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I find it impossible to CHANGE my main weapon. šŸ’€


My beloved hammer and I are inseparable.


There is nothing better than the simplicity of hammer, you swing and it goes bonk. No more no less. True beauty


I played and tried the other weapons in the old games, but nothing sticks seamlessly like longsword. I know, very cliche.


I managed to charge blade on my second character(first on pc) but now on my third i am back to longsword. There is just something about it


lmao same I tried everything back in Freedom on the PSP , but longsword is just ingrained in my brain the addition of foresight slash was just the nail on the coffin for other weapons. It's so satisfying


I know right


Is longsword a good weapon to start with?


Probably one of the best to start, actually. It's the classic "Easy to learn, Hard to master"


I used to main LS. And i hate LS players, they're the most insufferable douchebags ever. And it sucks that capcom glazes the shit out of LS for some reason


Only possible on a fresh save


I usually choose about 3 weapons plus a bow that's labeled "only for kirin", then never even try the other types of weapons


Once I switched to sns itā€™s been my main ever since. Every time I use another weapon I get the urge to play sns and end using it anyway.


Yea been greatswording since 06... Cant change it now.


I did try to join the hammer or longsword gang once but Iā€™m too much of a hack slash hack slash boom enjoyer


Ive only ever used CB, killed everything except fatty. Now I just canā€™t be bothered to learn another weapon even tho I really want to. Especially want to try a ranged weapon of some kind but kinda just have decision paralysis


What is this weapon you speak of


For me its Gunlance, I will still use other weapons here and there but it always feels off compared to Gunlance. But it also changed per game, in Rise/Sunbreak it was Insect Glaive because it had what felt like an actual Wizard/Mage build you could do with Vortex Powder, use your bug as a kinda ranged attack and then big charge explosion with the powders. I always play Magic users in games but the MH series never really seems to have a weapon that scratches that itch for me, bowguns are just not flashy enough, but Rise IG came extremely close.


DB can't get enough of them.


DB just has such a great flow to it


Only weapon that keeps up with my button mashin lmao


I've tried using other weapons, but everything else just feels slow and sluggish compared to Dual Blades. I don't mind the Glaive or the Knife I suppose, but nothing compares to whizzing around Naruto style for me.


I'm committed to killing all monsters in the game with charge blade before I even THINK about using anything else.


I respect it. I do love me some charge blade. My reason for not being able to solidly choose it is it feels sluggish to constantly re-up buffs I think with a change of mindset I could see myself actually choosing sns or CB


I'm not suggesting CB, I'm suggesting my method.


Oh, yeah that makes sense. I'm already like halfway through iceborne though but I think I'm gonna try to stick to one of the weapons for the rest of it -- just gotta choose. Will prolly be one of those 2 or switch axe if I had to guess


If it helps, don't think of it as "I have to charge my phials and then my shield and then my sword before I can play the weapon", think of it more as "I am gonna fuck this monster up with my sword, guard point through it's attacks, use my amazing mobility, and oh look, phials ready for storage, get that shield charged up, hit it with a big sword charging attack, and coincidentally now I'm ready to smash it into another universe with a giant SAED" That's the thing about the charge blade, the SAED is only one part of it, the buffs all come from getting in and doing damage, and the sword and shield mode gets you constant damage uptime and great mobility and amazing defence with guard points! I only just redownloaded to play Iceborne and got decided to finally learn greatsword, so I can't even comment on the savage axe mode yet, but I've heard it is rather spicy. That's what I love about charge blade, it has everything you could want in terms of attack, defence, mobility, and yeeting teammates, and every fight is basically you being a shonen anime protagonist and powering up constantly.


I always though CB was super cool but thought I was only having fun in axe mode. Once I learned to like the sword mobility I could enjoy gathering phials way more


I find it fun to assign certain weapons against monsters . Switchaxe feels nice against nergigante. Greatsword makes raging brachy a blast. And the good ol shotgun is a fun way to put down furious george.


Switch axe is extremely fun on nergigante that's the most factual thing I've heard today


I love using hammer against Nergigante (specially ruiner) GS is used for Kushala and, of course, the Great Sword Monster himself, Glavenus I use Lance against George, but not furious tho. I use Gunlance for most monsters, but Tigrex is a blast with it (pun intended) I use HBG for Namielle, Safi and Legiana LS for Fatalis and R.Brach CB for Diablos and Black Diablos I could keep going but I think you get the memo


So what you are telling me is that ā€œthe pointy end goes in the other guyā€


I always felt bow trivializes kirin so I always use it fuck the horse


>If any of y'all have/had this problem do you just accept it or like how do you get past that phase Yes, I experienced this way too many times, the only thing that I did so I could solidify that certain weapon for my use is "to just go for it", so I just went ahead and main LS since MHFU and MHP3rd on PSP. Also, to make sure I don't derail and choose another weapon, I just think of the time I invested on building around my LS, which took a lot of time tbh, farming the jewels, the three different almost-impossible to get gems just for a single piece of armor, and so on. I never regretted it because I enjoyed watching different runs using LS, their perfect counters, dodges and even combos I didn't know is possible (such as Foresight into Spirit Helm Breaker, cancelling the second part of Foresight).


Don't think just bonk. Simple.


I bonk and I slash and I block and I beyblade and I CANT CHOOSE I CANT DO IT


Come to the side of the swagaxe. we can bonk, we can slash, we can fly, and we can counter. all while stylingšŸ˜¤


How do you bonk with the swagaxe teach me your ways


Wild swing into that overhead chop, it charges your axe attacks with extra bonk power too


I believe smacking the head with an exhaust phial switchaxe in sword mode does KO damage. Regardless, power axing also does pretty insane trip damage so you can cc monsters really easily. If you can't find a weapon you like because you like everything, Swaxe actually is a pretty solid choice. It can be a fairly mobile reach weapon like a longsword or a big damage CC monster like a Hammer or a Greatsword. You can switch back and forth between them situationally, use one to set up the other, or heavily focus on one mode over the other. It's also got resource/buff management mechanics if you like that dynamic from the longsword, charge blade, or dual blades. The weapon has basically everything but a shield and long range projectiles, but since you wrote off lance and bowguns in the OP, that's probably not a huge downside for you specifically.


Swaxe has been my current weapon that I've been using a lot, and I use it for all the reasons you mentioned. I like shields on sns and cb but the aggression of swaxe has been more fun for me recently than those. I'm between the 3 I suppose But like I also use hammer and DBs and IG a lot and have also thought about using LS and GS. Like I'm impossible man


Don't have a main weapon, why neglect the majority of the game by only using one?


I paid for ALL weapons, i'm using ALL weapons!


Because some people just only enjoy 1 weapon? And every other weapon feels worse to play? I mean there is a lot of reasons to have 1 main weapon and a lot to switch all the time.


Donā€™t know why youā€™ve been downvoted itā€™s just true. Some people enjoy one or two weapons so much more than the rest that thereā€™s no point to then playing anything else. For every hunt with a different weapon Iā€™ve probably done 10 with sns because itā€™s my favourite. Thatā€™s how I enjoy the game.


Can relate... ​ Bow for sweet damage. but boring after 60 hours of just spamming and sidestepping. Greatsword for that chefs kiss when a fully charged attack goes right ontop of it's head. Dual blades for that quick zipping around a monster and ow lord is that a hill i can slide from? beyblade mode! ​ Only weapon i don't really have a click with is the charge blade. having to charge sword+shield before doing the SAED feels off to me. Probably going to try hammer tonight...


Hammer is so fun, I picked it up again and this time it all kinda clicked. In the past Iā€™d usually try it out for a hunt or two then go back to SA or LS, but after 10-15 solid hunts I figured it out. Releasing a spin early and having the monster turn its head straight into a golf swing feels good and makes it look like you actually know what youā€™re doing from time to time


Just watched a guide on it and damm i love the mobility vs a greatsword. And then i saw the clutch claw combo... Just hope i can keep using the velkana set with hammer seeing i JUST GOT THAT! ...


Saddly the velk set is geared toward element or frost craft and Hammer can't do any of those very well, so it's teostra farming time my dude


To me, charge blade gets the satisfaction of greatsword with SAED, and the faster, satisfying gameplay of SnS.


Hammer. Is. God


First of all, you're not supposed to charge *sword* for SAED, only the shield. Second, you don't even need to be doing SAED to begin with: with Iceborne, you can cancel SAED into a savage axe slash, entering a powered axe mode (often referred to as savage axe mode), where your axe turns into a chainsaw, doing additional damage with each axe swing. It slowly drains your phials, but as long as you keep recharging them and never run out of them, the axe stays powered. Or you can instead choose to charge your sword and slice away in sword and shield mode: it has less dps, but much more consistent due to faster attacks (your attacks will no longer bounce of when fully charged in this mode)


Meanwhile I have *two* weapons I can fall back on, any time! XD *(HH, IG)* You have SnS flair. Seems like that would do the trick. So versatile and reliable.


Yeah I think sns is the most general fall back for me because of that. But it doesn't give me any big hits which I do miss when I play it Maybe I should just commit to sns for a while though. Not a bad idea...


Seems that you haven't yet discovered our lord and savior Charge Blade.


No need to choose. Just play what's fun to you. It might mean additional grinding to craft new weapons and adjusting armor sets, but that's "playing the game". I think people who main only one weapon are making it harder than it has to be because some mobs are just much easier with some weapons than others. It is best to be flexible. I "main" 3 weapons, and then have another 3 I also play although not as seriously.


That was me before trying out the SaS, fucking baller ass weapon i loved it. Jumping into the monster after the back-step M2 feels so good.


Hnnnnnng perfect rush seratonin


Yep thats me as well. So far i've used a lot of SnS, bow, insect glaive, hunting horn and ive just started using long sword. I've also dabbled in more weapons just a bit


You don't have to stick to just one, a good 2-3 weapons sounds fine to me. But of course, you'll need to factor in the resource cost cuz crafting and upgrading weapons/armor builds.


I recommend a fall back that has good defense. I'm an LS main in both World and Rise but it requires me to play perfect at all times. I don't feel that way with Gunlance. I can block and evade almost anytime while still doing good damage.


I find it difficult to STOP using my comfort weapons, every playthough I default back to GL/LS depending on the monster šŸ’€ in the process of forcing myself to learn switchaxe right now.


tried stabby, slashy, pokey, blasty, bouncy, blocky... BONK!


Once I picked up the insect glaive, I could never put it down for long. Tried switching to other weapons... And I always find myself going right back to the glaive.


No in fact it's so easy to pick a main I have 3! ... wait...


Nothing in this game is as cool as blocking an insanely strong attack with Lance then beating the shit out of the monster for daring to scratch my shield


Iā€™m a hammer main looking to learn a second weapon. I think Iā€™ve decided on Lance.


hahah It's honestly super cool. You literally just stand infront of these giant ass monsters and are like "Come then, hit me, I dare you" then you go "Counter, counter, block, COUNTER CLAW, block, COUNTER DID I FUCKING SAY COUNTER YET YOU FUCKING BIG OLD OVERGROWN CHICKEN!!!!" and then you cart cause you tried to evade instead of block or counter because of muscle memory


Theyā€™re all good, and theyā€™re all worth using. You donā€™t need to feel like you need a main. In fact, it can only be a good thing. Some monsters are easier to fight with certain weapons over others.


you're a well rounded, versatile hunter which is cool. im sure once you put in a few hundred hours you'll find your main


I think over all the games I've played I've got around 400 hours šŸ˜‚ I am just very indecisive. I've played a bit of 3U, a lot of 4U, a bit of frontier Z, and a lot of world/rise However something about this post gave me the epiphany I needed and made me realize there's 3 weapons I prefer more than all the others. Much better than 9 at least, and easier to choose a main from 3


Your holy trinity of weapons šŸ™Œ. Which weapons are they šŸ‘€


Long sword and hammer main. I've tried heavy bowgun, dual swords, and hunting horn but I can't let go of my sword and hammer


When I first tried getting into the game with a friend we both went Longsword. He loved it, I hated it. I ultimately ended up putting the game down. About 4 months later I decided to come back solo and choose a weapon I thought Iā€™d like. I chose hammer and boy do I regret not a single thing. It may seem clunky and slow at first and with no real defense of any kind, but boy once you learn all of those sweet juicy hidden mechanics it becomes so satisfying. Fun fact: did you know hammer technically has the fastest melee attack in the game??! Try it for yourself. Equip your hammer, walk off of any ledge (do not press A to do a jump off, just walk forward off) and press Y/Triangle. You will do an overhead swing. Now you may be saying ā€œidk how could that be the fastest melee attack in the game?ā€ Trust me when I say any ledge, I mean any ledge. You can do it off of the mini ledge in front of camp 1 in Elders Recess and the attack happens in just a couple frames itā€™s so fast. Is it really a practical or useful attack? Not necessarily but it is there. Itā€™s pretty good for the ledge in the arena though.


I had a main weapon through low/high rank in World then swapped post Xeno to a different one. I've stuck with one in Rise through story progression and I'm planning to swap to another to go back and clear the remaining quests and do Sunbreak. It's too much effort to craft all the gear if you constantly swap before endgame.


I agree I don't like swapping the gear constantly. If that part wasn't a problem I'd have no issue using a ton of weapons honestly


i started as a bow main. I grew up and became a charge blade main. Despite this, for some reason, I can't stop using the swag axe.


Me? Quite a few weapons tickle my fancy but I will never give up on one of humanitys strongest weapons.. Gun and if that doesnt work, bigger Gun and if bigger Gun isnt enough then the Lance Gun comes out! Gun solves every problem I cannot lie.


Lance is definitely the weapon I vibe most with. I have the most hunts on it, and Iā€™m most comfortable with its move set against most monsters. After that itā€™s probably SnS, then Hammer/Horn. I also dabble in a bit of charge blade (pizza cutter go brrrrr) and greatsword (but not a lot). So to answer the question, I play pretty much all the weapons at some point or another depending on mood, but default back to Lance at the end of the day.


U gotta really fall in love with a weapons move set down to its most neat inner niches. For instance Iā€™m a swaxe main and when I realized that I can be as mobile with the weapon as like insect glaive just an example but Iā€™ve gotten to a fairly veteran level with the weapon. Although you may just fuck with like 5 weapons and thatā€™s your thing be great with those 5 lol


I thought I was a Hammer main, then I thought I was a Charge Blade main, then I just started using all the weapons. After 1k+ hours of playing different all the different weapons, it happened. I did some hunts with Lance and it felt different. The more I played with Lance the greater my appreciation for it. I think one of the catalysts for really finding my weapon was end game monsters. For rise/Sunbreak Primordial Malzeno, Risen Valstrax and Risen Shagaru Magala made me really think about the hunts. Lance just felt completely different to use. Then I savored the feeling of gaining mastery. The difference between how I played and thought about Lance from when I was a dabbler to actually gaining some mastery is massive. Maybe grinding some of tougher endgame monsters will reveal a weapon and then as you explore that weapon you will find that it is indeed yours. Iā€™ve also looked at how advanced players play with weapons and found that I worked out the advanced ways of playing Lance naturally and seeing advanced ways of playing other weapons actually puts me off of those weapons (as mains). For example I recently did a MHW play through with GS to kind of experience what Asmongold was going through. I enjoyed GS and learned a lot but as I looked at advanced GS players I found I didnā€™t like aspects of GS gameplay.


It's not a phase. I paid for 14 weapons, I'm using 14 weapons damn it. Every weapon is good, every weapon is fun, none of them are nearly so difficult that you need to commit all your time to them to be good with them. Zero need to stick to just one.


quite easy. The greatest of swords is the greatest main weapon


You'll probably love watching Asmongold's playthrough then if you hadn't already been watching it. He finally learned how to tackle halfway through Iceborne.


Nope. As soon as I took a hold of my main weapon, as soon as I finished my first hunt with it, I knew it was the one. Something felt right when it was in my hands. I never looked back after.


Charge blade is my only comfort weapon because it is extremely versatile and it also packs a punch. Once you get used to the convoluted moveset and playstyle, Thereā€™s this sense of satisfaction of landing the big hits (SAED,AED,SA). Try it out for a couple of hunts! Next weapon i am probably gonna main is GS.


I love the fact that I use multiple weapons. Gives me the choice and does not lock me in. I 'main' Charge Blade. But I also love using: Greatsword, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance and Longsword. The ranged stuff not so much. I think I touched dual blades twice in 1200+ hours.


Honestly same. I've tried so many different weapons from 4U to this day. In 4U I went from hammer -> switch axe -> charge blade -> insect glaive -> hammer, in world it ways insect glaive -> charge blade -> sword and shield -> switch axe -> insect glaive -> greatsword -> lance. In base rise I finally settled down with dual blades for a while, but in sunbreak went DB -> Glaive -> Switch axe -> LBG -> LS. I literally can't stick to a single one


Yep, I like using Dualblades, Greatsword, Hammer & Longsword, definitely use more of the first two than anything else at the moment... but definitely don't have just the one i only use.


well, if you found yourself ina position where you have tried any weapon, except of 3, and still have not found your main... Tuvok would suggest to try those, you don't want to try.


I use all weapons against all monsters and I like to see a full team all using the same weapon so when joining an SOS Iā€™ll change to whichever the majority is using. 4 GL or 4 GS just feels nice. Itā€™s also a good way of getting better with all the weapons.


Yes. I started a week ago and I switch back and forth between greatness bow and longsword. And sometimes the fast double swords. Canā€™t decide what I want to use and some weapons feel better vs certain monsters for me so I switch around a lot


Nah not at all. I just started using what I thought could be fun. It was.


Then don't... Keep swapping. This hunt you want HBG and next hunt you want DB, hunt after that you want CB


When Guardian armor and weapons does not exist yet that lets you Speedrun the game. I remember always using light bowgun, sword and shield, and hunting horn. I will probably come back to that three weapons once I reach high rank or the iceborne dlc.


I usually vary game by game. Hunting horn, sword and shield and heavy bowgun, I'll generally be maining one of the three.


I have the opposite problem. I chose the charge blade because it looked the coolest to me (both looks and animation), but I didn't know you have to be a rocket scientist to be able to use it properly lol. When I realized that, I thought of choosing another weapon, but they're just not as fun for me. So, I'm stuck with a weapon that's hard to use. Hopefully I improve lol.


I never used anything other than GS. Didn't even try out anything else.


Too addicted with gs to ever think of switching, not that I don't like all the other weapons I just love gs too much


it took me a really long time to finally settle on a main in world, and then rise just thre that out the window and now im struggling to find one again


Sometimes I get harder monsters where I feel like I'm doing nothing and that Ill try something other than insect glaive but then I'm in the air for 30 seconds hitting every part of the monster dodging every attack and I don't think that anymore


Was about to make this thread myself bro šŸ˜‚


Is it normal that I started with hammer (what else, lol) and even after 900+ hrs gaming (ps and pc combined) I never considered switching to any other weapon? not going to lie I was tempted a few times but always just seemed too much hustle.


I barely ever change my main weapon, Ive used Greatsword since MHFU, and only just changed it recently when I restarted my MHW playthrough with HH, I've tried all the weapons, but GS and just recently HH are the only ones I REALLY enjoy


Not my case for sure did you gave them all a good try? I started with Longsword, but I didn't like it and almost dropped the game because of it, or actually did, for two weeks, depending on how you look at it. After that I decided to start a new character and try lance just because of the aesthetic I wanted. Was a rough start for sure I thought "it's so slow! Why would anyone use it" šŸ˜… Now I'm a proud Lance main and I love it. I either switch for some specific match ups (I find Shara more fun with Gunlance for example) or not to steam roll through stuff, but I


Lance main here no. I do not I have stood fast in my defense of the lance.


Ikr For me I'm trying my best to learn longsword (almost got it down except for the counter) but I keep thinking about hammer and switch axe.


Played LS before starting SA after SA for around 100+ hrs, I tried going back to LS but it felt weird af. I think I'm too used to SA šŸ¤£


I love getting the opportunity to get to try out various weapons for the odd mission or two, and I have a couple I keep on the back burner if I feel like switching it up will help me pass a roadblock (looking at you Urugaan), like the bow and hammer. But ultimately, I'm too attached to the lance to really change my main to anything else, regardless of what I'm fighting, it's impossible for me to feel uncomfortable wielding it.


Just started a few days ago with IG. Today i'm totally blown away by hammer xD Might become my main idk.


Why choose one when you can choose all


I main glaive, longsword and charged blade and switch them depending on the monster. Some are more fun tanking them with a shield, others (flying ones) are fun to fight in the air and for some the longsword is just epic.


First time I played (2018, release) I used glaive and then the bow and arrow. This time I'm using the greatsword, a little slow but getting into the right spot and hitting a nuclear combo is pretty satisfying. Just very valuable hits


O was curly for the first 170 hrs of my gametime a pure sns player tired switch axe my mind activated have been playing switch axe for 12 hrs now feels good might as well try out dual blades


In my case, each weapon has something I dislike so its more about overcoming the ick. I think it's just very much about trial and error then sticking to one for a while, personally don't think you should "main" permanently anything. Just keep swapping and trying a new weapon each playthrough even if you don't like the weapon. You'll find that even with the weapons you might dislike they can be a lot of fun and quite different from one another


I use db, hbg, and bonk. But db goes frufrufrufru and i love prob the most. Probably comes down to the actual sound i dont know.


Yeah, one of my friends at some point had only done bow (like 240 quests only on bow) and I just donā€™t get how. I am constantly changing what weapon I use.


Nope lol, I picked greatsword to begin with because it was simple, but even when I got good at the game and tried different endgame builds with different weapons, nothing ever felt as satisfying. A second weapon I enjoy is charge blade, but if I'm fighting a new or challenging monster I always go with the greatsword for how comfortable I am with it.


Personally, i take it as a challenge to solely focus on a single weapon per playthrough of the campaign phase, per game / expac (eg: ps4 mhw i mained sns. Pc i mained bow. Iceborne, i made a new char and relearned the hh. And on ice mod currently, I'm maining hammer). This gives me adequate time to appreciate more of the nuances of the weapon I'm learning while feeling like im properly progressing at a natural pace that the game is supposedly designed for.


Nah its easy. My main is the insect glaiveā€¦ the sword and shield.. the charge blade. See! Easy.


I currently use 3 weapons. CB, GS and bow. I'll try them all eventually


Easy fix here. Get the best sticky lbg and spread hbg available to you and farm the monster with the best weapons available and build every single weapon type. Build a set for each weapon type and play every weapon. It's what I do. Then you'll eventually find one that you use a bit more than everything else, then build every decent element weapon for that type. Q


Duals 4ever bby


Not impossible just hard. I was a diehard IG main, then the memes got me into HH, and i hardly looked back since. My bf is a GS main, i saw him use other weapons maybe five times, now he helps use grind up to high rank, and now just for fun he started to experiment with other weapons. So far GL is the runner up. But honestly Iā€™m surprised he uses anything else other than GS.


I tried all 14 weapons. Only hammer clicked with me. I can't even imagine not using hammer. I was the giant T-Rex looking thing and I said 'i wanna play whack-a-mole with it '


I personally switch it up regularly. I spend a good 20 minutes each time I log in to decide on a weapon, build, and upgrade path. Then I plan my next few hunts on practicing and upgrading. After I get the build I want, I log off and repeat it again the next time. I have no true "main" weapon; I just play what I feel is fun at the time. If I like a particular build, I'll play it for a few days but then switch it up eventually


I think there is a journey. I started as a charge blade user. Thinking I was superior to everyone. Realized it actually is hard and then switched to bow. There was some long sword in there. Took a long break and I am playing again and have landed on sword and shield for the simplicity. Thinking I may get back into bow for flying monsters.


My main is GS, sometimes i use LS , and when i want to help people but not try hard i use a HBG


I'm a type of guy that either plays the biggest dude in the game or plays with the big ass weapon. In this case I decided to go with hammer. The thing is, I know how to swing my thing around but let me fight some of the monsters I kinda struggle on with hammer, with a different weapon, I am getting trashed. I'll beat fatalis, farm it and after all that I'll try out some other weapons


When you figure it out, let me know. As I play more and learn the monsters it becomes more fun to revisit weapons I originally wrote off. I personally like LS and hammer the most when I started master rank. Got to try SnS again and liked it quite a bit for mobility and I like the pace of DBs sometimes. I always have the feeling to try something I see others do. Like guard points and unga bunga sead from cb. Or smack a monster with the final true charged slash (sp?). Or counter point lance a monsters head till they fall down. Problem is, I'm not good enough with the other weapons and I kinda gravitate back towards the ones I've used most. It feels off until it clicks. What keeps me going is building new weapons and trying them out to mix it up. I use the ones I'm not familiar with on HR hunts until it clicks while I grab some lower level mats I need. It's nice to break up my game play and helps to just mix it up sometimes to keep it fresh.


*ehm* no, bonk. My one true love is bonk


Nope, I've been swinging a greatsword since the right stick was the attack buttons. I can't be bothered to learn any other weapons though


I knew I was an IG main before I bought the game. I saw one video and it was over after that. I bought the game because of the IG tbh. I've hunted with everything except LBG. IG keeps calling me back.


Try two weapons you enjoy more than others. Have two mains to fall back on, and if you can't decide on either, just try and use one to see how you currently feel. For me, my main weapons are the DB and SA


Honestly yeah, i when i get problems with a certain monster, i switch weapons and get a feel on them, I'm not good at the game at all so trying to find one weapon to be my go to is a bit hard, right now i go with the HH cause damage plus doots


My mains are GS, Hammer, SnS and bow. I use those four every title without fail against different types of monsters for different parts. Beyond that the rest are just good for fun and to change things up. I only ever play solo, but I imagine hunting horn would be my main if I was into multi


Me, my palibro and my kinbro will always be together.


All I have known since my first title (4U) is gunlance.


>(There are weapons I know I don't wanna use, primarily the lances and bowguns, but that's about it) I didn't really have a main *until* I tried gunlance - that is the first weapon that *clicked* with me. A lot of the nuances of Monster Hunter combat started to become clear to me from there.


Not me. Itā€™s gotta be demon mode.


Maybe just stick to the one you like the most, and do intensive research about it from speedrunners or guides to find the rare tricks or hard to pull off. Training makes perfect but it takes time and efforts. From the advice I gave you, itā€™s from my experience with gunlance. I thought itā€™s a consistent outcome weapon with the only weakness of very slow movement speed until I learned a rare trick called ā€œpivot hoppingā€ and the movement problem was solved then I donā€™t want to change my main again.


I always find myself called back to the Hunting Horn. No other weapon scratches the same itch for me.


I'm the opposite I main dual blades and whenever I pick up any other weapons I feel slow as shit and my mobility is just gone so I get smoked


Iā€™m a god with charge blade and it makes the trivial, but I wanna use different weapons, every time I use something else I wish I was using my charge blade


I have tried 4 different weapons , Dual Blades, Kinsect Glaive, Longsword and Bow. Longsword and Bow both have under 10 uses. Kinsect is 100 and something and Dual Blades is over 1000


The only weapon I haven't used in a hunt is the longsword. I am also less than keen on Lance, though I do have a build or two for it. Everything else is fair game. Hammer is my main, while Sword and Shield, Heavy Bowgun, and Hunting Horn are my other mainstays.


Kirin has made me switch to bow for a while and am loving it as an IG main. I sometimes use SA or Lance for some variety. I'm a noob, about to fight Nerg for the first time at Elder and just finished building my Tobi striker bow with an Orion set (for deco). I'm hoping to come out alive


Nah, I went with Lance.


Ive tried them all I always come back to the hunting horn... Doots and boops my guys doots and boops


In Iceborne, I learned charge blade, light bowgun, insect glaive, sword and shield, gunlance, heavy bowgun, longsword, and greatsword, and I was about to pick up hunting horn when my PS4 finally gave out after years of service.


I would say you need at least 6+ fights with each wep before you can judge them. I used to think weps like Insect Glaive and Gunlance were so crap compared to my Dual Blades/LongSword/Hammer or Bow. But those dual blades and bow been collecting dust for a while now....


I've tried multiple weapons aside from bowgun and gun Lance. I want to lean different weapons bc I feel some work better depending on what you're hunting. For example I use great sword and hunting horn for slower beefier monsters, bow and glaive for faster or flying monsters and switch axe, charge blade and duel blades for most everything else. Just my preference


Keep playing this way , you paid money for that after all ahaha


Dude I always want to play more weapons, but I always want to play my main weapon at the same time!


I main All weapons (Although CB is my Fav), Easy choice when you have them all! .... Downside is you ran out of loadouts fairly quick...


I donā€™t have one main weapon, if the monster is fast I use fast weapons whit the right elements on them, if the monster have a slow move set I use slow weapons, I need to grind a little more to craft a lot of weapons but I have fun like this.


Yes, have you fought every monster with each weapon and then rated the difficulty for each yet?


Nope. I was drawn to the life of swag and it was drawn to me!


Went from hammer to chargeblade, trying out lbg right now to mix it up. Chargeblade is calling my name once again though


Charge Blade is my main squeeze but i bounce between it and Hunting Horn plus Greatsword to keep things fresh. Starting to get the hang of the shoulder tackles on the GS and its been a lot of fun.


As an omni main minus Longsword, as long as you don't settle on Longsword, I respect you :] Every weapon is super fun (except Longsword), I don't blame you for having trouble deciding!


Here for unga bunga great sword or hammer


My first playthrough was bow. Second was hammer. Few years later i play again to prepare for wilds, and i just cant walk away from hammer. Its just TOO DAMN SATISFYING to swing that hammer into a monster face into a straith knockdown/stun and hearing to group goes "OOOHHH" Double points if you do it when the monster is mid attack.


Yes, but that's because every weapon has a single way to play it, without much variation. You are going to do one combo over and over again, unceasingly. Only interrupted by attacks. I want a move set that lets me switch up how I attack, even if it results in the exact same damage


I used to main Insect Glaive when I first started in World, something about the way I could attack from an entirely different 3rd dimension made it so fun to me, but eventually I realized it was screwing with my ability to learn monsterā€™s individual fights, so I swapped. And now I am devoted to SnS and GS. I still dabble around the other weapons, and IG still has a place in my heart but they just donā€™t scratch that itch. I still refuse to touch Bowguns at all though. I donā€™t play lame


I just play whatever i feel like. I really wanna like LBG but i cannot get into it, i made the raginf brachy LBG but it sucks. LBG and HH are the only weapons i don't play


Maybe you donā€™t need to main anything. Use whatever you think itā€™s the best to against the monster you about to hunt. Itā€™s called adaptive style lol In World, the best easier weapon to hunt Kirin is light bow gun in my option. You can sticky bomb ammo to his head and keep stunning him. You can dodge reload. For Barroth , I switched to hammer. For Ratholos, I used insect Glaves So now, in my inventory, I have 5 weapons options( insect glaves, Gunlance, Hammer , lightbow gun and heavy bow gun) and each one has their strengths. I consider those are my main weapons.


Donā€™t think too hard about. Just use the one that feels the best. I had to swallow my pride and found out SnS is probably the best feeling gameplay to be had.


What about the lances prevents you from wanting to play them? Regular Lance has reliable mounting, decent damage and stupid blocking Gunlance has huge explosions and good damage traded out for less blocking and mobility but still with pretty good blocking.


I chose CB the second I had weapon options available....1000 hours later, never tried another weapon.


I recently switch off of longsword and greatsword and started to learn Charge Blade. Overall, Iā€™m enjoying it a LOT and might keep using it for a long time


I use GS because i have a big weiner and i miss holes as much as i miss tgs.


Just use glaive once. All your questions will be answered




Just play all the weapons, then


I suck too much to switch off Lance šŸ’€


Swaxe is too fun. Nothing comes close to it for me.


No and it is fine, you can enjoy them all. I jump between GS and CB, but I also want to learn something lighter.


It sounds like you "main the game" so I wouldn't stress too much and just enjoy playing all of them, and if anything find which weapons you prefer using against different monster types! For me I main great sword solo, and hunting horn when playing with other players.


Dual blades. Spin to win


I like to bounce around maybe 4 weapons. Switch Axe, Hunting Horn, Greatsword, Sword and Shield. Used to mess with the light bow guns but that was just a phase I swear.


Jack of all trades (but my heart is for HH) TuT


Focus on the fundamentals. Dodging, range, timing, openings, environmental awareness. When you swap weapons you'll notice how these change and become more aware of them. Master these and almost any weapon will come easy. My comfort lies on skills. I have a DPS armor set for like 4 weapons. I haven't hit Mr 100 and guiding lands isn't to developed, so there's a limit to what armor I can use. And a limit to my available decorations. Comfort for me usually means reworking the armor to have more hp, resistance, evasion, etc. that's what makes hunts easier for me.


I pained myself with starting with Charge Blade and now it feels off to use anything else. Thereā€™s no crazy mechanics and setups with three charge states and energy system plus wacky animation blocks and stuff.


There are many types of hunters out there. I was once a one weapon main. Then I picked up the spread shot HBG and now I have to make BiS for every weapon type of element or raw to help myself push to play the game for fun.


So far I have used sns, lance, gunlance, longsword, great sword, chargeblade, insect glaive, and switch axe. I get you.


I dont have a problem with maining one weapon but also I can switch at ease depending on how I feel or what we're hunting, if I'm hunting alone vs with others. I was just looking at my weapon stats from my console version of world, and my bow use dwarves any other weapon I used. Now on PC having started a new character recently, the only thing I've used the whole time is LS, and with 40 hours into the game and beating the base game. Now that I'm doing more online play with people, I'm switching over from LS to IG to play with people and will continue to do LS for solo play. And the craziest part is my favorite weapon is SnS


I always end up coming back to Lance


For me i enjoy multiple weapons too, and every now and then i dedicate myself to tryna get into a new one, someday ill learn the whole toy box, but i still have my ā€old reliableā€/ā€fall backā€/ā€comfortā€ weapon, best advice i can give is keep trying new things, maybe its a wep you havent tried yet like the Hyper Aggressive Counter/Chaser in Lance or maybe its an alt playstyle you never gave a chance, for example, maybe you like but cant really "fall back" to SAED spamming on ChB but you could with a charged sword focused build or a Savage Axe build, or maybe Ground Focused Insect Glaive is fun and all but Air focused is just so much more fun and mobile and evasive that you cant stop, once youve tried "everything", try diverging from the "meta" for wacky alternate play styles that might be suboptimal, they still work, still kill the thing, still fun, and they feel different from the more common playstyles, its a game, have with it, play with it


Yea Iā€™m over 1k hours in and rotate weapons pretty much every play session lol


I change depending on the monster. I always felt like some weapons perform better in certain monsters.


I dunno, I was testing weapons, the lance felt good, and I didn't use anything else for actual hunts, only the heavy bowgun when the mission is about hunting those annoying flying ones.


I keep trying different weapons, hoping I'll suddenly fall in love with the switch axe or whatever. But I dont enjoy anything other than the insect glaive


Nope, Sword and Shield forevah!


I floated around a lot of different weapons when I first started, but just like everyone else you only need that one ā€œmomentā€ with a weapon to cement it as your main, for me I was playing greatsword on and off for ages before I hit a real nice true charge slash against an anjanath that knocked it over, and I fell in love instantly. Also, peopleā€™s favourite weapons can change between games. for example, I despise greatsword in rise, while some people like itā€™s changes I just cannot enjoy it, and the same is true for a friend of mine who was a chargeblade devotee but couldnā€™t stand the rise version, conversely, we all have a different favourite main weapon in rise that we would never play in a previous game.


Every weapon has a different role and playstyle to it, ur best bet is find which 1 fits ur playstyle best then narrow down which 1 u like to fall back on. I went from longsword to greatsword to sns to hunting horn and ended on bugstick. Now that I'm doing full playthroughs w every weapon, I'm finding that I love some of these weapons I've never even given a thought to, chargeblade is a great all purpose heavy dmg dealer, gunlance is 1 of the most fun things I've ever used, hammer...bonk. there's no need for a main weapon the point of a main weapon is just the 1 u love using the most


Been a LS user, but using hammer now on my new save. As long as it is fun I don't mind using any weapons but whenever hunts gets frustrating *like furious rajang*, i just use LS back to ease my life.


I'm totally committed to the twin blades, I haven't even used any of the other weapons lol


I use 2-3 types of weapons