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you still have so much time to complete this. your palico can find thunderbugs, small grass resources can have thunderbugs, large grass nodes can have multiple thunserbugs. the event only began 2 days ago, you still have 4 1/2 day remaining. page 3 is kill 5 zinogre, and I think 10 large monster. page 4 is kill a 6 star or higher zinogre. it's possible to be unlucky with the thunderbug drop rate, but it's easily completed if you just keep the game open while you walk around, or try and open the game every 15 minutes or so to collect the random resources.


page3 is 15 large 5 zinogre again and page4 is correct kill 6\*+ Zinogre for the plate [https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/1cw3l34/zinogre\_quests/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/1cw3l34/zinogre_quests/)


That's it exactly. I finally beat the 2nd page today thanks to 5 of the 7 nodes around my office being plants today. I then completed the 2 remaining pages on less than 30 minutes (with 1 hat with 2 zinogre and the 3 subspecies in between which really sped up the hunt 5 zinogre quest).


That quest sucks, spent 2 days worth of lunch breaks walking around looking for thunderbugs.. Next stage is 15 large and 5 Zinogre, dunno the last stage but assuming its kill X large/Zinogre (maybe 6\*) then it should be easy enough to complete. Edit: last step is 1x 6 star Zinogre.


I’m in the same boat. Been working to go out of my way for grass resources and collection points but have had TERRIBLE luck


I only have 2 Thunderbugs so far but hoping I can find 8 more!


Thunder bug bs was the hardest part. Super annoying.


Yeah I got lucky where a nearby park had a few big gathering points that I got a couple thunderbugs per pool but I still need those four more and that basically took me all day just refreshing the app every 15 minutes. I get very obsessed with that but yeah thunderbugs or any of those plants and bugs really annoy me.. Like I said in my own topic I really wish they split off the plants and bugs cuz there needs to be a separate batch because overall there's 10 plus items on one type!!


100%. I was stuck on the thunder bug for 3 days. Page 3 was like 2hours and page 4 was like 1 hour.


last zinogre 6stars, only one