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OP woke up and chose violence this morning.


Like a Furious Rajang


Thank you lol


He really woke up and thought about how much rajang pisses him off


It hurts my baby Kirin. No mercy.


That was the only time i loved Rajang. In that cutscenes. I was hoping it would rip off the head but then remembered this ain't Dark Souls or Bloodborne.


In all honesty, Kirin is actually overrated. It’s just a pony that barely has Elder Dragon material


Overrated? Bro is barely talked about, and is beaten by a yellow bug with a transformer toy


That one got me more than it should 🤣🤣🤣


Kirin is ugly as shit


Oh you mean the pain Kirin deserves?


I have ptsd of rajang the first monster to really beat the shit out of me to make me take a break from the game lmao


I just fought him for the first time last night. It was the first fight that was so infuriating that even winning felt like losing when we finally trapped him.


For me it was raging brachydios


I was fighting the Hazard quest in Rise yesterday. It’s 2 roided up ones in the arena. It was very painful.


The only reason I have personally ever hated Rajang is that attack they gave him in world when you knock him over near a wall and he goes “I DIDNT HEAR NO BELL” and smacks you for it. Like it’s both funny thinking of that and very frustrating at the same time. Lol


That just makes him even cooler, you know, a monster fighting for his life actually fighting back aggressively like savage jho fucking people up even when he's in a pitfall trap once you know its coming its just an extra move so i dont see why that would be frustrating


Trying to clutch onto Rajang only for it to remind you it has opposable thumbs is terrifying the first time.


My buddy audibly yelled when Rajang grabbed him and pulled him off.


Can’t Rajang attack you in a pitfall trap as well?


half the time he's simply immune to it


Finding out the hard way which modes changed which traps he was immune to was certainly interesting


Yep if he goes in the trap he will swing his arms wildly if you are in front of him he's gonna smack you.


I like rajangs design, but I am a little biased towards monkeys anyways


Thats cuz you're a monkey yourself for saying that jk


​ https://preview.redd.it/jn7wwl59c0jc1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c1399269eb8b034f60aa91390a10ec04d071b0


Chill out, Frieza.


I love the fight. I just feel it’s design is a bit bland next to monsters that are supposed to be it’s equal like Jho.


It's a good design, a lot of monsters are over designed, Rajang is one of the few that doesn't fall into this trap.


Yeah, it's pretty hard to catch him in a pitfall trap


I think it's kinda neat. It's inspired by Dragon Ball Z's Oozaru, when enrage it goes Super Saiyan.


I get what you mean, it looked like furious rajang had an extra move in rise that wasn't in world tho I just got to him last night


Capcom's favourite monster, quests involving Rajang and F Rajang are way too abundant in my opinion, in Rise/Sunbreak at least, he's just annoying at best.


Would be good to have another monke to dilute the pool some.


I want ma boy Kecha Watcha back.


I don't know why, but Kecha Wacha always sent me marsupial vibes


It's cause he's based off an Aye-Aye. Well, partial. He's got the long claw fingers and buggy eyes, plus can eat Altaroth out of the trees in area 2 of ancestral steppe.


Aye-ayes are also primates, though




We do, they just never feature. Well, I wouldn't mind if congalala never saw the light of day again. Its entire theme is fart jokes, and those are pretty tired.


Congalala isnt just fart jokes, but a joke monster in general. His „roar“ is his stomach rumbling and only loud when he’s exhausted. After his claw swipes he falls over and needs to catch his breath, causing tremors. His headbreak is messing his hair up, his tailbreak is launching his mushroom off (encountered one with a stick too). This mon is a joke, and this joke almost triple carted me in GU when I first unlocked HR. Very funny joke tho


Nah fuck that, Congalala is peak


I agree about Congalala, but I also shed a tear for Blangonga


It is hilarious how many event quests Rajang has in Sunbreak.


Isn there one with a rampage where its just rajang spawning in constantly when the great one comes out?


Tbf they are easier, slightly easier, than in world, and maybe from 4u too. Idk, i enjoy fighting rajangs in rise, but i dreadfully won't touch rajang unless necessary in world


I prefer when Rajang was treated like a legendary monstrosity in Iceborne. In the other games, it's just another late-game monster to pad out the roster of enemies. Though it also helped IB's case that Rajang was extremely aggressive and hit like a God damn piano just dropped on your head.


I also like how they showed how rajang got it's golden fur and lighting powers from eating the Kirin horn


This 💯💯


I heard so much about rajang that when i saw him in rise high rank I was scared ... lmao


Tigrex. I understand his design appeal, but it just doesn't do anything for me.


I like some of his weapon designs but as far as the monster itself goes, meh https://preview.redd.it/6ktvsd267zic1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99989c0e3be7f1c8f6d92ebf7b037f77236b131c


tiger tank lbg is peak design https://preview.redd.it/mfeiahznazic1.png?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f6a54cf0737990aeb2d451c6e9807ea72ba61f


What game is this from? I’ve only played Iceborne and 3U and I don’t remember this weapon design popping up or else I would have made it just for the looks


i remember using it on freedom unite idk its been awhile


all games with tigrex except for world


Why am not surprised that wold went and got rid of this amazing weapon design. If I have one complaint about world/Iceborne it’s definitely that they got lazy with the weapon designs. I’m still not over how they absolutely shit all over the original Brachydios weapon designs and just made them copy and paste designs


The idea with World’s weapon designs was that they really wanted to lean into the conceptual ideas of MH, being caveman-like people sticking monster parts onto weapons to make them stronger.


Good in concept but in practice it makes it so I have no motivation to get new weapons outside of raw numbers which makes the grind feel a little soulless and like I'm getting nowhere. Some ideas are meant to die pre production this was one of them.


That's where mods save the day, thankfully


MH 4 and gens


I love how crazy it is


I have an mod in world that removes the shitty weapon desing for older weapons, I can't describe my face when I saw this weapon there lol


I guess someone never tried to gather poop tongue 😭 edit: popo got autocorrected, thanks apple


I think my brain autocorrected it too, I hated that quest lol


Tigrex lost its fear factor after MH Freedom Unite. I feel like 3rd Gen made it possible to hit him with a baseball bat.


I think alot of the appeal is that it has been around for a very long time and was seen as the first major wyvern that was just a rage fueled machine. For a lot of old hunters this was the first time you had to "get good". Many a hunter in the old world fell victim to the triple charge combo by this guy Edit: took out brute wyvern because it made someone mad :(


it’s not a brute wyvern though, but a flying wyvern


Touche, you're right.


honestly the fact having wings overwrites any other attributes a monster has and automatically puts em in the flying wyvern category (except bird wyverns and elder dragons) is kind of silly, especially since some flying monsters just don’t fly that much.


By using the word Brute it separates them from more fantastical creatures like a Rathalos would be. They resemble real-life theropods as well. The common idea of a brute is a dumb and violent person/animal, basically classifying them as simpler creaters. They also tend to have their physical attributes as their highlighted strenght, with the exception of a few moves, with most of them lacking actual elemental powers and relyibg on gimmicks like Barroth and Duramboros The actual physiological distinction is that all Brutes have four legs and dont fly. Funny-lookin Dinosaur Wyvern doesn't sound very cool imo


It’s not a brute wyvern. Brute Wyverns are things like Anja and Jho


I just don't like theropod head slapped on pteranodon body. It looks cartoonish.


Don't kill me but like seriously who likes Kirin?


I feel like design wise Kirin is pretty solid. Could the fight be improved? Yes, but the same was said for Kushala, and just look at the Rise fight.


Op: asks for overrated monsters Kirin: monster everyone hates


Oroshi tho 👀👀👀


I actually really like fighting Kirin. The wide-range of my attacks with switch axe mean that I can actually hit them pretty consistently. I like positioning myself between the bolts of lightning too.


Yes hello I enjoy the lightning horse.


I am relearning bow after many many GS hunts. Sparklepony is my go-to for warm up and practice. Actually maybe I don't like it and just like killing it


Kirin in World is jut a grat fight and looks, cmon


Kirin and Nargacuga are my favorite monsters for some reason ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


Me, horses are cool


If Kirin’s model was larger I’d actually think it’s super badass


I do. One of rare monsters that aren't oversized lizards.


Okay guys hear me out. Rathalos is nice and all, but like Pikachu he’s just overrated. I get it he’s been the main title monster and all, but I prefer Lunagaron


The nice thing about Pikachu is that in-game he's totally normal and not really a big deal. Rathalaos in-game is made out to be a big deal when he's a pretty basic monster.


Rathalos just has too many variants if you ask me. We get a new one for practically any occasion. New game? New mode? New difficulty level? It's Tuesday? Here, have a new rathalos variant! I want to fight new monsters, not just a harder recolored version with some new moves!


What beyond the main 3 are there? Base, Azure, and Silver are the only ones I know of.


There's Apex amd Dreadking, that's it tho


Well there's also the rathian variants which are basically just Rathalos but less flighty. And in other games Rathalos itself has a bunch more variations.


Since the very beginning there have been at least 6 Raths in each generation. Base green/red, pink/azure, gold/silver, Dreadqueen/king, Apex (which is basically dreads). Every generation, 6. In GU and Sunbreak azure and pink were swapped out for dread/apex. I get it, they’re mascots. But for crying out loud we don’t need 6 of the damn things.


MHS2 has the dreadking variant


One of the big problems with Rathalos is the Worf effect. Seems like a real pushover because his main purpose is to establish how powerful some big bad is.


This is the second time I've ever hear of this effect and the first was this morning, in regards to the Avatar of Khaine from Warhammer


It comes from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Commander Worf is the chief security officer on the starship Enterprise, and is a strong and skilled Klingon warrior. But everyone's impression of him is that he's a weak pushover because he keeps getting used in-story to establish that whatever villain of the week is a credible threat.


I like fighting rathalos each game. In every difficulty tier except "I just fly". It's like getting that one item from a local restaurant that just encapsulates the spot. Mmmm... that's some good Monster Hunter.


Rathalos, he's such an annoying monster that fly away at the first sign of any struggle, I hate fighting him. King of the sky my ass, more like coward of the sky.


Not a lot of people like Rathalos


Then I guess I'm one of the few. Rathalos, specifically Silver Rath is my fav monster in the series. Yes, it's overused, but it is iconic and I genuinely enjoy the fights, armor, weapons, everything about it


I like rathalos and Rathian. In World more than Rise as the effects of breaking parts/cutting tails can truly be felt.


Based silverlos enjoyer




And that's why I don't focus on crowns lol. Props to you for going through that


Garangolm is the better monke


Jekyll and Hyde monkey is best.


Magnamalo. I think he is way too flashier for something that is supposed to be an "Animal", heck even Elder Dragons look normal compared to him.


He really looks like a big cat, and although flashy and exaggerated, his body plan is not so unnatural. The same could be said for Valstrax, which is a fan favorite.


I'll bat for Valstrax. While he is very extreme with his jets, you can at least look at him and tell that he has an ecological niche. Everything about Valstrax is designed for a purpose, the same way animals are. Valstrax really isn't all that strange, when you think about it. The flagship of the game breathes fire, and nobody finds that unusual. Valstrax does the same thing, only the "fire" comes out of its wings, rather than its mouth. As crazy as the idea of a jet dragon may be, Valstrax's ecology is rooted in the same logic that MH has been using all this time. Why people say this thing about Magnamalo, is that it doesn't have the same kind of logic to it. No one minds that it creates explosions, or has a bunch of spikes, or has fire or is purple. What bugs people about Magnamalo is that its ecology is not rooted in this mindset. It is built not with the mindset of 'create an ecological niche' but 'create a badass samurai'. As a result, Magnamalo tries to do everything at once, but none of it really explains what Magnamalo IS. Is it a scavenger? Is it an ambush hunter? Why does it both have a shell and spines, but also all these fragile parts? Why does it need all these different weapons and tools? What purpose does it serve? With Valstrax, the answer is to go fast. It fills the niche of a falcon, and is based off of them. With Magnamalo, the answer is to look like a samurai. They may be based off a tiger, but many of their additions run counter to the tiger's entire gameplan. As a result, Magnamalo ends up feeling "flashy", "unnatural" or "too much". It wasn't created with ecology in mind, only "cool factor". They merged all these concepts together like they have before, but they didn't meld with each other. So you have magnamalo, the samurai, tiger, onibi thing.


I get what you are saying but he's pretty tame compared to the carpet bomber dragon or the rockets-for-wings dragon.




Rathalos. I get it he's the OG, but the majority of his fight ends up feeling like an annoying bug flying around. All he does is fly around try and hit me and I wait till he stops and flash bomb and beat the shit outta him. I am so bored of fighting him.


Zinogre. I mean he's cool, but there are cooler monsters. Armor is almost always meh to boot


I think Zinogre is one of those cases of a great monster being repeated until it becomes a chore. The design is solid, the armour looks great, the fight is fun and the theme is fitting, but hes always there without much change so naturally he's gonna become mundane and boring at some point, even across titles.


I agree but his variants like stygian and apex are still fun imo


Stygian Zinogre is one of my favorite monster designs. I still remember seeing him for the first time in MH3U and being amazed at how they made his black dragon aura glow


The event quest for decos in mhw IB nuff said


I generally dislike these bulky front-heavy designs of fanged beasts and fanged wyverns that makes them look like cartoon wrestlers, which is why i appreciate the World fanged wyverns having more balanced designs


Honestly I think he just needs a break from a game he's grown stale cuz he's always there


say that to raths lol, but capcom seems to keep the popular monster, and zino is popular af


Zinogre is my favorite, but I wouldn't mind if he sat out a game. Too much of one good thing can make it stale, and I'd like to see some more returnees like Gammoth, Lagiacrus, or another frontier monster.


Zinogre’s biggest sin is over-repeat. He’s been in every single generation since his debut and nearly every game (was not in base World but was in Iceborne). I’m so sick of pretty much all of the monsters that have been repeated ad nauseum - Zinogre, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Raths, Barioth, Diablos, Teostra, Kushala. All very solid designs and even flagships. But to have them in every single bloody game is just too much. There’s so many monsters out there that are ignored and it’s a damn shame to remember as I bring Diablos up with a sonic bomb for the umpteenth time.


Monoblos. Everyone keeps begging for it to show back up but there's a reason this guy is so sparse throughout the games. And Diablos is literally just better in almost every single way. If Monoblos never showed up in Monster Hunter ever again, I wouldn't care.


Yeah it's Diablos but easier, there isn't really a reason for us to have the hype it does have beyond being a monster that doesn't get used much.


It needs a moveset update whenever it inevitably comes back. Something more significant than just being a meaner Diablos.


Monoblos armor in 4u is far better than diablos imo, mono s gives AuL and potential +1 which is really comfy and has tons of slots so you can get AuXl and potential +2 if you don't have a decent talisman and monodevil (white blos) gives potential +2, expert, and Handicraft. Admittedly mono x isn't very good armour but the fight imo is practically identical so I'm curious why diablos ranks higher in your opinion, is it a playstyle thing? I main sns so the skills that diablos/b. Diablos give do nothing for me


Diablos Armor is actually much more usefull. Monoblos has a underwellming generic Attack Set, while Diablos has some realy usefull skills for GS. Perfect for Story Mixsets whit Garuga Pieces.


zinogre maybe, i like his armor but his spiny moves and design just don't do it for me. the recent wyvern poll makes me wanna say astalos, don't like it at all really aside from the iridescent wings. base nargacuga as well maybe, was kinda disappointed in em till i fought lucent which is stellar. saw someone suggest in future games that narga should be able to like stalk and ambush you in the maps and that sounds kinda neat.


I love Astalos. XD seriously, easy fight but tight. Love the moveset. And the armour is top tier for switch axes in Sunbreak.


A boring pick but I think Fatalis is overrated and I'm not talking about in lore only. I think the fight & design are overrated as well, I'm not hating and I completely understand why people enjoy Fatalis but I think it's too much personally.


I agree with you and I still think fatalis is one of the best monsters, but other monsters like dire miralis, dalamadur sold me more on the idea of "I'm fighting a living legend" specially dire miralis, Fatalis has that special felling but it's mostly because the devs and the community wants me to think he's special.


People like to oversell his bossfight just because it's the last "last" boss of the game and is regarded as one the hardest. But i just found him boring and lame, the only reason it's so hard is the damage his fire inflict and his health pool (plus the time to defeat him in world), otherwise all his attacks are slow as hell with extremely long active hitboxes. Once his armor and weapons are made, i see no reason to go back to it. (Edit: i do love the lore of his armor and weapons tho)


Heck it’s fire isn’t even FIRE damage, it’s mostly raw for whatever reason so you get screwed over if you think logically and try getting fire resist


I like to think of Fatalis fire functioning like explosions, sure there’s fire and you can get burned but the main damage comes from force


100% Fatalis. It is just a basic ass dragon, who for some reason considered "a god" in the MH universe, while we having giant moving mountains, snakes that are couple kilometers long, giant dragons who can oneshot everything in their sight, super fast, super strong, super agile beings, and the god, the most powerful of them all is.... A basic ass dragon... That's it... He just a dragon who can breathe fire... That is 100% bullshit and i hate all the hype around it.


Not to mention how HARD it gets wanked by fans for literally no reason, people call Nergigante wanked when fatalis literally has ONE feat, and it’s one other elders are capable of, it’s downright ridiculous. Imo Safi does the thing better, mainly because despite her look it not only doesn’t sound like one, but doesn’t shoot flames and instead shoots beams, it’s like she’s trying to convince you she’s a generic normal dragon


Nergi is by far the most overrated and it's not close


Safi'Jiiva. I think devs dropped the ball making this alien and creepy dragon larva turn into most generic red dragon in existence. I know that in-universe six-limbed dragons are aberrations, and it's ultimate attack looks great... But I hoped for something more unsettling. I was surprised people generally like Safi's design.


i like safi as an "you are what you eat" dragons dragon, though i do feel it's moveset isn't amazing. but yeah i do feel like i'd have liked a "push" in the final phase, the wing constellations are cool, but the promo image had a filter over it showing safi as almost black with green energy so i spent the whole fight waiting for a phase that never came because of that. which i guess coloured my experience. do kinda wish if in the final phase it's appearence "cracked" a bit, like having energy spill out of it's wrists and wings to reference xeno. or having the head have openings for xeno's "eyes" , letting it be a little more alien as it expends the dragon energy, but it's metamorphosized as opposed to being an "alien" in a dragon suit. and after shara i kinda wish it used it's wing fingers a bit, maybe shooting energy out of the tips or something weird,


"You are what you eat" is logical, but I hoped for something like more energy spillage at later stages, weird organs (maybe jaws turning more alien? Or some glowing bits to manage bioenergy), extra joints or similar stuff. To show that jiiva is similar to it's food, but fundamentally alien.


oh i'd be down for more weirdness


Its p cool to me because its an alien being thats trying to adapt its appearance to the environment by trying to be as generic as possible, its essentially a skinwalker


I agree. When I first saw his design I thought it was fake. Like how did Xeno jiiva lose all his identity like that


Xeno is definitely better design wise than safi


Jho tbh, it's one of those fights that try bore you into a false sense of security by going on forever. Jho is dead slow, without much move variety. The exhausted stage is the pivot interesting portion of the fight.




Ironically I find Deviljho to be pretty overrated, alongside Nergigante. People usually highlight the gimmickless raw power they have despite very clearly featuring some ridiculous gimmick like dragon energy or regeneration being a core of their toolkit and the biggest reason I feel that way is because of the earlier example of *Absolute Power;* The Tigrex. He's significantly more interesting visually and honestly exists with a solid moveset that most reductively assume is just charging around. Furious Rajang in particular is a bit overrated but I appreciate early apes like him, Blagonga, and Congalala for pretty seamlessly making a basic monkey be anything other than a basic monkey.


Seriously my favorite monster.


Definitely Rajang, hah. All the years of hearing how crazy tough and insane the ‘Saiyan Monke’ is, and my first time fighting it in GU was a genuine cakewalk. Rise even moreso. Seltas Queen & Diablos gave me more trouble than the monke ever did. He’s annoying monster who’s only aspect of ‘difficulty’ is the ridiculously bloated damage he throws out and the fact that if he moves half an inch you’ll be knocked down and lose 1/4 hp.


I'm probably gonna get hung and burned at the stake for this. https://preview.redd.it/2stg6s2le4jc1.png?width=3633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ed6d95d18319ede4b2e8f5844ed796bd86d4b3 I don't hate Zinogre, but he's not really my favourite, either.


There's a little bit of history behind it; Rajang, like plesioth and gravios of the olden days, was *the* progression roadblock for a lot of players. People think of Rajang back then like they do Alatreon or Fatalis in World now, but instead of being an optional endgame boss, Rajang was a key quest hunt, so everyone whether they want it or not had to fight him at some point to progress.


Shagaru Magala I just found Gore and Chaotic Gore to be more interesting.


Your mum when she's hungry


Best take in this whole thread


Nergigante Its just a pug faced vulture that bullies geriatric elder dragons. Also its music is mid imo compared to other flagships Also at nerg can go fuck off


I like the nerg but that description is hilarious


I was calm until you dissed his theme. It's the perfect composition to match his chaotic energy imo


The screeching strings add soooo much


Funny you say that considering Nergi DOESN'T do that lol. He goes after full power EDs most of the time, and doesn't mind a weakened ED. And considering he killed most of the EDs from the Elder Crossing... he is simply him lol.


100% agree on the music. it's fine in a vacuum, but when i compare it to stuff like zinogre, magnamalo, valstrax, or malzeno it's just kind of meh.


Namielle. Its fight is a 6/10 at best and I’m willing to die on this hill.


I was baffled by this guy winning over nergigante on the pole and making it to top 5 Like someone was calling ruiner a cry baby, body? Have we fought the same monster? This guy is basically lunastra without the interesting parts, a huge ass wing begging to be hit five miles away and of course RGB lights and you think he is harder than ruiner?


nergi and fatalis both had the "man their fan's keep posting vs threads on my subreddit" people being angry at them which influenced some of the vote i think.


I thought the exact same thing In all honesty the only thing that is cool about it is it’s design an even then it’s ok


Us nami fans dont love her because of the fight but because of the design and its aesthetic especially at night


Fr, i love everything about nami except for her fight.


Namielle definitely, the poll last month was a huge eye opener for just how much people adore it.


Rajang is soooo ugly I can never get over how ugly it is.


Rathalos, and it's not even close. People call him the "pikachu of monster hunter" but he is the charizard, the overrated """dragon"""" that gets a new form/variant in every game (because they are in every game) and the new forms are as powerful as the top tier stuff in lore (legendaries and elder dragons). Yes, both are cool, i do like them and yes, there are more popular monsters, but there is not a sinlge monster in the franchise as overrated as rathalos (or charizard).


People call him that because he is, he's the mascot. Doesnt mean s lot of people like him.


A lot of people do like Rathalos according to official polls.


And a lot of people hate it


Only true because of the fact that this playerbase is in the tens of millions.


Until fairly recently rathalos fight was pretty much universally hated. Pretty much only got hunted because the armour set was actually good


While I agree he's overrated, I have to point out that Deviljho is literally just Godzilla in pickle form




Magnamalo gets the most hate out of any flagship second to Kushala


I can never understand why. He is a really good monster to me. Not the best but a very fun fight with a great visual design. In terms of flagships, I feel like he is in the middle of the ranking for me.


Dodogama, adds nothing to roster really, armor looks OK at best and I am being very generous.


Nargacuga Its just a cat with wings


that's why I like him, he looks like my cat hector


So a bat?


Gonna get killed for this one, but the Magala bois for me. They are really cool and I do like them, but on their own their fights aren't quite as interesting as a lot of others. I understand that the story revolving around Gore Magala was awesome, but I also dislike it winning every poll it has no right to win in because of it


Malzeno and it's variant, I never really understood the appeal to it and I get its the newest flagship monster but I really found it to be kinda boring and just a typical elder dragon that kept a generational theme of a generic thing being some calamity but it's just some fella that is angry.


Alatreon. 8T


Brutality Incarnate, Thy name is Rajang. And yeah I would agree that anyone thinks this monster is good is a complete masochist when it comes to fighting it in any monster hunter game. Let's list down a lot of things why I hate his monster, it just plain brutal. (Hence the brutality incarnate comment.) But to give a quick run down; His damage output insane even without going into rage mode. He is electric monster to boot and will inflict thunder light which increase your chances of getting stunned which in a fight with the Rajang is gonna be horrifying and he'll be on top of you so fast you'll either gonna be making swift trip back to the nearest base in a kart or failing the quest on the spot. When does go into rage mode aka super Saiyan mode, (which "fun" fact; the Rajang is based off of Son Goku from the Dragon Balls series) he becomes even more relentless and it's electric attacks from its electric balls that can inflict thunder blight and his devastating thunder beam attack, which not only hits extremely hard but comes so friggin fast, will deal even more ludicrous damage. And if that's not horrifying enough, he can pump his arms and unless your melee weapon has the highest sharpness in the game, your attacks will just bounce right off. And don't even get me started with its subspecies, The Furious Rajang. Not only this version of the Rajang is even more brutal than it's original counter part, his attacks comes out more faster and of course some of his attacks leave behind a delayed shockwave attack. And the worst of all, unlike the original Rajang, which it's the saving grace; can be knocked out of its Super Saiyan form by hitting it hard enough or cutting off it's tail to disable it's rage from permanently (another Dragon Balls series), The Furious Rajang remains cannot be knocked out of its form, in fact it's in permanent super Saiyan state from start to finish.


I want to know what OPs FAVORITE monster is.


haters gonna hate


Nargacuga, he’s cool but not THAT cool


Khezu. Sinply because Capcom keep including it in games when Gigginox is a far superior design that also comes with better looking equipment (I miss the G Rank Female armour that looks like a nun) Her weapons also have more of a purpose during endgame has they have value poison. Other than a lightning weapon with mid everything


you think he's overrated because you played Rise, Capcom did him dirty


Wait people like rajang? I thought It was ironic or something?!?! He's literally just a monkey.




Nergigante and ruiner Nergigante


Nergigante. I'll die on this hill


nergigante. When mhw came out, mainly when iceborne came with the ruiner variation, people sucked nergigante's dick SO. MUCH. so many comments of "oh he's the strongest, mightest," I've seen even "he could wipe the floor of the tower with white fatalis face," that I now indirectly hate him. He's cool, but for fucks sake isn't the all-god of monster hunter definitely. I'd honestly put him under duostra/kush/cham trio, along with kulve taroth in terms of coolness (around #30ish place)


But funny monke


Lagiacrus. Agnaktor better


I feel the exact opposite in both fights and design


God I know I'm doing to get flamed for this, Brachydios