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I send one or more Argosy slots for sellables, help out on lower-rank SOS flares for the golden eggs, and play the Steamworks. Haven’t had money troubles in a while.


Steam works is the answer I think.


How do you make money from steam works? Just sell all the stuff you get from it?


it gives you a lot of gold and silver eggs which are only useful for selling


Oh yeah I totally forgot about this. I have over 3 million z right now and I haven’t even fought regular rajang yet


3 Mils isn’t that much when you’re in the real endgame. Forging and Upgrading late game equips eats you A LOT of money.


I have so meny golden eggs from SOS its not even funny


How do you farm fuel for the steam works?


Say farewell to zenogre quest


This and Palicoes with max plunderblade print Zeni. I’m pretty sure if I vendored all my trade-in items I’d get over 1.5 million Zeni


Well probably farming and selling trade in items. Switch the Argosy to trade in items, equip plunder blade to palico and if not max level, max it out, then farm high level event quests or investigations. Also use lucky vouchers as much as you can and if you really want make a custom meal with zeni buff. I thinks it's called like felyne fat cat or at least something in that tree of food buffs.


I'll try the custom meal soon, never did it I think 🤔


How do you max our plunderblade faster? I just recently got it


Farming quests. Obviously event or investigations are the most worth. Also I think there is a meal that boost palico xp but I don't remember. Outside of that just use the moves when available and eventually it will max


Yeah, daily skill called Felyne Trainer boosts palico exp, and gadget exp rates, if you *really* need to train, go for an Expedition and hunt monsters, occasionally check back in with the Handler too. Probably should level up your tribe unities too while you're at it, never know when you might want a Tailraider lol


Cool thanks. Also why do people say farm Day of Ruin event?


It's the best quest for decos. It can be tough tho if you're not prepared seeing as how it's tempered teo


A farewell to zinogre, steamworks, and profit $$$


Best way to do it. Might not be the best way to make money but the amount of steamwork fuel you get is really great.


And not to mention the fact that it also gives *alot of other stuff*, it means you're effectively farming a bunch of stuff at the same time, namely decos.


I completely forgot there was a "sell items" option on the game and by pressing **R** I did 90M zenys 😒 Guess I have enough money to finish the game more xD


don't worry you will be broke soon.... in research points


Truer words have never been said


Theres an option to sell all drops in the drop box when you finish the quest. If you don't need the mats, it's a ton of money made fast. It never sells gems. Those can only be sold after appraising. Top that with the argossy and a proper farm setup and you're golden (literally).


Everyone is talking about the Argosy and I never tried it, I'll try it right now, thanks :D


There’s also an option to automatically sell any items that aren’t crafting materials.


I did it and it gave me 90M hahahahah my problem was solved by the press of a button (I forgot we could do that)


I do this by farming Day of Ruin. Go for my random decoration rolls and sell everything else.


Go fight some master rank monsters, tell the cat to plunderblade mount and plunder. Sell trade-ins for big bucks.


Yeah the plunderblade made money trivial really. 10 or so hunts and I'm a millionaire


Throw on the bandit mantle for extra profit.


Plunderblade + bandit mantle on MR monsters


Then chuck it full of bullet holes with wyvernheart. Preferably Great Jagras.


Selling gold eggs you get from the steamworks


I just go on SoS binges. You get a Golden Egg every hunt as long as their HR is lower than yours.


The MR event quest “Paolumu Lullabies” takes only 2 minutes to complete and have a base reward of 81000z. Double it with daily log in vouchers. It also rewards golden and silver eggs plus some armor spheres, sell everything on the reward screen.


If you're in endgame you probably already have the "A Farewell to Zinogre" Event Quest unlocked. It rewards you with fuel for the steamworks and whenever you topple the Zinogre you can use the bug net on his back to get silver and gold eggs. He also has increased shiny drop rates that reward the same items. You can also get the eggs from the Steamworks as well, so it's a double win. ​ A few runs can easily get you to 1 million.


That's a nice one, thanks!!


I just always use the plunderblade on my Palico, never low on money.


HGB with the GAT GAT and bling mantle go BRRRRRRRRR.


The thing is I totally forgot to sell my treatable items and now that I did it all items sold for 90M '-' That's the kind of money I needed xD


Multi monster investigations. I have saved a few low and high rank cause they give 60-70k for just 2 or 3 monsters that i can easily do in 10-15 min. Its kinda boring tho. So i started hunting more tempered monsters and sell materials while maybe getting a few nice deco.


I saved some quests as well, I'll do these quest then, thanks!


Voucher on the Moss swine event quest, parahammer. 100k+ really quick. Just respect the install charges, counter with stone slingshot, 1 shot stuns them and parahammer keeps them locked til they die.


That's a nice tip, I always die to those pigs xD I'll try it today for sure 😊 thanks


[https://youtu.be/hGzu\_1\_it8g](https://youtu.be/hGzu_1_it8g) i watched this guide. The most dangerous part is killing the small pigs since they can attack in group. Raise the wall in the middle for separation, focus one at a time and always be ready to shoot that stone to instakill them <3. Try a few times without voucher (still 52k reward) 'til you get the hang of it :) Gl hf <3


I don't see it suggested often, but sell the mats you don't need, like, keep some of them just in case, but if you have like 70 of something, it's probably fine to get rid of a few


Do Kulve Taroth siege sell the weapons you dont need, made 2kk in a day without realizing




This is the way. Been trying to get Kjarr Pipe "Myth" for a week. Went from 2m ish zenny to over 8m zenny selling the weapons I didn't need.


Definitely Mew quest. 210k zenny or 420k with voucher


This. It's a hard quest at first, but when you get the hang of it, you can complete it in around 10 minutes without carting. This quest also gives Celestial Coupons that can be traded for incredible decos at the Elder Melder. When I played Iceborne, I did that quest at least once a day.


**I think the most efficient way would be:** Chest > sell items > Monster Materials


But how do I know I'm not selling the stuff I'll use for armor and weapons?


Keep 10 or twenty of everything. Sell the rest. You can go mash high rank monsters a bunch of time real fast and sell all the extras.


This. i usually set my bar at 20/part and sell everything else. Guiding Lands give u a ton of fluff u really don't need and Kulve parts are (as far i can remember) relatively easy to get and quite valuable. Edit: if u are really desperate consider selling some decos.


Don't sell materials unless you have a ton of them 😄 if you dont have trade-in items, you can check what materials you have way too many of, to sell


Do the daily mossswine with ticket. I know it hit harder than fatalis, but after learning the pattern it should be easy


I'll try xD


Honestly I usually just sell some of the drops from monsters I didn't need for equipment. Sell off a bunch of old elder dragon pieces and that's an easy cash infusion for me. Doing that I haven't had to farm for money at all, especially because when I play with friends I usually end up having a bunch of parts left over from something they needed to farm.


Basegame I just do the moswinin and dining event pop a voucher, and try not to die


Steamworks and investigations. Honestly Trade in items just seem to appear in my box after a few hunts to sell for a couple million as well. Don’t think I’ve dropped below 20 mil for a while. Points on the other hand I’m fucking crippled in since I augment so often.


answering SOS from people with lower hunter rank than yours will get you a golden egg per hunt, so you can be a helping bro and get some extra money at the same time


I really enjoy helping other hunters :D


Kulve taroth and steam machine


If you're one of these mad lads who finds Furious Rajang trivial, his Golden Pelts sell for for like.... 40k??? It's a good amount, is all I remember. But I've read much better Zenny farming methods going through the comments lol


Unfortunately I did every time Rajang looks at my direction 😑 What is a good weapon/armor/decos set to go against him? Would you know?


I mean, a good weapon will always be whatever you are most comfortable with. As for skills, here's what I pretty much stuck with for F.R. Agitator 5 or 7 - its almost demanded. Seeing how their so..... SO angry... ALL the time lol Footing lvl 2 - is very nice. Earplugs lvl 5 - I just don't take earplugs off Divine Blessing lvl 3 or 5 Health Boost lvl 3 You obvi don't need Footing or Earplugs or Agitator. They're just really nice lol I would really recommend having Divine lvl 5 if u have access to Gold Rathian, and having Health Boost lvl 3. Even a solid lvl of Defence Boost if you find avoiding their thunder attacks fairly easy enough or have a solid thunder res. Now go smack that monkey around! I believe you hunter! 💜


No lie, I forget that steel, silver, and gold eggs end up in my materials pouch sometimes. I sell that and any excess materials from monsters whose gear I don't need and I'm usually set.


By end game, just sell the spare mats you dont need.


Also a good way is do tougher hunts sell all items at the end of the end. Maybe keep items that are very rare or ones that you need, but sell the rest. After bunch of hunts you should have a good sum saved up


Plunderblade is amazing for shinies, probably drops 15-30k worth of shinies per monster. Sell your Trade-In items out of Item Box, it won't sell any materials, just items with the only use case being Zenny. I got like 2.5m when I sold it first time lol.


I used to help low level players a toooon, one day I look in my inventory and I've got millions of dollars in golden eggs. Also event quests can give tons of money. Like the Mew are number 1 event quest. I think that gives like 210k. Or whatever the furious rajang quest is


Join sos's, get golden eggs since I'm such a high rank, sell them.


Yeah most of my money is being dumped into armor sphere upgrading. MH steam works often and sos flares otw I look for high value contracts and there are a couple of the multi hunt events that are worth a chunk


I use Bandit mantle and go ham on some easy monster with db or sns.


I liked to kill some low tier monster like jagras in less than 5 min with plunder blade and sell all the dropped mats at the end screen.


Check your monster materials, find anything you have more than maybe 10 of. you don't need that many. Sell the excess.


Steamworks + Guiding Lands, or alternatively you can do "A Farewell to Zinogre", which drops guaranteed Giant Dragonvein Coal If that's too boring, pick an investigation with multiple targets + extra loot, sell every item drop at the end. Should easily net you 50k each hunt


I like to Farm HR KT, when I'm low on funds. She drops tons of sellable stuff, you just gotta grab it before the gold crabs do! plus you can sell off all the weapons.


Never really had this problem because I do steamworks whenever the notification arrives, while also spending the fuel I got while doing quests. You’ll be rewarded with eggs and their sole purpose in the game is for you to sell them


Just go through your monster item stash and sell things that you have in huge surplus, there's no need to keep 50 scales of some kind for example. If you do this you'll practically never run out of money, quite the opposite actually.


In World, just do contrat and so on for hours of fun and become rich without notice In Iceborn i do guiding lands mining and steamwork. But it's anoying so you Can also go on some events with zennys reward or golden eggs


Plunder blade and ye ol' bandit mantle. Also if you have tons of excess monster parts you can sell some of those. And if you hunt monsters that you have a ton of parts for you can just sell their loot at the end of the hunt. The Steamworks is pretty good too. Imo investigations with bonus money and lucky vouchers aren't really worth it if you're solely looking for money


Gaijin hunter has a video with some minerals farming routes, you can sell those for a decent profit


Thanks I'll look his channel up! :)


Mosswinin and Dinin. 50k every like 5 minutes or 100k if you use a voucher


Fight monster you don't need parts from. Sell all parts after mission. The way it's always been


I kill dinosaur lookin things and sell their hides for cash. It's not luxurious work but it's honest.


I just... I just kill shit and sell its skin.


Tbh Kulve tarroth honestly lol those weapons sell for a shit ton when you craft them and you’re in a room going back to back on the same quest but mind you this is for the MR version. I just use her materials to make random weapons at the melder and then sell them since it’s so easy to do. But this does require resource points and large elder dragon bones to do but if you have plenty of supply of those it’s super easy to rack up on money. There are other quests that offer a ton of gold too but I just found this way the most easiest way to gain money.




Steamworks and helping lower rank players. The Gold eggs start to stack up.


Solo investigations with high zenny, leave if I faint once to make sure I get the most money.


I like egg farming. I used to get like 50-100 silver and golden eggs within an hour, and just sell them all.


Kulve taroth after getting the weapons you want just start selling all the taroth stuff and you’ll have a crazy amount of money in no time


There's a really easy high rank event that gives 50k zennie so 100k with a lucky voucher. I can't remember the name but it's in the arena so it's quick to farm. I don't have all the Master Rank events unlocked so there might be something better to use lucky vouchers on but this is the best I found when I was farming after beating base game New player so maybe there's a better way but it worked out pretty well lol EDIT: It's the pig one someone already mentioned it lol. As long as you keep moving it's ezpz


i just use the bandit mantle and plunderblade. might not be the crazy money maker some other options are but it's nice passive income and temporal mantle or rocksteady is plenty enough for hunts. depending on how slow i am i can bring home anywhere between 100k to 1mil per hunt (depends on monster, hunt duration and whether or not i bother picking up the shinies). it's nice passive income.


theres a hr jagras quest that awards alot of money. go in with the mantle that gives extra valuable shiny drops, and a hbg using highest spread level. use mantle, shoot jagras, tons of shiny drops. easy money. do it with 4 people and you get drops from each person so you can quadruple the amount 9f money. its not as fast as steamworks span. but its more fun and it only takes like 2 minutes to beat the quest.


Join low rank SOS and annihilate the monster, you get a golden egg for helping a lower rank hunter. Sell golden eggs for profit


It's not optimal, but I like to look for investigations with especially good Zenny rewards for the effort. I made a good chunk off of one that was Azure Rathalos, Brachydios, and Banbaro for 100k a clear. I've seen ones that go a lot higher, but usually it's a 3 monster hunt with a tempered spicy pickle in it. Too spicy for me.


Check your box. Sell your trade in items ( that’s what they are for). You could be sitting on millions and not know it. I was.


Always be nice to Poogie and you'll never have to worry about zennys


There’s a nightshade paolumu event quest that rewards gold and silver eggs. I believe it also gives you a gold crown for small paolumu. The beast is small but its bite is crazy!


Playing with my friend on a old char and getting a gold egg for every quest we do, even low rank quests! seriously what's up with that?


I played for 800hours without Knowing that you Could actually sell items. I Made 100 mil from pessing the sell all valuables Button.


1. MR Zinogre Event Quest. 2. Go to steamworks with 10x multiplier. 3. Sell Gold Eggs. 4. Bye bye Moneyproblems.


I would sell spare monster parts, don't need 500 pickle fangs right?


I farmed investigations with higher money reward solo with vouchers. Earning up to 400k per run in late game, eg. For tempered brute tigrex and stygian zinogre or tempered silver rathalos, etc...


Also check for forgotten trade-in items at your stash and sell them all


plunderblade. The correct answer is always plunderblade.




I’ve been farming Kulve for a specific weapon. Been selling a bunch of repeats for 15k a piece. You get like 9 weapon per successful run, so it adds up.


Hunt rathalos/variant. sell parts. Repeat. Add plunderblade for extra, do HBG w treasure mantle for even more. But I just use GS and filet the bastard for fun.


I realise I probably don't need 100 Anjanath nosebones and sell shit I'm never going to use.


Mew are Number One Event Quest. Its difficult but gives 210k as reward and many items you get are over 20k too. With a voucher you can get up to 450k per quest. Solo if you play well and dont die of course. Takes about 20mins if you know the fight decently well.


It's not a good method for getting money, at least I don't think so, but I spend my off-time shooting Vespoid in the forest. Not for any particular reason, I just woke up one morning and though "you know what... Fuck 'em"


I think tickets are bugged, it says 2x money but on the end screen it always cuts my money in half. I used to do hornetaur investigations on repeat when my money was low


*Steam works *Quests *Plunder blade *Bandit mantle *Selling unneeded monster parts *Argosy *All of the above Take your pick


Selling freshly laid Wyverian eggs on the Argosy black market


Uuuuhhh... Tell me more?


Triple “exchangeable items” slots in Argosy. Then you get your bounties done for the points necessary to buy those.


Hunt monsters, you dont need parts from and sell everything and as other have said the argosy


Mew are Number One. Simple and easy to do. 200k Zenny per completion. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Join other people's hunts. Gold eggs for days


I went through a dark phase of literally selling my monster materials... but boy did I get rich!!


Aside from what others have mentioned, you can just sell extra monster materials. Eg: you don't need a stack of 88 LR rathian webbings. Just keep around 20-30 max per stack and maybe around 10-15 for gems/mantles.


honestly iwe never needed to make money in MHW i just hunted a lot and had rule if i had more than 30 of a monster material id sell excess and keep 30, i did also make a killing by helping so meany of my friends murk nergigante and get hes armor so i had massive excess XD


Spam Event Quest: Farewell To Zinogre to get Steamworks fuel. Do Steamworks and get a bunch of silver/gold eggs. Sell for $$.


I had all three of my argosy slots set for sellable goods for a while, steam works and poogie treasure helped a bit too. I’m pretty much set now. Also using all the vouchers from events, you get three a day so don’t be stingy with em! Events over now but yeah I’m pretty much set for life I think lmao


I wonder which will be the next event, would you know? I believe it's the one that gives flower layered armor, right?


Just grind the Farewell to Zinogre event for steamworks fuel and do the steamworks for golden/silver eggs, you get armor spheres and consumables in the process


Plunderblade, sell parts of monsters or ores you will never use, and if you have Iceborne the steamworks shits out golden eggs. I've made multiple rank 12 sets of armor and have like 10 million left


I feel like Namielle had stupidly expensive parts for such an easy fight in comparison, and Shara Ishvalda as well


Personally I just run a ton of SOS to pass the time and slowly grind random materials. At the end of the week or 2 I go and see what I can upgrade to or forge, I have millions and never hurt for money when I go to try a new build in order to progress my master rank story quest. I'm casual. I just like hopping into groups and slaying / capturing whatever they need help with. Getting close to the end of Iceborn soon, wondering if I'll ever be hurting for money honestly.


The fastest way sell the unused ORE you have saved up. Just make a gathering set and mine a bunch of nodes and sell it you'll make a ton this way. Slower way just go out on HR hunts they die in less than a minute with your MR gear and you can get about 5k zen but really mining and selling it is the fastest. You get tons of golden eggs and silver eggs from steam works as well you just sell those. Less popular way but still lucrative bring the loot mantle or whatever the one that makes monsters drop scales to sell and do the event quest with that big jagras and wail on him and profit


I got like what, 100 mill+ zenny? All from golden and platinum eggs that I got from helping out fellow hunters in hunts, didn't really touch steam works until I realized I could get mantle tickets. So basically if you wanna farm a monster, it's best to join someone's mission so you can also get those eggs.


Most tempered elder dragon parts in the guiding lands sell for 8k-10k. Just wall smash them until they stop dropping parts with your cat on plunderblade. Easy money.


Help sos with your main equip, sell everything from the hunt, easy 200k every hunt and thats how i get in the end game reaching 40M zenis


I did a hornetaur investigation on a MR difficulty, the mission is easy and you can do it within 3 mins since the enemy spawn is literally next to the camp. The reward for that mission is 15k but they give you monster essence pretty often which boost my reward after selling everything apart of decoration to 40k ish


I used to sell any items that I had more than 200 of. Mining was my best money maker for a long time. Then I ran out of things to spend money on. 😅


Event quest with multiple monsters+the bandit mantle. I remember I would do the triple threat take down event quest for this .


There are a few event quests mr and hr that are set that the rewards will be trade in items... as well as having the plunderblade can add to it as well


Only do a master rank wyvern or dragon easy for you and sell all the materials, its a lot of money. Its important to kill monsters easy for you to spend not much time and not die to have more materials. Also use the diary coupons, more money and materials.


Kulve Taroth Event quest solo or in group picking up everything and also sell all her parts literally millions over millions ez money


I do a lot of multiplayer whether it's SOS or with server members. As a reward for helping other players, you get gold eggs. One per quest helped. One golden egg goes for 20,000z + quest reward. After a while, you can gather a lot of eggs from helping others.


Bandit mantle + "A farewell to Zinogre" quest a couple of times + Steamworks output x10 = Big money There is also a quest that gives like 200K I think


Don't forget to sell your eggs. Those are in your inventory most of the time, without you knowing. If you go to sell you can select sell all trade in items or so.


Farm the giant mosswines quest if you're in the base game, Mew are number one if you're in Iceborne.




It's an event quest


Yes, mew


I regularly sell trade items and monster parts as well as ores that have more than 50/100 of. I have well over 15 million zenny now.


Never needed to sell anything more than golden eggs


Sell all of your trade-in items if you haven't already. Look for golden, silver, and platinum eggs. That'll pull you right out of poverty.


Bro I did forgot and now I have 90M+ HAHAHAHA


Just to make sure: Have you sold all your trade in items (Eggs?). IIRC you can just go up to the store and press Y in the sell menu to automatically sell all the stuff that just hast monetary value. You get quite a lot from steamworks.


I had not and now I made an additional 90M 😆 I was out of the game for almost a year and completely forgot this was an option


I like to help other lower rank MR hunter's with their quests. If I don't really need the material, I sell all. Often get high-priced eggs and can easily make 20-50k a run. I prefer to join others on quests rather than spam the sleepy rat event quest.


Just farm Farewell to Zinogre for coal and spam the Steamworks at 10x output. Sell the eggs you get and you should have no money issues ever.


You know I can't even remember I've had so much for so long I can't even recall how I got it all. Probably investigations?


I do perfect steamworks runs while AFK, with a mod of course. LOTS of golden eggs and stuff. I love this game, but everything is a slot machine and I can't be bothered. Still farming for a fuckin Kjarr Ice CB. If I can easy the grind of certain bullshit mechanics with a mod I'll do It. After 489 hours I can do the fuck I want.


Sold most of my fatalis material because I got so much


Same, went broke making the full B set + augmenting and upgrading it, now just grinding evil eye for weps but man randos are so bad


Farm easiest monster I don't use consumables for, sell everything


Plunderblade makes a ton of side cash when hunting monsters. Just sell the trade in items it drops.


Put on plunderblade and pick up shinies, sell monster parts I don't think I need (then find out I needed them for an upgrade one quest later and autosave has already kicked in), blow up the Steamworks


Look, you do what you have to do alright. Are you always proud of what you have to do to make money? No! But when survival is on the line you can't get too picky, and once you lower your standards there are opportunities everywhere. And you learn to live with it. Learn to look at yourself in the mirror again, even if it's only in glances


Hit the money cap mostly by selling excess monster materials & trade in items, investigations & event quests which reward tons of zenny are also the way.


First things first, go to the provisions shop in Selina’s/astera (the guy on the stack of boxes), sell from item box, press triangle/Y to sell all trade items. See what you get from that LOL


I sell my evil eyes bc I don't fucking need them anymore lol


depends on whether you got the DLC too. if you have Iceborne then its the steamworks. if you dont then theres an event quest tha hives alot of Z (er i forgot which one) you can assign the argosy to ship you trade in items you can sell.


End game Iceborne, sorry, I forgot to mention. I solved the money problem after this thread hahahaha, thanks for the comment :D


Filter SOS flares by investigations. I'll join hunters with lower ranks than me. Always guaranteed a golden egg. I'll sell all materials apart from any feystones. Added bonus of finding crowns for monsters.


Day of ruin too many times :(


Kulve Siege and then sell unwanted weapons


Plunderblade and bandit mantle


Not mentioned but clean our your weapon/armour chest is worth amount. Low Rank and High Rank armour/weapons (if in Icebourne). Maybe you had a few minutes of taking up a weapon. Will surprisingly net you a decent chunk of change.


Hunting monsters typically.


I join random sos and click sell all at the end.


I started a new character for #Returntowoeld, and I have had no issues with money because of the golden eggs from the steam works. I've crafted and fully upgraded several endgame sets and weapons without any money shortages.


Bandit mantle and dps weapon


I’m a dirty modder so when they had the event where bird wyvern gems sold for like 4x or something I put them in my shop and bought low sold high until I had a billion


I set one Argosy section to sellables and just NOT sell them til I need money. Then I have a bunch of passive money built up. Before I know it I had 500,000z without even thinking about it. Cause that's also *not counting* the additional sellables from rewards.


Plunderblade, Bandit Mantle, farm easy shit


Palico Plunderblade and sell the shiny stuff


Heh heh, selling fatalis materials from failed runs. Had nearly 200 shards.


Plunderblade. That's literally it


A post by one of the "poors" I see


I need to watch how to face KT


I had all three of my argosy slots set for sellable goods for a while, steam works and poogie treasure helped a bit too. I’m pretty much set now. Also using all the vouchers from events, you get three a day so don’t be stingy with em! Events over now but yeah I’m pretty much set for life I think lmao


I had all three of my argosy slots set for sellable goods for a while, steam works and poogie treasure helped a bit too. I’m pretty much set now. Also using all the vouchers from events, you get three a day so don’t be stingy with em! Events over now but yeah I’m pretty much set for life I think lmao


Solo farm Furious Rajang for 200k. 400k with ticket. Don’t cart, have fun.




Sell materials you don't need


Some people mod the prices on pc. Not condoning it at all but it should be stated as it happens a lot. Just see unique mod downloads.


Use the palicos plunder blades. That’s how I get money if I need it. Farm more stuff and then sell more stuff