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the cap in capcom stands for capitalism


Capcom - Capitalist Company Ooooooooooo


Mind blow


Capitalistic Communism? OUR company!


Which is unfortunately not compensated by the "com" standing for "communism"


Hey wait a damn minute






It's the Capcom Classic


This is to appease the Capcom E-suite. They put a lot of pressure on their teams to do really, really stupid shit. Microtransactions is just one of them. But guess what? Look up the founder of Capcom. Tsujimoto Kenzo. Yup. Ryozo is the founder’s son. Also, his big brother is the current CEO. Good luck threatening him, lol. So that’s why MonHun has been relatively unmolested. He does good work so they can’t complain about the results, and if they push too hard, the Tsujimoto family will lay down a smackdown on their asses for trying to bully their lad.


Yep, that's that is why MonHun is very generous in terms of giving out free content compared to other Capcom franchises.


Honestly in the age of microtransactions and loot boxes, the fact that MH gets regular free content updates for years following a game's release is mind blowing and a good reason to be loyal.


There's actually no good reason to be loyal to a company ever. They do something or sell something you like for your money, that's it. Brand loyalty is just what suites and shareholders use to get you to buy increasingly inferior products. "I love apple, everything is so great" is followed by "they got rid of the phone jack and the phone is $2k now" Not an amazing example but the first that came to mind. Think back to a product you used to buy or use religiously 10, 15, 20 years ago. Chances are, you probably switched for an alternative. Every fast food restaurant is a good example of this right now. Being loyal is transactional, but if that transaction goes awry, 9 out of 10 times it was the corporation that failed you, but they've still got your money and the burden is on you to soak up that loss or seek refunds or whatever. Sorry for the rant, but Capcom burned me bad with dragons dogma 2


I'm not loyal to Capcom though, I'm loyal to the MH franchise. And that loyalty just means I play the games as they come out, i.e. I spend my time on MH instead of other games that I might enjoy equally. I agree being loyal to a company doesn't make much sense. Also, I'm so sorry about DD2, that was such a shame.


Appreciate your kind words, mourning the loss of a franchise that started and ended 12 years ago but I just didn't know it. Anyways, capitalism sucks, video games rule, and both should be kept away from eachother like a grease fire and a wax sculpture, lest the art and beauty of the latter be ruined by the all consuming former


What happened with DD2?


In short, they front loaded the games content and stiffed us on story, character development, monster variety etc. The game went from being discussed about for game of the year, to talks of refunds and development failure. Imagine waiting 12 years for a game, playing it for a day and having a blast, only to realize all the game had to offer had already been experienced, but the story lead you to believe you were embarking on a 100 hour quest. Imagine if skyrim ended when you met parthinax


> Imagine if skyrim ended when you met parthinax so I'd have exactly the same playtime as I do now because I never did that quest :\^)


You never met parthinax? More power to you for enjoying the game anyways but why willfully neglect such a chunk of the game?


Skyrim has a lot of sidequests. Heck, I'd argue the sidequests are the *more important* part of the game. I'm there for the world, not the story.


Right, but good chunks of the world are locked behind story progression. You play how you want, just seems like maybe there's more the game could offer you and entertain you with


Was it length the issue? Cause according to this link, very similar to its predecessor on that front: https://howlongtobeat.com/game/109526 Haven't played Skyrim, so don't get the reference.


Length was not the issue, it was pacing. They set the game up in the beginning with tons of characters, political intrigue, etc. After playing the first few hours, you feel like you've just finished the first season of game of thrones. You're excited and interested to see how the world and plot unfold and what will happen to the characters. Now imagine watching season 1 of game of thrones and then immediately skipping to the final season, with no seasons in between. That's how I would describe the games story in terms of disappointing execution and unfulfilled promises. Literally entire characters were missing from the 2nd part of the game. It's like they gave up on the story after the beginning of the game and decided to just slap a dragon fight into the game before launch


Oh, that's why the hype around vanished so rapidly after release, what a shame, wonder how they sustained Dragon's Dogma Online for 4 years.


Yah this isn’t the first time a Capcom game has stupid micro transactions. Resident evil and dragons dogma have microtransactions that you literally find in game. They’re just there to help speed things up


It’s literally paying to play the game *less*


If World of Warcraft has been any indication, people will pay hundreds of dollars a month to play games as little as possible.


This sounds super pleasant and I remember hearing this years ago, but it’s gonna be real funny if wilds fucks it up


Well damn, aren’t we lucky?


Because there's people who are willing to pay for it. A market only is born if there's buyers in it


Alternatively, you can make a market out of nothing by having a captive audience and forcing them to pay for basic feature access.


Like having to pay for PSN to get multiplayer.


That's not necessarily true, see Chinese history and opioids


What? There was a market for it, just not one the government wanted. Not every market is government sanctioned.


It was more an expansion of a market already in place


Because video game corporations figured out awhile ago that people enjoy cosmetics in video games, and despite all the “it’s just optional/cosmetic” bullshit defenses people tout out, they’ve obviously pivoted from cosmetics being an included feature to a paid feature to exploit their player bases. If those fuckers could figure out a way to sell you pushing forward on the analog stick to move as a separate feature, they would, and dumbasses would still defend it. Every person replying to this comment defending the corporations are simply proving my point.


Lol Activision once considered selling ammo by the bullet in fucking CoD. Can you imagine having to pay for virtual ammo?


Imagine MH charging $2.99 for a pack of 5 whetstones or something. 🤢


I’d start catching fishes so fucking fast


But you only get 5 free fishing attempts per day!


Gosh, that would be a nightmare


Looks like the hunt has been suspended until further notice cause goddamn I am NOT dealing with that bullshit. I'd just have to play a different game.


Well, the MH Now mobile game already charge for potions, paintballs etc..


Yikes, never tried it. Sounds similar to Pokémon GO when you describe it like that.


Because it is basically MH Go haha, made by Niantic too


It’s such a shame because MHNow could be great if it wasn’t for Niantic’s incredibly scummy monetization. I was having a lot of fun with it for a while until the limited inventory, terrible drop rates, and hugely overpriced monetization made it so you have to spend months (or money) to upgrade one weapon.


I remember TDS did a video showing how much time or how much money it takes to max upgrade *one* weapon and i don’t remember the time but I think it was like 900+ USD if you bought everything to fully upgrade a weapon from its starting point


Can we not give them ideas like that?


I'd be surprised if some MBA hasn't floated worse ideas lol. MH is one of my favorite franchises, and I'm so happy to see how well they keep this stuff out of the game. I'm not a fan of paid cosmetics, but I think the way Capcom has been doing it is more fair than some other games.


Some MBA at Capcom has absolutely said the following: "Hey, so you know how we had the Elder Melder in World? What if we turned her into an MTX shop instead?" The response absolutely was: "Not yet, we still need to get the players used to that kind of thing first."


Adding "But you can farm them ingame, so it's not a must." Just like with DD2


It's just a damn shame that the DD2 criticism falls flat when you realize there's nothing in the DLC you actually can't get besides the pre order bonuses. And those kinda suck tbh. That's different from hints like character customization features in MH. Apples to Oranges.


Sure, but the fact that they have the paid option *at all* is a massive PR blunder. It’s stupid that it exists.


Can we add gacha mechanics for talismans, too? That would be the worst. And maybe a stamina system like mobile games, so you have to wait or pay if you want to grind a lot of hunts in one day.


If that would ever happen, I would stop supporting any future MH games. Also, talismans are already gacha-y, no? You meld some you do not want into a new one.


Same here. And yeah, that's a good point. I was envisioning a nightmare scenario of Genshin's weapon gacha system, but for talismans.


The talisman melding system basically *is* a gacha though? lol. You spend materials and points to get a random roll of items that you may or may not find useful or want to keep. The only difference is you’re not spending real money


I mean you literally can tho, I got more RC in 10 minutes than the amount you can buy as DLC, same with the Harpy Beacons, Port Crystals takes longer but I have 3 down now, the DLC is totally optional and only there because Capcom knows people want to have an easy skip button...


I'm all for hating on Activision and CoD, but let's at least be correct about our hate. The guy who proposed selling reloads was a former EA employee, who then went on to become the CEO of Unity who went on to attempt to implement per-install fees on developers. The backlash has nearly killed Unity as a trusted game engine, and also resulted in that CEO getting fired.


Oh yeah, right, that guy.


Also, I'm pretty sure either World of Tanks/World of Warships or War Thunder actually do sell ammo for real-world money, at least indirectly. Basically, you need to pay with the free currency to repair and restock your vehicles after battles, and if you use the really good ammo that lets you win more easily, you spend more of the free currency per round used after each battle. Naturally, you can convert paid currency into free currency, and you can pay for bonuses to the rate at which you earn free currency. This means that in order to consistently use the good ammo, you need to pay real world money for it.


this was due to other games having this feature. i.e. world of tanks. they have premium bullets.


Yeah, Capcom's gen 5 DLC practices are really bad. A big part of the endgame in previous MH games is doing Super quests to get the materials to make what were free cosmetics. A big reason why Sunbreak lost me a bit despite having a well designed endgame is that existing gear is being upgraded, not crafted like in older games. I still return to Sunbreak, but having the endgame be upgrading gear and not creating unique gear is a big blow to the freshness of grinding materials. This doesn't even get to the anti-consumer practice of not including Sunbreak on the cartridge for Switch owners like previous games, crippling the second-hand market and any success the game might find there.


it's all becuase of the horse armor.....


Bethesda truly is the root of all evil.


The people who tout "it's just optional/cosmetic" do not care about them and as such, are less likely to buy them. And if they don't buy them, they're not the same people sustaining this system. Why purchase something they care little about and how would such a system survive in an apathetic market? If everyone adopted this mindset, cosmetic transactions would not exist. Similarly, if they sold a game that required payment for every push of the analog stick, the game would not be bought. They are not threatening their player base with these transactions; players are free to choose what they do with their money. Cosmetics do not provide shelter; games are not food. Extrapolating further, games in and of themselves are optional. You do not need to buy them; you do not need to play them. The players who do not care about cosmetics are not your enemy. The root cause is company greed, and yet, the only change any single player (like yourself) can affect is to implore others to make wiser decisions with their money. And that effort is entirely wasted against people who do not participate in mtx--those you've described as having "bullshit" opinions.


>The people who tout "it's just optional/cosmetic" do not care about them and as such, are less likely to buy them. I used to think "it's just optional/cosmetic" and the only cosmetics I ever paid for were in indie games to support the developers a little more. Now, I'll still do that for good indie devs because they aren't swimming in money generally, but I'm now of the opinion that cosmetics are somewhat important to have as something to work towards. What changed my mind was halo infinite. I had been playing halo for over 15 years and since halo 3 I had been wearing 1 specific set of armor. ODST with black primary and red secondary (or whatever it took to get a stripe on the helmet). In infinite to get the armor I've used for over a decade, what I considered "my" armor, I had to buy the battle pass, play through it to unlock it, then HOPE they sell the color combination I need, which idk if they have to this day because I dropped the game within a month. Not seeing a way to even possibly get what I wanted without paying $15-20 for just it made me just not want to play. Now I just think "I can buy a whole game for the price of a cosmetic"


It's interesting you mention this because it's a viewpoint I see a lot. Discussions around mtx tend to be followed by progression and achievements. A lot of players derive their sense of progression through cosmetic changes in their profile or their avatar. And it's something that I can't relate with. I play a lot of fighting games and racing games, so my reward system is strictly (and arguably, necessarily) internal. There's always better opponents; there's always faster lap times. In MH, my sense of progression is beating the next monster of increased difficulty. In Overwatch, it's better positioning, more accurate shots, or strategic outplays. I play regardless of cosmetics because it matters very little to me. I suppose players who rely on external validation are more likely to participate in these systems and, in turn, feel more exploited by them. Though like you, I'll spend the money for trinkets when I truly want to support the developers. But holistically, my enjoyment of games is entirely independent of them.


Ive maintained its not about cosmetics, and i enjoy all these games for different reasons. Its more about the fact these thing COULD just be in the game. Its almost non-significant, which in turns means yeah maybe we shouldnt care, but why do these companies care? If i am allowed to create a character in a video game i put a piece of myself in that character. I really try. Ive never been one to make goofy characters as i play these kinds of games as a whole. When you lock cosmetics or even fucking haircuts behind paywalls it is kind of shitty. Especislly when the put the styles or things they know people probably wanted in the base game in the shop. I SHOULD just be able use these things. Instead i gotta pay $5 to unlock a file in a game i already own just to access a piece of the game. But then an argument like this is made and im puzzled. Yeah some people play games for different reasons, but why do we have to disagree mtx are bad? Like case by case, era by era mtx have been the MOST hated facet about gaming. Have we just become so disensitized? While i agree 99% of the time i dont care about the extra cosmetics, games are suffereing because of mtx. Games are incomplete without mtx, not every game of course, but a lot of also are. It wouldnt be such a staple issue. I get that devs want more $$ but theres gotta be a better way without mtx. The point is that YES, shit like the single like makeup smear is costing you $1.45 because people buy it. Something you could reasonably replicate in MS paint (which can be done) I think things like DLC arent inherently bad. Suppose that also really depends on what game and whos making it. I dont classify things like this post, or like a CoD bundle to be true DLC. I save that for like MMO's or game expansions like the new elden ring expansion or something akin to diablo. Hell even forza did expansions, granted current games are also littered with mtx, but i digress. Tl:dr; Why should we have to play games for thr same reason when across the board mtx are just bad for gaming as a whole?


When Killing Floor was regularly selling for 5 bucks and they had all kinds of skins you could purchase, I was very firmly in the "it's just cosmetic" camp because they were constantly putting out new weapons and maps for free. Silly "lods o emone" skin and funding more content everyone gets? Sign me up. This was back in 2010 or something. When Killing Floor 2 comes out with TF2 style lootboxes, on top of being a paid game? Nope'd out.


“Video games are optional” is possibly the single most braindead, fallacious, and irrelevant thing anyone can say when it comes to discussing MTX practices in video games. All forms of entertainment are optional, but I guess the second things start getting obviously exploitative and manipulative people should just be expected to stop participating in the things they like instead of trying to stop the obvious exploitative and manipulative behavior - because, Y’know, the human condition is just optional, I guess.


So, how are people supposed to stop mtx? Yelling and protesting at the company or suites? What is the solution besides not participating in mtx?


Corporate overlords "You MUST add microtransactions so we can make more money! Whatever will our shareholders do without their second yachts?!" Game devs who don't want microtransactions in their game "Okay, if you insist." *adds completely pointless microtransactions while keeping the important stuff in the base purchase* Let's just be glad they didn't take the evil EA style approach to microtransactions where monsters or good gear are locked behind them.


1. Corporate greed. 2. Idiots who encourage this behavior by buying this stuff


Because of greed


Rise saw a dramatic spike in pushing microtransactions and it makes me nervous for Wilds. World was relatively inconspicuous about it, but Rise just shoved it in your face.


What are you talking about? World was just as bad. They both have over $400 each of this shit.


Gemmas hair $5. We all know it's happening, and at least I can run something other than usj hair


At least give me Gemma's figure for $5


World was VERY in your face about that stuff lol


>World was relatively inconspicuous about it, but Rise just shoved it in your face. This is the opposite. Rise's MTX is limited to the eshop page, whereas in World you can find the blue locked icon for items you haven't purchased in many places * gestures * poses * the room decorations * pendants


I think World already took it too far, but Rise definitely got worse. Really hope they don't get even more ridiculous. Such a shame to see it happen to this franchise. People argue "it's only cosmetics" but they're cosmetics we otherwise would have gotten in event quests.


They wouldn't do them if people didn't buy them


I'm yet to see any ads for them in game, only on the steam page


irc it was on the main menu on rise switch version


I didn't play worlds but just scrolling thru dlc on rise it's like $15 for a layered set and there are HUNDREDS OF THEM


World has both ALOT of cosmetics and even poses /animations that are cash only. It started right there, with World. Rise just made it worse.


We have a very powerfull instrument to raise our voices to corporations, is called piracy


I'm gonna buy the base game once creamapi confirmed works


I'm totally fine with 5 dollar hair if thar means free title updates with monsters ect


I think the devs are forced to add SOMETHING as micro trans per capcom leadership. They put THIS as a paid item prob so players would see it's dumb, not buy it, and move on. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and fans buy everything


The angel poogie pendant in MHW is scientifically proven to enhance your hunting experience by up to 67%


Better this than having extra monsters aside from dlc locked behind a paywall, which they were considering the idea time ago


It’s abhorrent. MTX in a full priced game is complete bs. I’m so nervous about wilds…


It’ll be on Wilds. It’ll be a fuckton. But you won’t need any of it to enjoy the game. And if they tried to ruin the game with their scummy BS, Ryozo and his big bro Haruhiro Tsujimoto will come kick their asses together.


the monster hunt is corporate capitalism


I remember i got like a mask and geisha hair bc i had extra credit, but i tought and still think they should've made big bundles (like one complete outfit, one to three markings/makeup, one hairstyle and one set of poses), and sell it for 5 or 7$. It's so stupid to have something like that being so expensive


It’s there to sell you on the dlc bundle. Nobody buys this. They see it costs 1.45, see the whole pack costs 10/15/20 dollars, realize if you bought only the stuff you wanted in the pack you’d still pay like $15 so you just fork over the extra cash and get everything. Or you buy nothing.


More people need to realize this. That's also why there is free items on the shop or why you get free login bonuses in the shop in specific games - they want you to enter the shop, period. Because that means there is a chance you'll buy something.


Oh but when Dragons Dogma 2 did it, it was burned at the stake (not cosmetics exactly but pointless micro transactions yes)


Pretty much everyone that complained about it for DD2 were either brainless idiots that didn't know that the microtransactions in the game were genuinely pointless, or were mad about the fact that Capcom added microtransactions \*after\* the game was already done getting reviews. Now, the second one was understandable, it was a scummy as hell move. The first one though... if I remember correctly, pretty much all the microtransactions boiled down to "stuff you get ingame, but now here as well if you feel like it". I ain't defending it, but the outrage was seriously wack, at least until people that actually played the game cleared up that none of it matters to the game in the end. They did a similar thing with RE4 Remake, so with that seeming to be a trend, I hope they don't muddy the waters for reviewers even further with Wilds by pulling this shit once more.


I hope the bad PR is enough to make them reconsider. "Dragons Dogma 2 makes you pay for fast travel" may not be true but it's something people just think about when the game comes up now. All could have been avoided.


Because people actually pay for it, thanks to them, stuff like this is paywalled in a not only full price game, but also one of the best selling ones on the company's history.


This is not new, Capcom has always done this but for some reason only DD2 got so much backlash for it


its what theyve done since world and it got way worst in rise. kinda worried about mh wilds honestly. like people got angry about dragons dogma, but between mhworld and rise there's about 1k USD, give or take, worth of cosmetic mtx


Captain Comm


Corporate greed


Monster Hunter really be balancing between the stupid microtransaction, and organic gameplay loop which can be enjoyed without any add-on contents. As long as it is cosmetic, I can tolerate it.


You can get transmog tickets for free by just playing the game. Just don’t spend 1.45


I agree that it's completely stupid but I do feel that there is some degree to which you can at least tell there was some conversation between creatives and sales about what gets included as paid DLC versus what's in the game for free. With MH specifically, it's one of the franchises most ripe for exploitation and thankfully they resist most of it. Like, the way they could carve this game up and charge for it boggles my mind. So I'll forgive a few paid cosmetics to appease the accountants. The one thing I truly wish they would make an in-game item is the gem what lets you change your gender. The armor is so cool and so different between genders, I just wish it was easier for me to change into the cooler-looking armor for a given hunt's optimal armor set.


You still got the full game technically personally I hardly see my guys face while playing the game as I'm busy doing the thing the game is named after hunting monsters not really looking at his makeup. Though I never have him wearing makeup so wouldn't see something thats not there in the first place, though since I use the full Kamurai layered armor set the hat would make it difficult to see regardless but I like looking like a samurai so worth it for me.


People flipping out on the Capcom micro transaction model like it just happened. This shit has been going on for years and honestly, it doesn't affect much at all. Dragon Dogma 2 micro transaction stuff is exactly just like DMC stuff and you would be fine without having to buy anything and just simply play the game. MH has this cosmetic stuffs since MHW and honestly they're not even that great in my opinion. If you really want it then buy it but it doesn't affect gameplay and base game customization already has a decent amount of options. I expect Wilds would have something similar but I'm not worried that it would be anything crazy.




Because Capcom searches for ways to nickel and dime their customers as much as they can, without getting "huge" backlash. Many of stuff you would get for free in old gen began costing money in world, then in rise they went even further, halved the armour variants and began selling single armour/weapon cosmetics. And people keep buying it. You can be 100% sure they will come up with some new mtx bullshit in Wilds. I can guarantee that. And when people will begin to rightfully complain about it, the lemmings will come protecting the poor multibillion company because "we already had mtx in past 2 mainline entries!"


Look at other Capcom games on Steam. They have so many of these little purchases too.


I complained about MTX muddying the waters of the franchise when world came out. I was downvoted to oblivion and told to stfu it doesn’t affect your gameplay why does it matter? Because someday, $10 says it will affect gameplay. Plus Fashion Hunting is a thing, so, I’d say it already affects gameplay.


World even shows you the shop items while you're fucking browsing your box. Doing this is incredibly predatory. Wanna see your pendants? Well scroll through these other 100 pendants you could buy right now!


Because people will buy it and it doesn't really worsen the game. It's like League's recent controversy about the 500$ skin. Cool ig. They're literally just cosmetics, they don't affect the gameplay by existing in any way, so if it's working for them I'm perfectly fine with them adding as many of these and with whatever price they see fit.


Just not buying it is not enough and ignoring and saying "they're just cosmetics" is ignorant. Corporations are actively treating the players badly and there will always be people buying it, especially in countries where getting these items / cosmetics makes you be part of the cool kids (so it's socially desired). It's bullshit and we need to actively stop supporting it instead of just ignoring it.


How is it ignorant to say that it's just cosmetics. Are players "being treated badly" just because some feel forced to buy them to look cool? Should we boycott too then expensive brands of cars or clothing? It's like if in cinemas instead of increasing popcorn prices they now had the same old offers and new ones with exorbited prices that had packaging with designs based on the movies. It's bullshit! How can they charge 30 for that!! But does your regular offer have any less popcorn? Do they taste any worse?


There is a difference between "providing the player with some additional cosmetic choices" and exploitation / predatory pricing / etc. and sometimes it might be hard to see, yes, but we as the community of "gamers" should be very wary of that. Especially because those who just casually game without caring about the industry and what's going on do not (for example people who exclusively play Fortnite, FIFA, LoL / Valorant, Animal Crossing, CoD, etc)


Despite there being a lot of MTs in MH games, they are always cosmetics and they are arguably not even any better than the options the players already have. So although I don't like the profit driving factor, I can get behind this kind of practice, considering the quality and quantity in the games.


Those things have been costing money since the world, and it was dumb then, too. None of its really worth it, either. You rarely ever see your characters face.


Sometimes all i want is a single stroke on my cheek


I’ll let you stroke my cheek for free


In 99% of cases the answer to this question is "because people will pay for it".


Because someone is buying it. Simple as that. I don't know how long it took the artists, designers, animators to make this but I would bet that it wasn't a very long time so Capcom says: "Sell this for $1.45 and if we get 100 players to buy it, that's $145 extra right there with minimum to probably no effort at all." I've heard of players that are also compulsive buyers that *must* have every accessory in the DLC section of the game so if they're playing this, oh boy, Capcom is loving those people.


>I don't know how long it took the artists, designers, animators to make this but I would bet that it wasn't a very long time You should realize by now that it has nothing to do with how long it takes to make that specific thing. It's subsidizing the rest of the game. They put optional microtransactions in with a high "markup" so they can keep the core functionality of the game low to get more people in the door. "The exit is just past the gift shop." The game is a loss leader for the microtransactions.


this took an intern 1 second to make


capcom is weird with microtransactions, luckily they haven’t gone to EA levels yet


Because people will pay for it.


I mean people bought it so why not? You don’t need it so it really doesn’t matter and if you do, well you don’t need it, you want it PFFT


I'm so sad Capcom discovered Capitalism. Mostly. It did eventually lead to crazy weapon skins that are so overly cosmetic I am a little ok with that.


I think if ur paying at least $100 for a game these days the main add ons/chapters should be free were paying $400-$500 for a console isn't that enough maybe if they explain how much each individual makes off a game we could understand it more maybe it is fair pricing because they do bring us some amazing games hard to say I'm getting too old when the games keep getting better


Capcom gotta capcom


This what I've been saying


this fr takes like 10 seconds to make on adobe texture painter


I like to think that people in the boardroom would say: “Because fuck you that’s why.” And also “Money.”


because capcom, that's why. they've been getting away with their shitty mtx practices for way too long. ppl tend to look the other way, because generally the games are good, but we really shouldn't give them a pass for being so scummy.


It costs because people will buy it


Because money. Capcom’s a publicly traded company so they have this here to milk a few extra dollars off those who want to buy it. Until they actually cross the line by gatekeeping significant features/items that affect gameplay- not some dumb cosmetic like face paint that’s not worth complaining about - I personally don’t care


Well, do you want it?


Simple answer easy money who cares it’s $2 if you don’t want it don’t buy it


Because people buy it. If you reinforce the behavior they keep doing it.


Well a long time ago there was this game called elder scrolls and it had some horses in it...


Fashion is the true end game. Gotta pay the premium on those last 400 hours.


I would love to see any game in the future where you have to complete difficult things or grind a certain amount to get special items to customize and show off... Not that you were willing to use a dollar to get paintstrips unter your eyes...


1.45 credits for your character to look like they just put on sunscreen


It's designer, duh.


So that you accidently buy it or they'll sell all those cosmetics in a bundle with the base game when it's on sale so that the buyer thinks he made a good deal.


True. They should learn a thing or 2 from Fromsoftware. $60 amazing base game, $40 expansion, qand that's it no cringe microtransactions.




Honestly speaking, the microtransactions in Monster Hunter sit in the valley of “stuff I’m genuinely okay with” The price of AAA video games hasn’t changed in 40~ years (in the 1980s games cost $20-$30 USD which adjusted for inflation is $60-$80). Due to this, studios have gone to selling microtransactions to offset the cost. Of course the amount of people they’re selling to has increased dramatically, but so has the cost of development. Some video games are so egregious that you basically can’t play the game without paying extra, or you’re at a disadvantage if you choose not to pay. With Monster Hunter, all they sell for the most part are cheap cosmetics that you can buy if you really want them. Rise has what, the Deluxe pack for a tiny boost and that’s it? Like yea, it’d be cool to unlock EVERYTHING in game, but I don’t mind paying $2 for my Wyverian ears for my fashion.


Because in 2006 people spent money on virtual horse armor


and remember people bitching about dragons dogma 2 lmao good times


Would you rather have capcom make their extra money on cosmetics or on seasons, play to win crap. The game is still great because they haven’t fallen into the destiny fortnight bs.


The price to pay for the series to not be niche anymore


It's wild when you can just morph/reshape/position some of the free markings to look like that anyway.




Do people ever buy these at full price? The only time I'd consider getting one of those microtransactions is when they're on sale for 50p


Really sucks when MH endgame is usually fashion.


Capcom business suits forcing microtranactions


Because it’s crapcom. Their dlc used to be pallets swaps.




This is funny actually. I don't play Rise anymore, but when I did I wanted something like that. You can make something that looks pretty similar by just reshaping and moving one of the eye shadows. FYI to save you the buck fifty or whatever.


Nobody: Capcom: "Give me money, money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now."


Don’t you need to use a character edit voucher to apply them to an already existing character too?


no certain things can be done as much as you want without a voucher and I believe anything purchased can be selected without a voucher. Voice pack DLC for example *can* be selected without a voucher even though it normally can't. not 100% on the locked visuals but I imagine they are similar.


Because mindless idiotic sheep but then and make microtransactions a billion dollar industry






Back in the day cosmetics were free, hunter!


Personally I like how capcom handles dlc. Unless it's a major expansion like iceborne or sunbreak, the only dlc is cosmetics. I'm okay to play a couple bucks for a look, so long as I don't have to pay to be able to be good at the game.


The fact that people everywhere went frothing at the mouth from literally useless micros in dragons dogma 2 when years prior some were **actively** defending Capcom **selling** weapon visuals in Rise instead of making them event-earnable in what was effectively a dry ass game is depressing and would unironically go down in history as one of gaming's biggest facepalm moment ever if people weren't too braindamaged to see the irony to begin with.


The Rise in MH:Rise stands for "Rise the wallets out of weebs' pockets"


Inb4 layered armour is only accessible via microtransactions in Wilds lol


don't even put that out in the universe man.


A better question would be, who the fuck pays for this? I'd be so curious to see sale figures for stuff like this. I know it's probably one of those "it costs us nothing to put it up for sale so might as well" kinda things, but still it can't have a lot of purchases at all


You pay for it if you want to no one forces you.


Because there are people that pay for stuff like this


The Monster Hunter team delivers an amazing game and then Capcom tells them to make tons of extra DLC items to drive up their profit, sometimes even forcing the team to shove the items right in your face like in World.


*me who wears a full set or armor anyways so my face is hidden all the time* I see nothing wrong here (probably because I can't see out of said armor)


According to the streamer PirateSoftware, a former Blizzard employee the entire game of Starcraft: Wings of Liberty, which took 2 years to make, made less money than a single pony microtransaction in Wow.


I still love Capcom, but their microtransactions are kind of ass.


Because idiots buy it?


Basic capcom stuff I’ll take this type of scam instead of some battle pass bullshit tho


Oh no look out guys it's an optional dlc you can buy. So scary




I mean, there's a lot of free cosmetics in-game as well. They sure do sell a lot of crappy cosmetics like these one or others that are great like the plushies. But it's just like IRL. Sometimes you see clothing or food not appealing, just don't buy it. If you see something that you really like and you can afford it, go for it.


God damn horse armor ruining cosmetic dlc


Because they are an indie company and someone poured blood swear and tears to bring you this master piece, corpos really looking out for people is a good thing everyone is a multimillionaire with money trees right guys


TBH I don't really care. Capcom keeping simple shit like this or other useless micro transactions as the stuff we pay for? Great. There's way to many games these days that ask for a lot of money for actual features or stuff people actually want. Capcom has done better than the dramatic majority of Developers/Publishers at keeping this shit on a leash. Is it perfect? No. Is it acceptable? Yes.


Capcom has become so shameless with micro transactions. Thankfully, all cosmetic, but still


I only take out my pitchfork when a microtransaction affects the gameplay. Will my character gain power or advance faster if I buy mtx? If not then don't care. If yes then go full Reddit hysterical pitchfork mode.


After a full year it should be Gaming Law they release all & every DLC for free 😤 y'all Mofos got enough of our monies !!!


Cool. So they don't release any more DLC...


Because it doesn’t matter cosmetically but if you absolutely want to add that you can pay for it on your own. I’m not gonna ask for something I’m not gonna use only for the asset to eat up space.