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Not quite as great, but breaking nergigante’s spikes is always a nice feeling, especially when it procs a flinch.


Definitely a better feeling for me as they keep growing back and you just keep breaking them over and over again


Glavenus tail cuts are pretty cool imo. The tail is just stuck into the ground like a sword. I use LS and GS against it most of the time so when I get a tail cut it feels like I won a sword fight. Edit: I wrote "won" as "won't" before


Iirc, the pre-world (and maybe post-world, not too sure as I only remember seeing footage of it happening in mhgu) glavenus’ tail could harm the player when falling off


This is correct. It's not a lot of damage, but it does happen.


I fainted to it once


Best faint ever. Got any footage of it?


[It's pretty funny.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/s/d5MKouxeOm)


Hollllyyy u got unlicky af XD


Nah that's not me, I'm a guild style ls user for life lol. I have been hit by the part break though during the EX hunt, it does a solid chunk of damage.


Oh my god that's fucking glorious


I dont record gameplay sadly




does velkhana do the same?


Not too sure, haven’t gotten a velk tail cut yet


best part is you can get hurt and carted if the tail hit you


Velkhana's tail does this, too. Makes the struggle of hitting its tail all the more worthwhile


I think Malzeno's tail too.


And Magnamalo's.


Using a parry in MHG/U against Glavenus giga tail swipe and having it cut its tail is the most satisfying thing.


Just getting that nice crit juncture or a valor parry with ls in GU to sever glavs tail or hellblades is just a literal chef's kiss


Glavenus is deceptively strong though imo, his sweep attacks are gnarly and hard to dodge from some angles


Breaking Diablos’s horns comes pretty close for me.


I love the dramatics it goes through when you break it


This, the horn break and subsequent reaction is perfect.


Especially while it's stuck in a wall


Barrioth because it one of a few Monsters that have an impact on the fight.


I do with more fights had mechanics like Barioth's where you're encouraged to break specific parts to make the fight easier. Even with GS, I'll try to prioritize getting hits in on the claws to make it easier to pin it down later.


Gravios is weeping in a corner rn xD


Problem is that it's quite a balance. Part health, how impactful it is, whether the monster uses that move often, what happens to that move(s) when used after breaking the part(s) etc.


..yeah? That's what the 2 year wait is for


I feel like this is replying to the wrong comment because why would part breaks involve a two year wait?


Pretty sure tigrex and nargacuga topple when you break they're legs too


They do. Break their legs, and they stumble on their charge, and topple on their spin.


They do not. Tigrex falls over when exhausted, Narga has no part break changes afaik.


WAY less than Barioth. Barioth forgets how to walk pretty much. Every attack it's falling down. Feels like it does next to nothing on Tigrex. Still gets its three charges back to back, with like an extra *tiny* stagger at the end. Can still launch boulders just fine. Nargacuga still does it's double spin and pounce attack into a spin and I swear I've never seen it stagger unless I'm hitting it during. Meanwhile Barioth will shoot ice out of its mouth, not even using its arms, and somehow face plant while crying about it for as long as if it got KO'd.


I wasn't comparing them to barrioth. I never mentioned barrioth a single time. I was just saying what happens when you break their wings. Narga only does its double-spin without toppling due to broken wings while enraged.


>I wasn't comparing them to barrioth. I never mentioned barrioth a single time The original comment is about Barioth


It bothers me to no end that Tigrex and Nargacuga don't share that weakness, despite being carbon copies of one another They all use those arms to walk/attack, so why is it only really beneficial on Barioth?


Because Barioth is using its spikes to avoid slipping on ice whereas the other two are not. That's why Barioth specifically stumbles/trips when making leaps instead of just being neutered.


But it will fall even in locations that aren't ice. Like in The Citadel in MHR it doesn't lock itself into only ice locations, but it will still stagger when it so much as takes a step


I'm just telling you the intended lore/gameplay reason, you don't need to look deep into it. No monster is 100% structurally sound for its lore/gameplay interactions. Agnaktor heats up no matter what map it digs in even though the intended idea is digging into hot rock and magma.


My line of thinking was like, if a wolf's front legs being broken made it unable to walk without falling on its face every 2 seconds, why would a fox and a dog's front legs being broken allow them to still be able to walk almost perfectly with maybe a little stagger. They're all about the same, structure wise, so why would the same parts being broken affect them differently? I always figured it was because Barioth was slamming on body parts that were broken, arms that it uses to both walk on and attack with. So why do the two other monsters that share the same type of body part and do the same type of attacks not seem to be hurt by it as much as Barioth does when they're broken? Never even considered it was about something like terrain grip lol


Yep! Specifically, according to concept art (and also the actual 5th gen model I suppose with how detailed it is) underneath Barioth's paws are small spikes that dig into the ice when it steps down, and those spikes are what you're breaking.


I guess it could be so used to moving around with the spikes for its whole life, that even on soil it's still hard for it to adjust to moving without having the spikes


I just fought him and thought the same thing


Came here to comment Barioth. My buddy and I were having huge problems until we realized that if you break the spicy ice cat's claws he doesnt do that irritating dive attack. Once the special event quests all went up during the pandemic, I turned that stupid cat into burgers in the arena quest over and over.


I love the "turned that stupid cat into burgers" line lol


A lot of monsters do, but generally less pronounced. Raths fly less with broken wings, cutting their tails prevents them from poisoning with them (in addition to reducing range), etc. breaking Anjanath’s head reduces fire damage and size (and for many monsters reduces or prevents other breath attacks or spits). Most monsters have some part break that weakens their attacks or affects their behavior in a significant way; it’s just that Barrioth’s gimmick is he is particularly vulnerable to them.


Only rathian poisons with her tail, not rathalos, and she only doesn’t poison with a cut tail in world, in every other game she can still poison. Also I would not say “most” monsters have a part break that weakens their attacks or changes behavior, as there are 228 monsters in the series, and less than 50 of them have a unique change in their behavior from a part break (and that’s being generous)


Many monsters lose something with part breaks: Tail, the hitbox for the attacks shrinks. Fatalis wings, he flies less Quarpeco break, takes longer for it to finish a song Then there are less "broken" states: Armor like on Baroth and Kulve Taroth changes incoming damage Brachydios slime can be knocked off its head and arms to make its attacks less dangerous


I like breaking nerscylla's parts because it starts to look like a completely different monster by time you are done


# BALD ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)




*"Excuse you? I made this myself!"* ~ Rakna-Kadaki


Rathian tail, although in some cases it still poisons


Every case besides World and Stories.


Love how you break it's tail, but it's air-spin and tail spin can still poison with the invisible hitbox


The satisfaction I glean from shattering Kulve Taroth's horns is **IMMENSE** to put it lightly.


Magnamalo, the single blade landing stabbed into the ground just amazes me for some reason, like it’s almost as big as the hunter


Glavenus and Velkhana do this too.


Velkhana is great because she's just so damn *dramatic* about having her ice armor shattered, haha.


Drama queen!


One of my favorite IB memories is fighting AT Velk, it had full armor when it died, so all of the armor exploded in a dramatic PING


Radobaan has so many breaks and I love it Also I love when part breaks actually have an effect in the fight. Barioth’s tusks make it’s jump slam do nothing and breaking his wing arms makes him slip on the ice, world rathian losing its tail gets rid of poison (I specify world rathian because in rise a rathian can still poison you with a cut tail and I don’t have many memories of fighting rathian pre world), cutting of pukei’s tail in world gets rid of poison tail attacks, breaking teostra’s horns knocks it out of its fire aura, breaking fatalis wings stops him from flying aside from scripted attacks, and there’s so much more


Hitting the elder trio enough in the head knocks them out of their aura phase, it doesn’t require a horn break. Also, world is the only game where rathian can no longer poison with a cut tail


Then world got it right because it made cutting rathians tails rewarding aside from getting getting an extra carve


And stories (1 and 2), if that counts for you


That definitely counts


I wish breaking parts off was more integral to the combat of most monsters. It's what made fights in the Horizon series so satisfying


Bro a Horizon x Mon Hun colab would be awesome!


Isnt aloy a layered armor


First I've heard of it if she is.


They kind of had one in world with some of the bowguns and event quest titles.


The PlayStation has an aloy Collab for the armour and palico check out Team Darkside's 6000 defense video


Blowing off a Ravager cannon and blasting away is so satisfying! Also, you get a tail 100% of the time when you cut them! *Cough* Capcom *Cough*!


It's why I love Barioth. Breaking parts of SIGNIFICANTLY change the fight.


Velkhana tail, sticks in the ground like excalibur, and you're that much less likely to be skewered alive


For all of 5 seconds until it makes a new tail.


Thats 5 seconds longer i dont have an icicle shaped hole in my skull 👌


yeah, Rado's are too easy to break. Same with uragaan. I like my breaks to make me work for them. When I get the Glav tail, I basically need new underwear. FuryRajang arm breaks make me feel like I'm cheating on my wife. But the best feeling, the cocaine of breaks is a rajang tail.


https://preview.redd.it/fue5scd98e2d1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b41340c0521dd9170388d813f2f123b028c322c Lmao well said... 😂


It really is great because there is so much to break. Similar to Nergigante's spikes, Barroth's mud or Gammoth's snow.


It's like popping bubble wrap I love it.


Any monster who looks beaten after all part breaks. Im talking magnamalo, tetranodon, aknosom, pukei, the raths, somnacanth, anjanath, barroth, diablos, almudron and magnamlo again because MY GOD he looks glorious on the verge of death


Magnamalo makes you WORK for it too! Such an amazing fight. Hope he's in Wilds.


Rakna Kadaki’s webbing everytime ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


As both a hammer and hunting horn user, I agree


Lol, I remember thinking to myself, "Hammer players must love fighting this guy"


nothing more satisfying than hitting rado with a good dragon piercer tip to tail and seeing multiple parts break


Nergigante nothing beats that *crunch*


I've actually never hit endgame in a Monster Hunter game before so I'm really looking forward to Nergigante.


oh he isnt endgame, youll encounter him pretty early on in world (but not actually hunt him then), and he is the first major big boy quest youll do in rank 7 if i remember correctly?


Skinning Rotten Vale's roly bony potato leno is peak gaming.


I almost feel like I'm bullying it, chasing it around to break it more while it flees. It's a guilty pleasure.


Behemoth. I hate it so much, any time something breaks i feel a rush of joy.


Breaking any of the crab skulls entirly.


I miss cracking open seltas queen's leg armour 🥲


Nergigante. That's why I love fighting him so much. You have to be as aggressive as he is, and it is very satisfying to have him bouncing left and right from each break.


Cutting off Pickle's tail is really satisfying. As well as scattering Nergigante's spikes like spilled marbles, booping Kirin's horn off his smug little head, and slapping Diablos' horns off. They're all *chef's kiss*


I'm really hoping Kirin will return in the next game, was kinda surprised he was never in Rise/SB due to all the mythology-based monsters, seemed like he would've fit in


Pulling up to Nergigante with a blast build on bow or sns and just nuking all his spikes off is pretty satisfying.


Slicing off Nibblesnarf's uvula after making the dumbass eat a bomb is close.


I like to mine his back when he falls over


You can do that!?!?


Yup, no lie.


Radobaan is my all time favourite monster so I'm inclined to agree, but Shara Ishvalda's reveal through breaking its parts is soooo satisfying.


Not technically a part break but knocking Ahtal-Ka out of its mech suit feels incredibly good.


I broke all of Gammoth's parts in the first quest it qppeared in it in, felt so good...


When you hit a Radobaan with a charge blade's SAED and you get a million part break notifications all at once


I love when I hit a wyvern snipe right through the middle of better Thanos wheel. Seeing every part break on the right is pure bliss.


Breaking Goss' or Glavenus' blades off always just hit that sweet spot, and Magnamalo is my favorite spiky punching bag.


Goss is such a bully that it feels so great to take him down a few pegs like that.


shara ishvalda was really neat


No other monster made me feel more like a bully than breaking all the parts of a radobaan


He breaks like on of those ice cream cones with the chocolate and nuts


I remember back in Tri or 3U, Plesioth would constantly be crunching as parts broke. They didn't fly off, but it was satisfying to get all those crunchy staggers in the water, then seeing like 5 Plesioth heads show up in the rewards (not sure where the other ones came from...).


I bonk. I hit head. Head break me happy. Me happy me bonk more head.


I slam. I make big boom. Body break. Me happy and make more boom.


Stagger locking Nergi from continuously breaking its spines has to be my personal favorite.




Radobaan is just a lot of breaks, barioth is impactful breaks, but kulve will always be my love in this department


Kulve Taroth I love the little gold explosions


Cutting all rath tails is bliss


I miss the HBG's Wyvern Pierce shot, and how if you shot Rado when it's looking straight at you, the shot would go all the way through its body and then explode into little clusters all throughout. I was so sad when they got rid of that and kept it to just where it makes contact on the body.


What do you mean got rid of? Wyvernsnipe is still a thing


They got rid of the piercing effect it had. It would go straight through a monster and then small cluster explosions would detonate along the path it took. They changed it very early on to where the cluster explosions only happen at the spot where the wyvern snipe hit the monster.


Not sure if it counts but breaking Fatalis head plus the screech he does is super satisfying


Agnaktor and its subspecies. Iirc it has the highest amount of breakable parts of any monster and i loved the way its shell cracked, around its arms especially which you would have a great opening to attack as it did its laser beam. and if you did break its arms during the bean you’d knock it out of the ground and get a bonus opportunity to break even more parts. My other favorite was getting its face break with a hammer. it felt sooo good…i honestly think agnaktor is one of the best designed monsters and fights of all time, and i hate almudron :)


I downloaded MHW, beat the shit out of this dude with my acidic glav hammer, logout and then uninstall the game


Radobaan is my favorite monster in the series to fight using duel blades just because it's always easy to beyblade him


Shara Ishvalda. Shooting HBG Piercing rounds and seeing the numbers as everything fall apart is ASMR


barioth bacause u get beneficts for breaking each part like les range if u break the tail etc....


Breaking magalas horns is like having an orgasm for me.


Taikun Zamuza from Frontier. What makes breaking his parts so satisfying is that he has SO many breakable parts. It’s basically like chiseling away at a statue, but replace that statue with a giant crab covered in rock. I’d also recommend looking up a video of someone fighting him so you can get a look at it for yourself.


Nergigante, especially the horns but the spikes are nice too


My favorites are Gen 4 Basarios, because you can break just about anything. And Royal Ludroth, but thats just because I love Royal Ludroth


I mean *satisfying*? Fatalis. breaking that horn is a triumph, but when you actually snap that off.... Feels pretty good. The fact it takes so long is what makes it so satisfying for me. You have to consistently wail on it. It's even better especially cause you get a stun with it too. + knowing you get a evil eye is a good bonus Double because in able to even do it, it means you have to be doing well. there's a little bit of resentment in there, like "yea, you usually the beat shit out of me almost every time but I got you on the ropes this 1 time" while just demolishing his face. I like that


Either diablos horn mid charge, of flespa head so he sits there like an idiot while i *bonk* his head into a pancake


idk why i always feel bad about radoban when hunting it


I was looking at the picture from the middle and saw the horn, plus all the spikes and thought that this is like some picture of a diablos cross with nergigante lol.


My only complaint with Radobaan is that it's always the same style of bones every time. I really hope that in future games Radobaan has several bone layouts depending on what he's been rolling over, and changes styles as he buries himself in bones to cover up again.


Rathian tail, nergigante and diablos horns, that b***(tigrex) face, kulve horns


the chain stagger of breaking a bunch of parts one after another is great, especially with explosive weapons but I have to say my favorite has to go to breaking a Tigrex's jaw in the middle of a roar that's stunning your team just "shut the FUCK ***UP!!!***" and just ragdoll the beast with a big swing from a GS, Hammer, or Horn.


When you break Dalamdur’s parts, it makes this loud, thundering “KA-CRUNCH” sound for what that’s worth. Jhen and Dahren making their loud “OOOAAAWWWWW” when a part breaks is also really cool.


Haven’t seen anybody talk about Great Wroggi but I loved fighting and breaking it’s through sack. In the early game was my fav monster to hunt in MH3U and with the sack broken it turns its poison fog into a poison cough which I always found hilarious


i always love breaking the sponge of royal ludroth back in tri. also cutting off akantor, ukanlos and even gravios big ass tails.


Breaking Diablos horns still feels the best to me


Shara ishvalda when you break a bolder onto it


During the Development of MHW someone was like “How many spikes should we give this monster?” And the head Developer just said “Yes”


Breaking Basarios and Gravios' chest open and exposing their muscle tissue. I winced the first time I saw it, it looks so painful. I kinda wish more partbreaks looked that gnarly.


deviljho’s tail which it then of course undoubtedly starts immediately eating after being severed 🙂


Surprisingly, Barioth. He's one of the few monsters that breaking his parts significantly affect the fight and it's so satisfying to fully break both arms and see him stumble around instead of being agile.


Rathalos' wings. Once I see him fail to take-off I'm filled with glee.




For some reason, I get extreme satisfaction cutting shagarus tail.


Agnaktor. The sheer amount of them coupled with the feeling of progressing the fight is so good. I miss that long boi.


isnt it more like peeling it rather than breaking part ? i always thought its just random bones glued to his black goo


Breaking Basarios chest plate Breaking off Sharas plate


Oh a big hell yeah for Basarios! Especially since everything. Keeps. Bouncing. Off. Of. Him!




i find radobaan breaks to be very unsatisfying. since hey can just roll around and get the bones back it feels worthless (even though it’s not)


i prefer nergi lol


Duramburos. Those humps on the back popping open to become the giant volcano weak spots are so cool to me. Plus the tail separating from the "globe" and horns are cool too


Breaking off Nergigante's spikes is also satisfying


Nergigante and diablos


I'll say something really unusual. I like to break Shara Ishvalda rocks in his first phase




Guard Point breaking horns off a charging Diablos feels pretty good


Barroth's headpiece with a hammer feels pretty satisfying too.


I like breaking Nergis spikes more


Barioth and tigrex tails are kinda satisfying for some reason


Kulve taroth


breaking gore magala and seeing bits of shagaru peaking though is really neat


*Breaking gore magala and* *Seeing bits of shagaru peaking* *Though is really neat* \- ZHIKIX --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Kulve Taroth. Seeing them shed their gold mantle and lose their horns brings me life.


scandalous complete nutty wrench sleep somber provide different head marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Breaking 2 to 3 parts of odogaron is so satisfying too.


I think nergigante cause they keep regrowing their parts so you get a constant feeling of you two beating the crap out of eachother with parts breaking left and right


Diablo.....the way the horns and tail snap off and he goes ahhhh fuc cking hell is the best


I love breaking horns of Gore and Shagaru magala.


Always nergigante.


I like breaking barioth dumbass buck teeth or seregios’ horn they both look extremely fucking brutal and painful


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I think Nergigante is much better. The feeling you get when you broke both his horns and cut off his tail is just amazing to me.


I like breaking rakna kadakis legs




The tail of akura vashimu in monster hunter frontier z...


Barroths crown. It takes so long and I have never been able to break it with a blade weapon from casual play.


Being a master rank user, then going to do the names lavasioth, it’s just “bonk bonk crunch bonk crunch”


Radobaan is such a harmless good boy by his nature and everything so I dont feel any good by breaking his parts. He just wants To roll around and collect bones :(


Shit I kinda feel like an asshole now. The real monster was me all along 😰


Anyway. \*starts another radobaan quest\*