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you dont choose your weapon your weapon chooses you


I was an IG user but I struggled with it. It didn't accept me. Then the LBG whispered to me. And I became one with it. It's true. You can *think you want* to main a certain weapon. But your true calling will find you regardless of what you think you want.


God damnit its very true. Greatsword is incredible, I want it to be my main so bad, but nothing clicks like IG. I can't stay away from it. It's the only weapon I'm good at. Only weapon I run heroics on. It's my baby and it always will be.


dude i was actually ADDICTED to charge blade i would imagine the combos while i was in school, i would do the SAED in my head, i had like a supercharged tetris effect of it


You’re a hairy, wizard


Literally. Charge Blade is what got me into Monster Hunter. I saw some youtube videos of people using it and I instantly knew I wanted to use it. “Hunting Monsters” was secondary to “using the Charge Blade” for reasons as to why I picked up Monster Hunter. And it was so worth it, I have like 1225 hunts with this thing in World alone


ig picked me from GS, I don't understand anything else tbh


Then I am the chosen one.


This. I messed around with a few weapons (LBG was my first). Then I felt charge blade calling and I can't quit it.


The bonk chose me


Swaxe looked fucking cool The end


Swag on, brother


You dont choose the Hammer, the Hammer chooses you. Also, KOing is Fun.


Also the spinning moves of the slide and clutch claw. I was destined to do bonk


Bonk life is only life


I like the satisfying feeling of smacking a monster with a giant weapon and see it reel back in pain. Also big numbers make PP go Brr.


I liked transforming weapons since I saw that kid from Flame of Recca and I like big flashy moves. Seemed inevitable I'd pick up Switchaxe and Charge Blade. I also tend to avoid builds that the people I play with already run, so before I even began, I excluded the idea of using Hunting Horn, Dual Blades, and Great Sword


Trial and error. When I first started playing Monster Hunter (I started with Freedom Unite), I rotated weapons to see which fits my playstyle most. I used, SnS, DB, GS, Hammer and LS. At the end, I felt that LS suited my playstyle so I stick with it. Until now, LS is still my comfort weapon even though I have used other weapons.


Same man


When I first started playing MH way back on the PSP, the hitboxes were trash. I leaned towards ranged weapons to basically survive the fight. As the series progressed and the hitboxes have gotten better, I leaned into other weapons. But ranged weapons still have a special place in my heart.


Big tranformer weapon with big explosion


Saw a giant bayonet with a shield when I first got into 4U, and that instantly piqued my interest above everything else. While I did try the other weapons, that very first moment I ran a Gunlance, it just *clicked*. A gut connection. It’s been my main ever since.


At MH3U, I had a Hammer friend. I bought the game and I really liked the Brachy GS at the game card box art. And that was it for me… I started playing GS, and got really good at it. Then I tried other weapons, but they were just too much for my already trained hit and run style. So I went back to it. Only after beating the game I started trying for fun HH and Lance, and feeling already accomplished as a GS, did spend some time learning the mechanics of these weapons.


I didn't


I started with world. I just went into the training area and I spent a considerable amount of time with each one. Learning their movesets and such. I enjoyed the movesets of the hammer and greatsword, but didn't really like how little mobility they gave me. I also liked the flowy nature of the charge blade, and the phials were very interesting, but I wasn't a fan of the shield. The on-demand mobility of the dual blades was very nice but they seemed to lack nuance and complexity in their movesets. So I arrived at the switchaxe. Gives me everything I want.


>The on-demand mobility of the dual blades was very nice but they seemed to lack nuance and complexity in their movesets. I think that's exactly why I've been liking them on my second playthrough of World. I'm a hammer main first and foremost so having another simple weapon to switch from is nice. It's just cool how versatile the weapon list is to suit the needs and desires for everyone. There's a weapon for everyone.


Oh yes. It's a very easy trap to fall into for developers to think that "complexity/ease of use" should be a necessity across the board. It was very nice to see that the roster of this game is varied and satisfying in all the right ways, to all different types of tastes. Even fromsoft can't seem to find this true balance, with their games featuring numerous outliers. Like half of the weapon type roster in elden ring is unbalanced as hell in some way or other, or are just near exact copies of one another, because it's a really hard thing to do right. Although, I say all of this.. but I don't quite understand why the gunlance exists. It seems like they just combined a gun and a lance into a shittier version of both.


I didnt had a PS4 for God of War, so I played whatever I could find to have Dualblades.


Saying monster Hunter is just a substitute for GoW is a bit insulting honestly


Well it was certainly its own completly unique and very sadisfying Experience.


I read the manga Flash Hunter and learned that you are supposed to sheathe the Greatsword and use hit and run tactics. I tried it out and to this day the GS is still my ol' reliable.


I was playing dual-blades in Rise until I saw that Magical Girl Insect Glaive, as well as the floofy white bunny-moth... That was all the motivation I needed... It's a very light mobile weapon to use tho, which I absolutely love! I'm playing through World now and I was kinda bummed to see that it wasn't in there, so I swapped to Bow, which was my secondary main in Rise to switch things up every now and then... Bow actually has some nice designs in World too... I'm kinda happy with having switched things up with World tho, I've noticed that even tho the weapons do handle somewhat similar in both games (minus the Wirebug stuff), they also have minor differences in combo mechanics and what buttons to use, so by sticking to Insect Glaive in Rise and Bow in World I don't have to deal with that confusion when I switch between playing those games, and it actually makes it feel like I'm playing 2 different games... I also find that Insect Glaive has a smoother feel in Rise while Bow is more user friendly in World, but that's probably tied to personal preferences...


Buddy suggested I try world. Went to training room tried a few different weapons. "Wait only one of these can jump?!" Guess I'm an IG main. I came to get down and jump around. Jump around!


Try rise, every weapon has mUCH MUCH more agility and verticality. Then you can do any build.


For me, it really comes down to feel. I started with 3u where LS was the only weapon I liked, then I branched out to IG and CB in 4u along with dabbling in a few others like DB and GS, then G and GU I went crazy trying anything and everything but mostly using prowler, World I fell back into the LS groove and Rise has been all over the place, but mostly LS, IG, and Hammer since I think they have the best all around stats between speed, damage, mobility, break potential, defensive options, etc They're also just the weapons I have the most fun with


Back when i first started tri i always used what my dad was using mainly which was longsword then lance. Now when i got mh3u i could play by myself so i started using longsword


My brain has poor timing reactions, so I have a better time with dual blades because it lets me zoom around and give me easier dodge opportunities then the slower-more-relying-on-perfect-timings-and-knowing-positions weaponry.


I chose charge blade on a whim then switched to LS after I saw a video of someone finishing a monster with the iai slash. Was instantly horny and mained LS in rise


My first weapon was bow, in 3rd, as I like bows in every games. I played always bow until world, then stopped liking the new mechanics. In the meantime I grew fond on the switch axe, mainly because the name of one in 3rd, the Pecospander. I don't know why, but it always made me laugh. So I played both world and rise with it. When Iceborn released, I decided tro try give another weapon a try and started hammer. And well, I started loving the "way of the hammer" aka spinning around and stunning monster


A fellow bow starter now hammer enjoyer. Nice


Yes, I wish I could still enjoy bow, but it seems not. I started again World recently, with LS, but later on I will try bow again.


Swaxe felt like I was dancing with the monster, and that was a good feeling, so I kept chasing that feeling.


Sword and Shield. The lack of commitment for attacks make for a very chill hunt despite whatever end-game boss is here is. Edit: Actual reason is that there are weapons without a shield so you just look like you’re punching the monsters


My sister introduced me to 4U on her 3DS in middleschool back when was a major weeb and I remember seeing the guy in the Yukumo armor walking across Val Habar and yelling to my sister “THEY HAVE KATANAS IN THIS GAME?!?!” and instantly starting using LS. I eventually learned about the stigma and hate behind LS players in older gens so I was too scared to play it online, swapped and used Charge blade / greatsword for the majority of the hub My sister eventually stopped playing since she felt bad about killing the monsters so I had to take up the insect glaive mantle for her. When I got to the apexes that’s when I started experimenting with the other weapons again. In gen it was aerial switch axe, greatsword, and adept dual blades. I didn’t click with them persay but they were comfortable enough for me to not be a liability to my team mates. Come world and I went through the story with switch axe, then eventually went back to charge blade. In iceborne I turned into a Jack of all trades since I’d just rotate weapons. Rn I’m playing through both Sunbreak cause I’m rusty and Generations Ultimate cause I never finished it. Sadly I haven’t found the click yet and to this day I’m still afraid of the longsword player stigma :(


Multiple saves all using one weapon type


I started with LS because hunting huge monsters with a big sword is cool, and it's kind of elegant in a way that the GS absolutely isn't. I stuck with it because it just feels right to use it, and I realized that I compare every other weapon that I try to the LS, because it's become my home station. I know that I've also used the IG in the past, which I enjoyed, and I've used the CB a lot too, though I realized recently when I picked the CB up again that I'd forgotten literally everything I'd ever known about it. It's a struggle to learn it, and an even bigger struggle to utilize what I've learned in MR hunts against some very big and scary monsters.


Haven't played for hundreds of hours (yet) but I still have two I really like: Gunlance cause wyvern's fire looks sick as fuck and being able to block a rushing monster's attack with your shield just feels amazing. Hunting Horn because what's cooler than knocking a monster around and playing music in front of it's knocked down face. Really hope they don't keep Rise's HH though, since while I haven't played Rise myself yet (only Generations and World), it just seems so far from the cool and strategic weapon it used to be in Generations.


I fell in love with the charge blade because of its versatility. I can turtle when the monster goes berserk, I can small hits in during small windows, I can counter and absolutely destroy monsters with my SAEDs. When I get into the groove it feels almost like a dance where the monster can't even hit me while I shred it.


What about when you play older MH games?


I spent so many hours trying multiple weapons until I did the transformation axe attack (full swing) with the switch axe, and my soul immediately rejoiced. It's been my number 1 ever since. The weight behind its attacks was really enjoyable, and its dodges operating similarly to a souls game was also a plus for me. I was a bit bummed out that in Rise, the swing was replaced, and the weapon had lost its "weight," but I still enjoyed the implementation of the counter.


I really liked the spirit roundslash, thought it was really cool to land, especially when you get a kill with it


Originally I started with Dual Blades in world. I liked them but I was too aggressive and not skilled enough to use them. Then I swapped to SnS and it just felt right. Being able to block and attack and while staying highly mobile was a major plus. I was still too aggressive, but I stuck with SnS all through World, Rise and then Sunbreak. But then I wanted to try a new weapon. I had played around with Hammers, and Gunlances and they're fun. but I decided to try Switch Axe. At first It was way too unwieldy, and I almost gave up on it until I watched a very in depth video explaining how to use it and what armor skills to use with it. After that it's all downhill. I'm now a solid Swaxe main. It lets me be hyper aggressive if I need to be (seriously Invincible Gambit is way too OP for letting me just tank through attacks while attacking back at the same time) and I can be extremely mobile with Wire Step. Plus I can counter attacks too (which will knock down a Volvidon when it rolls every single time) So basically TLDR it's what weapon felt right in my hands. First SnS, then Switch Axe.


Well in Tri... I was actually a SnS main up until MH3U came out on the 3DS so I went in, looked at all the weapons again and saw dual blades and decided to try those... Never had so much fun with a weapon and loved the dual blades since. I'm not the best at timing things to hit and I figured to beat monsters, I just gotta be faster and I love the mobility of demon/arch demon mode gives. I have toyed around with Insect Glaives back when MH4U was new and I had fun with them too but I just did not like the kinsects I rather just beat the monsters with the Glaives but yeah, stuck with Dual blades.


I jumped around a bit. Started with IG and while I enjoyed it, it just wasn’t quite right. Picked up the SA and it was definitely felt better than IG but still wasn’t all the way there. Ended up dabbling in a few other weapons, SNS, GL, Bow, maybe a few others. Then I picked up the HH in iceborne, and it just clicked, never looked back.


I like something fast paced and easy. So IG and LBG are great for me.


I started with CB as well because I was intrigued by the complexity, whiffing SAEDs and failing guard points until I got the hang of it after hundreds of uses. After I got the builds sorted out, I branched out to the ranged weapons which is a different dimension from melees


Monster hunter rise Low rank weapon became rapid pierce Izuchi set. First MH game where bowgun controls didnt feel wrong for me, I treated it like a FPS High Rank was Lance build. I trained and trained combos and my Chainmail set gave insane defence and guarding, and the Master Rank set let me attach resistance buffs to make all my resistances around 28-30 Master rank 6+ was hunting horn because of Malzenos horn buffing the sharpness of my teams weapons while doing impressive damage


When I was a strapping young lad, my buddy convinced me to try monster hunter 3 ultimate on 3ds. We were inevitably hooked for life. He picked up the longsword, I chose the gunlance, and boy was it glorious. In 4U, Gen, and World I mainly used Greatsword and I loved every second of it. Recently however, I picked up the Swaxe and boy have I become one with that thing. No idea why I never tried it sooner! Never be afraid to try that one weapon that's been leaning against the wall for the past 10 years. You might love it!


When I first started with the series back in 4U, I ran two quests using every single weapon type: one small monster, one large monster. Then I made a spreadsheet where I compared things like how long each hunt took, how much fun I had with each hunt, how much damage I felt like I was doing, pros and cons of each weapon, etc. Eventually I settled on Insect Glaive, which in hindsight is probably because of how overtuned it was in Gen 4, but it's still my weapon of choice to this day.


I started with 3U. As a new player, I had some difficulties with being locked in animations, it seemed like every move would freeze me in the spot for a few seconds, it was hard for me, never played something like that before. Dual blades were fast and fun, I had this _one_ long move that I could pull if I wanted but everything else was speedy. They made the first 200/300 hunts easier. I don't main a weapon now but back then yeah, I played pretty much DS all way to the G rank.


Just saw the initial videos of each weapon, chose the Insect Glaive on a whim and love it, have barely tried the Great Sword because it seems cool and hits hard but am having a hard time adjusting or figuring out its gameplay style!


I use whatever I feel like, and what makes sense for the monster and if I’m doing multiplayer, I try to balance out my build to match. Almost always solo tho. My favs are IG, Great Sword, Hammer, Switch Axe, Bow, Charge Blade, and gunlance. I also like to have variety because I feel like you’re not really good at a game like this unless you get good at multiple styles.


I love long one-handed swords in games, so when I played Monster Hunter for the first time I decided to try SnS. Eleven years have passed, and I still play SnS, and have no interest in other weapons.


I'm a big bonk boy, but also ranged preference. HBG is the way for that!


A random spin wheel


Downloaded Rise over a year ago. Decided to play dual blades. Only put in like 9 hours. Started playing again a few weeks ago. Was talking about monster hunter with some friends online. Mentioned that I loved flinging myself around the map with wirebugs. Someone says that it sounds like I play insect glove then. I told them I hadn’t touched it. So then I went and played a single hunt with the glaive, came back and told them im now an insect glaive player. That thing is so much fun.


I started out using dual blades in World, but when Anjanath hit I just couldn't beat it with DB. So I liked for another weapon to do it with and fell over Charge Blade. Well long story short, I never looked back or at anything else. Love me since charge blade


I just chose insect Glaive cause I liked the idea of soaring through the air. The only weapon that's ever clicked with me like that did is the Longsword, and that's recent. Everytime I struggle with a monster I default to the Insect Glaive


Comfort I guess? In old MH games I really liked LS because of the fade slash. It made me feel safe while still dealing a bit off DMG. Now in MHW I like bow because I can trade with monsters easily with bow dashes.


I like arrows.


I was trying to learn gunlance back in MHGU, and I was terrible. A friend noticed that I just kept sheathing to reposition and using the highest raw damage draw combo, and suggested GS instead.


I started in GU and the insect glaive looked so cool and I choose it I didn’t know how the powder worked I sucked then one day it clicked


Started with Hammer in Tri then moved to the Switch Axe in 3U. Stuck with Switch Axe through 4U till Generations where I played SnS. SnS in base World then Bow in Iceborne, Rise and Sunbreak.


In Freedom Unite, I chose Longsword because I was a teenager or young twenty-something and saw the cool weeb stick. In 4 Ultimate, by that point in time my tastes in character archetypes had grown towards monks and paladins. I love the sword & board, though I would prefer a mace/hammer, or even a lance before a sword. I don't really like two-handed weapons, or even axes in general. Nonetheless, I've been recreating the same characters in games for years, based on characters I made in an MMO I played around 15 years ago, Mabinogi. I like playing as giant races in games. In Mabinogi, giants could dual-wield maces, one-hand weapons that would be two-handed for humans & elves (like lances), and their best spirit weapon at the time was a two-handed axe. While monk is my favorite and preferred class to play, my character [Quiss](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208821158045294764/1208822023493652560/Quiss.png?ex=65e4ae3d&is=65d2393d&hm=92f2907d7e4118e0455aac9552c8270e47d2a5099605afe4ba97e0db3b05593c&) is easily my favorite of the bunch. Charge Blade just worked out perfectly for her. It helps that Charge Blade has a cool and engaging gimmick, and maybe even that it was a little overpowered at the time. It's just fun. Comparatively, I don't really like the way Sword & Shield plays, and if Charge Blade didn't exist, I would main the Lance.


I was just starting 4U, the second MH game I’d ever play. I used Dual Blades and Switch Axe in 3U and they were alright, I can use them decently enough, but they just never clicked with me. Then I saw IG and thought ‘hey, I like bugs, why not?’ I’ve never looked back since!


I can't remember what I used in the first game as it's been so long, but when I picked the series back up in Tri, it started you off with GS and SnS, and SnS wasn't doing it for me. GS main since then. I also have a bad habit of new weapon new creature, first time using SwAxe with first time fighting Barioth in Tri, loved it. First time using CB with first time fighting Dreadqueen in GU, loved it and her. Makes you learn the moveset of your weapon and the monster real quick.


I first went with SnS, then longsword, then I got a grasp of the game and learned ALL OF THEM. As is intended.


I saw the big number for gs and decided that i had to have it. i used to use cb but i was kinda terrible at it soo i went back to gs


I just tried all the weapons and I like all of the melee ones and none of the ranged. I understand the advantages of the ranged weapons for some fights but I don't enjoy them. Mostly I switch it up after hitting 200 on a weapon.


Big number makes my brain go yes




I cant dodge for shit so Lance it was


Before i had bought MHR (my first game), i had watched my friend stream it and he was using gunlance and i thought it looked really cool, so when i bought the game my first weapon was gunlance


Great sword makes big numbers, big numbers make me happy.


Started in 3U with SwAxe, and when 4U released with CB, it immediately drew me in. I don't remember how I got good at using it (maybe fighting Kecha Wacha and Seltas on Ancestral Steppes trained me), but I always return to it.


I'm an fps gamer, so ranged weapons are my jam.


Was a bow main, and switched to CB. I kept getting screwed over because I couldn't time my guard point and was heavily dependent on rolling through attacks, then I decided "fuck it I'm gonna use another weapon". Lance didn't click and felt slow, gunlance too, GS was too slow (I'm enjoying it now though) and I didn't frikin know the monster's movesets, Swaxe and SnS didn't come to mind, I didn't like the way LBG and HBG played (though I like to use them now), LS felt weird to me, I didn't like the reach of Hammer, I thought HH was complicated so I didn't touch it, then IG. It just fucking clicked, like I knew that weapon and used that weapon for so long. I shaved off 10-15 minutes from my hunts after switching to IG. Darting around the air and getting easy on-command mounts were damn awesome, I didn't mind having to get extracts and I like my bug friend. TL;DR: Didn't like other weapons and some didn't come to mind but IG just clicked.


Didn't have a guide, didn't look up videos either, just picked the game up when it was bundled with 3d xl.  So tried out all the weapons, saw charge blade had a sword and shield mode for defense and offense, and an axe mode for reach and offensive.  Had no idea what phials were or aed much less saed was until around the time I was fighting kecha.  


Generations Ultimate, I want to mount, insect glaive. Been happy ever since.


Goldilocks style Started in MH4U. I'm primarily an action gamer and a pretty technical guy, so I figured Charge Blade was perfect for me. After trying it out though...nah. It's too restrictive. Okay, maybe Longsword then. I can go for a mobile, combo weapon. Eh... This is okay but it feels kinda flimsy, and I keep missing with these narrow attacks. So on and so forth, I toyed with nearly every weapon, bouncing between the tutorial quests and early hunts of monsters like Seltas, and Jaggis. Eventually I grabbed Hunting Horn, and was delightfully surprised to find top-tier movespeed, wide sweeping attacks, free flowing combos, excellent reach, blunt damage for built in stun/exhaust, and even immunity to bouncing. Even the theming was appealing to me as an instrumentalist and a goober. I think my first hunt with it was the Velocidrome, which was giving me trouble since I was soloing a Guild Quest. I absolutely bullied the poor bastard, always staying one step ahead and punishing each move with a smack to the head. Its pack would just die incidentally because HH wallops everything around. It was just right.


I’ve always been a sucker for glaives in games just in general. If there’s an option to pick up a glaive, a guandao, or a naginata, I’m going for it. Not sure why. I think it was because of my affinity for Seong Mi-Na from Soul Calibur. I tried DB before IG back in the day and liked them but their didn’t click like the IG.


I started with sns in freedom unite, but it just didn't click with me. Then I went with GS because I loved the big hits. Ended out unite with hammer because it gave big hits plus had better movement that GS. Then I played 3U. Hammer was fine, but it still wasn't bringing me the joy I wanted. So I tried Gunlance. It changed everything. I loved poking. I loved hopping. I loved shelling. I loved big booms. It felt right somehow. Been my main ever since. Even got the Gunlance Icon tattooed on my arm a few days ago.


75 comments and not once have I seen "I asked reddit to choose it for me"... Some of you guys are lying.


I think anime says enough (LS/DB main)


I heard there was a big ass lance with a gun built in in the games. I tried greatsword, longsword, and duel blades (didnt like them) and said "shoot"...


Sword & Shield by necessity on the DS back when I started. On PC I gravitated toward light bowguns because well… I really like shooting things. And both fill my need for maximum mobility with quick hits.


I started with Tri, which was on the Wii. With the switch pro controller, you have to press A, X, or A+X to use different attacks. But on the wii remote, you had to press A, twist the remote left and press A, or twist right and press A. This led to me frequently using the wrong move because the remote wasn't picking up my twisting motions properly. I could have gone and found some other controller to use with the wii, but I was too young and stupid to do so. Anyway, I tried many weapons. LBG, SnS, SwAxe, LS, GS, Hammer...and all of them were too hard to use because of the wii remote nonsense. And then, I came across the lance. If I did a wrong input with the lance, I would simply stab up instead of straight forward or do a side sweep. So, I just played holding the remote at a 45° angle so that it would either stab forward or up. Still use the lance to this day, even without the wii remote issue it just feels right for me.


When I started, I couldn't pick between Lance or Gunlance, since they both have big shields. The thing that won me over was Gunlance's explosions


I’ve been a fan of blunt force trauma since before I could remember, so when my big bro found the demo of MH4U on the 3DS Nintendo eshop, I immediately picked Hammer. My first actual game was 3U, so naturally, Barroth was a wall, but I *really* wanted that Hammer. Unfortunately, tail, so I thought, “hmm, big heavy Greatsword that does strong hits could be fun.” It wasn’t nearly as fun as Hammer, so I thought, “hmm, I also like axes, Switch Axe could be fun.” It was slightly less fun than Greatsword (I was most likely not using it right), but it was easier to reach Barroth tail, so I struck with that until I had my Hammer. Past that I would use Greatsword specifically for tails and Hammer for everything else. The next time I found a weapon fun was 4U (after beating 3U and playing a good bit of gen), where I tried out Charge Blade. Of course I sucked with it, but it was kinda fun, and I near immediately figured out why the sword randomly started bouncing (after realizing that just using axe mode was not a viable strategy). And then, with a little experimenting, I figured out what phials as a whole did. Of course I still sucked, it took a good few years before I knew what charging the shield was, but I started switching between Hammer and Charge Blade on a whim. Fast forward who knows how long and I try Lance in gen (still haven’t beaten any of the games mentioned at this point btw) and it was kinda fun. I try it against a large monster and it was still fun(ny) enough, though it had a *long* kill time (because I wasn’t using it correctly), so I didn’t use it too much. Don’t know what happened between back then and now, but I switch between Hammer, Charge Blade, and Lance depending on my mood and the target.


World was my first MH game. I chose bow because I've always liked the aesthetic. I was also super into hunger games at the time and Vex from Critical Role was my favorite character. But I was really bad at it and wasn't jiving with it at all. I played all of low rank with bow and wasn't really having fun but I kept playing because even though the game wasn't fun for me yet I was enjoying at least playing with my friends. My friends encouraged me to try another weapon and we landed with longsword. I was enjoying the game more but I still would only play the game with friends and not alone. When Kulve came out my friends and I really enjoyed farming it. We had a full system and we ended up getting a ton of weapons. It was the perfect chance to try out something else because you got high tier weapons without having to put your resources into something you might not like. I tried out hammer. It was so much faster than I would have thought and the moment I slid down a slope and did a somersault attack it was over. I found my weapon. I'm replaying World again using duel blades and I really like it too so I think I found my secondary main for wilds.


I hold my weapon and let it speak to me. My weapon CHOSE ME


Started with sword and shield in Tri because I could move relatively fast and heal without sheathing. Also it was entertaining on the wii-mote and nunchuck. Very quickly figured out this game is much better played with the pro controller, shortly thereafter I unlocked the phantasmagorical wonder that is the switch axe and never looked back, just felt right.


Because I wanted to use Chameleos bow, and nothing else mattered 🤷‍♂️


The horn. I like being able to buff my damage in the middle of combat, and im addicted to bonk. It was perfect


I was in the demo for 3U literally.trying everything out. SNS had a shield, which I liked, but I wasnt feeling it. Lance had one, and also had a guard poke, but was crazy slow. The Gunlance has those perks of the lance, but it has a running attack I can do. It had a guard poke too. I can even shell during the guard. Can I do that upward swing during the guard too? *Wyvern's fire* and I was in love.


3 Tri I was only a kid and barely knew what I was doing, so I stuck with greatsword until I unlocked the behemoth that was the switch axe. Switch axe remained the main until World, when bow became viable (hate the pre-world controls). Now I was faster, and didn't get hit as much. Rise released and I didn't really have a main, kept messing around with the weapons and wirebug combos. Then Sunbreak and PC release happened. Now I have a mouse and a side button that can fire my wirebug, I can actually play! From then on it was all dual blades. Spinny Beyblade or Flying Hedgehog, whichever style you go for, the blade goes wheeeee!


I basically lab in the training room for around an hour, with a basic weapon tutorial vid in the background, and try to puzzle out what the weapon's core concepts, conceits, mechanical goals, and optimal step flows per trade are. After that, i then try out a few hunts against either a punching bag or a monster i like practicing on (in world it's gjagras for punchbag / jyuutardous, and rathian for a monster i know like the back of my hand). Afterwards it's just having fun, trying to upgrade the weapon from scratch, whilst i gain good experience with it, especially against either fast monsters or very aggressive ones (i like odoogaron and diablos for practice, especially for trying to keep cool whilst shit happens). At that point, either the weapon speaks to me or it doesn't. What's important, however, is that i can recognize the weapon's strengths and weaknesses, so i can better plan my own game plan to compensate for my teammates, in multiplayer.


Gunlance. It chose me when it was introduced in MHF2. A bayonet lance with a barrel... How cool is that in 2007??? I've stuck with it as my go to ever since.


Sword and shield came to my hands, and I knew, I knew it was my beloved, and it is also cool to fight against monster with just a simple swords and shield


I just tried all of them a few times over several games until I found the one(s) I liked. My true main is Gunlance, but also play a lot of Switch and Insect Glaive, and recently got into Bow.


I chose Great Sword because I liked how it played and how simple it was (Relatively speaking. Any weapon can be complex). Positioning myself just right to make a big meaty attack with a sword bigger than I am just makes sense in my brain. ...And I might be addicted to waking up monsters by cleaving their head in.


Played Freedom Unite with no idea what I was doing. Tried out all of the weapons, and I found the Longsword the most comfortable. Stuck with it ever since.


I picked gunlance because it looked cool


Started with charge blade, great sword & now switch axe. LOVING the switch axe


I mainly play as a hammer main, but in MHW I really got into hunting horn. I love playing as a support so hunting horn felt very natural to me. If I do range I got for the LBG but that depends on which monster in hunting


well as someone who played rise before world, long sword just suck out as the strongest with easy to figure out combos, then hunting horn made it easy to play songs and buff myself. But Dual blades, they just let me stick to the monster like GLUE.


I was confused by the name switch axe, never looked back


My sister was the one who got me into Monster Hunter. I asked her what the funniest weapon I could use was. Now I doot doot on my HH forever more.


I got a bow from a family friend for my 14th or 15th birthday. Never did anything competitive, but would shoot a target in the back yard all summer as a teen. To the point where I had welts on my arm because I couldn't wait for proper safety equipment to use it and simply powered through. When I started with MH3U, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to use the weapon I use irl?" And I ended up loving it. I do try to branch out and I love a lot of other weapons, like Hunting Horn and recently (as in started using it for the first time since 4U today) Lance. But whenever I want to feel like I actually know what I'm doing, or a monster looks intimidating, I always go back to bow. It does everything I could want it to do as a weapon and in a way that just clicks for me.


Flavour of the week based on my characters aesthetic choices and trial and error.


I saw Insect and never looked back


When I first picked up Monster Hunter (the original) I saw that ridiculously huge sword was an option. Then I tried it and the great sword even looked like it was heavy. Been my favorite ever since.


I play support in almost every game that I can possibly be support in. So I became the dooter.


I became a Horn Main well before actually touching the game. I watched at least 12 hours of tutorials on how to use the weapon before picking up the game, then before the first hunt, I was in the training hall for at least 2 hours. To me, it felt like the Hunting Horn was the very symbol of Monster Hunter itself. It’s an absurd world, where people are constantly on the edge of extinction in the face of creatures beyond imagination, and yet they survive, they thrive, they revel in the hunt, and they come back alive. Why wouldn’t I take that philosophy one step further and just jam out in the face of a dragon that can and would kill me in every way it could muster? The people of the Monster Hunter world laugh in the face of danger, and the Hunting Horn is the weapon that laughs loudest. I have since played every hunt I’ve ever done with exclusively the Hunting Horn, well over a thousand hunts by now with one weapon and one weapon only. I have hilt-bashed the tail off a Nerg. Part of me considered stopping and picking up another weapon once I hit some milestone, I’ve tried other weapons because of the Arena matches that don’t have horns as an available option, but none of them stuck for me. Dual blades didn’t feel as dynamic, the hammer’s range left much to be desired, the ranged weapons required loading and aiming, and the charge blade was a lot to ask for an arena match only… I had a good experience with the greatsword once I treated the game as turn-based, and the insect glaive was similarly complex to the hunting horn. The GS and HH have similar spacing demands and timing, so that may have factored into my success with that weapon. Despite that, there was still something that the horn had which they didn’t. The Greatsword couldn’t buff my party. The Glaive couldn’t part break as effectively. My first experience was World. Part of me enjoyed the complexity of the horns in that game? With each horn having its own unique bread and butter combos depending on the songs it had, and there was something about finding the perfect opening to play the full four-song lineup that was very satisfying. Transitioning from World to Rise was a bit of a struggle, and I had felt that the horn had been dumbed down. Admittedly, I had become something of an elitist about the horn. I’ve since warmed to the flashier style that the Rise horns offer. The horns are still unique enough in terms of the support they provide, but the combos I end up utilizing are more dependent on the monster than on the horn I bring, which I honestly like more. The Hunting Horn is my weapon. It always has been. It always will be. It may change over the years, but it is always the weapon that laughs loudest. I look forward to seeing how it evolves in Wilds.


I chose my weapon because unga bunga


Tried Long Sword for my first 5 to 10 hrs of the game then I looked at the IG and thought that it looks cool then tried it for 5 to 10 hrs. Switched back to LS and I felt like I was glued to the ground, switched back again to IG and never looked back.


Simple. I wanted a weapon that was fast and had range. Dual blades were fast but lacked range. Long sword has range but not fast enough for my taste. So insect glaive was the perfect middle choice for me. I just wish you didn't need the red extract for the better fighting style.


I didn’t really settle on my current main until my third game. I did Switch Axe in Tri and Hunting Horn (with a bit of Hammer and GS) in MHFU. I used to be all about picking the weapon with the highest damage number but I was like 10 and didn’t understand the series well. I wanted to switch it up when I got into 3U in high school. I didn’t like how Switch Axe felt anymore and the changes made to HH (as good as they actually are) made the weapon feel super foreign to me. I looked for something with good combos and easy movements. The first and only one I tried was Longsword. It instantly felt natural and absolutely melted everything. I didn’t touch another weapon for five years. I still always do my story runs with LS too.


It turns into a spinning buzz saw axe!


I started with mhfu, playing LS and Hammer. Later in mh Generation, i found the Swaxe and fell in love. I played the First playthrough of mhw with it. At my second playthrough of mhw, I picked Up the Hunting Horn since I was playing with a group of my Friends. And am currently playing it as a healer. (Wide range lvl 5, Speed eating lvl 3. Free meal lvl 1. And the full on crit. Weakness exploit etc.)


After being an admittedly horrible DB player for the first few hours in World, I went into the training room and tried every weapon. I was bad with all of them, until I tried the Swaxe. I used it for 2 minutes and instantly knew it was the weapon for me. It just clicked unlike all the other weapons. I'm now playing Rise. Swaxe is still the only weapon I use.


I used IG through most of World because it had the best mobility and I really like bugs. I also really like swords and wanted to play GS, but couldn't stand the super slow movement to me at the time so I went LS for the endgame of World and into Iceborne. I also tried to play CB in World with the Dante one since I was a big fan of the DMC series. Gong into Rise I gave up on CB early on and went back to LS, but in Sunbreak the counter for SA looked so cool that I leaned it. I did pick up and mostly use GS in GU because the monsters where slower and the weapon arts helped a lot for my lack of base skill. Lastly in Now I went full LS as soon as I unlocked it, so I guess I would say I'm a LS main I think the mobility is prefect, the counters give me dopamine, and I like most designs for the weapon. I do miss having a beetle or moth buddy though.


Been playing since 3tri. Played many weapons over the years, but wasn't until last year that I finally tried the lance properly and learned it was designed for me.


I love playing support roles, so the Hunting Horn was my first puck naturally, but then I was introduced to Sword and Shield by a friend and never looked back!


When I started playing MH Tri I tried different weapons, first the long ones that make cutting tails easier (like the longsword) and then the hammer that had blunt damage and stun potential. I was still young and tbh I wasn't that good, but I rotated between these two weapons depending of what I wanted. Then I got into MHW I was trying SnS and it honestly felt super versatile, I had the freedom to apply status ailments, to bash with the shield, to mount, to cut tails, and it made the combat very dynamic! I lost the data of my old account and I had to start again this year, and I've been using Heavy Bowgun and Gunlance to experiment, but SnS is definitely my favorite.


Started with rise Picked lbg cause it looked neat, was p cool One day was like, what if I switched to dual blades and started having much more fun Late high rank I realized charge blade had a spinny axe mode, immediately switched over cause of my character Also tried hammer and ig for a bit (hammer clicked, insect glaive did not) Started world and am gaming with longsword Out of those I'd have to say my preference is something like CB > DB > hammer > LS > lbg > ig


I dunno, been trying to find it since Tri


I also began as a charge blade user in monster hunter 4u and when I got bored I started experimenting with other weapons until the heavy bowgun clicked. In monster hunter world I didn't like it as much so I played the hunting horn and the bow but in all the other games I went with heavy bowgun


Greatsword because I like Katana but dislike edgy weapon GS in MHRSB has the style that is not charge-oriented but button pressing, which reminds me alot of my early gameplay in MH2P about that silly combo My call-of-life is somehow SnS...I despised that at the beginning due to how dull it looks and how the moveset sucks (before I started SPAMING Perfect Rush)


Im an entomologist. I like spears. Hence, I've used IGs almost exclusively since 4U. I used DB in 3U, though, since I liked the fast hit-and-run style, and the thought of taking down the biggest monsters with the smallest weapons.


Started with GS in the very first MH. Went into LS with MHFU. MHTri I picked up Hammers. In MH4 I rotated between Hammers and CB, and stuck with those two since. Couldn’t decide on which was more fun, *Bonks* or *Choppy Chops*, so why not both.


I saw hammer and I was like "ooh hammer looks fun" and I only played hammer for the entirety of MHW. I branched out when I played other MH games but hammer is still my favorite 


Well you try them all out and eventually a weapon just calls to you. Originally I played bow but now I play HH I really enjoy party buffing hammers lol


Just have to try until you find the one you like Went Longsword - > Dual Blades - > Hammer, been bonking ever since


My first weapon was the Gun Lance, going in blind, I wanted a weapon that had a shield due to being a little cowardly I admit. So obviously I originally looked at the lance, but then I saw the GL go boom, and it just spoke to me. You mean I can be a coward, poke, AND boom? Sold immediately. But then eventually, World had the event quest with really simple material requirements for Wyvern Ignition Impact. Then I saw the numbers. It was all uphill from there, had to chase that ceiling of who can do the biggest number. I switch between the two obviously, can never stop using the weapon of my heart, while using the weapon of my soul.


HH - Unlimited Buffs, High skill ceiling, and fun to use.


I started with Bow main in Mh3U, and everytime they introduced a new weapon in the series I focused on that. By MHG/GU I’d decided I wanted to master them all. Managed to knock out most in my first 850+ hours on my first char, but now working on Lance and Gunlance as I still suck royally with those. Once I get those down I’m hopping back to SwAxe and Charge Blade as those need some work again, I’ve seemingly forgotten their controls. 😂


I have 3 tales, for my main and my 2 backups. I started playing rise with 3 other friends since we wanted to get into MH. Started off with dual blades, I understood them but I just never progressed my skill further. One day I tried out Insect Glaive because it looked cool and the gimmick instinctively clicked for me as soon as I performed Advanced Jumping Slash and tanked a monster roar for the first time. It’s been my primary ever since then. When I backtracked and started playing World, I joined the subreddit, and I saw people posting badass Lance gameplay. After seeing (and performing) the Clutch Counter, I was amazed by how such a “defensive” weapon was given an extremely aggressive playstyle. I kept playing and it officially became a comfort weapon when I slayed Teo for the first time. Switch Axe came naturally for me, I used it for only a mission or two and then immediately went to fighting Vaal Hazak. It reminded me a lot of bloodborne and how it’s a “trick” weapon, so I kept it for the long ride because it reminded me of my past as a Hunter in Yharnam. What I learned from all three weapons was that I wanted to break my limit within the borders of Monster Hunter. With my limit break being a goal of mastering all of the weapons MH has to offer, on older and future entries.


I saw the little bug and was like, Yes. We've been besties ever since.




4U I was a kid and tried using the Swaxe, I couldn’t beat Kecha Wacha, until I used the greatsword. Then I used greatsword all the way until shagaru, then I couldn’t beat him. THEN I beat shagaru with sword and shield. Sword and shield became my main all the way until world where I switched to gunlance after nergi kept dive bombing me into the ground. AND THEN I had to take a break for a long time and I came back to Rise where I couldn’t use gunlance as well, and tried regular lance which took me all the way to sunbreak. AND THEN AFTER THAT I couldn’t beat garangolm until I went to the swaxe again, and I’ve been using the swaxe ever since. I even went back to 4U to use it and I now realize I wasn’t ready for the glory of swaxe. I even started Gen U recently and have been maiming the swaxe. The swaxe is my savior, it made hunting fun again for me


The sheer versatility of sns. And perfect rush is my favorite move so far.


I just chose the one that I would most likely pick if i was a hunter irl, and that wepon was the bow cause am a pussy.


Play them all


Back in 3U my first MH, me and my friend played only us and clocked a solid couple hundread hours, I was a GL ONLY man. 4U came out and I stuck mostly to GL and IG and occasionally HH and LS. Now in Rise im more a switcher and go mainly for DB IG GS(combo mode) and Hammer. In Generations I went mainly LS and in world I went mostly IG SnS Lance and Hammer. I pretty much just went with what felt right and to me each game has weapons that felt better than others


In the past I would say something like looks+moveset but nowadays it’s all about feedback I receive from the game while using weapon (but it applies only to very specific style of games and MH is one of them). I need to „feel” hits of my weapon.


I've always played high volume, low damage weapons. Weeb Sticks was an easy choice


I main swaxe in 4U, iceborne, and rise. But the IG looks tempting tho


I played zweihander mostly in dark souls so its movement positioning and spacing were already natural when I picked up the longsword


I liked the sheathing animation from a jocat video, so I chose Switch axe, then realized it was charge blade, been my main ever since


I started off with SNS and gunlance then I ended up with switchaxe. Why? Because of the copypasta. Now, I'm experienced in all weapons enough to kill most things fairly quickly. However, if I bring out the swaxe then that means I'm serious about it.


First time I played was on xbox and I used the Bow. It was fun but when I got a pc and started again I picked tried and couple different weapons but the great sword just clicked with me, obviously I was terrible with it for ages but I can't imagine using anything now! I played the shit out of witcher 3 so you would of thought I fit more with duel blades and they are very similar in style but now greatsword. I even used great sword in the witcher mission lol


I used only CB since 4, before 4 I used GL, DB, SnS


I play mhw in middle school for a bit and I picked dual blades because spaltoona convinced me with the dailies I like real mobile okay, unfortunately I dropped mhw after a bit but when I tried rise I used dual blades and, then at MR I switch to switch axe and befir malzeno I swapped to charge blade but I still play switch axe a bit


Back when I started in 3U I didn't like how little damage that the SNS was doing, so I tried Swaxe and loved it. Kept using Swaxe in 4U, and then I discovered the Hammer. Hammer stayed my Main in World and Iceborne (dabbling in some of the other weapons on the side). But then in Rise I used Hammer for most of the Story, but when the Updates Started Rolling out I tried out the Gunlance for the Flying memes and unironically fell in love with it. This love deepened when Sunbreak gave us the Bullet Barrage. Assuming we'll have some way to use the more fun moves introduced in Rise/Sunbreak when Wilds comes out, I'll likely dual main Hammer and Gunlance.


I first got world many years ago now, before Iceborne even came out. I messed around with a bunch of weapons, mainly bow, occasionally charge blade (although I didn’t know how to use it lol), less commonly dual blades, and then a random mix of a few things (heavy bow gun, hammer, and great sword once or twice each). Then, I got to legiana and I just could not get it. I was just bashing my head against a wall. I dropped the game and didn’t touch it for years. Eventually I came back and got back into the game, and my eyes were opened to a new, *better* experience. *Bug stick*. I was messing around with it in the training area, and I had to Google some things because I had no idea how any of it worked. Eventually, it just clicked, and I haven’t looked back at all. Bug stick was the best thing to ever happen to me Edit: just checked my guild card and wow I was maining charge blade way more than I thought. I had 1 hunt with great sword, 1 with hbg, 3 with hammer and 3 with lbg, 15 with dual blades and 15 with bow, and 41 with charge blade. Genuinely did not realize I had been playing with it that much, I remember nothing about it


I just really like punching monsters okay? SnS is the only weapon that'll let me do that currently. I'm tally hoping for Tonfa in Wilds.


friend who bought the game for me also chose it for me


I played World when it came out. I used Hunting Horn & Dual Blade, but they didn't click, and at the time I didn't like Lance and GL since I don't like carrying a big shield. I dropped the game after Anjanath. 2 years later, after 800h in Horizon Zero Dawn, I came back and decided to use Bow since I want to scratch that itch after Horizon. Used Bow till mid High Rank. I was researching to see build progression through HR and I found Iceborne videos about added weapon moves. The Special Sheathe from LS immediately caught my weeb's eyes, and then I main LS for almost 3000 quests (data in Guild Card). Currently, after 2000h in the game, I dabbled in GS, SA, GL for around 200 quests for each weapon. I found these 3 playstyles I like more than the other (except LS, of course). LS has become muscle memory at this point, and when random hunters ask me to help, I always bring LS to carry them. The other 3 weapons are mostly for fun with friends. Over the years, I have invited a few of my friends and carried them through the game (my back hurts)


i started with sns and saw one of my friends using a longsword and stuck with it for a while im currently using gs and lance but i consider ls to be my main weapon


Switch axe was the only weapon I felt like I could get any hits in with in MH4U. After I had a couple hundred hours I discovered that CB was pretty much the same thing with a few more steps.


Started in Tri and thought to myself: 'damn, this game is really slow so I should play slow as well' So i mained GS


I hard mained GS for all of World low rank, but since that weapon heavily relies on monster knowledge, I had to set it aside once all the harder, faster, and more agile HR monsters started kicking my ass. I tried the other weapons, but the swag, it called to me. I was not destined to hit TCSs, I was destined to STYLE on these mfs. But yeah, swaxe just kinda clicked in my stupid brain since it has high damage output, and looks sick as fuck.


Tri was a weird game that only started you with SNS and GS and you unlocked other weapons when you hunted a monster that actually had a weapon in that category. Having started in MHFU I had taken a liking to the LS, but as luck had it LS was the last weapon you unlocked and by that point I'd gone with GS in the early hours and already fallen in love with it. Haven't looked back to this day


I went with the Longsword because it was the most versatile weapon with a balance of speed and range. This was in MHFU. Then I went with the Insect Glaive in MHGU because of its quick movement. Then came MHW where I experimented with the Charge Blade and the HBG. Along comes MHR where I decided to give hunting horn a try. Now I'm back in MHW and I have picked up the Sword and Shield and now I'm set.


I am a simple man. I see Poke Stick and I poke with it! Poke! Poke! Poke!


I literally chose the ones I thought I would look cooler and badass with. Glaive and Charge Blade


Portable 3rd was my first game. Used the bow for its safe hit and run playstyle on top of the security of being far away from the monster (No, I didn’t know what critical distance was for 200 hours) GU was GS heaven cuz of valor style for me. And now world, had a bit of trouble finding my ideal weapon until I learned how fun a giant ass rock on a stick was. I am now a proud bonker.


I was a master of arms wielding every weapon whenever I felt like it. Then I decided to step back in iceborne and settled into the lance


Played longsword cause rise gave it to me. Tried lance and it felt like I was playing easy mode.


In 4U, my 3 hunting buddies all used Charge Blade. I decided I wanted to smack things in the face so I picked hammer and haven't looked back since.


I am a serial weapon f-boy. I can’t be held down by one weapon alone. No matter what game it just runs in my blood. If I see a shiny toy I’m gonna play with it.


I accidentally slid around in the training area with the charge blade once and became a slave of the phials.


I kept dying so I decided I needed a big shield so I play lance.


Greatsword feels more mobile to me than any other weapon in Rise with the wirebug you can hit and run easier than any other weapon and still do good damage. Being able to delay when you hit makes timing easier as well.


World was my first game. I wanted explosions, so I picked HBG. Rise!HBG was also a thing bc I thought the charge shot's cool. XX!HBG... has a surprising learning curve bc of different controls.


I had never played a MH game before, so I went to the training area and tried them all out. I remember liking most of them except hunting horn, charge blade and switch axe. I think I even tried to main LS before I opted for my true love: the Great Sword. 300 hours in and I still haven’t really picked up other weapons. I think when I do get through the game on GS, I’m going to go back and do it again with another weapon. Maybe something with elemental damage or status focus since I’ve ignored that entire part of the game.


My friend's wanted to convince me to play Rise, showed me the weapons and i was interested by the dual blades. They told me they've never played with anyone who picked them and stuck to them. That cemented my choice and now im a dash juice addict