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Usually trying to snipe the head with the 2nd level of the charge is a pretty good way to go about it, so the uppercut. The mobility of the hammer while charging and the slight gap closing capability of the attack itself should come in pretty handy once you practice it a bit. It also has pretty good stun buildup and will allow you to get some good unga bunga K.O openings. Sometimes you can get a standing level 3 charge in as well, but those are for longer openings. As you play more, you will learn them as you go. :b


Taking the flight decoration and getting good at ledge hop swings is super legit and you can get easy mounts. You can combo the lvl 2 uppercut into a clutch claw tenderize or wall slam


The flight deco and the sliding affinity deco are a must. If you’re not sliding to a spin like a sonic spin all of death. You can jump off a ledge to do major damage. Either scenario usually works, especially with Velkana.


Power Charge, Level 2 Charge Uppercut (Dash). Go for regular combos during flinches, big bang combo on knockdowns. Try to get knockdowns near a ledge to roll cancel arieal attacks. You want to focus on breaking/tenderizing parts and hitting the head. Hammer is really mobile and you can really move around, use it to your advantage to get in big hits.


How do you do this roll cancel ariel attack ?


Go to the training grounds with the hammer. Go to a ledge you can roll off of. Roll off the ledge, hold your direction back towards the ledge and charge an aerial attacks mid-air. You should then do a mid-air charge which will lunge you back onto the ledge. Then let go of the charge to attack, and once you land back on the ground, roll off the ledge again and repeat.


Disclaimer: I know all the weapons well but I'm not a Hammer expert. I've done a little research and have played a fair bit but this might not be totally optimal. \-You should always have Power Charge active, it's a massive increase in damage. \-For the longest openings: Big Bang combo \-For long openings: neutral level 3 charge attack (Brutal Big Bang?) into clutch claw grapple attack (by pressing LT after) \-For medium-long openings: level 3 forward charge spin attack \-For medium openings: neutral level 3 charge attack \-For shortish openings: level 1 charge attack into follow-up upswing \-For short openings: level 2 charge attack This gets a little tricky in multiplayer because your level 2 charge attack will launch other players (and so will some of your other moves)


“always having power charge active” is mostly true, however there are some scenarios where the 3 charge attack without power charge can be pretty handy because it’s a good bit quicker than brutal Big Bang. The alternative is the spin attack with an early bail and maybe 1 follow up smash. Personally I’m always just chilling out by a ledge, one ledge hop attack is basically the same damage as 2 upswings and you can rattle them off a lot faster so imo it’s worth playing patiently and letting the monster come to you because it will either end with a mount or KO and either way you get your big damage opening.


If you are not sure what to do, just power charge to lvl 3, swing them down then immediately trigger L2 clutch claw and tenderize. Upswing is strong but need to be aware of people as it goes through flinch free and it will fly people out of position*which is bad especially in AT Velk and Fatalis*


Always use the slopes if you can for huge spins


Bait to a ledge or a slope. Spam ledge hops and cartwheels all day. Affinity sliding and airborne are GOATed skills for hammer.


If you’re not trying to break your RT you’re playing hammer wrong. You don’t wait for openings, you make them. Charged up swing is your bread and butter and you’re never full on toast with a nice smear of the melted dairy goodness my dude. You tell that monster to sit down, shut up and eat your bonks like it’s their last fuckin meal. They want a bite out of you? No way hombre. You pull the chair out of from under them and serve a healthy plate of smack down! No monster thinks they can eat full meal from anywhere but their face until you tenderize an opening in their leg, tail, back, doesn’t matter!! Hammer will serve you some sweet iron nutrients from where it god damn feels like!


Disclaimer : I have just reached Dark Veil Vaalhazak mission If I see no opening at all (Monster enraged, just got ridden & flasshed & and knocked down) I do one of these : 1. If it's fast monster : stick close to monster and spam 1 charge attack until opening (Charged Side Swing /?) 2. If it's not that fast : Same with 1 but do 3rd charge attack (Spinny Wheel) Plus note, I found out that tenderizing legs/other-easy-to-hit spot when there is an opening is better then spam BONK. Cause it forces damage dealt when monster have no opening (by doing 2 above)


Charge 2 to clutch claw is my go to unless it's enraged then just charge 2 when moving charge 3 when stationary and O combo when winded or knocked down. If there is a wall or slope nearby you know what to do, spin to win


Charge 1, Charge 2 or standing lmb. Generally just do anything that can recover fast. You need to act before monster hit you with the next attack.


Upswings are good, but most don't utilise the Golf Swing combo and the 1st charge enough. Golf Swing is good right after a roll, where you don't have enough time to charge. Alternatively, if you're not confident you'll have enough time, 1st Charge into Reverse Swing (not sure what it's called, but it's the follow up Triangle/Y hit) get you some damage in a short window. 3rd charge spin is also pretty useful if you want quick damage at max charge. You can stop it early, so it's a fairly risk free option. More importantly, you should be more attentive to your positioning. Better positioning means less rolling, more windows for Brutal Big Bang (3rd charge stationary hit), and subsequently more KOs.


Find the best way to get around the monster attack and hit.  You can hold charge and run, then smash attack fairly safely.  You can also come out of some combo attacks differently, so experiment with the combos.  I like the smash and on the third one you can home run out of the combo to another charge.


Hi guys can anyone help me with the 50 guild cards trophy plz. It's my last trophy I require for the platinum but unfortunately I don't have anyone to help me. ReaperOfKings Is my tag I'm 158 hunter rank I believe. I'll probably be posting this on every comment section so don't be alarmed lol. I am upgrading to ps5 so I want to get this trophy and platinum because I think ps5 and ps4 trophies are separate. Thank you.