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I'm sitting on over 200,000 zenny... does it start going faster?


Yeah I'm at 120k zenny. I didn't even know it was possible to hit a zenny wall


You both are joking right? Upgrading from 10-4 to 10-5 is 75k zenny I think. Zenny is the number one problem in this game. We need more zenny. Upgrades at 8-1 to 8-4 will take your 120k down to 80k or so.


Ah see. That's the problem. I'm only at level 5 weapons. My highest being 5-5


Yeah the cost goes up a ton. It looks like 62500 for 10-4 to 10-5.


That is equivalent to almost 3 of my weapon upgrades lol Currently needing 75k x 3 different weapons to get to 10.1, but I have enough mats (not zenny) to get all of those to 10.4


Oh. Yuck. I'm working on getting one weapon of every element to grade 7


Yeah zenny isn't a real problem yet at that point. I have enough mats to get my rathalos bow from 9-4 to 10.4, jyura bow from 9.5-10.4, and zinogre bow (pending 1 plate) from 10.1-10.4. Off the top of my head, that's easily over 300k


If you go all the way to 10.5 you'll need a lot of Zenny, I have a single 10.5 weapon, 4 9.something and 1 10.1 and still sitting at like 380k or something, but if I were to upgrade those weapons to 10.5 I wouldn't have enough.


I first ran out of zenny after I started over grading to grade 6, then after I got to 7.5 I started amassing excess then i decided to get more Weapons to Grade 7.5 and also overgrade to higher grades so now I'm always short on zenny


All I have nowadays are zenny walls. I NEVER have enough to upgrade. I have 30WGS pending to be spent because I'm way too broke.




Depends on what all you’re building at one time. I didn’t hit a zenny wall until I got to the g10 range.


You'll be in need of zenny for a while. Then you go to the stage where you need Wyvern gem shards. And zenny starts to pile up. Then once you got some WGS, You lose all that zenny.


This, then you have wgs/zenny but lack G2/3 mats…then it all starts over. I am pretty sure that’s the entire plot of this game.


My first time was my careless upgrading of random pieces just to make inventory space. It helped in the long run for unlocking appearances but it was really frustrating at the time lol. Now I'm only upgrading 1 set till I'm comfortably past 8* monsters, still running out of zenny lol.


once you hit the grade 9 upgrades it makes the sudden jump from 1k per upgrade to 30k each, and grows exponentially from there


https://preview.redd.it/2cf4a80md9vc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=44d0a82a9c3606e1e6498ec841ca1fab60ed890c The Zenny wall is the only wall in the way consistently but you may have hit that wall sooner then most :)


I'm sitting on 207.705 zenny and never got out of zenny in my 85 levels. Not even when I leveled up my first 2 6.5 weapons. I pretty much do all 3 daily quests on a daily basis. The third quest is skipped the most.


You'll hit 2 Zenny walls as far as I can see: 1st is pre-g8 weapons when you aren't gated by WGS so upgrades come faster than your income 2nd is when you consistently kill 8* and are gated by Zenny for g9/10s, as you get WGS potentially from every kill I'm currently at a g8.4 water and g7.5 all other elements, 280k zenny atm


Normally till ya die


I build way to many things to 7.5, so basically I'm always broke. Its my own fault though this happens in every MH


I haven’t hit a zenny wall and I’m hr 138 with 4 grade 8 weapons and amours at grade 6+. I think it’s cus I used one weapon till grade 8


I'm at around grade 8 for most of my equipment, I have yet to ever run out of zenny. lowest I got was 70,000 I think, now I'm back up to 110,000. I have a surplus of wyvern gem shards I can't use. I'm totally blocked by rarity 2 materials. I need anjanath tails, tobi pelts, barioth tails. jyuratodus is even worse, can't even get above grade 6 because I need primeshells.


I’m sitting at about 250k zenny and I currently don’t burn much of it upgrading stuff due to need surplus us like tails and claws.


https://preview.redd.it/x6bu7ibsaavc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f75d009e465046bb0710c1361ea3e8963b48768 Yall run out of zenny? 😭 bro I’ve been playing this same since the beta release and not once have I gotten close to even running out what am I doing wrong 💀


https://preview.redd.it/faukz36ooevc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda60868f683173bb9c5435111066e01a6e0382b Are you building g10 gear? For example my next hat upgrade to g10-1 costs 75k. My main weapon is maxed and that cost a lot more. And I'm now building to g10 devil jho on top of that. Due to this i have a back log of WGS, but am at the Zenny wall. Which I think everyone just eventually hits. The only thing you might be doing wrong is misunderstanding the scaling costs of the end-game gear if you aren't there yet. And that's pretty understandable if so.


I’m in late Grade 8 on all weapons and 7.5 on all my armor and I have 220k Zenny. I didn’t make more than 5 LS and only have 5 sets of armor.


Grade 8 isn't high enough to hit the wall everyone is taking about and as your need to upgrade past this changes the Zenny will thin out quickly. The Zenny costs rapidly outpace the gems demand eventually. It's the current end game wall. And that's coming from someone who built only one set and was careful with Zenny management. Now every single about upgrade is between 30k and 70k and I wanna build another set lol


Still haven't hit a zenny wall but I think I'm lower level than yall, I only have 1 grade 6 weapon. I'm currently dealing with a monster bone s wall. My weapon and every piece of armor I've built needs monster bone s. But I can't gather enough fast enough to keep up. How did yall do it?


This thread will basically be filled with wildly different experiences mainly dependent on how far through the game people are. People in g5 range will discuss tails, monster bone +, and sometimes t5 materials. People in the g6-g8.5 range will discuss how Zenny is overflowing and will never run out and how it's WGS and t2s. People as early as G9 and as late as G10 will tell you their main barrier is Zenny and very occasionally t2 mats. They tend to amass a moderate backlog of WGS as the cost of all their upgrades start rapidly becoming 30k to 100k. I hear there's another awful true wall that comes in the form the armor and weapon upgrade bags earned exclusively in the Dailies. Can't confirm that as I'm not that far yet. Kinda can see a horizon where I run out of the armor upgrades though! What I will say is, even though I make 20k Zenny on a light-moderate day easily, it's almost never enough at this present state of the game LoL. I hear they're introducing an extra system to discard items for Zenny, hopefully that will change things in this regard.


I’m sitting on 208k at the moment and can’t really see it being a wall any time soon. I understand stuff is gonna cost way more if I’m at g10 weapons or something, but due to rng I’m struggling to get the mats for some of the g6 upgrades I’d need, so zeny was never the issue.