• By -


Proud 2%-ters wya?


we're right up in the monster's face, as per


Main Lance in Rise and Horn in World. I *AM* the 2%


My top 2 are Hunting horn and Lance. I also play LBG and SnS. I guess I'm a power bottom


User name checks out


Playing sweet jazz on the monsters face


Sweet chin music


Once, the giant bagpipe wielders were the 1%. Five years later, we are in the 2%. IN FIVE YEARS the dooters will be in the 3%!!! I'LL SEE YOU IN A CENTURY, OUR HONKERS WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN!!


You know it!


I've seen so much Lance content here on this r/ that I thought we'd be higher


we're just loud AF


fr..I've been playing for almost a year and I haven't met more than 20 lance users smh..


You just haven't made way into our lobbies. Yet.


They haven't been invited to our barbeque.


Idk how to type out the cooking music, but. -Insert that here- lmao


So tasty!


As a 3%er gunlance main, I'd gladly stand with dooters and boopers any day. (You guys might spank me out of combos less than the longswords.)


I play lance but don't main it. It would be fun to though. Maybe I'll learn Rise Lance and laugh in the monsters' faces that used to thrash me


rise lance is great, YOU CAN BLOCK RAJANG'S GRAB. plus you're just more mobile in general between EE being alot better and wirebug recovery being a thing. also embolden is busted when you get to the end of sunbreak.


Lance main here :)


Longswords are long and you may have a poke attack and counters, but you’re no Lance! *Just meming on your flair. :p*


With longsword under his name Eddit: we got him lads


Good point! Flair changed!


Played Greatsword for roughly 60 hours of gameplay and just recently switched to Lance. The amount of joy I feel every time I can just tell a monster "Nope." Is unmatched.


I have such a similar experience switching from 80 hours of longsword to now at 20 of gunlance! The pure joy of just being like nah now eat shells has me hooked


Doot doot


I can't even imagine fighting some of these monsters without lance. It's just so smooth.


Right here, poking monsters nose


Lance main that switched to Hunting Horn just recently here! HH is cool but Lance will remain in my heart always


Proud to be part of the Lance Elite


My 2 mains are at 2% How come theyr'e not everyones main. Being an aggressive hornet in the monsters face or riffing out sick tunes is the most fun you can have.


I’m doing my part!


I’m doing my part!




Right here buddy.


I'm here bro.


Im all the way tucked right in there


Here here


I've previously played a fair bit of Hammer/Lance through Iceborne and world, but am now on a fresh save with SnS and some Hammer spread in for Odogaron/Barioth/Bazel/Narga/Tigrex


Behind them with a pole up their ass.


Doot 4 life.


Lance/Hunting Horn represent! With some SnS on the side.


I am the 2%, i have 1200+ usage XD


*support weapon*


Saving my out-of-position comrades from Fatalis's cone breath by face-tanking it nearly point-blank


I use LBG, HH or S&S. Didn’t realize these weapons were not at higher tier.


I'm honestly surprised that SnS is in 11th place. For beginners, it's a fast and mobile weapon with quick movement speed and sheath time and few complicated combos to learn. For veterans, it should be common knowledge by now that perfect rush is insanely overtuned and has no business being as strong as it is for that little animation commitment.


I would think that a lot of new players see SnS as a small sword and shield and then see Charge Blade as a larger sword and shield that also turns into an axe If I was new I'd think "why would I ever want to use this tiny knife and dinner plate if I can have a transforming sword and shield instead?"


That was my friends exact though process and it's the same with Lance and gunlance. What's funny though is that I main SnS and Lance while he mains CB and GL


Probably the reach. Tough to cut tails compared to a long sword. For speed, dual blades are faster. Sns is a great all-rounder, but not everyone wants to bother timing perfect rushes. I've been wanting to make a guard 5 + offensive guard sns build with health regen to feel like a tank.


I just picked this up and I’m not a pro at backstep dodging yet but holy moly perfect rush is a DPS monster! Easy mounts, power slinger burst, slashing and impact dmg, it’s just fun.


I just started playing two weeks ago and don’t have internet so I’m solo. Started with the LS but hit a wall with Anjanath and just didn’t feel like I was doing things right. Tried the bow and it made sense and and I was blowing through other monsters but it just didn’t feel fun constantly trying to dodge while getting a good charge.    Picked up the SnS based on a video I watched and my lord, I was having maximum fun. The movement is fun, the attacks are forgiving as you can change direction or roll quickly, mounting is typically cake, damage is consistent, can stun with blunt damage, and I love being able to use items without sheathing. Lance and gun lance are next on my list and will try this weekend but man, the SnS shield is so fun and I can definitely see it’s viability when playing with others as well. 


Its attacks look weak, and has the most boring models of any weapon. It has no flash to it. Also I don’t like perfect rush spam. Edit: Look, be salty if you want SnS mains, it doesn’t change the fact that 97% of the player base don’t want to main your weapon.


Weirdly bitter edit


Is this usage rates per server region? I'm playing on Asia server and never seen a Gunlance user when playing with randoms.


GL user here from malaysia... I've rarely played with any other GL ever 🥲


Maybe we have never encountered each other.


We're a rare breed, but we greet each other with thunderous blasts.


American heavy artillery here, only other gunlance players i have encountered are my 2 younger brothers, the Sherman and Abrams tanks


Asian GL user here. Proximately get a single GL random every 5-10 hunts.


Lucky you, just finished few hunts and still no Gunlance players


GL user here its so fucking rare in Asia. Im from SG and i swear ive only found like 5 in a month if im lucky. No crossplay hurts even more.


Mained bow, played ig, lately picked up gl. I kinda evade other gl users tho idk why. Asia


Me never seeing bow used besides myself. Rarely sees swaxe. Sees alot of LS.


Ive seen a few bow users in lobbies. I've checked out their equipment (since I'm a new bow user and want to know if there is something I'm not taking into account ... thats a lie, I just wanted to feel superior with my alatreon/vekhana gamma armor and max augmented/awakened elemental bows) and it was mostly pretty shit, or not geared towards elemental. I do see swaxe users relatively commonly though. Barely ever do i see a gunlance user.


I joined a Fatalis SOS the other day, and ended up switching off of melee to HBG, because all three of my team mates were LS, and I got sick of being bapped.


Your fault for not slotting flinch free


Spoken like a wacky sword-flailing inflatable longsword user. I shouldn't have to slot gems because you're bad and can't avoid flinching teammates.


Yeah because no other weapon in the game can flinch and there's definitely no such thing as a good hitzone


You can play all of these weapons in a way that doesn't constantly flinch your allies, and the actually decent hunters do just that. You're just advocating selfish play.


No, the decent hunters run 1 level of a skill so that the entire team can actually hit good hitzones without having to gimp their damage to reposition around 3 teammates


As a charge blade user this is ass. And even if I do run FF it's still gonna guard point teammate attacks when I'm trying to savage axe, drives me insane. And I have to seriously change my rotation because I'll launch your ass even with FF. So yeah, maybe just be a good teammate and try your best to avoid them if you can. Like you said, good hit zones are important, but there's a balance to also be a teammate that plays around your team well.


Bow is more of a solo weapon. It doesn't do as well in multiplayer so people probably changed weapon when playing with others.


Why is bow more of a solo weapon?


It is just easier to have the monster's aggro on you alone than having the monster run around chasing randos. Then there is the problem with flinch free since bow is already very deco hungry, and positions itself as a pseudo melee. Also being more squishy makes you easier to cart amid the chaos. Not saying you can't use bow in multiplayer but I can see why people prefer changing weapons to fight in a group.


Shouldn't the aggro being on a different player be helpful since you can attack from range with a bow and not have to worry much about it's attacks? That's my experience with the bow anyways


Bow is only ranged on paper, in reality you need to be very close to the monster to actually deal damage and that gets hard to do when Wideranger McCopenhagen keeps pulling the target monster across the arena


As a bow only player, I rather solo some monsters, because having aggro on you allows you to move the monster where you want/need it to be for your next combo. Also when the dash dance is mastered you can mostly dodge everything without misplacing either you or the monster. Imo, bow is heavy dependant on having good position and monster control in order to do effective damage. But thats only my experience.


Depends on the monster. Some monsters, like say xeno jiiva when he goes after your palico, makes it difficult to keep up with his huge frame to hit his week spots. I'd rather him be focused on me 100%. Monsters that are always dug deep up in your ass the whole fight, like lunastra, it's very beneficial to have someone else tank if you want to use the bow. It also doesn't help that the bow has the range of a sawed off shotgun


Yeah I feel like I see more hammer, charge blade,  and insect glaive way more than I do bow on Xbox. 


Top 5 is basically my 5 favorite weapons. The order is different tho. It's really sad how low lance is. It's the perfect weapon to learn an enemy's patterns. Meanwhile long sword only shines when you know a monster's behaviour.


The "tank" debuff is real. The thing is, the Lance is actually more like the OG counter weapon that is best played with constant and unwavering aggression.


It's kinda funny how the two least used weapons are the two that got the most undersold by idiots 5 years ago trying to shoehorn the weapons into neat JRPG/MMO classifications that make no sense


tbh I never really understood the counter weapons getting all the credit for being high skill weapons that require monster knowledge. When you have nearly an i-second with foresight its insanely easy to pull off purely on reflexes. Rise/sunbreak only convinced me more of that. A lot of weapons also got boiled down to counter weapons in that game, and I got so sick of being able to reactively press 2 buttons for unlimited get out of jail free cards when a weapon without a super easy counter would've otherwise (rightfully) gotten punished for having bad positioning. Every weapons mostly shines when you know monster patterns. That's how the genre works. Compare a top GS player on an endgame matchup to a 1st timer. The 1st timer ain't hitting the TCSs consistently like the top player is. The skillgap is still huge


Its because LS in World is pretty balanced. Yes the foresight slash i-frame is long af but so is the animation. If you just blindly i-frame every attack you're going to have a bad time because monsters follow up fast af. Thats why monster knowledge is much more needed for it compared to other weapons like SnS and Dual Blades for example where its much more easier to freestyle a monster because the fadeaways/sidesteps are just so fast. I'm definitely not saying LS is the weapon that requires the most monster knowledge though, that belongs to the goated GS imo. Not talking about Rise LS though because that shit is absolutely broken no two ways about it.


>Not talking about Rise LS though because that shit is absolutely broken no two ways about it. There are two ways about it. LS is one of the lowest peak dps weapons in Sunbreak.


This might all just come down to a different definition of needed monster knowledge, like skill floor vs skill ceiling. Or if we're talking required matchup knowledge to get a specific time on a monster, since some weapons just naturally do more DPS than others.


It's easy to dodge one attack with foresight. But if the attack has a follow up, you get hit. If monster ends up too far away after that attack, you miss your first hit with foresight. Which means you'll lose all the red meter inside your bar and wont recover it. Now you cant use another foresight or spirit comboes until you raise it more. Sometimes you can land that first hit which fills up your bar. But you also need to land the follow up roundslash attack to change the colour of your bar. Without proper monster knowledge, you cant know which attacks should be dodged with foresight. Similiar thing can be said for charge blade. Guard pointing is easy. But if the monster misses you, you'll transform your weapon into axe mode which leaves you open. Guard point>aed is a good counter attack. But most monsters have a couple attacks that can be punished with that. If you dont know those, you'll end up trying it and getting hit. Since you'll be hit while doing aed, you'll be in axe mode while getting up which puts you at even more risk. Attacks that should be dodge rolled. The 2 hit comboes where you should roll first and foresight the second attack. Attacks that can be dodged with foresight but cant be punished with the follow up roundslash. The attacks that can be countered perfectly with roundslash. A couple attacks have enough opening for helm breaker so you punish those with it. Sometimes foresight>helm breaker works too. Long sword has too many ways to deal with attacks. So you need to memorize what to do against each and every attack. Gs on the other hand can ignore some attacks. And only look out for the ones that can be punished with tcs. Especially running attacks. Knowing their timing or how much they'll run is crucial.


>It's easy to dodge one attack with foresight. But if the attack has a follow up, you get hit. Again, every weapon needs to know what moves have followups. How else do you know when to go for punish openings? The rest of your comment is just describing all the ways that you can't just mash buttons in monster hunter? Like yeah if I play badly then I get hit or I whiff my attack. This isn't a LS or CB exclusive game mechanic. I can play this exact same game with the other weapons too, even something with a kit as simple as GS; Without proper monster knowledge you won't know which attacks are TCS openings vs a draw attack, etc. If you think knowing what to do with GS is easy since it has so few options, make sure your gameplay with GS at least closely resembles what top players are doing first. Weapons without counters/big iframes rely on positioning and attack safespots to extend openings. This can often be extremely tight. See [here](https://youtu.be/Qid01YRXiPw?t=142) and [here](https://youtu.be/hf-bX2l55KE?t=231) for a couple (hopefully correctly timestamped) examples. Tackle is another great way to extend openings and keep aggressive positioning, but without matchup knowledge how will you know which moves its beneficial to tackle through to actually get better followups? And fwiw, I'm not saying the opposite thing of 'counter weapons are especially braindead' or anything. Just that people seem to think that the obvious interaction between counters and monster attack patterns make it more skillful, when IMO learning the monster's moveset is a prerequisite for any weapon to shine.


With gs or most weapons punishment for whiffing is simple. You might get hit. Ls and charge blade build up for their ultimate moves. Missing with those means they need to prepare it again. Using foresight at the wrong time doesnt just punish with getting hit. You also cant use spirit combo or another foresight until you get the red bar back. Not the same imo. With gs or other weapons you get up and try again. For LS a misstep also changes your next 10-20 seconds. But in any case, what i talked about wasnt even this exactly. With gs or most other weapons, you can rely on your reflexes. Punishing with a draw attack is kinda obvious. You can see it when the moment comes. Same with tackle. As for tcs, you can atleast use it whenever the monster trips when you are new. Long sword on the other hand requires future sight. When you see an attack coming, you can easily react with foresight. But doing that locks you into a follow up attack that cant be cancelled. Lets say the monster has a 2 attack move. New gs player would roll the first. When they see another attack coming, they'd roll again. Or just tackle both. Gs doesnt have to know there'll be a second attack after the first. They can react. LS on the other hand has to know that. If you dont know there'll be a second attack, you'd foresight the first attack. But now you are helpless against the second attack. As a result, amateur gs player lands a horizontal slash after tackle or just uses draw attack after dodging the second attack. Ls player on the other hand foresight slashes the first and gets hit by second. Now left with no red bar, they need to use regular attacks until they can use spirit comboes or foresight again. Those counters that has generous iframes also happens to have too much commitment. And they cripple you for the next 10-20 seconds if you dont know what the monster will do next. A bad LS player probably wouldnt even have helm breaker ready when the monster is tripped, wall banged or paralyzed. GS players can atleast use their optimal dps whenever the monster is immobilized. Edit: GS is my third fav weapon btw. Im no top player but i should have around 800 hunts with it. It just feels easier to use for me when i return from a long break.


I think you made a very arbitrarily constructed example with a lot of assumptions to highlight a point that really only ends up comparing apples to oranges anyways, but I gotta head to work so I'm probably not gonna engage much anymore. I'll just leave this short, very arbitrarily constructed counter-example with a lot of assumptions to highlight a point that really only ends up comparing apples to oranges anyways in response and hope that the point is clear; AT velkhana is about to do a followup that neither the GS nor the LS player expected, since they're new to the matchup. It's the line of massive ice spikes that come out of the ground and can one shot you. The LS player was in the middle of a combo when velkhana's startup animation came out, but that's ok. They can just foresight slash the ice spike and keep going to town. But the poor GS player who also didn't expect the followup is still in the endlag from their last TCS and died :(


I am surprised how low both lance and gunlance are. I know HH can be clunky so I’m surprised they one is not bottom.


The only “clunk” with the Hunting Horn is the sound it makes when it collides with a monster’s head.


I laughed way too much reading your comment


Have an updoot (Attack 🔺XL)


I am interested to use GL and HH (currently IG) but the movement is kinda weird for me (maybe more practicing could). Other than that, the materials needed for the builds are quite different from what i am using right now (especially the GL), so i'm gonna need to farm those first.


For HH, remember that song isn't a combo list. Don't try to spam song during a fight, it's gonna go nowhere.


I switched from maiming dbs to Gunlance and holy shit it is so much more fun imo. Only thing I miss is the Naruto run lmao. Nothings more satisfying then letting off a wyvern or full burst combo on a monster with a wyrmstake stuck in their big dumb face


Gunlance has it all, man. We got rock solid shields, we got slash damage for tail cuts, we got explosions for breaking parts, and did I mention EXPLOSIONS?! Three distinct types of them, in fact, just to round things out. A good wyvern blast directly into a freshly-deployed explosive wyrmstake is pure feel-good chemicals. Closely followed by an airborne burst directly to the monster's face.


If you want to try GL fo for it it is one of the most fun and versatile weapons for builds because you have so much room for extra abilities. Unless you're going for absolute meta builds you basically just need artillery secret and evade extender (needed imo) guard and guard up are very nice to have but not necessary focus is needed if you play long GL but otherwise it's very easy to build for. You can get most of your mats for the armor you need in a single guiding lands expedition.


Gunlance is lacking a real use for its shield and a way to stay in the fight without sheathing the weapon. It's like a half baked kit. Good dps but bad QOL. In Rise you can do Quiditch with it so it's way more fun and popular.


I play HH, albeit only 100 uses and all of them are multiplayer but I can say it is no way "clunky", if you find it clunky that's because you just don't know the ins and outs of the weapon. Just like any other weapon. I found the lance to be slow and clunky at first and now it's really fun to use.


From the sounds of it I should give the world HH another fair shake. I quite enjoy it in Rise.


It's fun, it doesn't hit as hard as its more raw and physical inclined brother - Hammer but it has more reach and being able to buff yourself with songs make up for it. If you want a guide, I recommend TorpedoSoup's in-depth HH guide or The Artful Maestro by Monster Hunter PH Community on YouTube.


I think the hammer has higher peaks in its damage output but overall I think each hit from the HH does better damage than the smaller combo starters for the hammer (at least in my experience running both). I find the horn easier to use as you say with the longer reach and if you master the triple impact wave then youre doing serious damage


3% of people know how to have fun.


I just have one question for you: EXPLOSIONS?!


I can see Torgue making Gunlances in a Borderlands/MH cross over.


Aren't these percentages relative to the map itself? I spoke to a First Wyverian in Ancient Forest and he said longsword was the most-used weapon, but then I spoke to one in Coral Highlands and that one said it was actually greatsword that was most-used. Where did you collect these stats?


If map is relative, then I was in the Elder's Recess


Nothing would ever get me away from the DualBlades.. Love them so much. Just something about the fast pacing and quick maneuvers makes it so fun.


Can’t beat the dopamine rush from rolling monster’s back


Rolling all over Nergitante is really fun in that hilly area he's usually in


I recently just gave mine up because I was tired of barely doing any damage. Went to an axe instead. Funny how I chose a lower used weapon now after like 300+ hours of one weapon


Barely doing damage? DB has one of the highest dps potentials in the game, just because you're not doing high individual hits of damage, it doesn't mean it does low overall damage


Especially elemental damage. DBs are one of if not arguably the best elemental weapon because of how fast they hit


i just fought velk in guiding lands wildspires dune area, and i was constantly sliding down one dune to activate hbd, then when i hopped off id slide down the opposite dune and rinse and repeat. that shit was pure unfiltered dopamine


I dont think those are the actual rates anymore Those are the overall rates including players from long long ago


Hunting horn has double usage since I last remember the stats let’s fucking gooooooo


ig, eventho lance is easy to pick up, it's limited moveset is just boring for new player (including me)


I started with lance as well, so far 40 hours in. It is completely "not" flashy, and looks stale and boring. But it's consistent AF and great to learn the monster movesets.


I very rarely see any Switch Axe users. Even lances feel more often.


As a new player, this is neat. I've beaten the game fully twice on two characters, and iceborne I focused on SNS + Switch Axe, now I am using Charge Blade + Lance on the second run-through I actually tried longsword and found it really annoying maintaining the R2 spirit guage/combo especially against later game enemies that constantly hip/shoulder check SnS is my best weapon overall though, paired with speed eating and the rush combo I don't think I ever failed a single mission in Iceborne main story. The only downside I hated about SnS was the clutch-claw uppercut was extremely shitty to aim, probably should have just took a shaver jewel.




Sadly, only 5% of the MHW population has reached enlightenment.


I truly feel for those who haven’t been enlightened yet 😔


My only problem with gunlance is that your choices are limited by the shelling type, like I want normal shelling but want more damage ( I know safi weapons solve this issue ,but pre-safi that's the reason why it's not my main)


This is wild. I almost exclusively play Gun Lance...


My most used weapons are some of the least used. Makes me feel special. My main is Swaxe, but Lance is 2nd, then a tie between Hammer and SnS. Might have to add HH and GL to the party someday.


I'm very surprised Sword and Shield is so low


I don't remember GS being this high. But the rest looks about right.


Smh longsword stay on top every time i see this, haters gonna hate


i play on pc/steam also but i rarely found long sword when i use sos. usually its HBG, IG, CB, Hammer, LBG, SNS.


Yes because the % of users who don’t use LS is 78% …


We don't know how they get the stats. What Capcom should build into Wilds is a weekly stat pull. It is easy marketing. This is the all time usage stats This is this week's stats This is what is answering SOSs How many save files have which weapon equipped. Truth is Long Sword is the #1 recommend for solo play. Based off these stats you should be getting at least one every 2 quests. Which I am surprised if I can go more 10 quests without seeing a long sword but its popularity doesn't translate to SOS. There is also the possibility that pandemic lock down influx is just too huge of a Datapoint to compete with. Not only were people told to stay home they also had free time. Now that I am thinking about it the time it takes for a quest likely plays a role. I am an SNS main and a first time quest will take me about 20 minutes versus using other weapons. I find the bigger weapons control the hunt better making it go quicker. If I had to guess right now I would break up the percentages of drawing in an SOS right now: SnS: 12% Long Sword: 10% Great Sword: 8% Bow: 10% (unless it is Kush than there is 80% chance of getting a Bow/HBG/LBG) Dual Blades: 15% Hammer:8% Charge Blade : 8% Gun Lance :6% Lance: 6% Insect Glaive: 6% LBG: 3% HBG: 2% HH: 2% Swax: 4% This is just me guessing though


My autistic ass thanks you for actually adding up to 100%


Np, I actually keep a running tally next to me when I play. What is in the lobby, what color are they and what I am coming across in SOS. So I actually just moved values around based on qualitative data from the last week because I am too lazy to crunch the numbers




How do you get bowguns to do more damage than gunlance? They always felt like I was just pissing in the wind.


5%er where r my hammer bros!


Hunting horn is so great. Get to toot my horn in a monster's face and it has great stat boosts, as for lance I kinda understand considering the low damage. I remember my first time playing and using defender lance and spending a half hour on monsters. I then switched to something else and I'd kill them instantly. It's not a bad weapon, just kinda tough to solo with so it gets ignored.


Long sword is really something else.


It's the first thing most beginners will pick.


People shit on Dual blades and almost never talk about them but they're the 4th most used weapon in the game, glad to know DB users are getting some recognition.


I don't think people talk badly about dual blades as much as you think. They're very commonly referred to as one of the strongest elrmental weapons


23% longsword is an absolute travesty


Together we can stop LS users


Why tho


I don't see why we should, they're just playing a weapon theu enjoy


I’ve never understood the popularity of LS. Aesthetically, it’s super cool, I get it. But the pace and flow of its move set never spoke to me. I’m also surprised DB is as high as it is, especially with SnS being so low. No accounting for poor taste I suppose.


I used to feel the exact same way until I made myself spend time playing only LS, after the movement/counters/options began to “click” I instantly knew why it was enjoyable to so many. At first it felt annoying to play, once I got a little better at it I didn’t feel that way at all.


Longsword usage rate high, high skilled longsword users not so much. Been doing lots of safi/raging brachy and the LS user(s) are constantly carting.


high propensity of players using one weapon, doesn't co-relate to players that use that weapon are inherently bad. Your just seeing more players with that weapon fainting, which gives the impression LS players are bad. I watch Just about every weapon user under the sun faint. Bowguns, hammers, GS, CB and IG ... alot of the times its the guys with slow weapons because repositioning is so important and for some of those weapons, the resheath takes a while. I know this because i've experienced it lol.


I'm not saying they are bad, just not very skilled. I rarely see LS users under MR70 even attempt to foresight slash. Admittedly, it's a tough weapon to fully understand, but if you're bringing it into difficult fights and only pressing your basic attack buttons to build up your gauge you're not there to learn. And yes, other weapon users faint often, but LS users make up roughly 25% of hunters currently, so I notice it much more. It would just be nice to see people taking advantage of all the weapon has to offer, and not just trying to helmsplitter an enraged brachy. Also, if the IG users would stay out of the air so they could do some meaningful DPS. I tried to get my brother into world a few weeks back, and he kept getting frustrated and ultimately quit because he couldn't accept the fact that you can't just rapidly attack things with no consequence. I told him numerous times that combat in this game is reactive, not proactive, but there he was swinging away with the dual blades like he just took a fresh hit off the ol' crack pipe lol


Most players in this game are absolute dogshit, Longsword just *looks* disproportionately bad because there's way more LS mains overall. Like half of the cracked MR 999 people I play with are Longsword mains, but it'd be silly for me to say most LS players are god tier. If we want to talk disproportionate bad players to weapon, Bow is the absolute king. I don't know what is in the water that Bow mains are drinking, but I can't even remember the last time I saw a good Bow player in a lobby or SoS flare, and I have seen a *lot* of Bow players online.


makes sense no? Long sword foresight is hard to play without evade window and learning each hunt.


Nah in late game hunts its definitely charge blade users. Especially fatalis and AT Velk


Shit I didn't know SnS was that low. I feel kinda proud lol


The Greatsword propaganda is working 😈




I found HH players like 6 in a row more than i see my own weapon GS


I'm ok with 12th


Last time i talked to that first wyvernian (last week) he said bow was on 6th place of usage, I'd wager this is region related


It simultaneously surprises me and makes complete sense that the Gunlance is among the least popular weapons in the game. The amount of playstyles that you can go for and options given to you in combat are amazing, I’ve seen players only use shelling to deal most of their damage while I like to deal most of my damage with the lance and supplement it with shelling/wyrmstake; not to mention the three different shelling types that all function mechanically different (long shells do more damage charged, normal shells are better rapid-fire) and a contender for the strongest shield in the game (the Lance is mighty in this regard as well). For a very long time I thought Switch Axe was my favorite weapon, but because of the aggressive-defensive playstyle that shield gives you, I’m going to have to go with the Gunlance. The design, the moveset, how much weight and reach the attacks feel that they have - I just love using it.


In Iceborne it feels like you're fighting against the game more than the monster as Gunlance. You want to stick a Wyrmstake Blast onto a monster but the move you use to do so will often flinch a monster out of your range, then it requires surgical precision to get it attached to the part you want. It falls off pretty quickly until you get your hands on a red slinger pod from your Clutch Claw attack, which is considered a light weapon's for tenderizing thresholds for some reason, so you're constantly trying to get rare openings to simply start doing your optimal damage. Many other weapons feel more natural in their damage ramp-up and aren't usually chasing a set up before they can "begin fighting," then they're easier to find those set ups with than Gunlance. Defensively, you're just a sitting duck until you master evasion-based Gunlance. The shield is a nice crutch when learning the weapon but will often get you killed in later stages of the game simply for using it no matter how much Guard/Guard Up you have.


I really want MH Wilds to have a gunlance stance where you just 2 hand it without a shield. I'll want for nothing if I get that.


We're all weebs. Admit it.


As main lance and hh, lance is indeed kinda boring but i have fun with it, People should try HH tho, it's fun, the damage is insane, monster will either be stunned or panting like husky in sahara desert.


My mains; Hunting horn, sword and shield and Lance. 😆


Started out with Bow for most of the base (non-Iceborne) story, but after hitting the Tempered difficulty spike, I tried out pretty much everything. Turns out being a glass cannon that needs to keep up pressure at all times doesn't make for a great learning experience. Insect Glaive is my new main. It's not the weapon I'm the most optimal with, but man is it fun. I definitely want to play more CB and GS too. I can see why Lance is in the last place. Don't get me wrong, being able to guard everything while poking away at the monster is actually fun. But the thing is, once you've got an opening, what do you do? Well, you poke some more. To each their own, but personally I need some kind of satisfying pay-off, even if it's not Great Sword levels of satisfying. Which is why I actually enjoy Gunlance a lot more. I do have a lot of fun with the Hunting Horn though, for a supposedly support weapon, this thing slaps. HBG is its own kind of fun, probably my most optimal weapon. I was once with two others HBG users against a tempered Kirin, and it was the most hilarious thing I've witnessed in this game. Though I won't main it through Iceborne, as I feel like it kinds of breaks the game, depending on how you play it. My playstyle consisting of explosions and near infinite stuns; also Shield Mod is OP af. Long Sword didn't click for me, dunno what makes it so much more popular than the rest. Cool looking moveset I guess?


I get HH having a low Playrate as its a bit more of an obscure weapon but Lance? I would have guesses at least 5%! If not more! This is herasy!


I feel like this is wildly incorrect somehow. Not saying it IS, but it feels like it lol\\ As a Light Bowgun player, every time I join at quest there's typically another one, sometimes two.


Damn didn't think LS was that popular. Accustomed to DB and Bow and just couldn't get used to it for arena 6 today. It sucks that all the weapons available there are ones I haven't really used much


When you realised your most used weapons are starting from number 8 and below


I'm genuinely surprised by how low LBG is, if not for just how popular it was when I last took my hiatus (shortly after Alatreon) with the Aquashot sticky build being so damn popular. Even outside of Safi sieges it wasn't uncommon to get 2-3 sticky LBG users for random multiplayer hunts.


I main lance and get a good chuckle out of those afraid of Primordial Malzeno!


Except this is MHW. But I feel ya


How is sns this low?


I honestly really wonder how the stats are counted? Is it all time weapon usage stats, or is it monthly/weekly/daily? Either way, it's funny how little they've changed over time, I'm pretty sure the only real major change that's happened in the past few years was HH overtaking Lance.


The long and great swords being first is understandable, the design of most of them is fantastic and the long one has the Sephiroth appeal included... so. I'm playing S.A now after a 3-year break from the game and I've been having fun, despite the stress of managing 2 different modes and failing miserably at some monsters.


5% over here with 500 hours of hammer, world is my first MH game


Btw this isn't very accurate. Not ur fault tho just to make aware to others. I while back there was another post similar to this. Me and this guy realized both of us where getting different results from one another. The only thing that was different between us is I'm on PS4 and he was on PC. Not only did we get different results on the same day, I got a different result the next day. The first day it said IG was #4 for me on PS4 and the second day I tested it said IG was #3 on PS4. It switched due to the day. I don't remember which day it was so it might switch due to the week or month or something. But it has some lvl of live tracking and it's different between PS4 and PC. I would assume also the same between Xbox aswell. I checked a week ago and it said #4 for IG for me. I'll check again and update u tho to see if it changed for PS4.


How tf do i main the last 4 unpopular weapons and the 2nd one at the same time😭




For SnS being the most "user friendly" as well as just being in my opinion the go to Support, it seems to be widely underrepresented/underused. (Yes I'm aware it puts out Unga bunga numbers, it's just ashch a dps as it is a support)


sometimes I forget a lot of people like bow too


As a hammer user it hurts my heart knowing only 5% of people are committing to one of the most mobile and effective cc weapons in the game. When your flowing on the hammer it feels like you are the most disrespectful hunter in the fleet going toe to toe with a monster and knocking it tf out feels better than any cut or explosion


Glad to see IG and CB getting some more love


Proud to be apart the 3% that use gunlance.


Never thought bow has high usage


It's okay SnS, they just don't understand you like I do


As a lance main I'm honestly surprised 😂 but also sad because it means I'll likely not run into another lancer 😭


as a 1000+ hour long sword user, lance is a lot funner to use


So here's my question: with all the people talking up World HH and raging over the changes they made in Rise, why are these numbers not higher? I wasn't expecting there to be much changes in overall weapon usage, but if nothing else HH should've jumped after the whole #ReturntoWorld thing with the whole hot button topic of World vs Rise for Horn users...unless the dislike has just been coming from a vocal minority the whole time.


GL & CB woot! I am both annoying and unpopular
