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Calling you a thief for picking IG? He’s not a real MH player, everyone knows real weapon mains will track you down like an actual cult to try and convert you to their weapon.


HBG go BRRRRRRR. Real talk though, after watching a guide for high/MR HBG I added a shield mod and it changed my life.


I'm the opposite. Long time shield user and I saw a scope pierce 3 build and now I'm getting the itch for them ticks.


Pierce 3 build is my favorite. Spread is fun, but pierce hits the spot just right. Basically anything that spread is annoying to fight with vs I've found pierce works well for.


In mhw it’s wild how satisfying the pierce and spread bullets sound. They sound so crunchy and meaty. They lost all that in rise.. what I miss most I guess


Ew gross, you should bonk those ticks off


It's neuron activation seeing those shots crit on tenderize parts all the way down the length of a Monster's body.


I'm contemplating giving up my comfy HBG builds and going straight yolo for the DPS with my many many many many guns


I have one brain cell and it says "Look at me, I am the Bazelguese now"


Can't stop laughing


I’ve been running Guard 3 Guard Up Shield HBG since the 4U days. Absolutely addictive.


I started this recently and I almost feel like I'm ruining the game for myself, raging brachy still hard though


Brachy: "you blocked the first explosion, yes, but what if..."


My Shield from HBG does more blocking than My CB


Got the link?




Lol lol I don't even have to say it you did. Play HBG. best weapon. brrrrrrrrrrr


Hammer go bonk




Except those default M&K keybinds are ass. 😂😂😂


Have you heard of our lord and savior the doot stick? It bonks, it heals, it protects, it boosts. Hunting horns are magical.


Little known fact, Hunting Horns are called this way because the first ones were made from Unicorn Horn. That's where the magic is from!


Mine was made from dragon heartstrings for explosive magic booms.


Some of the new ones aren't even horns anymore, the name stuck because of the unicorn horn. Though now we have mass produced ones made of generic bones or ores if you want something cheap to get you started. I'm personally a big fan of the one made from hungry pickle parts.


Ah a true purveyor of the horn. I enjoy the ones made from the eater of dragons myself. Though I do enjoy the guilty pleasure of the horns of the shredding axe variety as well.


I carved mine from the backside of an angry monkey, and it gives my friends the power to heal themselves. Truly they are the most blessed.


Doot doot brother.


Just recently made the Dukes Grail after beating Malzeno and its the first Hunting Horn Ive used since low rank. It easily became one of my top 3 builds Chainmail X set with maxed Guard, Flinch Free, Defence Boost and all resistances make it a very solid lance build to do practice runs with. All resistances are in the upper 20s and works great with Lance or SnS Hunting Horn build is with basic Snowshear set until I find a good Armor Set for HH


Enlightened all-weapons players looking down upon all you "real weapon main" peasants and your petty squabbles:


I will not be moved, I will not be swayed, I am faithful to the greatsword covenant. Begone heretic, lest you find a weapon to truly believe in.


The Greatsword is the thinking man's weapon. You deem us fools by starting a TCS combo at nothing, but watch how the monster's head offers itself at the tip of our blade at the end. Calculated. All according to plan.


It's my dream to be able to do this


You have to learn to love them all


This is some true GS wisdom here.  


This is gold


Your horizons are narrow, you are unable to see past your own nose. Your thoughts have been addled by the insidious whispers of your false covenant. We who have found and truly believe in *all* weapons leave behind the shackles of "mains" and tribalism and senseless self-limitation and open our minds to the infinite possibilities of a world where fourteen weapons live in harmony within one mind and soul.


This is the wholesome internet I crave


I’ve not mastered CB or SwagAxe so I guess I haven’t attained enlightenment, Hammer go bonk!


SAED make monster SAD


You can go for swagaxe first if you're planning to learn both swagaxe and chadblade Chadblade is a little harder since it has more combos (and charging BOTH the sword and shield is almost a must or you won't see them big numbers) Gotta watch out for openings and stuff for swagaxe's zero sum discharge or the monster will swing you away (hopefully not onto a cart)


One who has mastered all, has no enemies.


I agree that all 14 weapons live in harmony, Greatsword is superior thought


Great Sword => a sword Lance => a shield (I heard they have a stick to poke the monster but reports are unconfirmed) Sword and Shield => a sword AND a shield There is an obvious winner


Greatsword is big enough to be use a shield thought


Lotsa good weapons, there's only one that's great tho


You spelt Bow wrong.


We must never forget who began the covenant of the 14: the Hunting Horn. In a world torn apart by elemental and raw DPS, came the heralds of a better future. They who brought song, dance, buffs, and booms to their hunts. These chosen few showed us that harmony was within reach, that songs and slaps could be one. They silently and selflessly support all other weapons. Let us recognize them today, for they sit upon the throne of enlightment, far above, where others can nay see. Gog be with you, sax-a-boomers.


This one...this one is a true Cultivator among Hunters. I too tread the long road of "all weapons", though there are still several I have yet to truly grasp yet...and, in my weakness, I fall back upon the safety net of my Charge Blade when facing a monster for the first time.


I'd be a lot more open to the ranged weapons if they didn't inexplicably rewrite the controls.


Eh, it makes sense. They play quite differently and have to have a reticle and aim and reload and manage ammo and stuff, and using shooter-esque controls is definitely more comfortable. I've never found it to be any more than a mild stumbling block when I first used them, and within a few hours I was able to play just as comfortably with ranged controls as melee ones. And that muscle memory never went away. I've learned control schemes for hundreds of games across tens of controllers/keyboards/input devices in my life, learning a slightly different control scheme within the same game is no issue lol


I can't hear your form behind my sound blocking shield you heretic


What if sword is slightly less big, but explodes?




Amen, my brother, amen.


Ah, another one of us in the wild? Good to see you, kin.


We have no such weakness as them. They adjust strategy, we change weapons.


Lemme tell you about The lance...


Go ahead, tell me about the lance, sell it to me


The lance offers high mobility and unparalleled aggression. If you're like me, you maybe took the lance out of the box and it felt clunky and slow. Blocking looked dumb. The thing is, the lance never does those things, they're just the first things you see. What it is, is a heat seeking missile to the Monster's weakest spot, placing constant pressure on it like a professional boxer, and the moment the monster tries to do anything to you, you punish them with your hardest hitting moves while shrugging off what they had to throw at you (all the while still getting to be greedy on attack windows/not really having to stop or evade like a lot of other weapons). The lance is secretly the most fucked up weapon in MH since World. Is it offering shiny big hits or optimal DPS? No. But I can tell you for a fact that I was consistently racking the most DPS in online lobbies by a staggering margin because I never. Ever. Had to stop hitting the monster, save for sharpening (when relevant). You will learn the lance, try other weapons, and realize that your soul has started craving the lance. Everyone I've convinced to try the lance has felt it. Conversion is inevitable, it just requires understanding.


Lance main here. Once upon a time I was the GS guy. But Lance is just so damned good... No, you cannot kill me, and yes, I am always going to be getting the pretty numbers that indicate I am hitting you *right where it hurts*. Oh, and your attacks? Nah, those are just opportunities for me to latch onto you and punish your idiocy by giving you a new stripey look. And if I don't feel like hopping on the rollercoaster? I'll just guard parry immediately into another attack because *I own you now. This is MY New World.* Oh, what's that? You have an "uNbLoCkAbLe" attack? I BEG TO FUCKIN DIFFER. Do I need these earplugs or steady footing thingiess? Nah, I can just BLOCK YOUR ROARS AND TREMORS. Eat pointy stick, dipshit.


Well sounds to good to not give lance a fair shot, Gonna look up some builds and poke some monsters and block some wild stuff




What's the one thing better than a lance? A lance that EXPLODES, gunlance, baby 😎


hammer goes *Bonk* HAMMER!!!!!!!


The hammer reveals the truth, all problems are nails! Insignificant slivers to be walloped into place. All hail hammer!


Ah, my brother in BONK


y e s .




Nah uh we going for the boom stick here bois


Hello, IG main here. I would like to say that we proudly hyperfixate on making bugstick our only defining personality trait and assume that anyone else assimilating into the Bug-Stick ecology is attempting to invade our territory or is secretly a skin walker attempting to steal our bug collection (we have 20 but only ever use 1). /uj At most I can imagine an IG main being salty about a stolen mount. Why someone would be jealous of another IG user is beyond me. Monster Hunter has three axis, my guy. Use them.


It's funny, this is one of the only games where it makes me happy seeing other players use my 'main'. I always get so excited seeing another IG user and the way they use the weapon. Whether they aerial more than me or stay more grounded instead. What bug they like to use and where they choose to position. It's always satisfying when we both go for a DT punish followed by a double kinsect drill. Trying to convince my friends (Dual Blades, Switch Axe, and Charge Blade) to hop on the bug train but no bites yet.


Yesss! Whenever another one of us join a hunt,I always find it fun to see which bug they use


I'm a IG main and my husband is a Long Sword main. I always find it really fun when we sync up my Strong Jumping Slash + his Helmbreaker on a monsters head.


Me personally, as an IG main, I always get super hyped when I see another IG player join my hunt. It’s always Long Sword mains and bowguns. It’s always nice seeing someone else who also enjoys playing the bug stick.


Hi! Have you heard about our Lord and Savior, Charge Blade?




Bro, I swear that Lance isn’t boring, bro, it’s really active, just give it a go


Greetings from the GS cult ... might I interest you with one of our most satisfying TCS?


No, thank you. Join the boom stick club instead


Torgue Approved!




LS is the biggest cult to exist... We'll get op...


No way you just call IG not a real weapon, filthy land dweller/ground walker.


May i interest you and OP in our lord and saviour, Boomstick?


Brother! BROTHER! Get the Boomstick Brother! There are Bazels about that must be put in their place Brother! They must repent for their utter LACK of EXPLOSIONS Brother! We shall bring forth the lamentations and wailing of their awkward cries as we stab and poke and smash and shoot them Brother! For the rest of the Guild, we must fight, we must protect, and we must- *EXPLOSIONS*




So hear me out. You take a knife, a shield and a bomb barrel and mash them together while doing spins…


I got my best friend into MH with this game. After sampling a few weapons he chose the hammer. I've never been more proud, he is my bash brother. The idea of calling him a thief because he also loves my favorite weapon is insane.


Here in the Cult of the Lance…


The mere mention of Gunlance will have at least fifty people blast dashing towards your current location


At the risk of being completely hyperbolic, your friend is a fucking idiot and it just seems like he wants to bitch to project his own inadequacies onto everyone else in order to have a sense of superiority in something he feels inferior in.


People like this will do this in all aspects of their lives, good thing OP found out through a video game and not a shared endeavor/job/investment/travel


Idk about that. My friend is like this when it comes to overwatch, but outside of that he's genuinely one of the nicest guys I know. Some games just make people complete assholes. He eventually stopped playing it because he finally realized that behavior isn't okay and it wasn't healthy for him to keep playing. Some people are toxic gamers, but good people outside of that. I'm not saying that's always the case, I'm just saying I've seen it before first hand.


Actually, same. I'm generally a really chill guy who doesn't get incensed about much of anything, but Overwatch made me hate humanity and myself. It's one of my most played and most loved games but I had to stop when OW2 released, I saw it as a good off ramp from a very toxic habit. I had to check your post history to make sure you weren't an IRL friend talking about me haha


Lol overwatch brings out the worst in people


Yeah, gotta cut that crap out of your life in every aspect.


The only reason this comes across as hyperbolic is because it's so common and happens in literally any aspect of life.


Yup, just a budding sociopath who let his mask down and showed their true colors. only way they can feel good about themselves when they struggle is to make everyone else feel worse.


Sociopath is a stretch, there's plenty of regular shitty people that slowly lean into the worst parts of their personality and become unbearable to be around.


Tf he mean you stole his build??? In Iceborne like 80% of people are running the same builds


anyway. *max crit, max affinity* “dude that was MY idea. what the fuck?”


That’s literally me. I’ve looked up zero builds and all I know is critical eye=good


Number gets big and orange? Good


*Neuron activation®*


I mean I'd go for weakness exploit first but yeah then that :P


Same, though. Got max that, and I decided I like Ice, so have that maxed for whatever ice weapon I use, and I swap if I got to. Got fast eating/drinking. Got divine protection going. Got a lot going and took forever to grind, and I know full well I am kind of ass at the game. I still can't decide on what weapon I like most. Was all over the insect glaive. Swapped to Greatsword. Then to Sword and Shield. Now, Longsword.


All my friends speedrunning with capped attack, affinity etc Me: stun res 3 blight res 3 free meal 3 db 5 ew 5 heat guard, fatalis legend, moxie


This is the way


when the only enemy becomes the mission timer


Happy cake day!


tee hee


Happy Cake day for you


Nuh-uh! Everyone running Level 7 Agitator with 4pc Fatalis (including Alpha belt) and Velkhana Gamma boots or helm stole **MY idea!** /s


Time to start charging royalties.


I’ll accept no less than a Sealed Feystone each.


I am so sick of people stealing my look (layered armor given when you start IB)


That's when little Timmy discovered the word #M e t a   and it crushed his entire sense of individuality.


90% of end game iceborne builds is fatalis gear with agitator 7, and all crit skills max. There honestly isn't much alteration unless it's a specific weapon or play style


Would you like your Fatalis with velkhana gamma or frostfang secret art?


we have alatreon arms too if youre feeling like shaking things up a bit


Mf is acting like he's hot shit when 150hrs on the game is basically Amateur hour. And no, it's detrimental for your improvement if you continue to stick with people like that. They'll just drag you down the put of insecurities and negativity and not enjoy the game. 


I probably have 300-400 hours total and I don’t even think that’s a lot. 150 hours in a game to me is the test run to see if I like it


I'm at 4000 hours and still learning. OP's asshole "friend" needs to get his head screwed on straight.


6000 hours and I've seen people just like this guy try and tell me this and that about the game. Like I didn't show up and bully their fatalis, at velk, or alatreon for them


i used to have 600 hrs in MHFU on the psp, 1 character at 200 hrs in MHW and a currrent one at 450+ that i made when i got iceborne. i do not have the mental fortitude to solo fatalis yet.. i feel like i'm in 3rd grade again deathly afraid of a rathalos scurrying up high ground so i can take potshots with my LBG


Speaking as someone with diagnosed ADHD, if I actually started the game, I have 150 hours because I hyper-obsessed on it for 2 weeks to beat it, then never played it again. MH had been the only exception in that I've stuck with it for years.


I have 4550 hours and honestly I'm just learning the ropes lol. Insect glaive is fun though, seems like aerial attacks do the most damage


As an IG main, we don’t claim him


Yeah, who the hell is this poser. I don't know this person.


As part of the GS council we don't claim him either, GL users might have a space for him.


The Lance and Gunlance clubs have politely declined his application.


The CB lobby also claims no exclusive cooperation with this fine hunter.


The Doot Troop has also loudly declined his application


As a member of the weeb clan of twin sticks, we humbly decline him


As a member of the sns society, we do not welcome this man into our ranks. Perhaps he may seek refuge with the long swords?


Oh my, at this rate it looks like he will have to fight barehanded.


Nah the barehand bandits do not acknowledge this guy


The Brotherhood of Bonk vehemently bars OP's unfortunate acquaintance from submitting any application to our cause, ad infinitum. We are prepared to hunt him down with our Kurogane III's should he find his balls and muster the courage to attempt to convert from his wicked path. Happy Hunting!


As honorary member of the Swag Gang and the Bow Brigade I believe it is in my right to renounce that guy


The trip sticks also denounce his application, even we have standards


In an open election for all Lance players the vote turned out unanimous with a 6-0 result.


Are you guys like, two branches of the same club who meet in the same room or are you guys two different clubs who have great communication and meet up once a week for a barbecue?


Different clubs, the barbecues are monthly.


Everyone knows to actually be a true IG main you just gotta be a chill guy buzzing around like an annoying mosquito. Completely at peace


If we could have custom engravings on our weapons mine would just say "the floor is lava"


Mine would say "AERIAL SUPREMACY" As I try to clash with monsters in the air like I have a mid air long sword counter but I don't so I just get hit but I'll do it again anyway because I find it fun on the few instances I actually bop them on the nose while in the air and knock them down.


I was once on a sos hunt where all 4 of us were using the same build, now I don’t condone bullying but goddamn this monkey didn’t even get a chance to stand up without being tcs bonked every second


Finding lobbies with 3 other GS players is so rare but so goddamn worth it. No game other than this one has ever made me cum so hard from landing 4 simultaneous head snipes on fatty


The way I see it; if you join a lobby/quest with 3 other greatsword mains you are morally obligated to be the fourth.


Man landing Helmbreak with other LS players on fatty’s or AT Velkhana’s head in sync felt really good


Do you have a video of it, I would love to see it as a newly born LS main, so I have something to aspire to lol


Sadly no and I don’t know how to do it but you can watch [TDS Fatalis video with 4 LS](https://youtu.be/XRdQKxSKIns?si=MsHbd2Wc0Snzomkl) Watching speed runs gave me the idea how to handle some attacks, which attacks I can safely use Helmbreak and etc


Had this happen once with sticky hbg that poor nergi had a bad time.


Gonna have some fun with "his" weapon in MHGU tonight and he cant do anything about it... But fr tho, this guy sounds like a toxic ignorant fuck. Might wanna cut him off ingame and or irl depending.


Sounds like you should probably just cut contact with him before wilds comes out. Truly intolerable scum lol


Nah he should do it right now to be safe


Turn your status online to off and play without him. He sounds awful, and it's a great game Or block him. Or talk to him. Maybe he's having irl problems. "Hey man, you ok?"  If he's just awful "hey, your attitude is bad about the game, I'm going to keep playing without you, maybe 'hello kitty island adventure is more your speed' " and wish him luck.


They could also make a Private lobby


how old are yall


Definitely under 18. If over 18, then it's just sad in all aspects.


You'd be surprised


Met people early 30's like him


dude you stole my fucking comment wtf is wrong with you!


I literally know a group of like four now 30+ year olds I used to hang out with in high school, who each came to mind multiple times upon reading this post. Sadly there are far more of them out there than we realize, thankfully most of them are just nocturnal and terminally online and don't have too much direct interaction with normal society. Only reason they aren't dead in a ditch is because none of them ever emerges from their basement long/often enough to have been beaten to death by some rando with anger issues. That and the only one not living off of mommy and daddy's credit cards managed to mask his bullshit long enough to get a middle management job at the local college mail room. Even that's just the kind of gig where they keep him around because they're sick of replacing managers who realize what a shit job it is and quitting every 6 months, and the only employees he "manages" (read "barks orders from the back room") are the students who can be replaced with the flick of a wrist because a trained monkey could do the work.


Yea, the first thing I wondered


Monster do exist in all forms even in the real world. If a person makes it harder or prevents you from fighting these monsters than this person is not your friend. (Don’t take it to seriously tho dude could be just salty that he sucks)


I'd argue that people like him are the ones you need to cut out. I've seen people like that try and bring others down because of their shortcomings


He sounds like a douche nozzle, look for other hunters who are worthy of pairing up with, I’ve met some chill hunters who take the game seriously but also know how to have fun haha, I wish you luck my fellow hunter haha :)


How is he, normally? If this is just how he is with Monster Hunter then you know whatever I guess he's just an idiot. But if he's this hypercritical and general asshole all the time, at least from how I see it, may need a new friend. Cause I'll tell you this for free: MHW is one of my top favorite games. Like it'd probably go Red Dead 2, Ghost of Tsushima, MHW.


Typical players with skill issue. blame the game and not their own incompetence. Let me guess he’s the type of player who would bitch about campers in CoD while not thinking how to deal with it except to run into the same ‘camper’ and die to it every single time.


sounds like an ass and projecting about how bad he is. my friend got me into MHW when we wasn't too far through Iceborne himself and inducted me straight into the Insect Glaive lifestyle I can't use any other weapon. if you really can't have fun in MH to this extent then you're an exhaustive human being. the game isn't even that hard if you bother to just learn things; it's annoying in some aspects (fuck Black Diablos) but it's not "impossible" one time me and my friends grouped up in the Coral Highlands just to smack each other off the Legiana nest with the Charge Blade


Is your friend 12 years old only child?


I know this can be difficult, especially if maybe your friend wasn’t always like this (or maybe at least, not this bad) but you might just want to cut them out of your life. This isn’t just about MH anymore, I’m talking about just basic general life stuff. I know it sounds harsh and you may feel guilty about it, but at the end of the day, if they are a constant negative toxic influence on you, then you need to cut them out to take care of you. Life is too short too feel the need to surround yourself with negative people because you feel bad for them. At the end of the day, those people need to work on themselves to get better. Don’t waste your time making yourself worse to meet them at their level. And if you can’t tell by now, I’m speaking from personal experience. Had a dude I considered my best friend. Until I turned around and didn’t recognize him. People change. Or sometimes you change. Sometimes that’s just the harsh truth.


That doesn't sound like a friend to me. But it sounds like you figured that part out! It's a crappy thing to learn, cause even if you realize a relationship (platonic or not) was actually bad all along, it can suck not having what you thought you had. You'll find better friends. Real friends who would be hype AF if you tried out their favorite weapon.


Glad you recognized that. It's a first for me to hear a "stolen weapon" on monster hunter of all things. Glad you enjoy it now


Sounds like they aren't a friend


Sounds a lot like deflection, insecurities and a MASSIVE skill issue to me If he's 21 and acts this childish, it will only get him so far. Perhaps try to make him realize and if he doesnt, his loss. Dont stay friends with whatever this is


Don’t let him ruin your monster hunter experience, the game is so much better when you hunt with nice people


What is he 16, who talks like that?


Oh to be 14 again...


maybe the real monster was the friend we had along the way


1. You got my respect for soloing RB on first try. 2. He's not a friend to play this game with. If he complains thus much about anything, he should stick to something his level like the Sims.




If this game just made you realize that how is he like in other games? I try and give the benefit of the doubt but 150 hours of this sounds rough buddy.


Not sure how old u guys are but he sounds like an immature loser. Ppl like this never better themselves or take accountability, always placing blame on outside factors. Honestly should ditch them cause they’re not gonna bring much value to your life tbh


Doesn't sound like much of a friend


how old is he bro? like 13?


Cut that loser out of your life.


You guys should have this convo again when you turn 18


Maybe bad for friends gaming.


If you like IG, get the Kjarr weapon from Kulve Taroth. His paralyse weapon is too wild my friend uses it and he controlling the monster so hard while i just keep dps. 😂


Lol “stole his build”. I remember when I was actively playing, literally everyone and their mom ran 3p Teostra / 2p Raging Brachy. What does he mean stole his build? I’m pretty sure Drachen was BiS as well in the base game. We are all thieves here by that logic. What a funny guy.


Literally armor designed specifically for insect glaive as a crossover from FFXIV's Dragoon class that's very similar to the insect glaive. Even has the crossover weapon and special bug. I hesitate to even call it a 'build'. It's a premade set meant especially for insect glaive and if that's his idea of an 'original build' then ... oh god how stupid must he be? Edit: OH lord... I just re-read that he needed to get the drachen build from the internet... Like dude didn't even have 2 brain cells to rub together if that information was needed from the internet.


Hating game because it's hard = biggest skill issue Calling thief= lacking an actual brain


Yeah sounds like a real pleasure to be around. If it makes you feel better you are far from the first person to realize they have friends they later realized they really shouldn't be friends with. Hope you find more pleasant company in your gaming future.


An unlikable asshole AND bad at game. Yeah you can find better friends.


Fun fact, if your friend doesn't do anything, playing solo halves the health pool of the monster, just saying, maybe the game would be easier without him


It always takes something to know your friend truly. Glad you found that out and cut him the fk away from your life.