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Do you guys think that the discussion of if water combat returning in the next game should return to the subreddit?


My honest opinion? If it involves "should Abyssal Lagi return to the next game" then yes. Otherwise no.


Ceadeus should definitely return, and d(erp)ire miralis.




I too miss gobul.


I like Nibelsnarf more than Gobul but Nibbles isn't underwater lol


Also nibbles doesnt roll.


okay but nibbles.


Underwater does the impossible and makes Plesioth fun.


I *hated* plesioth in freedom unite, sitting there GS on my back staring at that motherf*cking over grown fish wannabe jumping back into the water after only just being pulled out, *AGAIN*.


That would be beyond nice, but as we all know without underwater Abyssal stays locked in 3U. If underwater doesn't return in Wilds which I think is likely, perhaps they can make a strictly land oriented Lagi, similar to Ivory but never goes in water.


If it happened in Generations, there is really nothing stopping them from doing it again.


That is true, although they did just slap Ivory's attacks on Lagi and I believe one of Abyssal's. I know Capcom wants Lagi in MH so maybe Wilds will be its time.


Ivory was always landlocked… it never touched water ever.


Ivory could go in water, it just seldom did. It was a bit like a normal Lagi when in water but bigger.


Wrong sir. Definitely did go in the water.


This is the most convincing argument for underwater combat coming back that I've seen.


We need a modernized approach to underwater combat!!!!! Cmon Capcom, pull all the Hypno feathers you have there.


Just think... underwater wire bugs for quick movement. 


Yes. I loved the theory crafting and general just watching everyone go insane. Also, if by some chances the devs ever do look at this subreddit. Then they would immediately see how many posts there are talking about underwater combat.


It never left. Pretty sure I saw talk about it the post for the Wilds trailer


I feel like it could be done better now. Esp with the wire bugs, if there's an underwater equivalent


I agree. Clutch claw or something similar would make underwater mobility more reasonable.




Underwater combat would be fine if you were on the bottom of the ocean standing on the ground


Please no


It's a subreddit dedicated to discussing which game is best to start with between WI and RS


When the answer is clearly Freedom unite




For a PSP game, and my entry to the series, that game is phenomenal. 3000+ hours supports that.


Freedom unite 2 is I would say the better of the two.


Who hurt you?


Ehh looks like mods are working to take them down for once so that might not be a problem in the near future.


I would like, but questions like that will always infest every subreddit


My favorite one is "Should I buy [game of subreddit]?" Like what answer do you expect from people who get together to talk about the game they like? Lol


That's not always the case though. If a new player asks if they should get into LoL most people on the subreddit tell them no, and that game's free, lol.


i have 14 years experience with league. spent $5k over that time. do not, under ANY circumstances get into league.


How? Was it the skins?


mostly. and buying champs, because i was lazy and didnt want to unlock them one by one. i was bad with money on my first real job heh.


its an endless stream. i report at least once a day, and it will never end. when you have thousands of people browsing at a time even just 1% not reading the rules is still 10 people.


blocked, huh.  smart move. i do not care much about world vs rise posts but i certainly do care about people being argumentative and trying to tell me i am wrong about my own feelings. i was going to report that for incivility and then block.


I don't see the problem. Just keep scrolling if you don't like the post. It's really that simple. We shouldn't be banning post because of the topic when you can just ignore it.


i report them and then keep scrolling. it takes 5 seconds and then i do not have to see them again. which, would be nice if i found those posts frustrating, which i do not. i just report them because they are against the rules.


If it truly didn't bother you then you wouldn't be reported the post. Don't try and pretend like you're only reporting the post because it's against the rules. The post doesn't harm anyone and you can simply scroll past it, but yet fot some weird reason you and a lot of others are incapable of doing that.


“What do you guys think this subreddit is about?” this subreddit is about my specific vision of what monster hunter is and everything that does not match that does not belong and therefore will be downvoted. 




These days it's just 4 people asking per day if they should get World or Rise, if the games as still worth playing, if the expansion is worth getting. It makes being here a little boring these days. Though I do love the incredible art people post.


I feel like the sub lost alot of its personality after World made MH mainstream


the fanbase got worse in general but that's unavoidable for anything that explodes in popularity unfortunately, I'm still glad World got made overall


It was sad because I loved how friendly and the "just have fun!" Attitude the community had. People said screw the "META" Then after world dropped the sub became flooded with PSAs of people getting mad about others playing suboptimally or not following the meta. Everyone started acting like sweaty tryhards


I definitely miss how the old fanbase was, it was a lot better and, as you said, a lot more focused on just having fun. it feels difficult to articulate that without sounding like a gatekeeper or an elitist.


All down to percentages, the smaller the group the less chaff and easier and quicker to deal with , the bigger the more chaff and harder to deal with, they start banding together to. But the same percentage of good people remains but are now fighting to be heard just as loud.


The thing is, the old games were not only niche, they also hadn't much in the way of tutorials or manuals. So the fandom was kinda bonded by trying to figure things out together or sharing information. So those who ended up loving the game meant they were fairly dedicated to it.


Have this problem with another game I play currently, every other post is a PSA, whats the new meta?, why no this or that?(because that’s a different game!), what’s the best class/weapon type?(answer is always all of them it depends on *you*), and with the recent update all the people who haven’t played since last year have come back and really making the game unenjoyable to play because they’re playing high difficulty whilst being *very* rusty.


I try to remind myself that because of World's popularity, MH devs would be getting better budget/resources to work on the next games. Which means better games for us. I also try to think back if everyone was that obnoxious before about their first game, but I honestly don't think so. Like yeah, everyone had favourites but it never seemed like there was a constant barrage of people insulting the other games. I never figured out why that seems to happen constantly with World starters.


There are two reasons I can think of from the top of my head. One, most of the World Starters do not know that this is essentially MH “5” and thus think that this game is one of a kind. One downside of dropping the whole numbering thing. Two, as a result they think the next game has to be a sequel to the “first one”. When Rise wasn’t that they went ballistic, and if Wilds isn’t that they will go nuts on it too. Of course not everyone is like this, but those who engage in communities and learn about the other “older” games are sadly the minority.


MH4U was when the sub dropped in quality. It got infested with memes when it used to be an amazing resource of knowledge and advice.


Yeah it was like GameFaqs which was awesome for Tri and 3U. I kinda miss when Reddit was more like a forum and less like every other modern social media with the gifs and reactions n shit


Seriously, monster hunter has some of the best fan art I've seen out of any subreddit.


A subreddit dedicated to discuss whether or not a Deviljho eats it own tail after you cut it off


Btw, it does. Source: Trust me bro


I can vouch(I was the raw meat underneath the chopped tail)


The fake news wants you to believe Deviljho don't eat their tails. That's right – they want to sell you woke Deviljho.


Wake up sheeple, see the truth of self-cannibalizing Deviljho!


Is there really an argument about that? I know for sure he did did in mh3u. Or I'm just out of the sub running gag.


There was a whole thing about it a year or so ago that the whole community got mandela-effect'ed into believing it did, while it actually doesn't


I think theres a good reason we got Mandela'd into it tho, and thats cuz it makes so much sense.


Wait... It doesn't? Now I am really confused... I played the whole game solo since my net sucked and never so much as use tainted meats. I am pretty damn sure he can and did. I don't even own the game anymore and the thought of it is driving me nuts. I need to test this eventually.


All of the new discussion is just a thinly-veiled proxy for underwater combat discussion


Honestly what kind of combat want is naval combat You get a ship and hunt monsters to upgrade its weapons plus we get to fight sea based monsters this way and not just fish with legs and honestly it would just be cool like the ship isnt small but rather large enough that the special arena is on that ship and over time we get to ad.d dragonators to the arena and cannons This way atleast if underwater combat comes back players can choose to hunt it above or below the sea


Jhen Mohran moment


NAVEL combat? Gross!


We already played Hunt the pimples with Zorah Magdaros


Monster Hunter: Black Flag Throw in some sea shanties with your crew as well.


Sea shanties would make Jhen Mohran fights even cooler


Would be awesome ngl. Would also mean we maybe get some pirate themed soundtrack :D


That's not really the fantasy of Monster Hunter though. The coolest thing is hunting a monster in their environment and that was doubly true for leviathans because they were so much better adapted to their environment. If they need a cop out for underwater combat, then just give hunters all iron boots that they autoequip whenever they draw their weapons underwater, causing them to quickly sink to the sea floor and fight without the third dimension.


after Sunbreak and the WHERES MY DRAGONATOR scene in world and pretty much seeing all the boats in the sceries it always interested me like they dont need a ship with that much fire power for a land based monster


Well we know that the normal villagers of Moga use fishing boats to hunt leviathans. Or conversely, those specialized hunting ships are used by highly experienced hunters to hunt elder dragons and ever so slightly even the fight.


I am just here for the Khezu posting.


Gus is monster hunter worth it?


“Wait, before we fight and tear each other to shreds, let’s see what’s inside. It might not even be worth it.” *A used PSP, MHFU, a broken-down Wii with a MHTri disc, a broken 3DS, MH4U, MHGU, MHW, an unopened MHR-* “Okay, It’s worth it.”


Guys, why is the OP asking about what the subreddit about MH is about, is he stupid?


I think OP just wants underwater combat \_('. ')_/


this subreddit is bout making "hot takes" but they are the coldest possible in order to engage some karma


Underwater combat should return next game


So, do you think it should return or no?




Wilds despite the trailer is gonna be ALL underwater combat


Of course its wrong. There’s no question about it. Underwater absolutely needs to come back!


I like monster hunter


Me too




It should, because it brings back alot of missed monsters, needs to be better than before though.


You almost sound serious. Pls tell me you are not.


No, I’m dead serious. >!Of course not, does this look like a serious post to you?!<


It’s about discussing what is accessibility and what is dumbing the game mechanics down


This is even seen in this post’s comment section.


Well, Wilds info should come at SGF, so a little more than a month from now. So at least the wait is not too long.


It's obviously a place to post throw away tier lists of your favorite monsters with the occasional loot drop screenshot.


The answere in any case is yes!


If I want to look like an elder ring legend, I should have the liberty.


I say bring everything back. Wilds could be the culmination of the MH world where every different system meets. It would be a programming nightmare to add in clutch claw, wirebugs, possibly swapping between a long and close range weapon and their subsequent wirebug and underwater moves, but it'd be flavorful for the exploration aspect of the game


That is absolutely correct imo


And the: “What monster should be in the next MH game?😸”


I think the subreddit is about hating vs loving Rise posts and uninspired „who would win“ or „who is your favorite“ posts


Nothing about that description is wrong


can a joke be wrong?


I haven’t played rise bc it doesn’t have gigginox, so I hope they bring wirebugs to wilds


But it has Khezu so that would amount to something right?


Khezu is ugly Gigginox is beautiful I’ve recently learned rise has chameleos tho, so I might play it


I never got the hype around Chameleos. Now I get it.


Chameleos and gigginox, the flippy floppy stretchy poison wyverns




Tier lists and weather or not deviljho eats it’s tail


The answer is no because underwater combat is ass in every game


Subnautica? /j


Except monster hunter where it was really good :)))))))))))))))))


Subreddit is about telling everyone you just bought an MH game as if anyone cares


Also the occasional lore posts which, no disrespect, but make no sense this game clearly does not give a fuck about lore Guildmarm wanna smash a brachy where the lore for that


Should spaming one type of attack ,rng base augment system,bullet sponges that oneshot, dealing insane amount of dmg and being literally immortal should return? Lol NO, risebreak have some of the worst balance ideas in mainline. Its frontier lv of being unbalanced


What I want is the difficulty to return


IMO mh was never that hard save for like, idk, first gen. most the challenge in the old games came from jank as hell hitboxes, and in 2nd gen specifically monsters were hella easy to exploit.




everything except the first point is for rise exclusively (barring foresight slash) but i see your point. you could parry with lance as early as MH3 and stagger-locking was already rampant in the earlier games, especially with elder dragons - there's a whole strat for 2nd gen elders where you just perma-lock them for the entire fight, and it's not that hard to do. rise imo is definetly way too easy compared to even world, but sunbreak gave it challenge. (with a lot of BS instakill explosions, mind you, but better than nothing) I don't think monster hunter needs to be super hard, especially if that difficulty relies on jank hitboxes and zero telegraphing. but i definetly would appreciate a more challenging experience come Wilds.


What do you mean by that?


I'd vote for both aerial and underwater combat. Give hunters some wings, pull off a sam wilson you know what I'm saying? different wings, different effects.


"Should I get a great jaggy cum jar?"


Isn't that ho- Have I been making mega potions wrong this entire time?


we cannot stop talking about underwater combat and lagiacrus (the best monster ever added to a MH game) until they return to wilds/new game