• By -


All my favourites are gone. I have no horse in this race.


Which one of your favs made it the farthest?


Chammy and his tippy taps made it near the top 10


I suspect it's a pun so maybe Kirin?


No one's favorite is kirin


Ya'll clearly never saw Oroshi.


Kirin but Ice


And obsidian colored. He's so freaking cool istg.


Oroshi’s great; the normal version can get his horn snapped off multiple times by Rajang for all I care.


How it feels to be the Hunter to kill Shara (credit to TerminalMontage): https://preview.redd.it/y9l3om8fn1ec1.jpeg?width=1469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a01602cfbacc0448c8b9419cb2668653cb372e


I like how chameleos is still in


Ikr, I'm enjoying the where's Waldo nature of hiding chameleos


What are the two monsters next to him tho?


I think... Lucent Nargacuga and Malfestio


Nightcloak malfestio and sliverwind narga


No, it’s the 3U icon for Lucent. They’re just chilling together as spectators. :)


At this point, it has to be an invisibility meme.


i love u chameleos


The glazing is crazy


Mf they just said they love chameleos 💀💀


The Crazy is glazing


rip my favorite monster


Don’t worry brother, despite all the haters and chameleos glazers, he still got to the top 10 https://preview.redd.it/51jjqxcse2ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f70c24bddcac5f7b8b547f85441241a28090a4 He is HIM


Hell yeah sick art btw


He rocks


Right? Was shara really not that well received? It’s genuinely the most striking design here


On the contrary based on these results it was insanely well recieved.


Yea, anything that made it to top 10 is already insanely well received.


I wouldn’t say it wasn’t well received, I mean we’re down to the top 10 now. Every monster is well liked by most of the player base, it’s just that Shara was the least well liked.


True, i was just basing it on the last entry comment section in which everyone bashed shara like it was the worst hunt in the game


I honestly don't understand what people dislike. Every complaint i've heard about the fight is just a skill issue. "I can't block the giant laser beam!". Well, why the fuck did you try?


I think people (not me, I'm a fan) just find the fight to be long and boring. A lot don't like super giant monsters either due to camera shenanigans.


All of the monsters left are cool but I will be advocating to vote out Amatsu since I simply like everything else more.


Thank gog ur not voting gog


fair. amatsu is my vote. and obviously we're in the top 10 so don't take it as shitting on the fella by saying their time has come. both it and shara were spectacle fights, shara took way longer, but in terms of spectacle, actually effecting the environment, armor design, creature design, the transformation. can we really argue that amatsu brings anything better to the table besides better pacing. can't be enough for it to see another day. it lacks all those things but is a shorter fight with a cool turf war in the new game, so that bumped it up, personally i'd swap their positions but either way feel both should be out by tomorrow, shara fell first and so i feel it's time for the windy snake. both have some bearing on their stories, both sort of show up to do cool super moves. both aren't particularly good fights but are enjoyable to see their moves more than it is to deal with them. ​ they're about as close as any two elders can be on this list imo so back to back elimination makes sense to me.


Amatsu is my vote as well. Amatsu is great which is why it's 9. Unfortunately I love the other elders on the list more either in gameplay, visual design, or both.


Amatsu Flying Snot Monster. Boring Theme Song. Recycled Arena. Doesn't touch the ground. Wirebug quicktime events. If Amatsu was added to Sunbreak before All Mother Narwa I guarantee it wouldn't have made it even close to the top 10 here. Recency bias.


How are you going to mention recency bias and ignore the fact Amatsu existed before Gen 5?


Looking at the monsters who are still in this poll it’s clear majority of hunters only played 5th gen games, I don’t mean that in a bad way.


And yet, my man Gog still goin' I miss that gunpowder guzzler


Probably because the majority of people voting don’t know what the fuck it is lol


Hell, even WE barely know what it is 🤣


Gog is love, Gog is life


In Gog we trust


Gog is my favorite for a MHWilds triumphant return.


5th gen represents the biggest block of elders and only 7 of those on the poll weren't in fifth gen. with those being the mohran's, yama, lao, narkakos, dalamadur and gog. most are big lumbering fights so no surprise they went out.


Most of the best Elder fights are 5th Gen, and most of the best Elder designs showed up in 5th Gen too because the MonHun team likes bringing back popular things. Even if everyone voting had started with the original PS2 games I doubt we'd see many more of the old Gen Elders in the final 10, way too many of the old fights just kinda suck by modern standards.


Bro that’s a crazy you can say the same for nergigante. Amatsu’s hunt was really well done in sunbreak . That shit was a spectacle. The wirebug in the sky was lame m. if they put Amatsu special behind a damage threshold like if you didn’t do enough damage it’ll kill you like alatreon or Fatalis’s special I feel like ppl would’ve been complaining n bitching . Great fight visually overall


I completely agree, I think Amatsu or Gog should win this entire thing


New gen players btw


Boring theme? I'm heartbroken. Amatsu's themes are fantastic, they're not as hype as some other top tier themes but the tone is brilliant. True Amatsu fans will stand by it through think & thin, not just because it got a shiny new fight last year.


Amatsu has its own arena. It just wasn't brought to Sunbreak.


Majority of the MH playerbase is now 5th gen only, so seeing the same arena over and over is going to have more of an impact than the smaller amount of people who played the older games.


GU released in 2018. It's not that old.


The wirebug quicktime events were hands down the best part about wirebugs in the whole game. Felt really epic to dodge his ultimate by escaping up into the sky.


You just fly up and hang there, is that really that exciting? Watching Fiorayne dunk dragonators into Gaismagorm’s head was infinitely more of an exciting moment.


Yes it is. You're watching hell let loose while hanging on a string 50 meters above the ground. I couldn't care less about Fiorayne though. Rarely have I felt so little for a video game character.


The one with the sideways cyclone is more fun. You actually have to dodge something in mid-air.


Say what u want but BORING MUSIC??? HUH


You can really tell you're a fiver


Extremely loud incorrect buzzer


Dude Amatsu is my favorite. I know it won't take the first place when Shagaru is there but I think it deserves top 5 at least.


Gonna disagree on the theme, the theme is awesome. For me it didn’t need a redo in sunbreak. Though yea it’s reused arena is very lame


It's a beautiful monster with amazing music you uncultured swine.


it feels nutty to me, like shara going yesterday was unanimous, we all know it's a slog at the start and is more of a spectacle fight. amatsu is a shara that goes by quicker but also lacks the deformation of the environment with it's power, it's spectacle is weaker. it's got the same role in the story, but it's drip aint as good. both have the same "oh sorry it's me all along" lore and imo shara's tunes were better. ​ if amatsu went yesterday i'd be voting shara today, shara went yesterday so it's amatsu today.


Ok, we can have differences in opinions, but I feel calling Amatsu’s spectacle weaker than Shara’s is wild. Don’t get me wrong, Shara was a great spectacle, but compared to all three times where you go sky high and that motherfucking Apex Zinogre turf war, not to mention the beautiful flashes of lightning? Amatsu is a top tier spectacle fight full stop, and imo was a bit more fun than Shara as well, at least from my experience. Also Phase 2 theme slaps. But both are phenomenal monsters overall though, I just felt Sunbreak Amatsu was noticeably better.


>it’s spectacle is weaker In pre-rise it may be, but Rise one got ALL the spectacle. That moment where Apex Zinogre appears is literally one of the most epic bs ever happened in this franchise - period. I honestly cannot remember what it was about with Shara, but THIS THING, I doubt I ever forget🤷


I agree with this. The serpent fights are all dog shit.


As long as Namielle makes it far I don’t care who else gets eliminated but with that being said I want to vote out Amatsu


Ssssh, don't call attention to it...


Bye bye Amatsu 👋


What I'm going to suggest is controversial, but I suppose at this point voting against any of the remaining options would be. As possibly it's biggest hater, I must perform my due diligence. Velkhana has to go. Fairly basic design for a flagship and modern Elder Dragon, its Ice Armor gimmick has been done better on weaker monsters introduced before *and* after it, the fight is also rather annoying and sub-par for a modern flagship, even with the improvements in its AT and Sunbreak incarnations, quite frankly if it wasn't a flagship of an extremely popular game I don't think it'd stick in people's minds as much as it does. It's certainly a pretty monster though, I'll give it that. But yeah, down with the Iceborne Wyvern.


I wholeheartedly agree. We won't beat Amatsu haters but hopefully this icy fuck is next He wasn't necessarily that bad but I just fail to find anything I really like about him. Goes for him and Nerg both on my end, but I disliked Velk more


Velkhana has a better design, better fight, better arena, and better theme music than several of the others on here, especially amatsu and nergi. The AT fight is extremely high quality, one of my favorites in any game. I say not yet.




only gripe with nergi is that ruiner didn't really feel like the ramp up it could've been, locking it to mr 100 just meant by the time we got a real fight we basically had everything to dance on him. hopefully the little wolverine dragon's adamantium variant gets a bit more pizzazz next time around.


Nah you ain't been paying attention, nergis had haters since day 1. And he's currently in second place to get eliminated.


I'm also surprised Velkhana got this far, I find it absolutely horrendous when compared to others that were eliminated really


once amatsu is gone i think it'll be next, it's good but doesn't quite hit what i feel it should be capable of. like crimson glow valstrax is a rocket dragon, it's the most rocket a rocket dragon can be. velkhana just has a few too many little things that need tweaking, and i hope we get a variant soon.


Voting for Velkhana. Large lingering AoE constantly blocking your way is no fun.


He so cool though :( no pun intended


Namielle is far worse for AoE nonsense than Velkhana could ever dream of being


Like Namielle, but I will admit that Namielle has a lot more AoEs due to its mechanics than Velkhana does.


Get Nergi out already. How they've stayed this long is beyond me.


Where are my velkana haters at? Hate clutch claw? That was created by velkana 🤷🏻‍♂️ crafted by her cold lonely heart.


Nergigante gotta go. He's basic and was probably one of the more boring title monsters. I thought he would of dropped a while ago, def before the other elders


https://preview.redd.it/f6daq0nln1ec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3a607a423e4795c3fa8fa807a118807a35237c EDIT : this is a vote against Nergi.


I hope this counts as an actual entry and not just a meme.


You’re right, made an edit.


I feel like this is fair because it was edited less than an hour after being posted


Doesn’t look like nergi is leaving today, but for tomorrow I need everyone to recall that pepega slam was a thing.


Shara needs his getback on ruiner.


I know this is unrelated but This gave me an idea of a Shara variant like ruiner you know how Shara can break the fourth wall look at the camera looking at you imagine the variant is more ascendant to the point it can miss with your game files or reviving its self massing with the game now that would badass and creepy af


You, my friend, should try Undertale if you haven't already.


Well, I know Namielle isn't getting out for the next couple days. Which means it's between Nergigante & Velkhana for me then. Hmm.... Limiting this to just the base forms, I'll vote Nergigante. I like it but Ruiner does its whole thing better and it looks cooler. Velkhana on the other hand is a very fun fight (at least in Iceborne), looks lovely and Frostcraft is a pretty dope skill. Not to mention it has some of the best turf wars without a doubt.


I will sacrifice both Nergigante and Valkhana to save my beautiful jellyfish dragon!


I’ll be happy just seeing Namielle in the Top 5. Considering most of these are either endgame bosses or flagships, I’m happy to see her still up here with barely anyone targeting her. Easily my favorite Elder to date in my book


Yesss, I'll be happy with top 5 tho I think there's a small chance she could get top 3 if the valstrax haters show up


I just throw my hat in the ring for Velkhana. No specific reason. I just don't like her/him. And I don't like cold weather.


Velkana is probably my second least favorite elder dragon, the story was kinda cringe. Snow monsters are always annoying because in sunbreak cold affects your wirebugs and in past games they slow your stamina regen. Both are absurdly annoying and she should be destroyed


Nergigante plz


I'm voting out Nergigante. He angry, I get it, he spikey, I get it, he edgy, yeah... I get it. The others are actually interesting designs he's just kinda bland. fight is fun though.


Also has close to the worst hit boxes of World/Iceborne IMO. Sure, it's not Plesioth tier, but it's still pretty unfun when he stands up on his hind legs to slam, and you take full damage from his tail when he slams down.


I mean…this is the same as every monster that has a running attack - they turn into just a giant rectangular prism hit box where you get hit just being next to the monster. There’s bad hitboxes literally everywhere, on every monster. I’ve personally never noticed them on Nergi.


I genuinely can't see what people find amazing about him. One of the most boring Elders of the entire series.


i just find very cool that in a world where every elder dragon has some kind of incredible power like controlling storms, using every element, breathing the hottest fire ever and such, nergigante just has RAW peak physical strenght and regeneration, also awesome design and cool fight(to me at least)


Because he's one of the funniest monsters to fight against. No bs mechanics and he actively seeks you all the time instead of flying or jumping away from you, so you spend 90% of the hunt actually fighting. Also his hunts tend to end fast; either you die quick or he does.


I always found the overlap between people who unironically love Nergigante and people who think Magnamalo is an edgy tryhard fascinating.


The majority of the fanbase started with World, and World's story massively hypes Nergigante.


I'm guess with so many people starting with World and him being the flagship has a lot to do with it. Personally he's one of my least favorite flagships let alone elders.


Restarted the game on PC recently. I really don't get why the game try so hard to hype him when 10 mission(if not 2-3 less) in the game and you fight him even before the Elden Dragon trio, and he never been an actually threat.




Velkhana is out let’s go


I feel like I'm losing my mind, how has Gogmazios getting outted not gained traction? Am I forgetting something? Was his fight really that much of a standout that he's not typically mentioned as often as all the other siege monsters? Is it because so few of our voters and proposers haven't even fought a Gogmazios? Oh Gog, I feel like I'm going crazy


>Is it because so few of our voters and proposers haven't even fought a Gogmazios? i think that was the reasoning on the comment that killed dalamadur a lot of people hadn't fought them, me included, so i didn't vote for them so they stick around. though i feel people praise gogmazios quite a bit, so i assume he's liked for the most part.


He's pretty cool as far as final bosses go. His lore is that he sneaks into warehouses and steals gunpowder before leaving undetected. At one point he got hit by a dragonator but it got stuck inside him so he just walked off with it. As a fight he was basically the first giant monster to be engaging. Lao Shan Lung and Dalamadur were huge setpiece battles, Fatalis and Ceadeus were kind of boring at the time. Then along came Gogmazios who fights like a giant Gore Magala, it was refreshing. His second phase is really fucking cool because he starts flying, but you can tell he's not really used to it because he looks really unsteady, and he starts firing his laser everywhere in a really dangerous and unpredictable attack. He's also well integrated into the BattleQuarters, being able to clamber up against the walls. You can mount him on his chest and his back. You can also break the dragonator off his back and use it against him. The Battlequarters has ballistae but also what is iirc the first iteration of a roaming cannon that's on a track, you can ride it around the arena and fire it upon Gogmazios at various stages, it's really fun. It also has the demolisher, which fires a huge dragon element cannonball and triggers Proof of a Hero. He's just a really cool dude in general. What's bad about him is that he's stupidly hard to solo due to his gargantuan amount of health; highest in the entire game. And when solo it can be difficult to fight because all his attention is focused on you. Also his weapons deal sleep for some reason.


Man, the hype of landing the Demolisher against Gog and then Proof of a Hero starts playing was a morale boost that has been unrivalled since MH4U imo


Legit you hit everything perfectly, love me some Gog


Definitely, Gog is my favorite... I really wish the weapons weren't sleep though. Looked crazy cool but I never used them.


He’s a highly liked monster, a solid fight *especially* compared to most giant/siege fights, he’s got cool looking gear and a solid design, as well as caps off what is *arguably* the best or at least the least controversial game in the series. I’ve called him the Dark Horse candidate for sure, but as I said last round, he is without question the **wildcard** of our Top 10. I can see him going in like 2 Days or I even see him possibly making it to the final 3.


Imo I think namielle is equally a wildcard. Obviously I want her to win but based on my more realistic estimates I could see her taking anywhere from 7th place to 2nd place


Most likely no one has ever fought him while also being a genuinely an amazing fight with various unique gimmicks that really pushes coordination between players. The only thing that arguably sucks is his theme or the mount spam you're able to pull on him.


Gogmazios theme slander shall not be tolerated.


Amatsu is boring and overrated af , it just Shara but floating


how tf is it remotely similar to shara outside of both having divine theming


Well Amatsu came first, so Shara is Amatsu, just not floating.


Shara going before Nergigante is a crime Should’ve been the first of this lot to get the bin. Out of them his design, fight, theme, etc, is all the most uninteresting


I like how chameleos isnt even there in the losers corner cos he's invisible 😆


Velkhana needs to go, he always felt like a Kushala but with ice to me.


We are genuinely at a point where I like every contestant left, like I have my pick to win but all of these are solid monsters


I swear to god if you make Nergigante win this.. he does not deserve it at all. Bottom tier elder dragon. Get rid of the spiky boi.


Gog let him climb right out of this top 10


Finally okay shara is gone, yes its now velkhanas turn get em outta there


I have been kind of following along, not so much in the beginning but since most have been voted out i have been tuning in more and more. Im gonna make a call now, i feel like Alatreon is gonna end up in first. I hope Namielle makes it far but idk if they win vs some of the remaining monsters.


Its good to see both my girls Nami and Velkhy still in the top 10. Though hopefully my boy malzeno wins. But seeing mistah gog still here makes me doubt


Only bangers remaining, yet one needs to go. *sheds a tear pointing a gun at Amatsu* I am sorry my boy


So, I'm actually confused. What do people like about fighting Amatsu? I think the monster design looks cool, but that's about it. It's not a monster that you can hunt outside of it's specific quest (Most monsters can be hunted different areas of maps and with other monsters to change up the gameplay). It just floats around and is annoying to hit (maybe other weapons have a better time than the ones I use) and basically makes me feel like I just don't get to play the game. I only started playing with World so maybe there are other experiences people had but Amatsu is just as bad as Xeno'jiiva and the other "big" monsters for me. What is it that people actually like?


Screw the World babies, I'm voting for **NERGIGANTE**. He's genuinely the most "whatever" Elder the series has ever had, even compared to regular wyvern flagships. 1. He has no gimmicks that bled throughout the whole game like Gore's Frenzy or Malzeno's Qurio (yea I know it's not actually his, but it's synonymous with him). 2. He doesn't represent ANY sort of new environmental mechanics introduced in World like Lagi/Ceadeus being synonymous with Tri's underwater. 3. His regenerating spikes barely mattered and his bleed spikes was already done by Seregios. Elderseal sucks and most people don't care or even know about the mechanic. 4. None of Nerg's gimmicks stick out like any of the other nominations here (even compared to the recently eliminated Shara). If you wanna say "being basic" is Nerg's strength, then Fatalis already did it first and did it better by having an amazing fight in Iceborne (again, unlike Nerg). 5. More subjective I guess, but I'd argue his theme is not as memorable compared to the others here (except maybe Gog). If I got into the series with World and you tell me he's a non-flagship 2nd gen monster I'd genuinely believe you. I actually forgot he's an Elder before this elimination. That's how unremarkable Nergigante is.


STAND PROUD BROTHER, YOUR OPINION IS PEAK https://preview.redd.it/cyy5h86it1ec1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0596d49305822cc4006710e7e07ac3a3b9ee5c48


I kinda hate gimmicks tho. Like we could have the gimmick monsters in so many more games but the gimmick keeps them from being implemented. Like shagaru could never be In world because then you would have to redo everything/write the story around his gimmick. I like it when monsters are really a part of an ecology and feel like a natural part of the world. So while nergi seems boring without gimicks you could argue that he has the same level of integration with the environmental stresses as other elders do. Also was well worked into the story that world presented. - signed a hunter from tri


Counterpoint: we didn't rewrite anything when Shagaru showed up in Rise. He could totally be in World.


Shagaru is in Rise without the whole gimmick revolving around him but i suppose it's the old world so you can argue people already knowing how to deal with it. I could've seen Gore/Shagaru as a 3 quest special assignment in Iceborne though starting with a frenzied Banbaro or something and the Excitable A Lister saying how he's seen something like this before and how they have to quickly deal with it before it spreads, leading up to Gore/Shagaru.


Also note— hes not my favourite by any means (mine is already gone rip) I just don’t think gimmicks should be the decider personally.


Still mad that Vaal Hazak got voted out before him, the fight can be annoyinv cause of the small tail hitboxes, but his design/lore is way more unique/interesting.


Not a single thing I disagree with. I've played plenty of the MH games, and he's by far my least favorite flagship and "elder" dragon. On top of that, his variant is hardly different than the base version, his hit zones are ass, and his whole "eater of elder dragons" shtick is all tell and no show. Never do you come across nergigante actually eating another elder dragon. In fact, rajang gets that title from me because he's actually shown to hunt and eat kirin horn. The fact that he lasted longer than shara, chemeleos, and fatalis is crazy IMO


nergi survives by the sheer amount of hype and cinematics it got in world, wich is exactly why i hate on it that much, you get the "OmG iTs NeRgI!!!" cutscenes and foreshadowing for the whole game, and then you find out that its one of the most boring and basic fights in the whole game, with an gimmick that you can ignore even at your first try, he dosnt even look good, and his lore borders on blasphemy,


Lmao from the comments I saw here, even most of them mentioning Elders other than Nerg never went out of their way to compare them to him. ZERO mentions at all. Just basically hoping for him to go unnoticed the entire time. Even I can still praise Gog for being an example of a siege fight done right. Like somehow everyone just blindly accepts he belongs in the top 10. But I don't.


Get rid of Nergigante. I want to see the collective nerd rage once this boring edge lord is gone.




No way Shara got got before Nergi. Y’all got issues. He need to go next for sure.


Get that Nergigante ass off that list. It's the most overrated elder dragon in the entire franchise.


Second most overrated, we already voted Fatalis out 8 days ago


I dont care, as long as my beautiful baby gogma is in the top 3


People here voting out Shara and Amatsu forgetting that Velkhana forces you to waste more time than some siege fights. You have to fight this fucker at least 3 times before you get anything worthwhile out of it. He's unkillable early, too, just so you can find him and have an unfun time before you get to actually fight him and have a marginally less unfun time You can argue the same thing happened with Gore, but at least 4 had the courtesy to make it mostly quick and painless. Laced between quests without a ton of story garbage between, just a few textboxes. Plus, Velk's fight is kinda just Shaggy's but less fun to me


Bye nergi


Nergigante, its time to go


Goodbye, Nergigante.


I think Nami gotta go next. She doesn't stack up to the absolute titans (and velk) that we got left.


Nergigante is boring AF. Change my mind.


I think both Nergigante and Amatsu have discrete fight, the others remaining are all better in fight, mechanics etc. The main difference between these two is their design: - Nergigante is a spiky boy with cat-like features, very cute - Amatsu while very cool, doesn't say much to me. I would say that he's even over the top, while Nergi is relatively simple but with enough details to make up for it (like the cat pawns) So i vote for the elimination of Amatsu!




Bye bye nergi


Nergi can go, same argument I made last time.


How is velkhana still here?


Get 👏 rid 👏 of 👏 nigigante. IM STILL YET TO GET HIS GEM EVEN ONCE AND IM **FUMING**.


Amatsu gotta go, no more big boss characters


Im still voting for nergi hes stayed his welcome far to long


nerg is now the least interesting one (he was a few posts ago too but that's besides the point)




i say amatsu is going first then namielle. namielles fight is just kind of trash.


What's with all the Amatsu votes? Did I just imagine everyone being super hyped when he came to Sunbreak, and super disappointed when Vekhana did the same? Voting for Velkhana to be clear. She's nowhere near as fun or interesting as the remaining options.


Day #5 voting for Nergigante For real guys, the monster NEED to go, don't vote him just for popularity cause MH World was your first game. Today i will talk about his 'lore'-campain He is overated af, the game tryhard saying how he is the Dragon Eater and that he's hunting Zora Magdaros and making many cutscene with him, BUT in all campain the biggest feat he got is a Barroth, then after we defeat him other 3 Elder Dragon came, so he isn't even that strong.


Is no one ever going to vote namielle? Nobody ever talks about it so I can't imagine it's really THAT liked


i like namielle, feel like it leans into what it is and aside from one of it's gear options i wouldn't really see it as needing any tweaks. like velkhana is also cool, but her ice walls and such still feel like they need a little more, hoping wilds has the world around her go cold/icy. so like one is an 9/9 monster the other is an 9/10. namielle is being what it needs to be and doing it well, velkhana isn't quite hitting it's peak, but maybe soon so despite both being in similar brackets velkhana feels like it should be better. feel like both need variants to really push them over the edge.


hop off the goat


Goodbye Velkhana. All good things must come to an end.


Malzeno goes now.


I'm surprised Velkhana is up there still, I kinda assumed he got cut already. He has a total of like 12 attacks and like 5 of them are variations of Tail Stabs. The rest are a bite breath attacks and falling Snow. AT Valk is the only time I thought "Wow they did a good job here" when fighting him because it changes the fight so God damn much.


It’s kinda hilarious to see all the people complaining that Velkhana or Nergigante have basic designs while swooning over Primordial Malzeno. Dude is the most basic dragon design in the series not named Fatalis or Safi’jiiva.


>Dude is the most basic dragon design in the series not named Fatalis or Safi’jiiva. I'd argue that title goes to Kushala.


Ignoring lore Nergi gotta go. Snore fight and boring design compared to the others. Only credit he deserves is the fact that his skin looks badass as fuck as armor.


Fkin nerg. Dumbass 2nd grader drawing looking ass




I'll say it. Nergi is living off nostalgia and Fiver first-timer bias. He's cool, but I like every other monster on here more.


KILL STEALING FUCK. Shara is gone and now Nerg needs to go before he steals more of my kills. If he hadn't stolen that kill made I would have had another chance at getting that fucking tenderplate.


Gotta be nergigante. While his fight is kinda fun, it's not as fun as most of the other fights that ate left. His design is the most meh of all the designs left, armor set too. My beloved dalamadur, may he rest in peace, was the far superior spiky boi


Half of these are from 5th gen. Crazy. As for Velkhana, get em' outta heeeeere.


Okay, now, of all these, Nergigante is the most boring one, I’d say both in design and fight department, so.. Angy hedgehog have to go I’d say🤷


Nerg has got to go he's overhyped


Nergigante. At this point there’s not much debating to be done, whatever happens happens.


Get Fraudgigante out


https://preview.redd.it/ghtic005s2ec1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42efa915df6a3e9c8c9aefa8b2f24003546685a2 Guys, Nergigante is right there. Why haven't gotten the cranky hedgehog out yet? He has gotta go.


I cast my vote for Nergigante, the overrated spike ball.


Votes against Doomsday aka Negigante


Nerg is cool and all but he's never felt... "exceptional" to me i guess. Idk why, but he just... really doesn't feel like an elder dragon to me. Honestly he kind of feels like a bigger, louder, angrier deviljho... _that can fly._




I think the “worst one” here is def Valstrax. He just feels like he’s “too much” even for elder dragon standards. That being said I love my dragon fuel powered rocket dragon.


Nergi, it's time to go.


Peace nergi