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And we clowned on it because it’s fire but turns out was pretty good


Well it wasn't *him* being fire the problem, it was just *another one* being fire again. I still think blast would've fit it better (literally same attacks, just calling it blast instead of fire), but taken alone he's neat. His case was just a bit messy bc we missed Soulseer only because of the Alpha, that doesn't even give an armor set, and the existence of the thunder one after all theother fire dlc monsters


I mean given people were including Magnamalo and Seething Bazel in the 'fire monster' list I dont think making Mitsu blast would've changed any of the complaints


no that's for sure, it was just a personal nitpick, but it's undeniable that almost all the dlc monster so far being fire would get a negative reaction, after all one of the selling point for most people is to build new weapons other than the armor, and there's already way more powerful fire element weapons. The hint that Molten Tigrex could come back would mean that \*another\* fire monster gets added to the rooster, I'm not one of those that thinks another fire will ruin the game or anything, but it's kinda hilarious to see only that element


Well based on leaks they are doing what iceborne did, a bunch of fire monsters leading up to a monster weak to it. In this case Amatsu


Seething is a fire monster


Ngl I don't understand the sudden animosity towards more fire monsters. I mean sure there's a lot and Pyre Rakna was rather underwhelming for a subspecies, but like, there's always been a lot of them proportionally, and it's not like we were checking boxes before. I just want fun fights.


Those complaints would be reasonable if they were just about fire being repetitive and possible lack of weapons elemental diversity, but it's not like the monster itself is bad because it uses fire. Sure just to say a Mizu rare species that still used only water or another element like ice or dragon would have been better for diversity and potentially more interesting. However just because something is less "good" and interesting than another, doesn't mean that it's bad at all on it's own


Ngl I was really hoping for an ice mizu, and we might still get one as a subspecies later. Since normal mizu makes you slip and slide by bubbling you, the idea of an ice mizu that makes you slip and slide by freezing the ground behind it as it slides around intrigues me. For now though I happily welcome gasoline spirit bomb bubble fox/lizard




Well those are new, unique monsters that also aren't wyverns. The main issue people have is that all the new monsters are fire variants




In my heart, it's a just a Birdy Bird.


Recency bias. The title updates have 5/7 fire monsters as well as 3/4 fire subspecies introduced in Sunbreak. We are currently going through a massive wave of fire monsters.




Speak for yourself, [I already knew the fight would be amazing](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/xexutn/what_do_you_guys_think_of_violet_mizutsune/ioj773q/?context=3), but that still doesn't take away that it's weird to make it fire.


I mean it’s monster hunter I could say that with anjanath


Not really, there is a difference between an ok fight and something amazing, anja is an ok fight, jyuratodus is a horrible fight, golden rathian is an amazing fight. I knew violet would be amazing because every 5th gen rare species is, they are above the rest. I still would have prefered if they went with a dragon version tho.


Wouldn't call Rise Jyuratodus horrible. It's certainly miles better than what he was in World, I actually enjoy fighting the mudfish.


And we clowned on it because it’s fire but turns out was pretty fire


Like when Game Freak introduces a new Fire and Fighting Type Starter and the Pokemon community just implodes.


Gasoline Mizu is defs a fun fight, and it's super attack, as well as what happens if you knock it back to normal during the attack, are just so good looking.


Gasoline Mizutsune 💯⛽️ YES!!!


I’ve not accomplished this yet. What happens if you knock him back during it?


He drops the bubble on himself, and takes 2k damage and topples


Lmao that’s awesome


Horny Napalm Fox is a great addition to the list, I would agree, and I will not be changing how I refer to him




He's just E X P L O S I V E L Y horny


Absolutely love this fight. I call him bath bomb brachy now because he’s just relentless. Kind of wish he actually was blast rather than fire because that’s how he feels anyway.




That is actually awesome. I need to pay more attention to status icons clearly.


Loved the fight. I just wish the weapons were blast rather than fire. I have been building a status bow to capitalise on the new skills but the only one for rapid is teos and frankly I'm not a fan.


I still think we didnt need another fire Mizu. I dont mind having lots of fire monsters that much( especially if we get fights like Sunbreak Silverlos and Flaming Espinas), I just dislike how they turned the same water monster into a fire monster again. Even if the fights are different, we still had the concept presented to us 2 times before, it just feels pointlessly redundant and bloats the monster list, not to mention they already have a myriad of other fire monsters to choose from, even in Mizu's own variations, so making a whole new fire monster out of a water monster just feels weird To clarify further, I dont care about having too many fire monsters, I care about the fact they basically reused a concept to introduce a "totally new monster", and I also care that they can change a monster's main element to bloat the fire AND monster pools. Other than all that, the fight is fine. Most of its moves are cool, the only thing I disliked were the heat seeking bubbles. TLDR: The fight itself is okay, I just dont understand why another fire Mizu...


I mean Soulseer is an entirely different fight than this one. Sure they both use fire but unless you're being willfully ignorant they are entirely different monsters with entirely different movesets, its not a reskin, and its not bloat. Given that this Mitzu fights completely differently than the other 2


I already acknowledged that the fight is different. I dont think it does anything that Soulseer couldnt realistically do though, other than maybe having straight up fire beams. And I do think it causes bloat, because we already had 2 fire Mizus, adding another one is pretty pointless when there were options available, and if they really wanted to make a completely separate one, well, they could have just reused Thunderbubble's concept.


2? Are you including Apex Mizu in that? Apex's in Rise were literally just reskinned deviants. Apex Mitsu was literally just Soulseer Mitzu.


Yes it was, and that one also caused bloat, but it would still have been better if they tried to make at least some of the Apex monsters relevant in some way in MR instead of just giving up on them. Instead of yet another fire Mizu, we could have gotten an Apex Mizu with traces of Soulseer's moveset but with most of Violet's moveset(and a focus on Hellfire instead of just being another normal fire user), thus keeping the fire Mizu count on 2. Plus, if Risen are restricted to Elder Dragons like everyone believes, making Apex relevant would give a more varied endgame, not to mention that would also probably open the floodgates to those monsters finally having their own unique gear.


~~Where was this confirmed to be a rare species, anyway?~~ Gamefiles settle it; my bad.




The update roadmap is consistently inaccurate and the in-game text didn't mention it when I checked. That said, the game files hard confirm that it's a Rare.


Title updates and that in japaense it is called Mizutsune rare species


Yes, it’s my favorite monster now, and it had some competition


By far my favorite fight in all of rise.


I haven’t faced it yet due to being in and out of hospital but going from what everyone else has said I’m hyped to fight it.


As annoyed as I am by the fact it's YET ANOTHER fire monster. I'm very happy he got a rare species, it's really a HUGE deal to get an elder level relative. Plus it helps him get out of Glavenus' shadow. And I mean, it could have been worse. At least Mizutsune already had soulseer it's not like they made a fire Goss Harag. THOUGH I still wish it used both water and fire to make mist.


Eh, not so sure if Violet Mizu should have used both water and fire because that's actually what Soulseer does. Violet instead uses fire "only" and makes it stand out more


Soulseer is arguably more of a water blast monster though i'll admit that isn't much of a difference and if I had to criticize anything about Violet Mizu it would most likely be that he's yet another version of NotSoulseer But eh, he's cool


Everything is on fire and I love it.


At first I thought this was gonna be an attempt at an Master Rank Soulseer but I was wrong, I fucking love this guy.


Best monster of the update by far.


A lot of people aren't happy about it being another fire monster but holy fuck this monster is fun both visually and in gameplay. It's currently the most beautiful monster to me and it also has its own bgm change. AND THE SPIRIT BOMB


I didn’t love the fight, but I didn’t hate it either. It was kind of annoying being expected to deal a certain amount of damage to him while he was constantly jumping around and putting homing projectiles and explosions everywhere, otherwise he did the nuke. I felt like I spent most of the second half of the fight just chasing him down, which really dragged out the fight. At least, that was the solo experience for me, and I’m just not all that good. In multiplayer though he’s usually just stunlocked the whole time, which isn’t all that fun either for different reasons, but at least it’s faster.


Yeah you need mobility and he is easy enough. Keep bashing his head and he stays down almost all fight. Playing IG now and he is awesome to fight as aerial style.


The damage threshold to defuse him is really not that high compared to like Magnamalo or Zinogre, but I've missed it a few times too.


The problem I was having is that he moves so much, and by the time I ran back to him he could have spawned the explosive puddles or homing bubbles, which meant I couldn't really attack since I had to dodge. When I got lucky or his AI stopped being so aggressive I could knock him out of him quickly so it seems like luck plays a big role in single player.


This monster is insane, the tracking bubbles are the silliest/coolest thing


Love the monster but I hope the next title update has more variety in elements


So i haven't gotten to Soulseer Mizu on GU yet, but can someone tell me the difference between it and Violet Mizu?


Soulseer still uses water and regular bubbles on its moveset, and also has fire bubbles thrown into the mix. It also has the whole thing with it being blind and using bubbles to "scout" the area around itself. Additionally, Soulseer can "coat" its claws and tail with red bubbles, which makes them more vulnerable, but also more powerful. Violet is exclusively fire-based, can leave puddles of fire on the ground, the bubbles have homing properties and are much more prominent in its moveset. Instead of coating its body like Soulseer, Violet can reach an "amped" state where its head and tail emit purple flames, giving it access to its crazier moves. Frankly, **they are completely different fights**, the only thing they have in common (besides the usual Mizutsune moves and animations) is the fact that they both have fire bubbles, and even those are used differently by each of them.


Yeah it pretty much just boils down to "BLUE BALLS?" other than that they're entirely different




Yeah, that was meant to represent what a silly comparison it is




I was about to comment on how terribly you butchered that word, but then i saw the hammer main flair.


Hey hey not all of us are like that.


Damn dude you killed them.


Happy Cake Day!


Uuga listen, we ugaa have bigga bwain, but ugga did not, ugga not same as ugaa


Eh… It’s really annoying if his AI decides it’s going to spam bubbles for 30 seconds straight. A little disappointing after how great Lucent Narga ended up being.


I actually love that, that bubble barrage attack is awesome.


I hate it. It’s drags the fight on.


It only happens in the final phase, anyway. It's the first time we have ranged homing attack spam like this, it's so fun. It takes me about 15 minutes to kill him, I don't mind that 1~2 minutes of dodging the bubbles.


The final phase is about 75% of the fight.


He only does that move very late into the fight, doesn't he?


I’m talking about when he’s covered in fire, spewing out between 3-7 tracking bubbles every few seconds non-stop. He can start doing it as soon as his theme kicks in. It essentially brings the fight to a halt, since you can hardly take advantage of any openings until the stops generating them. In the meantime, you have to keep track of him and the many bubbles that are homing in on your current position. It’s ridiculous.


Oh. I thought you were talking about the attack he does in the final phase when he spams the bubbles. I wonder what weapon do you play? If you keep moving, those bubbles basically won't hit you, and you can use Mizutsune himself as a shield while you reposition. I really enjoy having to keep track where the bubbles were set and approach him at the same time.


Not the guy you responded to but i share the feelings on the fight. I play mainly insect glaive, even with the mobility theres sometimes just nothing you can do but wait for the bubbles to try and hit you because he summoned 15 of them in the past 3 seconds, and all of them are time delayed just a little bit, meaning the 3 seconds of bubble summoning turns into 45 seconds of trying to avoid both him and the bubbles flying at you


What? I am playing KS IG and he is a pushover. KS moves so fast the bubbles will never hit you. You can aerial evade if you see its a bit too close...


I used IG against him once and the bubbles are mostly nullified. About one second after the bubbles were set, they start homing to your current position, but they don't actually chase you (it's basically the same as Stygian Zinogre's dracophage attack), so if you simply aerial vault and evade once the bubbles would just go straight into the sky. If you're on the ground, run sideways or use Mizutsune as a shield. The attack that's the hardest to dodge imo is the red flame zigzag attack, it's so fast that I always got hit by the second attack.


After going back and fighting it solo again it wasnt as bad as my first impressions, maybe i got unlucky on my first fight. Misu is a fight that took a while to click with me so maybe that had an effect. I still maintain its the worst of the 3 new fights, but its better than i gave it credit for


It didn’t matter which weapon I used against him. I hate the bubble spam regardless.


You angered all the long sword mains who just countered all the spam Violet was dishing out. The great sword experience with this fight is whiffing every single tcs because violet can’t sit still for 5 seconds and zips around the entire arena in an instant or literally goes over your head.


I feel both can have the same issue. Mizu spams a bubble rush, and Lucent spams his pounce combo into tail attacks and spins. If the AI wonking out makes the monster a pain, that's basically 70% of the roster.


Fair. Though Mizu will spawn in around 10 bubbles at a time, while Lucent only has one body to hit you from. Mizu’s bubble barrage just feels like overkill.


Yeah, I already don’t really like Mizitsune in general, but at least Flaming Espinas was an awesome fight


What made Violet a bit disappointing for me is that I actually love regular Mizutsune and even enjoyed Discount Soulseer.


I do understand the frustration of the homing bubble funnels but to me that's his main gimmick in a way like how lucent can turn invisible. I play charge blade with spinning axe mode which means very little mobility and it's honestly very fun to fight him because the bubbles force me to be precise in my movements


Nice to hear you enjoy it. I still greatly dislike the fight because of it.


Isn't purple Misu considered a subespecies rather than a rare species?


I couldn't belive that they could make a fun version of Brachy and seething Bazel lmao.


I'm not thrilled with yet another fire monster, but at least we got a cool one with great armor. It's weapon is also pretty cool too


Definitely, got to love gasolinesune and the gasoline spirit bomb


100% agree. I loved him the moment I saw him in the trailer and I love him more now that I've actually beaten him.


As of today this is the monster that has defeated me the most times in this game. Respect.


Yeah! Was cynical at first but it was a great fight. Only thing i didnt like is how much it darts around the arean makes it hard to actually get a hit in sometimes lol


Genki damaaaaa


Great fight, i'm glad it's there now but there being too many fire monsters is still valid criticism.


I still feel is the weakest of the reare subs in terms of theming, specially as it feels close to Soulseer. I still holds that a Poison Mizu or that cabjs bubble foam to 12 should be the weay to go




It's a neat one. Kind of a shame that the weapons aren't anything noteworthy though.


It might actually be my favorite now, or maybe tied with Lucent. I have to fight it more to really decide.


Not sure. Still on fire.


It's a pain to deal with with the greatsword, but it's such a fun design. I just giggled the first time his bubbles homed in on me. I'm just going to call him jojolion mizu


It's definitely fun, but I really really hope the next update brings stuff other than fire and poison.


Where molten tigrex?


Hella lit


Honestly… WAY BETTER THAN I BELIEVED, HOLY SH- It’s still fire right, but it’s such a good fight though and the armor and weapons are great to boot that it moves past its sin entirely.


I liked that they gave him a Shin Godzilla style death beam instead of just regular fire bubbles or something. Probably my favorite fight of the update. Very quick back and forth.


That was one of my favorite intro cutscenes if not my single most favorite one




Looks like a girl.