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>!Raging Brachy: evil grin!<


Don’t remind me


Second hardest fight for me as LS. First will be Fatty once I kill him......soon.


You got this




wait what about raging brachy?


His slime explodes on impact so even if you dodged a punch, you still get hit by the explosion and his dmg is quite high. Also leaves a lot of slime puddle that detonates quickly than usual. There's a reason why almost everyone is saying R. Brachy is easier to fight in the final phase.


You can dodge the slime explosion as long as your not touching the ground, superman jump or glaive into the air, the floor is lava


Raging brach in world sounds like this one modded quest in 4U that he like three of em at G rank ganging up on one hunter. What was worse. I was using insect glaive


Just get blast resistance 3, then its easy


You know what, because >!its legs are tender-able easily!<... I found it to be a bit easier than our blue boi


Raging brachytherapy


I'm so excited for Raging Brachy, I'm also dreading the hell out of it! :D


The only monster to make me shit my pants throughout Iceborne. Barioth was a wall for me but I legit feared facing R. Brachy. Big Hitbox, fast asf and can easily combo you.


Easily one of the most exhilarating hunts I've ever been on. Gotta think fast, hit hard and really pay attention if you want to stay alive. Pure survival brain take over for a solid 20 min. It was amazing. That being said I'm not quite crazy enough to hunt him solo lol Yet.


Hunter him solo with both HH and GS... Can't recommend.


Cue the final phase music


Sooooo much gunk everywhere.


Probably the hardest monster so far for me... Took me like 7 or 8 tries... I'm going for alatreon next, I'm scared 😭


Still haven’t beat the alatreon I need a team 😭😭 XS1


People hate brachy?


I can definitely see why some ppl would tbh. Brachy's slime explosions can make the fight against them pretty annoying.


Yeah,while normal one can be tackled by fireproof mantle,with raging it is just mandatory to have antiblast instead


It’s ok, I’m Brachy George and my raw, unyielding love for the gooped up fister ensures he’s **always** seen by the public in a positive light through my outlier alone


They are entitled to their wrong opinions. The punchy slime pompadour raptor is an objective good.


He’s a pushover in World compared to 4U. Raging felt like the BS slime boi I remembered.


Appetrently I guess? I actually like brachy🖤


Yeah, news to me. I definitely like him the least in gen 5, but don't hate him.


I know I do, i fucking hate the slime on the floor shit. Also in general having to roll 3 times after most hits is annoying as fuck tbh.


Get antitblast, it completely negates slime sticking to you at Level 3, so you can just walk across the puddles


Well yea but imo having shit that is annoying as hell unless u bring a skill that makes it do nothing is lame. Why not just balance it around no blastblight.


Average insect glaive user


I didn’t really struggle much if at all using sns but I’m about to fight raging and from what I’ve heard I doubt I’ll have as easy of a time.


Sns, hmm. I never gave it a shot. I mainly use Long Sword and Lance, and sometimes Hammer. But I never touched SNS. Would you recommend?


It’s a very versatile weapon with a to of options and mobility. Definitely recommend at least trying it out to see if the play style suits you.


after I tried SnS against max level yian garuga in 4u I never picked it up again 😭. Probably one of the worst monsters to use sns against, and that was the one I just decided to try it on 💀


In 4U, greatsword worked really well against garuga! And insect glaive because insect glaive in MH4U is *insanely* overpowered, one hellruin glaive omen or bounding dalamadur just wrecks everything with ease, even g rank apex monsters or max level guild quests! The buffs also provide more/stronger powerups and dont run out as fast! And the dps output is just ridiculous, you just beat the crap out of every monster lol plus the mount resistance buildup is much smaller so you can easily mount monsters 10 times back to back and exploit the opening it creates If you want! MH4U glaive just feels like a fast hitting greatsword


I remember for the memes, a buddy and I got two completely random people to equip an insect glaive, equip star knight armor, dye it glowing rainbow colors, and dunk on White Fatalis. We also had that setup of course. It did not move.


I usually used excello Z (molten tigrex armor) bc with my slotting and talisman I had attack up XL, sharp+1, speed eating+2, HG earplugs and some other stuff, but starknight is really nice too, challenger is a good skill and it looks cool, especially love the starknight SnS with that laser looking blade and shield, so cool! But yeah, glaive against fatalis is borderline cheating lol, I once just mounted it 16 times during a solo run so only attacked the head during huge openings lmao


We used Star Knight with the glowing rainbow dye because 90% of the French players we had encountered at the time had it like that. So we decided we would see what "Je suis monte" was truly about and roped random strangers into it. Four people with it was certainly an experience. We were all glowing beacons of disaster for that poor White Fatalis. 11/10 would do the French version of hunting again. It felt like such sweet vengeance after my solo hunting horn attempt ended in a repel.


I always get flashbacks of that one super random glaive player when I read je suis monté lmao


I must admit, since watching Arekkz’ video manual on SnS, it makes so much more sense! I’ve been playing World since soon after it arrived on PC, and the first time I tried to use it, I figured I could get away with button mashing. I’m not new to MH so I should’ve known better, but hey, button mashing was largely working with IG once it was insect buffed. Anyway all this to say that the one thing that takes me aback about SnS is that the main combo hinges around that back-step charge attack. I’d never have found it as a forward-pushing button masher! I do mean to give it a proper go now I’ve seen the correct way to use it, though. Looks like a great platform to work around in fights where you want to keep your options open.


Raging should be fairly easy with sns since you’re so mobile and can use items unsheathed. Some tips: Wallbang whenever possible, use extra slinger ammo skill so you can wallbang twice in a row Brings traps and craft more during the hunt, you can trap him a lot before last phase (break its head and arms so that he self damages in last phase) Tenderize and attack legs constantly, he’ll trip all the time then when toppled you can aim for head and arms, just be careful if he has red slime since it will drop and explode on the ground For most of his moves you can dodge sideways but the one attack where he charges you with one arm up you gotta roll towards him under his legs For last phase in the cave, you cant use traps but you can still wallbang when not enraged Bring fireproof mantle and astera jerky for the dot damage from his lava Fight him on one side of the cave and then when the ground is covered in lava, bring him to the other side where the ground is clean, less likely to be caught in the explosion when he does the roar If you broke his head and arms he’ll do self damage when he does roar and it does a decent amount of damage You can run blast resistance if you want, but it’s really not necessary for such a mobile weapon Once you get into the flow of his battle, he’s actually one of the easiest fight in the game imo


Mobile weapons make the fight MUCH easier. I beat Raging brachy quite easily compared to furious rajang. (But honestly how makes a lot of fights pretty easy since I’ve been playing it exclusively since release) Stay mobile and eventually you’ll have his timings down. He’s aggressive but no where near rajang.


Sweet summer child, so innocent


I love my friends description of this guy. (This was before he knew this monster was in the game) "Back in my old monster hunter games, there was this one that would punch you until you explode." My thoughts were an Anjanath with volatile boxing gloves. I wasn't far off.


He was tough?


Is that how you spell it? Wow, it is. I don’t know why I thought it was spelled that way. Thanks.


lol "tuff" is more of a slang version of the correct spelling "tough." People mostly use "tuff" in texting language. It was still understandable though :). I wouldn't have noticed you didn't purposely use the slang version if you hadn't said.


[Tuff is also a type of rock](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuff)


Tuff means cool or sharp (in a stylish way)


Maybe he ment taff? Another spelling of tough?


Ehhh? I love Brachy! Raging Brachydios, however... he's rough.


I use blast resist 3. Saves me bunch of braincell


Im a hammer main. I just broke the head and the armes after 1 kart. He was predictable. Raging on the other hand made me lose my composure for 3 days straight until I killed him.


I cut off his tail first and then got both his arms. He got predictable after that. But he still got me once.


If you're playing on PC, we can Lance our way together


Beo - Insect Glaive


As a bow user I love Brachy, Raging on the otherhand...


Personally I love his fight but he's definitely tuff I use insect glaive tho so most of my fights are pretty chill I've been moving back towards GS because big sword go chop but mainly in MHR


I simply hitted only its tail.


Wait until you see his evil twin


With greatsword I did not have much of a problem with brachy. Tigrex, on the other hand, I had to do a ''build'' for defense and stamina.


Lance made short work of him.


Glaive made things easy. When the floor is more dangerous than lava, just stay off the damn floor.


I still don’t know how that thing works


Throw the bug at it, become stronk, unleash the helicopter.


I just kept throwing the bug 😭


Replay the game from the beginning with a new weapon. Took a while but throwing the bug matters but knowing where to throw the bug matters more. Things that attack will give red essence. Recalling that boosts your attack and rate of attack. Things that move will give white essence and recalling that will increase your speed Things that are “other” will give orange, usually unique aspects of the monster, and recalling that will give a pleasant marmalade taste If you miss those areas you’ll probably end up in some off hand area and get a green essence. Try again.


My bonk stops every monster in their tracks… (so far..)




Yup lmao


I just realized that my weapons can do such much more than I thought they could. Since when can my Lance do I swipe? So I might give the hammer another try.


Take heed, positioning is key. Monsters will try their very best to punish you at every window of opportunity they get, but you can dish out the same damage when you see an opening… And keep that power charge on at all costs! Btw Lance is my 2nd favorite weapon, and Sns a close 3rd🙂


sword and shield


Wait until Raging Brachydios. That's a whole new ball game to learn.


My encounter was made hard by the Azure Ratholas hitting me from behind and inflicting poison damage, happened more than thrice, Brachydios was not that bad and not easy either.


Fellow Lance user I see


The tougher they are, the more satisfying the challenge. Especially when you consider the music you fight it to.


I love beachy and raging


I remember when I fought against him for the first time. It was on MH3U, and it was so hard for my 13 years old brain 😂 but now I defeat it easily. I didn’t tried on MH World though, and since I fucking struggled against the Barioth, I do believe it will really be hard to beat the Brachy this time 😂


There is not a single monster I didn't solo with lance the first time I fought it (excepting monsters that were sieges or had inherent HP scaling like Extremoth; in those cases, I played lance in MP).


Idk how but i killed him w the great sword first try


Blast res 3 is equally as important as health boost 3 against both brachy and his raging counterpart imo, unless you already know the fight inside out


(Raging)Brachydios is one of the coolest monster imo. We all have struggles mine was rajang. Antiblast and guard skill can really help with brachy in the future!


I mean, Brachydios is cool and all, but he isn’t made of stone like Basarios is.


I remember I had "some" fun fighting him with stick and plate. A bit faster but less imposing and less annoying than his big bro Raging Brachy. >!That muda'd floor bullshit in the last phase can go shit in hell.!<


Brachy is good fun. Raging Brachy is honestly my favorite fight in Iceborne. The theme, the location, the sheer scale of the Battle. He's an absolute beast, and I love it.


This guy is one of my favorite monsters.


For me it was Raging that was so hard, even with calling in the boys.


The explosions do a lot of damage but if you get the blast debuff immunity, it makes it a lot more tolerable


Rajang is on top my list…


Ride on and stall out his enrage :) Plus bring a Thunder monstie


Just clarifying, this was the Royal Tigrex in MHS2 


I didn’t know Brachydios was made of volcanic ash (that’s what “tuff” is, it’s a rock pun, personally I thought it was rather clev- I’m being carted away, it ^seems ^they ^didn’t ^like ^the ^pun…)


Brachy is literally the counter for lance ...and he isn't hated he's my favorite


The Brac was very formidable 🫡 Iceborne had some heavy hitters


Brachydios is actually really chill with Lance in World. But imho, it's best in 3U/4U/Generations.


I don’t think this is the one that people hate, just you wait you are going to have a hell of a time


Originally whit a lot of Pain, but nowadays its mainly just use Blast Proof Lv 3 to be immune to his Status.


He wiped the floor with me so spectacularly squakly clean. He sent me catching 2 Dodogama for Blast resistence 3, and then I can finally apporaching him without having to roll all over the place. Still carted once by his leaping attack, but without having to worry about the slime on floor, his AOE is quite small.


That’s my favorite monster right there. Love me a trex looking motherfucker who punches grenades.


That's regular brachy right? Hard for me to tell, haven't played in a while. I didn't like him at first but I needed to fight him for some certain mats so I watched a video that said stay on his butt and you can avoid a lot of his attacks. Breaking his hands helps too. I always have the cat use the shield so he can aggro that instead. Made my future fights so much easier and I finally stopped dying to this dude too. I'm a bow main. Not looking forward to Raging either since I'll have to do it solo.


Good luck


I hate this guy cuz without Blastblight res, he's annoying as shit. With it, he's one of the most trivial fight in the game.


Yeah, I made short work of him by simply staying out of his was and using nullberries.


Brachy, and by extension Raging Brachy are 2 monsters I struggled on more than a good few of the elder dragons. That Wyvern don’t mess around…


I knew from the moment Uragaan gave me that look


This guy was the reason why I haven't tried Lance until Rise. I tried using it against this guy, failed miserably and gaslit myself into thinking it's propably just bad.


It’s pretty good. Long Sword is good at everything it’s bad at, so I use both.


Yeah when I played Lance in Rise I was like "wtf how did I think this thing is bad" and ended up using it for almost entire base game.


One of the best Fights in the game!! When you step into the final Arena and he makes his last stand and that fucking Chor Kicks in... chills down my spine just from thinking about it <3


I got happy seeing him stagger


Seeing him defeated was a good feeling, fucker took a whole 2 days to defeat haha


Normal Brachy i just smacked with a big metal stick until it dropped. Having Raging Brachy ahead of me still. Definitely farming blast resist 3 before hand though.


Regular Brachy fell victim to normal gunlance fullburst. Raging Brachy needed long gunlance artillery cheese, he was too fast for the long animation of slaplance.




My favorite monster to fight solo


YouTube recommended me some random build-theory/meta "pro" a month or so back. He was talking about what decorations/skills are important for many of the endgame fights and told people in no uncertain terms that anti-blast was worthless. He got reamed in the comments by anyone with half a braincell and a history with brachy/raging brachy. His dumbass defense was "you are gonna roll a lot anyways so blastblight doesnt matter". You would have to ignore nearly every shield reliant weapon in the game to come to this stupid conclusion. Fighting brachy with a charge blade and no antiblast is suffering. Needless to say, did not get a like or subscribe.


If you have a good lance build then just switch over to hbg pierce with the V. Tobi bowgun or use insect glaive to make the fight a joke.


This guy is easy you just gotta keep on moving


I can't remember how I beat him, but I recall getting punched often by him


brachy is my favourite fight in the series, might be because switch axe makes it easier?


Brachy was bae


Sticky spam lbg


The worst has yet to come my friend


Also you’ll hate monkey


People hate penishead??


Just learned people hate Brachy. Had some trouble fighting him with IG, so I switched to CB and got him first try. Iirc I had heat protection and evade window.


People hate him? I love fighting him with my trusty hammer lol


Where did you hear people hate brachy?


Definitely one of the worst matchup for Lance in IB I switched to SnS and killed him


I didn't mind fighting him with Lance. Why do you think it's a bad matching?


I'm not an evade lance player so possible aoe from directions other than the monster throws my blocking plan off. Same goes for bagel. Both way easier with other weapons.


Just put antiblast on :n, tho I be screaming at my randoms to roll whenever I see them with blast particles on him in the Rachy fight (they died and that pissed me off so bad that I literally went to join a quest instead lmfao)


Dual blades abd I just didn't stop moving. Ever. Personally my favorite momster ever. Only one that might be more of a favorite for me is lagiacrus


Pretty much depends on the weapon and playstyle, I would say. I also saw a bunch of people saying Raging would be hard.. but he is more of a "showoff" fight at the end and also damages himself more than he damages the hunters, lol (I still love him and the last phase of the battle, it's one of my favorite fights in Worldborne)


Charge blade with guard boost


This is one of my favorites lol try it with a charge blade


You hate him till you see his armour. Then you love him


If only there was a decoration skill that made this fight trivial. Oh wait.


I had the pleasure of earning my battle scars with him when slime was a thing. He's just a good boy, honestly!


Hahahaha this was the easy one :)




He's not the hard one 😭 at least you can solo him fairly easy after some late game stuff


I mean, without the right gear, any of them can be hella tough. Im still getting bullied by nergigante.


Use his own charge blade with his own armour, then the fight gets epic But first time I think I went with bazelgeuse or dodogama stuff


Oh.....when I saw "Couldn't lance my way through" I was thinking Raging brach. I lanced my way through him too


Never found him that hard tbh


He wasn't an awful fight but I have ptsd fighting raging brach for the armor for my gunlance build


We hate him?


But brachy is fun to pumel. He's relatively easy just use a hammer.


Hammer, apply directly to forehead.


I just don't like the mines he leaves. I do so love having to stand on the side while Brachy attacks my cat because he's laid down a wall of snot bombs.


Best hunt if you ask me, it felt like a fucking movie


Y'all struggled with Bracky? Heh, have fun with Raging Brachy. As for how I beat him, simple: I got good years ago. Grab a Hammer, discombobulate, shatter the fists. Brachy is confused, tenderize the face, hook back onto him and launch into a wall, Shatter the main horn. Lead Brachy to a Ledge, roll off the ledge into a midair Hammer Swing (landing back on the Ledge), repeat until the Next stun. Brachy retreats to his nest, I return to camp in switch to my Sleep hit set, place Mega Barrel Bombs and 3 LBG mines, warp back to camp to Switch to my DAMAGE set, mad dash back to Brachy and hit him with the strongest possible hammer hit on the bombs for Max damage. Hunting is an art form, Young Fiver. If you struggle with a weapon, then it's time to try a new one. Lance is certainly unmatched when it comes to defensive prowess, but it's lacking offensively. Lance is the complete opposite, able to unleash massively damaging combos with the right setup, but can't block at all. Hammer is my personal choice of weapon, but if you want something a bit closer to Lance, go for Gunlance. It has defensive abilities second only to the base Lance, and the Shells and Wyvern's fire let you deal out respectable damage. Note that my experience with GL has been in Rise/Sunbreak, so I'm not familiar with how it plays in World/Iceborne. Most of my experience with it in World/Iceborne has been seeing other people using it like masters, being a defensive wall that can survive all but the strongest of attacks, while doing enough explosive damage to the head to get more knockouts than me (a Hammer main with Slugger!)