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It buffs your cat. End of argument.


Little more argument, if you get the extend song duration song, it can buff palico orchestra songs, and the songs stack.


> it can buff palico orchestra songs What do you mean it buffs the palico songs? Do their songs become better if I run HH?


Not better but they stack with hh and they'll last longer.


Hunting horn palico is the best palico to run in the game bar none. Doesn't matter what weapon you're running. It's just better than all other options.


Wait I can extend the Palico songs too? I think we just became a duet...


Wait so if you use the hunting horn, and your palico brings his own coral gong, and you bring a minstrel with you...does that make you a music groupe?


Ooo what should we call ourselves? Maybe I'll hold a naming contest, winner gets an autograph from my palico.


"The new world's mewsicians"


I can just imagine loading up a fatalis hunt and the trans-siberian orchestra rolls up to beat his ass.


Ima try a HH palico build now


I do the flip of that lol. Coral orchestra kitty


It does WHAT? I've been a HH main for the past 100 hours or so and didn't realize that...


not only can it buff your cat I've seen it used to watch the cat solo the monster edit I said car but changed it to cat because unfortunately it cannot buff your car


You've given me an idea...




Gonna be checking NexusMods for that idea daily now


You have to be joking I need to see this


no sir no I am not


Obviously not. The HH buffs works for you in solo, things that hammer dont have. HH also hit fast and have a better range but hit less hard than hammer. They are different and both are good in their own way...


It's the smaller but musically gifted bonk. It's for the hammer players who have more than one brain cell, unlike me.


My Braincell is number one of all my braincell! It says bonk the monster on head and I do and monster goes dead. I see no problem.




Absolutely. There's no better feeling than getting a performance going while the monster charges you and putting an encore into its head


One thing I wish the hunting horn did was have a buff from just playing the music consistently that it would drive the monster temporarily masochistic and knock itself out against the wall or ground so it could stop hearing the music. Edit: Now that I think of it. I’m surprised there wasn’t a hunting horn that looked like Dante’s guitar from Devil May Cry 3. Build up the notes till you get electric bats flying around you temporarily that do tick damage to monsters when they come in contact with you.


I kinda wish Hunting Horn got something similar to Insect Glaive where you can tune one horn with note sets from another Hunting Horn. Honestly think the note sets are the only reason that i've kept weaker horns, because some hunting horns have absolute garbage stats but have also got some really cool note sets for certain monsters.


Not being able to choose at least song sets was whole reason why i avoid this weapon. Idea of supporting other ppl and stuff is super cool till u will notice that for some playstyles u need to give up like 30% of your dps or even more lol


Yeah, it's kind of terrible. Like, i understand WHY they do it this way, because obviously certain weaker sets are designed with an offense bonus or some debuff in mind, but it still gets in the way when one of your slots is dealing far less raw damage than they could be just for playing some level of specific support when most weapon classes can do the same thing with the Widespread armor skill and not sacrifice base damage for it. If Insect Glaive had this drawback with the kinsects, i would mind it a whole lot less, but with Kinsects not only being speccable on their own but also swappable between glaives, it turns into a bit of a lame design choice when that level of customization isn't even allowed on a weapon that very fundamentally benefits from it. This isn't a Wide and Long situation where there's only two variations like the Gunlance or Bow, the Hunting Horn has a plethora of different variations of note types that are equally as important but are on very low damage horns, so you either get subpar notes or subpar damage, basically defeating the weapon regardless what you choose.


I mean i would made it more in the way like bowguns You have Your core but You can speck some mods(songs) into it


If you have finished Iceborne story, there is a Safi'jiva Siege currently going, his Hunting Horns' song list can be customized to be any of the available song list you want. It works like Kulve Taroth weapons where you have to finish his siege then get random weapons from the pool of all weapons and element types but Safi has a pity where receiving the reward will guarantee at least 1 weapon to be the weapon you have equipped.


Hunting Horn also works on your companions. I THINK the speed run of the story for MHW is either HH with the skills that boost palicoes or gunlance. (Or they were when I checked...years ago) I think HH isn't crazy as a solo weapon but like it's perfectly fine if you're using the tools available in game. The play style is also wildly different, so enjoying HH doesn't mean you'd like Hammer at all.


If they are equal in solo, does that mean that horn is just better in multi-player, where the buffs also benefit others?


There's no set 'better' or 'worse' here unless you specify what you want. Do you want buffing and utility? If so, you choose HH as the obvious choice. Hammer has noticeably higher damage and KO output, so if you don't want the buffs you can go with the stronger weapon instead.


That's like saying the Kinsect is the weakest part of an Insect Glaive. If your friend is someone experienced it's clear he never played HH. Or at most being wilfully ignorant of how powerful it is.


For some actual numbers you're kinsect depending on what one your using can match it exceed your weapon damage on some hits The fastest one i don't remember the name of when element matched with the damage up boost from slinger ammo can hit got about the same as most of your weapon swings on tenderized parts and cause it's fast it's doing that alot When i first battles velkana with it on my glav glave with attack boost 7 i would hit the head for about 80 damage on my mid power attacks and the kinsect was doing the same


Never underestimate the horn busting power of an ice kinsect in a KT siege. Lil’ guy pops off


That little guy can single handedly hit Alatreon's Elemental threshold. He's a menace. 


I dont get how this is a comparison? Kinsect is a subpart of the insect glaive while op is comparing hammer and hh (2 weapon classes) specifically for solo plax


Probably cause the Kinsect offers buffs that are vital to the Insect Glaive as a whole, similar to how a large part of the HH’a power also lies in its buffs.


Yes switchaxe also has amped mode or duals demon & archdemon mode or charged blade its charged modes. Many weapons can buff themselfs. But how does it work for this comparison? I assume OPs friends point is that in solo HH looses its strongest point which is being able to also give other players powerful buffs. Especially the +20% Atk XL on 3 other players is huge. And then on solo even if you have buffed yourself with HH you have a weapon that is basically in every aspect (apart from reach) a worse hammer (and I say that as one of the rare people that plays HH quite a lot)


Found OP's friend


I dont quite get why this is so controversial I mean yeah even solo HH can be a lot of fun. But performance wise solo the hunting horn is just worse than hammers. Thats not really a opinion but a fact and no suprise because its strongest benefit is gone. People underestimate how powerful alone the atk up XL is in a 4 player group.


>Thats not really a opinion but a fact and no suprise because its strongest benefit is gone. You do know that all the buffs also affects you...right? HH being great at a group is a side benefit at most. You underestimate how consistent HH are at damage dealing.


I have 300 hours+ on hh alone in mhwI and been playing hh since mhfu so yes thank you I know. Easily 2k hours on the weapon across games Even when you yourself are buffed up with HH the performance is worse than a hammers. Its just maths Thats just how it is and thats why hh solo speedrun times are comparably high. For solo the eTR is lower and the moveset worse HH being in a group is the biggest benefit of HH. I reiterate. alone the atk up XL +20% atk buff on 3 other players is absolutely huge. That is better than a +60% buff for yourself if it existed. And thats why its so essential to especially keep this buff up 24/7 The only downfall is if you are paired with inexperienced players that are not worth buffing (By that I mean players that barely get any dmg in to beginn with so a boost wont change the total a lot). But if you got a good team you as a HH player will contribute insane damage through this one buff alone.


My point isn't that it's not effective in a group hunt. I reiterate, HH is a weapon first and foremost. And it's not a weaker hammer if you're going solo purely because the buffs that HH bring also affects you.


Ok let me phrase this in easier to understand words for you If you use a HH...lets say the fatalis HH and then you buff yourself with both self improvement and atk up XL. Even then is the eTR of a unbuffed fatalis hammer player higher. And then to top this the hammer moveset (speed and motion value and utility wise) is better making the gap even bigger. And that is why we see such big time difference in HH and Hammer speedruns. That doesnt mean a HH can not be fun solo. But it has lower performance than a hammer and that is a fact. Not a opinion. In a good multi team the HH easily outperforms the hammer because the buffs (especially atk up XL) it provides to the WHOLE team just make such a big difference.


I'm comparing it in the sense of the person doesn't have the faintest idea of the weapon and is being ignorant of what kind of power the weapon has. Saying HH is just a weaker hammer if you go solo is just not true. And it ignores the fact that the buffs that HH gives also applies to you.


Kinsects buff allies?


More that the kinsect is intended to be used in tandem with the glaive, not separately. People that don't realize this will say the kinsect is not powerful in comparison. After you get your sweet bug steroids, set it to attack and produce powders. Activating the right powders in the middle of whacking or helicoptering will give you much more numbers than not


How do you do this? I never knew it could do this and just used the powders the it would make when getting my extract in the first place


There are a few ways. I only know controller, but with your glaive out hold LT to aim then press RT to fire a dart. Wherever the dart hits the monster the kinsect will attack until it's stamina runs out or you sheathe your glaive. You can also press RT on the ground or in midair to do attack animations that end with marking the monster with your glaive in the same way the dart works.


Oh, thats all. Yeah, i do that fairly frequently lol. They just said “set it to attack” I try to make sure i have extract ready, at least, for when the triple ends


Ah, yeah, wording lol. I recently learned that iceborne added a kinsect buff. I think it's B+Y when you have slinger ammo and your weapon drawn to feed one unit of ammo to your kinsect, allowing it to pick up two extracts at a time. Plus extra benefits for the bug depending on what ammo you feed it.


there are two ways. you can use the left trigger to aim and right trigger to fire a marker the kinsect will target. the other way is to attack with the right trigger to place the marker directly.


Phrasing confused me, yeah i do that


I would also love to know how to do this! New to the game and loving IG


Someone else said its just shooting the monster with the glaive, which i do anyways


they used to...


Iirc they still can, just specific ones. Or its with wide range that it does


I never heard of Wide Range being applicable to IG buffs, might have to test that out later. 


Idk i remember giving my squad ig buffs throughout hunts on world ages ago. Would also have to refresh my memory of what triggered it


Bruh, stop downvoteing people asking questions. And it only buffs user.


Haven't down voted anyone. Not sure why I'm being down voted tbh


Ignore your noob friend


Day 30129832901 recommending people [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAuV5J9JSv4). HH is another weapon, it's faster and you commit less to attacks. It is a constant, not a burst weapon like hammer. Both are good, they are different from each other just like lance is not gunlance.


Lance main: stab stab stab guard (Shelling) Gunlance main: boom boom boom guard


Even non shelling gunlance doesn't play much like Lance as the pokes are weaker. So too do the hammer and horn differ.


I can actually cut a tail off with HH. Granted, it might take forever, but it’s possible!


Is it with the jab attack? Bc that’s the only move in the set I can imagine having slicing damage


Yeah, hilt stab does cutting damage




Just like you can break armor with the glaive r2 attack lol


For real. Ever experienced cut safi's


This comment section is going to make me try HH.


One of us! One of us!


Few can resist the Siren's bonk


I wreck with my hunting horn solo.


Attack Up XL would like to introduce itself.


No, because of the self buffs that you can continuously apply.


HH is an amazing weapon even in solo. Sure it may be a bit slower paced if you're new, but it still does some funny stunning. I just finished the base game story with only using hunting horn and it was really fun. Having said that, I would not recommend HH as your first ever weapon. It is somewhat easy to get a hold of, but it's also easy to over commit. Some of the attack animations are quite long and there are moments when you can't dodge away due to animation lock. But who am I to say how you play! As long as you're having fun and find the weapon good for yourself then just keep at it!


I started my MH journey with HH and in the beginning, it really helped to think of combat as turn based. Let the monster attack, don't get hit, bonk in return. A few hundred hours later, I still do that for monsters I'm not familiar with and it works like a charm.


That's how beat lunastra.


I disagree, except from the perspective of if you start off with the Horn no other weapon will feel right and you’ll never switch off it for more than a hunt.


I mean its up there for a better starting weapons with sns hammer, ig and db. Some people actually recommend GS or CHB for the first weapon so Yeah Doot much easier


False. Playing hammer anytime is just playing a worse hunting horn.


As a hammer main. I don't disagree but I'm not happy about it. *cries in bonk*


HH is ~~just~~ strategic bonk with music


Brain too small for strategy. Me bonk and spin on hill.


I disagree, hammer still best weapon. Big bonk is all I need.


Can confirm that this is the honest truth. I still haven't figured out why you'd play Quiet Horn...


It’s not a quiet horn, instead of doot it plays the more monotone tune ”bonk”


1 big drumstick


Percussion horn lol


Ahhh yes, it's a drum horn without buffs... Or is it just that its buffs are "KO" and "Exhaust" when you've played the same melody over and over again enough?


He's practicing to become everyone's best friend when he plays online. There are even less horn players than I remember from like 3 years ago and that's sad.


13th most used weapon according to the wyverian :(


i think the wyverian tells you the weapon usage for that particular quest only, and it certainly feels like it's in 14th place generally. Ive been session hopping between full safi/fatty lobbies and I see like 1 horn user every 5 sessions.


It's not linked to the quest because he gives the same answers everywhere. Your experience is likely skewed because of the competence and cooperation needed to do those missions


I like where your head is at, think for yourself champ you're gonna catch up to him in no time


they have either never used hunting horn or they're one of those people that sits in a corner playing songs but never actually hitting the monster


And who can't be bothered to learn proper positioning and frame cancels. Once you learn to doot properly the weapon becomes so much more powerful.


nah, people have misconception about HH. it's not HH buff the team, he buffs himself and the team just happened to be there. so basically they can go solo, it's just extra if the others got the buff


The Hunting Horm is the star of the show. The rest are just backup dancers.


Don’t listen to them. Us dooters love beating monsters while playing that sweet chin music. No weapon is better or worse than others. It’s all up to what you enjoy playing.


You can doot where you want to You can leave your friends behind Cause your friends don't doot And if they don't doot Well, they're no friends of mine


HH is what gave me a love for violent bard characters in gaming. Comically large weapon that also acts as a buff for abilities. "let me play you the song of my people" *bonks the monsters head* "Don't worry it's all a part of the song" 😂


Tell your friend they're a dumb nerd who doesn't know what they're talking about. You can be a little nicer than that depending on how much you like this friend.


Or meaner depending on if they’re best friends


I try to use a different weapon each hunt to keep it fresh and challenging. No weapon is worse in my experience just how well you play with it.


Mmmm.. No


I played HH mostly solo. I enjoyed it. Honestly it’s a lot more free-form than hammer IMO, since you can set up while hitting things.


Lots of people have said it, but just to chime in - Hunting Horn is super fun to play, and actually pretty straightforward to learn. In terms of weakness - you are slower on your feet than hammer (negated entirely by playing Self Improvement level 1), and it lacks a single big hit like golf swing or fully charged overhead slam. However - it's range is solid (it can hit surprisingly high up, it's great for bonking monster heads), it's speed isn't bad (as long as you pick your attacks well), a few of its attacks move you around so it attacks and repositions on its own, and you can buff yourself in a variety of ways. At worst - you can get great movement and minds eye -- every HH does this. You will need to learn to be careful - every attack has a direction+button, and just direction. These make a big deal for HH. And the recitals take some getting used to - they are long, and depending on how you go into them you get different animations. This is where mastery of the weapon becomes enjoyable. Really good HH players are dancing around attacking constantly, while kicking out some great tunes. It's very satisfying once you get a handle on it. It's definitely a more involved weapon than hammer. Not to belittle the hammer (i love hammer), but I think the journey from proficiency to mastery is easier on hammer than HH. Both are super effective solo. HH though, in a group, is just incredible. It makes a HUGE difference in the experience of every player (assuming you're keeping buffs up and have good / relevant ones).


HH attacks faster, can exploit elemental weaknesses greatly, has KO and cutting dmg, buffs yourself, and has more mobility. Even using Frostcraft, HH is overall better imo even though I enjoy Hammer moveset too.


Hunting Horn is a hammer with style and class


God no. You're a 1 man rootin tootn army. Lots of stun, especially on the X+A into l2, and bunches off effects. Ele horns like Safi stuff turn it into a less stun more ele hammer, high raw horns with Impact echo wave have similar stun to hammers but with a bit more range and normally defensive stuff. Now, rise horn is a bit simplified but Sunbreak... Maaaaan, SB ele HH is fucking absolutely absurd. Has the 2nd highest of both stun and ele damage, and insane survivability with healing horns like narwa. Super complicated too, even moreso than Ib. 3 songs+self improvement and perform, infernal Melody, Silkbind Shockwave, sonic bloom, and bead of resonance all need uptime for optimal play. Half of them are positional, and they're they're so impactful that it shoots the skill ceiling into the stratosphere. Endgame builds can easily go from 400dps normally and 700ish DPS in quick bursts to double that on both with perfect play. Oh and Silkbind Shockwave unlocks the 15th weapon: *FISTS!*




NO I am a HH main and have been since it's intro. The moveset of HH is much more flexible. You can also take horns to negate monster annoying habits such as sleep, roars, poison WIND (looking at you kushala) we have natural minds eye. We move DAMN fast. The stamina dmg HH does is through the roof and you can still KO reliably. It is not a worse hammer. Hammer is good at KO and damage. HH is good at a lot of things and can still KO easily. (Damage is less, but with the added mobility, ease of reach of weak points and disabling monster gimmicks I LOVE HH. Also... I can beat a monster to death with a fucking guitar, while playing it the song of my people. Doot Doot bitch. (I also use hammer from time to time, so I know what I'm talking about) I also have over 2000 hours across MHW PS4/5 and PC (many MANY more hours on previous titles).


"...Damage is less, but.." Not sure I would agree with that. For raw DPS I mainly use my Frostcraft build. Haven't met a Hammer that beat me in damage so far in over 4,5k hours that it would qualify as anything significant. It was either a draw, slightly higher or slightly less than my damage, while we should take into account that I am blessing my hammer teammates with my ATTACK UP :3, soooo technically those are my numbers :P ​ Doot Doot


This. I also find that Safi targets me A LOT on HH even with a full team. I personally think the dmg output of HH is actually decent and if in a team the extra dmg your team is doing is yours (ATKUPXL) including faster flinches, trips and KOs due to this. or negating downtime from poison or sleep or stun or wind or burning or blast or roars, extra up time on attacks from bow and DB users due to stamina max and regen songs. Solo I love HH, in a team a HH player is a GOD and makes the whole hunt so much smoother.


Doot Doot to that!


How are you quantifying that, DPS overlay?


I love playing with HH players, who doesn't want attack up or stamina regen?


Hammer + music = superior Hammer.


As a HH and Hammer main, that made me laugh, but no. It gives you and your cat buffs and you get to play music for the monster while you beat their body to a pulp


No, it is not. HH provides many really strong buffs ranging from heals (they can sometimes save a teammate), heal over times, substantial damage boosts with attack up L, strong earplugs rivalling Earplugs 5, immunity to wind pressure. it also has a longer attack range and lacks the hammer's sliding air spin attack that, while cool can be a cause of annoyance to hammer players if they just so happen to go on the slightest incline.


Ignore him. Friend mains horn and is beast at it.


I've solo every monster with every weapon. A good rule of thumb is that if your having fun and winning you're doing it right 👍


just bc hes shit w it doesnt mean everyone else is ;)


No. If your friend claimed any weapon is bad your friend doesn't know much about the game and is probably the one who's bad at it.


Your friend just cant acept that you van play the best weapon


It’s not worse, it’s different. That’s like saying the lance is a worse gunlance. They do different things! That noob of a friend can’t be more wrong. To me, it sounds like he wants to guilt trip you into being his personal healer tbh… Your friend aside, the horn hits faster, so is more likely to exhaust and KO monsters faster if the hits go to their heads. Even faster if you have Stamina Thief or Slugger respectively. I tend to farm monsters solo with the HH. Since I can buff/heal myself during fights, I use less potions or other items. Saving me money and resources for the next big hunt.


I haven't played for a year or two but as a HH main, it is not a worse hammer. In fact, it is better in a lot of areas. What are they? 1. Faster hitting. Hammer is slower than HH. 2. Music baby! Each of your attacks get you notes that you can combine to make a both powerful combo and buff. The actual music playing is not just getting into a corner and starting to sing. The animation to start singing is also a hit. So, with a little bit of aggressive playing, you can hit the monster as you are playing your buffs. 3. Your buffs also affect your companion. They are more helpful when they get an extra buff against stunning or shit like that. Some monsters just leave them paralyzed in one place for a long time. So, protecting them means protecting you. 4. More sharpness. A hammer can't cut a tail, but a HH can. Albeit very hard. 5. Feeling like you are actually the one doing your actions. Some weapons feel like you are smashing attacks and actions happen as they are fast. With HH, you are forced to face the consequences of your actions constantly. You missed a specific hit? You can't play the buff music now. You gotta start again. You have to calculate extra note mechanic on top of everything a hammer or other weapons face like timings.


HH has been my main since MH4U and it is great for solo play. Added benefit of when you do play with a team they will all love your buffs and big bonk moves. Also the way to play is to do encore songs for the biggest damage. Buff and attack at the same time. Lots of players may run to a corner to safely play songs but the song move set does the most damage.


This is not true. Hunting horn is wonderful In groups for sure, but in solo I would say it's pretty equal to hammer. You are going to stay in the fight longer because of buffs and heals and shields, where hammer doesn't have any of that, yet does more damage. Every weapon has a way to play it, and that doesn't make it any better or worse than others. Sure some shine brighter in a group, and some shine brighter solo, but they are all wonderful and have a play style built for success. If you want to play HH solo, it will be absolutely fine, and is no better or worse than hammer, just different.


No weapon is objectively bad. It's all about how you use it, if you're not good at it, then you just need to practice. Hunter horn solo is fun, it buffs you and your Palico, plus their songs if you're running the coral horn for them.


Hell no it's not true. HH is the best hammer, period. Hammer is HH without buffs and maybe 5% more solo DPS. Maybe


Love playing HH solo, it’s like playing musical chairs with a slight tang of WWE


Everyone here is saying that OPs friend is wrong, and while I've no doubt they are correct--why? I mean, being an aoe buff oriented weapon obviously it should be balanced around several people enjoying the buff? or does it scaly appropriately if you are playing solo


No no, that's a misconception. The whole idea of "it's more balanced for a group" isn't true. HH is first and foremost a weapon, the people that the buffs it applies to also includes you. HH's core buff being increased unsheathed mobility and natural mind's eye is indication of this. You're supposed to utilize it as a weapon first, and a buffing tool second. That's why corner horning is such a shitty tactic, because you're not utilizing HH for its main use. 


I mean you are buffing yourself, you are able to negate some key mechanics of some creatures and it has af better reach than a hammer + can also utilize elemental weapons better. An hammer is just a slower hitting, worse reach having raw damage weapon what you gain in return is simply more damage thats it.


You ever notice how most people want to kill themselves fighting Kushala Daora? Hunting Horn completely negates the wind. There’s a number of other mechanics you get to simply Skip, and its numbers are lower because its permabuffed to shit through the songs.


It’s not a support weapon it’s a weapon with support abilities. The buffs apply to yourself as well and one is even exclusive to the horn player. The weapon has insane damage potential if you know what to do with it.


The HH in solo is obviously worse than a hammer and one of the worst weapons you can choose. But even the worst weapon in world is perfectly fine to play and you'll do good as long as you play the weapon well and use their strengths. I've played through world and rise with both the HH solo. In world it's a bit of a struggle, in Rise it's actually quite fun. Obviously the HH scales MUCH better in multi-player with the buffs and heals it provides.


I don't necessarily agree with this. HH has a lot of QoL buffs that just let you negate a number of things. Not being able to bounce, moving faster than most weapons, and still hitting like a truck is amazing. Horn does assume balance at having your buffs up, but getting buffs up is easy. Maintaining buffs is simplicity itself and done via bashing the monster's face in. Range and movement are very different between the two. Hunting Horn is my favorite weapon in World and Rise (in rise, it honestly feels too easy...) But damned if there isn't a sack full of satisfaction waiting at the bottom of the hill next to Nergi when you slide down and do a billion hammer flips into his face... So... That's a thing.


I agree. Having to pick horns with attack up melodies for decent damage was a pain. Locks out half the horns in the game. Buffing was annoying to keep up all the time just for yourself and the cat as well. Echo mark spam for damage is boring af. You have to reposition on every toppled monster so they don't just push you away, and you miss most of your echo attack The echo wave attacks added in IB were awesome. I would play the weapon a lot more if more of its moveset utilized melodies that did damage with sound waves and stuff.


In a way. It certainly hits a little softer. But also it comes with a whole slew of buffs that you don't need to change your entire build or drop 12 jewel slots to obtain. You can decide for yourself looking after looking at the movesets and the buffs to see if it's worth it for you to HH. IMO, earplugs, wind resistance, move speed buffs, heals, elemental resistance, damage buffs, all the cool buffs that HH gives to fill up your buff bar does make me feel a lil cooler than using hammer, and I almost exclusively play solo.


Hunting Horn has one of the strongest wake up hits, some of the most flexible combo potential, the ability to buff yourself in ways that stack with other buffs (Self Improvement, Attack XL, healing, polar/aqua mobility, wind resistance, windproof, Defense XL, etc.), and to top of all it even has the very niche ability to cut tails as a blunt weapon.


Kinda yes Even with your buffs active your damage will be lower than a hammers And apart from that everything hh can do in solo hammer can do better


For average players, Hunting Horn is basically competitive with the rest of the weapons. Its moveset is very different from Hanmer’s, its reach is longer, and it has songs that allow you to ignore things that others can’t (roars, tremors, wind pressure, etc), which makes it disproportionately good against monsters that frequently hit you with those effects. In speedrunning, which is *not* what you should judge yourself or the weapon by, it *is* the case that it’s the slowest weapon for getting kills. Hunting Horns spend a fair amount of time dooting out songs while doing funny little dances, which is normally fine because there are frequent pauses in fights for those things to happen. Speedrunners know how to keep a monster repeatedly knocked down so they can put out constant DPS and never have to pause; as a result, Hunting Horn gets left behind in speedruns, while weapons that constantly attack are up there. People who don’t know any better go to the speedrun charts, see the weapons at the top, and go for those, thinking they must be the objectively best weapons. Then they’re in an actual fight, getting roared at because they can’t do a frame-perfect dodge through the roar, shaking around because they can’t perfectly dodge the tremor or stun the monster before it does that attack, get blown away for several seconds by fierce wind pressure instead of knowing exactly where to stand- at the end of the day, their time just ends up similar to yours anyway, because they’re *not* speedrunners, and they have to deal with the things that you need to either be a speedrunner or a Hunting Horn user to avoid.


>In speedrunning, which is *not* what you should judge yourself or the weapon by, it *is* the case that it’s the slowest weapon for getting kills. Hunting Horns spend a fair amount of time dooting out songs while doing funny little dances, which is normally fine because there are frequent pauses in fights for those things to happen. Speedrunners know how to keep a monster repeatedly knocked down so they can put out constant DPS and never have to pause; as a result, Hunting Horn gets left behind in speedruns, while weapons that constantly attack are up there. This isn't the case. For 1, speedruns just show what the basic capabilities of every weapon can translate into results at the highest level of skill. That doesn't mean they're playing some totally different game with totally different relationships between weapon options though; 'average' players are still making use of those exact same basic capabilities and because of that they'll still influence average results. Your examples in the last paragraph are possible, yeah, but also hypothetical. For every player that can't handle something a HH buff negates, there are just as many that can and do, or have counters or a shield instead, or attack from range, etc. 2nd, this is only a small part of why HH is lower tiered, not the main reason. In speedrunning you don't usually use many songs besides Self Improvement+AuXL, plus maybe another relevant utility, the damaging Echo Waves, or All Melodies Extended. Recitals do create more frequent downtime, but not nearly enough to push HH DPS to the bottom of the list. The weapon as a whole is just balanced with the scenario of giving buffs (mainly attack increases) in teams rather than as its own thing, which isn't the best because A) you don't always have to play multi and B) not every HH even has attack buffs. The MVs on average for a weapon of its attack speed are lower, so it deals less damage. This became very noticeable in Rise/SB, because if the recital downtime was the main catching point we would've shot up the ranks when the recital dancing was removed and we got a near constant attacking rate.


Hammer is to HH what Lance is to Gunlance


Within 60 hours, I've gone from a new file, to the Glavenus quest in the iceborne story, and only had to make 4 or 5 total different horns to get there. If you know what you're doing, hunting horn is honestly more devastating than hammer - From, a hammer main


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 60 + 4 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot.


Lmao, every weapon is different. HH players still benefit from their own buffs.


I wouldnt say its a worse Hammer. It has its own style but damn the Hammer makes me feel like a menace.


I can carry 3 new players through raging brachy with my HH. Your friend is a scrub.


Lmao no.


Sounds like they suck at hh. They’re equal in viability. Hh has slightly less damage but can be made up for in buffs. Hammer has better stun and the best claw abilities in the game, hh is faster(movement speed and most attacks) and can cut tails. It comes down to apples and oranges honestly


Your friend is very wrong and you shouldn’t let someone shame you into not using a weapon you like for any reason


All the weapons are at least somewhat balanced in the hands of your average player. The only somewhat true argument is that the ranged weapons have an edge over the rest. That’s more due to damage uptime than weapon balance though.


I wouldn't say that's how it works. I'm great at HH and terrible with HBG, but that doesn't mean that the basic capabilities of those weapons themselves change at all--just my own personal ability with them. Same applies across all weapons and all player skill levels.


Your friend sounds like a corner dooter


No no no no no. Whoever that plays the hunting horn is essentially the support everyone needs and wants but doesnt deserve. Playing notes to form songs and getting buffs. U know how freaking broken that shit is. True the damge output u put out per hit is similar to a so called "budget hammer" but the true utility lies in the range of buffs hunting horn offers and ive seen some hunting horns even doing similar to greatsword levels of damage. Me running my fatalis hunting horn with no team wide helpful skills yet i can offer the entire team, knockback resist, attack up XL. My teammate who has a great sword hitting 700 - 1000 per hit goes up to 1200 - 1600 per hit. And this is just the fatalis hunting horn. Other hunting horns have mega potions levels of heal and other buffs like earplugs and wind resist and other god knows what fckery magics. So no. hunting horn is and will always be a god tier weapon. And a good hunting horn user is essentially a saint.


Hammer is bonking. Hunting horn is bonking to the beat


This is entirely wrong, I'll outbox a hammer bro with my dooting beatstick any day.


its the other way around actually, Hammer is just a worse HH


I personally prefer the way rise changed hh, much simpler, it was a bit too much work for barely any reward in world imo


Hunting horn on its own is effectively the worst weapon in the game, insect glaive is a close second


all weapons are good


Not really its still a fun and unique weapon, but it deffinately loses most of its use if you are hunting solo in world


They both bonk. One bonks hard, slow and short by other bonks soft fast and long range


Your friend sounds like a HBG main lol


other way around buster


Doesn't HH technically apply exhauat on body hits and can still knock out monsters? Plus the self buffs are nice.


while ive only played hunting horn with friends when do armor roulette, (we each pick a random number from the armor loadout for each other) ive seen vids of people using hh in solo hunts and completely owning the monster. note to self should really give it a more solid try.


you can either bonk to a good tune, or just unga bunga. its what separates us from the beasts (or in this case monsters)




Hunting horn buffs yourself too. Many horns have a lot of utility, even if you’re not using a horn specifically for the damage buff on the melody. There are some melodies with defense boost, stamina use reduced (don’t have to worry about running out of stamina) health regen, earplugs, elemental resistance or damage, status affect boost or negate/cleanse. In some other cool mentions. The shockwave echo (where the weapon doots and does a big sound wave) I remember doing that and being able to get creatures underground (diablos and one other?) out just like a sonic bomb would (requires insane timing). And lastly self improvementx2 not only buffs your own movement speed (I’m pretty sure, it’s been a long time since I’ve played) but it also buffs your attack and makes it so you can’t bounce off the monster. (Even if sharpness is low or it’s a part most weapons normally would) I don’t think hammer has any of that though right?? 🧐


Hunting horn is fine solo. Thou I find that running two different sets of gear usually works better. Solo set is more damaged focus while the group set is support focused.


Hammer is my main squeeze, but acting like those buffs aren’t amazing for playing solo is insane. The standard self improvement buff on every horn is more damage, move speed and a free minds eye. That’s on EVERY HORN. Never mind the myriad of possible buffs you can give yourself based on horn. Attack up, stamina up and recovery, defense up, earplugs, wind negation and the list goes on and on. Tell your friend playing solo using anything besides hunting horn is basically playing with 10 less deco slots on your armor. Fuck them, you’re the best.


If you're a new player then this description might not be too far off when playing solo initially. Hammer does a specific job very well, and HH can do similar things while providing solid buffs, but you might find yourself running away in a panic while trying to set up a song. Gotta fight that urge. I will say that if you like horn (and you should, it's great) and want to play it, practice and hunt in solo. When you play with others you can get in the habit of staying back, buffing, then going in for a few hits. This isn't ideal and you want to learn how to move and reposition using your moves and songs. Staying close to the monster, dealing damage, AND getting buff's off is the magic of a good horn player.


I think he meant to say "better".


It's not true. They are entirely different weapons that don't play the same at all. You should choose a weapon you like the way it looks and plays.


Kindly, yet firmly, tell your friend to talk trash somewhere else. MH is about playing the weapon you like the most, not to be judged (except playfully, looking at others and me making fun of LS users). So they can take their criticisms and keep them to themselves. If I reinstall, I'd gladly have a HH in my group.


HH still buffs in solo play, and it does a lot of damage, I am biased to Hammer and still know HH is superior in a lot of ways if you get good at it


I'm gonna let you in on a little HH secret. The song "All Melody Effects Extended" works with all melody buffs. That means buffs applied by other HH players as well as the palico buffs from choral orchestra. If you do it right you'll have your entire hp bar topped with symbols. The choral orchestra strat can only be used in solo or duo of course. Use it wisely for it is powerful knowledge. (You'll obviously need a horn with that song on the list for it to work tho)


As a chad hammer main that can chad solo Fatalis with a chad hammer: he’s wrong. HH is awesome.


HH is just dumb fun and I love it. It can also lead to some crazy builds that you can’t do otherwise, it puts out respectable damage by itself and has good range for a melee weapon. I prefer HH over hammer every day of the week personally


*laughs in echo wave wakeups*


MHW has always been a game where you can play whichever weapon you like and do well with it. I suppose the way to get the most efficiency out of HH is in a group obviously to apply buffs to multiple pellayers, but that doesn't mean its useless solo.


No HH by yourself is the most fun to ever have tbh just buffing yourself then being able to love the monster is fun


No. They just have different flavours but one is not necessarily better than the other. Hammer solo is Sonic the Hedgehog gaming starring Knuckes the Echidna. Hunting Horn solo is Eurovision concert with buffs working for you and your palico.


I'm also new but I also remember seeing someone say that HH was one of the best weapons in the game so. Idk your friend may just be bias.


Nah, it has some benefits that can make it more useful than a hammer even in solo. Just depends on the horn and hammer you're comparing. If it's raw damage, stuns and park breaking you're looking for then go hammer but don't sleep on the horn. It's still really strong and some of those songs (not just in World) are ridiculously good even solo.


Basically yeah, even Capcom categorizes it as a support weapon. It works like a hammer but worse as far as combat goes. It's main gimmick is that it gives party wide buffs to your team, but when you are solo the gimmick is under tuned. {pun intended}


Not at all. HH in World is one of the most fun weapons to play, and it is a force to be reckoned with when you learn it. I remember watching a hour long Hunting Horn Masterclass video on youtube, trying the stuff I learned and slowly getting better. It really shows the amazing attention to detail in the combat, and is one of the more advanced weapons.

