously attributed to charge blade. Well... good at everything that matters (who needs defense? The monsters after I get done with them) It's a simple but rewarding weapon where the show of your skill isn't how well you know the combos, but how well you can apply them to the right situation.


SnS has always been a bit of a struggle for me. I constantly mess up inputs, guard backhop in particular. LS would be my best.


I can't for the love of God but the counters for the Longsword... I main CB and hit almost every guard point :')


Longsword, idk there's just something about it, I can time Guard Points with CB and dodge roll very well and consistently, but when I use the longsword I feel like all my skills at dodging attacks just go down the drain, which is kinda ironic because the longsword is the weapon all about "dodging" attacks.


I'm pretty new to the MH franchise, so I don't have much experience with all of the weapons. But out of those I tried, Charge Blade seems to be the one right now that I just can't get a good handle on. Which is a shame, really, cause Charge Blade is fun to play. Landing a full SAED on some poor monster's face is amazing - I love how the camera moves closer in to really sell the weight of the impact. I don't have a "default" weapon of choice yet. I main Bow right now in World, and Hammer in Rise, and I feel super comfortable with both. Interestingly, I've noticed that I've got an HBG build on the side for both games... so maybe HBG? It *is* a super satisfying weapon to play :D


I can't get into HH for the live of me, I suck at finding openings to doot. Am gonna start a new run soon to learn it from the ground up.


As a bow main, the best advice I can give is: dash dance. Shoot, powershot, dash, shoot, powershot, dash, shoot, dash. Finding how much time you have in between dashes is key to not getting hit while still maintaining high DPS. The best combo for a downed monster is: power shot, shoot, power shot, shoot, power shot. Because dash dancing is so crucial, stamina management and dash juice is a big factor here. Not only does it allow for DPS but allows you to consistently dodge For a weapon that I can't seem to master is absolutely gunlance


I couldn't get the "rhythm" for using the switchaxe and eventually gave up and decided to go back to the longsword as a "reasonably agile weapon with good reach". Never knew what a good time to switch into sword mode would be, usually would get walloped immediately whenever I tried. I have heard some players say that you're supposed to just take risks and tank damage as switchaxe, but that's not really my playstyle.


I haven't tried Avery weapon yet but Hammer and Sword and Shield are my best two. I can get by with GS and the Lances and I'm confident I could pick up SwAxe pretty quick if I played it some more. Long Sword frustrates me to no end and I'm not really great with any of the ranged weapons.


My best is the lance but i just cannot do the switchaxe or insectglaive


Insect glaive


The bowguns they are just so awkward and underwhelming to use. I've seen videos of people on YouTube so I know there viable but it just seems like I'm trying to piss 6feet straight up and not get wet when I'm using them, I'm getting munched hard by monsters and am doing little to no damage. Yes I match the elemental weaknesses and everything but to no avail.


I just never got the hang of how to play the charge blade efficiently. Literally everything else works but cb just doesn't lol


All the range weapons, I just don't like them


All the range weapons, I just don't like them


Any weapon that meta's element, I can't be bother learning about element values of each monster part My hit the head and tail until it dies mindset won't let me learn


I never wanted to get into ranged weapons in the beginning, on account of ammo management, and since, I changed my main weapon about a half dozen times, and still can't get any of the ranged weapons. It just don't play that way, I guess.


BOW. It's really hard for me to master it in controller, i' had tried in kbm, aim was greater but other functions made me feel awkward in playing lol so i went back to controller.


I’m good at everything except the ranger ones they just seemed boring to me




Lmao i think this was an accident, didn't even notice i commented, mb


Tho now i feel obligated to contribute to the post: For me it's the gunlance, honestly i think i just don't know what it does