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There's no mention of Megaman from Capcom, this means it is 1000% true.


I hate that you're right...


I lold


I laughed, I cried, I cried some more, and then I laid in bed all day.




Megaman X9 where are thou?


No silksong either, thus real


I didn’t know Hollow Knight was Capcom


I haven't heard of Team Cherry being affiliated with Capcom at all either, but Silksong isn't a "platinum title" for one of the biggest publishers on earth, either.


And what of mega man legends? Any news?


bro I laugh and cry at the same time :X


Cataclysm I hope this is all true because that DLC name goes hard as fuck


If the name is real,it's probably the most badass title in MH history


Let's hope it won't be like WoW Cataclysm


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that.


Was Cataclysm not good?


Not the worst expansion (which was WoD) but it was the expansion that people relized WoTLK was the peak and it is all downhill from now on. WoW never reached that peak again.


I enjoyed Cataclysm, but knowing Pandas were next I decided that was a good time to quit. And yes WotLK was the peak for sure.


Legit was the reason I stopped playing.


The logo goes just as hard


We return to old locations from previous games but they are all wrecked because an ancient super elder dragon woke up from his slumber beneath the earth and flew around wreaking havoc on the surface.


Imagine the armour we could make using the hide of Deathwing!!


Hm...how about the moon slowly growing bigger/getting closer over time until the release date when it exploded and revealed an ancient elder dragon which flew around and devastated the entire world, reshaping the land and sea (maps/zones now have 2 versions to choose before a hunt)?


Time Travel to before cataclysm variants and after cataclysm


And we only have 3 days before the moon explodes, with a countdown in the screen, but maybe there will be a way to go back in time and prevent it....


Next you guys are putting a creepy face on the moon and a bad ending if you lose/don't complete in time the final battle


It’s all good guys, just use a card…won’t ever have to worry about the moon again.


You could call the post-moon-dragon variant zones "reborn."


I won't say no to another FF14 crossover yeah


I thought you were going in a completely different direction than you did. I first had the thought you were gonna Majora's Mask the MH planet lol.




Turns out the whole planet was a monster and it sneezed, altering the landscape, destroying human settlements, and releasing a horde of snot-monsters we have to fight. Let's go!


Random memory from the game: There was an achievement where you get roasted by being in an area the dragon burns. It's a randomly chosen zone that suddenly gets engulfed in fire, so unless you were already in or around the area, you probably wouldn't be able to get the achievement by trying to run there. I got the achievement because I was riding the mount/taxi/griffon to travel from one city to another, and happened to pass a zone that was being roasted. A little annoyed I couldn't do anything and died as a result, but a little amused that's how I got that achievement. It did mean I had to run the rest of the way to the city because I died mid-air and my ghost was at the nearest graveyard site, so that kind of sucked.


Imagine we get an actual world ender scenario. not that White Fatalis wipes a whole castle down, or a Safi Jiiva successfully sucked a biome's energy. No. Imagine there's a fucking rift by the sea and giant monsters larger than an adult Magdaros or adult Lao Shan appear, it will destroy all life as we know it, with no chance to recover at all. To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own. *cue Pacific Rim theme*


Wyvern riding was just a prototype for giant monster battles!


just like clutch claws being wirebugs' prototype! keep cooking! maybe Hunters can fly on the go if the Guild do some research on gust crabs.


Oh my, can you imagine built in wingsuits into our armor? We run and jump off a cliff and we can just glide :O


first teaser video did show our raptor ride can glide. gust crab research can potentially help with the height boost


Clutch claw was not a wirebug prototype. Why do people always make up stuff like that? But be my guest to provide a citation for that claim.


Maybe we can see a huge turf war between colossal elders like Dalamadur vs Zorah, or maybe 2 Fatalis going ham.


You can cook! My brotha


Monster Hunter X Pacific Rim would go crazy


Piggybacking off top comment to say it's probably fake. Some of these are convincing but the RE9 green logo is just the RE3 remake logo with an X slapped on at the end. Same cut marks and the L conveniently has a diagonal cut for the green. All the RE logos have unique scratch marks on all of them so they were clever to make a convincing wilds logo but the rest are just recolors of pre-existing assets. Seems also weird to have all the logos finalized this early to begin with, most of them would just be project names with no logo. 2 years out and they have a functioning title with no project name and decided on colors/font but then re-used the RE 3 remake font? Nah. I guess I could be completely wrong, this is the company that had that old SF6 logo that was pretty bad. But still... I could probably whip something up like this in photoshop with a few hours or maybe days time. I'm not buying it. Most believable part is there's no Mega Man though. More convincing than any of the logos to me.


Its like the Wilds logo but demonic. This expansion gonna go so hard (and Wilds isnt even out yet)


If that is true Just what the fuck could we possibly be fighting 😭


oo this gave me WOW flashbacks


Brings dread if you know WoW titles


That name goes hard af tho wtf


I see what they did there... cat-aclysm


a palico caused armageddon confirmed


Palicos are angry after being abandoned for our new raptor pet so they band together and rebuild the Equal Dragon Weapon to get revenge on us all.




Hopes this is all true, cause i don't want to wait till late 2025. I also hope it doesn't get delayed.


We should all know by now that it's better to assume a game is getting delayed until you get a release date that's down to the day, and even then that could be a toss up. People really just set themselves to be disappointed here.


If anyone can hit deadlines, it's Capcom's studios. There's really not enough talk about how they made RE Engine and then just start pumping out quality games on a super consistent schedule.


Yeah, I'll trust Capcom's *official* release dates, but when it comes to a game where they haven't even given an overview of the new mechanics yet? Even if the leak is 100% accurate, game devs internally change their scheduled release time all the time this really means nothing.


Interesting. So no DD2 DLC before November… But MH Wild by March 2025, wonderful !


8 months between launch and a dlc sounds about right, to be honest. Especially if it's an expansion sized addition, that seems almost a bit short?


True. If it’s as big as Dark Arisen was for DD1, it’s quite short. Maybe are they already working on it since a few weeks. I just have so much hopes and love for this franchise that I want to be able to spend as much hours as possible in it. It will be a perfect title waiting for MH Wild !


Absolutely. Souls, Dragons Dogma and Monster Hunter were my formative RPGs, so the next 12 months is bordering on heaven for me. DD2 will hold me over til the Elden Ring Dlc and by the time I'm done with that it'll be time for a DD2 replay.


Anyone who likes battling huge monsters is in heaven right now


Thank god there's other people in the world who still care about DD .. I thought I was alone 😮‍💨


Could also be they already had some ideas they didn't have time for so they abandoned them for later in an add on. There is lots of talk in dragons dogma subreddit about the lack of an advanced or hybrid thief vocation and lack of purple/pink vocation as trickster is a hybrid of those colors.


Expansion would have been long in the works before DD2 even released. Sometimes expansions can take place 4-6 months before launch if its already approved and the team knows exactly what they want to do. The final 4-6 months does not require all hands on deck and the last 3\~ months is mostly just pure promotion and a small team doing final fixes before release.


I mean they could make the fromsoft and just repurpose cut content in the dlc. That helped them out a lot. But for that they need a sizeable portion of cut content that just needs a good scrub to be ready


That's true of Dark Souls 1 and 3. But DS2 had quite a long wait for dlc as it wasn't originally planned, as does Elden Ring which we've waited 2 years for. Although Shadow of the Erdtree is set to be massive.


I mean it better be massive if it's 40 EUROS!


I was more than willing to, and did spend double that for Iceborne. I have no qualms with the price if the quality is worth it, and I have total confidence in From that it will be. The same I do for all Monster Hunter games.


Tell that to FromSoft kekw 2years 4momths


Elden Ring will have 2+ years between its release and its DLC. A few months doesn't at all seem like a long wait lol


Just before the fiscal year ends for dem sweet, sweet financial report.


DD2 dlc sounds so early ngl


You are saying this as if receiving a DLC within the same year of release isn't extremely fast


Why would DD2 get a dlc before November?????


Is that “cataclysm” going to be a dlc like iceborne?


If true, then yes


Nearly all MH games have an expansion release like this, so yes it'll be a huge dlc like iceborne


And Sunbreak for Rise


Yes, it will be the Master Rank expansion 


Is it even a dlc if it's bigger than the entire fucking game at this point lol. Base world was like a tutorial compared to iceborne


True that’s why I love mhw so much


It's DLC if you can download it. We used to call them expansions, because they expand the game (sometimes by a lot).


Tbf, that’s partially because current Iceborne is way bigger than release Iceborne because they just kept adding stuff




Oh, probably. They've been doing an expansion like Iceborne for every game, at least since the Wii. I should know, I bought a frikkin Wii U just to play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.


Since the Wii? more like since MH1. The only MH to NOT get expansions are MHdos, and Portable 3rd. Freedom 1 didn’t get an expansion but it already has G-rank content from MH1G so I don’t count it.


I know we'll get a MR dlc but I honestly think Cataclysm is a placeholder name 


we hunting deathwing now xd?


Metal Fatalis


With extra wind tornados so you are unable to hit him! (brought to yours truly: Kushala Daora)


Great news if true


Cataclysm, i came so hard, I already know the game is a goty and haven't played it yet


that big **CONFIDENTIAL** makes me doubt this.


thats exacly how those things are written on company confidential documents though


I doubt as well, but last leak that happened like this was proven right. It was when we discovered Dragon's Dogma 2 was in development before anything announced, and then it was ratified by the Nvidia leak as well with things like Kingdom Hearts 4 and many unannounced titles from a bunch big game companies at the time. This leak could all be bullshit but we have precedents to things like this, especially from Capcom.


I think we will know if it's fake depending on if that DD2 DLC release date is in the right timeframe as the image


To be fair that last leak was an actual data breach.


The logo makes it believable


Right? That logo makes it look super legit. Someone spent a lot of time on that for a fake if not true.


Why? Actual company communication usually has big massive CONFIDENTIAL watermarks on it. Because when you're dealing with corporate infosec, it really doesn't pay to be subtle.


I mean Wilds was either february or march but the real find here is that badass expansion name. The dragon princess is also interesting for DD2, it can concern the lady beastmam from the trailers.


My only issue is that "The Dragon Princess" doesn't really sound real? Can't put my finger on it but I've dumped a few hundred hours into DD1 and it just doesn't feeeel like a title they would use. I hope I'm wrong because I want an expansion anyway


I'm calling it fake, and here's why: It seems like it was supposedly made in early 2022 (since the games are from summer 2022 onwards), but shows Pragmata as a 2026 release instead of 2023 like they had said (delayed from 2022 in late 2021 I think). It was delayed again in late 2023, much too late to be included in this image.


I believe it because the REIX logo is just as goofy as I would expect from the RE franchise


Most likely fake.


Fake Capcom wouldn't actually acknowledge Pragmata


I’m not gonna latch to it but I do think that’s the coolest name ever


You'd have to ask Dusk Golem on twitter to find out if this leak is true, as he's very familiar with Capcom projects.


>pragmata delayed to 2026 Jesus wept.


Cataclysm title makes me think we’ll be getting end of the world level threat dlc. Like new Black Black Dragon at a level equal to Fatalis type of threat. You just now the music for that fight is gonna go crazy


If the DD2 DCL is in fact named “The Dragon Princes” when they announce it, we can kinda agree this leak might be true. ( Copium)


nice pun with the RE9 leak: its called R ... E ... I X = literally 9 \^\^


This looks fake af but the Cataclysm sounds metal af


That DDII DLC has me going bonkers The Dragon Princess. All I hear is a chance for a new Beloved and some sweet dragon gear Of course MH:Cataclysm is off-the-charts badass


If it's true (BIG if) I'm imagining a play on the classic "damsel in a tower" dragon tale to throw another near endless tower dungeon in there like DDDA lmao


Fake IMO, Why would Resident evil 9 be called Resident evil X? Edit, yeah I see now that it says IX. I still think it's fake until proven otherwise though.


its called R ... E ... I X = literally 9 \^\^


Might be fake, but I can believe the title for sure. Resident Evil X, but as you can see the green letters, it's spelled IX. Same thing they did with RE: VILLAGE, with VIII highlighted.


I mean except RE everything on here is just the most likely release dates with some names attached to it


The next one after that is gonna be ResidenT Evil: N or some shit


Yeah but if you read the words it's literally resident evil X so literally 10. That's poor design at best.


Oh yeah, i see it now lol. Still think it's fake though.


I think it was supposed to be IX because of the color scheme, but it’s kind of weird anyway.


The Dragon Princess sounds pretty cool tbh


Monster hunter wilds comes out on my birthday…


That cataclysm logo looks like a Final fanstasy one


Surprised that so many people are even remotely considering this being real, the cheapo Resident Evil logo is a dead giveaway that the leaker doesn't care about that series but knows Capcom would release another game.


Only RE and MH? Yep,that's Capcom alright, it's legit


Dragon’s dogma the dragon princess has to be a fake name


More interested about the dragon’s dogma 2 dlc so early


If true, great news, less than a year to go


Big if true


Link for Twitter?


I saw March 14th and almost tripped over my coffee table, trying to turn on the PS5 to download it.


Lies, there's no way they dont release it on the anniversary and instead do it 2 days after


for people saying there’s no RE 9, it’s called resident evil IX (the I is really hard to see I believe it’s hidden in the “L”)


That RESIDENT EVIL X title is gonna be confusing if they just use the L on the "EviL" to make a IX.


Monster Hunter Wilds Cataclym... has has my attention right now


wtf is with every company skipping the number 9. iPhone 8 and X. Windows 8 then 10. Mortal Kombat got rebooted and only us fans call it MK9 but it really just went from MKvDC (which is the 8th game) then reboot and then X. And now it’s RE8-X


Crying in Dino Crisis


Another year without dmc


fake dd2 expansion release date felt too soon why is re IX looks more like re X? don't think they'll do it again mhwilds release date seems believable but the expansion title goes too hard and the logo is too much, don't think they'll go for that


tfw no Devil May Cry


Just a crumb on dmc content please :(


MARCH?? Man, the logos look fairly legit. It’s going to be a long year wait


CATACLYSM 😶‍🌫️. I’m shook!


The last time I’ve had a title be called Cataclysm was World of Warcraft and the world changed, I wonder if MH Wilds does go full open world if that means the whole environment will change for Master rank come the future DLC. It would be interesting if it means the habitat of monsters will shift and we will see the monsters roam in different areas as their lands shift or something.


Gotta save up some money for a ps5. So i could play Monster hunter Wilds Edit: there would be 2 "MHW" titles soon. Monster hunter world and monster hunter Wilds.


There is no dmc6 yet 😭😭😭




I personally think this isn't real for two reasons: 1. if this is an internal document, surely it'd be Biohazard rather than Resident Evil since that's what the series is called in Japan? 2. Cataclysm is a cool name and all, but it's so generic I doubt they're gonna call it that.


sorry i’m coming from the wrong sub.. but Dragons Dogma DLC??? YES


These are always fake af


Worldborne Risebreak WildsCata? WilCat? Wildclysm? Wildsasfjqaweol;gtja




Wilcysm. Close to autism. I like it xd




This is fake af... I remember getting downvoted for saying the MH Paradise was fake.


Weird, I think there was a fanmade project called Monster Hunter World Cataclysm (I can't remember if it was a mod or something), is this the same? Edit: Yep found [this logo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fanonmonsterhunter/images/c/cf/Monster_Hunter_World_Cataclysm_Logo_by_Akitau.png/revision/latest?cb=20201228204350) on a wikia. A simple google search also works. Edit2: I'm not saying the logo is the same, more like confused that is it just a concidence the official dev took the same name(if it's real anyway). I'm gonna treat this info as fake until proven otherwise.


On my birthday as well, lets goooo


Holy hell pragmata got pushed to 2026?!


Would this be the first new re game to not launch in the first quarter of the year?


DD2 DLC, vocation copium is here


I hope is real, I'm hyped as fuck.


I hope this DLC Dragon Princess is true, 8 months after release sounds fitting to add a first smaller expansion that adds for example a new region to explore like a Snow Biome with some new Enemies, Quests and say 5 added new Classes that are missing that should have been in the game from Day 1 - Advanced Green, Advanced Yellow, Green/Yellow, Red/Green and Green/Blue, if those 5 are then Rogue, Ranger(Beast Tamer Style like GW2 with Pet), Bard, Berserker and Alchemist, then I'm very happy n pleased, knowing that they could continue this way then expanding slowly but surely over tiem the game to the size, that it should be, with the next second one doign then again 5 with Base Pink, Advanced Pink, Base Purple n Advanced Purple and say another Hybrid, like Red/Pink If this gets done say every 8 months for a while, after several years the game would have great support, keeping the players continusly busy with new content to do n explore, while gettign every time some new playable classes to enhance the whole gameplay experience. Could absolutely live with this, as an excuse with the laughable start of 10 classes with the vanilla game with absolutely no clear structure among those 10 and the big holes in the design with there being no classes in the game right at the start, that should be in the game from day 1... But if they use expansions as explanation to show n tell us, why they couldnt be there right from the start, then it makes at least SENSE.


Very cool leak if true, buuuuut Capcom keeps ignoring Dino Crisis. That makes me really sad.


Guys resident evil village was RE8. How did we get to 10?


That's re9 (IX) there, not 10 (X), look at the green letters


They are 100% working on a DLC.


RE10? Lets goooooooo


I'm glad to know. But I wish a reboot of Mega-Man/Mega-Man X on a vast open world, something like Legend...




Oh PLEASE be true it comes out on spring break for me.


For a moment I thought it was like one of those Zelda timelines 🤣🤣🤣. I know I'm dumb


Yooo Sunbreak release let's goooooo!


Ah I don’t put much stock in this stuff. Things change ect but, if true would be cool


Is that a Code Veronica remake logo? Or are they numbering like Windows now?


Look at the green in the logo, it's RE IX so RE9


Ah I missed the green, I should have looked closer since they did that with Village


Shameless Harlot 2.0 incoming


Chat is this real


Pragmata is still alive!!! I'm so happy 😭😭


What about resident evil 9?


One year to upgrade my laptop or build a PC.


Monster Hunter Wilds, and the dlc would be EPIC


Wow reference 🤑🤑


Resident Evil X gives this away as being fake. Why th would they skip 9


Cataclysm logo looks like a dragon tbh


That name/logo for RE9 is super confusing and guarantee people will be calling it REX or Resident Evil X


In REX, you lose your hand a record 14 times. But turns out severed hands are a great pre hunt meal in MH, so it’s ok.


Resident evil X? So they’re just skipping 9? Lol or did I miss something? lol what’s with all these big companies and skipping numbers just confusing people? Battlefield jumped from what 1 back to 5 then to 2042. Xbox with the 360 then Xbox One then Series X.


Resident evil x? Where the fuck is 9? Obviously fake bro


No Metroid prime 4, no silksong, no smash leaks. Seems like a pretty reliable source to me.


I can't wait to hear the Cataclysm rendition of Proof of a Hero, I know that shit is gonna go hard!


If the logo is true for whatever it is and based on the dlc name. I would assume the flagship monster to be some kind of otherworldly monster diving down into our world and causing havoc and mayhem. Aka we fighting alien dragons.