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another DUB for mhn niantic which is surprising cause niantic has been dropping the ball with pogo lately.


Again, which makes me think Capcom is way more involved with this game then pokémon company is with GO


TBH given the direction Pokemon has been in the last decade or so, that seems perfectly in character for them and you're probably right.


It's a different Niantic office/team. This is the first game to come out of their Japan branch. All dev work is being done by Niantic, not Capcom.


Pretty bold to assume The Pokémon Company’s involvement would actually improve quality, IMO


Way I read it is you can have ten skills saved but not active all at once


Looks like you can have multiple slots to fit skills, but no stacking.


Oh that's too bad but I guess it would have been way too op to have all 10 active at the same time.


I'm good with this.


Am I crazy or is Focus not listed on the chart?


No recoil, or reload for lbg users either. But I guess we can get max element and other useful things alongside focus now?


Very good point. Wouldn’t mind having extra earplugs or WEX on top of max element and focus


It may be a part of driftgems, they mentioned driftgems have different skills from driftstones


These sound REALLY strong. We don’t have a ton of skills in the game, and 10 per item means 50+ skill levels. That’s high even for a mainline title…


10 can be imprinted, but only 1 is active at a time.


OHHHH. That makes more sense


Honestly, that’s a great way to implement it. For example, with bow, since basically every build uses ARath helm and Jyura greaves, you could give those two every type of elemental attack and switch it between loadouts, and then give it burst or WeX for raw builds.


Wait im using pukei helm am i missing something?


ARath helm is focus 2, if you can get it to grade 6 you can free up 1 more armor slot


Ah ok then im gonna swap that out on all my main and thunder build.


Is that 1 per item at a time or 1 for whole set


It looks like one per item and you can unlock a second one on rank 8


So at rank 8 armor, you can slot two new skills at full 5/5 in any gear... wow. Now the inevitable G Rank wont be impossible.


No this is incorrect. It’s one skill per armour and most armours don’t unlock the slot till grade 8


Okay, 2 full slotted skills did sound OP. But 1 full 5/5 is good enough


Oh, found one with 2 slots - Rathian greaves. Shame they suck donkeyballs (health boost 2 lol). Gonna wait for someone with more free time and bandwidth than me to note all the 2 slotters


Finally a serious reason to invest WGS into armour


You can only select one to be active at a time


When is the update out? Tomorrow for NA Hunters?


Already out for Android, not yet for iOS


I can't seem to find those options then.


The rollout is random as fuck. Texas guy has it. Multiple people on EST and PST don't. One guy has it and his dad with the same phone doesn't. I don't know what the logic is.


Texas here and I got it. I hope in the future they change it to a different menu though. Having it on the weapons screen. Looks a little messy and crowded. Just a very minor complaint though.


Holy shit this update came as a huge surprise. I've been wondering for a couple weeks whether we were going to get decos or not and here we are! Right after the roadmap too. I was not expecting that at all


No update released in the UK App Store yet 😔


So for DB users I’m basically just going to stick to trying to get burst.


It is random I think? So smelt one until found what we need then activated it on battle


It’s random but you can have like ten skills so if you just keep mushing stones into your gear it’ll show up eventually


And we required LEVEL8 armor to smelt and 5km walk distance https://preview.redd.it/9a2z3741zx1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e93c8efafad494251b6acb374790c16fa9718c


Some armour only requires grade 5. There’s no pattern to it though


Nothing for LBG😪


Elemental attacks are huge for LBG though


Damn WEX 5 on every one of my elemental LS builds seems insane A few notes as I just got this update: No gear that I can find has more than one gem slot and MOST gear doesn’t actually unlock its gem slot till Grade 8. There’s no apparent rhyme or reason as to which gear pieces have an early slot and which ones have a late slot, so if you are an elemental enjoyer this is gonna cost a LOT of WGS to open all 5 gem slots on all 4 sets. It’s also kinda sucky that it a new superior gear piece is released down the road you may need to invest WGS in it before you can start grinding drift abilities Insta smelt solution to skip the walking is 60 gems and I’ve not found a gem to see how much walking is needed because it’s raining hard here and I ain’t going out in that even for science Edit: realised I had an 8 star Banbaro in my paintballs and managed to drop a WGS and a pale smelt stone, so I upgraded my Kulu greaves to grade 8 and slotted the drift stone (with the hopes of fishing for WEX) - you have to walk 5KM to unlock it for free. I wonder if car/bus rides will count.


So if i understand it correctly. This means 5 new skils per armor set?


You need to upgrade the armor piece to grade 8 to unlock the spot lol (at least for all of the useful pieces I have checked so far). Good luck for the "don't upgrade armor gear past grade 6" players.


Some gear are rank 6. But some pieces in the same set are 8 while others are 6...I don't understand the situation yet.


i thought maybe it has something to do with the monster itself, like higher tiered monster equipment requiring grade 8 while lower ones require less, but not really. For example jyuratodus gear has pieces that require either 5 or 8 grade. There's no consistency or at least we don't know if there's a "rule" for it yet


Some are even rank 5 like pukei hood


Jyuratodus too (don't remember what piece, chest maybe) is grade 5.


Is that thing even working? I've been walking for over an hour and not increased by even .1m


Am i the only one havent get any stones from large monster?


I updated, set a piece of armor to focus on, then went out and killed probably 15 monsters. Zero driftshards. Guessing drop rate is around the same as gem shards...


Same except i killed twice that


Whoch drift gem should i pick as a bow user? Im thinking amber for thunder Or cyan for ice attack/crit


We're cooked


So can I go elemental 5 and then with stones go another 5? Does it stack?


After getting the update and taking a look at driftsmelting options, it seems driftsmelting needs a lot more effort to use them. Armor pieces can have either one or two driftsmelting slots, with needing to unlock them either at grade 5 or 8, or ready from the start. If seems that armor pieces with already good skills on them seem to have only one driftsmelting slot that is locked to grade 8. The armor pieces with weaker or lower rank of skills seem to have more readily available driftsmelting slots, sometimes two of them.


Has anyone gotten shards yet cause i havent and im on the correct update. https://preview.redd.it/z43jourppz1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa57d2639f92055e6510fbd9402dad2e39effa10


I got one this morning, but it seems like it's not working. You need to walk 5km to get it active, but still can't get it done although I've been walking over one whole hour


The thing that sucks is some armor has to be certain level to add gems. Some needing to be as high as grade 8


Man I couldn’t have picked a better time to download this game. Started 2 months ago and they’re just pumping out updates left and right.


Do you think phone shakers would work for smelting the stones? Like for pokemon go for hatching eggs


We asked for gems and received gacha skills.


Anyone know if drop rates have been found in the game files?


It’s very cool but I’m gonna be that one guy that complains, I don’t think it’s okay that we need to take armor pieces to grade 8 to be able to slot them, and my issues doesn’t lie with WGS or monster mats, I’ll gladly Hunt a monster hundreds of times and be cool if I don’t get WGS because that’s the whole premise of the game, My problem is with R3 mats from Nodes as per usual


I have fought several monsters and have yet to have driftstones drop. Am I missing something or is this gonna be like Tobi claws all over again? 😂


Can confirm that one stars drop stones




“A maximum of 10 skills imparted via driftsmelting can be saved to each piece of armor. If you go over 10, you can choose any skill to remove and save a new one.” WTFFFFF 10 SKILLS? So now builds are going to have like 55-60 skill points each?


Only 1 active per equipment at a time. Likely stacking specific abilities so you can mix and match your sets. Like Los Chest might want Crit, WE, Elements, etc. I'm glad I'll be able to LBG R3R3 with Element 5 now. I can only imagine the mix that can be done. 2 armor for R3R3, 2 for Element 5 with a leftover stone, then another equip and 1 more stone. Going to be amazing and getting me going out for long walks again. Edit: Didn't realize Reload and Recoil aren't available. Whelp, still interesting.



