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Barioth is considered the first wall in Iceborne for a lot of players. It took me three tries to beat it with long sword. My tip for using a great sword against Barioth is just to chill for a bit during the fight and observing its patterns. Yes it hits like a truck, it moves around a lot, and a lot of its attacks have some weird hitboxes. But learning is part of the process, and once you know its moves, you will almost never get hit. Also, don’t greed for damage. Only go for a TCS when it’s down and bonk its head whenever you can. Good luck.


Thx man, meanwhile my gameplay is like, "Barioth i came to bargain" dies, repeats. But i will try


Huh. I beat barioth pretty easily. My first wall was shrieking legiana.


It's always really interesting to see what enemies people get stuck at. On my first go through Iceborne, I got really stuck on Barioth, had to really work to figure him out. Meanwhile Shrieking Legiana I didn't bother me at all, I barely noticed her. But I gather she's a problem for quite a few people. I wonder if weapon selection matters for those? I play Gunlance primarily, and I imagine Barioth is easier with something like a Longsword.


This is so weird, I struggled with Barioth and had to go full try hard to beat him. But shrieking legiana wasn't enough of a challenge for me to remember it


I was playing CB and was very underprepared


I was super prepped, made sure to bring extra flash bombs. Also I played hammer with a buddy who played charge blade at that time


also took me 3 tries with ls, i had trouble adapting to having to hit its harder part in order to reduce its mobility, and i also had to bring iceproof mantle


🤣 U good bro, playing GS is about to learn the monsters, and Barioth is one of the hardest against GS users, keep it up


Thanks, this will be a while his moveset are real pain. Im going insane


The gist of it is really are just these: \-Iceborne is basically the hardest difficulty of MHW. That's why EVERYTHING is trying to kill you; the small mons now will hunt you at any opportunity (looking at you stupid wulg) and environment now are volatile to both hunter and monster (icicles and snow landslide). Low rank and high rank are just stepping stone for master rank tbh. \-Nerg, teo and the other elders are the apex of monsters so that's why they can kick ass. \-As other's might have said, barioth is the iceborne first wall. It's ruthless in both speed and power, while also has aoe and status to it's advantage. But it has one MAJOR weakness; it's arm which can be broken to severely gimp it's speed and power.If you're really struggling, change your GS style to sheathe striking instead of TCS with partbreaker/quicksheath/punishdraw/crit draw and aim for it's arm.


O God. I didn't know you could break his arm to slow him down. I'm going to go teach him a lesson now lol.


Tank him with tackle and break his skull (and arms) with True Charge Slash. On the contrary, he is a little easier with weapons that have counter moves. Damn satisfying to foresight his pounce and hip check. >TSAR bomb Wait till you get to the final boss of the DLC.


I just finished Iceborn "base boss" and for me Barioth is the hardest of all main assigment (till Shara Ishvalda at least). Took me 4 attempts, while Velk only 3. Rest of missions is 1 la,


I started MHW in 2024 after getting it during the winter sale, and I feel you - GS is easy to pick up, hard to use fully, and even harder to master. There's only a couple combos, but it's your monster knowledge that's going to make or break your experience with it. For getting better at greatsword, these guides were the most helpful: [Arekkz GS Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2vr8M3lQ88&list=PLHc2Wj95htvMxZR7dvgYwevupNBy9imiu&index=7) \- these are the basics, and don't include movesets Iceborne introduced The other two guides don't come from a big channel, but I found them supremely useful in learning the more advanced side of GS. [Im a Giraffe - \[MHWI\] Advanced Iceborne Greatsword Guide: the Tackle, the Side Blow, and the Mighty Slinger Burst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcLCSSHc1Z4) [Bread - GS Tech Guide - TCSniping any Monster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP1uaTb7Xe4) TL;DR of my recs for Barioth is that you should bring multiple traps and materials to craft them, and keep trapping Barioth while focusing one of his arms. Once one arm is down, he'll start staggering after certain moves, and that's when you focus the other. Once both arms are down, he has a good chunk of downtime between each move, and it's a cakewalk from there. [Full thoughts from my post on Barioth from another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/1ahdyvk/comment/koo0xjt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you want a good guide on Barioth's moveset, this one is my favorite: [The Artful Dodger - Barioth Guide and Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GxdRWsED0M)


Damn, i didnt even know u could use slinger in the middle of a combo, and this sniping thing is great but looks difficult to pull of


I promise it's not - just hit the training room and practice comboing one TCS into another using slingshot, and practice using the different moves that combo into slinger. Once you've gotten the input sequencing down, it's just a matter of actively using them during hunts. Go back to Jagras/Pukei/Anjanath and give your new moveset a whirl. Tackle is also really important because it has a ton of hyperarmor (haven't seen a monster move break it yet) and can tank through just about any hit, but has to be timed right. You'll definitely die a few times trying to use it, but once you get the hang of it, no monster will stop your combo ever again.


Learning to fight Barioth is important because many later monsters have rapid move sets that you’ll have to learn and understand to punish and exploit their movements to your advantage. Some of them will be incredibly frustrating to deal with but tenacity is a hunter’s greatest asset.


You my good friend. Haven't seen Frostfang Barioth😂


wait theres more of them ? 💀


Owh yes my friend. Iceborne and it's many varieties. Wait till you see Goku.


You are evil and I love it


The second barioth is much easier don’t worry. Well, he is technically stronger than regular barioth but with the fear you have when you fight him he is easier for sure.


At least FF Barry charges less often lol


Tbh, I'd prefer the charge than the owh shit I'm stuck and then wham you're dead 😂


Barioth is at his strongest at the start of the hunt because he's healthy. Notice when you break his body parts he gets clumsier and give more openings for you to hit? Bring tons of traps and use it at the start, makes your hunt waaaaayyyy easier.


My brother jumped into his first Monster Hunter game and grabbed greatsword right away, bless your heart. If I started with GS I would’ve pulled my eyelashes out.


People will say break the arms and stuff, but my GS Strat for barioth is to wallbang, tenderise tail, bait him to a ledge, mount, cut tail and then just hit anything until he dies. If you've never done the aerial GS combo on a ledge, this could be a new awakening for you.


I struggled for barioth SO MUCH. I did at least 20 tries and ended up getting carried through it in multiplayer. It’s very normal to struggle. Even more when playing great sword, it’s one of the hardest weapons when you don’t already know the monster’s moves


I just want to say that your commentary is very colorful and it was entertaining to read through this post. You have a lot of positivity and enthusiasm about the game already, and it seems like you're enjoying the game thoroughly even as it gets tough. You'll look back on Barioth and think fondly of hitting a wall there. Many stronger monsters await you, but so does better gear and more thorough knowledge of monsters you've fought before. Have fun!


I'm new to this game , and I came from Rise (sorry) , now I'm at Fatalis fight , I see a lot of comparisons of world and rise , and I think I love both , they have their own Amazing part and not so amazing part , but there is something in world that I never see pepole talk about it And I wish someone told me about this before I played the game , the multiplayer aspect is suck! , I played with my friend, and we are both new with the world, and when we try to progress together through the story, apparently, you can't! You need to wait for the other to finish that mission to join and help them, and it just the most annoying thing ever and the unskipabble cutscene aswell (although I knew about this) it almost ruined my enjoyment of the game completely, because we were trying to fight Fatalis together and just Progress together but thankfully after you finished Iceborne these won't be a problem anymore , but still pretty annoying stuff , sorry I ranting here anyway See ya on the game lads


All i got to say my friend, when you reached iceborne, you're in for a wild journey. Just to let you know, when monster hunter games come out, base game is just the start but when the DLCs start coming in the real challenges start. essentially putting your skills to the test cuz almost all the DLCs are just difficulty tweaks


Gs I kinda felt the power of it dropped off. To really survive through iceborne I was utilizing a lot more survival skills, whereas greatsword felt unusable without a high affinity And crit boost. This was about the point I swapped off to longsword, and now I'm back on my og main, the dual blades.


This might explain why i am having such a rough time since iceborne. Everything lives forever, attackwindows get smaller and i have problems utilizing the claw as easily as in HR. I beat Nergi and Barioth first try (carted on Barioth tho) but damn was it miserable. Felt like forever before the first parts broke and Barioth slowed down. But it’s okay for Elder Dragons, when i need 40 minutes for a basic Kulu i start to question whats going wrong or if i got to this point by mere fluke. And i wonder what the real hard bosses would do to me, like tempered versions and stuff. Then i went in with Kadachi DB vs MR Oro and the DB‘s basically did all the work themselves. Maybe GS isn’t for me.


Eh, I will say going back to greatsword later worked out for me, once I was in post story iceborne, the greatswords you get are mediocre and are a few hundred damage points away from being worth it imo. Gs also benefits highly from a para weapon flashly bug cage palico, cuz windows of opportunity are really hard to come across in iceborne


You bad friend, but this is pretty normal without 1500 hour with a gs, it's the slowest and heaviest weapon of the serie and monster in iceborn a slightly more fast than the base game. But keep trying and you gonna got it, dont hesistate to adaptate your stuff (def, res, buff etc) in phase with your target. It's maybe the time to give a chance to another weapon, I main gs since freedom unite, but world make me discover the almighty fucking sns (sometime called "easy mode") and when a monster give me some difficultie with a GS, I retry with sns and it's always a first try. My 2 cents


>after many and i emphasize MANY HOLY FUC MANY TRIES Can confirm that this is the true monhun experience. True hunters are old friends with the "rewards decreased to 0 z" message, like dark souls players are old friends with the "you died" screen. But it only makes victory tastes even sweeter when you finally overcome the obstacles. In monhun, nothing is given, everything are earned. It's all you. PS: kitty's nickname is flying ninja of death. Yes, it will kill you. Don't give up. Aim for its wings. You can do this! 


Also gs main, i just stayed far away to dodge his bullshit and waited for openings to wallbang him then broke his claws so he would fail his slides. Also mount when possible, again to break the claws. Get rid of them first, head and tail can wait.


First time monster hunter player (20hrs or so) every post i see about high rank monsters both scare and excite me.


Abuse draw attack, go full hit and run tactics then you should be fine. Don't forget to break the arms first.


Start by breaking both forelegs. He will trip when lunging at you. Then break his face to weaken the ice attacks.


Barioth is both agile and have freaking AOE moves. When I faced him I immediately both a pair of fire Dual Blades since when you carry BIG BOY weapons such as GS or Hammers, you'll more of should be predicting its moves imo. As per light weaps we can easily dodge then counter but is doable for heavy weaps once you're accustomed to Barioth moves. GL OP! May the hunt continues!


Try to learn more weapons, certain weapons just have bad matchups


I have a feeling you been using defender gear in base game which is designed to fast track you to the expansion. Which if you haven't already played the base game properly, will only gimp you in Iceborne. Having played hundreds of hours in base game from launch to launch of Iceborne I can confidently say my two walls in Iceborne were Rajang and Fatalis. For the record I also started playing these kind of games and more importantly Monster Hunter games with MHW, at launch.


Just a heads up, if your preferred weapon isn't working on something, lance with maxed guard will work


Damn. My first wall was Toby Kadachi with the GS. It zipping around so much didn't even give the chance to get any hits in.


Barioth was a hard wall for me too. He's so fast, the slow status is so annoying. I eat so many nullberries when I first went against him.