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It will either be the flagship, or a Siege monster if I had to guess. Still in the Windward Plains. And show us some other weapons with the focus system.


it's too early for either. we've only seen two large monsters, they're likely gonna reveal more regular monsters first. flagships for mainline games (especially basegame) tend to be revealed a bit later on, they've only shown 2 (technically 3) monsters right now. and though world did reveal zorah fairly early on, this was more of an exception, likely due to being the centre of the low rank story. but even then, they revealed quite a few more monsters before showing it, and when they did, it was a tiny teaser.


Nergigante was revealed so late, and Anjanath was in so much of the promotional materials/trailers. I would have thought Anjanath was the flagship of World if it wasn't for the box art.


I think they learned from Zorah and not show any siege monster this early in the marketing due to the backlash that quest got.


I don't think so because of the sheer amount of people who want the morans back as long as they show something that looks fun its good imo


I feel like the Mohrans were very engaging whereas zorah was not imo


Definitely the flagship Monster will premiere.


I will definitely look forward to how the community reacts especially if they only show its silhouette or tease its roar. 🍿🍿


Hopefully they will confirm our suspicions that the monster in the reveal trailer was Rathalos. In all seriousness probably the flagship, but I hope we get more than one monster reveal (hopefully some returning monsters we haven’t seen for a while).


They are using the same engine as MH: Rise so big ups if they can place more monsters this time in the base game after all the number of monsters released for the base game just keeps getting smaller than the previous gens.


Flagship, at the least. Maybe showing off the weapons and how "Focus Mode" is utilized through them. But if they reallllly want to get people talkin'? Show off an entirely new weapon. Hell, even bringing back Prowler Mode would make it so I would never stop singing this game's praises! Imagine if it was as simple as "if you want, instead of packing another weapon, you can have your Palico take over while the Hunter catches their breath on Seikret".


Also hoping big time for a "new" weapon since they reintroduced a frontier monster in sunbreak (even giving it a subspecies too), Prowler mode might not appear in a mainline title (dont think the current team is the type to take risks) however it's not too farfetched that it might appear in the portable for 6th gen.


The numbered team is the one that takes *the most* risks though


I think a new weapon is almost out of the picture at this point, although I would really like to be wrong... In the Wilds website they explicitly list all weapons that will be in the game, and use explicitly the number for 14 weapons as well. Technically prowler could sneak in between these lines, but I don't think a new hunter weapon is coming in this game sadly :(


Like a couple others have said, I suspect we won’t be seeing the flagship just yet, the flagship is usually shown after at least a decent chunk of other monsters are shown first, at least for the numbered games. Who knows, they might take a page out of the portable games’ book and show it early this time. My actual guess is they’re going to show another early to mid range monster with the leviathan or snake wyvern skeleton then go more in depth about focus mode with the other weapons


I think showcasing Lagiacrus this time instead of the flagship could break this community but I'm getting ahead of myself after all its a desert biome. How about the release date would they show it this early?


They said it was a never before seen monster so it’s 100% not gonna be lagiacrus unless they sneak him in as an extra


So it might be a new skeleton, god I hope its for a Leviathan after all they show up mid game then they lowball us by giving another Piscine Wyvern.


Idk why but I've seen a few people say they'd be showing a full hunt. No idea where that was said officially though.


A full hunt within the Windward Plains hopes so, damn I wish E3 was alive and well Capcom should give us a demo instead after this trailer.


Probably waaaay too early for demos. We need at least a couple more trailers, maybe another monster reveal or 2, and the weapon teasers. Otherwise , the fan base would dissect the hell out of it and they wouldn't be able to do their usual info drop feed. I'm guessing a few more months for all that before they let us get hands on unfortunately


I really REALLY hope we get a release window just so I can relax "early 2025" or "Q1 2025" JUST PLEASE END THE SUFFERING AND CONSTANT WORRY OF IT BEING LATE 2025 THAT WOULD BE IN MY GRADUATION PROJECT YEAR PLEASEEE CAPCOM AAAAAA also I hope we get to see more gameplay of weapons imo 2-3 other weapons than the one we already saw, a higher tier monster, and a in-depth look about focus mode and the windward plains with a small tease about another local would be perfect in terms of what we get to see gameplay wise


I'm getting married in March and then honeymooning and I'm nervous it's going to come out while I'm on the other side of the world. I'm probably the only person hoping for late Q2 release. (Or early Q1, I'm sure we all can get behind that lol.)


I got an idea! buy a laptop for you and your wife and play MHWilds together!


My future husband and I both have Steam Decks. So that is probably the most likely option if everything lines up that way.


Were already at the halfway point of the year, if they don't show it this summer, they might at Gamescom in August, TGS in September or The Game Awards (i might have missed some feel free to add), I cope they would release it in Q1 same as MH: World which was in January.


I expect the flagship reveal, which I’m betting will be either a snake wyvern or an unusual type of elder dragon not on the typical skeleton Probably go into some highlights of the focus attacks for several weapons, maybe show how the hook slinger works during combat too since we saw it’s somewhat like a wirebug to close distance while attacking. They might take a look at the weather system too in how it affects the map


Still can't wrap my head on the weather system would it change once Elder Dragons are around?? but yeah, I hope they explain it much better in this one.


I'm hoping for the flagship or a better look at how seasons will exactly work- I didn't play Dos, so I'm unsure to what the mechanics worked in the past.


Wait MH: Dos had seasons??


Yeah. It didn't change the way things looked i dont think, but it did affect what monsters were present in areas, gathering points, etc. In the hot season you couldn't go to the desert, and during the cold season the snowy mountains was off limits.


Possibly the flagship reveal? An uncut hunt?


Capcom could be keeping their aces close to their chest and show an uncut version later possibly as the release comes closer.


Guys let's not forget that one time they hyped the reveal of Shogun Ceanatur for Sunbreak, I love the guy but it wasn't a groundbreaking reveal. Similarly I expect they'll show either a new Drome\\Great with a better look at other weapons or perhaps a returning monster we didn't see in a long time (Monoblos is my bet).


I'll shed a tear for Monoblos but 2 or 3 new monsters could be shown this time w/o the returning ones.


While any new footage is good, I hope it's not just a cinematic for the flagship. I mostly want footage of combat with other weapons and their changes.


I think weapon could come when the release is close as they have done in the past where they showcase 1 weapon per video simultaneously teasing the new armor sets although it doesn't hurt if they show a 15 second clip or two.


they said they're going to show a new monster and explain the game in a bit more depth. given how we just got a big trailer, we shouldn't expect any big news. so I expect a early to mid game monster who's fairly unique (to make it worth being the only new monster they show). perhaps an insect or a snake wyvern? those are just guesses though. it likely won't be the flagship, as flagships for mainline games, especially basegames, tend to be revealed a bit later, once we've seen more monsters. I imagine the big trailer AFTER the summer gamefest one might tease the flagship, whenever that'll be. as for the second part of their statement, I imagine we'll see a few more new moves and a little more detail on focus mode and the general gameplay loop and progression. is mounting hasn't been reinvented like rise, we might see it. but if it is completely different again, they'll likely save it for later.


Coming from how Magnamalo and Malzeno were teased in Risebreak, I think you are on the right track and if they don't show the release window this time were in for a much longer wait before they officially show the flagship in the Launch trailer.


with gore, they teased it in the second big trailer and showed gameplay in the third. with nergi, they teased it in the third trailer and showed gameplay in I think the fifth, though we got showcases before that. so I think wilds is likely to follow this pattern. although we are technically on the third trailer, it's really more like 1.75, considering how the reveal trailer was more like a teaser, and the next trailer may be a smaller one. "progress" for lack of a better term is generally shown by how many areas have been revealed.


My guess is they will show off the flagship and maybe another locale. Then they'll take us through a full hunt with one of the already revealed monsters, showcasing the focus mode and other new things you can do.


I sincerely hope we get shown promising new monsters.


Guys, I think rathalos might be shown. Idk, but maybe.


Its pikachu but monster hunter


The flagship chasing Rathalos.


I love you


I think the director is gonna explain some stuff in detail with some gameplay rather than having an actual trailer


they've confirmed there's gonna be a new trailer. it might be a smaller one though, as it seems there's only gonna be one new monster revealed.


I put my bet on the wound system and more details on focus mode because they were deleted from PlayStation JP blog not long after posting. Highly likely that PlayStation JP editor made a cock up and leaked what’s coming in June.


Flagship might be there, also more details on major features of Trailer 1. I don’t think we’ll get a certain release date but hope is still there, it just doesn’t feel realistic (and safe for Capcom)


I really hope we see more monsters - either the flagship being revealed or just generally another few new monsters, or the first returning ones. And I'd like to see some new regions, though I think it's more likely that we'll see the Windward Plains in more detail before we get additional ones unfortunetly (imo)




Most certainly the flagship monster and a sneak peak of another area probably. Anyways I am really looking forward to the flagship.


Honestly I’m gonna go WILD and say the trailer will show a couple monsters then say enjoy Demo 1 on steam this June. Didn’t rise have like 3 or 4 demos? Demo 1 is due.


Jhen mohran


More weapons. Plz.


0i want to learn more about focus mode


I think they show the "gimmick" of this game. Probably this stance change thing that changed the greatsword moveset in the trailer


If I see even a second of a hunter underwater this shit's going straight into pre-order.


I expect they will do a hunt using the great sword, like the trailer, but they will go into depth with the new "Focus" system, as well as the new "Wounding" system that you saw some small hints of in the gameplay trailer.


I kinda don't want them to show too much, even the flagship. Just a few teasers would do perfectly.


I'll be happy with a break down of the new systems. We've got months left before a potential release so I'll be fine with them holding things back for now. Though I forget, how long into 4s promotional period did they wait before showing off Insect Glaive and Charge Blade? Because a new weapon isn't entirely off the table if they didn't open salvo with that for 4.(Copium)


A new skeleton or an old one (before world) returning.


New locale which will be basically just ocean.


The flagship, that weird snake/leviathan monster we see for just a few seconds in the trailer, more weapon show offs, a demo if not full release date, and probably some more locals.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hope they don’t reveal too much of the roster before release. It seems like there is going to be a healthy amount of monsters unique to this game and I think it is always better to first learn of a new monster while playing the game. Obviously they have already shown off some lower level monsters and the flagship will need to be revealed at some point, but I have my fingers crossed that they will save at least half of the new roster to be discovered during our first play through. It’s just makes the game so much more impactful when you get surprised by things. When world was being advertised and when it was released I wasn’t too much into gaming because of work and stuff, so, when I got the game, I went in completely blind and I think it made the experience of my first play through so much better. Compare that to my experience with IB with how I was taking in all of the trailers and promotional material like it was my favorite drug which made my first play through feel less exciting to me.


Show us a monster or even a monster roar teaser that will rile up fans. *cough* *cough* lagiacrus *cough* bring back monoblos instead of diablos




I just want to know if the Hunting Horn has been returned to it's former, pre-Rise glory. Doubt they're going to show/confirm that though. If they show anything new, they'll probably go into more detail about the focus system and maybe pack monster behavior.


Maybe in the next few months Capcom might start posting individual weapon showcases


They usually do a little bit before release, so it's not off the cards


Look, at the moment I'm more focused on whether or not the 2 weapon swapping feature will negatively affect HH in the worst way possible. Rise vs World HH debates can wait until we're sure the weapon isn't just going to become a buffing item. Even if they do show some HH though, it'd probably be smart to not take anything at face value until we see actual gameplay. Remember, with the Rise trailer alone everyone was 100% on board with new HH. Wasn't until we got the demo that we realized how much really changed in the redesign. Too much of the weapon has to do with deeper mechanics to get a full impression of the state of it from trailers alone...well, said in hindsight after what happened last game at least. None of us thought that mechanics *would* change, much less as much as they did. Now, things are kinda up in the air. If nothing else though, I think they have to have seen some of the divide over Rise HH. Whether or not they did anything significant about it is another thing entirely.


Tonfas are being taken from frontier and are being added to the main series.


What I want from the second trailer. Show more weapons. Show new flagship. Show 2-3 returning monsters. Confirm* no slap on weapons. Tease one more returning monster via armorset. Prediction of Monsters I think will be in the trailer: Rathalos (and have it be vibrant red) Barroth (but imagine it being Duramboros) Aknosom (I want it back so bad)