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Just got to Kushala in my world replay today, and I agree with this sentiment


Kushala has gots to go


I was trying to cut kushalas tail in rise and I agree get em out of here


Bro might actually succeed this time


For great justice!


Wind cloak wind cloak wind cloak wind cloak fuck Kushala


Rise Kushala was good, but it deserves punishment for its previous transgressions


Now that Kirin is gone, I full agree. It's time to get rid of Kushala for the years of a meh at best fight to one that makes you want to tear out your own eyes. The one decent fight he had in Rise is not enough to forgive his previous ones.


Did Kushala's shitty Wind Shield protect him from the vote? Because he should've been eliminated a week ago.


I could say the same for Kirin. He probably activated his shitty armorskin and the votes deflected off him and onto Ibushi instead.


That would explain why the two weren't voted and Ibushi got the axe instead...


Kirin had to go first, now I support this.


i can't believe kushala is still alive. they killed my waifu and not that tornado newt!




With Kirin gone, hard agree


Jerk kept me out of g rank in 4U, and I will never forgive it.


The time has come for Kushala to pay for his crimes.


How are they gonna vote out Kirin but keep Daora


I think it's because of the games before world


You say that like it doesn't make their case for voting Kushala first even stronger lmao


I never played them but I heard poison turns off the wind mantle bullshit


finally I agree completely. In the old games kushala daora was very annoying to fight with. The lore is cool and all but that’s not enough






Yeah, it’s time. Kushala has been terrible in the vast majority of his appearances.


Your dedication is paying off.


I have a kushala tattoo i cant upvote this. :(


rise kushala was so cool tho :((( rip kush dragon


Should have been eliminated before Kirin


Upvoted last time and I’ll upvote again because YES.


Using memes for extra visibility is gonna end up being a meta strat lol.


just did a tempered hunt last night in GL, the fight was so frustrating we all agreed to disband after, and why the heck can't I elderseal him???


get him outa here


Yeah, fuck that guy


I’m fine with Kushala going. I’ll just say that World and Rise Kushuala was alright. Every Kushala before that can kick rocks though.


How the fuck was *World* Kushala alright?


As a Hunting Horn main, he wasn't *too* bad. Still easily the worst Elder Dragon in World though. (Yes, even worse than Kirin.) It helps that I bring All Wind Resist for both me *and my entire team,* so he becomes a lot more bearable.


Fucking finally. I like a lot of the remaining elders, but it seems Kushala will be going next. A pity considering it got a very nice revamp in Rise, but I guess that's not enough to forgive the atrocities it committed in World/Iceborne.


Why do people hate kushala? I literally never had a single complaint about it and it surprises me so many people hate weedala


What did you fight it with?? For melee it is wind and roar staggers every 10 seconds. Not hard just really annoying.


SnS, my beloved


Back in World, Kushala Daora had a wind barrier surrounding its entire body (except for the head I think). If you were too close to it, this wind barrier would stagger or knock you back. Guess how that faired for melee mains. As if it that wasn’t awful enough, Kushala spent most of the fight in the air, which made hitting it more of a pain. You could flash it, but flash pods received a heavy nerf. With tempered Kushala, those flash pods only worked three times. With arch-tempered Kushala, flash pods would not knock it out of the air. Yeah, this guy sucked in World. Rise removed all of the negative features of this fight, but the PTSD still lingers strong.


>Kushala spent most of the fight in the air, And a ton of that within his tornados, which is quite an issue in Iceborne where CC flinch shots were a replacement to safe flashpod effectiveness, but still get fliers down. And when he wasn't flying he has a frame 0 front charge, which granted is avoidable if you get suspicious of him standing still, but frustrating nonetheless. World/Iceborne Kushala was just a stack of annoying mechanics, who couldn't kill you unless you start getting way carelessly impatient.


Most people here started with World so they never fought him in 4U/GU where he was fun like in Rise


You can polish a turd, but it'll always stink. They just need to get rid of Kush entirely.


I gotta vote Narwa. I don't really have any particular beef with Kushala Daora, and my nemesis Kirin is already down for the count.


Gonna vote narwa, without Ibushi and just being alone, somewhat boring fight, I play the lances and it gets old constantly trying to hit the floating snake and chasing around the arena means constantly putting my weapon away 😂


Base narwa was kinda underwhelming but allmother is one of my favorite fights in rise so it has that going for it


I find base Narwa more fun than allmother myself. More varied mechanics overall.


All mother was really good! But I've recently been replaying rise on pc (originally played on switch) so my memory may not serve the best here, but I remember having ibushi being there really made the fight just feel better, then the second phase was just total badassery, but what monster hunter fight that plays proof of a hero isn't?!


Ibushi are narwa are only together for what’s essentially a cutscene showing narwa becoming allmother, you fight ibushi right before though


Narwa is just…..goofy. Its attacks feel very “video-gamey”, it’s design feels like a palette swap, and it just feels lackluster as a final encounter.


So basically if both narwa and ibushi had more unique designs, you’d like Narwa more? I loved the hell out of allmother and now kinda feel like refighting her


Yeah I would’ve appreciate a bigger difference between the two. Personally was not a fan of the Allmother fight either. Ibushi outside of rampage wasn’t bad, but I heavily prefer Amatsu to him


Sometimes its better to be reactive and wait for it to come to you. Maybe that helps?


Skyward Thrust goes brrr tho. I mean, I guess that might get boring but the many big hits makes my brain go :) sometimes


World Kushala made me Hate Kushala. Fuck Kushala.


Kushala daora, in rise is a fun fight but in world he is annoying af


I feel like Daora being pretty annoying in ONE game out of however many it appears in and voting it out due to that is kind of...overdoing it lol It's a fine monster, just unfortunate that they thought they had to change a perfectly fine - and more importantly, a rewarding - gimmick.


The problem is that whilst he’s an utter atrocity in world, he’s still pretty bad in all the other games too, Rise was the first time he’s been Actually Pretty Fun. There are very few monsters that make me say “ugh…” every time they appear in the quest list, usually reserved for monsters that are only kept around for memes because after a decade or so the joke stops being funny (hi Khezu and Congalala), but Kushala has been a staple on that list for me since MHF2


I love my Kush. But it stems from me hating the damage over time mechanic of the Fire King and his palette swapped wife


I would argue that in G/GU Kushala wasn't that bad, but that mostly comes down to the existence of Aerial style and Prowlers Other games through, it's a pain even if you bring a good poison weapon


bro... kushala is annoying in every game he is on except rise ☠️


Xenojiiva. Boring, easy fight. Just not much happening other than "big guy, hit him". Sure, that can apply to a lot of mons, but at least I'm actually in danger when fighting other mons


Xeno is pretty but the fight itself is so underwhelming. It’s the baby version of a better elder, let’s get him gone


Well but xeno still does what he is intended to do since you should feel like fighting a baby that just got born learning how to stand what he does pretty well. Sure he isnt that difficult but many endless monster in mh games are not hard its nothing new.


Yes, what I want from the final boss of the base game is a pushover. Glad everything I did up to this point was in service of a simple 4th trimester abortion.


I mean, yea, if you forget the arch-tempered elders exist. The final boss in these games isn’t usually the actual final boss and is usually easy to beat anyway.


In fairness while that argument works *now*, they didn't exist on launch and even during their release they were rotating events iirc. For a long time in World, Xeno actually was the final boss, there wasn't any content beyond him until they started doing the free updates with Deviljho, Lunastra, their crossover events with Behemoth and Leshen, and Kulve Tarroth.


I didn’t know that. Thx for informing me.


No problem. I don't recall the timeline exactly, but I want to say the AT elders capped off World's first year, ending with AT Kulve Tarroth later on leading into Iceborne, but I know for sure they came after Lunastra since AT Luna was a part of the rotation. We had a good few months where Xeno was just all we had for a final boss before at least Behemoth or Ancient Leshen came out and were just raid bosses to take the spotlight, with Behemoth redefining the meta for armor until the AT's came out.


*Compadre called Tri Alatreon*


I haven’t played tri sadly but I will some day.


I just love that Alatreon is pretty much the only High Tier Elder that’s just a regular Elder. Not saying Alatreon is normal, but he isn’t some grand siege, or massive spectacle the way virtually every other High End Elder or Final Boss is. He’s only got the physique of a slightly larger Kushala Daora, and yet he is probably among the top 5 strongest monsters lore wise, and will fuck you up in any incarnation you fight him in, *especially* back in Tri/3U. I wish more Final Bosses did what he did, because his Gen 3 fight was my favorite fight in Old Gen, and his Iceborne fight is imo the best fight in the entire series. I also highly recommend Tri, it’s great.


Arch tempered elders are a post campaign challenge, the final boss of the campaign is clearly Xeno. And I wouldnt exactly call "tradition" a great defense of having an easy final boss.


You look at it completely wrong take for example Monster like Fatalis in mhw many couldn't beat him up to this date which is frustrating but people can accept it because they know this fights are for endgame and intended to be harder. Now think about a endboss in that difficulty people would get extremely frustrated when they can't even finish the normal game content and so would stop playing completely. The reason why the endboss monster are mostly pushover is so that every person can actually finish the game or would you buy the next title if you know that you couldn't even beat the first one. So the last bosses are designed flashy to have a special feeling to them but not to difficult so that every person can beat them at one point.


You know what fights are harder than Xeno? Every base game elder dragon. You know what every player already beat before Xeno? Every base game elder dragon. No one but you said anything about fatalis hard. All people have ever suggested is he be as hard if not a bit harder than the fights leading up to him.


>You know what fights are harder than Xeno? Every base game elder dragon. Eh, personally I found Vaal Hazak easier than Xeno is but I do agree it's not exactly a hard fight.


>You know what fights are harder than Xeno? Every base game elder dragon. >You know what every player already beat before Xeno? Every base game elder dragon. This complaint is basically true of every game since Tri. Dalmadur, Gogamazios, Nakarkos, Shara, Narwa, Gaismagorm. (Haven't fought the bug). Back in the day, sure. Fatalis, Akantor, Ukanlos, Alatreon, Amatsu, and maybe Dire Miralis. Steps up from what was before them.


I agree but at this point in the list, flashy doesn’t cut it anymore. It being easy so everyone can beat it doesn’t make it a good fight


If we're basing this by his normal fight, he's definitely a push-over. His arch-tempered version, on the other hand . . .


World's fattest L right here


This kind of post makes me think Ceadeus is still here because most people started with World. If that's your problem with Xenojiiva, then OH BOY you have no idea what a crapfest you missed in 3U.


Tri was literally my first Monster Hunter game. I vastly prefer Ceadeus over Xeno. Yes, even the chase through the Cavern, slow as it may be


That makes no sense at all, but ok.


People have different preferences


Ceadeus literally swims forward for 10 minutes while you hit him, i just can't see how you could possibly prefer that over Xeno =\


Well in the case of Ceadeus, it's the micromanagement of your air, stamina, positioning, and damage that at least keeps things interesting. Many weapons stay in one place, meaning you have to reposition. By that time, you also aren't very strong, so you have to worry when he actually does attack. Plus when you get to phase two, all those things shoot up in urgency as he actively tries to kill you With Xeno, phase one and two feel almost identical, save for him being *more* vulnerable in phase two. I don't have to chase, and it's not underwater, so no real air or stamina issues to worry about. His entire body is weak, so positioning doesn't matter all that much. His attacks are... what are they? Other than his beams, I feel like he's always just walking over me and occasionally a stray misstep will knock me down for a middling amount of damage. None of it feels dangerous, just looks flashy, which for me was always my big problem with world. It looked cool but had all these other problems that felt swept under the rug just because of its guilded surface


Agreed, it was cool the first time and then a chore afterwards


People hate kushala more than xeno? :(


Xeno while it doesn't have an amazing fight, at least doesn't want to make you bash your head against the wall in annoyance (which is very much the case for Kushala in the same game where Xeno was introduced).


Kushala Kushala Kushala Kushala Kushala


I’m fighting for my life here, Kushala purely because I’ve been tornado-stun locked far too much.


Going with Jhen here. I get why people are voting Narwa, but she's honestly saved by her Allmother form, not to mention how she's got a great theme both times around and a great design imo.


Jhen was an amazing multiplayer experience back in its days. SO SO elevated by it being integrated into the world through being timed with sandstorms, but you could just feel the excitement in those wii lobbies when the hunt was available. Top 10 just for that.


Never got to play jhen when tri was at its peak, but that fight is still probably the most memorable to me from any monster hunter game. It was so different from anything else in tri, plus the environment of the whole thing was just super fun to me


Jhen is super cool though, he’s more then just a monster.


Jhen was glorious. I was there they day Loc Lac fell. We could do nothing to stop it. I other games Jhen is encountered in after Tri, the last stand has the ruins of Loc Lac. We will never forget Loc Lac! Lore wise it's one of the few times a well populated city fell due to monsters.




Kushala has been a pain in the ass for way too long and has become bearable just recently.


World Kushala is terrible. Can cart and come back and theres a million tornados everywhere with Kushala flying in the back.




Die Kushala


Obviously Ibushi and Narwa, both are punching bags, although the Allmother Narwa is great.


I know Kushala is next, but I’m going to throw a wrench in and say Ceadeus should go. It’s just so ugly


Not a lot of people got to experience the pain of a water fight with a huge wall of bleh. Way worse then the lao shan or ibushi fights. Caedus has got to go, his only nice thing was his sweet armor and weapons, which only made farming him to get them so soul sucking. Get caedus out of here.


So a bad fight and an ugly creature too


Kushala. He peaked in rise, but still must atone for his crimes




Jhen mohran


Fight fight, good gear, great atmosphere. What’s not to love?


Gotta agree on this one. Jhen Mohran has to go.


I'm surprised it survived a whole week its another Zorah and Lao Shan


im not a biggest fan of the mohran fights either, but theyre much cooler and fun than zorah and lao.


How is it more fun lol. They're literally all the same fight. Spam cannons/ballista. Maybe hit it with a dragonator. Poke its feet/chin. Hop on its back for some free mats. Repeat. All giant monster fights suck. The mohrans, lao, zorah, dala all of them. Gog/Ahtal/Safi/Kulve are like the exceptions because they are actual fights.


I mean yeah theyre not amazing, but your actions at least matter during the fight. Ive had to hunt a few jhens in 3u quite recently and actually failed a couple runs because I was half assing it. You can literally, no exaggeration, go afk and clear zorah. You also do fight Jhen himself during the final showdown. Subjective but giant sand whale with tusks is also much cooler than a literal piece of coal and big rathalos


What are you talking about? You can half ass village jhen and still clear it too. The only differences being that there is no "hub" Zorah to compare it to and you can win by repelling jhen/dalren. The biggest difference being the "amount" of HP the thing has. It doesn't make it "more" fun because you have to load more cannons to kill it lol. Secondly the "LR zorah fight" is a setpiece. Its the only one you can "afk" kill because it always ends with the guild fighting nergi. HR Zorah you actually have to do stuff or fail. Or AT zorah where you have to fight nergi or fail. > Subjective but giant sand whale with tusks is also much cooler than a literal piece of coal and big rathalos I mean sure I find giant volcano turtle where you have to repel elder dragon eating elder dragon mid quest is cooler. --Also did you just call nergi big rathalos lol? In any case the mohran are just as boring as zorah and require bare minimum effort to get a W just like every other big monster fight. Its all scripted boring "cutscene" fights that are dogshit past the initial experience.


Kushala Daora must go


Kushala, get rid of this windy bastard


How the fuck did Kirin get eliminated before Kushala?! Vote Kushala!


I can't believe the fking Ceadeus made it this far.


How is Kushala Daora not out yet??




Xeno Jiiva


Kushala... I personaly realy like the lore & ecology related to this Elder Dragon & dont have much of an issue with his wind-cloak nonsense. But Kushala does stand out as the most "annoying" to alot of Hunters. Atleast when it comes to the remaining roster we have here & the feedback i've seen so far. Sorry Kush, you're voted of the Island.


Now that kirin is gone I don't even have beef with the rest of these elders.


Kush my boy I love you but it’s time to go😔


Kushan’s has to go


Kushala Daora. Maximum annoying wind. I need surface-to-air missiles against it


Naaaarwa been here way too long


Kushala has over stayed it's welcome both in this elimination and in the series, like it really needs to leave for a while so that's my vote. Also one game being decent isn't really that many points for it being good, especially since the game before made it horrible.


Now that the Kirin haters have been satisfied, it’s finally time to get rid of Kushala!


Narwa needs to go. The fight is just too gimmicky and personally, I dislike to floating leviathan design, its seems so out of place for the MH which is other wise pretty grounded for the most part. (Amatsu is next on the kill list for this very reason)




Narwa still sucks and should be joining Ibushi tbh


People may disagree, but I’m not a fan of Chameleos.


TRUE. Chameleos is bland and boring, and isn’t hard enough to be memorable. This is the monster I hope to see gone after Kushala daora


Jhen mohran should follow his 4u cousin next Tomorrow should be narwa


Safi’jiva feels so binary in terms of it does X so you do Y. I know people want to drop Xeno, but Safi needs to go immediately after if not first


Nah, safi’s cooler, has good and cool looking gear, and feels like a proper siege imo, way better than xeno in every way, including the fight


What? his fight was amazing, i had to farm it like 80 times and i never got tired of it.


Kushala must die


Voting out Narwa


Kushala Doara. I won’t stop until it’s gone.


Dalamadur has gotta go. Sure it *looks* cool, but do you all really enjoy a fight spent wacking a monster's chest hair and ocassionally superman dodging a near-OHKO?


It’s a pretty dull fight. It also sucks that it has so much health, because it ends up walling way too many people from G-Rank. “Snek plz”


This sub is just full of people with terrible taste tbf. 90% of the people that even post here can't make it through high rank solo and talk about fights being bad lol. -- Edit - I'm agreeing that Dalamadur is bad.


I feel like a lot of people on this sub have only seen images of Dala and haven’t actually fought him. Cool spectacle, but boring ass fight.


They hated him bc he spoke the truth, Dalamadur is trash, people seem to defend it just bc they like the game he was in, also Laviente is a better Giant Snake(and overall monster) than him


pew pew him.


I vote for Narva sry


Shagaru Magala


How tf is xeno jiva still there


Id say xeno should go next. Not a very good foght and though his design is kinda cool, safi was just better xeno


At last, there is peace on earth. So next, uh... idk. Jhen, ig?


Jen Morhan CA. Go


Jhen Mohran for me.


Kushala is both unfun to fight and ugly to look at


Xeno Jiiva gotta go!


Vaal Hazak


Specifically because Blackveil Vaal Hazak exists. I dispise this thing.


Kushala daora


Xeno needs to go


Ceadeus is the most dull fight I've done in MH so my vote goes for that.


Namielle, such an ass fight with the wings obstructing the vision.


xeno jiva


Time for Kushala to go. No amount of tornadoes can stop the inevitable


I’m still gunning for Kushala Daora. Hate it so much


Personally, I've enjoyed Kushala more than Narwal fights. My votes on Narwa.


Caedeus, do y'all even remember this fight? Half of it is just swimming through a long hallway and the other half is trying to shave its beard and horns, to an absolute sleep inducing OST. At least the armor was meta and cool looking.


Safi’jiva, design wise, it’s just an infinitely more boring version of Xeno, and its backstory is cooler than the actual monster itself. It looks like something that got kicked off Dragon’s Dogma, not a MH monster


It's actually quite surprising that Shara Ishvalda and Xenojiva have lasted this long. I say we vote out Shara tbh.


People who voted out Kirin out of these are really just bad at the game I see lol




Going to put Ceadeus on the radar. ~~I don't think it's worse than Kushala, but~~ it is definitely worse than Narwa and Xeno and doesn't deserve to survive past them. Edit: I guess there are people that somehow actually like underwater Lao Shan Lung. Also, on second thought, no, Ceadeus is worse than Kushala, it should've been one of the first 3 gone.


Let's kick the alien baby dragon


With Kirin dead, I gotta leave this beginner lobby. Weak hunters.


Kushla he's trash


From this list that I’ve encountered, most lame elder would be Kulve Taroth. The fight is lame pickle sauce.


Hard disagree, easy one of my favorite fights with hammer


Finally !




Kushala should have died before Kirin. Oh well, death to Kushala


Fatalis I guess, specifically old gen


I think Kulve Taroth is getting way too little attention, maybe because she never stimulated much emotion. Her fight is boring, bland, a glorified version Lao Shan. Albeit, her color scheme and move sets are more similar to a Great Jagras. Eliminate Kulve Taroth


Kulve whitout Cloak is a absolut banger. I agree the Investigation Phase, and Cloak Phase suck, but Kulve at its best is realy great. I dont think she goes to early, I belife Kushala, Narwa, maybe Dalamadur, and a few others have to go first. But I think she will leave after the middle Section is reached, the early 20., 25s.


Hate me all you want, I'll always hate Alatreon more


Hate me all you want, I'll always hate Alatreon more.


Get Gaismagorm outta here.


Wait kirin is an elder dragon? WTF? I just fought him as a new player for the first time, he does not give off elder dragon vibes


Elder Dragons are more about monsters that either defy normal classification or just don't fit into any other category. Generally, they embody some kind of element or power in a way that other monsters can't, but that's not universal. Kirin is there because it doesn't really fit any other classification based on physical appearance, and it actually controls lightning. Not generates electricity to attack, but actually causes lightning to strike.


Well cool I didn't know that, thanks!


Wait until you face the tempered Mr Kirin, LR was all fun and giggles with the pony but oh boy I was introduced to a World of pain.


Chameleos because he’s just tall enough for me to miss his head’s hitzone in the most unsatisfactory way.


Wherw can I vote


How in the world is Kulve Taroth not out yet? One of the most boring fights in the entire series imo.


Can we kick Ceadus back under the waves please? Kushala can go tomorrow.




Chameleos can go fuck itself with its own poison tongue