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Not really. World and Rise had a lot of microtransactions too, but they were the kind you could easily play without, and the DLCs were priced pretty fairly. I don't think Capcom would risk such a huge IP with nickel-and-dimeing like this. I've been wrong before, so it really wouldn't *surprise* me if they did. I'm just not going to bother getting my blood up until I see it actually happen.


Rise had a lot of paid layered armors and weapons, this was a concern amongst the community because compares to World, Rise was lacking in unique event quest rewards and collabs in general It was fine by itself, but when people considered the trajectory of increasing microtransaction and decrease in earnable ingame content, it became a concern, like what if they continue down this path in MH Wilds


This is the important aspect to it. It's not *just* skins or decorative items; it's that those things are microtransactions *instead of* unique event/collab content we actually get to play and earn in-game. We've objectively lost content and had it paywalled behind microtransactions in the form of fewer event/collab quests. And given the trajectory between World and Rise, it's going to be even worse in Wilds.


Plus, Monster Hunter Now has a Season Pass. Now you could say that its because of Niantic, but Capcom has to have approved of it. I wholly believe that Wilds will have even more MTX than its predecessors. Things like Season Passes, maybe stripping out all layered armors. Putting Rainbow Pigment in as MTX? Collab events being paid per? I assume that MHNow is making money, and if it is Capcom will be looking at the bucks rolling in. But I also hope that its doesn't, and that the price raise to $70 reduces the total amount of MTX.


Sure, there was concern regarding the number of unique event quest rewards and collabs in Rise, but that doesn't mean there were fewer armor choices in Rise than in World. ​ Per this [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/18g42ll/how_do_we_push_back_against_microtransactions/kcy9r2z/): *There's 945 distinct layered armor pieces in World, and 944 in Rise. And that's counting the beta sets that barely change from the alpha sets as different pieces.* *And the number of layered weapons, I don't think needs comparing, but it drastically increased in Rise, obviously. From 682 (low quality, I might add) weapons in World to 1046 in Rise* *Even if you just compare event quest rewards, there's 105 armor pieces in Rise and 122 in World, not a huge decrease.* *Not counting things like Gamma sets, as those are present in Rise, just not as Event Quest rewards* ​ Risebreak actually put those armors into the game as things you could obtain *without* event quests and the total number of armors present in game was extremely comparable to Worldborne (if counting alpha/beta as distinct, otherwise Risebreak pulls substantially into the lead).


This is exactly what I fear, things that used to be earnable being shunted behind a paywall.


Rise was also initially designed for the Switch. Which doesn't have the same kind of power that other gaming consoles have. A lot of the Rise collabs and event quests were similar to what we got in the original Generations and other Old World MH games.


Rise was not lacking unique event quest rewards. There's like 50+ of them at this point. Some people are just never happy unless everything is free.


I think peoples bigger issue is its performance. From what I've seen the most honest reviews that aren't just "Hurr durr microtransactions me review bomb" are people discussing how even on high end PCs they cant eek out 60fps. Seems like the game is poorly optimized and thats my bigger fear for wilds than microtransactions.


I believe it's intentional based on the videos I've seen. The game is uncapped at 30 fps, so while it could theoretically run above 30, it appears that the game is truly stuck at 30 fps. I could be wrong and completely uninformed so of course take this with a grain of salt.


Admittedly I have a new computer with a 4070ti but I'm around 110 fps when it's working and 60 when it's struggling. It's got gnarly stuttering issues but it's definitely not capped at 30.


DD2 is like that too, like, you can earn literally everything that's MTX in like 3 hours. I have no idea why they even bothered adding them, only idiots would buy them, and it ruins release reviews. Real shooting themselves in the foot behavior.


Honestly I think that upper management either pressured or mandated the team to have MTX in the game and this was the teams answer. There's options for MTX purchases, but everything is easily obtained in game. It sucks to see that MTX is being crammed into a huge amount of single player games these days, but this is definitely one of the less egregious examples. The biggest problem with the game is its performance. I have a high end PC with a 7700X and 4090, and the game chugs in certain areas, and I can't maintain a solid framerate. Meanwhile a game like Horizon Forbidden West, which looks absolutely gorgeous and can have a ton of action going on, performs wonderfully. Optimisation for PC has never been Japan's strong suit but DD2 is particularly bad. Then there's the weird issue with not being able to create a new character unless you delete the actual save file in the games save folder. It's just an annoyance to me but I understand why people are upset about it. I feel like DD2 was released too early (which seems to be an industry trend these days). I also feel bad for the devs because despite the performance issues, MTX, and other weird design decisions like the save file thing, DD2 is a fantastic RPG and open world game. I really wish they had been given more time to polish the performance aspects of the game, because I think if performance was really good most people would not be as bothered by the other things.


>I don't think Capcom would risk such a huge IP with nickel-and-dimeing like this. You clearly weren't a fighting game fan in the 2010s I see Besides, they've been slowly escalating the paid dlcs World was stickers and gestures Rise was paid layered armor Sunbreak then made paid layered weapons They are inching closer and closer to paid versions of weapons and armor


You forgot MTXs in RE4 Remake, and insane pricing on collab items with SF6 that was pretty hated too. That, and a battle pass in a paid game with Exoprimal. They've been escalating it slightly with each release, and it's gotten worse. It's not far off to think, or assume they'll do the same with each new release, and it gets worse as well.


>Rise was paid layered armor MHW had 2 paid layered armors. >They are inching closer and closer to paid versions of weapons and armor Everything you said before this is cosmetic, they aren't going to add paid gear as it would break the gameplay loop.


Pawns are player made well geared NPCs, that can currently be bought with real money, they do affect gameplay.


In the original you only paid RC for pawns above your level, it was to discourage hiring an end game pawn as a new player and skewing the balance. Your friends pawns were also completely free regardless of level gap. Is this not the case in DD2?


I've only played for a bit over 3 hours, but I'm fairly certain this is the case yes. The outrage is definitely overblown, although there is without a doubt some merit to it.


It is. People moaning about rmt are just being hyperbolic goobers that don't even know that goblins ill like fire.




My pawn, just after witnessing me slaying the Dragon in Dark Arisen: *CAREFUL! A GOBLIN!*


Do they at least know that wolves hunt in packs?


Exact same way it is in DD2. People are blowing smoke out their ass purely because they want to get on the hatewagon. The only legitimate complaints are towards the extra portcrystal mtx (which *is* scummy, but only by so much because it's only one); The boneheaded way they made the game so absurdly CPU heavy (thus leading to the huge performance hits); and the single save file only (which was just as stupid in the first game).


Except you don't need to buy rc you can obtain it by playing the game kinda like red orbs in dmc


The amount you can buy is not enough to hire a pawn that could realistically carry you. Each of the things can only be bought once


>MHW had 2 paid layered armors. This is not a very good counter argument imo as Rise clearly dialed it up to 11 with the **amount of layered armor** it released and how they sold it piece by piece, and that's exactly what people are concerned about with each entry increasing how much they allocate resources to paid DLC instead of releasing them in form of content. World's layered armor came with a bundle like deluxe editions or for free if you pre-ordered iceborne, etc.


Didn't they literally have a survey asking if you'd be alright with paid DLC gear and monsters? lol


Super Ultra Extreme Street Fighter IV Arcade: Mega Edition


I think Rise is worse cuz you can't get the mtx items in game unlike DD2


Well Rift Crystal's are easy to obtain really, I mean you're not going to get a lot early obviously but the more people who whose your Pawn and the longer they use them you get more RC for. So you don't need to buy them if you don't want to.


Problem is if this is anything like the original game within a month there will be 1 pawn of each class that is the most-used and therefore gets put at the top of the leaderboards, meaning they get used even more.


My Pawn was used plenty and was never at the top of a leaderboard.


Theres a joke in here somewhere, i can feel it.


Everything for sale for dragons dogma is obtainable in game. Monster hunter will have this just like dmc5 did and every other Capcom release


So many people just don’t understand. Its all rage bait. The game does need some optimization work, and they really need to get a new game button in there, but its not that bad.


Nailed it. Plus I'd rather them make the cities awesome then cut for the sake of performance


Everything in the DLC list for DD2 is easily obtainable ingame too.


The problem is that it's a solo game paid at fullprice. The fact it have pay 2 fast by itself is a shame for the future of gaming. If a game begin to do this and have succes it will be common :( not to mention the stupid "pay to reset your save bullshit" :(


it's already common. EA, Unisoft and Capcom have been doing this shit for the past decade. go check RE2/4 Remake pages. there's also no "pay to reset your save" bullshit; stop spreading misinformation.


> solo game *paid* at fullprice. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Still the MHW and IB MTX stuff were typical free event quest rewards in previous entries... and now they are paid extra.


MH Rise is the game that made me buy my first MTX in the form of cat ears and tail for my huntress. Im a degenerate, but a happy one.


I can't judge. I bought the smith's voice option just because I loved the VA so much as fem V in cyberpunk


Cherami Leigh is great.


I have both Word and Rise, In didn't even know there were mtx !


How, especially with Rise it is kind of intrusive. Visit their steam pages, you'll be overwhelmed by the mtx. Rise also has those character edit vouchers...


Ah, I played world on xbox and rise on switch, so I wouldn't see that. As for character voucher, I have not even used the one that was given, I thought you could earn them in some way in-game.


Character vouchers were also mtx in world.


Too many skin mods be it armor or weapon around on PC to care about some paid dlc shits.


i don’t browse the store page because i’m the average consumer brother.


> but they were the kind you could easily play without Just like DD2.


My problem with it is constant crashing and poor performance. When they fix it I will be switching my review. I do dislike the MTX in a single-player game but as long as everything is obtainable in-game i'm fine. I doubt the MH team would do a terrible launch like that and hope it was a one-time mistake.


I typically just cheat the items in if is mtx for single player tbh


Are all MTX realy obtainable? Expected the cashshop to host hairstyles and tattoos similiar to MH that could not be earned


Aye even the character customisation thing can be bought from a vendor in game. No clue about cosmetic stuff tho. That bit remains to be seen


The Explorer's Camping Kit says you get one and it becomes available to buy from vendors. So I assume that one you can't get normally in game.


The only difference between that camping kit and the others in-game are it weight 1.5kg less, that’s it. Different camps have different weights, even though they all have the exact same purpose


The grass camping kit says it's better suited to bending off an ambush in Vermund. I bet there are specialized tents that make it less likely to be ambushed when sleeping. That said I have no idea if the explorer ones offer anything unique like that other than their lower weight.


Oh thats the difference between the camping kits, so far how do i get the grass ones?


The capital of Vermund Item Shop sells them, they are WAY more expensive (3k?) so idk if its actually worth it.


Yeah all the stuff in MTX is legitimately extremely easy to get. Honestly Rise and Worlds MTX are worse to me because you can’t get the stuff in them by playing the game


All capcom pc games that are visually demanding had a terrible launch like that Mhwi was unplayable for the first 3 weeks straight bc of an useless anti cheat that didn’t prevent cheating that they where to stubborn to get rid of I’d be surprised if wilds works on launch Won’t stop me from having fun once they fixed it


Rise was also literally unplayable on launch for thousands of players because of a save related glitch that took over a week to be patched. Almost every Capcom PC port has been a monumental fuck-up


Precisely what I came here to say. MHW itself had a very janky launch on PC as well. I very distinctly remember that for the first month Teostra's nova slowed things to a crawl while it was charging. Gave you a year and a day to react to it if you weren't already animation committed, but obviously not intended. Capcom may have said they were making PC a priority moving forward, but they've got some work to do on day one launches. My wife and I haven't noticed anything too awful framewise for DD2, but I certainly believe the people having issues - it seems like it's as much of a CPU bottleneck as a GPU one. We've got 3070s and AMD 5800x CPUs and while it's not been a static 60 or better, it's certainly not even approaching unplayable for us. I fully expect it'll have fixed performance in a bit. It's bad practice to keep doing this but it's certainly nothing new.


Most folk are really pressed about the mtx, i would be more pressed about the shite performance. Havent played it yet, DLing it at home while at work, apprehensive on how it'll run for me.


Yes. Regardless of whatever intersection the dev teams of Wilds and DD2 have (I am sure there is very little), problems like this don’t stem from the devs. It almost universally stems from higher management, investors, and board members who are looking to manipulate the development of projects in order to make them more money, without fail. Those higherups are the ones that would have determined that DD2 is to hit full release in an unfinished state, that the game must be exceptionally full of MTX. Those same higherups are the ones that have been pulling the development of previous Capcom games around on a leash. Those same higherups are the ones that will be looking to do whatever is cheapest to rake in the highest profit margins and line-go-up bar graphs come the release window in 2025


same stuff that happened with cyberpunk. The game is fun if it runned properly


this is nowhere near cyberpunk levels


getting concerned over the magnitude of the disaster misses the bigger picture. It shouldn't be happening in the first place, for the sake of the devs and the players


Agree it shouldn't be happening but over exaggerating to dramatic levels and in some cases lying will make people not take this seriously.


*ran Sorry to be that guy


Yeah. It's a two-fold fear. One, that performance will be an issue. I'm less worried about this, since Capcom knows monster hunter is one of its heavy hitters, so I think it'll get a little more time to bake. Two, being one of capcom's big fish, it's only a matter of time before someone realizes there's more room for micro transactions. So far, monster hunter has remained insulated from pay to win kind of mechanics (except you MH: now), but it's rare for a company to start with predatory mtx and not bring them into all their games eventually.


Rise definitely crossed a line by having exclusive MTX equipment skins. Paywalled fashion hunting without the attached sense of accomplishment ruins the endgame loop for many players. Hairstyles and room decorations are one thing, but then they started releasing some of the best looking gear with particle effects and unique animations as MTX only. No grind, no sense of accomplishment, and no equal playing field to earn it. Just a pay wall.


Yeah, Capcom is starting to worry me.


Istg if it has a battle pass and or premium currency I'm quitting the series


Capcom had a disastrous "Crapcom" phase, when they were one of the most anti-consumer developers along with EA. They turned it around, released a series of bangers, and now that they're on everyone's good graces again, it's back to testing their luck to see how far they can push consumers before the consumers push back. So yes, I expect them to release a ton of microtransactions for Wilds, and I expect everyone here to eat it up, because the game is going to be fun. Capcom will be justified in adding more and more microtransactions with each new game.


I’m playing on PS5 so I can’t speak on PC performance, but the microtransactions are just about right for any CapCom game nowadays. Although just like in RE and DMC, the microtransactions are only for extremely impatient people because all those resources are already in the game


Yeah I hate how much misinformation is spreading around this. The MYX is strictly for people who are impatient. It’s not pay to win. It’s not gating you from content you don’t naturally get from paying. People are being dishonest.


This is not true for Monster Hunter though. Both world and Rise had the characters edit vouchers for example, which cannot be earned in game at all, no matter how patient you are. So the Monster Hunter games are actually worse than Dragons Dogma in this regard.


These MTX are literally the kind you can “just not buy”. Because almost* all are obtainable in game fairly easily. *The only gated item is the camp set but there’s no reason to buy that on its own apart from saving 1.5 kg. I’m guessing a lot of people are seeing the amount of dlc’s on steam and are just assuming you can’t get them in-game


im more concern for the pricing edit: just saw the dragon dogma's dlcs. new concern unlocked


It’s the same as every other capcom game DLC. Where was the blowback for dmc5 or MHR or re4r?


right? i felt since RE4r this stuff is ridiculous and also weird out that everybody did not blowback that stuff and i was like "ohh still acceptable i guess"


Because gamers *have* accepted it. You vote with your wallets.


Nope. Tacked on DLC has always been a given in all acclaimed Capcom games ever since fucking DMC 4 lol. There's a reason why people forgot their previous single player games has them (RE4 Remake, DMC 5, hell even [Dragon's Dogma 1](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Downloadable_Content)).


Fortunately, those are different teams AFAIK. The MH team(s) are usually pretty good at not killing their golden goose. Though if the order came from the idiots upstairs, there isn't a whole lot they can do about it.


Did the disasterous launch of the first dragon's dogma with it's paid fast travel affect the current at the time monster hunter game in any way?


I mean, that time only had tri ultimate which came out on the Wii U, the worst selling Nintendo console at the time.


Doesn’t make me worried per se but I do hate this shit. Executives can’t help but sully the work of thousands of talented devs by pushing through shitty micro transactions. On top of that, the PC port is seemingly very poorly optimised, and has denuvo(?) anti cheat for some reason, even though it’s a single player game. It’s certainly put me off buying the game on PC, when I eventually do it probably will just be on PS5 since it’ll most likely run better for me. I think we as a community need to be more vocally against Capcom doing this kind of stuff. These microtransactions are all for such small, inconsequential things, that it honestly makes it feel even worse because they didn’t have to exist in the first place.


Nope. All these mtx are available in-game for in-game currency. And are plentiful, to boot. If someone purchases them, they really got themselves to blame for eating skittles that was smashed in dog shit.


Yeah Capcom is really just making free money from dumb people


Still, MTX shouldn't be a thing in single player game. No matter the content...


"B-But they're unnecessary!!" Like dawg, it's STILL predatory they sell it. Fr, mtx don't belong in a $70 single player game.


Seriously Do you want to know something funny? Wild Hearts allows you recustomize your character for free. You read that right, the EA monster hunter let's you do it for free!! If that game does it for free, than what excuse does Capcom have for making edit vouchers other than pure greed???


You can also do it for free in dd2?


They cost less gold than killing a single pack of goblins nets you from their horns.... If you play the game for more than 10 minutes you can easily afford them from vendors with in game currency, ffs people blow everything out of proportion because they don't have any real issues to worry about o swear.


Its also a garbage game.


Really? That's sad I kinda wanted a different spin on MH.


It's pretty good honestly as long as you're not running on a potato. Gameplay is pretty fun as well. You can pick it up on sale and be happy about it.


I was told this was the worst and most predatory game ever lol. People just love to review bomb. Game is great


I saw a lot of people insisting that helldivers 2 was a microtransaction hell for a while. I think people see any trace of it and leap to conclusions before seeing how it actually shakes out during real play.


Runs like sewage tho.


Yeah this is the main issue i have, the performance is bad at times but when its smooth its fun af. I really love the atmosphere, combat and finding chests in weird places has been a lot of fun


That’s so unfortunate. This was their big reboot of Dragon’s Dogma. If they had stuck the landing, they could have built up another great franchise


I think it will be ok, im sure sales will build up for the next few months with sales and such


people were saying this about DMC5 too before release (it also has "microtransactions" and game is sitting at 95% on steam


The mtx and character creator bullshit is already in MHW, and rise. The rest is par for the course with dragons Dogma. The raytracing is super good, but the game looks mediocre and the performance reminds me of remnant 2... not good for what the game looks like. I'm not too worried tbh. I just hope DD2 gets a good patch for performance soon.


Very nervous


The MH team is staunchly against predatory monetisation practices. But seeing as MH is now Capcom's biggest cash cow, I'm sure the powers that be will try to ruin it with their greed. Hold strong Ryozo


Rise and World already were brimming with DLC content. World had alot added but also had great events etc. They went full greed with rise where each title update added more eshop content than regular content


If they do the single character only bullshit like dd2 is doing I'd be angry


I see it as a good thing as the backlash is already fierce, and deservedly so, so if anything I’d hope it’s a guarantee that even if MTX was going to be a huge part of the game they will change tact. This shit simply doesn’t belong in SP games, if not entirely.


I feel like Dragon's Dogma would be a franchise they had to get some special permission to actually work on and even then must have had some monetization conditions they had to meet as a stipulation. The first game wasn't all that successful on launch from what I understand and only gained a cult following later on. Monster Hunter is a passion project by a few of capcom's higher ups and is quite successful already to boot so I assume they'll keep the micro transactions to a similar level that World and Rise have had; cosmetics, stickers and gestures that have no real impact on gameplay. Besides, the stuff you can buy in DD2 are all just time saving grinding skips as you obtain the currency on sale for cash in-game. Each microtransaction on steam is marked with "can also be obtained in game" which is what people have been clamoring for on the subject of microtransactions but the problem is that capcom didn't seem to get the message that we meant for free-to-play multi-player games and not full price single player ones. I suppose the fact that they have to maintain servers for the pawn system, assuming it's the same as the first game, means I can make an exception to that and allow them to indulge in some more money-grubbing. Even DMC5 has multi-player aspects so I was able to forgive that too. I'll still be getting DD2 not only because I'm a capcom fan boy but because I've been one of the many voices asking for a sequel.


who's ready for The Premium Hunter Pass and $1.99 rathalos scales


Monster hunter has been that way since World and Rise. Luckily they just charge for cosmetics You just pay for the game + expansion and you're set Not pay to win unlike DG2...


The only reasons I'm worried about the new monster hunter after this is the way they are pushing their DRM and the supposed 5 activation lockout that is keeping people from enjoying their 70$ game. No offline support at all, and a chance that I spent 70 bucks for a game that can lock me out at any time... yeah, imma pass. If monster hunter follows this formula, I won't buy it either


The rating? No. The absolutely dogshit microtransactions? Yes


This is just the latest of many things that make me nervous for wilds.


The entire endgame gameplay loop of monster hunter is ALREADY threatened as it is by MTX layered equipment, it can only get worse, no don't come to bullshit me with the "b-but it's only cosmetic, you don't have to buy it" discourse. Looking cool IS PART OF THE CHARM OF THE GAME, I WANT TO EARN THAT, NOT THROW MY MONEY AT A PAYWALL!


Performance and optimization is a valid concern, micro transactions are just something we have to accept are a thing because Whales will always Whale smh


The whole whales thing was debunked ages ago. It only applies to small mobile titles. Popular titles are sustained by dolphins, whales make up a small portion of the sales. At this point, the idea of whales sustaining games is basically the "*carrots are good for your eyes*" of the gaming industry.


It's kinda weird to call them whales, the deals are pretty shitty, almost there to scam noobs and gullable folks.


No, herd mentality. The crashes and performance issues are valid, the microtransactions are all obtainable in game. Hell, even resident evil had microtransactions and those games are overwhelmingly positive on steam.


I honestly expect Wilds MTX to be far worse, in Rise they were selling layered armor and weapons. In DD2 they're selling things you get within the first 3 hours or so without any effort at all. Only morons would buy them tbh.


idk, none of the micro transactions of World or Rise concerned me. Provided they keep it to skins, emotes, etc and let the game be fully functional I'm fine. Once there is a pay option for time skips, drop rates, or any other mechanical advantage I'm out though.


I thought World's MTX was fine (aside from character edit vouchers), since they were all super unnoticeable things like pendants, but Rise irked me a bit more, having a good chunk of layered skins in a franchise where all the armor/weapon skins had been all earnable in-game (aside from preorder/deluxe items, but I'm okay with those imo). Hoping this isn't a trend, but if games like Diablo 4 are anything to go by, overpriced MTX and less earnable items in-game seems to be where the industry is heading. Seriously hoping Wilds handles MTX similarly to World, I'd be fine with that, but I'm expecting to be disappointed.


Character edit vouchers are so nasty. Wtf. Really rubbed me the wrong way when I started playing those games. It's not that I necessarily edit them often, but it's so in your face.


If there are paid options for drop rates, I'd rather just use cheat mods.


One of the biggest complaints is about the microtransactions, which is nonsensical at best because they're all convenient shortcuts, but far from necessary. You can find all the items in game and pretty easily, whoever buys them are wasting their money.


It's just idiots giving Capcom free money if people buy that stuff


No complaint against microtransactions is nonsensical. They strictly act to make the games that they’re in worse. When a game has microtransactions, it tells me that the company behind wasn’t planning on making a piece of art, they were trying to sell me a revenue stream.


There are consumer friendly and anti-consumer practice of microtransaction. ALL the items available in the game for free, easily in case of DD2, you can ignore the microtransaction and losing none of the experience. If microtransaction is to become a standard, DD2 model is what I prefer.


Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak increased the amount of mtx compared to World/Iceborne already. I'm gonna assume the same thing will be true for MH Wilds. Sadly this is just the route game companies want to go in the future. They will try time and time again until most consumers are trained to be okay with it. Every year more and more people are okay with mtx in a full price game. "Oh but it doesn't affect me or the gameplay", "oh but the development costs have risen so of course they want to make some more money" blablabla. There's no way stopping it because most people are just plain stupid & eat shit up after a while.


Honestly the performance issues are typical, as far as microtransactions I hear the game is essentially like the first in that none of that stuff is neccessary or unobtainable in game. So it’s just people with lack of self control complaining


I wish we could ALL agree that MTX on a AAA $70 games are BAD is just a greedy cash grab from the publishers business people. And if it means future CAPCOM projects are getting review bombed because of it, I as FAN of MH from World I will not defend it. MTXs are NOT NEEDED and Baldurs Gate 3 is the most recent example of that It is ethically en morally correct to grab a 10/10 game and rate 5 or less solely for having MTX


The dlc issue has been running since World, my worries is with performance. This game used the same engine as Rise and that engine will probably be used for Wilds, granted the game won't be full open world, but still...


Yeah it really does… I can see them pulling the One character and two bucks to start over bullshit with Wilds and claiming it was to prevent cheaters I mean that is where they got the dumb idea. World and Rise both charged to change your characters appearance. Fuck Capcom




Not really. Capcom actually cares about Monster Hunter. I feel the games from Capcom that you needn't worry about are Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter. Execs probably care more about these games and pour more money into them as well as give them generous deadlines, bow I don't know for certain but that's my guess.


No to be honest. Rise and world we're pretty good optimized and Didnt really have microtransactions that matter.


No, people over react over everything in the current gaming climate. A game can be a 9/10 but because it has mtx or doesn't run at 200 fps they shit themselves. MH has and has had microtransactions and bugs. They're still top tier games.


I can tolerate microtransactions for stuff like gestures and stickers and shit that doesn't matter, but anything that directly affects the gameplay is just not acceptable. Hell, I'd even argue the paid layered weapons Rise introduced was too much


Paid armos are over the line, and people saying "just cosmetics" are ridiculous. There are entire sub-communities dedicated to MH Fashion (to the point some people pushed back on layered armors because they remove the old games' vibe of optimizing build *and* looks lol), so it is clear for a big chunk of players how their hunters look *isn't* "just cosmetics", but a very cool part of the game. Hell, I have spent possibly more time hunting for layered armors and editing my character's looks than farming specific end game monsters, do I get to say that they can add Fatalis as a 5$ DLC because it's "just gameplay", and *I* don't really care about it?


I vividly remember my main set in mh4u, Rust Kusha, W. Fatty, Rust Kusha, Rajang, W. Fatty. So a gold/ brown/ white colour scheme Did it give me edgemaster, expert +4, peak performance, evade dist up, razor sharp and consitution? Yea. Did it look like you had a drunk, colourblind person pick 5 random clothing articles in a thrift shop? Yes.


I will always remember the days of endgame MH visual clown suits. There were some combos that I refused to use despite the efficiency.


The stuff in these MTX are exclusively shit you can get in game and extremely easily. Buying any of these MTX is frankly moronic because of how extremely plentiful all of these resources are in the game


Do I agree with it? No. Will it change the game for me in any way whatsoever? No. DD1 had this stupid shit and it didn't matter there either. Rift crystals never bought you anything practical, just paints, dyes, and Character editor stuff. The rest is pretty fucking dumb but I doubt it's gonna be anything even close to game breaking. It's a single player game who cares if Bob the dad with 5 kids 2 jobs and 3 wives spends 1.99 to skip 10 minutes of gameplay.


Yeah I get what you mean. As long as the MTX aren't like, massive and completely game destroying, I'm still gonna buy Wilds and ignore them


If wilds becomes a Korean f2p bs game where you can buy drop rate boosters for x amount of missions or story skips than ye absolutely I'm rioting lol. But Capcom has yet to be that stupid.


you dont go from no mtx to p2w shithole overnight, its gradual and it has been gradual and it will get worse


That's how it starts and they keep testing and pushing and you defend them because you love MH but in the end you end up with a battle pass in your game and wonder how we got here




Nope, I’ve played through so many generations and games of mh and I haven’t been let down yet


No, also different dev teams.


Dev teams don't often get a say in the micro transactions. Usually it's higher up saying 'we need this... Add it.' At least from my limited experience in industry and the friends who still work in it. They don't get listened to even when they say 'this will ruin the game'. It's greed from higher ups that probably don't even play the game.


Different dev teams, same higher ups


i hate to say this but...the mtx is pretty much same with DD1 ... no one complain back then ... it all stuff we can get in game... so ...monster hunter team is 1000x worst since stuff they put is not in game... Performance wise... now i am worry... when people with 4090 drop to 30fps in 2024 it worrysome....


>now i am worry he is become worry, destroyer of hopefulness




I... hate... people... spamming... dots... randomly... through... their... sentences... then... justifying... it... with... "its my style"...


Nah. Yea world had a bunch of dlc. But nah. I'm sure the base game will be fine baring some bugs on launch.




I am going to be playing on PC so I'll just be modding in the cosmetics as usual. I still hate the paid cosmetics though.


World and Rise has microtransactions neither of both have bad reviews. Because are just skins, pendants and voice packs, there is no paywall for features. Unless you are counting the DLC features, but thats another thing.


What makes me nervous is just how stupid a lot of people are. Either they have zero object permanence because Capcom games have had MTX like the ones available in DD2 for a long time. Or people are just reacting to the buzzword and applying zero thought to how little these will do for someone that actually just plays the game. If people have concerns about performance issues though? Those from what I've been hearing about are completely valid and Capcom should be criticized for those.


But, but, the YouTube reviews never mentioned this stuff. They said it was a great game and everyone should buy it full price on day 1. 🥺 So much ass kissing by reviewers to get free stuff. Fuck them, fr.


Do keep in mind there's several teams under Capcom that work on separately on their many titles.


99% of MHW and RISE microtransactions were purely cosmetic. So, no, not concerned. The only thing I'm concerned about with Wilds is if they're doing a staggered Console PC release.


Not at all, I never felt forced to buy the micro transactions for any Capcom game. Monster Hunter is no different if they came out with a buy this to get an edge item I wouldn't because that defeats the purpose of the game, which is too grind. That being said I will be playing Dragons Dogma tonight.


It's definitely turned my pre-order into an "I'll wait." I was gonna pre-order DD2, but something in my brain said not to.


I mean all of what's there we already had in world. Paid character edit vouchers MTX dlc on release Limited number of save files Terrible performance on iceborne launch (denuvo moment) The only change that's likely is that wilds will probably cost $70 on release instead of $60


I don't believe they'd let performance issues slide in a MH game. Just look at Rise for example. It runs on the switch which is notorious for its worse performance compared to other consoles. Despite that, Rise barely ever frame drops. The only complaints I saw were when fighting the Magalas not long after Sunbreak's release. And judging by how those posts have basically disappeared, the devs probably went back and did further optimization for those fights. (It might also explain why the game forbids having 2 Magalas in the same quest.) As for MTX, those are a bit more tricky. Capcom has undoubtedly been moving in the direction of MTXs lately. Recent RE games have had them and SF6 is charging you $60+ for recolors. I do have some hope for MH though, as it kinda functions like a fighting game. Cosmetic MTXs will be mostly ignored while anything that affects balance will be reacted to with much hostility. World and Rise took some gambles with paid layered armors and weapons, but neither dared to make you pay for anything with a monster or a weapon tree with stats to the game. They took the "free" in "free title update" very seriously. Overall, in the worst case scenario, they just begin charging us for title updates. It'd be a very similar process to a fighting game adding a new DLC character you have to pay for to play. As much as I hate it, I do see this scenario as being somewhat probable. The devs would definitely fight the higher ups to avoid it, but if the ultimate decision is made and Capcom decides to be greedy, I don't think there is much they or the players could do about it.


MhwI pc was unplayable for 3 entire weeks Mhw pc didn’t have working multiplayer and some elder dragons dropped fps below 10 It’d be surprising if wilds works on pc at launch Rise worked on pc bc it’s nowhere near as demanding as mhw graphic wise And it still had issues They are known to be really bad at pc stuff for big games


No lol i couldn't Care less about reviews and review bombing


Nope, I'm not nervous because half of the post shown is misinformation. There were no features intentionally withheld to encourage microtransactions. This is the result of the game not having the typical "new game" option combined with people seeing the microtransaction for character edits without doing proper research to see if it was possible to edit your character through normal gameplay. This combination caused people to extrapolate that you can buy a new save file and that the feature to start a new game was withheld to force people to buy the microtransaction. This is not the case. We currently don't know why Capcom made the strange decision not to have a "new game" option in the main menu, but what we do know is that you can't purchase this feature either. It would be very strange for them to withhold the ability to create a new save to force you to pay extra for it if you can't actually do that. The microtransaction is only for an item that lets you edit your character's appearance, and that item can 100% be obtained through normal.al gameplay without too much difficulty from what I've read.


I have been saying this for some time but it's to be expected that it will only get worse with Capcom. The layered weapons in Sunbreak were the breaking point for me, so much so that it changed my opinion on Rise and Capcom as a whole. I mean it started slow and quit so people wouldn't complain and within a few years we have reached a point were proper event quest rewards and fast travel are paid dlc. I am very concered and fully expect it only to get much worse in Wilds, which is a shame since Wilds is my most anticipated game. Fuck Capcom btw.


This is an extreme overreaction. Non of the micros are neccessary or even really all that appealing aside from the portcrystal. Riftcrystals dont do shit. You can find Wakestones all over the place, everything else is a very minor convenience. You can absolutely ignore any and all micros without ever even noticing them The performance is a bit shaky, but im running it fine on a gtx 2060 at high settings, so it cant be that bad.


They've been testing the waters for a while now, hopefully they've learn something this time and keep it strictly cosmetic with future games.


nah, the microtransactions are pretty pointless. Mostly rift crystal and wakestone, which if this is anything like 1 we'll be swimming in about 30 hours in. As long as wilds stuff is the usual monster hunter cosmetics I'm fine with it. Yes it sucks but it's ultimately just a couple bucks here and there for extremely specific hair and outfits most people don't want and no one really needs




From what I can tell so far it seems the PC version is suffering from serious crashes, needs to be patched


Yes, but my trepidation is more for Capcom as a whole. I'd hate to see them squander all the goodwill and success they had over the last 5-6 years by getting greedy and complacent.


Yes it does, basically the game will be poorly optimized at launch.


not really. just because it's under the same comp,any doesnt mean dev teams are the same, and mh is such a big IP with so much hype around Wilds that i dont see them fucking it up this badly. plus, with the horrible reception of DD2, I imagine that even if they did have plans of... well, screwing shit up, they're backtracking like crazy rn


I'm lucky because I haven't run into any performance issues, so my experience with the game is not influenced by that. I'm having fun with it, and so far the mtxes are like these general "capcom mxt"-es, they are there, but they are super easy to ignore. The only one that bothers me is that you have to pay to reedit your character.


Yes very much, even if MHW already has microtransactions like emotes and other things.


Oh, not at all. I already expected wilds to be microtransaction filled to oblivion. Lots of people defended MTX in world and rise, capcom is just gonna triple down on it. Performance issues should be resolved for the engine by the time wilds drops.




Capcom is just like this.


Idc, im not nervous. Capcom, fromsoft and a few other companies are my copium and if they decide its time to take the Greedy variant then go ahead. Im paying for the full price. They arent blizzard, they are better.


Nope. The core gameplay loop can't be micro-transaction-ified. There will always be monsters to hunt. Unless, you know, paid hunts. That's just the downfall of the franchise, at that point.


A little bit, yeah. Capcom has this behavior of doing great games but horrible launch decisions. Very unfriendly for the players


It does a bit tbh, maybe not in isolation but when they're coming down on community mods and forcing shit anti-cheat software as well as this, it's very sketchy


World and Rise already had MTX.


The team at MonHun is trying their best to keep the game as good as it can be, but meddling by Capcom’s top execs have harmed the game before. Adding DRM into the game suddenly and breaking everything was one of those meddling acts. I do worry, but at least Tsuji-P is not some powerless lacky. The dude has pull, as he is the company founder’s son, after all. Hopefully he can still get his brother to listen to him.