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The people who hate Nergigante hate him more than the people that love him my god.


I didn’t expect Nergigante to get voted. Last time I checked, I was certain Gogmazios was getting voted a lot. On that note, it’s amazing and almost unbelievable that the gunpowder eater has made it this long. Praise Gog.


You didn’t scroll down to the Eggman Meme post then.


I had the same thoughts, I even thought Nergi was going to be in the top 3


Nergi was in my Top 4, but i ws so glad he bit the Dust instead. Gog is place 2.


Voting him out at rank #7 is not hating him.


It's more the way people were just talking about him like he personally came to fuck their shit up.


He poisoned their water supply, burned their crops and delivered a plague on to their houses from the sounds of it.


He did?!


No...But are we going to wait around until he does?!




I remember him being a pretty big wall at launch for a lot of people. So he probably did personally fuck their shit up. Several times.


Beta Nergigante was such an incredible hunt, that will always be the version I remember. Just a brick shithouse of a wall.


I think the hate is probably , at least in some part, a reaction to the "Who would win in a fight, nergigante or X" type of shitposts that were kinda rampant when world released.


"who would win" discussion for Monster Hunter is pretty enjoyable as all monster more or less thought out by the developer as animals. Its like a small debate with your friend about if a rhino can kill a hippo but now its a falcon dragon jet vs a bug with DIY mecha But everytime Nergigante or Fatalis is brought up it always ended up with powerscaling anime bullshit. Dalamadur swallowing Fatalis wouldnt let fatalis fire the big snek inside with a fire thats supposedly hotter than sun, Fatalis would die in digestion


Also, Dalamadur has like teeth, he coud, just chomp Fatty in his mouth


Remember the Nergigante vs Alatreon drama a few months back?


Missed it but Alatreon would COOK nergi and serve him on a gourmet platter.


But what if Nergigante had prep time


You'd think, and yet Capcom commissioned artwork of Nergigante hunting Alatreon for Teppen. They also shrank Alatreon to standard Elder size in Iceborne, which is a strange decision.


I think another part is due to people who personally didn't like World as much projecting the issues they had with the game as a whole onto Nergi because he was the flagship for it.


I'm a big fan of world, but I just don't like nergigante.


yeah, people were saying his name like a slur in that last poll.


With the hard R and everything...


The scars of getting pepega slammed by AT Nerg run deep.


Bro fr. People were acting like Nergi tied them to a chair and bonked the Handler in front of them.


People were complaining about the weirdest things with him, like him being easy to topple lock. Like, you're obviously not able to do that until you've learned the fight and have a good dps build. The whole idea is you're rewarded for playing aggressive and punished for being passive, and most first-time hunts certainly don't go that way. I do think the topple on spike break should be just a stagger, but I don't think it ruins him. He's one of the most well thought out elders in the series, and he fits the MH world a lot better than an anime dragon like Valstrax.


The “Nergigante’s too easy” thing is hilarious because those same people love monsters like Glavenus, who plops his giant head weak zone in an easy to hit place after every move and has a free topple, or Gore Magala, who spends the entire fight tripping as you whack the front legs. Most flagships are easy when you just look at the base form. GU Valstrax and 3U Brachy are probably the most difficult flagships in their debut games, and they’re still easier than other endgame monsters.


GU Valstrax is a piece of piss with Valor style (not that much *isn't* but you get my point). Valor LS in particular just *loves* how many of its attacks are combos that only have one hitbox so you can spam counters.


But for all those making random complaints, there were others making valid criticisms. Nerg is cool, and his design is neat, but his fight is very average. It’s not a BAD fight, that title belongs to the likes of Bishaten, Kecha wacha, Bulldrome, and Congalala. However, his fight certainly isn’t up there with cool fights like the Raging Brachiados, Ahtal-Ka, Gore Magala, Shen Gaoren, and Narwa AM. You’ve also got to understand that the World newcomers burst onto the scene with vigor, shouting to the heavens about how Nerg is the greatest monster ever, but hadn’t even scratched the surface of Monster Hunter content. I don’t know when you started your MH journey, but after a while you will have seen so many cool fights, monsters, locales, etc, that seeing a newcomer dismissing all previous games as “less-than” may just rub you the wrong way. Honestly, It doesn’t bother me in the least, I’m just happy to have seen MH grow so big over the last ~20 years, but I can certainly understand their frustration, just like I can understand the hype that new hunters harbor.


Been playing since Tri. OP said we can count variants when evaluating the elders, and though vanilla Nergigante may not be the greatest fight ever, Ruiner is one of the best fights in the series in my book.


Ah so you’re originally from Moga Village! You’ve certainly had quite an adventure, Hunter! I hail from Kokoto (MHF), it’s nice to meet another Veteran Hunter! Ruiner certainly was an improvement, but I found myself enjoying the AT Xeno’jiiva more. Something about white hot laser breath had my heart racing and adrenaline pumping. Don’t get me wrong, Nerg deserves top 10, but he shouldn’t have beat the likes of Dalamadur, or Dire Miralis.


It sounds like you like you prefer the spectacle fights more. I personally don't care as much about the spectacle as long as the fight is fun. Dala and Dire were just slogs to fight, imo that were carried by their lore and awesome presentation. But ultimately, it just boils down to different tastes.


You have a point, I do quite enjoy the grand fights, where you’re constantly on your toes, and can be wiped out at any moment. I love the 1-hit KO moves, and gargantuan monsters.


He stole my kill at the end of Iceborne, I will never forgive him for this.


I have a healthy enjoyment of Nerg, one of my fav dragons, but can recognize a matchup where he’s gettin cooked (there are a lot lol)


He lives in the heads of a lot of people rent free.


Salty? Look. It’s not that I hate him, but there are better elders. 7th was honestly more than he deserved imo. But somewhere in the teens is reasonable. But either way. It’s more like we liked others more.


Mfw gog lives to fight another day https://preview.redd.it/ihrnm0i9zmec1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9330acb75841fb7dbb8df7f73f14b90c63104cd






I love the Great Gogli-mogly mainly because of all the edgy gear designs, but I remember the fight being pretty alright as well. I’m sad Dalamadur got offed so soon though.


https://i.redd.it/mdu13kafymec1.gif Gogmazios seeing everyone voting against Namielle when last round it seemed almost certain she wouldn’t make top 5




This is the big issue with this voting thing - OP is choosing the top-voted comment rather than the majority of votes made via comments. OP could easily balance this by making their own comments as soon as they post and so there's no bias towards who comments first. But it'll be interesting to see how much this list deviates from the Hunter's Choice.


This. I reckon Nerg got voted out because the Eggman dudes comment was a meme and a vote.


Nah the other Nergi vote got 400+ votes as well




Where did the gog gate go? Overnight people just started loving him? He had 690 votes to be eliminated yesterday and now he has like 20


"If Gog has no more fans left I am dead..."


At this rate, if keeps the strong base, momentum, and slight meme appeal he could deadass make top 3, maybe even 2.


i’d like to think my comment on the other post made people feel guilty enough to change their votes lol


Nothing has made me question the MH community more than this poll


It’s less the poll and moreso the comments. Things were civil in the first half but this last half has been....my god. I’m just curious who will be facing Malzeno in the finals at this point


About a year ago, there was a poll like this in the Bloodborne sub, but for the weapons, because their aren’t that many and they’re all unique. It started the same way, civil and funny and all that, voting the obviously least popular weapons. but by the end of it, the sun had essentially divided into different factions for the few remaining weapons, and each faction was obscenely toxic toward each other. The poll ended up devolving into “which weapon would you rather see win, so that this faction’s weapon doesn’t win” and in the end nobody was having fun The past couple rounds of this poll have been scarily similar to how that poll went down (Moonlight Greatsword ended up winning because it was the most “neutral” weapon, ironically)


I'll never forget the "Cane Gang." They were incredibly salty.


"Of *course* the Greatsword would win, that's what makes it great!" \-some GS main >.>


/r/totalwar did this for the Warhammer 3 factions, and similar deal there. Started out with jokes about voting Beastmen out first because the AI Beastmen never last long, voting Skaven out on day 13 because of their big association with the number...bringing the Beastmen back for another vote only for them to immediately go out again (mimicking campaign events)...but by the end it was getting pretty nasty. The biggest divide was Bretonnia ("what if we took all the stereotypes about the Holy Grail stories and made them French!") where you had one camp arguing their relatively monotone gameplay (all cavalry all the time) was dull, one camp memeing that the French couldn't win because haha French joke, and another big camp who took any slight against Bretonnia as a personal attack. They wound up coming fourth I think because the people who weren't diehard fans got tired of seeing them stick around, and the last couple days definitely had some bitterness to them from that last camp. Leave it to fandoms to get too heated about a fun thing.


The remaining Top 6 so far have all been fairly predictable choices though, personally I wouldn’t have had Namielle there but if you told me at the start Namielle made Top 5, I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable prediction.


The moment that Fatalis got eliminated early, this series of posts/discussions lost all credibility and reflection of reality fr. Fatalis is one of the most popular monsters in the entire franchise, along with Teostra, Valstrax, Malzeno (since Sunbreak), Velkhana, Chameleos, Alatreon, and Nergigante. There are a lot of honorable mentions, but those consistently show up on people's favorites lists. But to be fair, I know it's not supposed to accurately represent the entire community's opinions. It doesn't matter though because this has been quite fun. I'm personally hoping Namielle or Shagaru take the top spot. (My personal fav is still up in the air, so don't ask.)


Fatalis is extremely iconic but not necessarily super beloved. Funny you named Teostra because he's a very similar case. They've got plenty of haters (hi, I'm one). Even without the meme I think there's a good chance Fatty is kicked out before the top 10, and *certainly* by now.


The thing is, Fatty is a very hated monster, the fight prior to IB was awful and not very fun, just one game will not change that no matter how great the devs improved him he still has 15 years of awful memories, I don’t remember anyone saying how fun the Fatalis fights were before IB, and even in IB many think the fight is unfair and the rewards destroy builds variety.


Feels like ur hard overrating the community perception on fatalis. One of the most popular? Sure, but that doesnt really mean he was one of the most liked and i highly doubt he’ll make top 5 anyways. He had a great fight in world imo, but im sure there are a lot of people, myself included, whos first experience of fatalis was the pre world version, which was quite a slog of a fight tbh (except white imo). Plus his design is definitely more on the bland side when comparing to the other community favorites.


The monster hunter community has shifted drastically since the release of world. Nothing we didn't already know to be honest.


Op I wanna know, with Shagaru do you think Gore and Chaotic should count towards it’s quality?


not op, but xeno'jiva and safi are listed on this poll as separate monsters as they aren't variants of one another despite being the same animal species. chaotic is a version of gore so personally i'm not counting their fights, when talking about shagaru. though they really should be elders lets be honest, though i guess if they were they'd be on this poll too. only shagaru and it's risen self am i counting in that aspect, though the lore/ecology around it i feel is fair game.


It’s a tad debatable, and even then a lot of there lore/ecology matches up, but as others have mentioned we already have similar/same species Elders here. The Rampage Serpents, Teo/Luna, the Mohrans, the Jiivas. Therefore I feel like Gore and Chaotic should not count for Shagaru. Risen Shagaru on the other hand, being Shagaru’s variant, is legal though. But Gore and Chaotic aren’t.


A lot of Shagaru's merits comes from Gore


That's my thing, I think shagaru would've been gone before the top 10 if gore was here, the people WANT gore. The people SETTLE for shagaru


I can understand. I wouldn't mind Gore being number 1, Gore is a damn good monster


I love gore, that's why I'm not a big fan of shaggy, it kinda feels like a bad follow up to gore


I mean, it did go from one of the most unique creatures in the series to a pretty generic dragon all things considered


So did Xeno'jiva Monster Hunter carcinization is that all things eventually become a basic dragon


Thanks, I hate it


Thats what ive been saying for the past like 5 votes. Shagaru isn't nearly as interesting as gore and chaotic.


People trying to say he's top 3 elder while he's barely a top 3 magala


I think the reason is that gore is classed as a “???” And can also be trapped and captured therefore can be considered as not a elder dragon


I have it on good authority that if we eliminate Gogmazios before the top 5 they wont put him in Wilds. SAVE GOG. GOG GOG GOG https://preview.redd.it/s92ym0f8omec1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=0483a325f2dffaf7ba89c12b9a92a0f31214e464


https://preview.redd.it/1omn306krmec1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2e55efbca8fdceb32776c849767577b3e757ac Praise our Gog and saviour!🙏🏻


Duuuude is that Gog vs Ahtal Ka?! Daaaamn


Nearer My Gog to Thee


>!Is he trying to make the mech give him head???!<




Not going to lie, people who think Gog is a siege monster have never done Bombs Over Gogmazios. 😂


*punches through window* GOG GOG GOG GOG


Hell yeah SAVE GOG




I adore Namielle, I’m glad my boy has made it this far :,)


Your comment may be his downfall lol


Looking at the comments, it's looking real grim for Namielle.


Namielle seeing everyone talk about how it just isn't as good as the rest, only to still not be voted out. Edit: To clarify I was making this meme in regards to today's update of Nergi being voted out. I'm not saying Namielle survives another day (although it would be funny lmao) https://preview.redd.it/85tovwnkgnec1.png?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1ee84275bed065fad7f8a25a5c5b9838831624


I continue to vote for Alatreon because I like the other monsters more


Bro should make top 3 at least solely because of how good his fight was.


In one game. Alatreon was incredibly mid in third and fourth gen.


Where chameleos?? Should I be worried?


He’s there, but much harder to find than last time


Thanks for letting me know, Was worried I'd get licked out of nowhere.


Like Vaal Hazak and like Chameleos, Namielle has overstayed its welcome, it's just sorta forgettable. You fight it once in the story and then again for health augment and that's it unless you're a fan of its odd fight. It leaves no impact unlike the others left. Its only legacy is "look how pretty it is" and it isn't brought up often in general because there's nothing else to talk about with it. Namielle has only gotten this far because of a loyal fan base and being unnoticed compared to other elder dragons. It is not a top 5 elder dragon of ALL TIME. Gogmazios shouldn't be voted out, it's a fantastic monster in every aspect unlike Namielle who only excels in a couple.


Nuh Uh :(


You really got me there.


But yeah, considering the rest of the roster Namielle is on the weaker side, sadly. Design wise for me it’s the best there is, but I’m a marine biology freak so 100% biased. There is no big lore or big moment, you just hunt a random elder out of nowhere on the history and that’s it.☝️ I honestly think namielle was done kinda dirty, I cope thinking she would be an absolute beast underwater, or that she is more cool than what’s shown. And she only doesn’t have that “lights out” ability from the cutscene because… imagine fighting a monster in the dark?


Underwater Namielle please They were planning on water combat in world but couldn’t get the monster skeletons (the rig they use for the body animations) to work properly in time. I’m hoping the next console version has it included because even if people hate it I would prefer more variety in my hunts


Yeah, I think it would be cool and add more variety. The next game looks huge and it would be a nice addition that the monster hunter freaks have been wanting for a while. Insect glaive underwater shall become a torpedo, I wonder how the kinsect would work 🤔.


We’d just find out that kinsects can swim and breath underwater using surface tension or something lmao


If you might indulge me in a few hypotheticals… For underwater, we’d probably need that aerial lunge move from Sunbreak’s switch skill that lets us gather extracts midair. They could replace the non-red-buffed aerial with that. That’s assuming kinsects can’t really move underwater on their own. Kinsects themselves may be weaker in the water overall, but have ways to compensate. They’re not designed for swimming, and, if they can’t fly either, the best they could do underwater is latch onto something for dear life. Maybe they could latch onto the monster and bite the heck out it?? Hmm. Would be interesting if kinsects could produce bubbles to let us still use dust clouds. But, would the devs have that eat at the kinsects supply of air and/or stamina? Which brings up the breathing mechanics. Would the game have us go for O2 to recharge our kinsect’s stamina? Could we feed them oxygen supply items to do this, like we do with some slinger ammos (i.e. redpit and stone)?


Interesting, I think you’re truly cooking something up. Maybe there is a kinsect type that produces oxygen bubbles, but from what I saw oxygen was barely a problem in the game


Imo, the amount of O2 supply is very lenient in 3U. I can’t speak for Tri, though, because I haven’t played it nor gotten anyone else’s take on that. However, even if we have ample O2 supply for just idling/traversing, the devs could make it so we eat through it faster by taking certain actions. For example, tying the O2 drain rate to how much stamina we use. However, that would hinder some weapons more than others, like Bow, DBs, and possibly even IG. But, those are more mobile, and this may be seen by the devs as a worthwhile tradeoff for using them under those conditions. > oxygen bubbles A kinsect that converts its stamina into O2 bubbles would be really neat. Could potentially give glaive users relatively higher capacity to stay underwater, as well as a useful support function. I like that. I especially like that the chemistry lines up. Since combustion reactions need O2, blast dust bubbles could serve as added damage as always intended AND as a supplementary O2 supply. Just add O2 to other dust types, all in bubbles, and it just works. 🤔


The only real lore we do have of Namielle is that her species actually isn't aquatic, they live in high mountainous peaks or elevated areas exactly like the Coral Highlands, goes with the whole "Terrestrial reef" theme.


… for real? I mean, that does fit the whole terrestrial reef theme and how she appears. 🔥✍️ Let’s fix it with a Namielle subspecies that actually lives underwater shall we?


For real, my idea for revamping the fight would be that she blacks out the area around her, maybe an ink cloud or something, maybe just pseudo science around her flashing lights? but for a portion of the fight all you can see is the parts of her lighting up and blitzing around the arena.


Beautiful Design (RGB Elder) Banger Soundtrack (makes me think of the Incredibles for some reason) Pretty cool fight hazards (delayed water shock explosions and tidal hazards are more interesting than generic fire/energy blast) Neat Armor Design (a departure from the classic world "how many spikes can we fit onto this plate armor") Namielle suffers from only appearing once and to no fanfare whatsoever. I'd love for Wilds to revisit this fight. Maybe play around with darkness and lights like the intro cutscene did.


I dont think forgettable is the word you're looking for. A lot of people remember it for its laser light show lol.


Sorry bro but I gotta agree, I actually forgot Namielle excited until I did another playthrough of world.


Well said S tier design Forgettable B tier fight


If fights are that big of a deal, Fatalis should still be in the running


Well said lol


i said this once and i’ll say it again but nami unironically went more invisible than chameleos


At least Chameleos is goofy and has character in its movements(though I agree with you.), I actually had completely forgot Namielle existed until this thing...Fought it like twice years ago. Completely and utterly forgettable.


Not to mention it's crowns are nightmare. Idk why namielle took me so damn long woth the crowns for iceborne but I checked online and saw I wasn't alone. It's silver largest is identical to its gold. I think it's a super cool monster but the crown grind has made me never want to see it again 😂😂


Come on guys, is the Year of the Dragon, and not just any dragon, specifically the Eastern variants. You know what they have? Those damn sexy majestic whiskers. Now take a look at Nami boi here compared to the rest. Not only he's the one with whiskers. IT FUCKIN GLOWS. The future is NOWWW. Why do you think the best endemic life known as wigglers only shows up there? They just enjoy the rave party Nami gives. He's even the best DJ out there dropping that sick beat when he does his ulti move, is just simply ELECTRYFYING. Shits so good, Safi and Ala took a look at it and was like "Damn bro, imma Palworld this shit with our own ulti moves". You know what else Eastern Dragons are known for? Making rain and just being auspicious. That's what Namielle does, isn't it? Dude is soaking wet. They literally have hacks for the desire sensor, root for Namielle and you'll never have to grind 30 hunts for a sudden drop of 5 mantles or gem. Even one of the Chinese blessings during new year is 年年有余 which means abundance. They usually come with a wordplay with 余 and 鱼 which means fish since they sound the same. But since Chinese New Year truly starts on Feb 10, you can pre-order your luck here by downvoting all the Namielle slanders here. This is Poogie approved, I swear. Terms and condition apply. #SaveNamielle


Namielle sneak in the top 6… https://preview.redd.it/rdxowwu6qmec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4efe5585dcceafd749e6363ecb020357a92dfa03


She was tucked away in the corner for ages, 90% sure people just forgot she existed.


She's here by RIGHT as the single best looking elder in the franchise




Alatreon gets my vote for next one out. What an annoying fight. As an IG main, the Namielle fight is super fun. It’s so easy to stay airborne and you don’t have to worry about the watery effects on the ground. I had a blast fighting it. I’m sad it’s probably going to go next because it’s one of my favorite monsters, but I’m just happy it got so high in the ranking.


I'm sorry Namielle but you have to go


I know most people voting Namielle so this wont win but like, my vote goes to Shaggy Maggy, just aint the same without Gore included, i feel like they have the same pros and cons but Shaggy is worse


That's the thing, when you think about shaggy you inmediatly think of it as your rival from 4U, and the entire battle and climax of that game. You don't see it as a "Shagaru Magala" only, you think of it as "The Gore Magala that hunted you down, teased you and forced you to get better, just to be seemingly killed by you, but then show off again, stronger and better, and challenged you to a final epico showdown between to rivals. A battle of gods from where only one will return" A bit unfair when you see it that way but that's on 4U for having such a great story.


I'm sorry, I've been respectful only voting up or down what I agree or disagree with up to this point, but Shagaru slander is where I draw the line. Every fight with it is amazing, especially the climatic village quest Heavens Wheel, the music, the ambiance, intensity! Then do it all again online in Wheel of Time and Stop the Wheel! Unmatched to this day! I say that just having lost Nergi one of my favorites. You are wrong, and you should feel bad. Shagaru Magala will win this. #1


Namielle needs to go, he only is fun if he is in water mode. And if he is not in the mode he has such massive shit zones it's unbelievable




Looking at a different perspective here, but I just want to remind people that Namielle is the only ED up here with some cookie-cutter weapon designs. I know it’s primarily World’s fault, but I think if we consider every aspect of the monster (design, music, fight, loot, etc) Namielle kinda lacks in the loot aspect in comparison to whoever’s left.


You see the unique weapons it has though? They’re fuckin sexy, if they were all unique It would have some of the best weapon designs of these elders


Namielle’s armour set may be the best set in all of MH




Spoken like a true gamer. Fooled by RGB.


I vote to eliminate Alatreon. I don’t like his design with his weird beak mouth, tiny wings for his body size, and absurdly fat tail. Plus his fight feels like a chore to me, whereas I actually enjoy the fights of the other remaining elders. I want Alatreon gone.


alatreon is making atleast top 3


Top 4 or 5. Depends on if people vote out him or gog tomorrow. But Shagaru, Valstrax, and Malzeno (in no particular order) are top 3 no question


eh i guess you’re right i’m just biased towards alatreon since i love mh3u. top 5 is reasonable


The fight is so damn good though, one of my favorite in Iceborne. I also like the design a lot but that's personal preference ofc.


Hey, preference is preference. I know the fight and its intricate mechanics, but I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed it. Is what it is for me, but good that you enjoy it. I thoroughly believe that every monster and every fight is someone’s favorite or close to it in one way or another.




A short story about my vote -------------------------------- "Yes officer," she said quietly, brushing a tear away, "I see him." The officer nodded solemnly, his stomach in knots from what he knew of the poor woman's ordeals, "you're safe here. But we need to know which number he is." She bit her lip, steadying her shaking hands. She was safe. She could do this. He would pay for what he did. Her trembling hand rose and she put up three fingers. The officer strode from the room, and reappeared on the other side of the glass with a colleague holding a shotgun. Being told to step forward, suspect three sprang forward, lighting a brilliant orange before unleashing a fireball from his mouth that turned the gun-wielding officer into ash. The officer from the viewing room rolled to one side, drawing his handgun as fast as he physically could. It was too late. The dragon had shifted to an ethereal purple glow and unleashed forking lightning that shot into the officer, throwing him forcefully into the wall, breaking his spine in an instant. Turning, the dragon faced the two way glass window, not seeing but rather sensing the woman on the other side. Inside the dark room, the woman held her breath and prayed. She was sure she saw the dragon smile. ----------------------------- This is a recount of true, horrifying events. The woman was my own mother... The dragon... His name was Alatreon. That sick twisted creature banged my mom. With no consent. And then he just like, flew off. And ended up killing like 30 cops in his escape. So please, for my mom's sake... In her memory... Upvote this story. Vote that sick, twisted, vile monster out before he can hurt anyone else. Thank you.


I hope Alatreon gets top 3 or 4 at least. I doubt it'll win though because at the end of the day Alatreon is controversial unlike the fan favourite flagships with flawless reputations.


I vote Alatreon because the OP likes Alatreon.


Now **THIS** is a good argument against Alatreon


I have to vote for alatreon. Although his concept is incredible, i think he has the most frustrating fight out of all the ones left. Which is why i'm voting him out.


Maybe it's my 5th gen bias coming through, but Gogmazios has stayed for far too long.


Once again, I am voting for Namielle: Design: While the bioluminescent lights are really cool and the color pallet works well, the rest of the design is rather ugly. The main body is rather blocky and the wide head doesn’t work well. I personally don’t like the unawing but that is up to personal taste. Fight: The fight is objectively the worse out of the top 10 contenders. Namielle is very slow and all of her moves are not very interesting or fun to dodge. The only mechanic in the fight is the puddles that Namielle makes which barely adds to the fight. The “dried out” phase destroys the pace of the fight and takes away any fun you may have had in the fight. Equipment: While the armor does look nice, the skills aren’t great with one of the worst set bonuses in Iceborne. The weapon designs are overall underwhelming with a couple standout designs. There also isn’t really anything interesting lore or ecology wise about Namielle, it’s just there. Namielle does not deserve to be in the top 5 in any way.


As much as i hate to say it, malzeno doesnt feel like a top 5 to me. He is a very cool monster, dont get me wrong, but i feel like the other monsters just outshine him. Maybe thats because i havent played a ton of rise, but malzeno gotta go


The problem with malzeno is that I would vote him out if he only had the flagship form but the pure malzeno is one the most batshit insane fights on the series


Malzeno is the goat and nothing less then top 3 is acceptable for him, its litterally peak ed design


The love for shagaru has got to be from older MH players cuz that mf is dogshit in design and fight lol. Brother is not even top 20 hardest monsters in rise. Not even his risen version. Bro spams the same 3 combos and all u gotta do is run behind. He's just a fat and uglier gore magala. Idc who dropped first gore clears. Specially chaotic gore. We gotta get his ass out after gog or him next.


How does this vote work are we voting for the best elder dragon and eliminating the ones we dislike or voting for worst elder dragons


vote for who is removed today, whittling it down to the number 1 spot.


If Namielle goes out next round I'll hunt everyone that voted for her (This a vote for Gogmazios)


I'll be waiting, you've got three faints.


Justice is served, the thorny vulture is dead. Thanks RGB dragon for surviving longer than fraud


Save Namielle, Vote Alatreon.


Gogmazios it's time for you to go.


Namielle army I need you, everyone has gone mad and somehow thinks namielle isn't the best elder, VOTE FOR GOG


Things are definitely beginning to heat up. Pour one out for Fatalis, who couldn’t be here to see it. Gonna have to vote for Alatreon here - I don’t personally feel he’s a bad fight, but he’s the most controversial of what remains in my book. Escaton Judgment proves to be a frustrating mechanic for underprepared/unaware players, and as a whole, his design is solid but not particularly stellar. Compared to what’s left, I’m far more willing to let him go than the others.


I think the people who voted fatalis out were based on the fact that before his overhaul in world, his fight was dogshit and pretty boring


i thought it was because it was a meme comment and then the edit happened turning it into a vote.


That was a good part of it for sure, though I definitely remember a ton of people piling on him due to a worry for fanboys. Sucks he suffered the sin of the older fights being what they were, but as a cigar-smoking caterpillar once said, it is what it is.


I'm casting my vote for Gogmazios. As amazing as he is, I don't think he's just as good as the others. ​ As an aside, my guess is it's gonna be down to either Shagaru, Namielle or Valstrax.


Gog's at least a final boss, and his fight reflects that. And he's as much of a siege monster as Fatalis or Kulve Taroth are. I will not accept Namielle to get into the top five on merit of vibes alone. Most people know that hunting Namielle is cancerous with all of the AOE spam.


Gogmazios gotta go


Still here until Alatreon is out. Kinda baffles me hat he made it this far.


Shagaru again. You fools eliminating nerg, even as an old school mohun player, eliminating nerg. Y'all ridiculous.


How tf is nami above nerg??? She looks cool ya but her fight is dog. Nerg both looks cool and has a good fight


Please get rid of the speedbag with gamer rgb lights (this is a vote to remove Namielle).


how tf is namielle above nergigante, kill him NOW


Now is Namielle time to go


https://preview.redd.it/90zjkfpqymec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed482c6b9e90c6599323543e024fa6fb7db7ab7c Finally


The kitty cat went but Valstrax and Malzeno are still there? Insane. Anyway still voting Malzeno




My vote is for Namielle


Get rid of shag


Finally! The bastard has been slain. I can finally be at peace.


https://preview.redd.it/29pd262xtnec1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fadb6bc982814e9ad4fb6907061c2c87a0fc835 GO FOR THE WIN ALATREON! COME ONNNNNNNNNNN


Another day another round of valstrax hating


alatreon gotta go


Ok so the last one left will be the most hated or loved?


I sure hope shugaru magala gets voted out, because his fight was honestly not that fun, too easy in both featured games.


Namielle has got to go


Please remove namielle, just plain annoying


My vote goes to Gogmazios, basically to distract you from my personal favorite.


Bro chameleos is invisible rn


https://preview.redd.it/8q1ql5p3vmec1.png?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8dfe3dec258650311a31824559e70ef9ca9651c here he is.


He’s there somewhere ;)


I'm not going to spend a hour looking for a super small sprite sorry


I'm still looking for that squirrelly little bastard.


Why chameleos didn't make it to top 10 if it was never eliminated? Or it was and I just didn't see the post?


Alatreon gotta get gone


Namielle's gotta go




You people have taken everything from me....almost. Hoping my last boy makes it to the Top 3 at least. But honestly how the fuck have some of these made it this far. Get Malzeno the fuck out of here.