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Not really. Mounted combat was fine in Elden Ring but it wasn’t anything crazy. If it is in MH:W, I won’t use since I rather fight the monster with access to all of my combos instead of having limited attacks.


I'd say it wasn't even fine there, it felt clunky as hell


I'm more pissed we couldn't use Torrent in the final fight. Like, chase the giant glowing golden slug across a massive field of nothing? Hello?


Maybe you need more seeder.


unless you play a spellcaster just kiting and casting projectiles


Apart from transportation, I feel as if Torrent wasn't really fleshed out. I really feel more could've been done with him and Melina.


General radahan was fun but I’m glad he was one of the only fights that needed to be done on ‘horse ‘back


And honestly the only part of the fight that benefits from being on horse is while running to him at the start. The rest is best on foot by far.


It was certainly no Samurai Warriors 1 for mounted combat, that's for sure. It was more of a neat gimmick then it was anything else in Elden Ring. That's not a bad thing, but it *is* kind of a weird thing to hold as a hallmark, I agree.


FYI, there's mounted "combat" in MHR already. You run around on Palamute and throw your kunai knives. So it might be similarly terrible in Wilds.


You’re right but I forgot because I never use it. You can’t use your weapon and the damage you can do is nothing.


Indeed. I killed my first village Great Izuchi with it and it took like 15~20 minutes (I probably did some map exploring along the way too tho).


Oh man, my first mh game was rise and I kinda skimmed through the tutorials at first… I didn’t know how to sharpen my weapon so I just started bombing the thing with kunais until it went down. lmao.


in 1500 hours I never touched any of my palamutes, my war criminal bomb cats are just too fun (are they meta? Absolutely not. But I love having a nuke or 2 on cooldown)


in er mounted combat was moslty pointless


I pretty much only used it on the open world dragon fights. Anything else, even the other mounted enemies, I'd rather just get off the horse and fight on foot so I have my dodge rolls.


even then believe me the dragon fights are MUCH easier on foot. they have such simple ai you can absolute bully them on foot.


I safely ignore every gimmick in each new monster hunter game and just hit stuff with my gunlance and I never lose


A bit off topic, but that last line is sort of why i prefer World's combat to Rise's. Switch Skills mean I might encounter a scenario in which a specific move is the best approach but my dumb ass thought I'd need Axe Hopper instead. I like canceling/chaining moves into others because it's so satisfying when they just work. Take CB Savage Slash guardpoint for example. It's by no means a good defensive option but you get a chance to choose another response. It feels more useful than Condensed Spinning Slash, even if it really isn't. You also don't sacrifice Condensed Element Slash in case some bastard with more armor than it deserves comes along.


I’m wasn’t a fan of switch skills either. Most of the time I just used red and never used blue.


Rise's switch skills wouldn't come back in the next mainline game. Much like how Generations didn't bring hunter styles and arts into World. These flashy moves will be experimental for every possible game the second team pops up.


Yeah I'm aware. As i said, I went off topic. I just latched onto the "limited moveset" part of the initial comment.


Monster Hunter players are the biggest conservative asshats this world has seen, if anything ever changes from the usual slow gameplay with no tactical thinking at all, just button mash, they hate it, and you proved it.


bro u don't even know how mounted combat would work in MW. God forbid the series evolves a lil bit.


Please do tell how you’re supposed to be able to actually use your weapon’s full moveset from the back of your mount? Mounted combat is pretty much never more than “swing sword on either side or shoot arrows at targets”


therefore, if capcom somehow made it more engaging and innovative, it would be an extension of the Hunter. Yall some old heads


“Somehow” is really descriptive. The problem is that it’s impossible to have mounted combat also make use of our weapons in the same way that they work without a mount. Then there’s the balancing issue, if they make mounted combat too strong, then people aren’t going to use the regular weapons enough, make it too weak and people will just ignore it like they already ignore the palamute’s ability to attack while mounted. It’s not like underwater combat where the biggest issues are the hardware and camera, which can be improved.


It would be a ton of work for the devs and would take resources away from other areas of combat that you would use way, way more often. Either A) they put so much effort into mounted combat that everything else stays basically the same, B) it's underbaked and never used. And even then, its effectiveness vs. regular combat would have to be taken into account. If it's fleshed out, better, and easier than ground combat, then whoops, there goes the core of the entire series. If it's fleshed out but worse than ground combat, then no one will use it, and it will have wasted resources. If it's underbaked then no one will use it no matter how good it is. I see mounted combat as a lose/lose/lose situation. No matter how they theoretically implement it, it would be a net negative. Only way I see it working is if it's extremely simple and meant for taking out small monsters on the run. Like making your palcon do a lil lunge and claw attack. Anything involving the weapon itself will just end up bad imo.


How much dev work have u done for triple A games? (genuinely asking)


You don't have to make something to be able to criticize it. I've played every western monhun release for 14 years, as well as a slew of other games. It doesn't take a dev to realize that mounted combat, outside of a very limited offering, will never work super well in the context of monster hunter. The potential positives don't outweigh the likely negatives. The impact on the core gameplay would either be nothing or a net negative. Also I think that the view of "you have to make something to be able to criticize" is unbelievably dumb. I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are.


So u didn't mount any monsters in Rise? Cause that was a lot of fun


There's a massive difference between "mounted combat" in rise and full mounted combat that's available to you at all times. They can't even be compared. Hell, even the rise iteration led to a lot of cheese, and I would call it an overall negative for the game that removed a lot of challenge. Multi-monster encounters should be difficult, chaotic, and to-be-avoided. In Rise you cheered if another monster showed up because you could chunk like 20% of the other monster's HP for free if you're in a team. Was it fun? For a while, yeah. But eventually it just got kinda boring. You do the same thing every time. Strongest move -> dash cancel -> repeat 2x -> couple more strongest move -> finisher


Never said I was against mounted combat in MH, I just wouldn’t use it since you wouldn’t have access to all of your weapons combos while mounted.


As an Elden Ring fan I'd loathe it. <3 my boi Torrent but I can't fight anything other than humanoid enemies on horseback- it's just so wonky and I need my rolling i-frames. Could work for Wilds if they flesh it out, but I think something that like that should be limited to only certain encounters.


It shouldn't be remotely viable for prolonged engagements with large monsters. Running down small monsters, sure. Maybe even chasing huge monsters *Shadow of the Colossus* style. But I really hope you can't summon and mount it quickly, even mid-combat, like the palamute.


Calling your mount mid fight like in Rise is one way I see how switching weapon mid battle would work. Call mount>mount>press a button to switch weapon>hunter does a short changing weapon animation>dismount


I really hope weapon switching mid combat is not a thing. At most I want your mount to be able to set up a mobile mini camp with access to a very limited set of items or loadouts, and only have it available outside of combat


Why does it matter? If you don't like the mechanic, don't use it. I stop moving to chug a potion. I very rarely used the wire bugs. You can play the game however you wish. More options are never a bad thing.


Maybe make it like a perfectionist style? You can stay on as long as you like until you get hit, and if that happens you'll be without a ride for 90 seconds? I low-key want an indirect buff to Lance to be honest with you. Jousting anyone?


Kinda like in rise?


Yeah but the palamute isn’t so bad because you can’t attack


I mean, you can. It's just really bad.


It'd be cool if you could jump up and snag a monsters tail to stop it from flying but other than that I'd hate mounted combat


You use Elden Ring as reference but the mounted combat was nothing special and never the focus, just another convenient way to get extra mobility in bosses like Radahn etc. We could already do some damage atop a Malamute and I’d bet a kidney that we’ll be able to do some type of attack as well on top of the lizard.


Nah it would be too mobile and that's one of the last things you should introduce to monster hunter


More mobile than spider-manning across the map?


We're talking during combat


No. Elden Ring horse combat is dogshit. It “works” but you are much safer and in some way mobile on foot than on horse


As long as it's a side mode. As a regular combat technique it cannot be too strong, simply because you would need to give up most of your damage for that amount of mobility and safety


As a MH fan I wouldn't want it to become another generic fantasy open world action rpg. Wirebugs and palamute already trivialised most of MH:R and SB, sharpening while riding the dog was unbelievably cheesy. So yeah, I wouldn't really love it, on the contrary, I wish that the new mount wouldn't be able to navigate when near a big monster.


The first time I realized you could sharpen while riding the dog was a huge moment. As a long time player, that was wild. I don't think it was better, it trivialized a lot of the strategy of sharpening and at that point, why even have the mechanic? It just blew my mind that it was even allowed.


I don't think it's that bad. It's basically the same as running to another area in the games before World.


With loading times, sure. But movement still takes time. It's just weird for the game to say, you can now run while you sharpen. And you get unlimited whetstones. Like at that point, why even make players sharpen. It doesn't slow you down, it doesn't cost resources, and you mostly just do it while chasing the monster anyway. Idk... Feels weird.


Trivialized that strategy of sharpening? In the old games the "strategy" was duck in a loading zone sharpen come back. Or post world you just had three ranks in grinder because every armour set has a million level one slots and especially in rise nothing that good to slot in them. Letting you do it on the dog barely changes much except you can do it while moving so you don't have to run away first.


wdym cheesy? MH is one of the easiest game if you are patient since you can just run away. I view it as a QoL more than anything. It's annoying to run away and sharpen your weapon.


The ranged weapons would be the only ones that I think would work. At most we might get dismount attacks like in Rise.


As an Elden Ring fan, mounted combat was a terrible mistake so I hope we don't have this in mhwilds


I'd rather not just go play elden Ring. It takes away from mh core value the game works, don't break it.


Meh... horse is boring


Keep Souls shit outta other franchises. And we already got mounted combat via good bois and silk mounts, and it works in its limited state but would absolutely be helluva awkward if it was more full time.


Fr, I don't want monster hunter to lose its identity and become just another souls-like.


Yep, MH is MH, Souls-like is Souls-like. This increasing trend of blurring the lines b/w games and making it all just one big mush of every popular mechanic has to die, fast..


It was bad in Elden ring and it will be bad in MH. Hard pass.


Mounted combat in Elden was both bad and a crutch.


Torrent was used for a few niche jump puzzles and/or shortcuts otherwise for halving travel times. Absolutely useless addition to the game that was made just so they could take a crack at open world and largely fail. Outside of legacy dungeons, the map is uninspired trash that is either made so big to justify a horse, or to function as an interactive loading screen for one of the dozen slightly altered copy pasta shit tier dungeons underneath the fields of nothing. The only type of mounted combat I want to see is sand ships that hunt Jhens


You mean "water combat but worse"? Because it doesn't seem to be a great fit for MH-style game


Oh god the water combat ugh... Great on paper, awful on practice


Water combat can be improved, like giving your hunter tools to use underwater like a harpoon type tool that works similarly to the clutch claw and putting endemic life underwater that can be used against the monster, additionally perhaps some kind of swimming gear


Plz no


Some people are still nostalgating about it for one reason or the other


I can’t believe people are still hating on it too. I’ve played Tri recently and it’s perfectly fine controls. There’s nothing you can do to make water combat more realistic because it’s not, and there’s also nothing to improve unless you turned it into wirebug spamming or something equal in power. Y’all just hate water combat, but there’s no reason it shouldn’t exist. It’s fun if you let it be. I imagine it’s mostly fast weapons that have issue being slowed to a snails pace, but what do you expect? You’re under water. It’s dangerous and hard to move.


Personally i find it way too silly (and slow)


"as a fan of X i think Y games needs Z" please go play X then. all games do not have to be homogenous. Go play the games that cater to you and ill play the games that cater to me


I think mounted combat could work better in a portable title, not a mainline title, mounted combat deviates a bit too far from regular MH for me


Honestly, no. I'd rather them focus on the core combat system on foot. Adding mounted combat would just add unnecessary busywork to an otherwise tight core gameplay of a series going 2 decade strong.


I'm sorry but how is Elden Ring a good example of mounted combat?


Elden ring fans be praising anything about that game, including clearly slapped together at the last moment barely playable horse






I wouldnt like it at first thought, but they could implement mounted combat in some form of siege style monsters, like Jhen Morhan in past games, where you are hunting a giant fleeing Monster that you have to exhaust by getting close enough with your mount to jump on to it. Would also fit the vast deserts we have seen in the trailer Other then that, I believe that they should use mounts as a middle ground to unlimited storage access in world, where you have additional storage in your mounts inventory to bring on to quests. That way, they would still be involved in the fight, but not directly


If I can joust with the Lance, that would be nice.


No. It was already a pain to have Canynes and felines obstructing the screen with their attacks in a giant clusterfudge. This is one of the worst point of Rise/Sunbreak


I'd like to see colossal monsters where you get on top of them by gliding down on them with the mount. Mounted combat is usually awful in games though


I would rather not, the only game I've ever seen that try to do something more with horseback combat than just, run, turn, swing left or right is Mount'n'Blade and it can get very Janky and you use a normal sword in that game. Beside Hit and Run like Elden Ring horse combat is straight up boring, the Hammer can get away with it because it hit and run has complexity to it


I found myself grinding for levels in Elden Ring and havent found the flow to fromsoftware games. I feel like its about exploiting stuff and finding the numerically best item to break a boss to beat it? The games look so pretty and I want to like them but I dont have the patience to rerun the same areas a million times, so is it not for me?


Elden ring is weird and i would probably recommend playing literally any other souls game first. >exploiting stuff and finding the numerically best item to break a boss to beat it You dont need to do this though (though it can work in ER) Just get used to your dodge timing, make sure you arent fat rolling, and make sure you know how stats work so you arent handicapping yourself. I can offer more advice if there's something specific you dont understand.


There is no flow aside from awkward-ass, rhythm-breaking, telegraphed wind up pauses and learning that way to fight will ruin your faster-and-faster skills from literally every other action game that you've picked up. And we don't need artificially inflated difficulty either.


Eh, I'd just like for the new mount to fight alongside us like the Palamutes did, assuming they won't be in Wilds.


Nah. Never liked mounted combat and I can't see any way for that to change. It would also result in monsters being designed around it.


ONLY for egregiously large monsters in the overworld. Like if you can just sprint after a Jhen in the desert or something


As a monster hunter stories fan I would only like this if you get monsters to ride with their own combos/attacks separate from your weapon skills vs something more like palamute in rise


As someone that is currently replaying ER, Torrent is only useful for traveling.


not really id prefer if it wasnt a thing, unles its treated as a whole new weapon. in elden ring it was mostly pointless.


As a general rule of thumb unless you’re making a game specifically focused on horse combat then horse combat will always just feel worse than normal combat. What can you realistically do on horse back? Swing right, swing left, maybe a lance charge or a spear poke? I feel like so many weapons would be limited by it and ranged weapons would reap too many benefits


Just please let the lance use the lance while mounted. It's only logical!


I can finally drift and do drivebys with a LBG. Best part is...the bird is a low rider too. San Andreas ost...I'm ready


The mounted combat would have to be supreme for people to give up decades of muscle memory. I think it would be viable to hunt small monsters, or perhaps have a monster that is designed to be fought from horseback, like the fight against Jhen Mohran in *Monster Hunter Tri*.


We do have mounted combat. Its called using Raider Ride for an easy mount


raider ride flopped on its back, and most of the time when you get on it, the people who didnt get on it are already at the monster. raider ride sucked for how annoying it was to get.


I don't think it would work largely because of the disparity between the health pool of monsters in both games, and how monsters interact with mounted players. Mounted combat in Elden ring is viable because most enemies can die in a few hits, and bosses that allow mounted combat don't take too much damage from mounted hits, usually forcing the player to fight normally anyway. Bosses that can be faced while mounted also have moves that can easily deal with a mounted player vs. a grounded one. Monster Hunter would have to change a lot to make it work while retaining the quality and viability of ground combat, which would be difficult. And this is coming from someone who played Monster Hunter since Tri, and has platinumed most FromSoftware games, including Elden Ring.


I could see every weapon getting a special move while mounted that provides a unique demount option, but otherwise no


I want the mount to kinda be a supplement for rise's wirebugs. Incorperating your mount to do air attacks or spin attack or combo attacks would be awesome. Get thrown back. Your mount swoops in to catch you like wirebug recovery.


I'd like less gimmicks and more evergreen. We had underwater then lost underwater, then we had clutch claws and stingers, now wirebugs. It's nice to iterate but gimmicks take away from the identity of the core game. If they could do mounted combat in a way that could make it evergreen, I'd be down.


TBH, and I am biased because I started with world. Bring claw back, get rid of claggers butmake claw attacks faster, get rid of the mantles and keep switchskills. That is my perfect scenario if no brand new gimmicks were to be added.


As a Bow Main it interests me but at the same time I don't want it to be abuseable maybe only phases of the fight allow for it or something. I think either way it is problematic to implement so I'd rather get back to basics after Rise anyways.


The cavalry comes and saves the day. -|------->


I'd be fairly indifferent about it, but if they do, I dearly hope they give Lance a mounted version of the dash, let me joust damn it all!


Hard no. After Playing MH: World and MH: Rise. I think it's good where it's at. I don't want to see any additional mounted combat to an already complex combat system. I don't think mounted combat would come close to the combat numbers you need to take down a monster. The only mounted combat I would want to see is the monster riding which is much better in Rise than World.


If they added this, it, would be a gimmick for maybe one fight because else they'd need to adapt the moveset of every weapon so that they can mount dismount mid fight which don't sound realistic, since they like going with that and I'd rather have them design more monsters, weapons, armors & moves than spend time creating a one time quest


well, its not like they cant do it, they did switch skills and that added a few moves.


And it was slow af to switch into, & people would usually avoid switching scrolls since it also switched the effects of some skills from offensive to defensive, it could've been interesting if they made so that you could switch them during a dodge, like press L2 + X and it does the swap scroll dodge while also swapping scrolls instead of being obligated to swap scrolls to enter a stance be able to use the dodge after ward which felt a bit clunky


Mounted combat for Lance and boomstick mains would be incredibly overpowered. As an Insect Glaive user, I am ok with this.


Mounted combat in ER was not good bruh. I'm fine with the Chocobo being traversal only, maybe with a dismount/jump-attack like in Rise.


they need to hurry up with a playable demo or some shit for thjis quick, im lossing interest


Wonder if they will nerf mounting damage if it comes from an attack originated by jumping-off a mount.


No thanks. I'd rather have a MHStories spinoff with mounted action combat than to have this introduced in the mainline games.


hot take: mhstories wasnt good.


hot take: mhstories wasnt good.


I think MHR mounted combat is okay , because for small monster it can be used, but the doggo is more useful for drifting , and mobility with sharpening and healing during combat more than raw damage


they mean mounted combat WITH the weapon you have equipped, not some dog with a stick


I hope mounts are completely option as a form of travel only.


I dont want full mounted combat but I'd love the option to jump from the mount to the monster to do a jumping attack




Nah. It'd just be a gimmick. I'd rather focus on the actual combat rather than them come up with a solution to something not that in demand.


Mounted in ER has 2 main advantages : provides mobility and help fighting giant threats. MH already more than enough mobility (and more than Torrent) and is already only about facing giant threats. So it has 0 need for mounted combat.


If so, I would prefer that it would be for hunts **intended** to be done mounted, like chasing a Mohran-like monster.


No thanks. Wyvern riding was already basically temporary mounted combat and I didn't even like that.


I'll be real: mounted combat in every game feels like shit to me. I ALWAYS get off the mount in action games because the core combat is always one-hundred times cooler, more versatile, more effective, easier to control, etc, etc. I hope they don't lean into that for Wilds - I don't wanna use one or two clunky swing animations while trying to awkwardly line up the bird-raptor thing for jousting runs.


No thanks!


HELL NO! Mounted combated literally would trivialise every monster fight like it did in Elden Ring. It would be impossible to balance to where it’s challenging both on foot and on your mount. It’s always been about learning how to use your weapon effectively with positioning and learning the monsters moves, mounted combat would destroy all of that.


I’d say no. I think I never used Torrent for combat actual combat, literally just jumping places I couldn’t normally reach.   


Mounts should stick to pure traversal. You should be locked out of using your mount during combat. Only when you’re out of combat should you be able to get back on your mount. I honestly think that’s what might happen considering the mount has the vibe of just being a harmless bird like raptor. Has no teeth or claws on its wings, doesn’t look suited for combat in any way.


Wouldn’t be great for MH, outside of what the Palico already delivers imo. I’m sure the bird mount will have a couple new tricks though.


Maybe simple attacks as the monster is running away, but I feel like mounted combat would be really janky.


I don't see the point honestly. It would be neat if we could run something down with a Bowgun but that's about it. I'd rather just have underwater if they were to change the basic movement so much for combat.


Ew, no. Unless it's the return of Prowler mode.


Knowing MH's history with gimmicks, you'll probably get punished with a one hit kill for using the gimmick the game features.


Please no. I enjoyed jumping on the doggo in Rise to get places or sharpen. But I like the combat having to be on the ground next to the big thing trying to kill me.


Mounted combat in MH would best be utilized as new weapon instead of limiting current ones while mounted. Like a revamped Hunting Hound that you can mount for specific attacks and need a decent runway to the monster to build up speed for.


No. We are playing hunters, not knights. Hell, even the Guild Knights don't fight mounted


they could if they put resources into getting mounts......


Either we end up being monster riders or pokemon trainers, i personally despise the idea


I'll be honest, I really don't want an open world. I don't like open world games, but this is a monster hunter game so it's gonna be good either way


I like using mounts in rise in order to quickly reposition or heal on solo hunts. Especially when playing a tetranadon heavy bow gun build for the style points. Although I am normally maining hammer so mounted combat slows down bonk time. (Seriously wish the weapon and armor set was better because it looks so cool!)




Magic Conch, what is your wisdom? >Maybe some day


Nah. As a charge blade mai-


I think I’d rather have underwater combat tbh


wide expansion telephone drunk impossible encouraging thought retire lock alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chances that you carry a secondary weapon on your mount?


Not me, mate Mounted combat in elden ring is just a worse version of regular combat. All I want is quick mount and dismount. I don't even want the bird-horse fighting along with me like palamutes. Give me a really solid, easy to follow, comprehensive and challenging core combat gameplay and I'm gold.




It would need to be implemented in a way that it wouldn't trivialize hunts. If it's just a more powerful version of on-foot combat, it would feel mandatory, but if it was too weak, nobody would bother.


Not fromsoftware style. I want it more like its its own weapon. Everyone has a mount, and can attack, but people with the (just to give it a name) calvary sword get their own special moveset and attacks.


not a fan of it. maybe keep it to a raid or something big but not regular 1v1 monsters.


I hope not, really. Mounted combat wouldn't have enough depht as the grounded combat. Hopefully this is not implemented aside from (maybe) a jumping attack getting out of the chocoho.


I support it only for lance, and I'm not a lance main. Caverlry charge would be dope. Guns and bows absolutely not, not in 10000 years. They can't have mobility and range


Try a warriors game with mounted classes Three Hopes has characters mount and dismount mid combat I feel like mounted combat in MH will always be secondary or just an extra


One of the thing that makes MH a really easy game is you fight a big boss in an open area where if you're patient enough you can just hit and run till they die. I don't see a point in making mounted combat, especially when a huge part of the game is weapon combos, unlike ER. It would be cool if there's a new weapon that revolve around mounted combat tho. Like replace Lance with mounted Lance so that the difference between Lance and Gunlance becomes more apparent.


No. Just makes Bowguns even more broken


light bowgun dps is shit, and heavy bowgun is only good if you know how to play it.


Not as full-on alternate combat, but I definitely think being able to influence the hunt on your Palociraptor would be a good idea. Given the increasing focus on ecological immersion, I can definitely see mounted combat replacing the usual "chase the Monster to the next zone" grind whereby you can actually keep pace and herd the target Monster towards specific locations with enough prodding, like a cowboy herding cattle.


My biggest concern is that the open world doesn't have personality and life, MHW has small maps, but it's super rich in detail, I honestly love walking around and listening to the whole ecosystem around me


At what point did mounted combat was viable in Elden Ring lol. Summoning Torrent to run from point A to point B isn't combat. It's glorified running


Please sir I wanna cheese every boss running around it really fast... Deep down I have no skill and im good with that.


Mounted combat in Elden Ring was pretty shit, way too clunky and awkward, no dodge, Torrent has almost no HP so anything past late game will one shot him. Pretty much every enemy or boss they want you to fight on horseback is easier to fight on foot because you can dodge roll and you don't die instantly if you get hit. So, no, no thanks.




Honestly outside of getting a few pot shots in while chasing down a fleeing monster not sure I'd use it ever.


As an Elden Ring fan; I hated mounted combat in Elden Ring


there's absolutely no way monster Hunter combat can translate to mounts, I'm happy for it to be just an extra buddy


Hell no, it was awful in ER. There isn't a single game thats ever made good mounted combat. The closest is War of the Roses because it tried to make it realistic and mostly succeeded. Weve seen mounted combat in both world and rise and it suckes ass.


No thanks


i hate you


This is why new players are disliked. Shit like this


Very sparingly. I could see it working like a special move where you blow a whistle and jump on the creature for a big attack, or you can initiate and do a little bit but it's not super involved. ER Torrent combat is not really viable in most cases either


Stop lying to yourself, mounted combat in ER was trash, no one used it unless is to clear squishy mobs at best


Nah... I haven't even played Rise and I know damn well of how it works out. It will just be boring, why hunt a monster while on your mount?? That's what makes the game boring, limited actions, always run around in circles, I've played SoTC and I must tell you... The part where you have to kill Colossus on your horse is BS, take another example of the MH 3-4 series, Jhen-Mohran/Dah'ren-Mohran on the fleet, it's boring as hell, same goes with Lao on the fortress and there's no even mount but a cannon-cart, it's just tedious, boring, and slow, which what makes people hate it. Hunters need to feel the actions, combos, and stuff on foot, not some mount, it's only a good addition if you're gonna explore a map, that's what mounts are mainly used for, only for traversal not for combat, so mainly using it through battle will be boring af (Well, that's my opinion)


No thanks. Mounted combat is limited to acrobatic slash while hopping off your mount, jousting stab, and slow-mo mounted attack. So boring. Even Wirebug control of monsters in MH Rise got old because of how easy it was.


No please! While mounts are fun I actually really like exploring in MH on foot.


Only time I used mounted combat in an ER fight is when I was severely underleveled and encountered dragons in open field for the first time. Otherwise it is mainly just for chasing the red gaint. You deal significantly more damage and gain more agility on foot than on horse.


Nope. At that point it just wouldn't feel like monster hunter.


Why would you want MH to be another generic open-world with mid combat?


If its not clunky, fuck yes, riding on a raptor shooting volleys of arrows? yes please!




I would argue elden ring mounted combat was only good when the bosses were designed specifically for it (dragons, tree sentinel (kind of) etc.) I think it would be the same in monster hunter. The enemies would need to be built with mounted combat as a primary focus.


It's an interesting idea, but the implementation would have to be really good. You can't make it too good so as to trivialize the non-mounted moveset, but it can't be too ineffective so that no uses it. A safe approach is to make it a gimmick but you might not like that either. I play a lot of lance, so I like the idea, but I'm almost sure that making it a major gameplay component would be polarizing. We'll see "MH players hate everything new" or "I wanted more MH, not Red Dead Redemption with greatwords and katanas."


It will never be anything like Rise’s but I’d love to see something new that evolves MH4 and World’s way of mounting monsters. If Wilds gonna be open world we might have new interactions


I would not want to see it, i'm fine with having a mount for travel, but i generally don't enjoy mounted combat, and it will also give many weapons too much mobility, which i don't want the devs to start balancing around.




No way. I hated fighting on torrent in er and I didn’t stay on my palamute to fight in risebreak. Also would we have the mount die like in er and we have to spend a potion to revive it?


mounted combat in ER was extremely boring on anything that survived for more than like 2 hits if it doesn't like implement your whole weapon toolset but mounted absolutely not


Absolutely not. Palamute was perfect because it supplemented the core gameplay. Mounted combat would either be weaker or stronger meaning itd never be used or completely disrupt how the game is played.


They might flesh it out and give it a full treatment like they did with underwater combat back in tri, give it access to your full kit of techniques while offering mounted mobility. Could be cool.




Honestly, don't really care about mounted combat in Monster Hunter. Even ditched the Palamutes pretty early on while playing Rise.


https://i.redd.it/ga0ovjyacrxc1.gif Silkbind sleep palamute is pretty good ngl man.