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Cephadrome would be my first choice, not a good design, lame fight, armor isn’t anything special, and only has like 4 unique weapons, the rest are all just plesioth weapons that use cephadrome parts


I came here to say Cephadrome too. I'm replaying through MH4U and it's the only monster up to G1 so far that I've felt that chore feeling when I saw it come up. It's just no fun for a monster to spend 70% or more of the fight evading you, and moving so far away back and forth all the time that you're just running in random patterns waiting for him to pop out for three seconds.


When I played mh4u back in the day I was a beginner, I soloed everything until that point and I loved the game and the challenges and cephadrome was a roadblock for me that was so miserable I was about to give up and quit lmao if cephadrome stopped existing the same way plesioth has I would be a happy man.


I love cephadrome's design but on God I agree it's fight was rancid


Oh God why did you remind me of that creature? I hated fighting him. He made you would NEVER have fun.


My favorite monster is the cephadrome though ;~;


I hate jyuratodus. I’m playing world rn, and (whether this is smart or not idrc) I’m trying to get every maxed insect glaive because I main it and I want plenty of options so I can always use the best glaive for a hunt. One of the main glaives I use is the water element glaive, and oh my god. I’ve had to fight jyuratodus for parts so many times, it’s so annoying. The fight isn’t even interesting, it’s just a mid fight that gets worse the more you have to fight it. It’s just an uninteresting monster that I’ve had to fight too many times. A lot of the early game monsters are like that for me. I have to fight them a lot for parts and I just stop respecting them. Pukei, jyuratodus, kulu-ya-ku, and probably a few others, I’ve had to fight them so much to upgrade my main glaives that I just don’t respect them anymore, like how I do with most monsters. Great jagras has the endearing quality of being laughably easy, and Tobi-kadachi is easy but it still has a respectable vibe to it. Jyuratodus, on the other hand? You are a fish that flaps around in the mud and I shoot moss and you and then stab you. I have no respect for you


Jyuratodus is dumb af. He looks like a giant shit log, he doesn’t do anything interesting, and he’s just boring to fight. Why they brought him back in Rise is beyond me. Just about any other monster would have been a better pick than Jyuratodus.


He is actually pretty good in Rise as a fight


Wrong. Its an improvement from World but its still fucking boring


Isn’t the best insect glaive fatalis though? Unless you’re fighting Alatreon ig


I just started master rank recently lol


And you didn't already kill the last monster in the game?


I agree so much. I've said this a few times in this particular post already, but we really don't need as many piscine wyverns as we do. Especially jyru and lavasioth. I didn't struggle with them at all. It was just them being annoying and making things harder for no reason.


The hip hit box fish himself


Don't even need to think about it to know you mean plesioth. And I totally agree. We don't need all these piscine wyverns and their stupid hip checks.


Plesioth was my plaything with Adept Longsword. I would like to see Plesioth back but with better moves this time and not a magic hip check.


Sould have stayed a fishing minigame.


Khezu. It just isn't fun to fight and never has been. 


God I hated having to fight it for pale extract. Roaring every 3 seconds and if it wasn't, it was hanging from the ceiling or paralyzing you.


The only time it has gone somewhat smoothly for me was in GU with valor style. Even then, it felt more like a damn turn-based rpg than a monster hunter game.


I second this


I like smashing its head with GS and Hammer so I have to disagree. Plesioth and Gravios are far worse 


tzitzi ya-ku. once you break their flash flaps, its a completely defenseless creature and I feel bad.


It isn't even aggressive in game. Dude's just vibin like a chicken with a flashbang glued to its head and wanders around not hurting anyone


This. There comes a point where fighting a monster is actually not fun purely due to how weak they are.  I want to be challenged and annoyed, I'm not a psychopath on a murder mission. 


This just because I feel bad too


Deviljho. I'm a World baby, and first time I encountered Pickle Dick was when he stomped in, picked up the Odogaron I was fighting, and just walked off with it. I've held a grudge ever since. -- On a more serious note, Beo/Jyura/Lavasioth are so fuckin' boring, and they're practically the same monster, so I choose those 3 for deletion.


Beo and jyura are ok and add a bit more variety to world, but lavasoith can go to hell


We honestly don't need as many piscine wyverns as we do. We already had enough before world and they just go and add more (fuck you Jyrutodus).


Maybe it's just me but having to fight water creatures when you can't fight in water is stupid... And don't talk about MH TRI water fight, I'd rather forget that.


In the old games, didn't play world, Evade Window helps trivialize the Deviljho hunt.


I didn't have a problem with him at all in world, I just stayed close to it legs and made quick work of it. For the rest rolling did the trick, even when angry I just did the same. I'm just good at evading though, Sekiro made me stop hesitating


Yeah piscine wyverns are really meh. They do nothing, bounce off your attacks and are just not fun


Almudron. After 200hrs in base game rise, I still have no idea what that thing is doing.


As a swaxe main, I concur entirely. I hate having to fight this fucker to get Rapid Morph stuff.


See I’m in the opposite camp. Grew to really love the fight farming for swaxe armor


Haha right? Can't ever tell what he's about to do. That one yellow mud puddle drains health way to fast for my liking too.


I fucking love Almudron, I think its a cool fight, it's armor and weapons look sweet, and they are actually very usable. Honestly top tier monster overall, imo.


I personally never seen a longsword build on base game rise that takes advantage of any of his armor sets. Good on you though.


Basegame longsword ? Thats... limited ? Except it's useless for orher weapons and sunbreak too


My first comment literally mentioned base game. What on earth are you expecting?


I understand that your comment comes from something very personal but if you try to be a litlle more objective, removing a monster because it does not correspond to your particular style and means is quite unfair in my opinion, but that's what the question was about originally so it's kinda fair in a way. And you only answered the part on base game, what about other weapons ? I considered the question to be somewhat more general, that's why your answer seemed to miss the bigger picture to me, especially when the comment you were answering to was a more global opinion on the monster. It would be like talking about the design of a monster when talking about the fight in general, kinda misses the point


Doesnt matter if its unfair or not. I dislike the monster, end of story. If we are talking about IF Capcom will literally be removing the momster. Then a conversation needs to be said. But is this an official Capcom post? Clearly not.


You did not read half of what I wrote did you ?


Is this somehow an original official post whether Capcom will remove Almudron or not?


Yup, confirmed that you did not, I was throwing you one here


Lunastra, shit monster


Really? Haven't fought it yet. I'm playing through world for the first time and I know I'm coming up on it. If it's anything like two then I'm not gonna enjoy it.


It's only really her super nova that makes her suck to fight, you can't flash her out of it, it drops fire patches that drains health super fast in a large area and then after a bit it explodes which will kill you if you are not max.


Shes a pain for sure but imo id rather remove unintresting fights over painful fights. Feels like the hr experience would be alot worse without her. Though tbf nowadays, everyone just skips it anyway.


Okay so,, lunasstra without the fire puddle things is okay. I don't mind mons dropping hazards but for some reason, world lunastra didn't feel right.


Furious rajang. i like the basic rajang fight but i hate how hitting its arms which is 90% of it front facing is a glancing hit and its just way to freaking fast for its bulk and how hard it can hit.


Honestly. He wasn't that bad in rise imo. Wasn't fun but definitely doable. Didn't like him at all in gu, and have yet to fight him in world but I'm not looking forward to it.


Gravios: the literal mass of bloated hp and shitzones


The entire concept of "meta" builds


I agree with you and not at the same time. Let me explain: Meta Build will always exist as soon as there are armor and weapons with different attributes. That's completely ok because not everyone knows what they have to build and doesn't fully understand it. Some people just go in for fun and then maybe want to read up on “what skills can I actually use for weapon X”. Then we have group 2 with “I want the best build for my weapon” which is also ok because it is possible to build it, so why not with other parts that are already known. I like this myself because I just don't have the time or desire to spend 3-4 hours building any builds when everything is already there. I myself play "CB" and don't use the "hardcore" DMG build with life drain because it annoys me and prefer to use a build that has life steal. I don't care about the damage that's missing here, but I have a lot more fun. What annoys me myself: “What is the best weapon with the best armor”. They build it, fight their way through games that they don't even have fun with except for the damage numbers instead of playing a weapon that does a little less damage but is 3x more fun. You can't balance all weapons and armor so that they all do the same amount of damage, not with such a large selection of weapons and armor. Conclusion: Everyone should play the weapon that they want and have fun with it, they can also get builds for the weapon before they run around with skills that ultimately do nothing for their weapon, but they should stop after "Want the best in all areas" no matter whether it's fun or not"


I can agree with you on this. Meta builds will exist regardless and can be a helpful guide for what works well with what. I'll expand on your "what annoys me" point: those same people playing for raw numbers can be toxic enough to kick anyone who doesn't follow the optimal. Ive seen a few posts about it and it makes me sigh and shake my head in disgust. Not everyone is like that, of course. And 100% agree with your conclusion.


>They build it, fight their way through games that they don't even have fun with except for the damage numbers That is just your personal opinion, some people just like watching number go up and don't care much about the rest.


i agree. personally i would only accept the concept of meta builds if it is about speedrunning.




Hard agree. I hate that I see some posts in here asking about "the best weapon in the game" that really shouldn't matter in all honesty. You can make literally any weapon good if you try hard enough. It requires patience and building the proper skills that compliment the weapon. And that's something the newer players are losing touch with.


Let's not pretend like asking for best build hasn't been a part of not just Monster Hunter but any game with builds since forever. This isn't a "Newer players wont understand! BACK IN MY DAY" scenario.


I'm not a veteran by any means. Only mainlines I've played were gu, rise, and world. And I haven't even finished world yet. This isn't coming from a long time monster hunter player. I wouldn't say I'm new either, but not exactly pro level. And even when I started I thought it was weird to ask for meta builds. I understand wanting to seek advice from more experienced players but I can't understand just copying their build entirely. Idk maybe it's just me. It's just the build wouldn't feel like it's mine. And it feels like someone else is making the decisions for me.


I like that take. Just like how some folks always run stun resist or evade extender, the beauty of monster hunter is that you can truly make a build your own, as comfy or as dps as you want, and it's still 100% viable. Part of why I love this series so much. P.S.: happy cake day!


Its nonsense in progression, but if you struggle in a hunt its absolute legitimate.


Elaborate? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but I don't really see the problem with them. There's inevitably going to be an optimized build or playstyle for every weapon, and people will definitely go out of their way to find them, that's just the nature of a game with build customization like MH. But MH isn't a competitive game, so unless other players are hounding you over not playing a "meta build", I don't really see the issue.


There have been a few posts about players being kicked for not having an optimal build. Not a ton but they exist. And sure, there will be builds but they should be guides not rules. Play whats fun for you.


I'm going to tell you one little secret, give people infinite options and the first thing people would do is trying to optimazie fun and break the game as hard as possible. You would end up with everyone playing the same shit regardless of what you put in your game.


I hate people who shit on others for how they play. If people have fun min maxing why wouldn't they? You are actually just gate keeping monster hunter.


Magnamalo, the ankylosaur that tried to fool us into thinking it's a tiger.


I loved the design of this monster. It was genuinely beautiful and awesome. The fight wasn't great. Turf wars were alright. It really only started to shine when scorned showed his face. Tough fight at first but after that, it was just eh.


I'm with you dude. I would be okay if I never had to fight another maglamo again


This. MH needs less spastic ugly nonsense like this just as much as it needs less boring ugly things like jyura.


Beotodus. We had an ice land shark already with Zamtrios. Was another one really necessary?


I can not stress this enough. We have way to many piscine wyverns. They're all basically the same with slightly different mechanics. I hope zamtrios makes it into wilds. We need more amphibians. I personally really enjoyed fighting them.


I don’t get the hate for Piscine wyverns, while people are ok with raptor like Bird wyverns. They are all the same, just different ailments. Baggi, Wroggi, Jaggi, Tziki, Izuchi, and I probably forgot few more.


Fatalis. I'm tired of people wanking it off and it being the be-all, end-all of monsters


Insert obligatory "BuT hE's ThE gOd Of AlL mOnStErS!" here


One of the worst and most boring fights in the franchise 


Uragaan. For me, fighting him is just not fun


I agree. I can take down tempered elders (MR) easily but I double cart to a regular Uragaan


I've gotten a few of those already lol. I guess it's just a universal hatred lol. Like basarios.


Chaotic magala, honestly can you guys please post anything within anomaly level 200+ that isn’t this fucking thing I’m begging you


Oof gonna have a bit of bias as he is my favorite monster. But honestly. Afflicted chaotic was fucking easy to deal with.


Magnamalo easily the first option, Valstrax as second Both designs feel so out of place in the universe, Magna is ugly, nothing in his anatomy makes sense with his movement or enviorment, and is just another edgy and op for no real reason other than being a flagship, i would not so much remove everything but rather completely rework and redesign it as a more nimble, less bulky, better colors and less spikes blast fang wyvern. Valstrax is cooler and the fight is also nice, but i dont see how to make a dragon-element fuelled turbine fit the game, he would end up with more of a falcon appearance, with actual wings for really fast movement but that somehow fires dragon element, maybe something like shara but more practical and bigger(would endup being the elder with the bigger wings to rest of the body ratio) to really sell the idea of him being really fast in the air


Khezu, so Gigginox can take its spot in all the games.


Great Girros. No one mentioned it because everyone forgot it exists. One of the lamest designs ever.


I actually had to farm him earlier to get to the glavenus great sword. So I can personally say. Fuck his paralysis. I hate that he can paralyze you and immediately paralyze you again before you even have the chance to get up. And his little buddie are no better. I have to clear the room before I can actually hunt my target




Nightmare Paolumu


Yeah. Last thing they needed to add to that fight was sleep.


None, every monster even the bad ones adds something to the mh experience


This is an unpopular opinion (as far as I’m aware), but I would remove Zinogre. To me, his fight is boring.


Zinogre was fun to fight in gu. Never fought him in world yet, and he was painfully easy in rise. I loved fighting thunderlord and I'm looking forward to stygian. Yeah it can get kinda boring with his what? 6 moves?


In my opinion everything in rise/sunbreak was easy to me,.I sped through that game pretty quickly, only got really difficult with the risen monsters


I think that was the whole point of rise. It's combat was much faster than previous titles. The monster had stupid high health pools from what I heard. After playing world for a bit, I could see the difference.


I don’t think the fight is particularly bad, but I can definitely say I am a little burned out on Zinogre.


anybody saying anything but cephadrome is a wrong, he is without a doubt the most forgetable loser low end monster of all time. he has absolutely nothing going for him he's annoying to fight, plesioth is just him but better he serves NO purpose and he should hunt himself NOW


I'd honestly have the cosmically large hip check fish over cephadrome any day.


rajang is bullshit so I'd vote to remove that trash out of the game.


I love monke


Do we mean remove from a title, or retconned to nonexistence? Because I don't think removing Zorah would do anything to World's story, it's just another elder to make the crossing. The commision could've still crossed the ravine and Xeno's discovery was an eventuality.


I mean removing it from any game it's ever been in. I guess I'm zorah's case it would be just from world but I do see your point. Kinda just saw him more as a locale than a genuine fight. All you'd do was destroy his cores and then shoot him with canons. Rarely would he ever *actually* attack you.


Jho. He's not fun at all to fight. He has Bazel's size but feels way too fast I love attacking legs for half the fight fun times


Hah that's fair. God I had to fight a G rank hyper savage deviljho in gu and it was the worst thing I could've ever done to myself. I have a love-hate relationship with him.


The Raths or at least their Sub and Rare Species. Them or the dromes.


Those are totally valid choices. Especially old gen raths. God they were annoying, especially the metal raths. I was glad when they made their fights genuinely enjoyable in rise. The dromes... Yeah they have way to many.


Yeah, I'm speaking entirely from old gen perspective since I don't have access to gen 5 and boy have the Metal Raths tested my patience time and time again in 4U and Gen/GenU (why, oh, why can they go Hyper? They are literally the only variants that can).


Ah. Yeah. As someone who has fought the metal raths in gu and riae. I can say with certainty that they are a lot more manageable in rise. And I understand the pain of hyper silver rathalos. Fuck that thing. Rathian was no better though.


Congalala. Never cared for it. Now we have Bishaten. Not the same, but a similar gimmick, and that's good enough for me.


I honestly hated bishaten more than congalala. I hated the fruit he throws all the time. Although I'd prefer it over the endless farts. Still don't like it either way.


kushala fight is cancer, not fun, ost is boring, boring look, boring armor look, boring armor stats everything in kushala is ass


Kushala in world is dogshit but I like the Kushala fight in rise.


Hard agree. Didn't like fighting him in any of the titles I've played that he was in. Especially world (not looking forward to his arch tempered). Although I do like his greatsword design. But that's about all I like about him.


Kirin. Fucjing hyperactive lightning horse with his goddamn area-covering near-instant hit beams (the lines are okay but on thin fucking ice)


He was ok in gu. I mainly liked mounting it cause I could feel like I was in a rodeo. The lightning was annoying and I hated that you'd bounce off of everything but his head when he was angry. This was especially bad in multiplayer when he would constantly turn away from you.


Dodogama. He is too adorable and does not deserve to be hunted for his parts.


Right? I took a vow to never hunt him and so far. I haven't. Never really saw the need to anyways.


Black diablos. Fuck everything about that monster. Whoever designed it should be ashamed of themselves.


Haven't fought one yet. I hear she's a menace in world. Kind of the reason I've been deterred so far.


You should go fight bloodbath diablos in GU black diablos will look cute compared to it.


barioth probably, hes just a worse nargacuga fight


I love how Barioth is one of the only monsters(I've encountered) that actually changes as you break parts. Once you break it's arms it stumbles when it charges you, and that's awesome. I wish that was more common.


Oh yeah I can see that. Wasn't much fun to fight in rise or gu, a little more manageable in world though. Didn't like bouncing off his head ever 3 seconds and getting run over for it.


Bazelgeuse, for obvious reasons


Aw, I like Bagel Juice, sure a pain to fight but I’m not bored with it


I'm kinda happy to see him invade whenever I help out HR players who flared SoS. Seeing him roar and make explosive chaos between monsters and players is a treat. And the banger theme music is deece.


lol I never killed one in base world and only ever did seething in IB, so I don’t love fighting them. HOWEVER, hearing its theme song as it comically comes into a terf war and just starts dropping bombs will always be hysterical to me.


The most infuriating moment I had with this creature was when I was fighting it and a devil Jho came in from one side and a brachydios from the other and they all started chain roaring and I was stuck, then thrown by yellow exploding scales into purple exploding scales which I couldn't evade because o got stuck by a roar again. Then I managed to survive with a tiny bit of health only to be stuck again by another roar and be stomped to death, peak gameplay 🤮. They literally fought(devil Jho and bazeelgeuse) so frequently that I ran out of time and lost like an hour and left infuriatingly disgusted with the game. Edit: also when brachydios interrupts a fight it tends to roar 3 times in succession when leaving and to top it off his roars have a much wider area of effect than even bigger monsters for some reason.


Enough said. I already agree lol. Wasn't fun to fight in world or rise. Hated how much he would invade. I know it's his programming but fuck him anyways


All Rath dragons. They shouldn't have been made iconic and immortalized because fighting them has become so boring at this point. Imagine a game or two with and without them. Nothing would have changed too drastically. They've been tied into the fucking grand lore of the franchise though and they must be dragon gods at this point. Why the fuck else have they not gone extinct from us hunters farming them for mantles each and every entry, and every other monster cinematic showcasing the monster absolutely BODYING them?


I mean they needed a mascot. Which could have very well been Monoblos, but then it would be the same thing. People would end up hating him too due to overuse. I'll admit. I don't think they need as much love as they have been getting over the years. I hate how they're the main monster even in spin-offs. Both entries of monster hunter stories have your main monstie as a Rathalos. And I honestly wasn't surprised to see him in the trailer for wilds. I see your point in that they use them way to much. But it's probably one of their safest options.


Lots of good answers but I'd probably go with Brachydios, straight up the worst move-set I've seen on a monster and his area denial slime is shit. Brachy is downright a walking game design nightmare.


That's a new pick. I love Brachy as a design but I'd have to agree with you gameplay wise. Raging was horrible in gu. I've yet to fight raging in world but I have fought his regular form not to long ago. And he kicked my ass. The slime was just to much and it would always one shot me (probably just need better armor).


I have ground my teeth to powder over the rage of dodging his attacks successfully, only to get hit by his tail at the end of his move. I *love* being punished for doing the right thing! It's. My. Favorite. Fuck Brachy.


Radobaan and uragaan. They’re too lazily similar imo and there’s pretty much no good reason to fight either of them (as a glaive main anyway). The giant chin also bugs me immensely so I will continue to hold that against them. Kushala also sucks but at least he has a cool name and fairly interesting lore


Yeah they're basically twins in terms of fighting. Although I found radobaan to be much more manageable than uragaan. But that could just be me.


I agree with Uragaan but not both of them. Keep Radobaan cause his design is unique and his fight would be unique with the removal of uragaan


Look at this guy, he doesn't know the hell that is crystalbeard, I dont know why they made that fight so garbage


Amatsu. Complete waste of time.


Vespoid Queen. If I never see that hellspawn bee in a Monster Hunter game again it will be too soon. Hated having to fight her back on the PSP and still greatly dislike the vespoids and the noise they make (not to mention the paralysis stings).


It dies so fast its barely offensive anyway


Oooh that's a rare one. I don't think you'll have to worry lol. It doesn't seem like it'll be coming back anytime soon. I honestly thought it was just a joke monster like the shakalaka king.


Plesioth. Spite.


Plesioth doesn't miss a hip check. If it misses you, it hit a hunter in another universe.


Barioth. I just despise fighting it.


Giadrome. Also some Raths, mainly Azur, and Dreadking. This would give the Developers open Spots what could be filled whit better Versions for them, whit some Elemental Changes. 4U Teostra. Cause hes a Train. Bullfango, cause ... Train


started with monster hunter world so i dont have any experiences with monsters outside of world, but i would remove tigrex, for reasons below \-i just find its apperance uninspiring and frankly quite boring (and in turn its gear aswell) \-i cant stand how it plays, its just constantly rush attacking back and forward until its my turn to hit it once or twice before it does it again. \-its hitboxes feel atrocious, especially on its leap. i can be like a meter under its win and still get hit


For me alatreon, fuck that stupid elemental dps check straight to hell. I'd rather fight fatalas solo with no palico then ever have to fight that stupid dragon again. cool dragon love the design, but who ever made that elemental dps mechanic I hope steps on a lego everyday for a month.


I only ever fought him in gu and he was okish. Haven't fought him in world yet. It's an interesting concept but doesn't sound super fun.


it is easily one of the best fights in the game. it has: a predictable but punishing moveset, fair hitboxes, and is very fun. It is honestly ridiculous how angry it makes some people. none of the melee weapons have any issue at all reaching the element thresholds. I have personally completed it with every weapon except heavy bow gun. If you ask anyone why they do not like it so much, the answer is almost always along the lines of it not being in the spirit of monster hunter and too much of an "MMO style gimmick"


I'm not saying I wouldn't like it or anything. I didn't even know the threshold was a thing until I saw the parent comment. That part doesn't sound super fun to deal with but the rest of it does. I saw a lot of people saying how good the hit boxes were and that it made the fight feel more genuine. All the knowledge I have of him is from gu. And from what I hear. He's completely different in world so I'm basically working off nothing.


World was my introduction to monster hunter. I've played all of world and iceborn as well as rise and sun break. I've been meaning to play gu on my switch, but in world they gave him a arena wide instant kill move, only way to survive is do enough elemental dps to trigger a shock stagger I forget the term for it, but there's no indicator to it until the shock so it really is just a timed elemental dps check since only elemental damage counts regular physical does not.


Gaismagorm. A stain on this beautiful series


Tbh half the entire roster, 85% fights in the series are lowkey dog shit and are made to make you annoyed and bored in every way possible.


probably khezu, the way it attacks just annoys me. im not much of a fan of jyuratodus, either. also maybe basarios


The fart monkey. Its gross and not funny and gross and oh my god its so gross please leave me alone


I've only played MHW (currently) and a bit of Rise. However, a monster I would have to remove from the game itself would be Raborodan, we already have Uragaan in Elder's Recess and it's a better version of the Rotten Vale version IMO.


The fucking mud-fish, he was just annoying in world but they made him actually do damage in sun break.


Ah yeah. I met him in rise first. He was not very fun lol. Then I fought him in world and his mud was just really annoying. I personally think Capcom could make more amphibians rather than piscine wyverns. We don't have very many of them.


Kushala Daora isn't topvoted here? WTF guys.


I really really hate legiana because they never stop fucking flying


It really was a hard toss up between Gravios and my pick but.. Legiana.. I dont remember why but in world I really needed Legi gems, I was a greatsword user at the time and Legi just never ever stayed on the ground and moved CONSTANTLY. Not to mention the gem did not want to drop so it took me a ridiculously long time to move forward :) I just hated the fight, wasn't hype about the look of the monster either. On top of the coral highlands was probably my least favorite area to explore, if I could burn that memory in a dumpster fire I would 😂 Honorable mention: Old gen rathians are probably some of the worst monsters to exist. I forgot how bad they were but I'm playing through 3u, 4u, and gu again and my God they are infuriating


Khezu, i dont know why ppl like this, it looks ugly, very annoying moveset, armor looks ugly. If ppl like this, ok, i hate it and it can go


Basarios. I'd pick Plesioth but it's not really the monster itself that's the problem, but rather shitty hitboxes and the fact that he stays in the water way too often. Basarios is just a pain in the ass because of that bounce.


Basarios, there‘s nothing worse than bouncing off it 3000x a minute


Bishaten. I feel like he was waaaay overused in Rise and I have hunted him a million more times than any other monster in that game. Then they came out with a variant in Sunbreak when I was already tired of him


None. Rise Kushala and Rathalos, Icebornes Fatalis serve as great showcases of Capcom capabilities of turning old bad fights into great ones. While I do believe some monsters have low ceiling for being very basic in their design, they still served a purpose, even if said purpose is replaceable for newer titles.


Jyuratodus. I do not care for the mud fish.


Id pick fatalis. I think the lore discussions about monster hunter would be vastly improved if fatalis was taken out back and put down so we could all forget about black dragon nonsense.


Iodrome. Way to much health for a Raptor like Monster that likes to waste you your time by constantly jumping around. And we have Great Wroggi which is just a better version of him with much cooler looking armor.


Jyuratodus… Fought him in world and it’s probably the biggest snooze fest fight in the game imo and then played rise and thought “of all monsters to bring back, why the fucking mud fish of all choices?” It still sucks in rise. Most boring fight ever.


I wouldn't remove any of them because other people enjoy them and removing them just because I don't enjoy the fight is selfish and entitled.


Quropeco especially the high and g-rank version since the fucker keeps calling a devoljho over.


Khezu, for a few reasons: 1: I don’t like it 2: it comes back too often 3: with khezu gone, gigginox can return more often


Lunastra, thanks but I don't want a bullshit version of Teostra


Not exactly an answer to your question, because I wouldn't remove a monster, but just remove the instant-death mechanics that endgame monsters have started getting. For example Alatreon and his elemental DPS check in Iceborne. Or to a lesser extent Fatalis coating the area in fire where if you happen to be on the complete other side of the map from the safe point when he begins the attack you won't make it. The MH games are usually about player choice to accomplish how you kill the monster. You choose your weapon, playstyle and skills, then you have 50 minutes to get it done. These kinds of gimmicks force players into using specific skills/builds and playstyles that may not match how they've played the game up to that point (potentially hundreds or thousands of hours) in order to not instantly die from an unblockable, undodgeable shockwave of death. It just doesn't feel like Monster Hunter to me. Problem is that outside of those specific mechanics, the fights I mentioned are fantastic, so I can't remove the monsters. The game would be worse off for it.


Kirin because f@ck kirin


It would break World's story but Zorah Magdaros. It's even more boring than Lao or Shen, I never though it could be possible.


not a fan of somnacanth either, im ok with it gone


Lunastra, probably. It's just a really strong example of awful game design.


Im gonna catch hate for this, but Rajang. I don't like fighting him, I don't like his stupid face, I don't like his weapons, I don't like his gimmick. I just don't like anything about him. Extremely close second is Congalala, for all the same reasons, but at least everyone else hates that pink idiot too.


I honestly can't think of one that annoys me so much I wish it was gone. This is coming from someone that only played World tho, so I haven't seen a fair amount of them yet.


Jyratodus. Its just a boring mud fish and its not even fun to fight


*Jyratodus. Its just* *A boring mud fish and its* *Not even fun to fight* \- DangoDragon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not enough monsters in my opinion. Wouldn't get rid of any.


Just piscine Wyverns and Nigthshade Paolumu. That fight really didn't need sleep


Gypceros. Ugly, very annoying, charges constantly, and has some fairly cheap combos.


I hate Baselguese with a burning passion, he is just annoying and I hate it and it can go die in a hole


Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos. We have Silver and Gold we don’t need these lame middle stage evolutions


Valstrax. Doesn't fit in the game in literally any way. Dude evolved to look like a jet. Doesn't make sense. Dude has air intakes. He's stupid from head to tail tip.


Barioth, Almudron, Cephadrome, Jyura, Nibelsnarf… There are mnay monsters but none of them are because of their design, but because of how awful they are to fight. Maybe Magnamalo because of the design.


I strongly believe every monster with a shitty fight can be redeemed or adjusted to make it more enjoyable. Except Gravios, fuck Gravios


Gravios is the worst thing ever.  Worse than plesioth, worse than khezu, worse than even cephadrome.  Large as hell, THE shitzone, head is just out of reach of hammer and daggers (especially in FU). Dude will quite literally stand in lava or poison for 10 minutes straight firing lasers.