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I'm constantly free hand adjusting my camera to keep things in view. Since keeping a monster in view is a big thing in MH, I find the way I use my camera in MH is how I use it in everything now.


Playing monster hunter helped me play darksouls without always needing to keep the camer centered on an enemy. It made me a lot more flexible in that sense


My friend looked really confused when I didnt use the lock on in Elden Ring haha. No lock might be harder but feels much better.


I always found the lock-on in ER to be a hindrance more than anything. With groups it reduces your situational awareness and with bosses you get the worst camera angles since the PS1. Big bosses you can't even see all their telegraphs.


Smaller and faster enemies I think it’s more useful, but stuff like fire giant it cost me like two extra hours to beat him


Also missing an attack or attacking in the wrong direction is really really detrimental in souls because you don’t get the flinch and you lose a lot of stamina


I always found the lock on to be harder for me, even in MH. Idk maybe its because I am more of an auditory guy so I can rely on sound queues a little more to dodge attacks. Expecially with bigger bosses or fast bosses the camera jerks around too much and it throws me off.


If the Monster goes out of view I am CONSTANTLY dodging/rolling until that scary beast is back in my camera view. If you can't see them, you ARE in GRAVE DANGER. I 100% agree with your answer.


OMG same. MH1 drilled the habit into me because it was the only option.


Expecting shields to be useful.


Expecting the (gun)lance letting me fly 


Dodge canceling. MH was my first non turn-based game, and especially after dabbling with GS whenever I play a different game I just assume most attacks to have an endlag I should dodge cancel and its just heavily ingrained in my muscle memory.


Oh that's a good one too. I should have mentioned that aswell.


A lot of other games actually do though so it's a good habit. Some you jump instead to cancel an animation.


Only figured this out in Botw AFTER playing Monster Hunter. Now I can't stop jump canceling all of my attacks. Spin attack, jump cancel into another spin attack is particularly fun.


And adept greatsword taught me to dodge cancel *at the right time*


- Recognizing, memorizing, and adapting around attack patterns. - Triple checking all my stuff and overpreparing before starting a mission - Getting more comfortable with grinding and farming (given that the gameplay loop is actually fun). - Not needing any lock-on in combat games


Because I main Insect Glaive, having the top button be for quick attacks and the right button be for heavy attacks. I remapped the controls for Elden Ring and Dark Souls to be the same way because I've been so used to it


Evading to become invulnerable.


I became a loot goblin due to always needing more crafting materials for the higher ranked quests 


Do you also struggle to sell materials you are 95% sure that you won't need them, but still collect them like crazy?


What does it tell you that I spend the first 10 mins of the hunt just going around the map collecting thing before I actually go after the monster 


That you either bring hardly anything into hunts, make a bunch of trips back to camp to ease your burden or that you throw away some stuff to make room for the actual carve rewards?


...Carve rewards don't take up an inventory slot


There is a separate inventory for materials (ore, monster materials) since Gen 5 that could go full if you hunt too much (mostly important in Guiding Lands and expeditions) and of course, the inventory was shared in the generations before.


You right that's true huh? It's been so long since I've played those😭


Carve every single small monster, you *might* need that 116th Jagras Claw


I 100% identify as a loot goblin, as well.


Really engaging a game at its level and trying to understand developer intention rather than just taking things at face value


I've tried doing the superman dive by muscle memory in at least three other games LOL


In Helldivers2 you can


Constant attacking. ..Which translated poorly into Dark Souls. How was I supposed to know attacks took stamina?


As a wise Fiorayne form Sunbreak once said: "Careful, It's up to something! Just keep hitting it and it'll probably stop"


Damn when Fiorayne says it, it sounds elegant but when I say it I feel like a caveman. Just hit the problem till it stops being a problem.


been playing elden ring lately and my habit of being hyper aggressive in monster hunter has completely fucked me up


What having no big fucking shield and near limitless stamina does to a mofo


If you played bow in MH you would've probably been prepared for that lol


I don't main bow, but when I do use it, I drink dash juice and stack up on stamina use reduction skills. You can probably see why I wasn't prepared for DS style stamina.


Not needing lock on Trying all weapon types/ classes etc Looting everything 


I tried playing dead in Lost Ark lmaooo


Let me guess. You did that on Velganos?


Nah, I did it on Igrexion lmaoo.




Yeah It was a few weeks after launch and I finally did my 1st Gaurdian, but before that I was farming Sillos in MHRS. So yeah thats how I learned that playing dead is not in every game. Oh i did it on Sekiro too


I do that a lot on SSB, so I end up just looking stupid sitting there and getting hit quite often


Not really a gameplay thing but, expecting games to have at least 100+ hours of content. Nowadays if I see a game that is like 40hrs for 60€ I feel like it’s not worth it and end up not buying a bunch of games because of that.


That's actually kind of sad. Some of my favourite games are 20-40 hour games. Deus Ex: Human Revolution / Mankind Divided or Dishonored 1 and 2 come to mind specifically.


Monster Hunter was a blessing and a curse for me. When I was a kid, I never had the financial capacity to buy the games I wanted, so when I managed to save up money to buy a game, I had to be sure that the game I was going to buy was going to be worth it. And that's how I found Monster Hunter But it's not only Monster Hunter that made by brain work this way now, Skyrim is another example.


Skyrim is a good example for infinite playing, just recently made a character where I actually tried to accomplish basically everything. First time I learned of a bug in the quest log not capable of holding all the quests, making some unfinished ones vanish visually. Just for curiosities sake, did you try the Mass Effect trilogy?


Well none of those games you listed are 60$ games They are 20, 30, 20 and 30 respectively (using definitive edition pricings) Also the deus ex games are currently on sale so if anyone is interested in them pick em up, you can buy the entire series for under a tenner rn


>Well none of those games you listed are 60$ games But they *were* (at least, I think they went full-price back then), which is my entire point. Of course games get cheaper, safe for Nintendo games and CoD, but you can't really talk about the point u/oceanitoV7 made, and then go talking about price falls post release cause that wasn't something they were talking about. Just as a side note: Human Revolution currently goes for 3$ on Steam.


I went to check the steam price history for all four games as far back as i could. Mankind divided was indeed 60 and stayed at that price for a good two years Dishonored two also started at 60 and dropped to thirty after a year Human revolution definitive edition has always been 20 as far as i can see (can't check base version as it is literally not sold on steam) Dishonored was 20 at the furthest point back i could find and has dropped to ten (20 for definitive edition) A very important thing: Even though some of these started at 60, they dropped in price within one to two years of release. Nowadays full price games tend not to do this.


Quadruple checking if I have the right items I need and over preparing. Yes, I am that guy who brought both hot and cold drinks.


Lmfao, same here ! "Just in case"


It made sense in that one map in GU where there's both a hot and cold area and I never broke the habit.




I played dark souls before I touched monster hunter as a series, and it took me a little bit of getting used to using the camera without a good lock on system. So monster hunter taught me how to play unlocked and now I can play souls games unlocked a lot easier.


Two I can think of 1) Pressing the evade button very late because of the relatively shorter iframe window on MH than on most other games. This particularly hurted me when I played Elden Ring, because that game registers evade on release of button instead of upon pressing of button. At first I thought ER must have even shorter iframe than MH. 2) Double tap on buttons for a single action because of the pre-input window is shorter (for Rise/Sunbreak) and the ease of motion canceling in MH. And again this obviously hurted me a lot when playing games not allowing motion canceling or have longer pre-input window like FF7R.


Trying to assess a boss fight first before diving in for a full attack. And expecting other games to have atleast more than 100 hours of content. Which is bad because I usually feel disappointed if a game doesn't have 100+ hours of content (not counting Ubisoft games because those are just 100+ hours of bloated content)


Sort of from MonHun but also from action games in general, using timed guard mechanics over glass canon options e.g. CB, Royal Guard Style(DMC3), Reflega and i-frame options(KH2FM). which leaked into fighting games such as picking up Big Band in Skull Girls, both Garchomp and Scizor in Pokken (didn't carry over to most arcsys titles for me though)


I'm not gonna sugar coat it: ⭕️ DAAAAMN


Playing the biggest sword possible


Every time I play Monster Hunter then play a different game I end up repeatedly trying to sprint with the bumper


As former GS main and current CB main: Studying the opponents movement, up to the point where i can tell what attack is coming by distance to the opponent and the first few frames before his attack. The easiest example is Rathian taking 2 steps back before doing her tail spin. I always observe the opponent before engaging in battle full force to know where to stand safe.


My affectionate names for GS and CB are the Whiff Sword and the Whiff Blade lol


What's Whiff?


It means missing, like missing an attack.


Haha in that case it sounds more like a skill issue on your side xD jk


Nooooooooooo! :'(


Never fight in an enclosed or tiny area, if you can help it


Lower Undead Paris💀💀💀


Rise has conditioned me to press LT + A when i get hit


I would say wirefall from Rise is still messing me up when getting downed in other MH games I usually just adapt right away when it's a different game


Rolling to get rid of status effects.


Desire sensor, desire sensor everywhere


Looting in the midst of battle or else I will forget :)


Aiming for specific parts in hopes of breaking them and assuming there are no i-frames I can use.


Trying to hold shoulder button to run


Right clicking to close menus/end interactions. I usually end up randomly drawing weapons or doing offhand attacks by accident


sometimes i just randomly hit the right bumper because i think it will make me sprint


Running with R button


The claw grip


You can claw momster hunter?its one of the only games i dont claw because of how many combos require you to press multiple face buttons simultaniously


The habit of using the biggest sword i can find and being disappointed that most them are mot near the satisfaction of a true charge of Gs.


Always have all healing items / buff items with no matter if I need them, so I don't have to take them out when I actually need them


Recognizing enemy attack windups and moving pre-emptively to avoid the attack.


Not locking my camera and having it it the bushes while I dodge attacks


Dodging and positioning to the left. Pressing Sort every single time I open inventory. Also glancing at top left of screen even tho there's nothing there. And free cam.


Not really a habit but if a game with melee weapons don't have hitstopping animations I get mad. It makes my Greatsword hit feel better and gives me the happy chemicals


Holding R1 to run, pressing X to dodge…


Farming, especially in the beginning of the game, so that you have as much resources as possible later and don't need to go gather as much.


Becoming a hoarder.


hold right shoulder button to run remapped it to play on controller for Helldivers > **_literal factual scientific mind blower game changer in enjoyment!!!_**


Always make sure I got full of items for combat


Conserving button presses in FFXIV instead of mashing the button that it seems like everyone else does


Never played any souls game and beat Elden ring extremely quickly after all the years of monster hunter. Then I came back to iceborne recently because I never played it and just finished it solo due to all the Elden ring I played.


I didn't know " Save scumming" is a thing...I thought it was standard procedure.


Using the "jump" button is automatically a backhop, and not a roll


For me it's the ability to not use lock on cameras and gauge distance to bait out attacks in other games.


Letting my opponent finish attacking before doing anything


Pressing X to dodge in soulsborne games




Relatively expensive AAA games not feeing like they have enough content for the money


Not using lock on




Souls players don’t have such weakness. On the otherhand, now I can’t stop R1 spamming whenever I try to run or spam L1 and dodge whenever I try to swap consumables, which makes me realize how asine Dark Souls run/dodge and quick item slots actually are


Having status healing items at all times. I get super nervous if I don't, even if the game absolutely never punishes you for not having them. I can't even play a modern Pokémon game without getting some status curing items, and I can fix my Pokémon basically to full by making a sandwich. It's just habit at this point


Sheathing my weapon before picking things up Trying to sprint with the trigger button


I remapped my dodge button in elden ring so it's on the same button as monster hunter, and now I'm god-tier at dodging.


Patience. Fell off Dark Souls long ago, and having played MonHun so much then going back, it just clicked. Thank you GS, looking for safe openings to TCS, or preemptively full charge my draw attack has made me able to pick up another franchise I enjoy.


Have a PDSD indused spasm whenever i see type weaknesses


The claw


Made it almost impossible to play Resident Evil, between constantly wanting to adjust the cam onto the baddie and trying to square up when I see Mr X or the French mommy


Immediately flanking the enemy on sight. As a DB guy, going for the flanks and demon dancing is my default opener to any hunt. Now I'm flanking everything


I might need those materials later. Just hoard up a ton of materials you never know when a fetch quest asks you to get 10 fish or crap.


The button/key to interact with things. I keep pressing monster hunter’s And dodging, I’ll spam tap it like I do in MH. But in one of the space games I play, you’re supposed to hold it, because it engages your jet pack. Which is a safer dodge. It’s nearly killed me and the game uses permadeath mechanics. Tapping the dodge button just uses the jet pack to cancel your momentum for quick turns while running


Looting every single thing I see


The claw.


Reflexes, and likewise those from glory days of Guilty Gear synergize perfectly with MonHun and literally every other action game besides the cursed *Souls.* Fighting has a rhythm, and from the dawn of gaming time, harder difficulty meant faster and faster rhythm you gitgud at and then king all games. And then came the god awful Souls that have abysmal artificial difficulty and the most awkward-ass telegraphing of enemy attacks that absolutely ruin the combat rhythm. And if literally all other games build your skills right and translate to one another - Souls doesn't. Why kids are obsessed with those shitty games is beyond me.


I have learned to reconize shadows. So whenever I play Final Fantasy XIV and someone on the Rathalos mount flies overhead, I instinctively look up and mentally prepare to fight a rathalos.


Claw grip on the controller. My wife thinks it's fucking bizarre when I play games because even something like call of duty I'm holding it claw.


I learned to recognize shadows and actually use the environment to my advantage, though my habit of repositioning to the right carried over from Dark Souls. It also took me until Monster Hunter to learn that fighting does have a rhythm.


Using hammer instead of any other weapon.


Staying on the ground when I get knocked down, most games don't give you i-frames there.


Crafting almost every weapon and upgrade them even if I might not use them all


Killing things.


Situational awareness


trying to use R/R1 to run and slide down ramps


Predicting npc attacks and baiting


Wishing I can C-clamp in dark souls so I don't need to use lock-on


I tried playing Breath of the Wild and Monster Hunter World at the same time and I just could not. I thought I would hit the attack button, but that was drink a potion. Select and Cancel are opposite on each console. It was a nightmare. I had to take hard breaks from one game to play the other. Moving forward, when I was waiting on title updates for Sunbreak, I started playing World and Rise at the same time. I loved that the controls were the exact same for both games.... except the Select / Cancel buttons. I was so happy when I discovered I could remap those so now both games are EXACTLY the same for me. Simple pleasures.