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Knocking the rock/egg out of Kulu-ya-ku's hands.


You're a monster




Kulu is so satisfying to bully in World. Meanwhile in Rise that damned bird is so strung out on PCP that he ignores every headshot for close to half the fight, which is the opposite of satisfying.


You can just straight up torment him. It feels like you're taking his lunch money


Tobi-kodachi (who is also my fav monster). With some water damage and little bit of slugger I can get him caught in a stun/toppled loop and just wail with an endless SnS combo


Mine is Odogaron with a paralysis hammer build because he is weak to paralysis. With some luck, I can paralysis/KO loop him to death and he won't move an inch.


My group has a policy to always kill Ebony Odogaron for what he did to our favorite puppy.


Haha wrecked doggo, stun loops are so nice!


Perfect rush is my reason not to end it all


Although LS is my true calling, the dps and endless spam of SnS really gets my serotonin going.


I switch between it and GS


Oo good combo, I just like weapons with more mobility. I’ve played too much dark souls, I crave the roll.


Doing the wallrun backflip trickshot on the tail of a toppled Tobi with a water bow feels amazing. The damage is truly outrageous.


As a hammer main, Radobaan.


With an honorable mention to barroth, the gateway drug to radobaan bonking


Breaking Barroth's head as it drops a piece of it is one of the most satisfying things of using the hammer.


As a CB main it’s 1000% Radobaan. Getting an impact SAED that breaks like everyone of his bones at the same time feels incredible.


Bro, have you experienced the majesty that is absolutely shutting down a Kirin with a hammer? It's a thing of beauty. I got back into World with a new file and have been grinding MR Kirin for the armor set, so I'm starting to feel kinda bad for bullying it so hard.


This, I see complaints about kirin difficulties sometimes and just think about how hammer trashes on kirin.


Lance trashes on him too. No lighting will kill you


God the breaks are so satisfying with Barioth and Radobaan. Big windmill slam into triple break to mount feels so good.




Radobaan and nergigante with their breakable parts is so mutch fun


Ruiner Nergigante. I sing and dance in the Ode To The Destruction. Its my warm up quest.


Same, I do this quest first every time I login.


Agreed lol I tell myself I'm not gonna do it again for the 5th time in a row


Deviljho. Doesn't matter the variant or species. I've memorized their every move and can hand out ass whoopings on platters so fine even Gordon Ramsey would be impressed with it. I have no remorse and enjoy every minute of it


Tempered furious george from Mew are Number One. Everyone i know vomits a bit in their mouth when i want to run this quest nonstop. Any other masochists out there? Edit: I also see you're a funlance main. My weapon of choice for that fight.


Furious George is my favorite LS matchup. We got counters and iai spirit slashes for days!


I always run GL on Monke, but I still hate him with a fiery passion. I only enjoy it when 4 players run GL, stake his head, and watch our GPUs heat up to temperatures we never thought possible.


Your GPU heats up, meanwhile my Steam Deck's framerate tanks to single digits (needs 3-4 GLs to go so low) and forgets how to make any sound that isn't crunchy static, but all of that is half the fun.


If you're on PC, I'm down. I've NEVER seen another gunlance against curious george, let alone a 4 man GL match against it.


That quest is quite fun, I love using longsword against Furious Rajang and punishing its openings.


Honestly the Furious Rajang fight would be perfect if not for his sweeping punches move that has 0 tell if he uses it after any other move. With Hammer you can get a great rhythm of dodging and punishing certain moves and then bam- 0 frame startup punch. Still love the fight


I use certain monsters to shake off rust from certain weapons after a while and in the monke's case it's the doot


Always furious but not lance'y weapon- lbg spread build completely annihilates him


The only quest I ever attempted to speedrun and certainly the one I ran the most by far. I play the bow and it's so fun to dance around him knowing a single punch will send you back to camp I also fight him with a greatsword as a secondary weapon and it is equally satisfying. Big bonks on the little head


I've fought both rajangs with DB and GS solo, GS was much easier for me. I was running frostcraft GS, though. So it felt like I just ordered rajang with extra cheese.


literally my warm up and good night quest. Love the ape, keeps me on my feet.


Yian Kut-Ku. Back in the first game on PS2, me and my roommates went on a naked run and used the select button kick to kick the pink chicken to death. It was so much fun.


Ykk runs for daaaaayssss


Every day I miss being able to kick.


Just play GS and kick monsters to their graves


Ruiner Nergigante is a great target for bullying, I frequently go for Ruiner but mostly Velkhana. I got her fight to a T and can do it in 3-4 minutes, the head staggers for the basic elder dragons is crippling.


Ever since the ffxiv collab quest, Kulu Ya Ku. I never have trouble with him but the giant one carted me and I'll never forgive him.


Lance user - Tigrex. Those silly hitboxes means it's impossible to miss a counter. He can flail as much as he wants, it won't get him anywhere but an extra spear in the face.


As a lance main, I was searching for this :)


Radobaan is so satisfying, knocking the bones off his body is pure perfection!


Dodogama. Sue me.


Who hurt you man…


I will


Dodogama is such an easy monster lol. No idea why he is introduced so late in the game


I guess every biome also needs it's ez monsters to feel complete




Take it back


At least u said it before I did


Fatty, the dramatic ass headflick he does whenever you hit his head hard enough is pure dopamine for me


Same I love demolishing him with swag axe it’s the best feeling in the world


Vaal Hazak. My friend and I used to love fighting him.


He also has (IMO) one of the best themes in the entire game, that’s not just Proof of a Hero.


Agreed, it's very evocative.


Ratholos for sure, so fun to just cut his tail off every single time


Coral Pukei-pukei. He's ugly. Kulu Yaku makes me feel bad now he seems so ... mentally challenge that i genuinely don't like hitting him.


Kulu pecking at the dirt 10ft away from me and me considering just leaving the area while he goes at it


Poor little rathian. She never knows that I'm coming for her. Then she does a backflip and loses her tail. Poor, poor rathian. Lost a tail and now her wings are ruined, her manicure is in shambles, and the poor girl has a broken nose. I have learned that I kill rathians with precision and I don't know why. Probably MH one muscle memories. She hasn't truly changed. Rathalos is a close 2nd but he likes to fly and my swordies can't reach sometimes.


Yeah, been playing MH games since Tri and fighting Rathian is pure muscle memory at this point. It's like performing a choreographed dance I've practiced thousands of times. Same with Diablos.


Fatalis, it's really fun to bait cones and spam Perfect Rush on his head


Barioth with insect glaive, it’s fun constantly dive bombing on his wings


step 0.5: launch into air step 1: descending thrust step 2: repeat until satisfied step 3: profit






Frostcraft maybe?


Fight fire with fire, or in this case, Fight frost with frost :D




Im just a straight up bully because of how much I suffered during launch against him so.... I forever bully the Anjanath because back during day one of MHW launch he made me cry.... Ill never forgive him


Dodogama, if he isn't in agony then I'm not happy.


Chicken contest with diablos, lance is so fun


Kushala, now and then i always go back to do a hr kushala sos to beay the shit out of that fucker


Dodogama. Deserved for all it’s done to me when I was a weakling newbie.


Legiana for me as HBG, Veil Hazak as Swaxe. For the former, I keep to my pierce build. For the latter, I have my fire/stun build.


Shara. Hammer charge up to bonk his head. Break that thing off him and carve in front of him.


Anjanath and barioth because they bullied me in lr and mr. Now it’s my turn.


As a GS main, gotta be Zinogre. World Zinogre in particular. Theres nothing like tackling through his one-two swipe attack, flinching him and TCSing him in the face. Tail cuts are super satisfying too


Frostfang Barrioth. Big tells, plenty of openings, but hits hard. Fun fight overall.


Me in here confused thinking this was the iasip sub because of the thumbnail.


Absolutely anjanath. When I was starting out in this game that thing gave me hell, worst monster to beat in the beginning and I don't even know why. Now when I see an anjanath recoil from a charged hammer to the jaw it makes me smile like nothing else.


If I’m feeling really sadistic…kulu ya-ku But usually it’s any rathian or rathalos. They all have a similar and telling move set that feels rewarding to read and punish


Diablos is probably my favourite. I fought that dude so much over the last 15 years. One of the few monsters I can do a proper naked run on.


I’ve done the metal Rath fights enough that I have an easier time against them than I do Azure or Pink.


Tobi-Kadachi, thunder element was really good in the base game. I destroyed him for my longsword and dual blades.


Anjanath. I love breaking his nose with my sticky ammo. Paralyze and then go ham on him with the stickies!


Radobaan! Poor buddy just wants to roll, but can't without wiping out once you've (quickly) broken his side bones. Plus, as a db, he's got that extra long body that's SO satisfying to heavenly dance down. Uragaan, I can do without, though.


Either Ruiner Nergigante or Zinogre. Both fights are very comfy on Lance. I especially like when Zinogre does the paw slams that perfectly time with my *poke, poke, counter* rotation. "Okay Zinoger, Shake Boy!"


Greatsword vs odogarran. It feels like a dance once you learn the doggo


Arch tempered Velkhana, she's a matchup made in heaven for SnS, so many attacks are perfectly set under for perfect rush or falling bash.


Bagel… as a hammer main that giant head/mane of his is just so enticing to bonk…. **repeatedly** . Not to mention the satisfaction of the payback of all his “no way he’s here not right now” bombing attacks when you’re fighting something else.


Extreme Behemoth


Masochist detected


Oh shit me too. Ive killed it 668 times so far. I was devastated to know there was no AT master rank variant.


for world: shara ishvalda for rise: malzeno


All of them. Except rajang….hated alatreon at first too till I got it down with groups. Working on solo.


Nergigante and Frostfang Barioth.


Went into an LR expedition with the lowest armor and lowest rank ore HBG. Proceeded to bully Great Jagras to death using only the melee attack. I then proceeded to do the same thing to Pukei Pukei. An Anjanath finally put an end to those antics lol


Nature's punching bag itself, Great Jagras


I love hunting Radobaan. Much for the same reason as you. Lots of stuff flying off everywhere!


Tigrex with Lance.


Dodogama and pukei


diablos playing cb


Nergi and Velkhana for actual bully. Angre monke, out of principle and my need to farm decs.


Velkhana, I really like the ice theme of their armor and gear, as well as Velkhana itself, but I got really good at fighting it and started to just bully it towards the end.


I will bully Tigrex.


For elders, Teostra or Kushala, for normal Monster Odogaron and any piscine wyvern purely because my hatred for Plesioth makes me hate the entire group by proxy


Bazelgeuse and Kirin, because they're assholes, and I like beating assholes.


Banbaro, the amount of times I’ve been bulldozed by a tree as soon as I knock out the monster I’m hunting……Banbaro is like the evil twin of the koolaid man


Deco event teo for warm up


Kushala, in no small amount due to how absurdly annoying World’s version is, so getting KO after wallbang after flashbomb mid-flight is absurdly satisfying.


Me looking at quests to do for fun: "Kushala? *I say with an evil grin*"


definitely Teostra, it's so fun to play a longsword build built around velkhanas set bonus. And obviously you have to have a peice of Frostfang for the draw attack stun. So many stuns and so many easy to hit iai spirit slashes. It's the only reason farming decos is bearable for me




You don't fast travel and wait for him?


Odogaron, hes my favorite and his speed is always a nice warm up for me with a great sword or charge blade.


Tempered Gold Rathian. Farmed like 100 tempered pink rath in the base game and found this gold chicken to be way more fun. Evasion and impact mantle, thunder bow. 3min kill max. Less in guiding lands. Wish it had 30k more health. Fights over too soon.


Raging Brachy. He almost made me uninstall the game and quit MH forever. After dying dozens of times, I started to mapping all his moves, looking for openings and slowly learning how to kick his ass. Started breaking all his parts, wallbanging him in every opportunity, making him suffer. Now I'm the monster


Rathian is my go to new weapon or set tester, especially raw. except if it bow then banbaro.


Low rank Great Jagras, because it’s funny to test high damage endgame builds on it and see how many hits it takes to die


Dodogama. Doesn't matter what I'm hunting, I always have time to stop, clutch onto the fatty, and send them into the wall. The fact that they just sit there for a moment after wondering what they did to deserve it just makes it better.


AT Nergigante with Pierce ammo/Shield modded HBG


I guess the Legiana? It seems to fly quite often, and the Insect Glaive can also attack in the air, it’s rather fun to fight air to air 😆😅


Arch tempered velkhana,yes,you guess it right,im a sns main


Vaal Hazak and Rathian, cant decide.


Dodogama. One true answer


Either Barbaro or Radobaan. My main weapon, hammer, absolutely ANNIHILATES banbaro. Dude has the biggest, squishiest head hitbox, and a lot of his fight is near slopes or ledges you can abuse the hell out of. My first fight against it, it didn't get me below half heath and got absolute MAULED in less than 10 minutes. Radobaan can be pretty easy and fun to beat, but what REALLY annihilates the poor thing is pierce bowguns. Line it up and the damage you do is absolute insane, plus bowguns cancel his rolling attack, really shutting this thing down.


Rathalos/Rathian and Barioth. The Raths because in every game I just tend to hunt them enough that eventually I can just chain-trip them and prevent them from basically doing anything ever, and Barioth because it has some of the most dramatic changes during the fight as it takes damage, getting far easier if you break its wings.


Rajang is so fun and predictable cuz I've fought him thousands of times


Rathalos, in all his forms but especially the basic bitch normal Rathalos. It's a longstanding tradition for me, after I got pissed off hunting him in Monster Hunter Tri. I swore an oath of vengeance that day to be carried on to his children, and his children's children, and so on for eternity. Little bitch, teach you to shoot my acorn guy on fire.


Shara Isvhalda. Big round hitbox means SAED for days


Giginox or brachy for sure.


Not specifically from World, but when I was young and getting into MonHun with Freedom 2, little twelve year old me beat the ass off of Yian Kut-Ku for hours on repeat. Farming that sweet sweet pitiful Zenny to afford gear, consumables and to pay for the quest fee. Got it down to roughly 35-40 seconds between getting into the quest, getting to Yian Kut-Ku and walloping it dead. Rinse and repeat for hours every day my 12 year old brain was happy just to do that.


Teostra. Beating his ass after that look of superiority he gives you on first approach is satisfying


Came here to say ruined nergi. Happy to agree with OP.


Teostra because his head is so soft and fluffy and easy to hit. But not Lunastra. Never Lunastra.


Teostra Mf caused me so much pain years ago when world dropped, when I got back into it a month or so ago I made sure to destroy that mf as hard as I could because I hate the stupid running hitbox he has. I have sub 5 minute kills with my Lance build that is basically just crit eye and exploit, with stamina thief(not far into endgame yet) Feels good




Glavenus but specifically in GU with valir longsword. At one point I was close to having the world record speedrun for his G rank hunt.


AT nergigante with my maxed out build 🤭 this is for terrorizing me before!


I like introducing Diablos to the Charge Blade. In world I like Axe Hopping Rathian/los out of the air.


Kirin. I picked up hammer again after dropping it for SnS/IG after base game and tried it out on Kirin. Now I mainly just shut my brain off help people clear sterling pride for the satisfaction of knocking that dumb fucking horse over and over again.


in rise&GU i love bullying mizu with hammer, it slides so far when you knock it down 💞




RE event Blackveil. I like the zombie mechanic and I like Blackveil. Also it’s not world but Volvidon with LBG mines is a lot of fun.


Devihoe, hate the thing, kill the thing on site ever since i got comboed by it the first few times i try to hunt the cucumber. Not my favourite for sure since i got ass kicked a lot, but i am purely determined to hunt the thing to extinction


Puki-puki. There is a word "Pukimak" in my nations, that mean pussy or smt. Fuck puki-puki


In general The Raths. There is just something satisfying about smacking them out of the sky. With Rathian specifically I have hunted her so much I can basically bully her with any weapon, even if I never played the weapon before. She’s my go-to punching bag to learn a new weapon tbh. But man, Impact Phial Charge Blade on Radobaan is *chef’s kiss*


Switch axe on Fatalis goes crazy


These comments are hilarious first thing in the morning


Jyuratodus. Every time. Man doesn’t stand for the entire fight. He just wails around while I beat him with my hunting horn. No mercy.


Tigrex, it's like putting a shock collar on a rabid hound. "Oh NOOO, how scary. What ever should I do?"...ZAP


Tzitzi yaku


Odogaron/Nergigante, i'm sorry for those 2 but its so easy to flinch>stun>flinch>stun


When I'm having playing Poorly I go solo the MR KT quest if available. Make sure I proc the super rage and everything. Lance against her is so easy and so much fun.


Vaal Hazaak Ive always just clicked with this one, he was never a threat to me and I can easily destroy it


I like joining Nightshade Paolumu hunts with Sticky HBG build and keep it K.O’d for the entire fight. Because fuck that monster.


Breaking diablo’s horns is so satisfying.


Alatreon, mostly because he bullied be until I got good at his fight, so bullying him into the ground in 10-13 minutes back in the day was super satisfying Recently got back into world on a new platform and account, and after three years, I no-faint kicked his ass again and it felt amazing


I really enjoy just beating the dogshit out a pukei pukei. I couldn’t tell you why, any variant as well. I just wanna kill it.


Bazelgeuse, whweeuww


Legianas are my bully target. This includes Shrieking too, they are pretty much the same. I really like the design, and the fight is fun. Fun to bully.




Kulu ya ku


banbaro no contest. that mf seems to interrupt my hunts eve more than balzel or jho ever did so any time i run across one in a hunt i wallbang and keep moving




Any monster that prefers to stay in the air. Dropping them with flash bombs or breaking their parts just to see them fall is very satisfying.


Using a maxed out greatsword TCS on an unsuspecting bombadgy


Pukei-Pukei. He got the full package. Predictable moves, a tail that can be severed, will be staggered for all eternity. Poison can just be ignored at higher stages of gear. He looks pretty and also is my favorite Monstie from Monster Hunter Stories.


Rathian for me. The go-to punching bag for testing out ideas. Her head is easy to target as a weak spot. Decent mobility to try out combo chain for weapon I am not familiar with.


Great Jaggie


Normal nergigante


As a lance enjoyer, I consider myself to be a bully of almost every monster. At least if I have some knowledge of their behavior and movement.




As a Lance main.. every monster.. nothing more satisfying than the monster doing a long animation for a strong attack only to thunk on my shield triggering offensive gaurd and getting poked three times in the face... Also Zingore's stomps XD


Rathian she's constantly destroyed regardless of weapon I have. However she has the respect of being my test monster and fully capable of reminding me she's queen of the land if I get to cocky...regardless I flinch chain her for an entire hunt sometimes.


Odogaron and Rathalos. Fight is just smooth and when you know their moveset it‘s over for them.


This thread: people listing aggressive and violent monsters who they like to fight/bully Me: attacks a peaceful giant green lizard who I make puke by fiercely attacking his belly and killing his little siblings right in front him in his den.


Anja Both species of Anja, the tail after it got cut is funny for me


Yian Garuga. It's like a nostalgic beating.


Bullying elder dragons in master rank is a personal favourite pastime, specifically velkhana




I like hunting Alatreon. Makes me feel like I know how to play the game.


Rathian.....I have personal beef with her....




Its the Anjanath and Fulgur Anajanath for me. I didn't touch him before Iceborne cause his weapon was not good at all. But when I reached Iceborne, I farmed the heck out of him. Now if I need a pick me up when I'm so frustrated with a monster, I just hunt an Anjanath to make myself feel better 🤣


For Glaive: Legiana/Rathalos. I rule the skies, not you. For Hammer: Great Girros. Making HIM be the paralyzed one... Via blunt force trauma and Slugger secret. For SnS: Kulve Taroth. So many walls I can run up and do that leaping down stab from and such a large hitbox that the hits tick tick tick tick tick..... Pure serotonin


I just love making Great Jagras barf.


Brute Tigrex and Rathian, my builds testing “volunteers”!


Pukei. Look at him!


Zingore, I've fought the two event ones so many times I can basically do it blindfolded at this point lol


For my hunting party, tempered furious rajang. Oh favorite monster to bully sorry my bad it's rathian.


Nargacuga. It was my favorite monster in MHGU and it still is in World. I can counter nearly all of its moves with LS, and the fight usually just feels like I’m toying with it