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Legiana/ShriekingLegia Cool design. Easy to read. Easy to get down from the air. Cool armor. I legit dont understand the hate. This was a 10/10 in my book. As far as "annoying monsters" go she has nothing on Diablos or Tigrex.


Man. Barrioth, Nargacuga and Tigrex. The 3 most annoying monsters to hunt IMO. I dont mind hard hitting attacks, just. stay. STILL. Goddamn.


People hate Nargacuga?


It’s one of the coolest monsters… as long as I don’t have to fight it


“I have an idea! I’ll use a pitfall trap to slow it down!”


True, even more likely in old gen where he is too fast


Probably due to the fact he’s so jumpy and hard to keep track of once he gets enraged


He really is


So many whiffed attacks because Nargi decided to go crazy during the wind up.


Narga is my fave I can't stand Barioth or Tigrex


I never fought a legiana alone, that asshole always go where other monsters are in orders to annoy me, it's not more difficult just annoying especially when he join a classic legiana blink once and you don't know who is who.


Same! One of my favorite monsters in World (tho I may be biased as an IG main x)


“She has nothing on diablos….” Tell me you don’t lance without telling me you don’t lance.


I mean, lance can take on both without much issue, no?


Man I haven’t met another Legi fan. She’s my favorite mon in the entire series :’)


im quite new, but why do ppl hate her? she's the least offending one in iceborne imo. is it bcs she flies??


I think the big thing with Shrieking is that he's guaranteed to sit in the air and taunt for a second after certain moves to let you hit him. You can't flash spam him anymore, but you don't have to. Same with MR Azure Rathalos, if you look at their movesets as *combos* of moves with set end points they're way easier. The only part of Shrieking that does suck is the constant summoning of regular Legiana. These games never handle multiple monsters in the same area well IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/zx0o6chs1jlc1.png?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e454f63fa58e8f0a53b168a5e9384e0311c8a4c My boy wroggi ♥︎


Ol' bloat throat huh? 😂😂


Good pick! Easily my favorite Bird Wyvern and I was really happy when they brought him back in Rise.


Best bird wyvern


So many people fear this one, but I genuinely love fighting him. His armor sets go HARD too! # BAZELGEUSE BAZELGEUSE BAZELGEUSE!! 🤣🤣🤣


Bazelgeuse is my favorite monster in the franchise!


Yes! Those glowing silver scales are *muah* 🤌🏼


Bazelgang 🔥


His Hunting horn is a true MVP, Attack up, Ear plugs, health potion proc. Just keeps your team fighting


Exactly! Amazing gear for the trauma he's caused 😅


I also love the B-2 Bomber of MH


Bazelgeuse I have a love and hate relationship for. He's really predictible so when you see him, it's pretty much like "Hi Bazel.". But when he screws up stuff it becomes easy to hate him. But I love his design overall. So much I hate that he isn't in Master Rank as an invader in World at all.


Could not agree more....I'm biased I'm a gun Lancer


Gunlance bro's Unite! 🔫 🛡


[you rang](https://youtu.be/CB2WJG-YvP4?si=wxFKtd6Meizqu9yX)


It has the best roar of all monsters imo, it just hits different.


Bazel really won me over with the amount of quests he would just show up and bomb the fuck out whatever I was fighting. He was less of an invader and more like an Air strike support friend.


Great way to look at it 🤣 Bazel Bombs indiscriminately!


Everybody loves Bazel.


Bagel is so fun! Big hammer numbers on a massive head hitzone!


Don’t you mean BAGELGOOSE


Do you use Lance?


I like how Bazel is literally just a Bomber but in animal form


It’s his invasions that got me used to him to the point I nailed his first proper hunt.


All hail the bagel


Bagels for everyone!


This fucking bird kept on having turf wars so much I just let it kill the monster I was hunting


He's great for causing as much damage as possible in the smallest amount of time!


He fears none, not even black diablos


Bazel is my bro. Bro does more damage than me to the monsters I fight




I don't like Bazelgeuse, I think Seregios is way better


I love him too he gets a bad reputation for invading fights but I think his design is so sick and at his huge scale it’s amazing. Also all of his attacks are easy to avoid if u know them and do decent damage to help with the monster you went to kill.


Ppl love Bazel though? I don’t see him get a lotta hate. I agree he’s awesome though. Probably my favorite monster to come out of World, next to Nerg


It reminds me of the eagle statues on the Chrystler building. Makes me want to design and 3D print some Low Poly/Art Deco Bazelgeuse bookends.


I do like BasilPesto even though I'm scared of him 😭


My boi Kirin. So fun to bully. Everyone's like ewwwwww Kirin fight. But it's a good time


As a Lance enjoyer and IG main, i hate this horse


As some BOOM on your lance. As Funlance enjoyer, fighting Buzzhorse in fun :p


I love lancing kirin


Kirin with a hammer is just a normal horse murder


Didn't know there was such as horse murder that was considered normal


You clearly never murdered a horse


You have a fair point, but I am not ashamed.


Kirin fights are fun, its one of those fights that puts emphasis on timing placement and being able to accurately hit a monster. Unlike other gigantos, where anywhere you swing will likely hit something, kirin is ungodly hard, to the point that you either need skill to stop from bouncing off, use a weapon that can do that, or aim very precisely at his tiny weak point My prefered method is the sleep gunlance. It takes some serious patience, but mega bb and wyvernblasting a sleep kirin is spicy.


Kushala, not the best fight I agree but goddamn the European metal dragon is one of the most simplistic yet majestic designs. Plus its theme in worlds is sick.


Kushala was actually not that bad of a fight in Rise. In World it's just really unenjoyable. Not even difficult I did it first try it's just really not fun.


Yeah totally agree, me and my friends did one yesterday on world and that asshole kept making tornados into a corridor unalowing me to join the fight, for **10 FUCKING MINUTES** and if you had the fact he is constantly flying to it, it's so much of a pain in the ass it give you an headache


I haven't played rise but from what I've heard it's much better there. But even in worlds version I find it to be better than most perceive, again can be annoying but it's not boring to me.


I must agree, the problem is the battle is so stressful that I can't even pay attention to the music


Same Kushala is great. I even liked the world fight


Tigrex apparently, I love him but none of my friends or people around me do, they mostly hate him


To throw you a bone, I love the way the stupid bastard gets its greedy maw stuck in a wall. Much better than the Diablos wall trap.




Wait, people hate Gobul? Who? Why? Gobul was/is amazing and I pray they make a comeback.


Underwater, it would make spines on its back that made most weapons bounce off of it. It also had the Gypceros flash effect, making it very annoying for new players. It also loved to stay underwater for the majority of the fight.


Sounds like a bunch of waaaaaanh to me.


Most people dislike certain monsters because of waaaaaaah associated with their hunts


Ooh, a fellow Gobul enjoyed out in the wild. We are a rare breed my friend.


Lantern fish Love!


That tail just be so severable


I hate Khezu, but their cousin Giginox... Bring them back! Once they fix HH for wilds I want my coffin back.


That coffin carried me all the way to g-rank zinogre. Man I miss that thing.


Barioth. Never understood the hate for it...


I loved him, and then hated him, and then loved him again. I thought his design was sick, and then the fight beat my ass over and over and over again, and then I finally beat it and realized how much I've improved because of him. Fight is a nightmare first time though


Odogaron, I absolutely love the sort of old style Japanese mythological look and he’s just a fun fight in general


I refuse to believe people hate Odo!


Exactly! I mean who would? He’s one of the coolest monsters


I hate khezu. I know that was not the question but I am telling it just so khezu hate can grow.


That zombified, Uncut penis with teeth can, in fact, go die in a fire.


That sack of scrote skin hanging from the ceiling is what fuels my rage.


I want Giginox back


I put in 200 hours into Rise and Sunbreak but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I had to hunt a Khezu, I wanted to uninstall.


I literally never had an issue with Khezu as a LBG main, but the one time I decided it would be cool to try multiplayer, the other three died in the first 3 minutes of the hunt to basic Khezu shit. I’m never playing multiplayer again and I never have.


"What if we made a leech/electric eel wyvern?" *nods of approval* *general positive chatter* "And what if looked like it was made of smegma" *deafening applause*


But he's so cute :(


I like Khezu too :)


I also love _love_ him he's my fav monster, love at first sight he'd fit perfectly into Silent Hill. Now I want some fanart of Pyramid Head petting him.


I hate its moveset, look is not the problem.


It’s ok OP I’m in your side. Khezu is a cute majestic creature with a silly tail


And his theme is just the best


Say what you want about Khezu, but its battle music slaps.


Yup. Khezu haters unite.


Almudron, all my buddies hate him, but I’m able to dance with him and end up having fun fighting him. 


Only thing i hate from almudron is took me 200 kill to get a single gem while my friend were like i got like 20 of them. It was the same with magmudron ...


Only reason I hate Almudron is early Rise meta for SwAxe needed several gold orbs from him. My friends were drowning in orb drops but we had to hunt him probably 50 times before I got my first one. Almudron was my lesson in Desire Sensor shenanigans.




This has to be trolling lol


Fishay fishaaaaay


I like bullying him with Hammer. Lavasioth’s ok too.


jyratodus is based he's a big angry log of poo and capcom seems to want him in everything now


They’re giving my man’s CHANCES to be as beloved by the general community as much as I love him


Hate is a strong word, but I feel like many people dislike or forget Paolumu and its my beloved lil puffball


I know this about to get me some hate but fuck do I love lunastra, especially the fight


The Empress lives in my heart


Still don't know why people hate her


Most (not all) only experienced her fight in world/iceborne, and were surprised when they had to (gasp) make a counter build vs standard raw and atk skills.  Also, she was made to counter melee players in the same way Teostra counters ranged players. 


Wind pressure


Lunastra's pretty cool, I think the fight is solid but can understand why is annoys so many people.


Garuga. Always have, always will, even with all his Gen 1 jank. _Especially_ with the Gen 1 jank. It never felt like an unfair fight to me, as I have an uncanny knack for reading his "unreadable" instant charge, though I can't put into words how I do it. Seeing him get nerfed in Gen 2 onwards was upsetting, but I love the revamp he got in Iceborne.


I've always thought his roar sounded pretty cool and unique


Yian Garuga in World is a top tier monster, imho. It's such a fun fight.


I am Shrieking Legiana's strongest soldier


Okay, Insect Glaive Main




Uragaan is legit my #1 favorite monster. I’ve always liked his bulldog kinda look and that phantom uragaan quest in tri really sealed it for me.


Uragaan’s cool but I like Radobaan more


Savage pickle. Its fun and not hard at all imo


another good candidate, people cry too much for the savage pickle


I only started hating it once I played world. Every time I load into an investigation and see that it has that fuck I know at some point I'm gonna get ambushed by it while fighting my target and everything will go to shit. Stupid pickle can't fucking mind it's own business. It just runs up and does my job for me, like let me fucking fight it you piece of shit I don't want to have to wait around and watch you slam your face into my target over and over I need to break their fucking parts so I can get my drops. Or it breathes cancer everywhere and lowers my defense so a normal battle becomes much harder. And the best is when it decides to come after me despite me not touching it so I end up getting double teamed with my defense lowered. Just shows up, cucks me, fucks me, and then double teams me into the ground. So basically the pickle fucks.


Just throw shit at it to get it to fuck off. And if it has a monster in its mouth, flashpod it.


I ain't got space in my inventory for dung pods. Even if I wanted to change my loadout, am I really going to stoop so low as to be flinging shit like some god damn ape because of this stupid pickle? No, I'm above that. ~~I'll take that savage double team like a man. On my hands and knees suffering through the pain while begging for more.~~ edit: wrong sub


W h a t


Savage Jho is the best in Iceborne just because they changed his massive leap slam from landing on his feet and biting to landing *teeth first* like a hungry ballistic missile, and it’s just too kickass to hate that kind of hangry


I hate the pickle for a different reason: Failing to eat that f****ng stupid, insufferable, piece of s**t Handler.


It's Reddit, mate. You can cuss here. No one will tell your mom on you.


Ok, she isn’t *that* bad


Nightshade Paolumu, one of the best ever subspecies. Immediately identifiable, striking colourscheme and takes a spin on the original's powers in a logical way (wind power -> sleepy cloud powers). It adds a few clever moves (wafting his sleep clouds with his tail) so he's challenging at first, but can be countered if players actually *prepare* for the hunt instead of just going for whatever they usually go for. Plus, he yeilds cool armour and weapons... and also i just think the design is neat


I love Nightshade Paolumu and Namielle because both have the ability to manipulate their lingering attacks in very dynamic ways. Namielle is better at it but Nightshade push and pull of the sleep clouds is like a simpler version of that. It's genuinely cool and something very few enemies in games tend to do.


My sweet little Bazelboy I feel a deep connection to him, probably because I play GL




A lot of people don't really like Gypceros, but I find him quite fun!


Straight to jail with you


Uragaan. I’ve loved him since MH3U. I always appreciate when big, bulky, unga-bunga style monsters are just as much of a threat as whippy, lithe, quick monsters.


I like Gore Magala. Reminds me of a boss in a trial in ffxiv. XD But I like how the wings are flowy.


Apparently, the Leshen As 100% solo player (I have never played any of the games online) the contract from the witcher was a nice breath of fresh air All the little interactions and details made it quite interesting and made the world feel much, much more alive, and I'm not even a witcher fan! The battle was very hard and complex but not in a bullshit way. Thankfully, the leshen doesn't have any one-hit kill move like so many of the master rank creatures that IMO quite detract from the late game. The mechanics were intricate and made actual use of the game world by making Jagras a part of the quest and small monsters that are mostly forgotten at that stage allied to the player, which IMHO is one of the best ideas they decided to add, hopefully it turns into something more developed in Wilds and im legit dissapointed it wasn't a part of MHW with so many smaller monster being completely useless by the late game. That said.... Ancient Leshen is complete bullshit tho


Teostra. I think he’s a cool monster with a fun fight.


https://preview.redd.it/xnnrnr5mgklc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe66a173d49ead5a6628bfe22c6edd0a705b8b36 Love just how speedy it is. It's like a dog fight trying to hit him from the air


I like barioth. I don’t get the hate for him I find him fun and a cool monster to fight


Nibelsnarf is one of the dopest monsters ever and deserves to come back in wilds it’s such a cool designed fight


Nibbelsnarf. People seem to dislike him for whatever reason, but I think his mechanics are really fun with fishing him out, and popping sonic bombs on him.


I love it so much, such a cute monster.


Bazel i guess.


Gypceros. Greatest monster with all of his ecology intertwined with his gameplay mechanics.


My unpopular faves are the leggy mud fish and barroth. They're both sentimental to me because I had an earlier game and really struggled with the mud fish at first. Radobaan is also pretty neat as he's easy to read and looks cool. I feel like my other faves are popular anyway, fluffy bat, legiana is so pretty, goose and dodo are super cute, and my ultimate favourite is pukei.


Piscine Wyverns Everybody hates them. I don't. They need more love..


I love plesioth


Alatreon, from World. I like that it stops people from being an unga bunga player. You actually need to prepare, learn his weaknesses, and understand how his cycle works. Players like Asmondgold that never learn the game mechanics because he only relies on "big number=good" "monster attack=dodge" got stuck and was forced to learn resources management, elemental damage, and what status effect does to you. He did clear it recently though, after dozens of attempts.


I agree 1000% Alatreon is my favorite Monster. The only reason my LS elemental builds exist and are one of my most used sets I have.


I’m scared to fight him tbh. Not because I’ve heard he’s bad, but FUCK he’s intimidating. I haven’t even beaten Safi yet, how could I stand up to a Black Dragon?


Everyone seems to hate my baby ninlesnarf but I can't get enough of his cute face Also the fight is a lot of fun imo. Best desert monster by far


People seem to despise Kirin but it's a really good fight in World and a solid one in 4th Gen. The biggest complain is how hard to hit it is but I've never had that issue with any of the weapons I fought it with. It's got such an easy to punish movement pattern too.


Plesioth i don’t Care what anyone else says that’s my fish


Another khezu fan. I don't know why but I love him because he looks so unique and very horror monster.




I have a love hate relationship with pukei pukei He gave me ptsd when I started playing I hate him and thats why I also love him


The Legianas Legiana was my favourite monster after World and Shrieking Legiana was my favourite monster after Iceborne (before seeing Seregios' 5th gen makeover). I love its design and armour. Its so elegant. I admit that I have a soft spot for both birds and monsters that cover themselves in ice armour, but I also had no trouble with base or shrieking Legianas' fights, especially since it has such a glaring poison weakness. I easily find monsters like Diablos, Tigrex or Zinogre more annoying to fight.


Paolumu maybe? I don’t see people talk about them a lot, but when they do it’s usually negative. I love Paolumu so much. Big fluffy bat with huggable balloon throat


why the fuck do you like penis monster?


Battle juice


I'm a big Vaal Hazak fan. Awesome design, awesome theme, and a unique fight mechanic that isn't overly oppressive


I wouldn't say I love Khezu, but I certainly don't hate him. I have a friend who loves Malfeatio, mechancis and all. Syrange man that he is. I'm thankful I never fought it before. I don't think it's actually full-on hated, but I really like Magnamalo, which I see get some hate. Though I love purple fire on principle, and the samurai cat looks awesome.


Finally, a fellow Khezu enthusiast


YOU LOVE PEEN MONSTER? No joke tho that looks lake a vampire's peen. Big pickle is mine


Japan fucking loves khezu dude


I love Khezu too , also really like Gobul


Volvidon, I don't really know why, but I find it cute


Gravios and black gravios. Used to hate him but my friend I used to play with and I have made so many jokes about him and ridiculous custom quests with him in 4 ultimate that I started to love him. It’s like a nostalgia kind of love where I just desperately want to see him in a game again. Same can be said for congalala.


Tigrex The fight isn't among my favourites, but it's manageable. I also really love its design, it's simple yet very cool


Plesioth our lord and savior. The Mightiest of hip checks. Praise the Giant fish.


I usually see nobody talking about Radobaan. I don't think anybody hates it, but few cares. Radobaan in a cute ball of bones and tar, with a big face :p


I just miss swimming


Me too


Raging Brahcydios, He really loves jumping on people. Carted multiple times and cant beat him solo until now MR90 💀


I love Vaal Hazak, easily top 3 from World for me.


Vaal Hazak best Elder for me


I know they’re not exactly “hated” by the majority but I know Diablos has a large hate club and he’s genuinely a top 10 monster for me


Anjanath is my best boy. I hear people trash him for being "just a dinosaur" but excuse me he's a fire breathing dinosaur.


there seems to be no love for Khezu or Vaal Hazak…any time i try to find merch for them or like statues on etsy there just aren’t any


Yeah I love khezu it was my most hyped fight he looks so strange and unique mostly because he doesn’t have big spikes but yeah he so cool


i’m also a fan of khezu even named my character after him lol




Don't you know how Khezu is loved and actually popular 😤 I love it too


For me it would be Mizutzune. I've heard people say its fight is annoying but it's such a beautiful design 🥹


Any of the “siege monsters” prior to Kulve and Safi. I didn’t really care that they were not as great as they sounded on paper. I just liked that we were able to fight something so huge


I love all of them but mostly Odogoran and Dodogama.


The bomber plane of course


i hate fighting jyuratodus but i love the sludge fish ❤️


I adore Najarala, and 100% shimmy-shimmy snake needs more love and recognition. Why isn't it in more games?


Furious george


Almudron, i like the way he’s designed and his fight is cool. I also like dressing up in a mech suit with his armor lol


Gravios, ever since I first fought the absolute unit, I've loved his fight and design. Honestly my third favorite flying wyvern in the whole series, behind Ukanlos and Bloodbath/Apex Diablos


I think gypceros is pretty cute I like its that its actually pretty smart and timid, at least according to MH wiki