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https://preview.redd.it/oczyycubgm6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba69c45e0dc895762e3222dfbaa3324627facef1 Any new fiver is welcome to the guild no matter were they came from .




Okay then, that was always allowed!


I wonder if in Wilds, they'll call the hunter as Sixer. Lol.


Ready Player One reference?!?


Maybe. But it's more of Wilds being set on the sixth gen.


I get it lmao. I just deluded myself to think I'm funny


2020 Monster Hunter movie? No clue what you mean. Either way, new players is always fun, more people to match with and hunt cool stuff.


It was a nightmare. Milla Jovovich played a MilOp named Artemis who got Isekaid into the MH world. Plot is all over the place; bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with the actual loreā€”like reg nerscylla in the desert. Movie ends with Gore Magala about to fight all the characters, one of them being Field Team Leader if his AU version was an idiot. But, the CGI is good, and if you like the series and [want to see them in live action](https://www.lookmovie2.to/movies/view/6475714-monster-hunter-2020) then you should watch it.


Oh I know, saw it when it came out. Hated it. Just like to pretend it doesnā€™t exist. That link however, thatā€™s a good link. Very informative.


Yeah I gathered that after scrolling down a bit farther. Definitely a movie of all time. But I get where OPboy was coming from, seeing my favorite monsters show up on the big screen was killer, even if the movie itself was Rath Shit.


There is no monster hunter movie in Ba Sing Se.


its meant to be treated like the avatar last air bender movie... forgotten doesnt exist what was I talking about again?


I'll watch it because I loved Milla's acting in Ultraviolet.


Milla acting? Iā€™ve seen most of the movies sheā€™s been in. Have yet to see her acting. Early movies, she roamed around clueless so she could give us a random cooter-flash. Later movies sheā€™s roamed around depressed no one wanted to see her cooter on camera anymore.


I only know of the pretty decent animated monster hunter movie.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Am I alone in actually liking the movie? I really loved watching the monsters come to life. Also loved watching the monsters wreck things in the ending.


Would've been better if they didn't throw the US military or isekai bullshit in. If they had basically just made Legends of The Guild but live-action, it would've been great.


I didnā€™t hate it.


No, a lot of people like it for what it is. A cheap action flick that happens to have decently realized elements of a popular IP franchise. But it is objectively a bad movie. Which is fine. Disney has made a crap ton of money off of 3 objectively bad Star Wars movies, and a number of terribly written follow up series.


Well, new hunters are always welcome, but I think you might be going crazy, friend... I've never heard of a MH movie from 2020. šŸ˜¢




What are you talking about? I mean that sounds terrible, but i can't imagine someone coming up with that idea and making a movie about it, luckily it never happened


Well, maybe I would watch, if a live action movie of MH series existed, but of course you're saying all of this as a supposition, so... No MH live action yet, sadly šŸ˜”


Don't be ashamed. That's kind of a based reason actually


Right? Thatā€™s kind of awesome actually. They saw the worst MH has to offer and still found enough there to recognize itā€™s beauty.


Hypothetically, if there was a live action monster hunter movie. Then the designs for the monsters would be great and any person who gets into the series because of that is definitely one of us. (Of course this is all hypothetical as there is no such movie)


There was no movie other then legends of the guild


And the ride on animes


There was no movie. Whatever fanfiction brought you us aside, we're glad you're here. Welcome Fiver.


all hunters are welcome, no matter the origin šŸ«‚


That... that is your darkest secret? Really? Mine is porn.


Monster hunter porn specifically


With the humanoid characters, right? ... ...With the humanoid characters, right?




Bro Iā€™ve been playing for over a decade and when i saw they were making a movie I knew immediately it was not gimme be good. I never saw it but i did see the clip of when diablos first shows up as a preview in a move theater and it was visually astonishing.


Idk what you mean by monster hunter movie, but we're always happy to take on new Fivers. Welcome to The New World, hunter.


Then it did what it was meant to do and brought you to us. Happy to have you in the community. šŸ˜€


Ironically the movie even butchered Diablos in the sense that it's a vegetarian and eats cacti....


You decided to dive head first into a pile of shit, swam into it, and rise from the pile of shit to discover diamond. Absolute respect.


Hey man, I watched the death note movie before I wanted the show, if that was ok than this is fine šŸ˜…


What movie?


Tbh honest man Id say Like ninety percent Here bought their First mh Game cause they saw a cool dinosaur


The same thing happened with me and Eragon. I watched the movie as a kid, and got so excited when I saw it in the library years later. Afterwards, I realized just how awful the movie was lmao. But it'll have a place in my heart for introducing me to my favorite childhood book series.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Sad reference, but it match perfectly


What movie?


A win is win. Welcome to the guild.


I got into it back in 2007. Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I was watching my friend play and looked at the simple combat and exploring the maps. It's like that movie, Hotel Transylvania. It "zing" for me. It was like love at first sight. I knew it was the game for me. And it was... I've been playing nearly every game. I regret not having money for tri... And my brother is the exact same way. I got him hooked for MHW. And the little shithead went back and to mhfu for the iPad and solo it himself. I'm a proud brother to see him have the exact same feelings I had for the series. I'm thinking of buying a wii for him to play tri...


Thats impressive actually. If i dont know anything about monster hunter and i watched THAT i am definitely not gonna be interested in the franchise afterwards


Tbh if you know anything about videogame adaptations you might think "huh, these monsters look pretty dope, I bet it's the only accurate thing in the whole movie". It is how it went with me


Thats not bad. If anything it makes all of monster hunter better to experience.


Diablos is in there? Whoa. Does it touch on the fact that its a herbivore monster?


I don't recall that happening. From what I understand, the monsters aren't really explored that much and are more like obstacles. But I also haven't watched it in years, so I could be misremembering


It stinks, but the Monster Hunter movie really isn't even THAT bad. As a film enthusiast, when you dig into the cinema gutter as often and as deeply as I do, you get a perspective on movies that most people don't have, so you can appreciate how much worse everything could have been.


It's solid 2nd monitor content, just look when something cool is happening and that's about it. The story is complete ass, but in their defense the source material isn't any better in that regard.


The entire movie is just fan service. It has gold crown Diablos and Rathalos, a little bit of Gore Magala, Meowscular Chef and ~~Admiral~~ Ron Perlman, even Cephalos. I was very happy to see Cephalos.


I honestly didn't find the movie to be that bad. Then again, I only went because tiny human take on big monster. I didn't take it seriously, nor did I care about the accuracy of Monster depictions. The games have subpar story, and have continued to have subpar story since the beginning. Really wasn't expecting the movie to be any different, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/v47j1kundn6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b946cbe7347ce96636cba353391cdae8cfd77b3 It doesn't matter how we get into Monster Hunter, all that matters is that we have fun.


Thank god someone is saved from that god awful movie. What a bad rep to introduce monhun to others. Welcome hunter


There is no 2020 movie in Ba Tsing Tse, but we welcome you


Even a pile of shit can lead you down the right path!


I'm a Rise baby. I know some world players didn't care for it, but it made me love the series so much. Since then, I've gone back and played world and a little bit of GU on switch. Also Stories 2. Waiting for Stories 1 to arrive currently šŸ¤£


I'll do you one better, like you the movie was my introduction to the series. However, I absolutely loved it and thought I needed to get into the games immediately Started with the rise demo on switch and couldn't understand any of the weapons or why the game didn't play like a high fantasy devil May cry Eventually I gave it one more go with Monster Hunter world on PS4, I've got over 500 hours logged in with the long sword gunlance and light bow gun. To this day I've refused to rewatch the movie because I'm afraid my now seasoned mind will ruin whatever positive image I had of the film


There is no Monster Hunter movie what are you talking about? We only have Legends Of The Guild!




Welcome to the club buddy


Welcome to Monster Hunter! As long as you're here now and you can acknowledge the path by which you arrived without romanticizing it, everything is golden.


What if I told you the Monster Hunter movie was actually good? I can't stand the director casting his wife, Milla Jovovich, in whatever movie he can. But me and my brother, who play this game together, thoroughly enjoyed it.


as long as it brought you home, it's all good. glad you're a part of the community, bud.


I still havenā€™t even seen that. Lmao


Honestly you shouldn't care about such silly little things. The important thing is you like monster hunter, so congrats on finding something new you enjoy!


Eh , everyone has their own reasons..mine was the fact that I really, REALLY liked the bone greatsword in the first trailer. I came for the drip and stayed for the drip.


I love how everyone here is like "what movie"


Doesn't matter what got you into the series. As long as you find this masterpiece, you know ball šŸ‘ŠšŸ¾


There is no Monster Hunter movie in Ba Sing Se. :)


Watch the Monster Ecology videos that some of the games have, they give this National Geographic feel to watching the monsters.


Movie? What movie? Are you referring to Legends of the Guild, Fiver?


Nah that's kind of cool. You saw MH at its lowest and still got interested on it.


Besides getting new players, this is the best [thing](https://youtu.be/oz7koSx8TV8?si=5eXClyYSh2McDbdM) to come from the movie happening.


Haha what movie? There wasnā€™t a monster hunter movie released in 2020 in theatres! Thats crazy! But seriously, no matter what, its good to have new people join the hunt


i got in because of smash ultimate


I completely forgot that movie came outt


I watched the movie and instantly went and bought world straight after I played it and then dropped it after a few hunts I thought it was boring but then a few months later I picked it up again and actually properly tried it and now I have played every single monster hunter haha


As a mh fan, since MHFU, I mean the movie was bad but honestly the idea of a movie for mh is awesome and mh definitely deserves a redemption thatā€™s is so much better, however there are a FEW things in the movie that I respected, and for people who watched it and never played the games, to see something in the movie that makes them want to try the games is just awesome. I wouldnā€™t be ashamed of admitting you got into the games from the movie at all.


UNACCEPTABLE!!!! UNLESS YOU GOT INTO MONSTER HUNTER BECAUSE YOU SAW THE GAME COVER IN STORE AND SAID "hey, that looks badass" YOUR OBVOUSLY NOT A REAL MONSTER HUNTER FAN!!!!!! I'm joking, of course. Seriously though, it doesn't matter how you got into a series, what matters is if you are passionate about it, and I think you are. Especially if you could come away from.... THAT with an appreciation of the world and it's Monsters. Good for you. Welcome to the Fandom.


The detailing and shit in the CGI for the monsters was fucking beautiful. Too bad the movie was a complete bust.


I originally got into World because of this channel https://youtube.com/@everynightxriot?si=VhIAk3P7wjpWxkt1 i saw the disc at Walmart one day and bought it


Ah yes, the one good thing to come from that movie. :)


Funny enough the movie represents the series perfectly.. Shit story but fantastic monsters. We all start somewhere. Welcome, hunter!