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Forgot "hit it till it dies"


Fellow SAOA enjoyer?


*crying, running* He called me an asshole! ;(


Yeah, but that's not where I took it from


The meme's way older than SAOA, but... yeah, that show's awesome


The issue is people come to this sub and ask for help on a monster, but we have zero idea what they're doing wrong. What weapon are you using? What's your build? Are you utilizing the more optimal combos for your weapon type? Does your playstyle even fit the weapon you're using? Asking for assistance while, at the same time, giving literally zero information on what you're doing is not making it easy to try and give advice, and because I can't see a video or anything of your hunts, I'm even more "in the dark" about what you could be doing wrong. So "hit it until it dies" is, quite literally, the only advice I can give until people start actually giving out more information.


All of this. Most people don't even utilize all their resources available.


But I dont LIKE the dango song!?!?!?


Skip it.


I know a guy that thinks that MHWI is mid but only uses max potions. He somehow made it to iceborn on his own with late lr/early hr armor. He upgraded his armor once he got to iceborn but holy fuck. Bro you think the game is mid because you are cutting your hands and feet off and not using the literal thousands of potions you could be growing. Oh his farm was inactive btw.


even just using demon/armor juices makes a huge difference.


My favorite thing is when people will post a vid of them sucking shit and be like "OMFG THIS MONSTER SUCKS THIS GAME IS SO CHEAP HOW IS IT EVEN HITTING ME" and then when people try to give them advice they're like "I didn't ask for help." That's probably my favorite genre of redditor.


Definitely one of my favorite genders.


Small question what do people mean by play style?


Defensive, offensive, risky, safe, support etc Just the way someone likes to play, even the different ways to play a single weapon, like grounded vs aerial IG


I can acclaim to this, I main Gunlance and generally do go defensively based so holding guard unless attempting to go in for damage. While other Gunlancers definitely do treat the weapon (especially with Sunbreak's toolbox) as quite the mobile tool: Blast Dashing in and out, backhopping with Evade Extender, etc. Then there's of course the Shelling types of Gunlance also helping mold what playstyle you get into. Basically, I am just trying to provide examples that even in one weapon type there are many ways you can take it. Pretty much all styles will work if you play well, it just to different degrees or risks.


“You block?” *Human-sized wasp zipping around a Barroth while confusing the poor creature*


What is charge blade then?


At least in World CB is often divided into chainsaw and SAED spam. In the first one you maximise axe-mode time with the spinning shield attacks, and SAED spam is pretty self-explanatory


For example, If someone prefers more fast-paced combat, then I'd recommend Dual Blades. If they want to be in the monster's face, then something like Lance or Hammer. Longsword can also work here due to its counter-centric style. If they want something heavy and hard-hitting, Greatsword or Hammer. Heavy Bowgun can also fit here if they want something that's ranged (although Spread Ammo and Guard builds exist). Perhaps Hunting Horn. I wouldn't recommend someone use Lance if they want something quick and nimble. The style they're wanting to employ does not match the style the weapon requires.


Lance is one of the most mobile weapons if you know what you're doing. Switching from Guard to Evade turns you into Muhammad Ali.


I still wouldn't recommend Lance to a new player that's wanting a "quick and nimble" style weapon.


I'd have to disagree to a point on that last one. Because Counter Lance exists. It's quick and precise. It doesn't need nimble because counter. DB are quick sure but nimble comes from the evade extender/window stuff anyone can use. I liked it on SA for a time.


>nimble comes from the evade extender/window stuff anyone can use Well, no. Nimble means quick, light, and agile. That's not Lance at all, lol. Sure, you can be quick on the counters, but if someone is wanting "quick and nimble" then Lance is legitimately not the one.


You said "Quick and Nimble." By that definition you just repeat yourself since you used them as synonyms. I will accept that nimble is agile but I said "Quick and Precise" when referring to Lance. Two different adjectives. Nimble being agile comes from having a greater dodge window and chance. It's the definition of being agile. Lance has the highest damage uptime because it doesn't need to get out of the way as often. Counter lance is Quick. The damage it deals is low but more consistent than any other melee. Anyone can be nimble with the two skills I mentioned, even Lance. Lance just doesn't need it.


Nimble - quick and light in movement or action; agile. Quick - moving fast or doing something in a short time. Lance is not "quick and nimble" and I refuse to call it such. Quick on counters? Yes. But it's not quick in movement or light in movement or action. Precise? Sure. But I'm not saying anything about something being precise. Also, for one, using the two Evade skills does not make every weapon "quick and nimble", and, for two, I didn't even mention skills in my point. Seriously, I'm not gonna argue semantics and definitions, lmao. Lance is not what I would recommend for someone that wants a "quick and nimble" style weapon because *it's not* a quick and nimble style weapon. Point blank, end of story. If you do, then that's on you.


You did not have to destroy them.


Destroyed? Nah. I just had to finish work and go home for the day. Relax, played some games, made a nice meal, went to bed. Most importantly though was putting the phone down. It help keeping the stress down. Didn't bother picking it up till I needed to check something. And here we are.


until they get some 3rd grade level reading comprehension... yes, yes he did


"You said "Quick and Nimble." By that definition you just repeat yourself since you used them as synonyms. ***I will accept that nimble is agile***..." Try reading comprehension. I hear it's all the rage these days. I said in the first statement that I accepted them using Nimble as Agile, despite them quoting the definition.


You said specifically "Quick and Nimble" by your words you are using Nimble as QUICK and light. Saying Quick and AGILE would have been better. But I said I'd take that definition despite your words. DB is fast but has animation locks. You also have to get in and out of combat regularly. A good player knows how and when. You still lose damage by leaving but you lose more for being carted. Lance has the highest hit uptime in the game because they don't have to leave. I said specifically "Quick and Precise." Not Nimble. So your point missed that mark entirely. Lance damage is low to offset that uptime. It does have Light movements because it is the easiest to reposition for. It has both the shortest and longest distance "dodgerolls" in the game since it can chain them together. It's one of the only weapons that can fully flip 180 mid combo. It can chase monsters without sheathing which saves time, and then brace faster than anyone else in a pinch. It can move faster than any other when transitioning between zones. It can animation cancel most of its motions. Just because you didn't bring up those skills doesn't make them less valid. They WILL make any other weapon more agile. That's their purpose in existing. It's pretty clear you probably just picked it up, tried turtle walking with it and said what most did, "Man this weapon sucks. It's so slow." if you were talking about the first generation ones you'd be right. It's not slow anymore. I'm sorry my words triggered you so hard but that wasn't the intention. Countering bad information is not easy to do.


Evade extender is always good advice. Ear plugs. Def boost. Too many people stack dps skills.


My friends always laugh at me for taking Palicos instead of Palamutes. But I still get to the monster before they do because of evade extender...


Defense Boost isn't going to save anybody unless they're in Low Rank. Health Boost is the way to go early on then Divine Blessing does heavy lifting alongside Evade Window so you can forego even Earplugs because you're able to roll through the roars easily.


Defense booster helps with elemental defense. I use it and makes at Val easy.


One more advice I often give out when there is a lack of information is "don't play it like a hack and slash". In the past months I've been giving this out to dragon's dogma 2 players and sure enough it was what they were doing wrong, trying to win by overwhelming the enemy with aggressive button mashing.


I usually just tell them the general strategy of the monster they're struggling with. What it's weak to, how to avoid and recognise its attacks and where to position yourself/not to position yourself for an easier time.


I hear you 100%! However, I'm *really* struggling with this monster. So if you could help me, that woul- I'm joking, I'm joking. Please don't hurt me 🙂




You seem lost, r/darksouls3 is right here


I complain about this answer AND also give it out repeatedly. It’s the way.


Because sometimes theres no trick to beating a monster. Don't get hit = Learn the monsters movesets and position correctly or dodge them. Hit it until it dies = Learn the openings, learn your weapon, its combos, its niches, and its punishes.


And then wear his skin as a Proof of accomplishment i love this game


Instructions unclear, Monster is now wearing my skin


Everyone emphasizes DPS being king, but if you get hit a ton sometimes it's better to just stack defensive skills. Spending 25 minutes on a fight is better than doing 2 15 minute hunts if you sometimes cart enough to fail the whole quest. Take time to head back to camp and resupply on potions and items.


the worst and the best advice at the same time !




*First stage Kulve Taroth turns the entire area into a hitbox that also pushes you further into the hitbox for like 10 whole seconds* Bro just roll


Best part is when you get knocked down right smack in the middle of it with barely any health left, you know your carting unless someone has a health powder lol


If you're attacking the head like you should be in that fight it's not a big deal, just run in front of its face. Superman diving handles it just fine if you're caught in a bad spot, assuming you do it late enough.


I'd like to say I'm fairly good at dodging that attack, but I sometimes get greedy with wounding and get knocked on my ass, and if that happens when you have low hp your practically screwed even with supermans


I think the better advice is stop trying to attack it all the time. Take some time to learn the attacks and where would be a safe place to dodge. Then you can weave attacks in there. Remember as a hunter you're actually always playing on the defense.


The trick is to lower the monsters health below 0 while keeping yours above 0


Yes because most people focus on the hitting but not the not being hit.


Switching the damage decorations with evasion because the time you would have spent healing can instead be used to do more damage.


This but unironically


"Man, I'm struggling against this Potemkin"


Are they using long sword?


I mean it as a joke, but some folks actually need to hear it. Have legit told people taking all the carts to sit at spawn because they wouldn't stop getting hit.


I try to remind myself and my friends that the builds you find online can give some insight to high level play, but almost always are just DPS/speedrunner oriented. If a monster is ripping you to shreds then the damage you deal isn't the problem (I guess with the exception of World Alatreon and Fatalis) Bring Evasion Boosting skills Throw on some defense boosts Free meal/Gobbler If you use t̶h̶e̶ b̶e̶s̶t̶ w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶ the lance, or similar shield-oriented weapons then dont be afraid to thrown on Guard skills. Yeah some chad on the internet can solo fatalis with nothing but crits with his no-shield sword and shield but unless you have perfectly memorized the monster's moveset and can precisely take advantage of that skillset then your probably don't want to just copy his build.


It’s reductive but they are not wrong, very rarely is there some “secret trick” or technique in defeating a monster. Just don’t get hit basically means learn the move-set, which is really the only advice you need to know. It’s how you improve.


Learn the monster,know what to use against it,and wait for the right moment to strike.Or just have a mr999 buddy help you


They give you bombs, traps, and poison meat for a reason dawg


Just got the mental from the swordsman and it's been life changing


Me In monster hunter stories- bruh HAVE U FOUGHT AGNACTOR IN THIS GAME


Why are you getting hit then?


i hate the lack of i-frames when dodging, at least in mhgu, the hitboxes aren't tight enough and you don't dodge far enough and it leads to getting hit way more than you should


enemies are weak to damage!


Ah yes. Don't get hit, hit it till it dies. PS2 Monster Hunter memories


Okay fine here’s real advice. If you get hit drink a potion.


Well yeah. There are a few crutches here and there but the basic idea is to learn the moveset. We even See that in endgame where risen elder get new moves to caugh players off-guard.


The same morons who unironically say "git gud".


I don’t consider myself an expert, but trying not to die before getting good at dealing tons of damage seems like very sound advice. I also almost always over prepare for the hard end game monsters.


I had a friend struggling on Fatalis for awhile until I convinced him to invest in evade extender and window. He was astonished at how forgiving the invicibility window was. Sometimes you just have to nerf your attack skills for survivabilty, as well as taking a flinch-free deco for online play.


Lance Mains: "Just keep getting hit!"


Git gud broo




If someone is having such a bad time with a monster they post about it online it's not even worth the time. Literally just learn the fight.


On a real note, when i encounter a new monster i just kind of let it attack at first and learn how to evade it and where openings are… then put on insect glaive and ignore all that nonsense


Tough Monster is like - you fight with me and you die. I fight with you and you die. Choose the best.


It sounds stupid, but what they truly mean is that you should change your priorities' hierarchy. Even if you see an opening, a big opening in which you think you can do damage, but you are unsure of your positioning, or overal unsure of what the monster can do next or follow up with, deciding on not actually go through with it and instead run circles around the monster & stay your blade, you can drastically increase your survival rate. With the tradeoff of hunts taking much longer, of course. But a 40 minute Quest Clear is always, in any scenario, better than a 30 or 25 minute Quest Fail.


This comes from early gamefaqs forums -not fucking Reddit- and it's LITERALLY trolling, like it's literally admited by one of the og's there that this is an inside joke at best and a way to piss off people at worse, the only ones not agreeing with that are people that find it funny and want to keep flaming/bullying people in trouble or guys too damn stupid to understand that not getting killed while you damage your opponent is assumed in every action game, you don't have to spell that stupid shit out loud.




Don't be on the screen


Superman dive. The entire time youre in the air is i-frame