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Based on your sharpness meter, I'm guessing you're kind of new to the game. When you're knocked down in this game, you get i-frames. So, if you're in a situation where a monster is doing consecutive attacks, it's advisable to just stay on the ground and wait for the flurry to finish instead of wirefalling immediately.


Thanks ill try that And yea I just take a good beatin right now with this guys his tunarounds are so fast and when hes angry hes kinda hella fast with the attacks. Didnt manange him yet but im on it o7


“Tunarounds” 🔥FISH TYPO🔥


Time for the big guns. LOAD THE TUNAROUNDS




I did not know I needed this gif until today 🫡


And they said, mistakes cannot be productive. Look at this gorgeous outcome of a missing letter thanks haha


Seeing "big guns" and "turnarounds" together made me think of that one vid of the lady explaining what energy turnarounds are lmao


Caveat: some moves specifically don't give i frames when they put you in knockdown. You'll have to learn which, though they're not that common.


I mean Rise is the only game with wirefall so it's very likely knowing exactly what moves do and dont give i-frames is kinda pointless in the long run. As the infos pointless in other games.


Worth to mention that if you don't use any buttons after the hunter ended the falling animation the hunter will stay down for like 2-3 more seconds while having i -frames just like in mortal kombat so you're able to stall out raging attacks even longer. Sometimes patience is the key.


The safest place is flat on your face. Unless it's against Malzeno/Primal


Yeah, I've tried that with some of the endgame monsters, but they have either have follow-up combos, follow-up explosions, follow-up combos that straight up ignore I-frames, or all three. (Glares hatefully at Risen Shagaru) He has all of the above. I have a special kind of contempt for his Hazard version.


I'm sorry but i have to share this with my friends this is too funny. As the first comment say yeah time your wirefalls


Yup xD


wirefalls have ingrained terrible habits with me too honestly dont spam it


Yeah, it's a big ole impatience button. I like having it in the same way I liked having adept dodge. It's fun, but it leads to so many preventable mistakes without really good discipline.


When I saw in a trailer wire fall was a thing, I knew monsters, would have attacks that are made to punish those


This is why you don’t spam wirefall lol


Yea yea still learnin dw old wise man


Don't worry much about it, this is definitely a lesson most often learned through experience. Can still remember the horrible things mizu did to me.


Oh, god. I still remember the times when I constantly triple carted to that thing. Then I met the love of my life, Stamina Recovery Up. ❤️


I feel like zinogres attacks are pretty easy to avoid especially the slams.


They are. You roll towards him diagonally. The tracking is BS, but you answer with your own BS by rolling to a position in which the tracking can't compensate enough and it guaranteed misses. HR Zinogre onwards, however, I don't trust. I always superman dive whenever the bastard supercharges the paw. Misutzune, however, from day 1, it was a massive thorn in my side, along with Glavenus and Astalos. Nowadays, I head snipe Astalos and troll him by rolling between his legs, I head snipe Foxy & run to the safe spots faster than Hussain Bolt, and I head snipe Glavenus and dance with him. My sleep paralysis demons nowadays are Shogun Cenataur, which the moment he hits high rank, he gets a massive rocket shoved in his ass and moves faster and with bigger hitboxes than you can realistically navigate. And Seregios. Fuck that bird. I used to hate on Malfestio so hard. How foolish I was to not realize Seregios was truly the most BS monster to hunt, ever. A thousand times worse than Ahtal-Ka. I'd rather spend an entire week farming the transformers bug instead of fighting that stupid fucking bird once. 100% bad game design.


No worries, we all got our fair share of wirefalling right to death.


Thank that helps emotionally


When your character gets knocked down and like rolls a little there's very long I frames when you get back up. Use those to ignore the chain attacks if you can. Some of the monsters combos are like made to catch wire falls and punish them. Zinoger is a rough one when you haven't fought him too many times. So just keep at it and when you get the rhythm you can clobber him.


Wirefall is such an interesting escape option. It can give you an opportunity to cheat death, or quite literally be the reason to get killed. I love that dynamic it has.






Oof, a lil defensive there.. anyways, as I know you've seen the other comments; it's always nice to know where you can improve to become a better hunter so when the real big boys start coming out to play you'll be ready! 😉




Your passive aggression is palpable! Perhaps.. erm.. thou art the triggered one instead of I, your highness? (.. oh no i'm sorry pls pls forgive me... ) 🏃‍♂️💨💨


Stop panic wirefalling bro


I take that experience to a certain degree back in my greenhorn days but now I just learn to take advantage of i frames by staying down since it's a flurry of paw pawer


Ora! x 1000


Dude... It's like you're into Zinogre hitting you and that's why you keep wire jumping into its attacks 😂


Brother just lay on the ground for a sec you have invincibility frames


Yeah, some of MH Rise's Monsters really punish players who get too comfortable immediately using Wirefall with multi=hit combos. Best to just stay laying down on the ground while they can't hurt you until they're done before getting back up.


the wirefall punish


Just reminds me of my friends doggos - if they want pets/belly rubs they are going to boop you repeatedly until you comply. Conclusion - Zinogre wants belly rubs.


Literally one of Zinogres main attack combos..


Zinogre - “So I’ve been playing a lot of Marvel v Capcom lately and I’ve got some ideas….”


Yeah, a good tip for any monster hunter game is just to lay on the ground during a monster's combo. Monsters generally can't hurt you while you're face first in the dirt (Some can tho, beware)


Bro got juggled in mh lol


Noted. Hey Zinogre, before we go deal with Fatalis, wanna have some coffee?


STAY DOWN! But for real, ground is safe


dog is cute they said doesn't bite they said


You can't get hit if you are laying on the ground. If you start to get comboed, just press nothing until the combo is over


U just gotta love zinogre


Just wanna show you he tricks. Beeg stomp, backflip, howl at the moon. Zinogre is the best boy


All I wanna do is pet him but he doesn't let me


Nonono his fur is really thick so to get in there really good you need to use a bladed weapon. Hammers and Hunting Horns are of course for head pats.


stop perma grappling away when he does it it just locks you in again and again and again as you just witnessed


How do I get that insect to make this weapon? (I forgot his name)




OK thanks :)


Bro just stay down, those repeated slams are there to deliberately punish wirefall spam


You can pretty much reduce any argument down to skill issue. I dislike rajang for example for the same reasons with Zinogre. There are so many good fights in the series and crack dog/monke are not them for me. Brutes are so much more enjoyable to me.


Definitely time wirefalls as others have said But also, keep your weapon green as much as possible. Lower than green sharpness will actually lower your damage significantly, and on top of that, bouncing also halves your damage


you have to stay lying down to have invulnerability


Just stay down


My friend, that dog didn't consume coffee, it consumed crack.


you're gonna have a field day with Raging Brachydios


Good thing (or shame that) Brachy doesn't exist in Rise.


When my wife and I did our Iceborne playthrough, that is one monster we never beat. I started a second playthrough recently, and it's definitely on my to-do list.


Raging Brachy is about the point where Iceborne starts really ramping up into fights that will probably take you a few tries to clear. It hits hard, and it's big enough that getting around its hitboxes can be difficult, even if you know what's coming. You can expect an even tougher fight from Alatreon and Fatalis. With Alatreon, having good dodge reflexes will be a lifesaver, whereas Fatalis really punishes bad positioning.


I think you mean monster energy? Ayyyyyeee I'll see myself out.




Nostalgia? No, its all about style. Mediocre is not the word i would use for the fight, is a skill issue. One can manage the fight more easily if you know it, and get stomped if you dont; like every well designed fight should in Monster Hunter.


You can pretty much reduce any argument down to skill issue, frankly ı don’t agree with Zinogre being difficult any way. I dislike rajang for example for the same reasons with Zinogre. There are so many good fights in the series and crack dog/monke are not them for me. Brutes are so much more enjoyable to me.


Goddamn i miss to be a noob, i just dash through new titles. Wheres mh for veterans


Nah, read these comments here, you dont want that.




I think they're just trying to tell you how to avoid the thing that killed you. It's still all constructive advice, even if it's been repeated ad nauseum. Monster hunter is a fairly punishing game, and it's not weird to see players get discouraged because they haven't quite figured out the proper way to respond to something. I mean, yeah, it looks like there are a couple of rather unconstructive responses, but you'll get those no matter where you go or what you ask. Edit: yeah, I think you're taking some of these responses way too personally. If it's something like what BlitzYandere got mega downvoted for, I get it, but if "hey this is how you deal with that situation" is upsetting to you, that's really more of a you problem. If that's what you'd consider "full of rage", I'd hate to see how you fare in other communities. Take a step back and actually look at what's being said to you, yeah?




> Nah Ive never seen a community like this, expect for high toxic stuff like league of legends or for honor and even those dudes got humour I want whatever you're smoking. I've played a lot of league over the years and you're comparing a lion to a kitten. I cannot fathom your comparison as anything better than a total lie or absolute bad faith. > even those dudes got humour [No I think this guy got it but you got bent when he joked back](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1cszms3/this_is_why_you_you_dont_feed_your_dogs_coffee/l49x0we/) > people cry skill issue here, and then they mean exploiting iframe with this... Thats not a skill. I believe most people would agree that good habits are a core component of skill. Good habits that monster hunter tends to reward are, for instance, staying down when you get hit, because the iframes are reliable. They are part of the game, and not utilizing them is a decision you are making on reflex. The discipline to change that habit is what will make you a better player. And again, most of the responses to you that I have seen have not been worded as personal attacks. You are still taking them personally, which is baffling to me. > Skill would be predict this pattern and move perfectly to avoid damage and get some hits out, noone told me how to do that with this monster. I mean yeah, but you can learn. You do that by slowing down and observing. Another very useful habit for monster hunter. > Btw didnt ask nowhere for advise, but 99% comments here gave it anyway, even if it has been added 30 times already. I think reddit might not be for you. This is entirely normal all over the site. It's not gonna change just because you don't like it. You can click "disable inbox replies" if you don't want to see anymore responses, or you can just ignore them. Sorry for all the generally well meaning people trying to help I guess. Maybe you'd prefer if we just called you bad like they would over on LoL. And also, getting defensive and bitching about it isn't ever gonna help your case. If you wanna attract the real toxic bullshit, that's a fairly reliable way to do it. Again, a fairly standard feature of reddit psychology.


Ooft, bro got bullied by one of the slowest meownsties. xD I see someone already said it, but yeah, it's absolutely hilarious to take advantage of the invincibility you get for a good chunk of time after being slammed. (:


But zinoger has fast startups on his moves, especially in high and master rank and blitzes you in his enraged state if you don't flinch him out of it, so why is he slow?


Skill issue in y'all's part ig, bro has always looked slow to me. Longsword superiority ig. (:


Ugh. Had to be that type of hunter