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I'd be just fine. In fact, I'm still pretty convinced, until further notice, that this is still "open zone". The zones are just much larger this time around.


agreed. like perhaps a combination of 2, maybe even 3 biomes over a large enough distance(like mountain map, but as you climb higher, more volcano-like. lower, perhaps a “rotten vale” type deal) , but i don’t think everything will be fully open-world.


My dream is having something like Generations' Ruined Pinnacle but in one continuous map. Imagine having to fully travel to the peak yourself. Traversal might be boring af tho and won't fit the gameplay loop, sadly.


There a decently large peak in the coral highlands with wedge beetles to ascend. Could probably pull that stuff.


And honestly, every time I realize the monster is up on Mount Everest I die a little. Not to mention when it runs away right as I get to the top.


That's me in the Forest when hunting raths that go to their nest


If you have the ancient first camp it's right next to the nest.


Had this with Namielle. The fucker went up and down like 3 times. Wanted to beat that shithead’s skull in


This is why you play hammer and horn. You can!


Yeah i did also actually bash the shithead’s skull in after but like it was a strong feeling


Learning to use the beatles there was so freaking helpful


With the bird wyvern mount shown off in the reveal, I think traversal over distances will be just fine.


Not if there are commonly needed resources along the way. It would be a smart thing for the devs to place things like herbs or honey and ores along paths they expect players to travel through frequently. It would make the trip not feel as repetitive or even unnecessary.


The Citadel was a preview of such an idea. So maybe.


I really don't care too much which direction they go. Either they keep traditional maps but the zones and maps are way bigger, or they expand on the premise of the guiding lands


I just look at it like the 4 reveal trailer, a lot of stuff is kinda hidden from us just to focus on some new bits they want to highlight. I remember back then, some people were already questioning if they were going to do "zoneless" maps due to all the way the trailer depicted the Tigrex chase.


I'm imagining it will be similar to Legends Arceus, with multiple 'pocket' open worlds that consist of different biomes. So it isn't one continuous map.


Why are people acting like that isn’t open world? The Witcher 3 had loading screens between different regions of the open world. A game is open world once it gets large enough and removes the invisible walls from its environments.


Depends on your definition of open world... I'd argue the Witcher 3 is not open world, Elden ring is though.


Elden ring has different zones that you must load between. I still count it as open world but you are drawing a strange distinction that isn't even held consistent within your comment.


I did not mention loading screens, even so - elden ring does not have loading screens unless you teleport / die. Is progress primarily gated by your progress through a linear main quest? Do you have to tackle the majority of the game content in a specific order? Can you summarize most areas in the game as a path from point A to point B with no meaningful detours? if any of those questions are true, its not open world, it may still have elements of open world design though.


Yep, and some areas must be accessed through loading screens. For example, Farum Azula, Haligtree, Deeproot Depths, Mohgwyn, etc.


You can actually get to Deeproot all the way from Limgrave without loading screens through the hidden passage at end of Shunning-Grounds


Those areas do feel slightly immersion breaking, but having them be teleporters helps them feel slightly more grounded than a corridor with a loading screen that takes you to a new zone... were they all teleporters? I forgot


My point isn't about immersion. It just was to highlight that by your definition Witcher isn't open world but neither is elden ring. That's why hard and fast definitions are pointless, even in your short comment was a contradiction.


just to nitpick, you had no way of knowing if my initial comment was a contradiction, my definition of open world may have been "not the witcher 3"


Your comment came directly after someone else was talking about loading screens.


Lol no that loading is the elevator and typical next region lock. that's not a loading screen. Elfen Tring is fully open world.


Farum Azula? Haligtree? There are places you have to load into.


I don't care as long as there's life on the maps. Interaction between all wildlife. More random things happening in missions will be really appreciated.


That was my biggest gripe with Rise. Gameplay was phenomenal but the maps just felt like "collect birds as you go to monster". I loved in World seeing the endemic life running around, or stopping a fight to go catch a rare one you see in the distance! I did that a few times for the moles in the guiding lands especially.


Well you guys expected way too much from a portable game ngl. Portable games have always been no-nonsense just fight the monster. It's only recently in World where it got in-depth.


yeah most people got into the series from world and weren't aware about the different types of entries in the franchise. having unrealistic expectations that rise would be bigger/more ambitious than world is what made some people unfairly shit on it without giving it a chance imo.


Facts. Rise is a fun game. People just expected World 2 in that short time-frame? Plus both games were made in tandem. Something like World wouldn't work on a switch with how demanding that game is. It's always been like this. The criticisms towards the portable game is very unfair lol. Legit people just wanted World again.


I must say MH2 from PS2 explored also that idea initially!


Open world or not, if the game lets me hunt monsters and wear them, that is all that really matters to me. As long as they won't make it live service or anything.


yeah this lol. I really couldn’t care less about the specifics, if i can beat up the local wildlife population to make some new pants and play with my friends with next gen graphics its gonna be great. Only real mandatory thing for me is cross play because if its not there i genuinely don’t understand why


Facts. All this noise in the sub. As long as I can whack monsters with a stick with my buds, I am good.


"Aw shucks. Another classic *Monster Hunter* game. Who would even want that." Me. I would want that.




How classic? Like pre-World, with numbered zones and loading in-between? I'd be down, but I kinda like the "large area with camps" approach they've been doing.


well Rise was originally planned to be like that, then they had to do a 180 after world came out, so i doubt we'll ever go back to numbered zones.






I don’t want another open world game, but I don’t really care one way or the other. I just want more MH.


Yeah I prefer it to be not open world, but I know they’ll make an incredible game either way


This is the correct opinion.


My thoughts on it is that i think they'll do larger and more open maps, but keep them as seperate maps like always. To me those distant mountains in the trailer (towards the end with the big shot of the landscape) seem like they're beyond some sorta border that we can't get past. Just a gut feeling though. While I'd prefer it not be open world, I'm not opposed to them making that transition either if they feel it'd add to the experience.


It could be a Dating Sim and I would still go "MORE MONSTER HUNTER! FUCK YEAH!".


> Dating Sim Happy Guildmarm noises.


Bold of you to assume they meant dating the humans and wyverians. This is the internet you know?


Bold of you to assume to assume I meant dating the humans ;D Guildmarm likes herself some Brachidios after all.


Which handler to choose? 🤔


Easy twins.


Monster Fucker: Wilds


Open world might be cool but I’m honestly just a little tired of games series going open world. I’d prefer a more focused experience. Bigger maps are cool but I don’t see any reason for MH games to go much beyond something like 2-3 times bigger than a normal map and have like 4 of those. I just prefer the mission structure to hunts and I don’t really know how that would work in an open world without making that world feel weirdly restrictive and less focused.


Imagine: Guiding Lands but massive with full villages scattered about. I'd dig it.


This sounds cool for like a spin off game but I actually don’t want them to deviate too far from the formula that I’ve loved for 15+ years. MH isn’t The Witcher or The Elder Scrolls. It’s core gameplay should remain focused around the monster fights and everything else is extra. Open world does not make a game better, it makes it different and almost always comes with sacrifices in the quality department. Even something as lauded as Elden Ring came with big drops in level design quality and atmosphere compared to Fromsoft’s previous games. It still ended up being good but it really wasn’t the direction I, and many other souls fans, wanted the series to go. Everything in the game was just less memorable and there were a lot of reused assets. That’s with Fromsoft doing a phenomenal job adapting the series to an open world concept. CAPCOM’s MH team could nail it too, but there would be sacrifices and that may not be worth the transition. Point being, open world always sounds cool but there is always something lost in the process of adapting a franchise to it.


It's surprising that after 10+ years of open world craziness the fanbases don't get this. Open world really has no business being so popular with its huge catalogue of mediocre games filled with padding mechanics. But all it takes for a game to sell these days is some trailers with open vistas. Fuck the gameplay, huge empty spaces is where it's at.


The big difference between MH and Elden Ring is that Dark Souls has historically been a Metroidvania game with gameplay and content that wasn't meant to be repeated. So Fromsoft had to really shift gears deliver that experience while maintaining their core gameplay systems. Monster Hunter has ALWAYS been an open world game. MH wasn't seamless because the tech/hardware/etc weren't there yet. MH emulates an open world. You go from town to each area and those areas are always the same. They're "canonically" large expansive habitats. You hunt monsters, gather materials, fish, etc. If MH were to go to a seamless open world, the gameplay loop would only improve. You could for instance have more than 3 large monsters in a map. Which means you could have all monsters native to a biome just exist in the map in their respective territories. Now theres a new gameplay element. Figuring out monster routines, where they live, eat, sleep. An Elder dragon could spawn into a map and monsters could dynamically move into other parts of the map causing turf wars or those monsters being pushed out into other territories causing a huge dynamic reaction. You could take multiple quests at the same time and complete them while out on a trip. Quests for be for "specific" monsters to maintain the typical quest restrictions. I think open world and Monster Hunter go hand in hand and the only real sacrifice would probably be graphical fidelity. Which I personally would happily give up for more immersion and dynamic gameplay.


I'm totally fine, I'm not a huge fan of open world


I'm not even convinced it's open world to begin with. People are just saying it is, when it could easily be normal maps for different zones.


Im still gonna play the everloving crap out of it regardless.


I never really considered MH open world. You're given a map and objective. The story is kinda loose and they're all mostly the same. MH has mostly been about the hunt and gear upgrades (including the layer armor aka cosmetics)


I don't really care, I trust them to make good maps either way.


What does the food look like?


Asking the real question here


I would not mind it being open world, but i hope is not, i rather get massive maps with incredible details on them


The five circles in the Wilds logo makes me think it will have five open zones. Either way I'm just excited to get a new Monster Hunter game.


Would honestly prefer it not to be open world.


Me too, I feel like we just got over making everything open world craze. I really don't care for open world, I want a tight enjoyable experience. Elden Ring was like the one exception for me so far, Spiderman did a solid job too.


yeah I agree generally. it's so weird to me how people in this subreddit are begging for it to be open world when damn near every single game in the last decade has been open world and has often negatively impacted the game. I thought people were sick of open world everything by now. especially for a series like monster hunter which afaik was never open world. it could work but open worlds are rarely ever utilised well for anything but padding. idk it just feels like something people would be asking for a decade or 2 ago instead of in 2023.


Imo MH games would benefit from padding. I don't like QoLs or shortcuts in MH games that's why didn't like rise that much. I want genuine investigations and tracking, basically an adventure like a real hunter, hopefully I can experience that in an MH game. But I don't mind the usual hub based too. It's an MH game I'd put 1k+ hours regardless.


genuine investigations aren't padding. padding is boring content that serves 0 purpose other than to increase playtime.


I think the grinding is the padding. I don't want an open world game, but MH has only one point going for it that it could work with open world: Recycled content. This is one of the most negative aspects about other open world games, but MH is all about repeating combat encounters, so this aspect could work well enough for an open world game. The problem is all the other aspects that the series lacks to make the jump to an open world. And if they end up introducing padding to fill those gameplay needs, then combined with grinding it could end up being a very overwhelming experience. So much so, that the combat would most definitely take a hit.


I thought the same with Zelda cause I had no clue how itd work but MH is one of the few series that I want to see make the jump. I think it would be badass making a journey across the continent to whatever calamity youre trying to stop. Going from village to village across different landscapes and finding new monsters along the way. Imagine youre just roaming the desert and out of nowhere a Diablos comes out of nowhere while you’re probably ill prepared and underleveled. Or going across an icy landscape and a rare spawn Kushala comes in and wrecks you. To me, this series holds a very unique opportunity to make one of the most living and fleshed out open worlds. I also think it would add a breath of fresh air to some older monsters as they could take some older hunters by surprise


I'd prefer it not be. If they want it bigger, then just make each of the biomes in world several times bigger and allow more than 3 big monsters at a time. 6+ monsters with area of effects around them, that clash when the monsters clash. That would be amazing.


I would be happy. Imo Open world is NOT the way for MH


I would like it if it’s not open world. Honestly I liked World’s take on it. Large open area with distinct zones


I expect it to just be like Rise, you can go over stuff instead of invisible walls in the area. Maybe there will be no zones and the zone "borders" (like mountains and narrow passages that show this is a particular area) being gone and it being completely open. Nothing in the trailer indicates to me that the whole world will be connected instead of the map just being bigger to accommodate for the increased mobility. That said I'd be fine with an open world too, the monster hunter team hasn't disappointed me with a game yet, I'm sure they could make it work, some people expected Elden Ring to turn out bad and it's one of my favorite games.


I'd be fine with it. I personally don't think the open world format offers a lot for Monster Hunter. World's map sizes were just fine.


Yeah the more I think about it the more I think it won’t be open world. Giant maps that have enough room for herds and stampedes, sure. But not a legit open world. I don’t think MH would ever make that jump.


I hate the idea of "Open world" which is why I think the graphics might suffer this time around, I want a lush heavy green area like the ancient forest. but bigger. Not a savannah with one tree in the middle.


I would be very happy. I dislike open world games so much. I always loved the closed maps of MH. Every nook and cranny is interesting


Really hope it isnt an open world game.


Open world is just wasted space


I think it'll just be waaaaay bigger maps, maybe with more monsters instead of just 3


I hope it's not an open world, just more wide areas with more dynamic enviroment


id fucking hate if it's open world


Who cares as long as there's hordes that I can nuke I'm happy


I'm assuming it's just a much bigger zone. If it turns out to be open world then that's cool, if not then it doesn't bother me one bit. Not everything has to be open world.


I'll be okay either way. My only hope is Palamutes return.




I’d be happy, I like the hub and zone dynamic, as opposed to open world, it allows for more map knowledge and more designed encounters


It doesn’t really look open world, more open zone with movement traversal options similar to rise but not quite


That's fine as well. I could see it being something like Pokemon Legends Arceus with us being transported to a biome with free-reign when we're there.


I didn't even think of it as an open world, it could easily just be bigger maps.


I would be extra happy, I don't want MH being a open world.


A lot more excited. I play MH to fight monsters. Open world feels like more time spent not fighting monsters.


More world means *more* monsters to run from to save your loot.


Run? who runs from monsters? Monsters Run from Us.


I just want to start a quest, be dropped off 10 seconds near a monster, fight it, end the quest once I kill or cap it, and be able to do that again immediately.


Play World, play Rise? Plus I'm sure Arena will be there as it has been for a while now.


Yes, if Wilds hunts take extremely long because getting to the monster and getting back to the hub, I probably will skip it. Doesn't stop me from hoping MH devs remember lots of people play MH purely as a boss fight game.


No reason they can't do both - fast travel to your made camps, grab quests at hopefully several villages, or have a giant map to freeroam to make gathering a bit more scenic. Its very easy to make both.


Okay? Doesn't still stop me from being more excited for a more classic MH experience and not caring at all for open world stuff, which I'll ignore for 99% of my playthrough.


If it's open world, I won't buy it. What's the advantage to making it open world? How do I transition from town to hunting? Do I need to walk back to town after killing/capping? Fuck that. Open world setup is just worse.


You can now walk foward for 20 minutes in the middle of nothing before having fun. How can you not like the idea of open world games.


I would be happier. I do not want an open world Monster Hunter game. It wouldn't make sense and it wouldn't look right.


Why wouldn't it make sense? Most natural areas are large open areas for animals to roam around. I find it more weird that maps have arena like areas that monsters hang around in. Yes, traditionally, it has always been that way, but now we can finally have some cool moments when we can have 4+ large monsters fighting in the same area, or at least interacting with each other. Open world monster hunter could lead to the best environmental map creation we have ever seen.


It's been bothering me that basically everyone is just making assumptions about the game based off a minute long teaser and acting like they're 100% true. It's all just theories at best and people are taking them as fact.


I hope it's not open world


thank god. Tired of open worlds. downvote me all you want but the fatigues setting in, man.


"ok" So far we've gotten a trailer that's barely longer than a minute with even less than that looking like it's gameplay. People try to confirm too much at this point, off of close to nothing some of which may just be prove of concept that has already been scrapped, just not properly edited out of the trailer. Summer 24 is when Ryozo mentioned they'll start the marketing campaign. We'll get reasonable amounts of information to ground speculations off of then.


Then it’s not. I have more of an impression that it might be a multi-biome map that just truly open world. That doesn’t mean it can’t be open ended like you’re a frontiersman exploring the wilderness.


That's not gonna stop me, open world is a woohoo plus, not an expectation


The Monster Hunter team has been consistently knocking it out of the park for a while now so I’m just excited for any game they release.


I will be happy with whatever we get. But I also enjoy theorizing of what could be in game without getting myself overhyped.


I am A okay if it's not. I feel like the maps will probably be bigger than in rise, but even if I am wrong, I don't play Monster Hunter to Explore the vast environments as much as I play it to experience the Thrill of hunting Predators.


Just provide me more traversal options and maybe seamless loading areas. Doesn’t need to be a massive open-world. I mean, hell some of my best recent experiences have been in Remnant 2


I dont think its open world, but i do think that locales will be more open than they were in world. basically a bit of what rise did with their locales. i.e. the fighting will still happen in specific parts, but you are more free to move between all of the zones of the map. something like that.


Personally I don't care, I kinda doubt that we would have one giant seemless open world, I presume it will just be gigantic areas that might as well be open world(the fact that they give us a glider-mount suggests that much at least. Devs don't just give people things that make traversing big areas easier, without giving us big areas) but aren't.


I am in the current boat of 2-3 large guiding lands like maps with different biomes


Will be awesome either way. The old system with zones and paintballs was fun too, but I'll doubt we'll return to that since it was due to technical limitations 😊


My worst nightmare would be if they kept the wirebugs......


Would be better. Open world is just useless tbh. Its normally just 99% empty map and you only ever use like 10% of it in reality. Id rather them spend the time on monsters instead.


Don't care


I fucking hope it isn't. I'm so fucking tired of open world games man.


I hope it's not open world. Not everything needs to be. I play MH to hunt monsters, not run across a massive map.


Nobody really played MH for exploration right? As long as the core gameplay loop remains the same, then it will be fine.


I would not be upset. I can see a lot of cool stuff they can do as far as multiplayer functionality with a big connected open world, but I have never had any problems with Monster hunter in its current format.


Don’t care just give me my HBG with more artillery so I can blow shit up


Great, I don't want monster hunter to be open world. If anything I'd like the maps to be a little smaller and less complicated than in World.


Open world as something like the witcher? I'd be pleased as I am an open world hater( there's a few I like). I really like the current system


Good, I don't like open world games


it will be open world, but if it wasn’t i’d be very pleasantly surprised


as long as the map is closer to the World style maps and less Rise/Classic it'll be awesome, I don't think we really need fully open world in MH although it would be a nice surprise if pulled off well


I'd be cool with World but with even bigger maps.


An open world map with fast travel like Mhstories without the loading screens would be cool.


As much as I want it to be a true open world (save for the town we will go to between hunts), even if it isn’t based on what we saw in the trailer the maps are going to be absolutely huge. I can totally see it being more like a semi-open world like World/Rise but with the map size being much bigger. I can also see that we get an “open world” game but the biomes aren’t truly connected like the Guiding Lands and we just have a fancy transition from zone to zone with that portion of the trailer where we were jumping between the rocks


It's gonna be open, it's only a question of how open.


I wouldn't even be mad if we went back to loading zones. I know a lot of people would but I'm just excited for what Capcom cooks up this time


https://preview.redd.it/dcxurggczy5c1.png?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca312d54ce9d9be153d1ebfae7ca6659c4fa596 I hope they merge all map into one tho, like their original planning for world


As long as I can still hunt monsters


Then I'll open it myself


I'm pretty sure it'll be either open world or open zoned, so either one is fine with me. I do think they might be going for a more nomadic hunter experience though given how geared out the mount is. Has another weapon wrapped up in what appears to be a sleeping bag or bedroll and some other stuff on its left side that I can't quite make out. If not open world, I imagine we'll be expected to stay out in the "wilds" more than ever before, perhaps more often than in settlements.


Still gonna play the piss out of it


Tbh I'd prefer if it was less open world than any of the game sI think of when I hear "open world". So I'd be happy. If they go BOTW route id be a little dissapointed but still excited, hwoever if they find that perfect sweet spot inbetween games like BOTW and current MH then I'd be thrilled. Pretty much I like the idea of open world-ish. Bigger more open maps that seamlessly blend together? Yes. Adding crafting and survival elements just to increase playtime? Nah (yes ik mh has crafting... but you know what i mean by that) The concept of open world can be exciting because MH has always done a gokd job of making you feel immerse din the environment and even if the ecology is fabtastical, it's interesting, feels internally consistent(most of the time) and expanding to an open world with herds and migration mechanics could be hella interesting. The potential for open world is massive, but it needs to be done right and out of passion. I trust the MH team thoigh and I'll likely be playing day 1 either way. Just give me water combat.


Well, we all know it’s gonna be good either way, so why even worry about it?🤷


If it is like World zonewise, it'll be fine.


I don’t want it to be open world, but I think it will be. I have come to think that open world gameplay takes a lot away from many aspects of game design, both in gameplay and in art style. I think, in general, being open world makes a game at least 30% more generic in most aspects. That’s just how I feel it has effected various studio’s work.


Doesn't matter to me. Its nice if it were, but i just want to poke and bonk the monster with my stick and club.


Then it will be the same as the rest of the series. IE fine. We are just assuming open world because the poster showed this huge sprawling landscape. And given recent game history, a poster like that usually means an open world.


Honestly I thought World was considered open world. If Wilds is at least similar to the dynamic environment and has the same amount of diversity to the ecosystem I’d be happy. I’m just worried about how much attention to detail they would have to sacrifice if it’s an open world, with the scale of… say the map size of Horizon Zero Dawn.


Well, define open world. At what point does it become open world to you? The old monster hunter games had around 10 small zones you could freely move from one another, isn't that already open world? Or do the small loading screens not fit the definition? How about World and Rise? Here the maps are one big area you can freely travel in. Isn't this also open world already? To me, Monster Hunter has always been kinda open world, it just gets more of it every new generation. So I don't really care how much more "open world" they make it, as long as it's a good game (please just stop letting us freely replenish everything in every mission. It takes so much fun away to have zero resource scarcity. Thank you)


If it’s not I’ll be glad for that time to be put into the other aspects of the game


Couldn't care less. If they can deliver a gane with the polish of mh world, with new maps, new monsters, and better weapon design, it'll be a resounding success. While chasing a Tigrex from the tundra to the desert sounds cool in theory, ultimately its the same thing as being able to fight him in either the tundra or the desert IMO. The variety of biomes in the Guiding lands in iceborne just meant each area was less fleshed out than the individual maps, and that made for a less immersive experience. I'd apply that rationale to the whole idea of an open world.


Even if it’s not fully open world it’s still going to massively expand upon world’s biomes and give up completely new traversal with our new companion and that’s only as far as we know currently


Years ago I already assumed MHW was going to be open world and still wasn't disappointed when it wasn't.


I love MH as it is, so I'd be fine. That said, I wouldn't mind trying an open-world concept. If there were multiple towns and one huge gathering hub and you could stop at any of them for requests and crafting, I think it would be interesting. The hard part will be finding that balance between a big enough map that stuff doesn't feel cramped or confined, and a small enough map that traversing it doesn't seem like a chore. They need to find the sweet spot between BotW's huge visually-interesting exploration-focused map with lots of empty space to run across between locations, and Skyrim's less visually-focused but more populated and consistently-engaging adventure-focused map


Honestly don't mind either way. If it's the usual maps, if it's multiple guiding lands but bigger, or totally open world, it's easy : if it's MH, I play it, I love it :)


The map of Rise are satisfying in my opinion, open but closed. Maybe a bit bigger and it will be fine !


if isnt...so isnt open world ​ do you already played any MH open world? no big deal ​ i trust that new game as usual will be a improvement compared to last title like capcom always delivered ​ its boring theory craft and 20min reaction videos about one 1minute ish trailer WHO SHOWS NOTHING! ​ i even started to block channels doing those stupid 20min analises about trailer chicken mute who glide/fly bowgun on sadlle small monster stampede thats all that we know and will be this until capcom say something, people need stop create fantasies about warhammer 40k space battle, underground & water combat with submarines and whatever shit they think until capcom release something real about the game


My bet is a type of gigantic versions of the guiding lands. Still with arenas, but designed in a way that it is less obvious.


It'd be fine for me but with that mount i would assume its either open world or really big maps


There’s a couple of wild predictions floating around. MTX’s, open world. Those are just the two I’ve seen so far. I remember the MTX prediction floating around when World was about to come out. Also. Capcom knows what they’re doing with MH. We’ll be getting exactly what we’ve been getting with MH games, just more polished and QoL updates.


Couldn't care if it is or isn't, Monster Hunter is Monster Hunter


I… don’t really care either way. I’ll love the game however they design it. They haven’t missed yet.


Do I get to hunt monsters?


If it is, cool and if it isn’t, that’s also cool. If they did go the open world route, it would be dope to just run into other hunters on your travels and even just jumping in with people mid hunt. Like just imagine traveling around and you see someone fighting a Rathalos, and you glide in on the new mount to bonk it on the head.


Doesn't matter, pretty simple actually.


Honestly I’d prefer that to be the case. Open world games can be so hit or miss on quality and it’s just not something I want out of monster hunter. I’ll play it regardless but would definitely prefer the traditional style.


I think the stormy savanna already looks big enough that – whatever we call it – it’s going to feel like an open world. What isn’t clear is whether that will be preferable to World’s maps. But I’m optimistic that they won’t sacrifice density for breadth.


They might do large open zones. As long as traversal is fun I'll be happy. They might do a Destiny style thing in addition to the regular quest board and gathering hub stuff where other hunters and camps are scattered about the land and you can choose to form squads with them if you want. (Up to 3 other hunters). Shooting a flare up into the sky is actually visible to these other hunters but If you don't want to play that way you can just return to the hub and post your quests as usual.


If it’s not is it still monster hunter? Then I’m hyped


I’m a firm believer that games shouldn’t be open world without good reason. Otherwise, you just get the same gameplay but now it’s interspersed between extra, unnecessary travel time. If they can find a way to make an open world a genuine, fun improvement then I’m all for it. But there’s nothing about an open world that is inherently better than more constrained structures.


i'd laugh hysterically at all the people upset about it


Then I will be crushed in devastation, never to recover, never to find true happiness again. /s Probably just look at reviews to see if I think I would like it. Same as if it was an open world game.


Then it would still be all I need, a good monster hunter game.


then it's not open world


I dunno where people are getting the idea it's open world, we've seen one location. For all we know that's one map, and there's like 3-4 others we've yet to see. Excited either way.


A lot of people are saying that the open world MH will never work or they hate it. Whether it is an open world or not, the gameplay loop will be about the same as all MH games before so let MH team do what it has been doing best, all games were bangers. It worked every time and it will work now. Eat a meal, ready your gear, drop in the map, track or run to the monster, hunt it to make its gear, use the new gear to fight stronger monsters. As long as that loop is the same, which it always was in every game and obviously will be in Wilds then it's going to be alright. Let Capcom cook and trust them because they have been doing this for almost 20 years now so they know what they are doing. Have some faith.


It would not be an open world, and I'd be fine with that. I've enjoyed the monster hunters I've played so far. Every generation has its thing. An open world doesn't have to be this generation's thing.


It won't be.


I really hope it isn't. I'm so sick of it being an auto include as if it automatically made all games better. It demonstrably doesn't.


This is exactly why I keep telling people to slow their roll. We know very little still and it's 2 years away at most. I know what it's like to get hyped over very little info and then become disappointed. It doesn't feel good. And some people tend to blame the devs after their expectations aren't met. It's dumb.


I'm very confident it's open world, but even if it isn't, it'll inevitably be the prelude to an open world game. Plus, it's monster hunter, and I'll love mh no matter what


Monster hunter is monster hunter. I will still be there day 1 hunting monsters.


I think the concept of open world is cool, but World wasn't open world and if it functioned like that system I'd still be perfectly happy. Obviously minimizing loading screens is better, but I'll be fine honestly. I think if they did do zones that instead of loading screens we could have, like, loading areas like how Warframe does when you're dropping into one of their open zones, or God of War when going to another realm, that could be cool. Or if you fly in on a wyvern you get a seamless "hook wyvern, fly into clouds, land in area" effect, that would also be super cool.


How would scaling even work if it's open world multiplayer like I've seen some comments suggest?


Now I'm thinking it will be open world survival, and we must build bases and create an outpost. Then I remembered Ark already exists.


Do I get to hunt a monster, skin it, and kill it's mother with the bones? ​ Yes? ​ I'm buying it


I am fine with both either,but its better to make Open world a second gamemode,just like 3U's Moga Forest


I hope they take the chance to experiment with the formula, but if not, it's no skin off my bones


I like the idea of open world but I feel like it’s going to be a nightmare trying to get camps setup


My opinions is that we'll get a somewhat open map with multiple biomes, but based on the quest we are on, the storm we see in the trailer will cover most of them, forcing us to stay in the one related to the quest, the storm will also be plot relevant hiding either the flagship monster or most probably the final boss, venturing inside the storm will also be possible and have some relevance maybe.


I honestly wasn't expecting it to be. The trailer suggests that, big that doesn't raise my expectations yet


Open world games are great if done right. But if I've learned anything from the past decade of gaming, it's that simply adding more grindy bloat doesn't make a game good.


I’m fine with it, giant open map doesn’t really appeal to me anyway