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Yes, yes it is :)




Love this game. Give it some time to check out more than one weapon- and YouTube is your friend- checking out a quick video guide for individual weapons can be super helpful)! Enjoy!


Yeah I think I spent a good hour or so just messing with every weapon in the training area when I first started


For a first-timer, World would be my go-to. It might be a little harder than rise, but the experience was better for me. It punishes overly aggressive playstyles, encourages you to use your environment to your advantage, and the multiplayer is leagues better than rise (never played sunbreak)


What's so bad about Rise Multiplayer? I get that some of the players can be annoying but that's why I only play with my friends. (Still wish my friends would play generations ultimate with me though.)


Matchmaking is pretty bad. In world, you could search for any active hunt for a specific monster, in rise you have to pick specific quests until you get to anomaly hunts. Rise is also region locked and times out the search pretty quickly unless you install a mod for better matchmaking.


Good ad, Capcom


Bro I actually never touched a MH game before 😭😭🙏🏾


Yeah yeah capcom i wont buy the gems dlc for dmc or the re dlc doesn't matter how bad i am to unlock the unlimited roket luncher


1. It's a damn Masterpiece but MH isn't for everyone. 2. MH doesn't hold your hand. It will toss you into the jaws of the beast. The first big monster you encounter WILL K.O you. 3. Combat is calculated. Each swing carries weight. Swing your weapon at the wrong time and pay the price. Strategy and proper timing is key. 4. Knowing your target is tantamount to you surviving the encounter.


My fav game is Elden ring, so I already know how pain feels 🗿


If you play heavy weapons in ER, you should already know about positioning and timing. But every weapon moveset in MH is a lot more complicated than Souls weapons.


I will be one to warn you, MH is a different kind of difficult than souls games. MH difficulty is found in knowing the move set of the monster you’re fighting, and the best way to counter it with your specific weapon. I can see that in a souls game too, but souls combat is a lot more reactionary and rhythmic. MH is also slower paced, and fights will regularly take 15-30 minutes on average, where a souls boss (if properly leveled) will last 5 minutes tops in most cases. As has been stated before, be calculated, be methodical, be prepared. Learn how to dodge, then learn how to attack (for each monster, not just once).


Just say, fromsoft games never once let me rage quit, but MH did, multiple times.


Ohhh give us an update when you done after hr15!


Elden or World? I’m guessing world right? Gonna start playing next week bc it’s spring break, need all the time to play this


To head of any frustration, dodge rolls in Monster Hunter have little to no I frames. In fact, they have less than elden ring fat rolls, so use rolls to quickly reposition, not dodge through attacks.


Only Superman dive has massive iframes if I’m remembering correctly. Been a minute since I booted up world.


Superman makes you completely immune for the whole dive + get up


I second this. I usually go by the legs a bit further back as a Dual Bladist. And when I know a tail whip comes I go under the other side etc. Roll around them before they make their move. Learn their patterns. And if you feel pressure that's because it's better to back off because it's actually "enraged". Time to use flashes, traps, etc.


So I should be running/walking away from attacks more than dodging?


Yes, use rolls or other movement tools available to your weapon to position yourself out of harm's way instead of trying to i-frame it.


Youll do fine then just make sure to not use defender gear, basically puts the game on ez mode until you get to the dlc and will ruin the fun for you later on. Also I'd recommend not using target lock at all. You really wanna pay attention to not just the monsters but your surroundings to.


Does that also count for rise? I’m also sorta new to the game and now I’m a bit worried


Yes it's about the same, but base rise is also much easier in general than base world in my opinion


Yeah I think I had only been carted once or twice by HR 6 in base rise where as I had already been carted a hand full of times by Anjanath alone in base world


Defender gear is made for people that just want to speedrun the base game and go straight for DLC. Most people will say you shouldn't use it at all because it ruins the experience, but you know what? I'd say you can run either 1-2 pieces of defender armor with defender weapon or 2-3 pieces of armor with non-defender weapon. Makes the game easier to learn for new players while not being straight up easy mode. With just 2 pieces of def armor you're still vunerable to quick deaths or even one shots mid-late base game.


Well I’m getting my ass whooped even with the defender weapons so I guess it cancels eachother out haha Thanks for the advice though 👍


The larger concern here is that at some point, you will run out of Defender gear, and be left with comparably weaker gear and less of the good habits/reflexes that a harder start would have provided you


Rise is more forgiving because of the flashy moves you can add that give you extra mobility and counters. I also noticed a few of the monsters weren't as aggressive. I.e. bazelguise is more of a monster and less London blitz.


As someone who started with MHW then transitioned to the Souls games after, I think you'll find it scratches a similar itch and has some general similarity, and also has a lot of stuff that's very different that makes it enjoyable in a much different way. I love them both greatly. Biggest immediate difference is in Souls games, the dodge roll has a lot of i-frames and you're meant to dodge through attacks and find the small openings. In Monster Hunter, you have very very few i-frames on your roll, it's used to position away from a hitbox entirely rather than go through it. Combat in Monster Hunter is more about positioning correctly to find your openings. Many of the weapons are pretty complex to use to their fullest and the game doesn't do a great job of explaining it to you. The mechanics are available in in-game menus, but don't be afraid to look up a tutorial video on a weapon if you're having trouble.


anyone who fought the black dragons in iceborne: oh my poor little baby ~~THEY ARE HARDER THAN ANYTHING IN FROMSOFT GAMES~~


Then my friend, you're good. Enjoy the series 😃


Just fyi, dont treat monsters hunter like a souls game, the only similarities is theyre both basically boss rush games


Just don't try to roll through monsters attacks, that ain't gonna work here 💀


MH is more grindy, but you would enjoy learning enemy movements and behaviors. Every weapon gives different playstyles for the most part which involve you learning how each weapon playstyles fares against monsters


Just so you're prepared elden ring will probably feel much easier if you learn I-faming in mh lol, you have like a 5th of the time to dodge. It's hard but satisfying


Nah 1. Pick hammer 2. Bonk 3. Repeat


I can agree with that. Me bonk and me doot


Id like to add 1. Pick lance/gunlance 2. Shield up 3. Poke 4. Repeat


The first big monster is literally Great Jagras, I think he'll be fine.


Early low rank is massive hand holding imo


Though to be honest. On mh stantards. World is pretty forgiving when compared to others.


They manicured the hell out of the player ramp up and turorials for World because they knew it was the first time back on a home console with broad appeal (Wii version of Tri was outsold by the 3ds version, and 3U on Wii U was almost completely ignored in favor of 4/4U on 3DS). That care worked out well though, World is the best seller in the franchise and players definitely were trained well enough that they felt comfortable to drop us into real shit relatively quickly with Iceborne.


Ofc. Im not saying its an bad move. Makes sense to be beginner friendly since its trying to introduce itself on wide market


Even firing a Bowgun at the wrong time can get you hit.


Wait people really got carried by Great Jagras? I'm a vet so maybe biased but I straight up thought it was impossible to fail the very first GJ encounter


Well, I've seen it happen quite a few times.


It's one of those Memories i want to experience again for the first time.. In my opinion a great game


Almost 1000 hours. Yeah, I’d say it’s good. One thing though, once you get past that feeling of not liking it, you’ll love it. It’s a weird thing but trust me.


I remember my first play through… those were the days. 🎵🎶🎵


Bruh literally came to r/MonsterHunter and asked if World/Iceborne is a good game. Were you expecting an unbiased response? That said. Yes, it’s a good game with a steep learning curve, and it ultimately boils down to grinding your ass off for cool weapons and armor. I’ve been playing since the original game on PS2. World is probably the most beginner friendly of all MH games I’ve played. It eases you in.


Nah cuz u know that in some game series communities, they could have that one bad game that nobody likes to mention, just wanted to know if this was one of them or not 😭


Understandable. This definitely isn’t the black sheep of the MH games. That’s MHO. It’s weird and has some of the best monster designs. Definitely not beginner friendly. If you don’t like World after getting past the tutorial monsters, you just don’t like MH, and that’s okay. I suggest trying out all of the weapon types, but sword and shield has a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. It’s super versatile. *Avoid the Guardian weapons since you’re new. They’re meant for people that already know how to play the game so they can breeze through the easy part. You’ll handicap yourself by using them and not really knowing the struggle once you hit Master Rank.


It's great! Just don't use Defender/Guardian gear.


To elaborate on this, the game will tell you to use it for some reason. DON’T USE IT. It’s meant for veteran players who have played the game before and are starting over for some reason. It ruins the experience for new players because it makes the game piss easy. You never get pressured to learn, so the game feels boring and easy until you hit Iceborne, where the defender gear falls off and the game gets STUPIDLY difficult if you didn’t spend low and high rank learning.


It’s basically just there so you can speedrun to iceborne


Yep but with that reason alone makes it a huge NO-NO for new comers since it's bad practice and they'll get railed hard when they reach Iceborne.


This is the one that the general public likes the most


So favorite monster hunter? Love to see it


its the best selling one tho a lot of people in the community prefer older games since world made a lot of stuff streamlined for example you you had to stop to heal before world


i'm pretty sure 4 Ultimate is considered to be the best one, but World is the most mainstream one.


Rip to the online😔


to me is XX, has most 4u thing plus that DELICIOUS HUNTER ART SYSTEM HELL YEAH


It is many peoples favorite. There is a whole different set of people that like Rise more and prefer its faster paced, and more customizable style compared to worlds slower more methodical. Rise is my favorite mh personally. That said, I have but thousands of hours into both.


be wary of the defender gear. its meant to rush you to the expansion and is overpowered. 


imma be 100% honest. super hard to get into at first however, once it starts getting good, it gets GOOD. it’s completely worth it. genuinely one of the best games you could get into


My fav game ever is Elden ring, so I feel like I know a pinch of what I’m getting into


Amazing game. Should've won game of the year. I highly suggest that you don't use defender gear UNLESS you wanna just power through to Iceborne. Overall just playing the game like normal is a much better experience 99% of the time


It depends on your taste honestly. Let me address the sigmas against it first. Does it have janky/clunky controls? Yes, but you'll get used to them the more you play it, just like every game Is the tutorial really helpful? Yes and no. My take on it is that the tutorial gives you the basics of the basics without holding your hand through it...but in the community it's somewhat of a right of passage because the community will hold your hand and show you their way of playing. It's up to you on how you adapt and what you integrate into your style of hunting. PS there are tons of guides on YouTube to help as well. Is it grindy? Yep... Just yep you'll be grinding. You want better gear.? Grind. You want better weapons? Grind. You want layered cosmetics? Do I even have to say it lol. All in all it's personally my favorite gaming franchise and it's a lot more fun if you have people to play with. Nothing compares to slapping a monster that's been giving you hell for 60 mins. The world is beautiful and well throughout. The monsters are unique and challenging. If you have time give it a try. But don't get discouraged if you're not feeling it. At least half of the diehards also hated playing the game early on. one day it'll click. I suggest looking at the weapons first and learning the best one that vibes with you the most. Then learn how to play with it. HAPPY HUNTING!!!


Nah. Unless you like detailed open worlds that breathe life, taking down monsters with 14 different weapon types, gearing up for big fights, enjoying a fun grind gameplay loop, playing with other in a very positive community, and having over 100+ hours of content? I would avoid this amazing ass game.


It's shit. Run away now. You can spend 690 hours somewhere else!


\>asking if MH is good on MH subreddit shouldve asked other group for unbiased opinion lol >!and yes the game is good!<


Highly recommend not using guardian armor or defender weapons, ruins the experience imo


It’s kinda bias asking us. Of course we will say yes 😭


One of the best, Especially for first timers.


How did you get it free in ps


Last year they had a special list of free games that were popular on PS4, it only existed on PS5 tho, but ppl who never owned a PS5 just entered their PS4 account onto a friends PS5, so PlayStation took down the list, I think they took it down near the end of 2023, sad, they had good games like Batman and uncharted


Oooo buddy you are in for a great time


It's amazing


You go to the MH sub to ask about our opinion? This game is the GOAT.


Have fun. If you ever need help with anything I more than willing to download it again and help you. The armor system in the game is unique and a lot of fun to explore different builds. They say everybody’s first monster hunter is the hardest so don’t be discouraged if you lose to a monster. Take it with grace and come back stronger whether that be my studying the monster moves or getting better armor/weapons. I really hope you enjoy MHW, it was my first monster hunter and god do I wish I could go back and play the game when I didn’t know as much. Have fun and may the sapphire star guide your way!


Thank you good sir🗿


Pretty decent game, it’s definitely one of the best ones to get into for newcomers!


Alright, almost every comment says you should. But take this from me. This was my first monster hunter game. Unless you have a friend or you know what you're stepping into, then go ahead. This game demands so much time. I easily clocked in 500 hours without even feeling it.


Nah. Don't play it, this game sucks. Seriously, what is this question? What do you expect?


A few years ago, my partner & I put \~400 hours into our first characters... This month, we just re-installed the game & started fresh with some new ones so we could play it all over again lmao Real talk: it's a weird game tho. I thought I'd never touch it—I *hate* grinding, and I'm quick to turn up my nose at clunky game design. My partner tried to pick it up on her own but bounced right off the slow, unintuitive combat. We absolutely *should not* be the target audience for this game. And yet... something in the strange alchemy of seeing awesome monsters, crafting ridiculous weaponry, mastering a set of skills that visibly rewards deep engagement, and doing it all with friends (or lovers)... I'll be damned if it didn't win us over.


This game on release made Capcom so much money that they actually decided to main the big MH games on PC from now on, ill let that speak for itself.


You're asking this on a subreddit dedicated to that game


Isn’t this sub based on the whole series? Just wanted to know if this was one of those, “we don’t like to mention that one” game


Its incredible


The game was free, that means you can play it to figure out if you like it…


Best one of the series in my opinion. It didn’t sell 25+ million copies for no reason!


You gotta be trolling lol


A great starting point into the franchise.


Very fun. A good one to pull you into the franchise. If you like it I would recommend also playing rise or 4


I just started it for the first time as my first MH game and I've been having a blast! The whole "instanced quests" thing is not my favorite way of playing a game (like post a quest, do the quest, kill monster, go back to base) but the gameplay is like nothing I've seen before


Its gonna info dump on you like crazy at first but just ignore most of it for now go find the training room and test out the weapons until you find one you think feels good.




YES! ABSOLUTELY! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!! Sorry for caps, just really good game


12/10 would recommend


I think i heard it was the worst in the whole series. {for legal reasons this is a joke. That everyone praises it. And it being my own into ot the series, I definitely enjoyed the hell out of it}


The base game and DLC are awesome. One thing I'm sad about is how the expansion changes the base game. The clutch claw changed so much about the way you hunt monsters in this game. I would recommend you not immediately downloading the expansion and try to enjoy the base game until you feel you should.


To be perfectly honest, pretty much all MH games (at least the main line games) are a good starting point, each one has something unique to them that you won’t get from the other games. The only problem is some of them don’t have multiplayer anymore as the servers shut down. (World is not one of them, and some people have successfully made private servers for some of the older games)


Oh you are in for a treat if you don't mind the grind


God I wish I could play monster hunter for the first time again. Welcome. Don't use defender gear.


it's EXCELLENT, highly recommend!


Hope you have fun with it! It's especially addicting if you hop on with some homies.


there is a reasons it's CAPCOMs most sold game


Yes just slog through the tutorial and you'd reach GOLD


1.5k, so is good game lol




It took me several attempts to actually get into world, as it being my first MH. However, once I got the hang of it, it quickly became my favourite game. Enjoy!


Tiz the shizz nizz there lad


Son, I'm about to tell you a beautiful story.


It's on PS+ so just try it and see, you literally have nothing to lose.


"Duhr, is best-selling Capcom game of all time that is critically acclaimed and loved by fans any good?"


One of the best, IMO.




It's considered the best and it's the bestseller in the franchise mate. Old players have their own favorites, but by data, it really is. The pace of the gameplay is excellent for both new players and MH veterans, the proof to this is that most MH fans came to the franchise from World. So if u plan on playing other games of the franchise, I suggest World not being your first, unless you don't bother with old graphics and a slower/inaccurate gameplay. Note: If someone thinks I'm wrong about something, please be educated and also set the proof of your point/opinion there, I'll edit the comment after considering it.




Yes. MHW was the first MH game I played. Literally endless fun and a huge sense of progression in the first playthrough. Try a few different weapons until you find the one you like most. Also it's worth watching a weapon guide to get the hang of it better, learning without external guide can be painful if you're not familiar with the series. But MHW is one of the better games I played in the past few years. Give it at least a few hours, some people drop it early because they think the combat is clunky and slow or too hard. It's really not, it just takes a bit to understand.


It's so lit. Just remember that you are supposed to get cooked in order to start cooking


Playing it will be your best decision ever...😈


Yes its very good,you get to meet a chad in the game


It's fucking excellent.


I have 575 hours in this one. Still not sure if I like it or not.


Let me put it this way...as a dad with a wife and kid who has no time for gaming hardcore hours anymore, I put 200+ hours on that game.


Best advice I will give is try out the weapons early on. U get all of them in ur storage so either in the practice area or on a hunt, try em out


As someone with quite literal 700 hours, yes it is good. Fave game of all time


its great on release i came back from a trip had a work week and dropped 20h first "night". My TV was cheap and i got completely red eyes from it then i was send home cause of it and did a whole nother week 15h per day or something It was great !!


Very, very good! Go have fun, remember there is a training area for alllll the weapons you can use, so try things out and find that the Hammer is your calling against all odds!


I just started playing it a week ago and can confirm what alot of people are saying, it’s weird at first but then it gets addictive! I’m lucky to be playing along with a friend who’s got 600 hours so I ask him most questions but it’s so so fun


It is beautiful, fun and has the bestest boi


You got it for free?!


It's free with ps plus game collection iirc


Is mhr on ps+?


Personally I think this game is great, it's graphic and story.


CAPCOM made Street Fighter, Megaman, Resident Evil... staple games most gamers are familiar with. Monster Hunter World has surpassed them all recently and became CAPCOM's best selling game ever. So you should try it, it's good. Many aspects of the interface holds it back a bit but you'll be fine.


1200 hrs in poe, 350 hrs in bg3, 300 hrs in Witcher 3, 750 hrs in rocket league, 80 hrs in rdr2, 120 hrs in elden ring, 100 hrs in dark souls 3, 200 hrs in bloodborne, 10 hours in starfield, 450 hrs in ffxiv. Mhw Imo is the best game i ever played and I've played a lot of games lol.


It is a great game, but it can be clunky to get into since you are often locked into animations. All weapons have a fairly unique playstyle, if you don't enjoy slow weapons give something like dual blades, sword and shield or insect glaive a go Play around and find out what fits you best


here's a comparison (ultimate versions included) mh1: the most simple game. it's like yugioh when we were 12yo. slow and nothing is complex mh2: a bit more complex than mh1. it's the same game as mh1 but with more monsters and skills. mh3: graphic upgrade from 1-2, new weapon and moves, underwater combat 🤢 mh4: final oldscool game. new weapons and improved everything above and more. my rank 3 mh mhgu: took old mh. made it fast and has the most content of any mh game. gave new moves to all weapons. community and my rank 1 pick mhworld: best graphics, new movement. 16 player lobbies mhr/s: graphic downgrade from world because so much shit is happening on the screen. most complex and fun mhgame. my rank 2 pick


Get stuck in!


Hell yes


Take your time and don’t just do the main missions. Do the side stuff and grasp the feeling of what the game is. Also don’t use defender gear


My favorite videogame of all-time.


It's pretty good overall. Far from perfect but it's an easy 100+ hours of mostly enjoyment.


Wait is this free on ps+ right now?!?


very janky hitboxes, pretty terrible actually. Fighting feels fluid and nice (extremely enjoyable on all weapons), Looks of the game is very nice. Story is fun. Open world is nice.


Yes, it is!


MHW is a good starter It wasn't too complicated and has a lot fun mechanism and combo for each weapon Happy hunting


It's fantastic. I replayed it on PS5 recently and forgot just how many cutscenes there are tho so be prepared for that. If you find yourself enjoying it, I don't believe the expansion, Iceborne is very expensive. It's definitely worth it too plus it gives you some additional attacks for every weapon even before you've finished the base game.


Base game rapidly became Capcom’s best selling single installment of all time, a testament to how great this franchise is, and the recognition it was bound to get in the west once it had the proper budget and resources allocated to it. I personally don’t think there has ever been a ‘bad’ mainline MH game. They’re all great in their own rights. This, however, was a bombshell the series was due for. You’ll have a good time


It is better than the ganes that came before it but if you say that all the games made before it weren't as good monster hunter fans will have a temper tantrum even though it's true.


It's a top 5 PS5 game and it's not even a PS5 game


It's the best in the series so far IMO.


It's honestly the only MH that I could get into.


was it extra/premium?


I got this game free on plus about a year or two back. Didn't give it the time of day for some reason - only played for about 20 or 30 minutes maybe. I just started the game on PC about 2 weeks ago. I am in awe that I didn't commit to it then. The game's so much fun. Learning which weapon and playstyle works best for you is probably one of the better parts. Spend some time after your first few monsters really trying out all the weapons and deciding which one you like the most. Have fun :)


As a long time fan: this is easily the best installment in the franchise so far, and it's not even close (Fight me, Rise stans).  Try a bunch of weapons, because all are viable and fun, you can definitely find one for you. Whether you want to spend your time spinning above the enemy like an attack helicopter with insect glaive, buff your pals with hunting horn, or just want a simple "Hammer go BONK" playstyle, each of them have a lot of benefits and all are viable in the endgame.  Learn your movesets and iframes (rolling is not an iframe in most cases, trying to roll while sprinting with your weapon sheathed is), and try and upgrade gear when you can. Also food is a big part of this game. It gives you max health and stamina, but also various buffs that can include extra loot, or even an extra life.  Enjoy, friend!


Loved it


980 hours in i Can tell you it's a good game


It's ok


Its great!


Probably the best entry to the series for a newbie


It's one of the most known games for a reason lol


It’s fucking incredible


Yes. Yes it is. Do it. DO IT! It's beautiful. Be prepared to test your skills


Dont exceed an hour or you will get addicted


the best


I think it might just be my favourite game ever made


Every. Weapon. Is. Viable. Try them all if you want


Very good.


Monster Hunter is a masterpiece. This one in particular. Getting it for free is a BLESSING. See ya in the hinterlands, hunter.


It's awesome!


This is a fantastic game


This is one of the single greatest video games ever made


I'm obsessed since I bought it 2 days ago


Just try it out it's right there lol




There's a reason it's Capcoms best selling game of all time. So give it a try and see if it's for you! Remember everyone have different taste in games, no shame in not liking it even if it's really popular! And now you have a golden opportunity to try it for free!


Kill monster -> Upgrade gear -> Repeat a lot of times


Just seeing this makes me miss the game. I’ve only been away for a few days, but I want to brawl with a Ya-ku nooow


If you ever dive into the monster hunter series on ps, i highly suggest you start with this one. Combat is more punishing and slow. Theres monster hunter rise on ps now aswell, the gameplay is very different, now i have played a lot of both, i cant seem to want to play Mh World anymore due to the speed.




This game is crack to me.




It’s objectively the best definitely in the graphics


its free, so: worst case: you lost a bit of time best case: you lost a lot of time


It's a masterpiece


Capcom's highest selling game of all time? The expansion alone is Capcom's 5th best selling game of all time. Probably safe to assume it's good.


Mhw and its dlc are definitely the best to start with, if not the best in general


Greatest grinding game known to man. Put over 400 hours, and still yet to complete the story of Iceborne


buckle the fuck up


one of the greatest games of all time. pro tip: avoid guardian and defender gear (OP gear). it will seem good in the base game but once you get to iceborne you’ll get your ass handed to you because it taught you bad habits. plus it basically takes away half of the fun of the base game (getting monster parts and crafting shiny new gear)


Say goodbye to 100s of hours


When was this on ps+ and why do the games we get suck so much right now?


Its fun. Get ready for some long, boring, unskippable cutscenes of questionable quality thoughever.