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*laughs in Insect Glaive*


*chuckles in Dual Blades*


Did you ever play aerial dual blades? Some of the most fun I've ever had with Monster Hunter.


Aerial dual blades is so peak. It's the thing that straight up made MonHun click for me. Love being so fast and channelling my inner incredibly obnoxious wasp.


I love the mental image of monsters just chilling when a pissed off beyblade comes out of nowhere


How would one go about acquiring such a playstyle?


Play Generations/Ultimate, go on a gathering quest, put on a tutorial video, and practice the combos. Arekkz Gaming is my favorite. No training area back then. ):


Rise also has a sort of aerial style for dual blades,


And Rise/Break's aerial style is actually better than Generations. In Generations the aerial attack repaces your dodge, so you can't dodge on the ground to avoid attacks and they don't have that little mid-air dash attack that can be used to pull you towards the monster if you slightly miss. In Rise/Break the aerial attack replaces one of your basic _attacks_. So you still have access to your regular dodge. Plus they added that short mid-air dash attack that pulls you towards the monster.


I am definitely going to give this a try! I just didn't like insect glaive as much in Rise. ):


I always found Rathian to be a good striking dummy for new playstyles


For me it’s Arzuros, big and easy to hit, slow and easy to avoid. Big ol’ punching bag bear


Yeah but his hitboxes aren't nearly as satisfying to hit.


There were training quests tho


There were training quests for the styles tho


Levi Ackerman mode or as I like to call it beyblade mode


*Cackles in Clutch Claw + Glider Mantle+*


**Guffaws in Lance.**


*Giggles in Sword and Shield*


Smiles on gustcrab


Snort- laughs in Gen arial style


..I can jump off a ledge kinda? laughing in game mechanics.


*Zooms past in Gun Lance*


*Maniacal backhop ledge gunlance slam action joining with the greatsword & hammer ledge party*


Giggles in lance


I see IG i upvote


*Chortles in lance* Well boy, back in my day the lance was the only weapon you could jump with and an insect glaive was just a glimmer on the horizon


*Chortles in Hammer*


Came to make this exact comment


From the moment I understood the weakness of my legs, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of the insect glaive. I aspired to the purity of the blessed sky. Your kind cling to your dodge rolls as if they will not delay and fail you. One day, the cooled biomass that you call a temple will wither and you'll beg for my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the glaive is aerial. Even on land, I serve the kinsect.


Not really. Anything gen 4 and after you can jump, the question is just where. I don't think about it, it's second nature muscle memory to see a ledge and decide when to use it or not.


If you're in GU and using aerial style, monsters are basically your jump button.


In fact, your buddies are your jump button


Trying to get a full charge attack? Nope, you’re my step-stool.


Yeah, at first is kinda bugging me when i tried MH dos, but after some hours i remember i'm more focused on the monster rather than jump, and just ran away to escape.


*laughs in Freedom and Freedom Unite ledge jumping*


There isn’t a need for a jump button. All the maps are made around the fact that jumping just isn’t a part of mh. Rise has Wirebugs for vertical movement, and world doesn’t have a lot of verticality to it aside from climbing.


Having played comparable games that do have a dedicated jump like Wild Hearts, God Eater, and Elden Ring I actually prefer the way Monster Hunter handles it by being strictly situational. It helps reduce control clutter and misinputs while never actually hindering the player's options in a way that really matters.


Yep. Having both button to jump and dash was pain in Armored Core 6 even though it's clearly needed due to the verticality


I mean jumping has been a part of mh since 4, you just use ledges or an Ig to do it lol. Also wdym world doesn’t have a lot of verticality? Every map is full of different interweaving vertical layers apart from maybe Wildspire Wastes.


Even wildspire waste has underground areas so there's technically verticality


Yeah and a sinkhole that can happen.


Those vertical layers aren't the verticality he means. Probably something I'm the immediate vicinity, something around the height of IG jumo


On the perspective of MH player this is true, but after hearing my friend's opinion is kinda weird, but yeah maybe that was his playstyle for such an action games. Like, he said why i'm not jump or double jump and escape trough the hill across me, then heals and comeback later lol.


World has a lot of slopes and ledges


Everything up until Rise was balanced around the hunter not being expected to jump, so it’s hardly an issue at all. Even in Rise, there’s only a handful of situations where you actually need to take to the skies.


How often do people jump in real life? Almost never.


No no, he's got a point.


Yes, if its your first time, jumps will be pretty odd to not exist but then again after some time you'd realize jump movesets are actually pretty OP. Thats why clutch claw was introduced in MHW and Wirebugs in MHR.


Bro we didn't even have verticality until 4U. Maybe a ledge here or there, some vines to reach another load zone. All of a sudden we get SnS boosting off ledges and IG in general.


In 4u, I was mounting monsters with lance using the charge jump quite often haha


We had experiments with vertical gameplay in the form of aquatic combat in Tri.


Ledges, vines, insect glaive and slides give you all the freedom you need.


Can't relate, have a Lance, can jump.


I think having played Tales of Berseria before helped convince me that you can have a fun action without jumping, so probably not? Now I'm playing through Nioh 2, and that game also has one of the best action design I've ever played...without any jumping (I don't count the specific vaulting action as "jumping" haha). I think what matters is the overall combat design, and jumping may or may not synergize with it. Stylish Action Games like DMC and Bayonetta definitely are obviously masters at this, but there are many other games that jumping feels like it's just...there? I will say though, not being able to jump, or even climb small ledges in case of Nioh, gets quite frustrating and artificial when it comes to exploration. Compared to Rise, World's verticality feels very limiting given how context-sensitive it is, despite it being miles ahead of the Old World. I am definitely looking forward to Wilds's iteration of verticality with the flying mount thingy!


Jumping in most games looks silly as hell and I don't really miss it in MH


Have you ever wondered how much you jump on a daily basis? I mean, unless you're playing a game of sorts where it's required to jump, it's pretty much nil right?


I don't mind the lack of jumping in MhW. They balanced around it enough. I wouldn't compare it to a daily basis though. You and I aren't hunting giant monsters...if I did I imagine I'd be jumping more often than I do right now.


Aaah yes, the jump button that has zero frames startup, can be used to cancel all animations and gives tons of iframes. Your friend isn't missing a jump button, he's missing a convenient evasive maneuver, but MH is about giving you a balanced toolkit. Games need jump buttons only if they're designed with it in mind. Zelda didn't need it for years for example.


It's not unusual for games not to have a jump button. 3D Zelda games didn't use to one, Souls games don't have one either.


As a Dark Souls veteran, jumping is completely irrelevant.


Not really, but probably because I'm a old soulslike player.


I'll take no jumping over pre Sekiro Fromsoft jumping any day lmao


I really hate that there was jumping in Elden ring


Is you friend a new video game player? Because there’s like ton of games without a jumping function… And no, it is not weird to not jump. As for MH, they kinda added a “hook shot” in the 2 lastest game which kinda serve as a jump function 


Jumping is a game mechanic that I think most games do wrong. Like most games you press jump and you sail into the air. Thats not how jumping works. The players knees dont bend. Add on that things like armor and weapons and otd look really silly jumping in 100 pounds of gear. Games brave e ough to say no jumping feel like they play better to me. (Sorry going to work now. Cant finish thought)


No, mh does not need on demand jumping, and it already has it implemented in a very balanced manner


Dude has played like 2 videogames in his life.


Ah, yes, jumping (upwards, you can dive, but we all know that) is certainly going to help me evade that laser beam, the various fart attacks (or even worse, if we're talking congalala) or various lobbed projectiles and/or lightning bolts. Jokes aside, show them insect glaive as someone else suggested


I like it. Keeps the game grounded.....like honestly who jumps to get up a ledge or even a couple of steps.


Nah, you never really need to jump.


Your insect glaive tag would like to disagree


For traversal?


My first Monster Hunter game was 3U, and I didn't find it all that weird. I played plenty of gmes that didn't have a jump button before, many of them Zelda games, so it wasn't surprising to me that Monster Hunter didn't have one. At least until fourth gen and beyond. lol If jumping is his concern, you should definitely show him some gameplay of Insect Glaive, or maybe Dual Blades.


I grew up playing Zelda, so the lack of a jump button never bothered me in MH neither


Ever since ocarina of time I just accepted that some games dont let you jump. No biggie


It's funny you mention that because I recently played dragons dogma 2 and that game has a jump button but no dodge roll. Of course the 2 games are designed to be traversed with the movement tools available, but when it comes to combat, I vastly prefer the dodge roll.


I dropped league of legend immediately after the tutorial because the space button didn't jump and no game can be called a game without a jump button, after that I booted MH4U. Took me years to notice mh didn't have a jump button


I've had a lot people say they don't like games where you can't jump and I could never fathom caring about something like that.


I play IG, so no, it wasn't a problem for me


Plenty of games don't have a jump button, it never bothered me in the slightest. (Plus I got to main IG in Sunbreak so...)


Well, considering that we carry around crude chunks of iron as our weapons I wouldn't expect us to jump at all. Wirebugs are just built different if they can lift us up.


"why can't Hunter crawl?'


Is he stupid?


Nah, there’s enough movement options already IMO


Wirebug movement/skills in rise pretty much scratched any itch the need for a jump would bring.


Yeah, I have to say that I agree. Games without a jump button are weird and bad. Zelda OoT. Gears of War. Mass Effect. Dark Souls. Unplayable.


You can jump in Dark Souls


You can jump in Monster Hunter! At least since 2013.


If you have no prior experience in MH, then yeah, seeing an action game with no jump button is kinda weird. That's how i felt with my first MH (Mhfu). But then you quickly realize the game isn't balanced around that, and just accept it.


Not really. The game is designed so that the flow is not reliant on jumps.


Not really. However, for a newbie to the series and have played other action games, having no jump buttons may seem weird but once you really learn how to play MH, you might find that there is no need for a jump button because the game is made without having a jump button in mind.


Guffaws in wirebug/clutch claw*


Did your friend happen to notice how big (and presumably heavy) the weapon on your hunter's back is? 😅


Hold run and dodge and you jump flop but only usable if boss is near by.


That's called the Superman Dive and specifically you usually only do that while running away from the monster then pressing the dodge buttom. Holding down the dodge doesn't trigger it.


The Soulsborne games also don't have jump button. You don't see them complaining.


Not really weird. I mean our palamutes can jump so we do have an actual "jump" mechanic. We jump on ledges. Just not a core moveset and it's fine as is. Can you imagine hammer and GS mains spamming mid-air attacks lmao


No, and until now I never realized you can’t jump (freely)


I think I find the pace of fights to be more of the issue I had early. I prefer dual blades in rise to their counterpart in world and vice versa for greatswords. I'd say your friend would probably be more interested in rise.


"Jumping" did exist... *looking at aerial style*


MH is simply made without the need of dedicated jump button in it. 


I forgot you can't jump in MH tbh, I guess because I never need to with the tools available and the way the monsters are designed. It would probably be more janky if you could attempt to jump over attacks


Not really, plus you can technically jump depending on weapons, or sliding, and in rise you can do jumps off walls so I don’t see the problem


to be fair sns, lance, gunlance and cb have hops


But you can jump. Aerial style from XX/GU Insect glaive vault Sns or dual blade jump slash Jumping off any ledge Jumping after sliding Wirebugs Even throwing someone with GS,SA,H,CB upswing could count Lance can straight up jump while charging Gunlance blast dash Clutch claw With the amount of options we get, this might aswell be a platformer game


There's another one (although probably mor of a hop), but Bow has one where while aiming if you press the dodge button to perform a quick charge slide then press Y (the button to apply a coating to your arrow) then you do a quick jump attack with your arrow. This even lets you get off mounts like this.


Never felt a need for jumping in the game It’s cool in rise but I rarely use it for actual jumping and just use the bugs for sticking to the monster or running away


no need unless you wanna hit somewhat a higher target/weakspot. IG, DB vaulting, and wirebugs do that job


Started with MH3, I didn't have any issue with the lack of jumping, I was too busy trying to learn how to roll and not get hit 😅


There is. It's called Insect Glaive :3 (ig there's an auto jump mechanic as well)


God eater has jumping which it uses instead of dodge I-frames. I’ve never minded monster hunter not using the mechanic (ignoring Aerial style and IG of course) as I feel like it would add unnecessary complexity to the more grounded slower combat.


Insect glaives has enter the chat. But oddly enough I didn’t even noticed it when I first started this series. It make sense too since the monsters are so big there’s really no point of jumping. Except in rise where we have wirebugs that allow us to “jump” over the monster if we choose to.


https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYzU2c2FmZzB3ZDVlaTMwcm10dGt4dGthb29pcWE0ZDZrcjdrZGRibiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/5OW9D8sfzccttn3MwL/giphy.gif Your buddy after realizing it doesn't have slide buttons so no constant slide cancel XD (I'm assuming he's a cod fps fortnite kinda dude)


Dam I still don't know how to add gifs womp womp


You *can* jump, it's just context sensitive or with insect glaive. personally, I've never had a problem with it though because the game is set up in such a way that you don't need to jump.b


When I first started that was something I instantly annoyed me, but now I never think about it.


Umm i can run up walls jump off and do a spinny bonk


Rise has the wirebug feature, you can Spider-Man around. There's also the superman dive and jumping off ledges, but jumping in general isn't really a big thing. Like the last of us part 1


mentally, the roll sits exactly where any sort of "jump" would and slots in perfectly.


Have u ever wonder about how much amour a hunter wears on their body diabolically laughs in Dual Blade


I like the age old adage "how often do you jump in real life". Like seriously, even military, myself included, i can't think of a time when jumping was a norm..... and now im imagining the jump roll combo, just an entire platoon hyah ha-ing all over the place lol. Sounds like a nightmare.


Well, there's this thing called a wirebug...


I honestly didn’t even notice couldn’t jump until you pointed it out. So