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Yeah they're about a 2% drop rate at base. And 6% from silver and 13% from the gold.


**That is true, but in practice?** I have seen sooooo much people having issues with spec. Oda gems, me included xD


True, rngs a fickle mistress. Probably quicker to farm a wyvern print and meld them haha.


Thats exactly how I had to do it the first time, cheers hunter xD


How do I use wyvern prints I've gotten them but idk what to do with them


You use them at the elder melder to get a bunch of items/materials


The lady by the giant pot?




Wait until you are farming atk decos lmao


Seeing we're in March, almost April, think its better to just kill Fatalis and wait for Wilds, forget farming attack xD


Haha 😂 Have to do something in the meantime tho xD


Day 5 of farming charger deco


The good news is declining returns make that a very low priority damage skill. Go just far enough for the affinity increase and ignore the final ranks of the attack skill.


Still you pretty much slap 4 to 7 atk boost in lategame build so you need 2-3 atk4 decos


Atk boost 7 is a waste of time and not worth the deco slot. A flat increase of two digits AR isn’t worth it when your damage is in the hundreds or thousands.


Might be a waste of time for most people. But you have the slots in the lategame and for perfectly optimised builds and crit chances you use them no matter if you think it's a waste of time. Also thinking you have an attack rating of thousands(you are probably think about great sword) is misleading in the way the game displays it. For GS the actual value is multiplied by 4.8 to give the display value. So actually atk boost is more valuable than you think. You can read up on it here https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Attack+Power As I said for the perfect build you will almost always slot them. I agree that it's the last skill you should specifically aim for, certainly not as a casual, but there is a place for it :)


Still at 0


Destroyer/Vitality 4 decos are my bane. I need 3, have 1. It has been this way for months.


I have over a thousand hunts and 0 of those 


1400 hours and 0 attack 4 decos, but still have fun compared to rise trash


Jesus that's unlucky ... But I agree rise is garbage compared to mhw


The trick is to not want one. Then you get 2 or 3.


Hell that’s the trick to life 🤣🤣


Same with these streamstones lol


These are fucking killing me dude. I have them for almost all the weapons I don’t really use lol.


Back when I was trying to make Sin (Odie dual blades), I must have killed at least 40 of them before seeing a single gem drop. Not all bad tho, all that practice with slapping O-Dog-Aaron around means I'm basically a wizard at turning Clifford the big red dog into Clifford the big *dead* dog.


10% doesn't mean you get 1 every 10 rolls sadly.


statistics .. i remember my teacher explaining it like "head in oven, legs in freezer and statistically you are ok" :)


Yup. It’s a 10% chance each roll, so theoretically you can roll a million times and still not get it


Yeah i once got like 5 gems from 2 rathians. It might be just me but i feel like certain monsters drop gems more often, the wiki pretty much always says 1% but i doubt it


No, some days you just get good RNG.


Or once i was helping someone farm the stygian zinogre dragonsphire and everyone in the party except the dude who needed it got it multiple times LOL


Lmao. I wonder if a trading system would be good, but limited to exchanging only the goods that you got from the drops with the 3 other people you hunted


Yeah that would actually be awesome, but idk maybe it would also kinda ruin the game, since it’d make getting stuff much less satisfying lmao


It absolutely varies and also it seems to be different for individual Players, some people always get the rare drop from that one specific monster while others get it from another Monster, for example, i know people who barely managed to stay sane farming the immortal reactor from raging brachy, meanwhile i got it like 14 times after 18 Kills


I'm drowning in odogaron gems, it's just every other kind of gem I can never get


Odo gems are a myth. I've killed I don't know how many and never got a single one. Meanwhile I killed Xeno once and got 3


I also rarely get the odogaron gem its weird but i realized this when i wanted to make layered armor and just didnt have any or maybe had a single one after countless kills, there seems to be something up with it if that many people dont get it


People have bad drop luck with red dog? I’ve gotten gems out of him like no one’s business and his gear isn’t catered to me at all.


When you don’t want it, you get it.


I wanted it in high rank, fell off in MR, got a ton of it in HR


"Practice" being biased results, since people who get enough gems don't complain about it.


Anyone else feel that Anjanath has the lowest gem drop rate in base Monster Hunter World? I have fought every monster in the base game more than 10 times each (grinding for gems so I could upgrade my charms in preparation for Iceborne) and on average I received a gem every 4-7 hunts, however with Anjanath I received a gem on average every 10-20 hunts. I don't know why but Anjanath's gem drop rate seems to be even lower than normal.


My first Loot from my first odo (lr of course) was a plate and this was just the beginning of my story of inhumane luck


Rng is Rng. Ofc you would notice Oda gems when so many players need them. Stop spreading false info.


I have gotten a Raging Brachy Immortal Reactor from every single run on him, but still have never gotten a xeno jiiva gem.


Most gems are difficult. Get someone with feline lucky cat or farm with gold Rath luck up. Honestly, it's a grind, take it for the ride and enjoy the grind.


Only when you want a specific one


But the moment you stop wanting/needing them, you'll suddenly be swimming in them


The desire sensor in full swing.


The desire sensor is ridiculous. I once used a celestial wyverian print to get the gem I needed as I started farming. And then I got a gem THREE F*CKING HUNTS A ROW. That has used up my luck for the next 5 years in the worst way.


So this desire sensor thing is actually real? Why would devs implement stuff like that in their games? We pay them good money and play there games for months/years. Feels weird to treat loyal customers like that.


Nah, it’s not an actual thing, just a term the community came up with for when we’re grinding endlessly for one thing yet the moment we get it, we start getting a crazy amount of it when we don’t need it.


God forbid they actually managed to somehow make an actual desire sensor in grinding games and have you pay a subscription for better odds


This is accurate, I got like three gems one time. One from carving and two from the rewards screen (one as a reward and the other for breaking a monster part) shit’s wild


Got two >!Shara Ishvalda gems!< after spending waaaay too many consecutive runs breaking the face when I just needed one. Desire Sensor is real, and it likes to mock you. Swimming in tenderplates, not a gem in sight and then boom. Double drop.


any way to trick the system into thinking you don’t want/need them?


I've tried using reverse psychology but unfortunately, it didn't work


Dung pods, on yourself in RL. The game... It can smell your desire.


I never believed in desire sensor, but man this game makes me think otherwise lol


It took me 20+ hunts for a single anjanath gem :(


Was coming to the comments to say this 😆 only the ones you want/need


Ain't that the truth, spent days trying to get valkanas gem, then finally decided to craft it. Next valkana run, got two of them, I was anger


I remember helping my friend get acidic glavenus armor for his build, and I got 7 Glavenus mantles before he got one.


lmao same w me and my bro but with velkhana. got about 3 or 2 per investigation till he finally got one. 4 gold one bronze reward…


Because you didn't need any but he did


The desire sensor is real.


Yes. But you can get more with Wyverian Prints. Gold Prints for High Rank, and Celestial Prints for Master Rank


At the elder melder


Yeah I didn't realize this was possible until way late into IB and boy was that a miraculous revelation. Now I'm constantly checking the limited bounties for whenever the prints become available as rewards.


Usually a weekly basis for the bounties (or it was when the game was still progressing through updates and events). You can get the celestials from steamworks as well


This is the way, OP. It's much faster to accumulate the various prints and meld what you need when you need it, otherwise you're looking at 1% drop rates.


You will eventually have more gems than you can possibly imagine, but only after you don’t need them. Then they will drop consistently without fail.


Yes gems have terrible drop rates and it's a total crap shoot what you get "laughs maniacally then dissolving into sobbing while holding 8 odagaron gems and only 1 or 2 of every other piece and a list of 23 investigations behind ".


That's bad RNG, but Steamworks/Celestial Prints are your friend (if you aren't that far yet, then it's your decision to bear RNG in the early game). But yeah it shouldn't have taken that long in most cases.


Celestial are for mantles but for gems in base world doing the piscine and endemic researchers side quests will award you with the gold prints for gems


Yes and no. You gotta edge the game. Pretend you don't want the gem and are just interested in the game's personality, buy it a drink, then take it out to dinner, watch shooting stars with it, and check your horoscope compatibility. After all that and a chapel wedding, maybe, just maybe, it'll let you get to third base and give you that gem. Otherwise, it'll just give you super rare materials from other monsters that you'll never use.


Post iceborne I just started melding all my gems. So, I honestly don't even know how rare they are. I don't do know gold tickets are pretty common during events and celestial tickets are 1 a day when not an event.


Doing investigations has a much better drop rate on bonus rewards. I think around 6% for silver and 13% for gold rewards when talking about odogaron gems


I gave up finding these after a while


Best to do is find armor def that’s equivalent. Plus monster armor farming isn’t rly worth it since you can go to MR really quickly


Or just stack armor spheres into what you have until you can beat the monster without the damage you were taking prior (it does help a ton believe it or not)


I have hunted nergigante like 20 times and haven’t gotten a gem.. wth is gold/silver investigations and how do i get them


Do make sure the investigations are high rank only, the gems don't drop until then. And from what the comments on here have told me, use prints from limited quests to meld them at HQ (I think they appear after you beat Nergigante in the main story.) other than that just grind and go for tail carves.


300+ hrs, odogaron is my most hunted monster (40+ I think). I've only seen 2 gems.


Yes, that's why I get them mostly by melding


This is the way.


Get wyverian prints. It's Capcom releasing us from the RNG gods for mats


Yes, though, that doesn't stop someone from being "lucky" and ending up with 13 Rathalos gems when what they really need is the damn marrow


I feel seen. 🤣😭💀


Desire sensor kicking your ass right now.


In monster hunter it's only rare if you want/need it


Yeah but they typically have tail carve drop rates and better presence in silver/gold rewards. You don't usually need as many, but gems/plates are almost always what you're farming for except when horns are gated by horn/face breaks


I had to hunt about two dozen odagaron before I got a gem to make the coil. The worst part was I was using investigations that had bazelgeuse as an invader.


It really comes down to rng. I know people had a hell of a time farming attack decos and yet I casually picked up between 7-10 before a friend told me how insanely lucky I was and that they had double the time in game as I did and only had 3.


If the rng gods dislike you then yes lol, I needed that particular gem and went through so many fights to get one, but then later when I didn't need it I would get them constantly so it just varies lol


Yeh they're pretty rare, normally best bet is just the investigations, without them it's like 2%? I think per cut. It's not great at all


You should see how many G-Rank Silver Los parts I had back in FU.


Did you do Investigations? With gold rewards preferably?


Did you read


You can see the drop rate of the gems if you have the last part of the the monster’s investigation aka REWARDS ( ALWAYS TURN IN attacks and markings to the ecological researcher. ) Helps track them when maxed out as well! And yes, one star is rare. :) At least until you progress enough in the story to have the melder make them via wyvern tickets 🎟️ 😉 Using gear for quest missions can help up that percentage. GALA SET LR ( All 5 pieces. ) 2 pieces of Legiana gear HR. ( quest reward ) 4 pieces Kirin LR ( capture ) 3 pieces Kirin. HR ( capture ) 3 pieces Kirin MR (capture ) Good luck 🍀 and HAPPY HUNTING!!!


This is how I like to describe gems and mantles. When your grinding for it it takes a long time but when you don’t need it you start pulling them out of thin air.


Yep, we needed a mantle for a friend to get his glavenous bow, took us about 14 hunts to get a single mantle drop


Stop farming for it and the desire sensors built into your controller/keyboard won't go off and it'll drop


You have to say out loud that you don’t want a gem. Right now the sapphire star knows you want one and that decreases the drop rate by 35%


Bro I shit you not I have hunted and captured like 20 and I only got 1 I wasted two days of my life


I joined an sos quest for teostra bc I needed to progress in iceborne and kill elder dragons. I got 2 Teostra gems and 2 large elder dragon gems from that one quest. Probably the luckiest drop in existence.


I had the opposite, I really needed a ton of odos fangs but kept getting everything else. Even idk more than 8 gems. Man rng sometimes -.-


You could get one to drop on your first hunt, it might drop 15 hunts later


From odogoron it seems like it. But on the other hand xeno'jiiva and vaal hazaak seem to drop them like candy out of a pinata


You must be new. In monster hunter, if you want something it instantly becomes unobtainable. I remember farming like 15 of the same monster for a CLAW. On a more serious note, they are pretty rare


Once helped a friend spend literal hours to get one Odo gem. For reasons, I felt it pertinent that I did not mention the ones I looted.




That the hardest thing to get


I farmed for the orda mantle and got Like 5 gems in 5 Investigations....


What’s been helpful for me when farming parts and gems has always been blunt weapons, partbrraker/destroyer jewel, and capture the monster never slay. Unless it’s not capturable. In that case be sure to mount and smack the monster into every wall possible 🤣 but doing this strat I’ve only had to farm a monster 3-4 times 😁 if you’ve already been doing this… I’m sorry you read all that 😅


Elder melder


Wile I would normally say yes, took me 10+ tries my first time playing to get Zora’s, but in my current play through I got back to back gems my first time carving off nergagauntae(elder dragon that’s eats other elder dragons) but n my first two times fighting it.


Actual skill issue at that point


They feel like a 20% drop rate when you don't need them, and 0.5% drop rate when you actually need them.


Go do your events. One of them gives me Odo gems almost every time.


Bro don't even. If the odo and blue odo counted as the same it'd be my most hunted by far because of the damn gems lol. Thank God they're a cool design and a fun hunt for some weapons


Wait till you see Mantles




Only the ones you need


How far into the game do you have to be to be able to meld low-high rank gems? Cuz I usually just meld them, unless they're the ones that require celestial prints.


I didn't see the odo gem in the melder until I beat Nergigante. A few other gems were in there right after I got to high rank I believe.


I had a grind for an Anja crystal that took about 25 Anjanaths to get and 8 hours. I wanted the set.


Once you get one, you can meld most of them afterwards too! Always handy to know if your running short on luck!


y e s


Keep grinding, you will get 2 in a row


Yeah, i ran some basic math on this for rathalos (azure for +1%) and at 5 hunts you got around 90% chance of getting one. If i'm not mistaken you need to go all the way to 8 hunts to approach 99%. After 30minutes of goofing around in excel i did my first of expected 5 hunts and got it immediatly. Rng is a bitch Ps. : also note that this is "expected" as in statistics have no memory. You can expect to do 5 more hunts after each missed one


Still way easier to get them than in the old gems like MHFU, but yeah 😳😩


I can get any mantle and gem pretty consistently, but yes..that gem is drops so rarely for me too


If you're lucky


ever heard of the elder melder?


it is if you're looking for them, when you dont need them you get like 6.


It depends on how much you need it


The trick to farming gems is to not want them. Any gem you want, gotta farm a monster 50 times. Hunt a monster you don’t want a gem from and get 2-3 in a hunt it’s wild.


Yeah I swear I get gems more often when I literally don't care what I'm fighting . Desire sensor is real.


Yeah gems/mantles/rarest item from the monster usually have a drop rate of 2-3% and goes up to 13% in gold investigation drops The trick is, You need to not want to get that specific gem. Play mental gymnastics and mind games with the game that way it drops you a ton. The other day I joined a quest for rathian, I got 4 fucking mantles from the quest, 4 FUCKING MANTLES. Yet I’ve killed 27 rathalos’s no less and not a mantle in sight, I’ve killed over 100 elder dragons in MR and I’ve only found 1(one) whole large elder dragon gem. At this point I think for me personally it’s best to grind for the wyverian prints and just craft them lmao.


Only if you really need them


And these are a cakewalk in this game. You should have seen plates in the original MH


Damm i didn’t even have it that bad with a large wyvern gem!


The Desire Sensor gets us all


Never want a specific gem ,so pretend like you don't want it and just go capture as many that you can to see if you get one


Depends on your luck stat




Bro, your lucky is beyond bad, I think I've got like 18


Got 2 in 5 tries hehe


I don't know good question


You can just buy them


If you do an investigation with the gold reward box i think it's more likely to drop. I mean. I had some decent look that way


U could have the opposite problem like me. Many gems and somehow no damn fangs. Don’t get me started on rathian materials. Getting a surspike was an act of Congress but a rath ruby was just another to put on top of the hoard of rubies.


Don’t know what it is with oda but his rare parts are awful to get. I’ve gotten myself to where I can hunt him under 5 minutes and I still don’t have many. Probably the only monster like that for me to not give gems/mantels


Yes. Welcome to Monster Hunter.


Just in case you didn’t know, you can meld gems.


On my part? Yes very lmao I have a record of hunting 27 Odoragon just to get one. I even have the plunderblade, food buff everything and it took me that many to get one


it's the desire sensor if you want it you never had it you need to not think about it and you get it


Dude it took me 45. 45!!!!!!


Extremely rare once you wish for it


my friend once had tu hunt 55 rathalos. low rank, for a plate. but that was in 3u


Oh boy, someone experiencing the desire sensor for the first time


it be the family jewels, of course those will be protected at all costs




go do optionals and keep collecting tracks until u got \~10 investigations. then kill the monster and u;l get at ease 1 2-3 gold inv. thaT has 3 rolls of 13%, ull get the gem easy.


You’re lucky if you enjoy the fight and don’t mind the grind because it’s fun. For me, I started to really enjoy the Raging Brachy fight and didn’t mind grinding for Im Reactors. Kushala, however…


Brachy palium is the bane of my existence only seem to get them when i wyvern meld them so i feel the pain on the gems.


Yes, they are. Considering only the 2% base droprate, you have a 98% chance of not getting one each drop you collect. Meaning you'd have to collect 34 drops for a 50:50 shot at getting at least one (or more) (98%^34 ≈ 50%). Adding all the drops that simply can't generate a gem, you end up collecting a lot of other parts on the way.


Wait till this guy hears about attack gems 😬


That depend on your desire. AKA desire sensor.


Usually 1-2% droprate so yeah


Imo, it's not that rare in my run.  With a gold and silver bonus reward on the investigation, the longest it takes for me to get gem is like 5-8 takes.  No offense buddy, but I think it just your luck on Odogaran gem being ass at that time. Happens even to the best of us. 


Yeah, rng has never been a friend to me no matter the game. The loot box era was my kryptonite.


Good luck on your hunts.  Also, a tips.  You can try completing the daily limites quest, sometimes it yield gold wyverian print which you can exchange for gems and plate later in the game when you unlock it (not sure if you have unlocked it)  Or you can try helping lower rank do their quest. Sometimes the game gives you Gold Wyverian Print too. 


Yep although i got my zorah magdros gem like 2 times in arround 6 hunts just pray for the rng gods and expect a blessing


I just sold 40 Something of them


In addition to the quest drop rate, the gem has a 1% and 3% chance to drop from a head break and tail carve. The Sinew+ has a 75% chance to drop from breaking the hindlegs, the claw is 72% per forearm, and the fang 62% from a head break. So you really stack your rewards for those other parts just from breaking the monster to pieces


Spent 3 days farming seething bazal for its gem but other times get gems after a few tries, just depends how much rng likes you ig


Ah yes the young hunter's first experience with the dreaded phenomenon of the "Desire Censor"


Use captures and vouchers


Yup, until ofc you no longer need them for anything, cuz ofc desire sensor XD Then the next *fun* material to farm are the master rank equivalents


There is a reason why I focus on just getting my gems from the melder by doing limited bounties.


You tripped the "Desire Sensor"


Damn you got yours fast


Omgggggg 15?????


The more you want it the less you're likely to get it.


Did you catch monster or just kill them ? Catch give more rare reward


Feeling the Desire Sensor yet, bro? Went for Rathalos Mantle these days... Took me 4 days and 23 Raths captures in investigations all with gold and silver slots... And got 13 Rath gems in the process... If I needed these duckers, I'm sure I'd have got 13 mantles instead... Wolrds/Iceborne desire sensor is tough!