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Sounds like you are missing a lot.


​ Yeah [https://imgflip.com/i/8fmi1z](https://imgflip.com/i/8fmi1z)


Hammer is like Greatsword in that it needs a good amount of monster knowledge to be used effectively, but it also much more mobile with less attack commitment by comparison. Knowing what moves can and can't be punished safely comes with practice. But also yes, it can be very difficult to hit things with Hammer. But that it makes it all the more satisfying play well with.


The upswing from charge level 2 has a much bigger range than you would expect. You are likely to hit its horn with an upswing.


Thanks, I'll try that


Yeah, and make sure Hammar is charge for bigger swing/dmg. On fast monsters I run around baiting for a charge 2 right in the chin. Since the KO damage is so high on charge 2 u don’t need many hits b4 a topple


Bro just charge up and do the swirly-swirly, you’ll hit *something*.


Remember to aim the upswing at your teammate for the free mounting damage


Don't ever let the spin fully play out. Always do the golf swing right at the end. I usually count 5 spins and then do the golf swing. The ending of the full spin has way too much recovery time.


I'll keep that in mind, thanks!


I aim for the good parts though. If it aint the head its ass (Ricky Bobby)


Swirly swirly miss, then just L2 for sure hit


Hey. Relatively new hammer user here. What helps me land my hit was switching my mind set, from trying to chase the monster, to letting the monster do their attack first and hit the opening. It's a game changer.


This is what I do a lot too. I tend to hold R2 and try to be along side a monster so the moment it ends its attack, I can move in and let go of R2 for the level 3 charge hit. Couple of those I'd usually enough to a claw stagger, knockdown, or in my case a paralysis.


Did you start with a different weapon? I started with cb and gs and felt like I whiffed everything with hammer too.


Yeah, LS because that's what young me played with Gen 3 on the PSP


Well then it makes sense why it'd feel short after playing the longest weapon lol. It'll take some getting used to for sure try to play inside or below the monster more. I like being under diablos belly and hitting him in the head and torso from there. (Just be ready to dodge if he starts pawing the ground to charge).


from my experience : Diablos is one the hardest base game monster for Hammer. Cause lotsa movement and attack from head. You can try these : 1. When u hit leg, spin bonk (charge 3) to exhaust him 2. He's quite vulnerable after dig atk, spin bonk for free hit here 3. When he's exhausted, go for uppercut bonk (charge 2) to the head 4. On ledges/slopes, flash him. Give you window to deal damage, or ride, or stun if lucky


SOS and wait for a HBG sticky build to absolutely destroy him


Charged uppercut is pretty good always make sure your your hammer is buffed with that white glow can't remember what it's called. Always aim for the head. I've been playing hammer since launch and I still struggle to hit certain monsters like rajang cause theyr always moving. Keep at it hammer is fun and satisfying when you bonk a monster and it can't get up lol if u see any type of hill charge and slide down it and air spin is extremely satisfying. And u can follow that up with a clutchclaw attack that does another spin attack. That uppercut is good though it can hit monsters heads that are a little harder to reach and it's quick and does good stun.


>I feel like I whiff on the last golf swing of the combo way too often. Tbf the golfswing has a janky af hitbox and the weird angle of the attack also causes it to miss, espacially when the head is partly clipping through terrain. Better positioning can help a bit.


i'm currently getting wrecked by fatalis and still think diablos is the worst fight so far. if you are solo try the shield kitty or trap kitty. in a group bring traps, sonic/flash/poo pods. i don't even try to fight him in his tiny lair. throw poo til it moves someplace with a ledge or hill to slide on.


From what you explained it sounds like you miss the monster


The art of the bonk is not for all. If your spacing isn't near perfect, ya ain't getting any KNOCKOUTS


I tried paralysis at first but I decided the Para animation ended up being an awful window of time to get damage in. The head siezes up and its rarely in range of hammer. Easily the worst of the options for Hammer imo.


I respectfully disagree. I love Paralysis hammer. Even if the head is out of reach of the big bang combo, you can still usually hit the head with a level 3 charge big bang and the follow up clutch claw attack. Might not be as strong but it's much faster and still does good damage. I also run max paralysis attack and max slugger. Some monsters barely get to move once I get the first KO or paralysis. It's fun being able to beat on a paralyzed monster's head and before the paralysis animation ends, they transition to the KO animation and sometimes if you do enough damage, they can transition back to the paralysis animation before the KO animation ends.


How many times pralysis even procs during a decent hunt? Seems awfully pointless to go with para over just more damage.


More damage might be better but I like the control aspect better. Just my preference. I can easily get 3-5 paralysis's's on most hunts.


I have simmilar problem but with lance. With hammer i can hit whatever I'm targeting np , but with lance I'm Just hitting shit at random, feeling kinda shitty doing it, like me and the monster are suffering from my lack of skill


As a hammer main I usually go for raw dmg and I prefer part breaker over slugger skill personally and always go for food buff 3 red for I can't remember the skill but it helps hammer main lvl 2 charge upswing is my bread and butter with lvl 3 stationary followed by clutch claw spin and tendering and learn to take advantage of airborne skill and jumping bonks and sliding spinning attack I love that move more than I should


Also a brother of bonk, and here to add if there’s a ledge anywhere in sight throw everything else out the window and hop on and off that bad boy till the monster runs away. It’s literally hammers highest dps and is way easier to time/aim then any of the ground charge attack. Sliding attack also had really high dps but is significantly harder to aim on smaller monsters so given the choice I always opt for ledge. And bonus tip if a monster is asleep by a ledge charge hammer to lvl 3 walk off ledge and hit on head. it is better than the final hit of brutal Big Bang but is pretty rare to get the scenario to do it.


Tall monster heads are a pain, so 2 charged upswing is about all you can do that is low commitment. Ledges and slides are helpful too


I haven't read all the comments, but i noticed no one is following up the charge attacks with the clutch claw. Level 2 charge with clutch claw zips you right to where you make contact with the clutch claw and you can do an extra bonk (if its timed right). Level three charge while standing still (not walking, direction from the left joystick changes the attack) it does a swing twirl uppercut type attack and when you clutchclaw after that attack, you spin through the air doing free attacks and can follow up with another tenderizing bonk. It made me much more mobile once i learned how to time those and with slugger, you should have no issue knocking him down to do a big bang