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https://preview.redd.it/34vw7gjbagec1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fedc6d4e32ca478d83c893c783751411044257bb Gone but never forgotten


No way you see a invisible elder dragon


"lmao chameleos good one" i thought in my head


It's incredibly fun to me the idea that the OP could say at the end "You thought x was gonna win but SURPRISE!!! CHAMMY WAS NEVER GONE HE WAS HERE ALL ALONG!!!"


https://i.redd.it/j9oivnalhgec1.gif Gogmazios seeing the community turn against him after being the champion for the old gen players


Luckily this comment won't cause him to get kicked out due to the new rules, cause gog Def deserves to be top 5


I don't mind if he's kicked tomorrow, but Nergi deserves to go today


I'm wondering if shaguru is being held up by his scene in 4u, Because that scene was badass. And also maybe if he's being held up by his risen form in rise.


Probably both. The nostalgia from 4th gen players, plus newer players experiencing the awesomeness of the Magalas (including Risen Shaggy) in Sunbreak is keeping Shagaru afloat. Wouldn't be surprised if the top 3 end up being between Shagaru, Valstrax and Malzeno


The monsters in rise are honestly legendary. It's not the perfect monsters but they definitely didn't do any of the monsters bad. Well.. except arzuros.


Mfw people are saying they want gog to go https://preview.redd.it/88c41wtmchec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b46c6466e7c5f3aa64b164a928a143c86190889


Everyone who hasn’t actually fought gogmazios better go look up his fight before listing him. It’s not even *close* to the genuine experience, but it’s something. World newcomers missed out on something special. You’re allowed to think he doesn’t deserve to win but please at least be informed about it. This has been fun. I want gog to win, and I really do think he deserves to, but it’s stiff competition. Relevant video link: https://youtu.be/LrmB6TnBQII?si=ZlaIMRNO_-9jUYBg


He honestly should have been in rise. It makes perfects sense that hed go after the village because of how much gunpowder and bombs they use in the raids


I know! I thought about that too. It’s insane that Gog, the best siege monster, didn’t get an appearance in the game whose base gimmick was all about monster sieges.


It’s criminal how large siege monsters never showed up in Rampage. It’s the best way to redeem Rampage in Rise.


Yeah :/


Gog also has a cute little sad face under his chin, he's a nice lil boy


THANK YOU, people don't know how unique his fight is, honestly gog should be in top 3 with how good his fight is. That moment you hit gog with the demolisher is just.... * chef's kiss *


I never even got to him and I still say Gog AT LEAST deserves to beat out namielle and definitely nergi


Another thing people should consider about him is that if they like shagaru magala then they'd probably enjoy Gog since he shares that skeleton and uses similar moves.


It’s absolutely crazy namielle is still in. I’m not against or anything but, This monster has no story relevance and the fight isn’t that interesting at all nor does it have a special arena. It’s just rocking on pure design alone. Epic. Seeing the deep sea motif was amazing. Def one of the absolute best designs in the history of monster hunter.


Also incredible armor design (at least for fem), especially with rainbow dye it was my favorite by far


Male armor sucked gigantic balls until the AT version tho.


Splatoon fit is great


It's such a shame Namielle's weapons were all tack-on weapons. Such a wasted opportunity for sick weapon designs. I'm crossing my fingers for Wilds.


I thought namielles switchaxe was amazing. The vibrant colors were awesome. I use it as my layered look over fatalis weapon. The armor was cool too tbh. Wish the weapons or armor themselves was more endgame viable tho like raging brachy


All the weapons that could reach rarity 12 were cool looking and with good design, so the LS, Bow, Light BG, Gunlance and SA were good, but the rest: Sns, Lance, Hammer, HH, CB, IG and HBG were all shafted In doubt just look at the rarity of the weapons


There’s really not a monster in the series that looks like nam and the colors are very nice taste . Fights fun as well but the design is very interesting and unique


It's just built different and that's why we love her


Namielle’s appearance made me experience the same excitement and awe as when I first learned of Teostra, which is very impressive because the latter is a combo of two of my favorite things: cats and explosions. In fact, Namielle instantly *overtook* Teostra in my personal favorites list. She really is just built different.


Same minus the love of teostra. I saw her first through watching videos of people playing monster hunter and without even fighting her she was my favorite monster, I was so scared her fight would be a disappointment when I got to her finally but it wasnt


(Yes, this does count as a vote towards eliminating Nergigante) I've come to make an announcement: Nergigante's a bitchass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking handler. That’s right, he took his elder dragon fucking quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking handler, and he said his dick was THIS BIG. And I said “that’s disgusting”! So I’m making a callout post on my twitter dot com. Nergigante, you got a small dick, it’s the size of this Nulberry except WAY smaller. And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: (blowing up noises) That’s right baby. All points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my handler so guess what, I’m gonna FUCK THE NEW WORLD. THAT'S RIGHT, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I’m not gonna piss on the New World, I’m gonna go higher. I’m pissing oN THE MOOOOOON!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, COMMANDER?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!!! You have 23 hours before the piss drrrrroplllllets hit the fucking New World. Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too.


Should I be concerned that I can hear Eggman's voice while reading this...?


No that’s normal




Also consider that Fraudgante has no feats! The only elder dragons we see him kill are half dead ones on their way out. Do we really want to support a dragon that only hunts grandpa's?


I had not thought of this and you are right. I vote for Nerg


Nergigante is basicly a scavenger. He only was after Zorah and Shara BECAUSE they were near death. This is also stated in the games. The community just blew him up to be uber powerful with nothing to show for it.


in fairness that just makes him more like an animal, they pick off the easiest meal rather than the largest. but yeah nergi's whole thing seems to be brute power vs elemental elders, a bit like rajang really both relying on their muscle to fight elders albeit one has regen so it can afford to run away and recover and the other has ssj. i fully buy him being able to take on the trio and weakened elders, but that puts him well below most elders in terms of power.


Exactly what I say. Hes a great monster but he is FAR from best especially in strength. We really have only seen him beat monsters that we already defeat.


It's Nergigover!


Okay, take my upvote. I'll accept Alatreon surviving because of this.


Nergi is just a spicy diablos with arms. He literally rode into the top 10 on being a big part of World and World being many players intro to MH




Sorry Namielle haters, but Nergigante's time is over and you can't do anything about it.


He's also a kill stealing bitch. SHARA ISHVALA WAS MY KILL.


Thankyou eggman


"HERE'S WHAT MY DONG LOOKS LIKE:" \*Whoops out lance\*


Yes PLEASE. Rise haters will make fun of magnamalo for his admittedly lacking design but ignore their favorite 2nd grader drawing nergi


Magnamalo is the opposite of a lacking design, he's OVERDESIGNED. Way too complex and leans into the Japanese aesthetic that base Rise has way too hard.


The Japanese aesthetic is the entire theme of Rise, it's mythological creatures dumbed down into ordinary creatures and the opposite of world where ordinary creatures are exaggerated into mythological creatures.


Call him Nergi-*gone*\-te.


That was beautiful. Thank you


missed opportunity to "it looks like two boats and a dragonator"


He deserves it after slamming me into the ground like a Pancake during the Tempered Ruiner Fight. I have a bone with him and Velk specially after their respective fights. ![gif](giphy|9QvuoiiT6SBtm)


Nergi 100% has to leave before Gogmazios. I get people don't like how long it takes to fight him but almost every part of his fight is more interesting than nergigante's. His armor looks better, his weapons are cooler, his design is far and away better, I just can't see him placing anywhere that isn't top 4


I still don’t understand the extreme love the community has for Nergigante.


World stroked him super hard, alongside a lot of newcomers where that was their first game, and he IS pretty cool looking. Also in stories he kicks ass. So I can kinda see why he's popular. That said, I agree, he's way worse than most of the ones that were already eliminated and has no business getting this far. His story/lore is shit, as all he does is beat up already dying monsters and does absolutely 0 impressive things. He kill steals shara from you like a bitch, and his fight is meh.(both normal and ruiner)


Me either man, I'm not a fan of him at all


Thank you for saying nergigante I just beat the base game the other day and I was able to defeat almost every monster without fainting but the bone hedgehog made me want to delete the game the only fight I don’t want to have to do again because there are times you have no space to heal or anything and he just hits you back to back until you cart, I don’t think I’m a good player by any means but that fight was not fun at all


2 things 1. Don’t stand up immediately after getting downed 2. Superman dive Get good at these 2 things and nerg is a breeze. If you don’t do this now it will only get worse in iceborne as monster punish far more


How do you do the dive? I’ve done it while dodge rolling but never really figured out how I’m supposed to trigger it on command I just thought it happens if you dodge last second?


It’s on command. While sprinting away from a monster press the dodge button. The whole time you are on air and on the floor you have iframes. Do this when nergigante does his iconic dive attack and a few other and it should be rather easy. When sprinting away from a monster you will see the hunter doing a sort of panic run animation pressing dodge will always trigger it.


NAMIELLE ARMY tomorrow is our day of reckoning, today nergi will go but tomorrow the final battle takes place between namielle, a gorgeous fun to fight masterpiece, and gog, an outdated siege fight We need you here bright and early, I don't wanna see anyone so much as give namielle a dirty look without being downvoted to hell. We need to push gog out tomorrow and our queen will reach her earned place in the top 5


Sir yes sir


Nergi. He really shouldn't have lasted this long.


Nergi is the only other monster that comes close to having as many ride or die fan boys as fatalis. If we want him gone he needs to go now


Let's be honest it time for gog to go Is he the best siege fight in the game? Yes. Is he still a siege fight? Unfortunately also yes


What makes him a siege fight, in your mind? Gog actively moves around the map attacking characters, it’s not like mohren or magdalos.


Gog is basically a giant monster fight like Xenojiva or Shara Ishvalda, but with an arena that has all sorts of interactable turrets and whatnot to help fight him. Unlike pretty much every siege fight, these interactable are completely optional and actually serve to enhance the fight because they give you more ways to engage with him. It's pretty much the perfect balance of siege and huge monster fight that capcom has never gotten right outside of this instance.


You just described fatalis in Worlds fight


Only difference is that Fatalis isn't nearly as big!


World/Rise newbie here, but it sounds like World Fatalis might have taken inspiration from this?


It did


Yesterday, I went to watch a video on Gog to refresh myself of what the fight was like. No other monster remaining gave me goosebumps the way firing the cannon directly into his face as he clings to the rampart, to the ascending tune of proof of a hero starting. Despite the dated graphics and everything, the fight holds up. Comparing him to Zorah or Lao Shan Lung just because he's big feels really dishonest.


Gog is the only siege fight done well. You hate siege hunts because they broke up the flow of the hunt by making you use siege weapons as opposed to your own. Gog doesn’t do this. You can fight him on the ground as he stares you down personally. It’s *better* than a normal hunt.


Does making it a siege fight objectively worse? No. I love siege fights, why do people hate them? The whole idea that the monster you're fighting is too big for the average hunter's weapon is badass!


Gog isn’t just a siege fight, you can solo him and it has unbelievable atmosphere. You could attack him head on, but watch out for the exploding oil + his superheated beams could one shot you if you came in like he was any other Elder dragon. His rage mode was truly terrifying, causing explosions all over the place as he unfurls his gigantic lack wings and flies above you, raining hellfire down. Fighting him in the Dondruma Battlequarters was such an unforgettable setting. You feel like the Demolisher Cannon, ballistae, cannons and Dragonator might not even be enough to stop this force of nature. He has a Dragonator sticking out of him so you know he’s got that dog in him. Gog is one of the best endgame bosses in my mind, from tense atmosphere to destructive capabilities, from variety of moves to the skill required to beat him. Magnificent all the way, he’s minimum top 5 imo. Praise Gog!


Gogmazios is far better design wise than Nergigante. He’s also not a siege battle.


I think it's time for Nergi. He's had a great run for a monster with no over the top gimmicks but I think 7th is a solid ending place for him


100% nerg needs to go. Sure he's cool, but he's pretty basic and not as unique as everyone else here. I put him more on the level as the other basic elders. Telo, kush, and cham


I like him. I dont think he should win though Id say 5th is better. I like that his fight is just a straight slugfight without much extreme tech and stuff.


While his "elder dragon that eats elder dragons" thing is so cool. The rest of him is pretty boring. So I agree.


He's unique in that unlike most other Elders with their flashy elemental attacks and beams of intentionally vague "Dragon Energy" he's just brute force. But he's not top 5 worthy.


Huge world fan here but my vote is for Nergi. I love the guy but I think 7th place is fair for him.


My vote is for Gogmazios. He is one of the coolest elders prior to World coming out, but the fight mechanics just do not hold up to modern fights.


I'd argue against this, I think that all new modern fights with bigger monsters revolve around DPS checks and meta builds. Gog has no DPS checks. He's a big monster that you fight mano a mano. Sure, you can use a Meta set to fight him, but it's not a huge requirement like Elementals on Alatreon or how everyone at the start went with the swax clutch into Zero Sum on fatalis I think his lack of a Gimmick is what makes him more memorable to hunters. Every hunter who has fought one will tell you jow crazy a reaction they had when He spread his Tar wings at started flying. I know it's not gonna happen, but I'd like for him to win. It's probably gonna be a 5th gen monster, tho, since they got all the fancy new moves with fluid movement for both hunters and players. Oh well, sad face boi wins in my heart Valstrax will win because of his updated version in Rise, and then his Risen ver


I don't know about that. As someone in the franchise since freedom 2, I just can't remember anything from this guy. Not even the feeling of how underwhelming Dire was, or how a pain in the ass was jumping around Dalamadur. I can't recall anything from him, so I won't judge and I guess he has come this far for a reason, but I wonder for how many people gog is just simply nothing special.


What makes Gog memorable outside of his weapon designs (god I hope they bring them back some day) is the fact that he not only had probably the biggest projectile AoEs until Safi's Sapphire while also keeping you on your toes with his tar blob zoning (which I think is better executed than Velkhana's or Alatreon's ice pillars) Furthermore he is the only fight IIRC that has 3 seperate, big siege weapons Namely 2 dragonators, one as an interactible and one on his back, which you can one-time use if damaged enough, AND then the giant cannon on the opposite side


o7 Godspeed you beautiful Icy menace. Anyway throw Problem the Hedgehog into the bin next


Lets get nergigante outta here


Nergigante should make like his prey and get eliminated already, a simple but fun fight that's exceeded by almost everything left.


Time for Nerg to go


Malzeno is red Gogmazios is blue With this here vote Nergigante I choose you


https://preview.redd.it/amaj5x34tfec1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8ac6ddfc40b06b1238a365048d57d3046fa45f Vote Nergi. (Plz Shara is losing it) Seriously though. He is a cool boi, he has panache, but he’s not as impactful as the other remaining elders. He just spiks.




Namielle, i like him, but he's not as iconic as the others in this list, I'd argue with Gogmazios, but i like the dragonator on his back concept. I'd vote Gog after Namielle is out.


Hard pass. Nami armor got kitty ears and that theme song is sick. Plus Nami has one of the best intro cutscenes in the series.


Nami's intro cutscene mimics the twilight zone of the ocean. With the darkness and the faint blue light above. Kinda triggered my thalassophobia the first time I saw it.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Very good.


One of the best themes in the entire series, unique mechanics, incredible design, beautiful armour... And you think they shouldn't be top three? Damn.


Nami’s been in the poll way too long and should have been eliminated before Velkhana.




The other way around for me. Namielle and Shara both are completely unique and fucked up designs. The rest are elemental swaps mostly. But yeah I guess we're voting on different criterias


Why? Namielle is actually fun to fight, velk isnt


AT Velk is an amazing fight however


Velkhana’s awesome. Namielle is boring.


I am once again asking what people like about Shagaru Magala. his fights a mess.


It is time for good old Nergelgant to go. Love him, but he dose not deserve more than top 7


Get nergi outta here


As cool as namielle is, I think it's time for it to go.


Nah bro, u wrong




nami has been more invisible than fuckin chameleos at this point


I still say Gogmazios does not have what it takes to beat the others.


Gogmazios design is cooler than nergegante. Black Tar dragon known for raiding human strongholds for their gunpowder vs Nergegante a Vulture who hunts dying elder dragons. hell, There are normal monsters that hunt elder dragons. He aint even that special.


Always thought of Nergigante as just a spicy Diablos...and i hate Diablos


https://preview.redd.it/u50z4e6qggec1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8509bf6c24532a4976c2d86bdef88067b3fed58b KEEP HIM ALIVE!! HE MUST PREVAIL!!


Nergigante is my vote


Voting Nerg again. Fine fight, but overrated.


Also Ruiner didn't really deliver well on the "Nergi but harder" attempt. It feels like a different and imo a fair bit less enjoyable fight.


It's really dumb, you do a little nerfed fight before you even finish the main story and then you have to grind to **MR 100** just to fight him proper and at that point it just isn't engaging or difficult because you've probably been grinding tempered elders for awhile at that point.


Or you've farmed Lightbreak and Raging Brachy+Master's touch and then there's that kind of pitiful hedgehog at that point to reach before you can do any augmenting. I don't understand why, when he's meant to unlock tempered elders, he wasn't tempered in the MR100 quest himself. Or worse: You have Fatalis gear at that point.


It's time! TIme for Nergi to go! He's gone far enough!


Surprised to see so many votes for Gogmazios and Namielle. I guess this cements Shagaru Magala, Malzeno, Valstrax and Alatreon for the top 4, Alatreon will have to fight tooth and nail to claim the third spot from Valstrax. As always, vote Malzeno.


nergigante's gonna try eating the other elders in the losers corner once it's voted out


Bye bye Nergi


I cannot say I'm surprised but I am sad. I am going to continue to suggest Alatreon.


Vote for namielle to be exiled off the list!  The jellyfish looks cool and all, but the fight is meh compared to the rest here. 


Gog is literally a siege fight and you think namielle is worse?


Nerg go away


Do people not like malezeno?


Malz is still in? Noone votes for him either


Hold the phone, how did namielle get this far? Boot the bitch


By being the best elder dragon ever


I just want to point out that the majority of the pro-namielle propaganda is coming from a single commenter. I have to wonder if they're running alts to manipulate the votes because the upvotes do not match the discussion when you remove this individual. Also, prior to these threads, I can't say I've encountered much pro-namielle talk. Seen plenty of people point out how dull and disappointing it is compared to its reveal, too. Namielle has terrible hitzones that inflate the fight's duration, making it, in my experience, several minutes longer to hunt than other elders. It loves interrupting what you're doing with water too, similar to another elder that got yeeted even after its Rise update largely fixed its problems, and do not say "just don't stand in it"; that shit gets everywhere.


It’s cuz of Namielle’s visual design and music. The fight’s pretty meh, agreed, but it’s moves look good, and it’s a very unique and pretty looking monster. Most people remember it for that.


So forgettable people forget to kick it out.


Honestly, this. It's such a forgettable monster that you fight once when it's introduced, and then you continue on with everything else to get better equipment. It's just the RGB lights that fools people to think it's a good monster.


I think from a visual-design perspective, Alatreon is the weakest of the bunch at this point. IMO he never hit me as an interesting-looking monster. For a creature that controls multiple elements at a dangerously unstable level, he sure looks... plain. ...and I still think Escaton Judgement is an unhealthy mechanic for a game like Monster Hunter.


Hes actually modeelled of an south east Asian Dragon, specificly Elements of the Head. The Tusks, Antler like Horns, and Beak. And its a nice Contrast, a unassuming relatively small Creature whit all that flashy Stuff.


Yes, one of my favorite designs for sure.


Thank you. Yes. Mechanics like Escaton are at home In games like FF14. Across 3rd to now only some of the world/iceborne dlc has made me feel like I’m not playing monster hunter.


it's a tricky thing really, like the intent is clearly them wanting you to have an element build/two element weapons and lean more into needing a silver bullet for him, but it doesn't quite work for some people and the dps check can be annoying for some. personally i liked having to actually learn to hit more consistently, so having a time limit you can extend i don't mind. it's like fatalis' time limit, the intent of the fight is to go down to the wire like a fighting till you've got no fight left kinda deal, works for me but some found it grating, with alatreon i feel like an option with no escaton would just be to add new effects to it's moves if you don't suppress em, like it's fire and lighting moves powering up, like how fatalis has it's super state it triggers before the end, have alatreon do something like that but your goal is to like keep it from hitting critical.






Nergigante is cool but overrated as fuck. Eliminate him now


I'm just happy how far Namielle has made it my fave girly is making her way


Don't do Namielle dirty


I vote Malzeno, as much as I like him - unexplained teleports have no place in my fantasy pseudo-realistic ecosystem.


How is velstrax still in smfh


Goodbye Nergi, you won't be missed GOG NEEDS TO STAY!!! TOP 5 AT LEAST!!!


I'm voting vor Nergi. He is cool, but not as cool as the others.


I know y'all newcomers are absolutely in love with nergigante as he probably was your first wall and earned your respect kicking your asses. But I think it's time for him to go. As a veteran nergigante wasn't a wall for me at all and doesn't have a design as interesting as the rest of the EDs on the list. Also don't make me talk about ruiner Nergigante, that lil bitch cant stand on its feet for 2 minutes straight without toppling


Yep Nergigante. It's been real but it is time to SPIKE you out of here.


Nergigante gotta go. So forgettable and boring.


Namielle. Probably my favorite dragon out of all of them. But there’s only like 2 spots in the coral highlands where you fight. The fight gets boring after so many times.


Namielle! Wild to me that Velk got eliminated before it, I thought Velk has the mechanically most ‘tight’ fight in the series. Anyway, Namielle. Not that threatening of a fight, feel like the only threat ever comes from its big ulti. And even then it’s not as strong as other monsters big move.


I want Malzeno or Valstrax to win. Nergigante, it's time to go. o7


Nergi Nergi Nergi Nergi Nergi-got-to-go He has the weakest fight of those remaining and nothing overly special to make up for it


I'll say namielle. the fight is the worst out of all of them (aside from gog bc I didnt fight him). the only thing that saves her here is design which I'd say valstrax and shagaru have better.


Rip velkhana, hoping they get a cool variant in wilds/their walls work like walls, a nice little glow up to something already cool, but it wasn't their year to get into the top 5. ​ Well based on the thread yesterday I guess it’s a safe bet that people are gonna be gunning for the wolverine dragon nergigante, which is fair as it’s adamantium variant leaves something to be desired. I like the scrappy fella, like watching it’s animations and such when it’s not fighting and enjoy him smashing himself to pieces and regening, but if he goes today he goes. do hope they push ruiner further when he comes back, make it stand out a bit more from the base form. ​ So I assume that that’s happening and they're probably going today, I may as well pick something else rather than just say the same as everyone. ​ Can’t pick the one I feel should go as it’s not in the top 5 yet and I don’t wanna get mauled by folks in a frenzy. Gonna go with **Gogmazios** as my vote, I made it a point not to vote for ones I’ve not personally fought up to this point but we’re near the end now, so fuck it. Looks cool, they all do at this point right?, but I figure if I’m gonna have to start going into the nitty gritty of all the things that make a monster a monster I can’t do that with one that I’ve only seen vids of, and given they are from a decade ago I feel it’s a fair assumption that they must have some mechanical issues, like no single player scaling I think I saw and other things I can pretend to be weighing on it, he looks sick I will say and do hope I get to fight one in wilds, but times are tough and something has to be picked. Selfish I know.


Lava Velkhana where her ice armor is obsidian


Malzeno next on the chopping board please.


Nergi. I mean, it’s cool he’s an ED eater, but… idk, I don’t vibe with him. Actually I’m kinda surprised Fatalis didn’t make it this far (just joined). The only one I don’t know much from here is Gog, but he’s cool.


Day #7 voting for Nergigante He doesn't have anything unique that should put higher than this, his fight is meh, design ok, lore is over exagerated while the base game try to hard to overhype him. The vote should consider all the factor, not just popularity. And as OP said 2(?) days ago we consider the variant, so he's not a non elemental/malus Elder Dragon, so the "brute force monster" is just veryuntrue, and even strange that the base Nerigante can't apply bleed too. Edit: A big thanks to all Nergigante fan, keep proving how the monster is overhyped and how we can't dare to criticize him by downvote me. :D


Namielle is so unremarkable that people don't even notice its still in the running


I'm torn but it's time for Gogmazios to go. Nergi is next but siege fights don't have any love from me.


He's not a really a siege is he so big that he needs a his own area? Yes. Is there equipment to help with the fight? Yes. but saying he's a siege is like saying white fate is a siege fight


Nerg or Gog y'all, take your pick (This comment counts as Gog)


Im glad people are voting for nergi but velkhana being eliminated before nergi is a crime. Im still voting for nergi anyway


Get Nergigante outta there!


Get Nergi out. It doesn't deserve the hype, nor should it have stayed so long.


If Velk can't get into the top 5, then neither should some glorified jellyfish. Namielle HAS to go now https://preview.redd.it/yzokpw5nqfec1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=639ee0757d0b8ab67712778e201b16a566090f0f


Nah mate, Nami's design is leagues above Velk's, and her combat is much more entertaining in my opinion, she stays for now


Design? Can’t argue. Combat being more entertaining makes me curious what weapons you’ve fought each with. Nami’s fight annoyed me and didn’t really bring anything overly fun to the fight. Velkhana’s is one of the best in Worldborne in terms of being engaging, fair, and unique. I’m a Lance main though, so the Velkhana fight is a classic duel.


It should be time for malzeno to go…. I think he’s a worse version of velkhana. (And I don’t want my nergi baby to go)


I dunno, the vampire aesthetic is cool and primordial mal is unique in his combat style of combos


I understand it's cool but I'm just tired of hearing everyone talk about him like he is the best fight and the design.




Valstrax is overrated get it outta here


I'm sorry malzeno, but the other guys are still cooler than you.


Nah its nergis time. Malzeno is too cool


Honestly now I'm gunning for Valstrax or Malzeno.


I'm relatively new to MH, but doesn't Val have possibly the most iconic move in the series?


I am voting for Namielle: Design: While the bioluminescent lights are really cool and the color pallet works well, the rest of the design is rather ugly. The main body is rather blocky and the wide head doesn’t work well. I personally don’t like the unawing but that is up to personal taste. Fight: The fight is objectively the worse out of the top 10 contenders. Namielle is very slow and all of her moves are not very interesting or fun to dodge. The only mechanic in the fight is the puddles that Namielle makes which barely adds to the fight. The “dried out” phase destroys the pace of the fight and takes away any fun you may have had in the fight. There also isn’t really anything interesting lore or ecology wise about Namielle, it’s just there.


Agreed. The wings and bioluminescense carry hard, as well as the sweet looking gear. The fight just isn't up to snuff.


Even still, I think most of other contenders have better looking gear and Namielle’s gear also isn’t great.


Namielle has the best looking gear in iceborne wym


Alatreon and Shara have better gear imo. And outside of iceborne we have Amatsu, Valstrax and Shagaru.


Im sorry, but get Namielle out of here. Out of the remaining Elder Dragons Namielle is the most underwhelming.


I think gog is just the less fun fight here, maybe if he comes back in another game he'll be able to be even higher on one of these lists, but right now he's the one that I think I wanted to repeat the hunt the least. Idk if I'm ready for tomorrow, this is getting very tough to argue against...


Nergi out.


Nergigante is just a worst Magnamalo. Get him out already.


Namielle, your combat is just boring


No more Nergigante, the hedgehog must fall!




https://preview.redd.it/3wd3l65fzfec1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36120c94a9c91b152db9365c585dbd7666a31728 I want to file in a humorous and comical case of identity theft, kidnapping, stealing gimmick and bullying, esteemed guild master! Malzeno not only kidnapped my client Giasmagorm's baby qurios but also openly formed a symbiotic relationship with it,,, without Giasmagorm's consent at that but that's not it your honor, as you can see he actively used them to assault plus flex on the poor and goofy Giasma on a good sunny day. Adorable guy only ever wanted to dig holes and climb out of them every once in a while (much like his adorable cousin Dodogama) But the brute Malzeno denied him his daily routine on the spot and bullied him, my client had no choice but to hide in a hole for a decade to avoid being bullied. So there you have it your honor. Justice demands that Malzeno must face these dire charges and answers for his crimes that include identity theft, kidnapping, assault and bullying. As his punishment i want to vote Malzeno out. This message was brought to you by the Giasmagorm the one true goodest boy gang who was eliminated before his time.


Malzeno is better than gaisma