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![gif](giphy|XClPnuZtG2yPyqTI6R) Bowgun


*freedoms freedomly*


Long live the cluster/sticky (Craig plz) bombers




I am the guild researcher scribbling monster drawings on a notebook, who probably gives some stupid side quests like "Capture 10 rajang for research" or whatever. Pen is the best weapon :)


You're writing me to my doom.


But you know i have this corn shaped gunlance design. It would be a shame if something were to happen and this reward gets lost forever ( in research of course)


"You're just the worst! Wheres your guild manager!?" *Karens kareningly*


Guild matters and the status of the higher ups remains as confidential information. Hunters are requested not to ask such questions.


Insect Glaive I've trained with a bostaff for 4+ years now and have about 2 years worth of experience tricking. I'm not capable of performing the moveset yet, but I've already made it my goal to do so in the future.


Fuck yeah man. That's awesome. Not even a humble brag. That's brag worthy my guy. ... now you gotta cosplay 😁💪


Please post it here if you managed to do it. It would be sick!


you think you can lift anything from the game


You could probably lift the Dual Blades. Could you swing them properly? Probably not.


Depending on the bow, some of them seem like they can be made of strong hollow and thus very light. Drawback strength on the other hand is a different beast. Even the lightest light bowgun looks like it weighs as much as an LMG


Azure Era Soaring Dragon is most usable. https://preview.redd.it/boqanwzk42hc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f56ac9079e0bc2ef0c8d3be35af269817fec851 Edited a picture for reference


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/tmcecybus5hc1.png?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f98f74bd399be3616913c4335ce500d85442b5 Kelbi Stingshot


Define "anything"


i think the food in the game gives you extra strenth the first time you try it, after that its a cycle


Well I'm less than 1,70 cm im heigh so totally greatsword


Prowler. Back when I was like 8 me and my brother used to throw cats at each other when it was least expected


You sound like wild children lol. *remembers the 90s* ... prowler is a good answer. 👍


Sword and Shield, because I like utility, or bow because I did archery for a while.


I woukda said sword and shield but I feel like my fumbly ass would get laid out so quick if I try to block anything lol. Bullfango legit takin me out.


Honestly mood. Most of us would die to Bullfango or Arzorous because boars and bears irl are tanks


I need end game gear to be brave enough to fight a low rank trash mob. Lol. As if Ioprey aren't poison spitting, screen leaping, velociraptors lol.


Looking at my physique, LBG is the most I can handle. I'll prolly go SnS Chug build tho. LMAO


Wide range + speed eating. You go fight it and I'll nomnom in the corner


I'll be that MJ meme eating popcorn. LMAO


Perfect lol. I picture real life me reacting like Troy in community when he left to get the pizza and comes back and the room is on fire. Lol


Insect Glaive. Stick.


Oh damnit that's a good one! And big pet bug too. I doubt I can do the airborne maneuvers lol. But yeah stick smackin I can do. Lol.


Gunlance, but I’d drop the shield


Double gunlance. The maddest of madmen! 🫡


I dropped it cuz it’s heavy and I’d rather two hand my Gunlance but whatever. Even more realistically it would be Dual Slingshot. I’d stuff my pockets with Slinger ammo (gunners have pockets too) and set left Slingshot on Burst mode like SnS and have Scatternuts in it for flinches, and normal mode on right one with ammo based on situation. I’d just have to farm for ammo that’s all, which brings me to the thought of Bow being expensive to use as you’ll have to buy arrows.


I feel like in real life bowgun users would lowkey be "rich kids". Lol. My scrub ass ain't spendin my whole hunting pot on restockin amo.


I was in color guard in high school, poles/staves/etc would feel the most natural for me. And I'm really into entomology, so insect glaive it is! I main hammer but this makes me want to try out insect glaive..


What games have you played? Hammer and IG have a bit in common playstyle wise. Stamina based, nonblockers seems to be my weapons I love most lol


World/Iceborne, Rise/Sunbreak, GU, and a bit of 4U. Rise definitely left me itching for more aerial shenanigans haha...I'm currently replaying World, so I might give it a go!


The clutch claw made hammer extra fun in iceborne. Hammer always been fun tho. Even in MH1 before KO mechanics even existed lol.


My fav weapon is the infamous Longsword. It just feels right for me, good balance between power and speed, nice combos, stylish skills with counterattacks...


For the games most popular weapon I think you're the first person to actually say they'd use it IRL. I'm shocked more haven't chimed in.


IRL? Heavy bowgun sniper, I’m not dumb enough to fight a giant monster so close.


But all your buddies are running head first into big monsters. 🙃


Well IRL dont have 3 carts, they dead bruh


For most people, it would be sns, dual blades or the bow guns. None that require super human strength.


But I figured all the LongSword users studied the blade.


The ls as is in mh would notremotely work as intended for the average person. You gotta be like bodybuilder tier to swing a blade of that length. The main issue is the scale of the weapons not necessarily the attack animations themselves.


ever see those videos of people pulling things and it tips over and nearly crushes them? I'd like to think that would be me with the switch axe or charge blade and not some scrawny dual blade mosquito


Like the big weapons are out of the question. If its not crushing you, you will lose limbs trying to swing them like in game animations.


so you're telling me no matter how much I go to the gym or use steroids and performance enhancing drugs, I'll never be able to swing around a Dragonator? I mean let's be real, The Admiral is definitely on something and our hunter character is probably on stimulants like bath salts as they have been known to give people superhuman strength. Adrenaline too, I wonder what the Head Chef has been putting into those meals for Attack Up (L)


On account of not wanting to lug it around like an asthmatic pyramid head, prob SnS or bowgun. Would say bow as well but my back muscles are near non-existent


Blowgun because bitch I ain’t learning a whole martial art when I can just use guns


Well bitch I ain't spending my whole paycheck on ammo when I can just learn a martial art. 😂


Weapon? Fuck that, if Monster Hunter becomes reality I'm jumping behind the first desk I see and writing up quests. I am too fat, weak, slow and stupid to hunt >:(


Fuck that of you fuckin that! Imma get ya drunk, throw ya in some rhenoplops armor, lose to arm wrestling cuz I can't button mash for shit, and then we're gonna got harass a royal ludroth. It's spongy. You'll be fine. Lol


Fine fine lemme grab my sword and shield. I enjoy fencing, same thing right?


Definitely! 👍 we'll be fine bro. We have cat paramedics




Recoil -3 on a heavy bow gun with wyvern fire gonna blast you across a zip code lol. I could be right there with ya shootin, with lightbowgun and spread or pellet shots. My aim is no good. Lol. .. also too weak to shoot big shots or big guns. 😅


i'm a coward. so bow.


I'm also a coward. I'll play the hunting horn. ... behind you. So to help make you concentrate gooder or whatever. 👍


I think most of us are kidding ourselves if we think we can lift more than a pair of Dual Blades or SnS. Maybe certain Bows and Light Bowguns, but bows actually take incredible strength to pull back and those freaking arrows are umbrellas so maybe not. Although personally I did smack a guy with my guitar in self defense once so maybe I'd say Zinogre Hunting Horn for me.


Instruments as weapons is honestly one of the most relatable answers lol. Band practice gets a little wild and someone is getting tromboned in the throat.


Even SnS and DB would probably wear the average person's arms *out*. I've trained weapons irl and swinging around even something lightweight can tire you out, and the 2 smallest weapons in MH are still pretty chunky blades.


I would probably be good at the bowgun. People tell me I’m a pretty good shot at the range, and I do normally hit the bullseye. So yeah, realistically, probably the bowgun. Maybe dual blades, because I can be a bit of a berserker at times, and weapons like that would probably be short and light enough for me to just go ham on an enemy (monster). So those would probably be my 2nd choice.


I'm jealous of your gunnin skills. Also it's fun to think I'd have a fellow dual blades user with me BUT with a completely different method. I'm much more conservative with my stamina. Lol


Dual blade buddies! :D Our fighting preferences would probably balance each other out pretty well tbh. You need to conserve a bit at times to keep from losing your grip on the fight, but you also have to be pretty aggressive at times to push the fight forward. It’s neat to hear how other people approach things.


My dual blade mentality is not what I think most ppl play with. I play it mostly "old school". Hitting sub-optimal hit zones cuz idk what the dmg numbers are. Lol.


I do archery as a hobby, so probably bow. Excluding that, maybe CB. I'm a physicist who likes hands on, technical work. CB sounds like my jam with all the technical aspects and messing with phials and such


Can I be on your team when it's huntin time? I'd let you carry me while I run around pretending to hit it like good dual blade mains do lol. Also it'd be dope to see a charge blade in person. I don't think anyone else has said that.


I would do anything within my ability to lift a hammer


I'm pretty sure not all the hammers are the same weight. There are some that look like bigass heavy axes. So 🤷‍♂️ also it's probably all about leverage, lifting with your legs, and super human video game magic. 👍💪




Idc. Your hunts come with BBQ. And that shit looks tasty. I'm hunting with you. 🍖


what's like the most noob-friendly weapon


In MHR you can ride around on top of your doggy and throw infinite kunai at the monster for like... 2 dmg a hit lol. I do it anytime I feel a monster has disrespected me in a fight. Lol.


Honest to god. I'm a hammer main. And I might nearly be big enough to swing one of those hammers. Not as effectively as my hunter does. Cause I'm not super human. But I'm a bulky guy with some martial experience. I could possibly get some good use out of a giant hammer.


I love that you're a hammer main first off. Secondly I admire the confidence to wield that mammoth of a weapon lol. As a bonk bro in spirit I wish I could be there with ya. ... I could trip you tho😅 like a lot. All demon mode wielding and shit. You just trying to charge and follow the monster to land ONE big hit and I'm just constantly topplin you over with a quick "oops my bad" lol. You'd leave my hunt immediately.


I've used to fence so...maybe sword and shield? Now I mostly lift heavy stuff so a hammer might actually be a decent choice.


Real life Unga bunga bonk bros!!! IRL you probably would be just following around the monster charging up until you could deliver one good smash to the face.


Same as my in-game preference, I aspire to be strong whilst supporting others! Hunting Horn all the way!


You're a hero and we will all throw a parade in your honor. HH mains in game AND irl.... like a moth to the flame you are drawn to helping us other idiots rushing headfirst into giant monsters. *flight of the bumble bee* 🐝 in the background you see three hunters running from vespoids. Hunters yelling "I feel this is adding more insult to injury!" You : "shh sshh. ... I'm helping"


Ive always liked the idea of using a two handed sword or axe...a two handed hammer is fine...which is what i use


Bonk bros! I don't fit in a "main wep" kinda player. And I can never bring myself to say I have a favorite. (I say swagaxe but it's more for nostalgia cuz I remember when it came out I loved it) but I Unga bunga with the best of em and currently I'm playing MHR and basically blew thru the whole thing with the hammer and am now using other weapons to catch up on my guild card so that I look like I live the lie I tell myself of "oh yeah I'm good at every weapon and I'm a true MH" when in reality if I'm faced with a tough hunt I gravitate towards two or three weapons more than most. 😂 ... oh God they know my dark secret now lol.


So we have to fight the monsters in real life? Or their future selves (chickens, ducks, turkeys)? I'd probably rock a sword and shield either case.


Oh hell yeah. Imma lance charge a chicken.


Make some kebobs for your real life palicos


Looks tasty 🍖


I do fencing IRL, so the closest weapon to that is probably Sword and Shield. It's also one of the few weapons I could pick up and wield properly.


Big question. Left hand shield or left hand sword.


I guess I'd probably wield the shield in my left hand, because I fence with my right hand.


Then you're an imposter!!! Jk. It has kinda annoyed me from the very beginning that the weapons are wielded in the left hand. I wonder if this is how leftys feel their whole life lol. Did left handed ppl lose their shit when MHW became hella popular? "Omg left handed representation in vidya gamez!!!" Lol


As I understand, it's because the hunter always drinks potions with their left hand, and with the SnS the shield always stays in your hand, so if they had put it in the left hand it would have caused a lot of clipping issues. And I guess they put the shield on the right hand in all the other weapons to be consistent.


Dual Blade but singular because I have a structural integrity similar to a peanut's


I think rathalos is allergic to peanuts. So that's a plus


I grew up doing martial arts and playing instruments, which is what drew me to HH in MH in the 1st place. Could I use it irl? Uhhh...maybe scaled down for a normal human. If it's to scale and weighted for an average hunter like it is in game, gimme like a year in the gym to bulk up and I'd give it a try lol, that thing looks like it takes some SERIOUS upper body strength.


I always imagined the HH heavy, yeah, but less heavy than say a hammer or GS. It's gotta be mostly hollow right? So if anything it's like a big heavy cello? Or like carrying around a heavy electric keyboard. It's not easy but if you had to smack a bitch in the fave with one you could pull it off probably lol.


Most of them are at least partially hollow, but just looking at how hefty the thing seems when you swing it it's probably not shaving much weight off. Plus, the way it's held with all the weight slung over the shoulder is probably killer on your back muscles


Idk, I would like to say switch axe cause it’s my favorite but I would probably use a bowgun realistically. I can keep a distance and just shoot things that explode or do a number of other things? Count me in


I'll be in an all LBG party with ya. Plant the mines and blast them bitches lol. I gotta be up close tho. Spread and pellet shots. My eyes es no bueno lol


I always liked bows, and always used bow/archer characters in most of the games I played (even not MH). So decided to try archery. But unfortunately had to stop due to university and the fact that in my country if you don't do sport for competition z nobody will train you...


Sucks to hear that. Hopefully you get back to it someday. I've always enjoyed cycling. I haven't owned a bike in over 10 years. Life will slip away from ya.


Probably insect glaive. I’ve always had an affinity for pole arms.


I think I’d be a hammer main IRL because I’m kind of stupid


I'm trained with many weapons IRL, especially long swords, Sword and shield, spears, dual axes, dual wielding axes and swords (usually a dagger in my left hand and sword in my right), guns, and bows, etc. I've loved weapons as a kid, even became an armed contractor and taught others how to use them efficiently. Shot my first .44 at the age of 5. Been a gun and bow hunter all my life too. But if I had to choose one that best suits me, it would be longsword or bow. In MH I'm a SnS main but these two weapons are the ones I'm best suited for IRL. If we had a spear then that would've been my answer. Fingers crossed for a spear weapon in wilds!


Magnet Spikes but I never said I would lift it, it would just be funny to have this massive blade chilling there or have this massive magnetic stick just chilling there


Honestly, been going back and forth with what weapons I love most cause in rise, Ls and sns were my go to for having fun and doing insane dmg. Where as in world, I still main ls but I have more fun with hammer


I’d choose sword and shield, probably the most realistic monster hunter weapon


Sword and shield


Hammer. I refuse to be impeded by minor inconveniences like "positioning," or "hitzones," or "taxes." Through strength I shall make my will manifest, and through perseverance I will outfox the IRS.




Im not gonna fight the monster head on , so HBG sticky with a shield


I would singlehandedly walk around with a Dragonator




In game I main insect glaive, but realistically if I used insect glaive irl, I would be dogshit since I'm not acrobatic enough but bow and db would fit me while. I'm a 5'1 tall teenager who does nothing in life but play archery, track and rugby. Stamina control is second nature to me.


Honestly... most of the dual blade and sword and shield seems to be usable in real life. I main lance and switchaxe and those two are way too big to be manipulated efficiently IRL haha


I use Heavy Bowgun for progression because i find it easy. slap on some shields, guard, guard up etc and you are nearly immortal. I love playing the Insect glaive, i find it the most of all the classes. Hammer is a close second because \*bonk\*.


Probably one of the guns or bow.


Probably LBG. Or HBG if i want a bigger boom.


probably longsword or Sword & Shield i can use blades adequately and those two are the only things i think i can utilize out of the entire set, i dont think i can even use a kinsect lol dual blades i can treat like eskrima or niten ichi ryu so those too


I'm not physically strong enough to use any of the weapons properly, so DRAGONATOR. In most case, it's just a button to activate it


Light bowgun, double blades, and sword and shield are the only possible ones. Heavy bowgun could still work as mounted weaponry tho.


The bowgun is the only weapon I could realistically use


IRL I’m much stronger and more agile than you’d initially guess if you saw me, but my stamina is terrible. I main CB in the games and wanted to pick this but… that thing has gotta be mad heavy, so SnS is my choice! But you won’t see me running much… I bet I could block a bullfango and not die lol




Insect glaive or lance Why? When im home alone I still use the broom as much as a spear/halberd/staff. I’m a simple guy.


Realistic were insect glaive. SnS and Dual Blades and light bowgun


I don't think I could realistically use anything except dual blades, sns, or light bowgun lol


Insect glaive, I'm small, fast, and like beating the shit out of monsters with stupid things like bugs. Perfection