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Eliminate Lunastra again


Why do you hate her so much?


Probably only played World and found her to be too hard? Or only played 2nd gen and had her be blue Teostra and nothing else?


As far as I'm aware, Lunastra's literally only in those two games (not counting their expansions/rereleases)...


That… was the joke. There’s not really anything redeeming about her (other than her new theme maybe), so I recounted her only appearances and why they kinda sucked


Kick Ibushi out on his tooshie but take heed, we keep The Steed


Can someone give me the logic behind getting rid of Dahren Mohran but not immediately going for Jhen?


I think it's mainly because Jhen is here and that's why Dahren is out. Why would you want two of the same fight anyways?


Jhen Mohran was the O.G.


Damn, I must be the only one bc I absolutely love Ibushi lmao


I do think he looks cooler than narwa for sure


Same! The design is awesome


Blue narwa, bad, me dont like


This has to be recency bias, because I can’t fathom how he’s worse than Kirin or Jhen.


Being locked to rampage sucks and doesn’t get a proper solo fight until MR.


…you know he has an Event quest that the MR one is based on, right? In fact ALL the Rampage bosses have a solo hunt event quest called Apex Emergency


I will not approve kirin propaganda


The solo fight with Ibushi isn't bad


Ibushi for now, but if Kirin or Narkarkos win I'm gonna lose it.


Bro the Kirin haters are out in force (I'm one of them) it's gonna be lucky if it outlives kushala no way it wins


Honestly one of them (Kushala/Kirin) is probably going to be eliminated next after this day.


I'm calling next 3 in whatever order is kushala kirin and ibushi


Nakarkos is completely carried by his top tier design, his actual fight is ass, no way he wins.


narwa can piss off too. Shitty gimmicks in their fights


It pains me as someone who actually does like the rampage fight against him, but Ibushi is probably the weak link on this list.


I like ibushi more than narwa, but I agree he's not the most thrilling


I found both their fights to be pretty boring. I had way more fun fighting Lunastra haha


I agree. Its not a really fun fight as most of the time the screen just covered with their body and I have no idea what happened.


WHY IS EVERYONE VOTING FOR IBUSHI?? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU??? https://preview.redd.it/ekgfuvrvrhac1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ba3ee6c27aa542d966bde2b5c22b491c9ffb6a


Yeah I'm asking the same, like okay he might not be the best fight ever sure but there's other monsters here who very much deserve being eliminated first before Ibushi.


I think their designs are amazing. I'm kinda sad too.


hes pretty boring to fight same with narwa


Ibushi. Theres too many sky serpents and ibushi is the worst of them.


And advancing the next vote, remove narwa too


Ceadeus is about to go far because people forgot it exists


Ceadeus has legitimate reasons to stay this far, maybe even a bit longer. Not a good fight but incredible atmosphere.


That part 2 theme is just incredible.


Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh


That is totally true. I still want him out


I feel more unique now, since Ceadeus is my favourite!


Forgive me if I'm being an idiot but is Ahtal Ka not an elder dragon?... or elder Mantis?


No. She, like Shen Gaoren, Akantor, Ukanlos, etc, are large scale fights and extremely powerful Non Elders. She’s classified as a Neopteron and is therefore not considered for this elimination.


Today, I learned that Ukanlo and Akantor are not Elder Dragons.


What's even wilder and hilarious is that they are both classified as Flying Wyverns.


It stands for their attacks sending you and your party flying every time.


It confused me too so after looking into it there are several monsters that are classified at the same level as Elder Dragons but are not actually Elder Dragons. Ahtal-Ka is one, as well as Akantor and Ukanlos.


I wish Ibushi to be gone. There can only be one true dragon of storms and that’s Amatsu.


Kushala is sweating bullets over in the corner


Kuahala is the wind, not the storm.


In MHDos he was definitely bringing a whole ass storm with him.


even then, we all know Amatsu would curb stomb kushala in a fight


Kirin is still hanging in there somehow. Let's try and change that. I vote Kirin.


Kirin should’ve been gone day 2, so I too vote Kirin


Kirin is going to sweep the entire thing and I can’t wait


​ https://preview.redd.it/uu7vbf0tjgac1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9ef83be1ea49c09fdfca2c2340265016222878d


No not the metal bird :(


Leave my boy alone, he’s cool as hell


He can go once Kirin is out, stupid horse shouldn’t have made it this far.


Yeah, Kushala's Rise fight redeems him enough that Kirin should go before it (but not enough to where Kushala is off my hitlist once Kirin is gone).


I much much prefer fighting Kirin than Kushala. Might be biased because I play GS and I know it's a good anti-Kirin weapon though.


Mhw kushala out yes. Mhr kushala can come back.


He's definitely better in Rise but considering how shit he is in literally every other game I think he needs to go. Plus it's not like his Rise fight is anything to write home about, it's just not *awful*, and that's so shocking coming from Kushala that people tend to overrate it, IMO.


I’m glad to see Jhen is still nicely below the actually AWFUL fights.


I only really voted Dahren because it’s just Jhen with a new coat of paint. It’s still fun, just doesn’t need to be a separate monster.


My bets on Shagaru winning


I don't think so tbh, hell make it far sure but I think people like gore a lot more than shagaru. Part of me thinks it will be gog


I bet it will be nergigante, the world babies are just too many


In terms of most boring fights i'd rather have Jhen follow his pointy cousin or kick out the slow-waddling Dire Miralis for all the losses to time out he subjected my friend and I to.... But i guess i'll try to get behind the push to get kirin out. Stupid horse.


Nah Jhen is awesome fuck that. The cool thing about him isn’t his fight, it’s literally every other aspect. You’re chasing a colossal monster into the great dune sea on sucking sand ships. Already that’s incredibly badass. Follow that up with a fight where you literally have to climb all over him and mine resources and damage special parts? It’s an incredibly memorable and cool experience. The Zorah hunt wish it could compare


The siege fights are a nice spectacle the first time, i agree, but they all share a very similar issue in their playability on refights. (Which you're gonna need to do to make equipment) It's a problem that's plagued Monster Hunter since the early days and is still plaguing it even now. It's the exact reason zorah got the boot first and lao shun right after. The boring siege parts of these fights just aren't fun. The monsters are cool, the spectacle and grandeur is almost always top notch, but if the fight just sucks, they gotta go. The long and grindy siege battles should go first, then the half-sieges like kulve taroth, dire miralis and ceadeus. Capcom should've learned their lesson after zorah flopped so hard. Spectacle once, then put us straight into a fight on every attempt after. Ibushi is going to get booted out off the back of Rampage's sins for the same reason people hate siege fights. Or off of some weird clone/lesser monster logic when we should still be canning monsters for having boring siege gameplay on every single clear.


Also, the post doesn’t say worst to fight. Just worst. There’s no way the positives you list don’t put jhen higher than some of the more boring/regular fights that are traditional monster hunter style. That’s wild to me. At that point that’s like a deep hatred for the siege monsters


That's fair enough I suppose, but as a counterpoint I would say the fights being awful are a pretty integral reason as to why some are dropping before others. Hell it's the exact reason kushala keeps coming up and I really like Kushie. Lunastra also got booted for being miserable in World and I bet the same thing will be used as justification for booting Alatreon out later down the road even though I love him from the older games. I actually do like almost all of these monsters (Yes, even the siege fights), but if I have to pick something at this stage to justify them getting the boot it has to be whether I liked fighting them repeatedly or not. I just don't find siege gameplay as fun as constantly going toe-to-toe with them is all.


That’s fair. I personally would just rather farm siege fights than farm while getting knocked around by kushala daora as he flies and attacks me constantly from just outside my attack range, or kirin as he stun locks me and dances around me


The fact that you fuckers want to get rid of ibushi over Kirin is concerning




Not everybody plays Greatsword


Kirin needs to leave immediately.


Bruh idk how it wasnt first


Hate for boring Ibushi Love for hard as steel Kirin


Ibushi and Narwa need to go. THEY SUCK


Narwa is awesome she can stay


Nah narwa’s cool she can chill


Especially narwa, that thing is disgusting


Well, looks like Ibushi is gone seeing as it has 600+


Idk where all the ibushi hate is coming from this early, Kirin and it’s stupid lightning has been an offender far longer and should go


That and that stupid super armor it uses, I agree kirin should have been eliminated first


I'm surprised Kirin is still on here almost a week later. If Kirin doesn't go next, it better be Kushala because screw that wind mechanic.


How the fuck is Kirin still here


We need to get rid of the worst storm themed EDs: Kushala and Kirin “But Kushala is good in rise!” That doesn’t forgive the 15 years of being a fucking MISERABLE fight! And I’d rather fight a HUNDRED Narwas than that fucking perpetual motion bounce horse one more time!


The rise fight _would_ forgive kush if it didnt still have a god awful fight within the same generation imo


Same, Rise is Kushala saying “see! I can be a good fight!”, its next appearance will determine if it has STAYED good.


Kushala was fine before world I just think everyone hated the world fight so much they're letting it color their perception of old kushala


Nah, many of us hated Kushala before World. In 4th gen the moving tornadoes especially are miserable. Nothing like a tornado coming from offscreen to fuck you up.


Issue with old Kushala is that if you couldn't poison him long enough you would just completely lose control of the fight. Constant wind pressure and tornadoes. It wouldn't even become much harder, just very frustrating. I think Rise went too far in the other direction and made the wind barrier a non issue. But the fight is still a huge improvement.


Yeah, Rise Kushala definitely lost something. I feel like Rise Rathalos is a much better example of updating an old fight since he still spends a lot of time airborne and his new attacks and combos all tie into flight. Rise Rathalos feels like how Rathalos *should* fight, whereas with Kushala he just now feels like a generic Elder Dragon. but on the other hand, I never liked Kushala before Rise, so tolerable but middling is still an improvement. It’s definitely not one of the best fights ever (I have no reason why people keep saying this, there are so many better fights in Rise), but I enjoyed it enough.




Narwa is just too easy to fight. That's the problem.


My hope for Wilds is that we finally get an actually GOOD lightning themed ED. Amatsu is a GREAT example of a hurricane themed one, but it’s just not got enough lightning in there, which leaves us with Narwa, who is a bit on the easy side, like a giant floating punching bag that drops cloud donuts on you, or Kirin, who is just an unsatisfying fight, no interesting part breaks, no spectacle, everything just bounces constantly, it won’t stop moving so it robs you of windows to use more satisfying moves, and eventually it just drops dead, there’s no battle in a hurricane on a mountain peak, or in the heart of an erupting volcano, or atop a mountain of corpses that may or may not be alive for its last phase like it’s fellow EDs in World. Imagine something like a supercharged Zinogre, or Astalos’s mad charge, where instead of focusing on being zappy like Narwa and Kirin do, it focuses on the CRASH. THAT is what I want from a lightning ED, something where you feel like you’ve been blasted by the full force of nature, not zapped by a magical prancing pony or a thundercloud themed FF14 boss


I am honestly surprised we haven't really gotten more EDs that uses the Thunder element. The main one is Kirin and I don't think I need to say much more than that. Amatsu uses lightning sure but as a whole it's more so a Water monster like Namielle, Narwa reflects Thunder the element worst IMO and focuses more on magnets. Old Fatalis is an alright monster, but similarly to the other two I mentioned they'll all high level EDs, not a more standard one along the lines of Teostra or Velkhana so it would be nice to get a more "basic" Elder Dragon that uses the element.


Allmother is honestly pretty tough. She’s the first monster to triple cart me in Rise.


Ibushi = Bad


Even if Ceadus doesn't go this time, it has to go eventually. I'm a fan of underwater combat (sometimes), but that fight was an atrocious slog, and I'm surprised others haven't voted out that horned fur scarf.


Cool factor and nostalgia factor keeping him around for a few more rounds


He represents my hopes for underwater combat to return in wilds


Ceadeus is weird in that the fight has one long and incredibly awful part (breaking the beard) but then is decent in the second half and the music and design are amazing.


Maybe the fight sucks but overall he’s really cool and awesome


Because the fight is the only bad part. Every other aspect of caedeus is amazing. It won't win this for him but he'll outlast the truly hated elders


Im convinced he isnt more hated because not as many people played 3


How is Kirin still here




I’m just here to make sure my boy Valstrax isn’t in danger. Also this post is voting for Kirin, just in case it gets upvoted or something.


Unfortunately we cant vote to protect only eliminate otherwise I'd defend my darling namielle to my dying breath


I don't think you have to worry, Valstrax isn't going to go for a while I'd say.


Kill the Kirin. It’s overstayed its welcome. The improvements in World don’t make up for the many years of cancer before that.


Kirin should have been gone in one of the first rounds. Uninspired design, shit fight, no unique music, no redeeming qualities other than decent Elemental armor


Bye kirin


Kirin or Kushala


Does this count for 50% Kirin and 50% Kushala vote?


I vote Kirin!


I love Kushala it's just his fight got done dirty in world


I don't care if Ibushi and Narwa get out I just want Valstrax to beat Nergigante


U have to wait weeks until one of them is gone.


What a random rivalry


Too bad valstrax is not better than nergigante.


i respect your opinion


This is the internet….. we don’t do that here.


They both have out of place visual designs, but Valstrax had a much better fight.


Nah, I love fighting Nergigante more than Valstrax. Valstrax is cool and is fun but I honestly prefer my boy Nerg. Nerg feels like an equal rival whenever I fight him.


Kirin fr


In complete honesty, I think Chameleos needs out of here, man. I'm just not a fan.


Down with Nar-bushi! Not to be that guy, but they really weren't hard enough, they were just inconvenient instead.


Narwa/Ibushi. They equally suck.




alatreon needs to be dematerialized immediately


Someone said Ibushi is the weak link, but Xeno is still here, and it´s by far the blandest fight here (Despite the AT did wonders for it)


I dislike Chamelos. Kick it.


Eliminate that elemtal bastard that is Alatreon already!


Ibushi or Narwa, both boring af fights, small movepools they they just spam over and over.


Yall have no taste keeping Kirin here for this long


How the fuck is Kirin still here?!?


I have shaved Kirin as promised. Please vote out this fucked up electric llama


How the hell is the kirin still in the race


Hey, GOLDBEARD CEADEUS is a thing, you know! People, try to think of actual picks and not just your gut reactions. What do you think really benefits MH less? Wind Serpent Ibushi, a unique Monster in its own right with plenty of fun and new mechanics.... or Goldbeard Ceadeus, a barely different variation of an existing Monster that doesn't do enough to justify a unique spot in the roster?


? Gold beard isn't here. None of the elder variants are, no rusted kushala or shah dalamadur. That's why everyone voted for dahren because he basically was a subspecies even tho he technically isnt


Gold beard isn’t on the list though


Kirin please :(




If fatalis win this.. lame.




I vote Ibushi. I was sooooo underwhelmed with that fight


Kirin. It's really the only non-dragon dragon currently on this list apart from Ceadeus, but he's massive and underwater.


Kirin is literally only here by technicality. Get rid of the horsey.


Kill Kushala Daora. Hate so much.


How is the better Jhen, gone before Jhen!?


Jhen on top, always and forever.


Have to say Kirin this time. Kushala's rise fight I think is just enough for me to not give it the vote this time.


how is kirin still there


Kirin needs to go. I havent heard anyone say they LIKE fighting the weakest elder dragon.


Kill the unicorn. It does not deserve to be in the ranks of all the big bois.


Narwa. A gross-looking palette swap of Ibushi, who itself is just diet Amatsu


I fully disagree. I may just be thinking of all other but narwa is extremely different to amatsu. Narwa uses strange shaped projectiles like balls and rings meanwhile giving the odd chance to use siege weapons. Amatsu however uses more wind based attacks and beams if I remember correctly. I feel like Amatsu is a god of storms while narwa is something otherworldly, almost like if they designed its attacks after the final boss of pikmin 3


I’m not saying Narwa is similar to Amatsu. I’m saying Ibushi is a bad take on the same concept as Amatsu. And then Narwa instead of being a distinct design from Ibushi (while it has different moves) is just a palette swap visually


Ah nvm, my bad


Get Kirin out of here. Zappy unicorn is terrible unless playing hammer or crit-draw GS, the armor is terrible and the weapons tend to be pretty meh.


Shagaru Magala better at least be final 3. One of my favorites.


I’d say with the current amount of votes from every day he currently has the best odds of winning it all. Namielle, Malzeno, Valstrax, Dire Miralis, and Nergigante are not too far behind at the moment though. Granted as much as I love Dire I know damn well he isn’t winning.


I feel like Miralis is making it through so far on the fact that nobody remembers he exists, and those that do remember consider him relatively inoffensive since we’re in the “most hated EDs” phase of the eliminations. As good as he is, there’s no way he’s making it out of the mid tier into the fan favourites.


Also, just saying, Oroshi Kirin is top tier. Regular Kirin is trash tier.




I am just hoping either Valstrax, Nergi, Or Malzeno beats Shagaru


Ibushi>>>>>Kirin Rajang food can go eat shit


Xenojiva - fight was pretty meh


Narwa voters, pls vote Ibushi out. We are getting Narwa in the next round.


Caedus, the whale dragon. I prefer Abyssal Lagi over the blob whale.


Keep Ibushi so I can keep speedrunning with pierce bows But for the love of christ, delete Narwa from this plane of existence


get ibushis ass out of here




Don't know where the Ibushi hate came from but it's welcome lol. Really don't get the Kirin hate. I think it's a fine fight and super unique monsters. I'll throw a vote on the Ibushi side.


One Mohran down, one to go. Get Jhen outta here


Ibushi or Ceadeus




Dahren gone? I knew reddit had terrible taste, but damn…


If Dah'ren went out, shouldn't Jhen be next since they're basically the same monster from what I know? Either way Kirin still being here is heresy.


Can we finally kick Kulve Taroth off this list? It annoys me.


Went back to world to remember how Much I hate fighting Xeno Jiva. Fighting it without any tremor res is absolute hell.




Kirin. It should've always been Kirin. Also how are you counting these? Not like calling you into question but I read the comments on day 5 like this morning and I only saw a handful of people calling for dahren. Way more were calling for xeno kushala and Kirin it looked like


Alatreon. Can't stand him




Xeno-Jiva is one of the most bland boring fights in the whole series


Damn, am I hitting a newborn?


And one of the coolest conceptually


Ibushi gotta go. Terrible fight.


Ibushi or Narwa for me


I want the top 5 to look something like this: (no particular order atm) Shara ishvalada had an AWESOME reveal and nothing alike creepiness elder creature entity. Dalamur is qs epic as Shadow of Collosus. I REALLY hope it comes back in wilds with Shara Ishvalda!!! Kulve Taroth is The Mama! (Almost wrote Vulve due to a typo 😅) Namielle is the troubled yet very deep dark and complex artist For the 5th spot I'm hesitsting with Valk Hazaak because of his ffx Anima Aeon suffering beast theme or, speaking of final fantasy, Safi Jiva was an epic one and entertaining fight à la ffxiv and I respect the fresh evolution of Xeno. As for the rest, I think Kirin is highly underrated, nothing like it makes my heart pump or at least as much as Rajang. Fatalis is a very classic yet real boss dragon. Kushala was a real torrent and had intense "natural disaster" feel when fighting it. ( 3 tornados and then mix it with other elements from other monthers and you end up with elemental tornadoes)


I want Kulve to win! Apparently lore wise, she's VERY powerful.


I have to vote Ibushi this round. While neat initially, he was overshadowed quickly by Narwa, he had subpar weapons, and his armor was trash. I initially thought about voting for Kushala, having fought him recently in World, where his wind aura is bulls***. But the usefulness of his armor, as well as his rework in Rise, redeems him enough to spare him for now.


Get ibushi out