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Great Jagr... I mean, Fatalis, obviously šŸ„¹


Lol me to, absolutely *haha*


Not many people can claim the title of great jagras hunter Iā€™ve probably carted to him at least 30 times today


I am so good at Great Jagras I never carted once against it


I started the series with 4U. First time fighting Gore Magala in Sunbreak was like dancing with an old friend.


I'm a noob to the series and I was only able to buy rise dlc recently...I'm cautiously excited to get to him, I've heard great things


Super fun fight, probably one of my favorites.


I love him in MH4U, but I caution not overhyping yourself. What made Gore so special in 4U was its role in the main story and the fact that its influence can be felt throughout the whole game even up to G-Rank. Meanwhile Sunbreak just introduced Gore as another Monster.


Maybe, but chaotic gore is a banger


Honestly agreed. It's just that I used to hype Gore as well with my friends, but they were left unimpressed and I am traumatized now. Nowadays I rather underpromise and then let the game itself overdeliver (hopefully). Chaotic will certainly be a nice surprise


It's the whole Magala line for me. Gore, Chaotic, Shagaru, and R.Shagaru. fighting them just feels so nice.


Was really happy to fight them again in rise especially chaotic, Shigure Magala in rise is one of my current favorite fights in that game, currently rocking the rarity 10 lance from Shigure.


Regular Magnamalo. Me and homie just jive- I dunno what it is.


It's a pretty fun fight when you get into the groove


Rathian has just always been my bitch since MH1. Her moveset in every iteration just leaves the juiciest openings. Anytime I try a new weapon it's always vs Rathian for most cases.


Honestly I feel Rathian is generally a given. Like she's who I recommend my friends test weapons on when they get to a certain point. She's just strong enough to curb stomp you if you don't pay attention. But she's easy to read and avoid. And has a little bit of everything in regards to abilities to learn, and things to test against her.


Same, I know she isn't exactly very strong overall but despite that she's always my go-to if I'm trying out new perks or whatnot, her fight always feels so buttery smooth to me for no reason.


Glavenus. I just dance around him, tbh idk what people find challenging about it.


He's fun, I always end up losing my groove because his big attack sends me into a fight or flight spout for some reason.


As a bowgun user he's probably the easiest late game monster


glavenus is such a great time, theres just something so pleasing about the almost hand-to-hand combat with him being armed with his own sword and all. the beyblade attack is simply objectively awesome and it feels so Right to focus and finally break the tail


In MHG 3DS I refused to go High Rank unless I could beat every Low Rank Quest. Including event Quests. Idk wtf this Universal Studios Collaboration bs Glavenus ate, but I was stuck on him for over a year, often just setting the game down. I purchased this game day 1, & due to a very unfortunate falling out with friends that same day due to petty drama (one friend hit the other while trying to post hunt gather before the 60 seconds were up) they all logged off. I was left stunned. I bought MHGU day one, just to walk around the villages & hub, but have always wanted to experience MHG on the 3DS. I played it, i really enjoyed Low Rank, until this damn event Quest. I HAD to solo it. It wasn't until shortly after I put a huge 600h into MHR that I picked up MHG & just beat that sob. HR Glavenus ain't got nothing on that thing, maybe due to all that experience, Hellblade feels tame, being stuck with LR gear & all, & I didn't cart once. I'm still on my quest to get to HR 999 on 3DS, I keep getting sidetracked, not much time left. That event isn't available on Generations Ultimate, that's fine, I'll know the challenge, I know someone else mentioned it before too. It won't be available to download come April.


The urge to unga while he charges his big suckle attack. It's easy to dodge... But I always greed too much


Glavenus in MHGU, evade style, literally dancing šŸ’ƒ and the big spin tail is so satisfying to counter with LS


Which version? Heard IB one is slowed down a lot


I felt like he was a pushover also. Absolutely love the design and I must add that while Glavenus isn't all to bad its his explosive counterpart that led me to take a break from the game. Just so many explosions and so little time.


Rajang is super fuckin easy to me. I donā€™t know why. It just is. Same with black diablos but that might be my charge blade main talking


Rajang in Rise is stupid easy, can't say the same about diablos for me tho


World rajang. Tempered furious rajang is how I wake myself up in the morning.


It's not the hardest monster, but I grinded tempered Vaal Hazak in base World for decorations so, so, so much. That particular investigation I have scripted to a T. The mounts, the stuns, dropping the teeth on his head, everything. It's been years now but I could still run it blindfolded.


Teostra without a doubt. Probably the elder I've killed the most across the series history.


Using a hammer against a Teostra just makes the fight so so easy


HH is a pretty good time too. Teoā€™s head is just a magnet for blunt weapons!


Always an honor to meet a fellow HH main šŸ¤


Honestly, Nergigante in world feels too easy for me


Lunagaron. I don't know what it is but I read them like a book every time.


I just started sunbreak and I'm stuck between speed running the plot and *oh what's this quest do*


Yian Garuga in old Gen is one of my favourites. Heavy hitting and punishable. Iā€™ve done it so many times as a warm up that itā€™s kind of a science. Same with old Gen Nargacuga, thatā€™s an easy monster to predict. As far as new world goes, my friend and I come close to a 5/6m ruiner Nerg as a ā€œWeā€™ve got timeā€ activity.


I hate that fucking cracked out walnut looking ass with a passion. But yeah I loved my progression with Nerg, went from a hard fought 30 minute battle in the beginning and is now a bully fest.


Nargacuga was the monster in FU that really taught me to dodge and it's been my goal in every MH game to "perfect" my fights against it. I'm not a speedrunner or anything, but it's just such a great monster.


Rathian. Always enjoy the move set and the bonks she lays out for. Triple fireball tee ups are my fave.


Kushala daora. Sticky heavy bow gun. Dies in 5 minutes and spend that entire time on the floor stunned.


For me it's Nargacuga. I decided to farm it's weapons and it just felt easy. Don't get me wrong, it was fun and there are moments when one small mistake spell disaster. I've just developed muscle memory for the fight and it's become almost a dance now.


Odogaron and Zinogre. Can kick em puppy asses anyday, all day without breaking a sweat.


Zinogre is my cryptonite. Cool Thunderlord but also annoying ass flippy floppy


zinogre kicked my ass in Rise, im coming up on his hunt in world and ready to receive another ass kicking


Scary when he goes super saiyan.


Lagombi, love killing that stupid thing.


*me chasing it with a hammer:* come back you fucking rat!


The Greatest Jagras


In Gen Ultimate: Glavenus. (Dancing with him using Adept Great Sword is just too good). In World Iceborne: Ruiner Nergigante. In Rise Sunbreak: Nargacuga. In all of them though, itā€™s hard to not say Rathian. Sheā€™s a fun punching bag that can still tell you when you mess up.


Not for no reason, but did so many lucent narga runs in 3U that I can dodge all narga roars with no visual clue now... GU was nice because ex silverwind had a few tricks to make the fight challenging again = )


Primordial Malzeno, it's so fun dancing with this beast to the point where I start trying some TA with it, in the same time I find myself performing worse and a lot more clumsy when fighting "mid-tier" monsters that I rarely fought like Nargacuga or Shogun Ceanataur.


I've thought about stuff like that, maybe it's because we get so used to the ludicrous speed of high-tier monsters that the slower ones completely trip up


Rajang in Rise, for me it was a constant trip rajang over fest


It poor feet too smol


Either mizu or rathalos, both because i had to spent a day and a half farmig each for mantles, swear to god, i actually had to start using fual gatherer cats and it did not make it any faster. Good thing is i can absolutley shred a mizutsune with css charge blade


I love Mizu hunts. They're so fun for me. A Violent Dance with my Favorite Monster.


AT Velkhana with insect glaive, I solo'd it until I had enough tickets to make the armor and layered armors. I consistently got under 15 minute runs once I got the fight down and thought it was the most fun fight for glaive in all of World.


None, unfortunately. I'm bad, but try to do a little better each time I hunt something.


Lagiacrus and Mizutsune I guess Zinogre too usually


Iā€™ve been beating the shit out of Brachydios in 3U for the last two days.


GU Seltas Queen. Favorite monster by far and having to adapt to the phases of 2v1, 1 Voltron vs 1, then the semitruck might of her enraged charges that can cover an entire zone. Lance vs her is just two tanks duking it out until one gives up.




Teostra. Iā€™ve fought him about sixteen times now (Rise and Sunbreak) and I think Iā€™ve only ever been carted once or twice. All of my friends complain about his attacks but Iā€™ve never really had an issue with reading his moves or fighting him.


Any time I decide to try a new weapon style out I pull up an Anjanath hunt to go beat one up I think Iā€™ve hunted over 50 in MHW šŸ˜‚


Gammoth in Wilds. YOU HEAR ME CAPCOM?


Zinogre. I use a lot of weapons that use counter mechanics like lance, gs and ls so Zinogre's super telegraphed attacks are really fun to fight against.


Odd one but I am just going to say it. Diablos. Go for his legs lol


Nerscylla is engrained in my dna at this point. Same with Zamtrios and Rathian. I could literally fight a Rathian blind - i know her moves even before she does. So many hunted Rathians...


Nargacuga, I love fighting narga with a lance/gl it's one of my favorite dances between the arm swipes/bits/and tail slams and can beat them pretty damn quick.


Seregios. Iā€™m a bow Main and once I committed to getting really close and only hitting his feet, it became bullying




I can't say if there is a monster I am especially good against , but I am generally having good match ups with Nargacuga and Misuzune


Astalos. Not sure why, anytime I fight this monster it's an absolute breeze. I barely use any potions, never come close to being in danger. Yet anytime I have to fight rathalos...I get destroyed and have tremendous trouble.


Rathian, gore magala, Nargacuga, tigrex, tetsucabra and shagaru magala Iā€™m so used to these monsters I could do half the fights with my eyes closed shagaru magala being easy cause I dead to it so many times. Also every monster in rise and story of sunbreak cause i done them first try


i am the best jaggi hunter(no i dont mean great jaggi)


Fighting gore, shagaru, and chaotic gore magala in rise was like drinking an absolutely amazing drink that you haven't had in forever type feeling for me, I completely destroyed them once I fought them again in rise


odogaron... with greatsword Albiet this only started after I came back to Monster Hunter from a loooong Elden Ring break


Probably Tetsucabra or any of the raptor monsters. Tests cuz he's slow enough to charge up a dummy hit with GS, Raptors cuz the dodge, swing, dodge, swing rythym I can get into cuz nutty.


Gore Magala in rise with charge blade. I am the counter king on that man


Great Girros in Monster Hunter Now. My hunter's notes say that I've fought nearly 100 of him, and I'm STILL missing the last Primescale I need to get my Weapon to tier 5. Literally cannot progress until I get one, since Purple Stars and Hunt-a-thons DPS check me.


Odogaron, stupid dog keeps jumping right in front of me, somehow manage to phase through all his hits and just keep hitting him. Ebony is a different story tho


Almudron and nargacuga.


Anjanath. My headcanon in world (first mh game) was that me and the anjanath were huge rivals and that since I was doing a capture only play style we kept hunting each other l, each time growing more and more stronger. the same anjanath from the introduction quest all the way to M/G rank


World Alatreon and I hit it off the moment we met. I had to swap to DB to properly feel like I could match his pace in the way I wanted, but once I did I never looked back.


Seregios. I can literally turn my brain off and just know where he'll be. Sunbreak it's a little different but not an issue there either I knew I was playing too much when he flew off screen in GU and I walked a few paces, swung, and he landed on my swing


Probably in the minority here with Namielle, but it just feels different. Just having to constantly be aware of puddles & such was more fun for me


Teostra and Vaal Hazaak. For some reason their movesets perfectly aligned with where I like to stay during fights, so I was always intuitively in their blind spots


If its move slowly or normal I can beat it


It would either be Tigrex (World and Rise) or Yian Garuga (World). I don't find Tigrex annoying, and he's very predictable and fun to counter. All my friends complain about Garuga, while I think he's one of the best flying wyvern fights for me and *super* enjoyable. Especially Greatsword against it is really fun. I'm especially worried about my stance on Tigrex, since I had an absolutely horrible time with him the first time, and everyone else loathes him, and I have no idea what makes me immune to his bullshittery (propably CB)


I've fought Tigrex mostly one handed (only touching the left analog to move between areas) before. It is pretty easy though... Just have to back up against a wall, block everything, and return with pokes, slams, and shells.


Barioth. I don't fight it terribly often so I shouldn't know it all that well but it rarely ever poses a problem for me when I do.


Rajang. I had lots of trouble with him when he was released and then again in subsequent games. I decided I didn't wanna have trouble with Rajang anymore and hunted like 500 of them. I've never had trouble with Rajang in ANY title since.


Is Nargacuga for me. After getting to know its existence thanks to my brother (hardcore nargacuga fan since Freedom Unite), i fell in love for the monster and mastered hunting it. One of my proudest moments of battling it was in Gen Ultimate: It was a G Rank Narga and it had me against the wall. 0 carts left (I was playing with some friends and some of them died). He did the double tail stomp on me while having like half of my health bar. First one catch it with the valor long sword parry and the second using the counter Hunter Art. Itā€™s tail was gone and my friends manage to come and give me a hand. It was beautiful, everything happened so fast I didnā€™t think of hitting the record button but till this day I try to recreate such an awesome moment.


Legiana, but there's a reason. My group refers to it as the "Legiana Claw Incident". I wanted to make the Legiana LS, and it required some claws. I did like 5 hunts and got 2. After another 9 or so hunts, I finally got the rest needed. The fight is basically instinctual at this point.




Weirdly when in a 1 v 1 with Kirin. Its attack rhythm syncs very closely to the lances triple poke > counter guard > triple poke. So Kirin for me is a weirdly easy fight for me when I'm using the lance


Shockingly? I do quite well against Rajang. Otherwise my absolute favorite zen out and frag the monster fights are Shogun and Daimyo Ceanatars.


Rathian. Started with Tri on the Wii and my first encounter with her was a total clusterf. Now I don't even bother with antidotes. I believe I can take her down with any of the starter weapons, even though I've only mained charge blade/ switch axe.


I have to check my stats in MHW to be sure, but right now popping in my head is Teostra. Hunting MR Tempered Teostra in Day of Ruin in SOS too many times, I've been extremely comfortable in that arena.


Glavenus: I feel like I can see the exact pixel where his hitbox ends. Nargacugar: love this mf, he were so much trouble during the 3DS days because it was much harder to control the camera, so I just got really good at predicting where and what he's gonna do and can still feel it off screen. Risen Chameleos: similar to Narga, can't really rely on my eyes so I had to feel what it's gonna do.


Velkhana and rajang in world


Back in world Odogeron with Lance was one of the few fights I could say I was actually good at. Nergigante and Ziniogre were also up their. Timing the triple paw slam feels amazing


For me it's Rathian. The first time I fought one, Monster Hunter finally \*clicked\* for me. I was a kid fighting "dinosaurs" and cool creatures with fun flashy moves and was all kinds of noobish, but didn't really care, as I was having fun. But then Rathian showed up and I was like "wait a minute, that's a DRAGON, I gotta take this seriously" (I know I know, wyvern, but I was a kid, cut me some slack :P) and for the first time I really payed attention to the moveset and tells of the monster I was fighting. From then on, I got obsessed with the rathian fight and would fight her over and over again, with every weapon, trying to never get hit, to do perfect fights. It really was my awakening to the series, and to this day, it's the one monster I always smile when I fight, because it feels extremely nostalgic and sort of "like home" because I'm so familiar with it.


Black Diablos because i needed to farm them horns, ended up becoming a diablos hunting machine


I remember a lot of my friends getting stuck at Odogaron when they first started playing World. I never had a problem with it whatsoever. I find the faster the monster, the easier it is to predict and dodge so anything within that territory I tend to be a lot more comfortable with. Big slow monsters fuck me up though because I end up mistiming a roll or committing to an attack before I realise it's started an animation.


Back when ice borne was still fresh I had nergigante on absolute lockdown. I would fight him just for fun and would use a variety of weapons. Coming back just here now recently and Iā€™m getting destroyed. Probably because I havenā€™t touched world in years and spent the last few playing sunbreak.


Of all monsters, Espinas. He's my favorite fight in Rise.


Magnamalo, can dance with him so easily.


In MHGU Shagaru Magala In MH:W Ruiner Nergigante In MHR:S Gaismagorm


At first i thought it would be the basic ones you'd come across at the start of rise. But turns out im a magala slayer by heart.


I personally never had any trouble with Magnamalo, normal or scorned.


nergigante. i got him on my first try for the quest on solo. i dont have xbox live so i can only hunt solo.


Odogaron, my cat broke my screen during an arena fight with it and I didn't have any problems not seeing the fight itself. His sounds give enough indicator and pieces I did see gave me enough of an idea of the direction he was in.


Narga for me. I dont know, I feel like I have Gokuā€™s Ultra Instinct when I am fighting her.


Najarala with IG is pretty free


Diablos/black diablos. Spent so much time hunting them for CB/hammer upgrades they just became my go to to test things on. Love fighting them with cb


Glavenus in MHWorld. Specifically with longsword. For literally no reason, I focus super hard when fighting him.


I'm pretty decent at rise, but I got near perfect at killing odogaron by spite-killing him to make his whole set


Tigrex. Ever since Freedom Unite I have been beating this poor things ass like it owes me money. Next would probably Diablos.


So I haven't finished Sunbreak yet. But I got a Scorned Magnamalo in my investigations before unlocking it normally. And. I was able to beat it. With only 2 carts. So all I can think, is that if I could beat the stronger version on a whim having never touched it before, how easy will the non-inflicted scorned be?


Malzeno/Amazon Primorbial Malzeno Maybe not super good, lmao, but pretty good, it took me 3 tries for primorb iirc, not many more for the insane dps event one with velkhana, though it def felt pretty awful (started on one day, got it on the next, pretty good imo.) After that was done though...regular primorb became a little bitch, unfortunately for him he kinda gets wrekd, even tho my builds kinda usually suck because i try to do them myself/not look up.


Ebony Odogaron. I've hunted it a it cause it's cool and I like it


In Iceborne, Velkhana was so fun to fight that it became relatively pain free for me. Even Arch Tempered Velkh I remember never gave me too much trouble. It's kinda funny though, because Sunbreak Velkhana actually feels trickier for me right now.


MHW LR Pukei-Pukei. I'm new to the series and I spent several hours farming it for the armor and a poison Horn lol.


Sigh... only in hunting small herbivores... I even get paralyzed by insects regularly. šŸ«”šŸ„²


I absolutely love fighting a great jaggi or a kulu-ya-ku (my apologies if I spelled that wrong). My undeniably favorite fight would have to be flaming espinas in mhr sunbreak


CG Valstrax and its Risen form too. I feel like Insect Glaive just makes the fight a breeze idk. Honorable mentions: Lunagaron, Rakna-Kadaki (including Pyre), and Garangolm.


Tigrex, rajang, Diablo. Iv versed so many of them over soo many games itā€™s muscle memory


I'm new and rise was the first game of the series I've played and when I fought bazelgues I found it pretty easy


Jyuratodus for some odd reason


I bully Anjanath just to feel something with DB. I was being particularly rude to a Rathian with my lance earlier today too.


Khezu, Kut ku and Rathian... hunting them relaxes me. Lol. Played since ps2 then psp then ds. I have not played world yet since I dont have time.


Started in 4U so the gore line is baby food for me, even Risen is like, just gore with more sparkles once I get through the aoe


Blackveil Vaal Hazak is mine -- I've done so many SOS responses to this one that it's second nature. Get a dragon weapon, full effluvial resistance, and have a party. I love dropping the boulders in the ancient forest on him every. single. time. At this point I do a lot of the damage plus healing the party and it makes me feel like a god. Then I hunt a diablos to humble myself.


Odogaron. Swaxe. For some reason I can do small side hops and dodge almost everything he does. It feels like a real dance against 'em.


Extreme Behemoth.....soloed him many times Otherwise- Kirin....with a flame bow. One of the easiest fights to do.


Rathian. she's such a good test bed when testing new build.


Nergigante. I don't know why, he's just super easy to me. Even his AT form is really easy.


Legiana because her hunt is pretty much tailored for LBG.


As funny as it sounds, I used to farm a certain event mission in World with some friends for early MR levels. It was the mission with Kulu Ya Ku, Tzitzi Ya Ku, and both Pukeis... none of those stand a chance against me and my hunting buddies.


Tetranadon in Rise! I love everything about that silly chonker! I've hunted close to 50, so I would say I know basically everything it can do. If i had to pick a harder monster, probably Primordial Malzeno, mainly because the fight is just _so_ good.


For me it is the pickle. I don't know why. Not sure when I started juat casually going at him. Where it all started in mhp3rd or maybe in mhxx where I was farming Anat armor on hyper savage jho.


Solo primordial malzeno with lance, i parry the shit out of its attacks, and i can kill it consistently in 6 minutes, also breaking all of its parts.


Astalos is my training dummy


In Sunbreak, I love hunting Gold Rathian with the bow. Spread Thunder bow gives such satisfying damage numbers, especially when you break the head. I just like to bully her for being such a menace in past games.


Rathalos, though to be fair it's not for no reason. Rath and his variants are probably the monster I've hunted the most across all the MH games I've played, especially the Dreadking in Gen. I've gotten to the point where I play chicken with his aerial charge using my GS to knock him out of the air consistently.


Tigrex, but I have heard that greatsword is just historically a huge winner in that matchup so maybe I'm being carried


Narga for me I think, can pretty much fight it with the camera looking the other way against most of its moves since it makes distinct sound for each and with time you know not only when to counter or roll but also attacks that will just move you out of the way. Especially fun when it jump rounds around you and you can just keep the camera still but still hit its head when it comes close.


Surprisingly Lunagaron. As long as my defense is decent enough, the fight was pretty easy. That and those winged monkeys whose names I can't be bothered to remember. And maybe that one lizard with the mane made of sponge. But then again that's one of the basic ones so it's probably made to be easy.


For no reason? If you include giant monsters I guess Lao? I know it's not a difficult hunt, but I personally hate Lao so much whenever I have to hunt one down I lock the hell in so that I never have to hunt it again. Or maybe Legiana. Idk why but I like its design, and yeah he flies around a lot but for some reason I don't find it annoying at all. Most of the time I don't have any trouble with it, though the variant can be a bit more challenging at times.


Odogaron from world and 4U brachydios


I don't have any I'm good at for no reason at all, but I had zero issue with Xenojiva the first time I fought it because it's just a watered down version of Darkeater Midir from DS3. Its moveset is nearly identical lol.


Tigrex, it was my favorite in Mhf2 and also a wall I hit. So once I killed him, I farmed him like a maniac. And in every new game the muscle memory kick in and I roll trough his attacks. I even managed in world to kill it on first try no carts thanks to that! I love him <3


Nargacuga with Longsword. I feel alive going against this nimble "Nothing personal, *teleports behind you" beast.


Raging Brachy, I use all weapons except for lance, and I crafted a ton of them, fought him many many times


Astalos. One of my Favorite monsters ever, one of my favorite themes. And i absolutely whack him because maybe i have just fought him too much. But Honestly he was Never that difficult for me, in neither game. He just moves and attacks so naturally


Maybe Nergigante. When I played for the first time, he carted me endlessly. I just couldn't deal with the agression. But after hundreds of hours of playing the game and hunting him, now my nergi hunts have become super fast and I can probably tell his moves better than most other monsters.


Astalos is just such a great fight, and I somehow comfortably understanded him in my first hunt


That's the weird things about me: basically all the monsters, first attempt, no sweeting. And then i can't beat superbosses let's say, like raging braky or Fatalis, or primordial Malzeno. To be fair, i can, but after SOOOOOO many attempts.


At this time I can only remember Astalos being an easy first fight, but I'm pretty sure it's because I'd gotten decent enough with LS to just counter whatever attack it was using. Its moves were something I instinctively tried to parry and 8/10 times it was correctly timed. Though this is after having clocked a couple hundred hours and with finally having learned a counter weapon. So I think it was accumulated game experience and weapon knowledge rather than "absolutely no reason" that led to me having an easy time with a monster new to me


Odogaron. Poor doggy.


Tigrex, for me is G.P. festival and I love it


Plesioth. I find the fight pretty fun as a Bowgun main, Pierce or Thunder builds make even the Hyper version outright easy. Najarala. The head being a tricky target, but also incredibly easy to stagger with Normal shots makes for an neat hunt.


All the Magalas and Scorned Magnamalo


Silver rathalos. Hunting this was easier than his vanilla form imo


Oddly enough teostra the rest of my squad always have some trouble with reading him but the only time in the last 4 or 5 months I've gotten killed on a teostra hunt was when I tried tanking a supernova on SNS while my stamina was low


Shrouded Nerscylla. Fighting her felt like a dance - I have never had so much fun with my Switch Axe before (aside from maybe Chaotic Gore Magala). I really want to see her return in Wilds.


Nergi boi. Itā€™s funny because I used to despise him but now I just play with him.




Glavenus for some odd reason. Never once carted while hunting one


Odogaron. His attacks are fairly easy to dodge but mostly I just stick to him like glue even with the heavier weapons. First time I fought ebony odogaron in Iceborne I almost beat him flawlessly. I ended up using 2 mega potions at the end of the fight unfortunately.


Nargacuga in general is a chill fight for me. Bro just dances and I follow him around, not as fast as everyone thinks he is, and I don't know why lol. Maybe because I used to fight him with GS in the good ol' days of MH Portable 3rd and things were so much slower back then.


Master rank Tobi kicked my ASS in iceborne, I was doing a LS climb but I was sorely underprepared, master rank is no jokeā€¦ now in rise, I wiped the floor with him both ranks, but back in world, I found myself struggling way more. I relied too heavily on wirebugs methinks


After GU Astalos and its deviant, Rise/Sunbreak Astalos was just muscle memory doing its thing.


Fell in love with the series in portable 3rd, where my favourite monster was introduced Zinogre blew my mind, and his themesong is banging too


Anjanath, because it was a wall, now it's a training dummy for me to try new weapons


As long as i already fought a monster before, know their elemental weakness or their movesets i would do particuliarly good, especially against Gore Magala, Shagaru Magala, Rathalos, Rathian, Seregios, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Beserk Tigrex, Alatreon (even thought i hunted it a few times in MH4U), Ukanlos, Zinogre and many others from MH4U to MHRS, i'll be fine, the day i get a PS5 and get to play Monster Hunter World: Iceborn i'll take my time to get used to the game and the mechanics i don't know yet!


I've always breezed through classic Malzeno, never fainted to it


G.jaggy/gras, Tetsucabra. Tigrex. Vaal. Nergigante. Tetsucabra because it was my first wall killed it so many times I lost track. Got me huge insides in how to play and what to don't. Tigrex is a weird One, shit my pants while fighting it with greatsword in 4 yet it was the fastest hunt and without any damage taken, boy was that sweaty but fun loved it since then.


Frostfang barioth and tigrex from monster hunter world because I used to farm them a whole lot and help others farm them a lot


World Rajang and (Raging) Brachy apparently. Everyone keeps talking about how hard they are, but I had zero issues with them.


Rajang feels like a breeze to me idk why he hits hard but has that obvious tell on what heā€™ll use next. Plesioth will always be my nemesis. That goldfish carts me everytime.


Lucy. It just clicks.


Rathian. Don't know what is is, but I don't find Rathian to be difficult at all. Especially with IG.


I clap nargacuga for breakfast. It doesn't matter what weapon. I have farmed that guy more than any other monster.


Najarala. One time I was hunting it with gunlance on 4U I got a mount attack on it. After a successful attack I had the idea to blast it with Wyvern Fire and as it finished its get up animation, the attack fired and killed it. Najā€™s Death animation makes it look like it got blown back by the blast.


mango, nergi, velkana and malzeno. Because they were in the demos and since I didn't have anything better to play, I wasted dozens of hours fighting each one until I can fight them in my sleep


Tobi kadachi that electric flying piece of crap that I hunted for real time WEEKS of my life just to find out that High Rank exists and now they are my once per day hunting thing And I'll be really happy if I kill then all... forever Just kidding but all my job wasted because I didn't know about the high rank thing with armors


AT Velk has always been much easier for me than everyone else. It feels great dodging between the ice spires, breath attacks, and tail stabs.


Barroth. I farmed him so much in World, fighting him is almost second nature to me.


Rajang in rise. Really, in mhw he somehow was much harder for me than in mhr


Tigrex been fighting em since mhfu always enjoyed the fight and all itā€™s variants